Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services \Eiversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information 884-3348 Come along on Monday and join the first organiza- tion of its kind in Ontario. The Junior Legion is open to all youths in the District between the ages of 14 and 20. Instruction will be available in citizen- ship, hunting, fishing, wrestling, unarmed combat. judo, sports of all kinds safe driving, precision d1ill, pipe band and other Legion, activities. Initiation fee is} $1, annual fee $3. 1., ed 1ne ousmess meeting. and reminded members to bring cof- fee. wrapped Christmas gifts and money donations to the December meeting for the Lit- tle Brothers of the Good Shep- herd. Five members baked for a needy family. A letter of thanks from Sister Imelda, for- mer principal of the school, was read by Mrs. J. Riswick. , Mrs. Bransï¬eld urged all mem- bers to vote in December. Rev. Francis Robinson thanked the CWL {01 convening the mam- moth bazaai held in October The New Year‘s entertainment M“-----l-~-t.«-4 The first Inaugural Meet- ing will be held at Legion Court, Yange St, Rich- mond Hill on Monday, 30th November at 8 pm. Branch 375 chh on ‘ ‘ A feature of the November ’ m d H1“ meeting of the CWL of Our . Lady Queen of the World" was The ï¬rst Inaugural Meet- an informative talk by Rev. E. ' -, - Kllmuszko. from the Queen of "33 W1“ be held at 149310“ Apestles Retreat House in Port Court, Yange St, Rich- Credit. He was introduced by mond Hill on Mondav 30th Rev. Peter Mason and thanked Mmmmx‘-.. _‘ a __ " ’ {by Mrs. V. Hanna. JUNIOR LEGION piano teacher ESTELLE MARKHAM 884-3787 3mmmum«mmmuumumuImmummumumuunuuummï¬ â€œOOQOâ€OOOOO« Richmond Hill & Distrh Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients The Royal Canadian Legion GLEN SHIELD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB ..RESERVE NOW FOR.. Christmas & New Years Parties & Banquets Phone Caterer -â€" 285-4886 West Side of Dufferin â€"-â€" Just South of Highway Members of the Pleasantville‘ The “Green Room" party branch of the York Central/following the final curtain of Hospital Auxiliary held athe Curtain Club productiom theatre night on Tuesday. at-[“Come Blow Your Horn" will be‘ tending the Curtain Club proâ€" held at the home of pro-J ductinn of “Come Blow Your ducer, Edith Jones, 19th Ave-i Horn". 11119, I Eulumuluuuuunmumnmmum“n1mmmuuuumnumung the E BASEMENT ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill M1 1! you were not can- vassed, and wish to send a donation to aid research of this crippling disease. please send your cheque or money order to Fire Chief All Stong. Fire De- partment. Richmond Hill, no later than December '15. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. A tag day was held re- cently for the Muscular Dy- Itrophy Association by the Richmond Hill 5th Cuh Pack in conjunction with the local ï¬re department, who. with the ï¬re depart- ments all across Canada. are dedicated to supply needed funds for muscular dystroâ€" phy and annually take part In their campaign. This week featuring CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY "Fragments" Coffee Club Excellent Food â€"â€" Reasonable Prices You'll Enjoy A Truly Fine Atmosphere Fridays 9 pm. - JL‘ R Y District N. ared to Mrs. H. H. MacKay officially opened the ï¬rst annual bazaar of the Mary and Martha Guild of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Saturday. A good attendance snapped up the many handcrafted articles, particular- ly doll's clothing. knitted art- icles. ornamental candles Christmas novelties, candy, aprons. white elephants, home‘ baking and a ï¬sh pond. Patron- age of the tea court was also good making the event an out- standing ï¬nancial success. At the close of the meeting. refreshments were served by Mrs. S. Park and committee. a needy family. A letter of thanks from Sister Imelda, for- mer principal of the school, was read by Mrs. J. Riswick. Mrs. Bransï¬eld urged all mem- bers to vote in December. Rev.