8 THE LIBERAI}. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Nov. 12, 1964 Powell Road Graduates ' ‘ uation exercises held at Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill, recently were the abovétfggglggaghiiies of Powell Road School: Front row (left to right), Frank McReavy, ‘Brian Willison, Edward Van Herk, Carold MCGi)W£11v}1, Judy Peters, Inanda lxonsmo, Sheila Robinson, ' ' a _ ie Beckett and Roy ar in. . Chrlsfizclliiii‘ldW?ls/zirrilggiiiiidel‘. Ricky Royce, Doug Higgs. Keith Robinson, Wayne Calder, Angelo Diâ€" Vincenzo, Bob Higgs, David Miller, Bruce Thompson, Reggie Barrett. Ian Young, Clifford McQueen, Bob Madson, teacher Mrs. H. Pressley and former prinCipal M. McRoberts.. Absent when the picture was taken were Carol Goddard and Roberta Sim. ' PHONE 285-3190 ./ Thornhill and District News “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 285-3190 ‘i Community Happenings In Thornhill s Thornhill residents welcome Mr. and Mrs. G. K. MacLeod and their children Andrew and .‘Marllyn. who recently moved "from Elliot Lake to 19 Kirk ‘102 ‘ Arnold Avenue, Drive. it!!! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perry, recently .had‘Mr. Perry's father Mr. N. R. Perry and Mrs. overnight guests. Perry's were on their way to "Seabird, Florida, Perry as The senior where they .will be spending the winter months. The Perry family attended ,the christening of N. R. Perry’s great-grandson, Kevin Douglas, iSlieeilah Howes Weds At an evening wedding in Holy Trinity Anglican Church on November 6, Sheelah Dor- othy Howes, daughter of Mrs. «G. A. Howes and the late Geo- 'rge Archibald Howes.- Thorn- hill. became George Frederick Clayton. son of Mrs. G. F. Clayton and the late George Frederick Clayton of Bracebridge. the bride of The bride. given in marriage .by her brother William Howes, .wore a light blue wool suit with matching accessories. Mrs. ,‘Patrlcia Allen was matron of g‘honour and wore a beige wool fluit with beige accessories. George Bull acted as best Amen for Mr. Clayton. A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of Mr. jWilliam Howes. 30 Uplands Av- .â€"enue. gmother ,brown crepe dress lng accessories. mother was dressed in blue with blue accessories. Thornhill. received The bride's wearing a with match- The groom‘s 0n the return from their honeymoon. the couple will re- side at 53 Sloley Road. Scar- , boro. Mrs. P. Allen. Mrs. M. Bull and Mrs. L. Hennessey gave, miscellaneous showers for the? bride in the weeks prior to Wedding. ‘KEEP THE HOME , FIRES suanwe - GOES THE 6000 OLD sous. ATING. r 3 Ghocummsualuln. You'll be sure of YOUR home fires keeping burning cleaner and more evenly when you use our dependâ€" able Fuel Oil! Place your order today. RAMER & SON 189 CENTRE ST. EAST TU. 4-1313 TV In Evening Ceremony , 1 days. .St. ember 8. vice he showed pictures were pleased to renew friendship with Mr. Hiltz, who was formerly their pastor at Langslafi Baptist Church. 'I' R 0 II B I. E ? CALL BAJ - 0485 son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Per- ry. on November 1 at Willow- dale United Church. A lunch- eon was held at the parents' home after the christening. **** The National Ballet of Can- ada opens at the O‘Keefe Cen- tre December 26 with their new production of “The Nutcracker Suite". a delightful ballet and one children. especially appealing to Mr. Crum was musical *Itllklt' Jan Cruise. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cruise. 1 Ray- mond Dr. was home for the weekend from Montreal. in training at the Royal Vic- toria Hospital School of Nursing and is very enthusiastic about her new career. *1?! Congratulations to Mr. a: a s a People residing in Thornhill will be receiving phone calls when the Lions hold their light bulb sale during the week of November 16-20. the sale will be used for Lions .work in the area. *trklll' The York Central Hospital Auxiliary is having a white ele- phant sale on November 18 to ,be held in the building at the rear of the library on Colborne Doors will be open from ‘10 am. to 5 pm. Anyone hay-.3 ing any articles to donate arei the‘Rev. Wm. Hiltz Guest" At Langstalf Baptist; Teachers and officers of Langstafl' Baptist Church Sun- day School niet at Summit View Gardens November 7 and were addressed by Rev. Wil- liam Hiltz. MA, l\i.R.E., Alta Vista Baptist Church. Ot- tawa. A graduate in Christian education. Mr. Hiltz spoke the group concerning Sunday school work. Musical selections were given by the Central Baptist Semin- ary Ladies Trio. Rev. Hiltz was also the guest speaker at the 25th anniversary services at the church on Noy- At the evening ser- of his recent trip to the Holy Land and Russia. Members of the congregation their AN RETA. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE This is a good thing to keep in mind as a special; treat for the Chirstmas holi-l The musical director.