Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1964, p. 6

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1 The annual turkey supper was held Wednesday evening of last heel: when close to 500 people Were fed. Euchre ” There were 15 tables of euchre players at Victoria Square Com- '1 The girls of the Explorer group collected $14 for UNICEF on Hallowe' en. |Turkey Supper Explorers Yes, whatever the weather, you can depend on our fine, economical Fuel Oil to pro- duce the comfortable. even heat you want . . . and need. Call today to order yours. 189 CENTRE ST. EAST TU. 4-1313 RAMER 8. SON Question to be submitted to a. vote of the electors of the Town of Richmond Hill: This Week ’3 Happenings In Victoria Square .. V -4 .7“... Ir” Shown above after graduation exercises held at the school recently are the girls of the 1964 graduationg class of M. Lillian McConaghy Public School. They are, front row (left to right): Kathy Flynn, Kay Batst-one, Jane Waters, Linda Hawkins, Helen Mihay, Sharon Bell, Judy Brillinger, Jean McIntyre, Pauline Foldvary; Back row (same order) Vice-Principal D. H. Garlick, Dawn Pax- ton, Darlene Baker, Priscilla Walker, Gail Crosby, Susan Burton, Brenda Willis, Bette Fletcher, Ellen Street, Kathy Kennedy, Jane Gamble, Gayle Roberts, Elaine Hassard and Teacher R. Ritchie. VJ you . Boys of the 1964 graduating class of M. Lillian McConaghy Public School were photographed at the school, folloxir: ing' the graduation exerCISes. They are, front row (left to right) John Harrington, Frank Coppola, Bruce French, Bill Slater, Paul Sanderson, John Mashinter, Ken Hitchins and Rod Loftus. Back row, (same order) Teacher R. Ritchie, Peter Dowell. Gary House, Wayne O’Brien, Bob Thompson, Bill Curtis, Brian Gemmill, Bob Hisey and Vice-Principal D. H. Garlick. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL M. li/Iian McConag/1y Public School Grade 8 Graduate: lune!- On behalf of the congrega- tion, Dr. A. F. Blnnington, Percy Bennett and Mrs. H. Mc- ‘Cague presented Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and girls with a lighted oil painting. Mr. Boynton thanked everyone for the gift. They have moved to the Thornhill district and will be greatly missed in the work of the church and Sunday school. Used Stamps November 22 at 11:30 am. T. T. Whyte will be in charge of the service. Presentation Following the service on Sun- day morning, a fellowship luncheon was served by the members of the United Church Women. The girls' intermediate class in Sunday school is saving “Used Stamps" to send to “The On Sunday morning, Rev. H. S. Cobb was guest speaker. He was here in the interests of the Canadian Bible Society. Prize winners were Mrs. Al- ma Johnson, Mrs. Ethel At- tridge. Mrs. Maude Irwin, Mrs. Coby Vanderkooy, Charles Hart, John Orr, J. Bowden, Fraser Gee. The lucky draw was won by Roy Brooking. Another party will be held November 20 at 8:15 pm. Church News munity Hall on Friday eveningMission to Lepers" an inter- ot last week. national and interdenomina- Prize winners were Mrs. Al- tional group founded in 1874. ma Johnson, Mrs. Ethel At- Canadian headquarters are at tridge, Mrs. Maude Irwin, Mrs. 67 Yonge St.. Toronto. From Coby Vanderkooy, Charles the sale of stamps received in Hart, John Orr, J. Bowden, 1963, 20 patients were supported Fraser Gee. The lucky draw for the whole year. A turkey shoot will be held in Lois I Victoria Square Community her 2 Centre Park November 21 at Novem 1 MIL. sponsored by Victoria ember If anyone wishes to assist the class it would be greatly ap- preciated. It is requested-that stamps have a M: inch margin of paper from the envelope around them. Postage stamps, any denomination. Turkey Shoot I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill at a meeting held on Monday, October 19th, 1964. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation gin the Town of Richmond Hill ENACTS as o ows: That the question “Are you in favour of the fluoridation of the public water supply of this Municipality?” be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill deems it advisable that the above- mentioned question should be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. “Are you in favour of the fluorid- ation of the public water supply of the Municipality?” A By-law to provide for the submission to the qualified electors in the Town of Richmond Hill on the question: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PASSED this 19th day of October, 1964 By-LaW Number 1173 “dam-o- T. BROADHURST, Mayor R. LYNETI', Clerk R. LYNETT, Clerk lent-- Birthday greetings to Roy Glover November 13; Mrs. Frank Brumwell, November 20; Lois Draper, 11 years, Novem- ber 21; Mrs. Reid Brumwell. November 25; Philip Hill, Nov- Sunday School Superintend- ent Percy Bennett has called a meeting for all teachers, as- sistant teachers and officers and anyone interested in the Sunday school work for Nov- ember 23 at 8:30 pm. to make preparations for the white gift service and the Christmas pro- gram. Neighbourhood Notes Square District Lions Club. Sunday School Meeting Robyn MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith wel- comed their first grand-daugh- ter November 13. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson (Margaret Smith). November 25‘ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols will celebrate their 30th wed- ding anniversary November 24. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Ruth Rigsby who has been very ill. T. BROADHURST, Mayor R. LYNETT, Clerk I, 'R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill at a meeting held on Monday, October 19th, 1964. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill ENACTS as fol- THAT the question “Are you in favour of the members of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill being elected for a term' of two (2) years. Such provision to be effective as of the first January, 1966?” be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond “Are you in favour of the members of Council of the Town of Richmond Hill being elected for a term of two years. Such provision to be effec- tive as from the first day of Jan- uary, 1966?” WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill deems it advisable that the above- mentioned question should be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. ' Hill. lows A By-law to provide for the submission to the qualified electors in the Town of Richmond Hill, on the question: (Photo by Stuart'x Studio)? (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PASSED this 19th day of October, 1964. By-Law Number 1175 ludgweu-o R. LYNETT, Clerk. A social hour enabled the men and women to get acquain- ted with each other and their firm’s products, to discuss mut- ual problems and to get to know members of the council and heads of town departments. About 75 industrialists in the Town of Richmond Hill were guests of the town and indus- trial and development commit- tee at the informal luncheon last Thursday in the Richmond Room of the Richmond Inn. William C. Lazenby, chairman of the industrial committee, was host. One industrialist said the rea- son his firm had selected Rich- mond Hill as its site was the large labor pool available in the district. His firm has been able to secure both skilled and un- skilled labor without any diffi- culty and were well satisfied with their choice of location. Committee Hosts To Local lndustrialists Lionel Hancey, representing the Industrial Development Bank showed a film which trac- ed the development of a Can- adian industry with the help of a loan from the bank. Mr. Hancey is the husband of Ward 3 Councillor Lois Hancey. Dr. Dutton said thare are a great many compensations for growing old today, quoting “If women have a gleam in their eyes men never see the wrink- 195 on their faces.” He conclud- ed by saying today’s older R. H. Council Christian education building of The Christmas-meeting will the Yonge Street United he a party with exchange of Church. gifts and the rhythm band is Rev. James O'Neil conductedlw‘rmmg “P for thi? event; a short service of remembrance Arrangements are. being made} with two minutes silence and for a tour of Christmas lights. prayers followed by singing of M.“ F- 5‘13!” was presented no God Our Help in Ages wrth a gift 1n appreciation of ," He w h k h her four years as a faithful §::stident. as t an ad by t 2 Secretary. Mrs. G. Powelll Information re gifts for men- brought a quote from the B'ble that wars will cease. The mem- tal health patients may be had . frnm fhn ear-natural Rial-ul- nan-Ac belts 1,10” She is fight- Dr. E. M. Dutton. assistant advisor of programs for older people was then introduced by the president. The doctor urged the senior citizens to keep act- ive and endeavor to live their lives independently, to take part in local affairs, endeavor to understand existing condi- tions and develop the dignity of old age. Today’s problems affect both young and old, he said and senior citizens can help with their knowledge and ex- perience. am. Mr. Lomax reported the executive of the United Senior Citizens of Ontario are quite active in the interests of all seniors. Greetings were exten- ded to people having birthdays and on a 50th wedding anniver- sary. With Mrs. Lillie at the piano, Mrs. E. Masters led a‘ sing-song Information re gifts for men- tal health patients may be had from the secretary. Eight cards had been sent to the sick. and bowling and day centre activi- ties are still progressing, it was reported. Members were reminded to bring donations for the bazaar to the day cen- tre the evening of November‘ 27 or November 28 before 11 President E. Lomax welcomed people ‘102 members and guests from and ca: Thornhill Senior Citizen: at the countr: November meeting or Richmond thankii Hill Senior Citizens held in the gave h Christian education building of The the Yonge Street United be a 1 Church. gifts a 102 Members And Guests Enjoy November Sr. Citizens Meeting Activities at Legion Court‘ are: first Wednesday euchre and cribbage at 2 p.m., third Wednesday bingo at 2 p.m., fourth Wednesday bridge and euchre at 2 pm. Members and friends are welcome at these afternoon activities. | Bowling for members is held each Friday at 2 pm. at Allen- court Alleys. The annual bazâ€" aar will be held November 28 from .2 to 5 pm. in Richmond Hill United Church educational building. A social time followed ad- journment of the meeting. E t. a&“»%:-% 5&5“ 3a.”. (g i A draw for a chafing dish ‘was won by Mrs. G. Sayers. ‘The club welcomed back Mr. Ward and Mr. McDonald and wished sick members a speedy recovery. It was reported there are 814 residents of Rich- mond Hill 70 years of age and over. people have lots of courage and can be of great asset to the country. With J. Sheahan thanking Dr. Dutton, the club gave him great applause. fi.b€}0 5‘86 '1 09%. $36: "I: g; Mundinger Music Co. ff: OVERNIGHT Fred Melick knew he would have the money he need» ed to buy that w. And this is not an unusual case. Of course this actual customer was not named FWbuttherearemore Mr. Meficlc needed a better carâ€" badly. But where could he get the money he nwded to buy a newer ear? Fortunately for Mr. Melick he thought of The Bank of Nova Scotia. He went to his nearest Scotiabranch and answered a few quick questions about his job, in» come and how much money he Fred Melick, milkman, got - a Scotia Plan Car Loan -. -$1900-overnight This is a good time to come in and have a Xmas Guitar, Accordion, or any musical instrument put on our layaway plan for you â€" or plan to finance the instrument of your choice. Make this a happy and useful musical winter Phone 884-5272 I Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL Private Tuition Times Available On All _ Instruments A Complete Musical Service I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the question to be submitted to the electors at the municipal elections to be held on Saturday, December 5th, 1964 from 9:00 AM. to 6:00 PM. “Are you in favour of the Fluori- dation of the public water supply of this Municipality?” Question to be submitted to a vote of the electors of the Town of Richmond Hill: '¢@BHNK TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL and more people with all kinds 0‘! names and jobs coming to The Bank of Nova Scotia to have their money problems solvedâ€"quickly. Why don’t you? If you are worrying about your old carâ€"if you want a new car- then get yourselfa Sootia Plan Car Loan. The cost is lowâ€"you get life insurance at no extra costâ€"you get the same low cost for all makes and models of carsâ€"and you get the speed of service that makes your money problems disappear -â€"fast. How much money do yon-need? S‘O-C R. LYN ETT, Clerk

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