‘ Francis Robinson thanked the CWL for convening the mam- moth bazaar held in October. The New Year's entertainment is being convened by Mrs. R. Carter, Mrs. L. Wilson. Mrs. P.l Kilcan and members of the‘ Holy Name Society. President Mrs. J. Daley chair- ed the business meeting. and reminded members to bring cof- fee. wrapped Christmas gifts and money donations to the: December meeting for the Lit- Son et Lumiere, the latest de- velopment of theatrical illusion â€"an involvons of architecture sound and light. was launched in France and has already ‘spread over the continent. It has centered on celebrated mon- ‘uments of the pastâ€"from the ‘Chateau of Chambord to the Acropolis, illuminating various aspects of the buildings to the accompaniment of sound de- scriptive of their historic past. Mr. Handbury, a resident of Centre Street West. is .9 Ward 4 candidate for town council. RANDEU. TORNO Eric Handbury, general man- ager at Legendramn Produc- tions. was one of the speakers on Thursday last, when the comp- any made its official bow with a presentation of its plans to‘ introduce Son at Lumiere to this country. I After the meeting adjourned a ï¬lm was shown of scenes from their last production “Aunt Tilly Goes To Town". Officers were elected as fol- lows: President Mrs. H. Bryan, Vice-president Mr. R. Bruce, Secretary-treasurer Mrs. W. H. Capping. It was decided that their next production would take place in May of next year. with rehearsals starting early in January. Our Lady's Workshop held their meeting on November 18 in the basement of Our Lady Queen of the World Church. Cicely Thomson. Vaughan Road. is currently directing "Doctors of Philosophy". 3 Uni- versity Alumnae production, being presented at the Coach House on November 27, 28. De: cember L5, 842. M; Butt. ProfeSsor W. S. Thom- son and Mrs. Thomson. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas-Crampton. Attending the St. Andrews Ball at the Royal York Hotel on Friday were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. G. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. r‘\ £46 i“ ‘l n-n-o-n-u-«-n-o.u.\‘ [ An extremely successful meeting was held by the 4th Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Mothers‘ Auxiliary on November 17 at the home of Mrs. Joan Boyer, Penstock Court. There were twenty-one Inoâ€" thers of Cubs and Scouts pres- ent and the wonderful allend~ ance was mainly due to the speaker of the evening \vho‘ was the new Scoutmaster Mr. Ron house. He was able in answer many questions on scouting with which our mem-bers plied him during the even- ing. A two-day campout is planned for the Christmasl holidays at Camp Simac, out-j side of Oshawa. The whole Scout pack will be included in this event. nus HUS! man nu: was“: punt}: Members were also honored‘; who will relay the message. with Mrs. Boose's presence and M}. Ryan has issued a hope, one ‘13)" She Will be 3 plea for all dog owners to member of the group. A small‘ keep their dogs under con- welcoming gift was presented trol and not running at to the new scoutmaster and large. He notes that. this his wife 1 unhappy situation is just A discussion of the luncheon‘ one of manv recorded in for the Yo1k Summit District recent months Fall Conference for auxiliaries took place as the auxilia13 are “111111111111111|1111111111111111111Illigmuuuuuuum111111111111__11\1111\1 catering to this affair this year‘w' at St. Marys Anglican Chu1~;ch SOMETHING TO RENT on November 26. Approximately ‘ - ninety mothers from York Sum- Emigremlgligg' mit District are expected to; Advertise in the Want, Ads attend. nnn-rm on: gunr The meeting was closed. after which refreshments were serv- ed and enjoyed by all. ' It was a “packed house" at St. Matthew‘s United Church bazaar held on November 14 at the church. Booth convenors were Jean Barton. Helen Graham, Ella Knight. Ruth Urquhart. Geneâ€" vieve Dennis. Darlene Buchan. Josie Fleming, Isobel Lowell. Barbara Lynden. Doreen Phil- lips. Marjorie Mitchell. Freda Rowley, Eileen Robbins and Gwen Casement. ‘ The bazaar convenor, Mrs. John Walter. contributes the success of the event to the in- dividual accomplishment of these convenors and their com- mittees, and to the many friends and parishioners who wholeheartedly gave their supâ€" port. Mrs. J. Lawlor gave a report on the regional meeting held in Bradford and Mrs. J. Houlton reported on the regional spirit- ual workshop held in Our Lady Queen of the World Church. university, } Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Good- ‘ '0‘ * * 1‘hooi’d of Globe Travel Ser- The regular monthly meeting vice are convalescing at their of the CWL of St. Mary‘s Cath- Roseview Avenue home follow- olic Church was held on Nov- ing their stay in hospital. Mr. ember 18 in the form of a pot- Goodhoofd was a patient at luck supper under the convenâ€" Grand Rapids Hospital, Michi- orship of Mrs. N. Hill. Members gan. and his wife at York Gen-i brought their specialties to pro- trail vide a delicious evening meal. Their many friends in the A short business period {01- Hill wish them both a speedy lowed the supper