‘ George Crum, lives on Long- bridge Drive, and has been as-' sociated with the national com- pany for thirteen years. will be going on a three month tour with the ballet in Janu- ary. director for the opera men" when it was produced at the centre this year. He “Car- Jan is Mrs. Sylvia Hamblyn Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bryant and family in Brantford week-end. the conï¬rmation Miss Bryant, Mrs. Thompson's granddaughter on Sunday. and Mrs. Douglas Hambleton, Thorn- hill Avenue, on the birth of their son Paul Douglas, at the York Central Hospital on Nov- ember l, a brother to Peter and Cynthia. her daughter and Mr. and Mr. Herb Glassey. Profits from! Members of the auxiliary LANGSTAFF NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. ALETA CAMPBELL 122 Garden Ave., Phone AV. 5-4704 Mark-Vaun WI Euchre Prizewinners of the euchre held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glassey, den Avenue, November 7 were Isobel Iris, Mabel Vance, Mary Reid, E. Doner, Lena and Archie Cave. prize was won by Mrs. William Rose. 162 Gar- Vance The draw Mrs. Hannah Thompson and visited on the They also attended service of Mrs. Jessie Bath is visiting son-in-law. Mrs. Beryl Abbey visited Miss Catherine and Mr. Stuart Chris- tenson of Scarboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Camp- bell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Campbell of Scar- boro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Thomp- son have moved to a new hous- ing development at Finch and Leslie. Scala are living in their house. Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Mrs. Ina Stephens of Toronto ,visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iris .and family recently. Mrs. Mary Holmes. a former resident of Langstad. passed away last week Lodge. pathy to her relatives or! hem!â€rdllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll at Lambert We extend sincere symâ€" asked to take them to the Col-,a donation to borne St. building on November 17. will be there to accept articles from 10 am. to 5 p.m. :work. Dig out your used al‘t- >icles, sporting equipment, furn- iture, china and what have you. ‘Someone will undoubtedly be Prior to this date Mrs. G. looking for just such an article Zinkan, 25 Colbourne St., or and you‘ll be making a contrib- any member you are acquainted ution to a very worthy cause at with in your location. will glad- the same time. 1y take care of delivery. in mind, you might find that This is an excellent opportun-dtem you‘ve been searching for ity for anyone wishing to makeiyears. gutted the Parkway Store in the' Uplands Plaza, owned and op- erated by Crisp and Beronstein. The blaze is believed to have started in the basement the contents and a portion of the building occupied by the store, which opened this sum- mer, Were a complete loss. smoke and water damage. was at the scene night. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll VICTORIAN the auxiliary Keep the date of the community. Fire Early Friday evening a ï¬re and Adjoining stores suffered Vaughan Fire Department' almost all V. O. N. ORDER OF NURSES ‘ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Mrs. W. O. Stockdale 884-4101 lRichmond Hill Municipal Hall SERVING . RICHMOND IIILL. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP, VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP. of to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX â€I A xxxgzx l Today Until Next Wed. I'll! llflOll! Peter Sellers Res Harrison D A. IQ; MAA AMA. HELD oven 2 HILARIOUS COMEDIES! “A Shot In The Dark†IN TECHNICOLOR ‘Fth YOI'R ADDED ENJOYMENT “Happy Thieves†ou ARE Issunso i WARM wrlcomsig it THE apron DRIVE=IN$ - Rod Steiger Show Starts 7.30 p.m. emu IN run (Minis-rm FIJI.“ and Box Office Opens 7 pm. XXXXX‘. Elke Sommer XXXXXXXXXXXXXX r“ Cenlï¬edtor mm L safety and comfort )4 ELECTRICAL IN-CAP HEATERS At no extra rcst' ‘ R 6 (IX Thornhill Family Enjoys 4 Month European Jaunf BY .l() (‘Rl'lSl-T Mr. and Ali's. R. \lntluccx and scvcn year old Philip. of Arnold .\vcnuc I'clurncd recently from four months abroad. lllghlislii of the trip was a slay with Mr. )Inttucci's par- ents at Rocco Giovanni. not far from Naples. Philip was fascinated with farm life and was particularly interested in a calf born during the early part of their visit. By the timc they left for homc. it was a good sizcd animal and Philip was saddcncd to learn that it would be rcady for the market by Christmas. Farming in Italy is quite. diffcrcnt from farming in Canada. rcporls Mrs. Mat- tucci. Donkeys are a fam- iliar sight with baskcls strapped on their backs. transporting goods to mar- ket. The cow is primarily used for working. hitched either to a wagon or a plow. Although also milked. milk. IllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Baptist