Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1964, p. 1

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MORE HOMES & LAND the Liberal â€" l Public Library, ’ 24- Wright Stu, ‘" Richmond Hill. b l JC‘II. 8’7‘6‘5- 4'. nowrn YONGE OFFICE 8242 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1156 I “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" r: VOL. 37, N0. 22 WWRTEHMONDWHILL, osmium, rituasnav, soreness ‘26, 1564 :HOME PAPER or 'l‘IIEWDliTRl_CT sixci: 1878 P’E‘R com S , b' i i ' ”WW ’ W ' WW" W ' i ’ WWWW WWWWWWâ€"t in a surprise announcement at :Broadhurst, Neal Battle ’PBBIWc’anvassing . For Top Spot On Council F°' $25,000 0" The pool canvass for $25.000‘ AS head of the 196/1 adrninistra- District's Centennial Pool‘s first to complete Richmond Hill and‘ lstage is on. n tion Thomas Broadhurst enumerated i MO... than 6mm term-rtni.‘ accomplishments which included the ‘8thth by Canvass Clian‘man lPeter Sale. are now in circu: 9! paVing 0f BRYVieW, securing 0f large llation asking for a contribution to make the pool workable for' IHdHStrle§ and 59"“? very attraCtlve |liiext summer‘s swim season. ' commercial building on Yonge Street. Contributing to the campaign were the Richmond Hill Hydro . The mayor also listed as ac-{ceed to rectify some of the pro- who addressed the envelopes.‘ * complishments the first stage blems which have been left inlthe local YWCA Auxiliary and} of an indoor swimming pool. mid-air. He also advocatedtSenior Citizens Club members‘ '9‘ elimination of offensive odors widening of Yonge Street to.'v‘h0 hElPt’d {Old and put the‘ from the sewage treatment plant,;four lanes for its full length‘letters in the envelopes. re-equipning the works depart-'within the town. ‘ Mr. Sale. who Stlc'(‘E-\‘SfUtll’i tr ment with up-tO-date equip- He reported on steps instittit-lSPeal‘headed the campaign last. ment and vehicles, the civic ed this year which if successâ€"‘SPI‘tng to raise 540.000 in 21 improvement committee. reorg- ful will lead to an annexation house-to-house appeal. is very i'r anization of the planning arm. north of Elgin Mills Road forlhopeful area residents will re» " slight reduction in taxes. con- industrial development. 'l‘riple wood to the letter and contrib- tinued industrial development. “A“ industrial development isltlte What they can. Cheques are; i ‘ preliminaries for well number needed to balance assess-lto be made payable to “The. L 5 and a strenuous and hard- ment and provide jobs for ouri'I‘rezisurer. Pool Committee. working year for all population, he stated. Bl‘ttiSh Mortgage & Trust C0» . , Monday night’s Richmond Hill nom- Bus & TrUCk ination meeting incumbent Reeve ‘ James Haggart announced that he . i would not be standing for office for iCrash, Forty 1965. This gave Donald G. Plaxton, t local laWyer, the 1965 reeveship by. acclamation. H . II To osplta ‘ Floyd Perkins also received cillnr with three nominees con- an acclamation to the deputy-testing this position. A. Walter reeveship as did William A.Scudds. sitting councillor, will A bus load of passenflms wwwagncr as hydro-electric com-the opposed by Conrad L. ‘1'ushed to York C e n t r a limissioncr. 