with Presi- recovery. dent Mrs. C. Bettles presiding; * * * xv Following the busineSS per- iod members played cards. Marylyn plans to complete her home economics course,at the university. Miss Marylyn Clarke daugh-j ter of Mrs. and Mrs D. Clarke. Rosemar Gardens giaduate of Thornhill High School and now a second year student at Mac? donald Hall. University of} Guelph, passed her ï¬rst yeaq with 85%, and at the Scholar-i ship Award banquet on Novem-; ber 30, will receive the follow-y ing awards: Macdonald Insti-{ tute Guelph Branch Award‘ $100; Mrs. R A. Stewart Pro-L ï¬ciency Award 5100. and the H. : H. Harshman Foundation Schol-‘ arship $500. Barby. who has had tremen- dous experience in the commer- cial and television field. will play a lead role, Sheila Wal- lace, daughter of the household.‘ The ï¬rst episode will be shown over CBC and NBC tele- viSion stations on December 28. ‘ Wally Crouter, top CFRB newscaster, was among the many guests attending the affi- cial opening of the Richmond Inn on Thursday. A work bee on articles for Saturday’s bazaar concluded a 1business meeting of the Mary land Martha Guild of Richmond ‘Hill Presbyterian Church iasi Wednesday evening. Final plans were made for Saturday‘s baz- aar and a substantial proï¬t was reported from the anniversary :turkey dinner. Copy for the cook book was prepared and it was decided to order 400 copies which will go on sale early next year. Barby Peirce. ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peirce. 65 Rockport Crescent. starts rehearsals on Novem- ber 28 for a television serial “Moment of Truth". Mrs. V. Wallace arrived on Friday from Halifax to spend a short holiday with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Beresford Anderson. Centre Street West. prior to leaving for Florida, where she will spend the winter nonlhs. Congratulations to Mrs. K. Middleton, 127 May Ave- nue. who was one of the lucky winners of 5100. in a current supermarket bingo competition. in North Toronto the Tomlin§ enjoyed renewing old acquaint- ances during the evening. ‘l\\ll\\ll\llll“NI“lll\l\llll1\\l\\\l\l\l\\lll\\l\l\\\\“ll“\llll\“\ll\l\\\\\l\\l\l Former Mayor Ken TOmIin and Mrs. Tomlin were visitors at the town nomination meeting Monday evening. Now residing Members are asked to con- sider who they wish to have as chairman and vice-chairman of their branch next year and to be ready to discuss this further at the next meeting in January. The Allenhrae branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Mait- land recently. Members discussed the pric.‘ ing of various articles including tablecloths, place mats, aprons and Christmas decorations that have been attractively painted with Artex paints for the baz- aar and bake sale to be held on November 27 at the Allen- court Shopping Centre. Members are asked to con- sider who they wish to have as chairman and vice-chairman of their branch next year and to be ready to discuss this further at the next meeting in January. It a: a: A: A new venture for Rich- mond Hill is the opening Al l-lqn 01-41. l‘nl‘vnnln‘. flnl Payroll Is More 1 In his annual report to York County Council this week Hosâ€" pital Commission Chairman John Rye reported that to date this year York Central Hospital at Richmond Hill had admitted more than 4,600 patients and from January 1 to October 31 had provided 26,108 adult and children patient days of care,‘ and 4,069 newborn days of care. Since the first of the year there have been 1892 operations performed at the local hospital and 608 babieshave been horn.: Emergency cases so far this‘ year total 3,539. Chairman Rye stated that the figures proved the y To Sell Antiques, Furniture. Pianos, Advertise in the Want Ads PHONE 884-1105 Mr. Ryan has issued a plea for all dog owners to keep their dogs under con- trol and not running at large. He notes that this unhappy situation is just one of many recorded in recent months. The business women‘s unit of the Richmond Hill United Church me! on Wednesday in the primary room. I A ï¬lm on â€Trinidad shown. There is a very good chance that the dog may be healthy and the treatment entirely unnecessary. If you own such a dog or know where one lives in the Bevâ€" erley Acres area please call Jimmy's parents at 884-2472 or Canine Control Ofï¬cer James Ryan at 285-1081. If you cannot reach them (and they will be out comb- ing the territory for the bit- ing dog) call the local police who will relay the message. The Apostolic right of Laying on of Hands. or Conï¬rmation will be administered to some sixty candidates at