Women Day Of Prayer One link in the chain of prayer around the world was forged in Thornhill Baptist Church November 2 when Baptist women from the four churches in the area met for their annual prayer service. Mrs. W. McGowan Thornhill. led the opening worship and Mrs. W. Stur- gess. Spring Garden, Mrs. F. Bennett, St. John's, Rich- mond Hill and Mrs. R. Mc- Whirter of Yorkview Heights all shared in the scripture reading and pray- ers. Mrs. H. Slinn sang “Lord, Bow Down Thine Ear" ac- companied by Mrs. M. C. Johnston. The guest speaker was Mrs. Bertram King. form- erly of the Southern Bap- tist Convention but now a resident of Canada. Her message was “Giving the Best". “Did we care en- ough?†she asked. To pray and witness and help share the bread and water of life did not require great skill or intellect. If we have the same mind and love that was in Christ Jesus it is enough to enable us to share with all the world. The time of fellowship was continued inithe church hall where the ladies en- .ioyed a cup of tea together after the meeting. is not a popular beverage in italy and is used mainly for cooking. Babies are wcancd onto a weak camnmâ€" ilc tca. mixed with slIL‘ar. In time. the children grad- uate to cxprcsso coffce. strcnclhcncd as they mature. (‘offcc is served black and very strong to adults. ,.\lrs. )lallucci was also in- lf‘l‘f‘Slt‘fl to watch her fathcr- in<law weave a basket from twigs. .\ftcr the knots were first carefully trimmed off. a bcautifully madc basket cmâ€" crgcd from a pile of twigs taken from trees prevalent in the area. The basket was immediately put to use as a f r II it basket. Everybody weaves such baskets. Mrs. Mallucci noted, and thcy are used for many practical pur- poses. She rcporicd also that, in that particular area. grapes are the main source of farm income. Farmers in the, dis- trict have recently become co-ownci's of an electronic» ally controlled canteen. a machine which eliminates much of the handwork which formerly went into the mak- ing of wine. Slcms and seeds shoot out of one end while the pressing machine goes into action. The cantccn re- sembles a gas station. Mrs. Mattucci stated. and long tubcs pour the finished pro- duct into enormous tanks. Farmers take their grapes which are not fit for mar- kct or the table to the can- teen. After their sugar con- tent is tested they are Weigh- ed and the amount is credited to the shareholder. At the end of the season. the farmer can take his pro- fit either in cash or in wine. Usually he splits it half and half to avoid the work of making his wine at home. After their taste of farm life. the Mattuccis toured northern Italy, visited Rome, and travelled through Swit- CWL Bazaar seriously ill. She is now out of The CWI. of Si. Paschal'sdanger and we wish her a Baylon R o m a n Catholic speedy recovery. Church, Steeles Avenue is hold- ing its Christmas bazaar in thel parish hall November 14. All kinds of homemade bak- ing will be for sale and withl every purchase there will be a‘ free gift for the lady. There will also be free balloons the children. elude one for white elephants, Christmas decorations. knitted articles, “Touch and Take", aprons and religious articles. There will also be a tea room where sandwiches and cookies will be served. Socials Mrs. sons spent a week's vacation in Windsor with her parents. Mr. Martin Van Bemmel, a teacher at Powell Road School and the school custodian have started to work on the school skating rink, hoping to have it periods. Anyone with free time to on the project. Lynn Webster had a long distance phone call from New Brunswick last week from her former playmate and neighbor on Grey. This was a birthday pre-‘ sent for Benny. Mrs. Iris McEwen was called .home to Prince Edward Island lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' last week When “91‘ mother was 7erland and Germany in their own car which had been shipped orcr to them. In Switzerland. however. they found the car too large by European standards and had difficully making it up some of the sharply curving roads. It took them two hours to travel to the top of Si. Bernado mountain. They were amazcd to see people skiing on one side of the mountain in the month of August. They visited a lovely shrine at the top and found the drop in temperature vcry sudden. To avoid the drive down, they took the aerial car. This somewhat resembles piggy-back trucks on tracks and accomodates between thirty and forty cars. The passengers remain in their cars with lights out and windows rolled up and make the 20 minute descent through a long. black tunnel. The Mattuccis found Swit< treacherous ii-IllInull“lmlIlllnllIlllllllnlllllllnmlllllllllllllllInnIlllllllllllllmlmlIllmlllnlllInlilllmllIllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllllllIllllllllltlnlmunulmmmini“mummiunuuu“mumiuiunuiumnnumumm[umm]umiumuuuuuu