'Thompson and Eric George who iiiospitai after the Newmarket- Taking nun-e as a schooiwere defeated _in last year’s Toronto bus collided with ajtrustee in January. 1958. Har-lGlOCtlon [Or this Council seat. lmassive tractor-trailer carrying old Sanderson. the retiring repâ€"i Another threeâ€"way fight will a construction crane at liighwayiresehtattVe 0f Ward 2- is “Oi be waged in Ward 2 where 7 and Yonge Street shortly be-Seekmg re-Ftectloh- ”8 haspresent Councillor William tom 9 a.m. Wednesday... :SCI‘VCd CODtlllUOUStY f0" sevenic Lazenby is being opâ€" i There were no fatalities butjyears and 0" December 1~ 19§1vlposed by Leonard Douglas Pugh {at least 40 of the bus passen..took over the duties of Chair‘land Basil Lismnre. both making gers suffered various degrees oflman inththg the resignation their first bid for municipal ishock and injury. tot Lewis Clement. He has Office Bus driver C, Kernahamserved as chairman of the and at least six of the. injured board during 1962. 1963 and were beinq treated in York Cen- 1964- ”“ Hmt’ltals emergency (19' Mrs. Phyllis [lawkcs received BATHURST STREET CRASH (Photo by Stuart's smdioi Da’l‘tmfi‘nt by 10. 3,-m- an acclamation to this vacantt Total of the injured was notvsmt (m the board. Last vear ‘ 9' Riclim ‘ ” i ‘ 0nd Hill. . ' . . t - ‘ 'lllllilllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllltlllllltllllllllltlllllll ., -.___.._e, ___~_.A, ' knT‘n :l' PFC? tlmeBanDl'ij'afie Mrs. HaWkCS was defeat“! 1“ a ’ . ‘ . cai.. p “'9 rom ”n a e‘ibid for the Ward 2 council seat .l‘ At Mondays nomination W0 on red 6” I e OPP! Vaughan. Markham and and has served this vear as a - d'd ,, i R‘ h d H“ 01' - l ' ' ' meeting several can i 3 es ‘ now rat 5 ea 'C mnn ‘ P "'9 ““695 member-of the parks board for town council commented j . ‘ ‘ . ‘ assisted in rescue at the debris! ' W on the two questions to be - ' Ontario Provmcial Policethnnox Avenue. Richmond l’llll.l Traffic, was slow‘ed up conâ€" strewn sccne. . voted on December 5' The T0 Mlnor Scuf eiworked for nearly an hm". Satâ€"l Ml'. McNaughton is. reported siderahly despite efforts of a: Two unidentified women were lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll questions includeatwo year l .urday night near Concord tolin satisfactory condition. tsnowplow striving to keep lhelhurled to the road through at Ward 4 Councillor Rob- term for council and fluor- Fresh tire tracks in last the bodies of two Mont- Slippery roads resulting from‘mile and a quarter stretchiripped “,3,- emergency door and: ert Saunders w th onl idafion_ day’s snow led a CNR police-.real men killed in a truck-cariFriday night‘s heavy snowfallcpen; the plow was still on thelnarrowly missed death as thel fienh‘" of ”1935196: tow: l, Both Mayor Thomas man and a railway employeeicrash which sent. a Richmond‘land high winds on Saturdayljob long after the accident hadlladen bus spun completely a-l ”hm.” to iiblicl state {5 Broadburst and Reeve into a little scuffle. ‘llill man to York Central HOS-iwelie blamed for the accident‘been cleared. round after the impact. at Monday'sp noiiiinatlon l