St. Mary’s Anglican Church next Sunday night at 7. The Suffragan Bish- op of Toxonto. Dr. H. R. Hunt will oï¬iciate A reception will follow in the parish hall. Since the dog has not been found authorities have no option but to start Jimmy on the anti~rabics serum as they must assume that the dog was rabid. If it is not given and rabies should develop there is no treatment which could save the boy from certain death. Young Jimmie King of 447 South Taylor Mills Drive was bitten by a dog“ running at large a week ago Sunday. A most thorough search of the area by his parents and canine control oï¬icers has failed to locate the dog described as black. a little larger than medium size, with medium length hair and a long tail. It wore a green collar with chrome studs. The church membership study group of the Richmond Hill United Church will meet today tThursday) in the church parlor. Your help is needed to save a 12-year-old boy from what may well be needless intense suffering. A new venture for Rich- mond Hill is the opening of the Ruth Calverley Gal- lery Picture Loan at 50 Yonge Street South. fea- turing traditional and mod- ern paintings, sculptures. prints and antiques. This column is comprised of community newsâ€"social, club and auxiliary items. that you. the reader. wish to publicize. The service is freeâ€"â€"why not telephone 884-1105, drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South, or call in personally â€" the Social Editor. Margot Crack, will be pleased to hear from you. Do You Know This Day? For Fast Anion Every Thursday “York Central Hospital Annual 335% Payroll Is More Than $700,000 W35 Clifl Brown skipped his rink composed of Bob Copeland, Ron Bagg and Earl Gray to take lst place in Saturday's men‘s club bonspiel. Andy Anderson skip- ped the second place rink com- posed of Cliff Bennett. Pete Hopper and Herb Butt and A1 White skipped the rink which took third prize. It included Murray Doherty. Roy Macâ€"1 Donald and Doug Hillaby. This Friday night members will put some beef into their" arms as they curl for steaks and on Saturday there will be‘ a men's open 'spiel with ent-i ries from a wide area expect- ed. = 3‘At Peterboro 'Spielg Eighty-ï¬ve people enjoyed a buffet lunch and curling as guests of the club on Friday night. \ Last weekend a local rink lskipped by Bob Austin jour- ineyed to Peterboro to compete in the Aunt Jemima ’Spiel at the Golf and Country Club. The rink which also included Peg Austin as vice, Wally Rose as second and Swen Rose as lead came home with the low] club’s ï¬rst win outside this season. They lost their ï¬rst game to a rink from Oakville and won the remaining four to take top award for the secondlof event. ‘ Symphony Orchestra l Marcus Adeney, well known 'cellist and conductor, visited Richmond Hill Symphony Or- chestra on November 15 to com duct a workshop rehearsal. Drawing on his years of ex~ perience as a conductor of amateurs, Mr. Adeney was able to give concrete and useful sug~ gestions for the improvement the orchestra‘s ensemble playing, especially with regard There are still openings for men in the over-55 year age bracket who would like to curl in the afternoons with men of their own age at Richmond Hill Curling Club. A phone call to the club will give you all the details. Local Curlers Winners For Information Call 884-1101 69 Yonge St. South â€" Richmond Hill â€" CHRISTMAS PARTIES - BANQUETS, WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS ETC. ETC. THE RICHMOND INN MOTOR HOTEL Introduces T he RICHMOND BANQUET ROOM Hostess Mrs. George Wilson (left) wife of Richmond Inn owner George Wilson, Toronto Harbour Commission chairman is photographed last Thursday with Mrs. Thomas Broadhurst (centre) wife of Richmond Hill’s mayor -and Mrs. Charles Hooper, wife of Markham Township’s reeve when the hotel owners held a cocktail party to officially open the luxurious new premises on Yonge Street South. Among the guests were members of York County municipalities and their wives along with personal friends of the Wilsons. Licenced I'nder The Liquor Licence Act Richmond Inn Opening Party Book Now For 153M. Adeney Conducts A} in} EZJWorkshop Rehearsal Mi frlf55ymp|10ny Orchestra? [ Drawing on his years of ex~ perience as a conductor of amateurs, Mr. Adeney was able to give concrete and useful sug~ gestions for the improvement Iof the orchestra‘s ensemble lplaying, especially with regard to the strings. :’ He illustrated his points by references to experiences he had had as a professional play- er and included interesting and amusing