zerland a delightful place and enjoyed the lovely flow- ers and impressive moun- tains. In Germany. they Visited the Volkswagen factory at Wolfburg. Most of the res- idents work in the plant which covers 265 acres. In Venice. they found shopping by gondola a new and interesting experience. They visited St. Mark's Church and St. Mark‘s Square where the swallows were so tame they sat on the hands of the visitors and ate any- thing they were offered. In the beautiful old city of Rome they visited the Vat- ican. St. Peter‘s Basilica and the museum and were par- ticularly impressed with the paintings and works of Mich- aelangelo. ’l‘he Mattuccis also visited Milan. Trieste, Bologna and many other centres during the course of their long-to- be-remembered trip. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~l' CRESTWOOD ROAD NEWS Nominations Nov. 23, Sidewalk Next Year CORRESPONDENT: MRS. FRED ST. JOHN 75 Crestwood Road, Willowdale for‘ Booths will in- children's dresses. Mary Greenlees and ready for the children's P.T. help would be most welcome Crestwood Road, Benny Powell Road School and now attending Thornhill Secondary School had the misfortune to break his thumb at football practice last week. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rogers entered hospital Sunday to have an operation on her foot. It is expected that she will be in a cast for eight weeks. iF. Plaxtons Celebrate Their 40th Anniversary ton. were honored on the occasion of the 40th wedding anniversary November 2 when their daugh- ter, Mrs. Eric Bird and Mr. Bird and Plaxton and Mrs. Plaxton en- tertained at a reception for one Telephone AV. 5-3443 Gordon Salt. former pupil at Paula Rogers, eldest daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Plax- »John Street, Thornhill their Mr. son. Donald Mrs. Samuel Anderson. Sud- bury, who was Mrs. Plaxton's bridesmaid was -an guest. A three-tiered wedding cake. the gift of Mrs. Dorothy Palmer, lit table. honored centered the candle- Julie and Debbie Bird. smalll daughters of the house. opened the door to welcome the guests. matters to be discussed the area tee, the meeting was unable to consider them with ARC rep- resentatives and Tom Jackson who had at- tended for this purpose. They agreed to come back again at a later date. Trustee William Judges "chaired the November 3 meet- ,ing of the Thornhill Village ITrustees .Chairman Frank Tucker. in the absence of As Mr. Tucker had details of with recreation commitâ€" Willard Simpson Dr. Lloyd Saunders of Brooke Street was present to discuss? the water drainage problem at the Brooke Street and Thornridge Drive. Trustee Judges inform- ed him that Vaughan Town- ship engineers had estimated it would cost $500 to rectify the situation. The trustees felt this too much to spend 'on such a matter. northwest corner of It was announced that the pro- posed sidewalk on Arnold Ave- nue adjacent to the school had been postponed until the spring by the Beamish Construction Co. Ltd. Bills were approved for pay- ment from‘ Beamish Construc- _ tion. Ontario Hydro, Ketola hundred guests in the Birds‘ Power Equipment and Frank Don Mills home. Engel. Nominations for trustees will be held at the Thorn- hill Public Library. Col- borne Street. on November 23 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. If an election is necessary. I “ "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET FAST RESULTS 884-1105-6 or 285-3316 it will be held at the same place on December 7 be- tween 10 am. and 8 pm. Patricia Lambert was ap- pointed returning officer. gl-meww TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM COUNTY OF YORK Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of ~ Voters’ List 1964 Notice is hereby given that I .have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office in Buttonville. on the 2nd day of November 1964. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at Municipal Elec- tions and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate. pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected. according to law, the last day for appeals being the 16th day of Novem- ber, 1964. Dated this 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1964. H. C. T. Crisp, Township Clerk Returning Officer Township of Markham. NOTE: Copies of said Voters' 'List are also placed in Post Offices throughout the Town- ship and adjacent municipal- lties. I-MM . \V'ant to buy a really good camera? Get a Commerce Shutterbug Loan. You nmuoir. If it’s not a camera. per/zaps if: (I piano, or a Hos/ling machine or an automobile. ll 77(7/("1'57' If is. W76 0an u 11/6 im‘fe’fi‘ nmelmC/‘cc loans can he Inf/Ned In your mom HWY/S. [VIN/7c 0/†YIN/f f/IE‘ BANK OF COMMERCE Lynx/z fl _-~..g«;,/m/:r “fa/7; (.t'Hl/Hc/t’t' h/‘u/lc/z.