James Haggart came out Gerald Hall, 18, of 66 Beres-‘pital with a fractured jaw, arm police said. 1 Both bodies were wedged un- The bus driver who eveâ€"witr meeting what he has earned strongly in support of the ford Avenue, Toronto. pleaded.and leg. ‘ The Montreal car, driven byder the. front section of the nesses said appeared to be scr-l in 53mg, and ex'nenisels dur- two year term for council. guilty to obstructing CNR Constfl Killed in the collision \verc‘Mr. Neustein. was southbound wrecked car as police and am- iously injured was trapped inj imr the year_ Council had Mr. Broadhurst also sup- Robert JOtm Bell 3130“ 11 Pam-iEugene Neustein. 54. of Stion Bathurst Street when it ap-lbulance workers tried for anjthe wreckage for at least 10‘ earlier promised to make ported the longer term for when Bell asked Hall ‘0 leavetCatherine Street and Paul‘parentlv slid into the path of hour to free them ‘minutes this inform ' . . W " ‘ . . . . s ' ‘ - . . . ~ .. ~ » ation aiailable i . council when It was last» Vot- the new CNR Maple \al‘dS \t'ltthozler. 27. of Summerland Ave-“the truck driven by Mr. Mc-‘ Coroner Ralph P. Johns or- Another woman had to he: to the taxpayers. 1 FLOYD PERKINS .. 9d 0“ ““1 ddflted in 1959- his‘female passenger. tnue. Injured was bread truck Naiighton about a mile north dered an autopsy but has notliftcd through the smashed fronti 'tlr Saunders “5th M‘ I Deputy-reeve Elect We Two former defeated 'lhe railway Offlflal told Mag-driver Frank McNaughton, 26.‘of Highway 7. yet fixed the date Of an inquestwindow and “a“ were. bent andi salami to the end of the l l W d 3 b t C a A , ~ » ‘ ' ’ n ar tncum en oun- Ward 1 council candidates istrate O. S. Hollinrake in Rich- l‘WiS'Pd “wide ”‘9 bus‘ ' ”fir“ ““3”" ”3 51315 With lcillor Mrs. Lois Hancey will be ‘ - z . also came out in favor of the mond Hill Court Tuesday he Other buses following behind' - '7“ ~' ' - . ~ - ~ two year term for council. 'saw the tracks leading throughl I . were used as emergency resr-uc! :n etshtimate :" ““2 81643:: lopposed by former Councillor ‘ mum”) SANDERsoN Both Eric George and Alan a yard gate and found Hall in “which... ‘ ‘ gm]. t g“? c" ,3 5 ~ i {Thomas Murphy Whom she de- . Retires after Service as Smytli advocated Wt"! “P' his 0311 ' au a n lm ers . Police said the road was 56°08 ls o Is “pens“ a Water! last year in her first try N Chairman and Trustee prove the measure. Al- ”i told him to take the young . » ‘sjjghtiy slippery but conditions. ‘ \ for a council seat. i, If J‘s-elected he promised to! 3:28:51; girl-622.2,: :13 :Zgngifcigcerlizofiriysngat all“: i ' totherttvise quite good. No ex-iiiiiiii“itltiiiiitiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitliiiii'b Rgbert ”iii Saufndersh 123mgâ€" . ' . .‘. . . . -. \ e .. ... . j: -~. ‘ .‘ 3 (. ._ g.‘ . or r or a 5. tackle the new official plan he was opposed to fluori- I offoi-editbem a lift in‘ my ‘ HY; ANNE Shjltli‘lilit.. l i ,. . t WNW"? f‘,m"ml" ’““"“h”t:aii::iiiii xiii: acdi‘ldgntfiiit iii: . . . . twilih {did “ch ratepayers be and priority rated capital workSl dation. . patrol car. He objected and used Vaughan Township politics haven’t been at hot 0" ttil‘g?anfv' ”P‘d -de"el°?