anecdotes concerning the great conductors and. musicians. Mr. Adeney foresees for Ontario a development of amateur orchestras similar to that in England. He felt that the Richmond Hill group was “a real amateur orchestra" along English lines, less haphazard in its , organization than some or- chestras in the Toronto 3 area had been. ‘ Mr. Adeney is currently pre-j' paring a text book on 'cello1 technique to be called “The" Basis of 'Cello". ‘ the request and has said he re- ceived no reason why his res- ignation was desired. He has held the part-time post since December 15, 1954. He served on the five-mem- ber village council for the years 1952, 1953 and 1954. ' Deputyâ€"reeve Frank Summer- ville has said he was not aware that Mr. Johnson had been ask- ed to resign. NEED GOOD WORKERS? HELP WANTED ADS IN CLASSIFIED GET ‘EM FAST DIAL 884-1105 FOR AN AD-TAKER NOW 1 great and increasing de- mand for hospital accom- modation in the southern part of the county and that the need was being ade- quately met by York Cen- tral Hospital. He observed service pital cafeteria next Wed- nesday evening. December 2. All diabetic sufferers and those directly interest- ed in their care are invited to attend. The interesting program will include the latest medical and diet ad- that the hospital has been very well received by the community and com- mented favorably on the fact that the York Central Auxiliary now has some 7.000 members and gives approximately 1200 hours _ _ . Forest Hills Reeve of volunteer servrce Within the hospital every month. YASkS Solicitor Qlllt The report stated that 57l medical practitioners are affil~’ _ . ‘ Richmond Hill‘s Sohcrtor J. Ragner Johnson. who also serv- iated with York Central Hos-“ pital and that the staff in all _ es as solicitor for Forest Hill Village, has been given until vice with special mention of Christmas menus and party snacks. lllilllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll numbers 205 full time members of which 101 are nursing per~ sonnel. Salaries and wages to CMC nomination day 0" Monday hospital staff members this P0 resign from hrs $6_.000-a-year year will total more than $700,- .lOb In that municipahty. accord- 000_ mg to a news story carried in last Saturday’s issue of the To- ‘ronto Globe and Mail. igmeemgmmmmzwngtï¬ l _ The story says the resigna-i tion was requested in a private conversation on November 9 between Mr. Johnson and Reeve Edwin Pivnick of Forest Hill. The village solicitor was in -} structed that the matter must' be settled before nominations are received in the Forest Hill Municipal Office at noon on Monday, the Globe claimed. i 5! ii i i Mr. Johnson has confirmedï¬ the request and has said he re- 3! ceived no reason why his res-g ignation was desired. He hasg AnummuuumuImmummum:mmmummmmnnnumlmuunu KNAPP’S PA NEED GOOD WORKERS? HELP WANTED ADS IN CLASSIFIED GET ‘EM FAST Diabetic Clinic At Hospital Dec. 2 2. All diabetic sufferers and those directly interest- ed in their care are invited to attend. The interesting program will include the latest medical and diet ad- vice with special mention of Christmas menus and party snacks. A diabetic clinic will be held in York Central Hos- pital cafeteria next Wed- nesday evening. December 1 Roller and Tray $3.00 or 1 Qt. Enamel $3.20 or 1 Brush up to $33.00 Value Wallsatin ....... $ 9.10 Low Lustre Enamel 10.50 FREE WITH THE ABOVE “GIVE YOUR TREE A TREAT†living Room PAINT 8. WALLPAPER SALE take advantage of our Pre-Christmas l ’ ‘ 15 Paint-Up That MOORE'S HH‘ £KZ%£%% Km!wwwzmmzzzxxxmgmmuaumwzmw “KKKKKKRKKWKKKNM ATTENTIOsz ‘23 30A Yonge St. S. 884-6741 E X" ‘4 V V v.v.uvvv.v.ww.v.v.‘l.\o‘vvv\aw V w.w.w.w.ww.w,\owwwwwwww.V: ï¬lmmhï¬hflï¬hm‘fllï¬ï¬‚lfl’tï¬hfltï¬hï¬hï¬hï¬hflm NI SERV Christmas Shoppers § ‘91 We now have in stock a variety of Ideal Quality Gifts K Hind Quarter- of Beef 44 Beef lb. 33¢ 3 lbs. 89¢ SieukSorRoasi Ib.59¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA MINCED ROUND A FREEZER SPECIAL CUT AND WRAPPED SERVICEâ€" RENTAL-â€" Use Our Lay-A-Way Plan We Service What We Sell SALESâ€"â€" Repair Specialist: Wad eatind QZA'I' SAVINGS C. NELS GAGE 9106 Yonge Street, Thornhill YOUR CHOICE OF: Regular $56.50 Per Roll, Only Over $18.00 We Will Hang “No Charge" SPECIAL I, PRE-PASTED “VINYL" AV. 5-2669 ANY MURAL TRANSISTOR RADIOS 19’ PORTABLE 'I‘V's HOME RADIOS CAR RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS . Purchased ELECTRONICS Repair Specialists â€"â€"-f0râ€" Home and Car Radios Television. Hi-Fl Record Players 23 YONGE ST. S $5.15ï¬oll SAM-2819 TU. 4-769!