‘tunm ’ 1 Mtg Deel‘nwsml’so" ‘V‘as le"hoped someday to be mayor of ‘ program encompassmg the1 The only other candid- .abusive profanity. i put my} in four rears as they are in thesetfew (lays leading Him; in. Mite Dali tour Mia‘s. The truck was undamagedill-“i"3 f 3.5 ha. ard 3 repieseni- Richmond Hill. will also be the .h town‘s needs which would have ate to express his feelings lhand on his shoulder and w l ‘ i v . y‘ ' .' ' 1 ' ' 3P“ "'5 \Va PIN/01k: pro-gram” - '. . ' lain/e 0t , Cl SCCOIld term and ‘ _ ' . . . . up to next Mondai s l’litlllltlpal nomination night. It _ ,, jami its drivel Dan iioiotuk of, k H R . .Volved m a three way fight. to be measured against its abilai on the two questions was iscuffled. 1 bumped my head 11" ‘ i”, new sewaee plant, ”.5 Indus‘.Rdeale reported unhurt "i'c . ' no“ “3.5 returned {”1 Opposing him will be former it? to pay {01‘ themn . l Ward 2 aspirant Basil Lif- ithe pavement.“ the officer saidn The political stew has been and close interest in townshipitri‘al development and ”5 plan: A partial list of the. in- >hlS 5900"“ term 1" Ward 4~ Councillor John ~William Mac- "1 believe top. priority mil-“l more who IS Milk"): his , Hall had no comment to makejsimmering all year long as affairs by ratepayers at everyin Illii Bi-vson widely-known in .iured from the Richmond l Diarmid. member of the 1954 110 to works Witlt‘h carry with; first try for a council seat. and was fined $25 and costs orlcharges back and forth. misun-jcouncil meeting, have beenith f ‘ _ - j ’ . Hill area included Mrs. M. . planning board‘ and Eric Halide them the promises of an in-l Mr. Lismore said he supDOr- lfive days. tderstandings. “n comments"lbrouglit to the culmination of 3" ed arming community as 3‘ D. Mitchell. Mrs. W. Sed- bury who has liVed at 50 Centre . 7 "1.-.”, . par worker keenly Interested. Street West for the past five " "‘* major e1ection,. crease in assessment becausei ted both the two year term ’W""’â€"" “m ore, Mrs. J_ Northey. Mrs. I money spent on them is moneyt and the introduction of A. Charhonneau. Mrs. M. 0 I O . _ . _ , . The reeveship. deputy- opposite number in this vear‘sl ihnveasted .â€" not sfpent th and} fluoridation. . r _ I i reeveship' three council lcampaign. “ . Schier and Mrs. A. N. No- " "59 ”venue ‘0'“ e “5'i\iiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui . seats and five school trus- l ta"- l l Iessment wxll support ctlieri Mr. Broadhurst said he teeships. the sum total of l tContiniied Oanage 20, in townshi affairs will be hi. t p ‘ months. Three men are contesting the . two seats for Ward 1 on the public school board. David A. Stephenson is seeking re-elecr tion. Ivan H. Mansbridge and Andrew B. Hutcheson are seek- '<. ing election for the first time. Mr. Stephenson’s two-year term jexpires this December 31 and the second vacancy in the ward " was caused by the resignation of Mrs. Irene Worrell. One trustee will be elected for a . two-year term and one for I oneâ€"year term. ._..‘\§).M&N\o . Q 3.. . w k . - t . . . necessaiy or m0ie qmckly. municipal office In This points the finger clearlyism’ngly [“0th a two year I l V h f h . S S h It in the direction of Yonge Streetlte‘m for counctl. Mk I“ Reeve & Deputy: mimikacreniitizruiiz,oztegclliori Magistrate concel’n l eparate ( 00 ii . . . Although improving. it isiWilliam Neal dav I sorry Show window for 3'. Richmond Hill's first mayor Wealthiest of all 14 York on Youth Centres lElectlonS Laterl proud and substantial niu'nici-jwho has‘served two terms in; A close fight for the reeveship of. Markham lCountv municipalities Vaudban ' Witty like Richmond “111- “‘3‘ POS‘tlon- ‘5 59'3““ the! Township is expected with incumbent Reeve Charles lhas a‘$2 000 000 ope'réting bud-i l ‘. . 1 _ . 1 1' P ‘ . 1 Mi Bioadhuist also favmed C0" ”W901 on age 17) l Hooper opposed by onlyv one candidate, Stanley R. {get a close eye on the activ- A Toronto youth who has Next Month Here} «Sking for a review of the OMB‘ w .. ~ decision on the southwest pro-i‘" ~ , ., . .A.‘_l‘ Patterson who lost by only 40 votes last year. Llecâ€" titles of its Metropolitan Toronto'Spent several years m Ux-i j,“ and clarification as m how‘illtllllllllllilllllltl\l\\ll\l\llllllllllllllllllitlllltllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllIl tion day is December 7 with the polls open from 10 ’neighbours when it comes to bridgeis St' J°h"'5 Training! Richmond Hill's Sepai‘atei . _ . . ~ . - - tCentre for bovs was sent back . - the municipality may now proâ€"i . am. to ei ht .m. lderivmg benefits, a 501“ plan ' - i - SChOOl Board wont hOId ‘ts .. . ,‘ Wants Formal A 10g t-p f-‘r . 1- t , ‘hi it g M lof road development. a coldllhere ‘tnt‘l March followmg elections this year until thel ng- lme 1°me ‘n 0“ nh 1p p01 16., 1" tshoulder when it comes to mysentencing for five counts 0f last week in December, Businessl . -La i, . ;.~- . . .. ~ Area ngh SCll Boards By 10 0 1. County Iifogpei1 vilafs liege fioqm i941i9fi‘2li94i an: a niiemléeyr Ecmasmg msMences‘ an Openlittfmpthcd (:1 ftlheft (it? Stoutf- Administrator Steve Tomkint - Salaries j 0 out c1 01 s jean. n s e seue as (epu y- ihand when It comes to turning l e “ e“ e - ed 9 home‘told “The Liberal" this week. I Election day kIDecember _ ,. 5 and an advance poll will i . . he held November 80 at iv l t reeve. lfarm land into vast industrial‘m‘,e night m September. . A new ruling has required REEVE JAMES HAGGART ‘ which persons who expect Should All Be ElectEd' (it‘ol‘giflfl Reeve 13- J. ' ‘. j . , iconcerns and an urban-rural. Thomas Damnjanovu'h. l5» ad'lseparate school boards to hold1 Surprise Announcement to be out of town. who a! . Norris Friday put forward A ““de “I ”‘9 10“”5h‘t’ years P” “‘9 Whit“ St'hm‘l hoardatmosphere that at times seems ”“m‘d “l" "ham“ to Maglsnimeitlieir elections apart from that . l\ . - - 1 election officials or for re- York County Council last a recommendation to the for 14 years. Mr..Patterson “lag for “'5 ”“3 and Six ycars “nicompatible. at other times im- 0' 5- Hollinrake when he at) regular civic elections this: ‘Foimer .lamr William Ni” ligious reasons will be uh» Friday approved its annual- hy-laws and legislation n“ the Buttom'ille Pl‘bllclh“ York Central District High‘possible to comprehend. ‘peai'ed l“ “”“m’m‘l Hi” MJo's/ear on December 5 in. Rich-imn contest the mayoralty With able mi cast that: ballots, slate of area high school rep-l committee that. a by-law he 35mm” Board ("t-‘10 years andSChmt Board. H? representcdi Incumbent Reeve A. H. "Ab"i51”‘le'S court- He “735 remand- inond Hill. - present Mayor Thailaas Bring-l or who expect to be con- 1on the board of ISA 3 for twolWard 2 on council for a year Rutherford. veteran politicianied to Tuesday for sentence; Incumbent hoard indu‘iesfiidiii-deieaasttedyitii Nialfii‘ioiiisl fined to hospital on election resentatives but not without drawn up outlining York . . _ . the comment they should he cl- County councillors. ward- ”a" H" ’5 a wallet“ 5““ before being 919““ d6inn-V'lsecking re~election in the face oftfoltowing pre-sentence reportslGordon Trussler as chairman, first bid for this gear day may vote. The advance s. “ ' t eetcd not appointed. cn and. commissioners' icotlntant.‘ 5‘ d‘it‘t‘f‘tor of SQVerallrecve last year in a “"0 way strong criticism that his role asvand psychiatric examinationland Trustees Con. Thompson; 1 poll will be held in the Richmond Hill Reeve remuneration plus expense 9“”‘9 corporations and a" 39' ”"9- York County warden this ycar‘b- .D'V' 'IOhn. RIC” _ lMl‘S. Marjorie Gleason. Robertj One of the hottest battles is municipal building between .lf‘lncs Haggart said he felt ‘ accounts when sent to con- “"9 chutcliinan, well-known f" Mr. Sloane is a comparative has taken him away from thel 'Ihe “Elma“ gave h'm {Steele and John LeClaire. ,shaping up for Ward 1 cnunâ€"' the hours of 2 and. 10 3mm. V high school boards should ventions. a 1?." Pi'?a?h91‘._ A 50” is 1” newcomer to Markham Tou'nâ€" municipality too much, has beenit‘Yo years suspended sentence‘ W VW ‘ . he ":th the same “'ay as Councillors now receive bit-““955 “'1‘“ him and “‘0 0f ship politics. An insurance un- responsible for much of Vaug- w'th “g'd terms or probation. . pubhc School hoards as a $18 a meeting. tit" daughters vhl't‘ teachers. 0ft" dcrwritcr. he lives on Bi'ightbay haii's present state of well beâ€" “Unfortunately, we have~ ‘ matter .of choice by the ‘ He implied that some fll‘lllal‘kl‘E‘"? “”32? and 0“" '” Crescent in Grandview Estatesfling. n't got placement centres people in each community. councillors attended con- ‘ISA 1- “till? a third daughter This year was his first term on lie came to office four years where youths can be sent lhcrc “as no other comment. vciitions when there was no ‘S a “”51““ at ”mmm” 5“” t'tttttlt‘tt» at!” “hell that t‘Ottllt'il “lth tht‘ fOr skilled help and guid~ ‘ Appointed were John C. llcw need to go. He said that ””dm'y School. Former tll‘|)lll_\-l't‘t‘\t‘ an ll t’M‘t‘lltttl“ 4" - Ut’l’utl"tiee“9 31106. St. JOHN'S only pro- ‘ll\ii.l\ll:g:r‘i|llvlllt‘ Aurora board: the county needed either "1‘“‘0 candidates haw iii-‘0 in- \\';irtl l councillor, Alan Sumâ€" JQSM‘ ”it‘ll“ “it“ 09"”th by| vides for the Very young." Iiis'tliiét“hil‘iiglineécliiii‘iil‘ C;:;:i-idl “’:ililit)ienr::le;i:::" (hf-ire (:2; Exist;giLJ‘li‘eyegsil {slag-k the ner will again seek election to th_\,°lm:5.i_). .,.' hi: told “tire courtroom: . ' ' ‘ - . » . . We" council. Defeated last vear in William Spears. Markham something the county want- ent deputy. Stewart Rumble the race for the poet-min \tlr ’ ’ ' ' hoard: .\. .i. Rcttie and Max cd or stirreone there who and this Year‘s Ward 1 council- \‘uninr‘i- \vill trv this Yt‘al'p‘l'l I rules: .\’e\\'iiia‘rkci board; Lesâ€" would in learning some- l0r~ Robert J, 5‘03““- t’mmott St‘at a< I‘E‘iltlif‘wntaitl“: I SVIeW I I e (£2.32?mgaalilli‘iém lgiilt‘lhillll: ill$lfr‘?r‘imll'e- . .\ll‘.- Rumble. a tlcadl’oi'd far- of Ward 1. lie resides in ’ board . madc‘ e comment “as incl. is \\ell know n in the munâ€" illnl‘lllllll.‘ . icipality. llaVlllE scrtcd nine t(‘ontiuticd on Page 3’ . d-limiimiiiiiiiimttiminiitmiiiiiiiiiimiimitiititIittitmitiilltiiIttHumiittttiiiiitiuiiiimiinitiiiittiiiiltiiiiitmtimiui:iliiiliiiiiuiumIiiiiiiiiiuiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiulliimiilmniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinutiiiiiiiiiiiiuuluuttmttiiilitltiniiiiiiitiiitiiiiuululiiuiiiiiitiiuiiiita Drlver CleaIEd Of Blame WI 0 o ' : Board Builds H; h S h l I M ii .. ,. , g c 00 n ar am in: has dismissed azainst lR- stop and stand still where he lycar-old George Charles Ram-was and the next thing she . .. . . . . , sicr. 372 John Street. Thornhill knew he \‘.a€ lying on the side “Ely bill“? tltgll School pupil operating costs would advantage in adjusting to some reserve t‘Hpat‘ll) in a .after a preliminary hearing of the road With 2the fat “OD' I‘ ~90 appimal be loner in a school “llll a meet the unknown. it was central location su-li there 'l‘i‘esdav found no crid- ed at ‘f ‘\' NI R from the Department of Ed- large enrolment. Also an iit cl " ' i if as i ‘ I i i' " r“ p ‘ ”e“ 9913“3-- iii} ”59 mam" and the municipali- 01”.!” ofa) . '_ l' "0 po 19 out ~that‘tlie thll- I.aiit_>tafi would case the emc he ii.t (ind killed a _,._,_ established the speed limit on “9‘ which {PM mm the <\’<â€" 000 (.mud liflémllmale.) Son . niond Hill High school pro- Strain on <lll‘l‘iilllldlli‘.‘ schools lent-old iliiluim Drue her last llillsvieu was 50 mph. tern m build a sixth ”Palm- VP- »g 1119') ‘{ eflientuied‘tno chs an example of the (lit- at a later date: :\ll_‘ll>l h}. in: poor (li'l‘.i!lL’. . Markham Constable Daniel a” school (m Bari-ion \W‘ “lag.“ .“ r l 1w»oli:nÂ¥>iiq-” fit-ulty of “oi-king around a it was unanimously tlt-i-ici- Ritalin turned in the arci- Denby on the scene in a feat mic M open in .Svauhwr . \§L Pl): gnaigeti‘ fiLKl. («illllplolely developed site ed to proceed \\llli :lic lllilltl- (lent .\ii:ust i ”as Robert l‘_\- minutes in response to a call 1967. . ‘ rs moppifiid VIP tillf‘. the “lien their is a change lll tug of the new school and to sun of 31l‘- atltt “FRI“MI‘QP from ”‘9 Fit“. Said there “9"? At last week's nieetinu of :nirem m e~flild-V PIOHIH'ial the: educational pattern the business administrator :l-‘tfe. 136 lllllK‘t'lt’W' Drile. Mr. no Sign: indicating' the speed “1“ board a WWI” “M We“. 33.jeo cf lefai- log the fiiiâ€" Further. it is not yet l‘illvt)\\ll iias instructed to liz‘iit't‘ed 'Fil‘e is u (oi'poi’al 'i‘~llll the limit. He said the tire and skid 7 _ . . en of the extensive diissiuâ€" ENongo- \{1rtatiginal schools \tliat Upt‘ of homb- “.‘l‘ he mm iii-itiitzitzons for m.- ;i(-. SigAiH-i' ()PP tlt‘lat'lllllt‘lll. fur- marks uere iii a stratum line * sinn which had taken place it 9129‘ tmk. ‘i'V‘ l‘ .im" aittt lltlt-ll ill the l..iii;~t;i:t area UlllKlllUll of the site. A K"ll'- illt"'l .‘llll Buntl Lake tlt’i’. for a (ll~lii[lt'e of about l3” feet . . 0 ‘2‘ the last [“9“ng of the “1"“.1120 [Pliodng whether it \tliicli is largely llllt’lt‘\t‘l0p- \c} and soil~ icsts are also \ci'oi'tlin; ‘u .\li's l“}it'_ an hack of me [fife home drite- Sn R bb T M k H t I 0 planninu (‘Olllllllll99HWllll re- that it e? Hilde 1 it has felt ed. it is apparent lioueter to be made lllllllellfilt’l}. eye-u itiicss in the accident. a) to \tltere the car “as ~lop- Ip I on 0 ar 0 e penlng si‘cct to two liossibte alter- take as riiml~l :19. Safer to tliat_tliei‘e \\lll be a liiih Vuln“l§” ue‘liad W“ mt”? “‘ttt' ‘iit titttt’ii" on the ‘ e ‘ 9"“- natives ”an: Hm him-i1 pug-time nflltil a vantage as denstty housing .detelop- sites stated Flipel'lvllit‘lltlt’lit 'ttriii fif'l‘ husband at lif‘l“ .\l:', lime said there "a~' no ,. . . . . . - .. These are m either build Nation tle (‘Xlslll‘lfi lee- ineiii in the Bd}\lt‘\\ area K I. (x‘, tiiapman. liie iiin- it one <1]? was heme tiltt’ilt’tllf‘tt P‘tlt't‘llt't m Dial? ”‘9 case h?“ ,“ lth a gm.” 0! ii”) WWW {if Si'igqmigi .Rli'hmmm Hi” Klavm‘ Ihomas an addmnn m ”w Lanwafl _ .‘lsn‘_ mums? of “13an Siliipiiii‘iiinaIiiifii-ri‘ri‘ahin:aleii: iii;elitiiiiiélii:\\S1Ii(("liit:l'iintii:\:‘iiiltd- is; . Elli-its” TV:«'ltl'lzll':1i:l\'p';\:l'l;’;ill {01"IPI‘aviijj‘iit‘l‘ .012. r V ’1‘ Rriwliiiii's'. and \ (:i'k (ii'i‘fmfl \\‘;ii~rl’pii ‘(intl \ittiirlian Reeve Albert Ruther- sfltnol or to hllll(l a llt“i\’ curriculum, lllp ,~qu,l,.e_ dents ’ ed. and added Jr,“ 1 :1 y {1‘ ill.“ (‘1' V _ . .2? WNW no N imidf. fill“ fillit'lélll]; mane RH‘Hnlttllil ”M W ”(WNW t‘flmmPl‘Clkil endeavour ihe .. . it term”. In “a. lime of lo unto HP! and tio_ii attlrlf‘iit lint ma. .» i , "t . ‘ ' ‘ St'linnl moms for a sci-iiiidai’t school It on: Dninirrl out too that mom's Iliinkm; : i iangn: “in im Hap nnpnvte uric of inc all l1 \.\J\‘ 'l'bcro 1: men no rii- iii-i hmond lllll iminiaiii- (tpmi, lllP “(Hi1 tilllllll htilel‘ Iii bustness Slllt‘fl \" a‘rl’tltttt'l tt‘ tltt‘ tall.“ in 1970 are not knmxn, l'n lioriiilatinn rlcilsitic. (in not radiraf’t We ni'::t he i-r;.n'=' {trr‘K‘t v'wmi her ltnlllf‘ started (tenor of larch-c; rtv-itinz” he mid-October, ll'rii lif‘en iiiiiiai‘iml‘r ii Kim“ llllmlif‘l' 0f \'lFlUll‘.= in the H1” staff School. would cost less lime each site lpss than always remain the vamp a: {mâ€" Quick t‘tlallLt‘s in my“. maid up. ”nan hm}. 1,1,”qu mm “3‘35“.sz (l. S. Hollin» Pl'fllll'lt’tm“: George and .llltimtt‘l \l'llo‘lln pl‘QSt‘nlWl ill? two dignitaries with money at first and the per completely developed is an in ofttctal plans and to have tion." ‘01- heard 3 Cir Comm? ”L?- l SUV” may" tPhotn by Stuart’s Studio! b i It h

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