BINGO -â€" Thursday night, 8 EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURâ€" p.m. sharp, jackpot; â€" 4 specâ€" DAY â€"â€" 11 am. to 4 pm. Sale lal and 25 regular games. Our and demonstrations of crafts at Lady Queen of The World Hall, Kingcrafts Studio. Keele St., east side of Bayview at Crosby King City. Final day Decem- Ave., Richmond Hill. ;ber 5. tfcls NOVEMBER 27, FRIDAYâ€"The Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital are holding a bazaar and bake sale at the Allencourt Shopping Centre. "t t it u: tfc39 NOVEMBER 27, FRIDAY â€"â€" 8 pm. Women's Institute euchre 1n Laskay Hall. Ladies provide. Admission 50 cents. c1w22 NOVEMBER 27. FRIDAY â€" Yonge St. c2w21 8 pm. Grand Euchre. Lady * *- * * North York LOBA. Community NOVEMBER 28. SATURDAYâ€" I-lall, Yonge Street, Willowdale. 1 pm. Rummage Sale. Lady Come along. bring your friends. North York LOBA. Legion Hall, Prizes galore! c1w22 Spring Garden Avenue. Willow- * * * * dale. Wide variety. c1w22 NOVEMBER 27, FRIDAY â€": clwzz 7.30 pm. Teston United Church! " * " * "Trade Winds†Fair and Baz- DECEMBER 1. TUESDAY â€" nar. home baking. sewing. tea Annual RNAO Pot Luck Sup- room etc. c2w21 Der will be held at 7 pm. at 4: i it 1‘ ‘York County Hospital cafe- NOVEMBER 28 _ Bazaar andHeria. Newmarket. ankey pro- Bake Sale, Legion Hall. Yonge vided. Social eveningi Guest - . . speaker. Miss Anne Gribben. St" Richmond Hlll' Womens President of District No. 5. Committee. New Democratic All registered nurses \vel- .WL_9§E?| come. c1w22 NOVEMBER 28 â€" Bazaar and Bake Sale. Legion Hall. Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Women's Committee, New Democratic Party. 11 am. to 6 pm, c4w19 to you unharmed and spotless- ly clean. Our expert spotters ess and are constantly keeping abreast of new developments in materials and cleaning agents. You can send your most pre- cious garments to us with com fidence that they‘ll come back RICHMOND Wear “Ci/E; Baby Gift Items {:5 TOYS FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS BRAND NAMES KNITTING WOOL "As you grow older. my boy." the father replied. "you'll realize that certain laws were passed to protect those incapable of protect- In;r themselves." BOYS: Infant to 10 GIRLS: Infant to 14 FAMOUS FOR QUALITY NOW 2 STORES Family Allowance Cheques Welcome RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-7474 RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB cmmxxm "' ' "=SHIRT SERVICE: CORNER YONGE ST. & LEVENDALE RD. Richmond Bill For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call Children's TAILORING Styled by Valente LA DIES' & GENTS’ CUSTOM TAILORS ALTERATIONS Formal Wear Rental Richmond Tailor Co. 884-4212 B Yonge S QWx gasp "27 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" TU. 4-441] c2w21 'NOVEMBER 29. SUNDAY â€"i 8 pm. sharp. New Democratic: Party meeting. at Newmarket Library. Speaker and discussion on Municipal politics. Come bring your ideas and a friend. clw22 Pre Christmas Specials NOVEMBER 28, SATURDAYâ€"- Senior Citizen's annual bazaar tea and bake sale, 2 to 5 pm. in Richmond Hill United Church Education Building, DECEMBER 2. WEDNES- DAYâ€"Diabetic Clinic 8 pm. at York Central Hospital Cafe- teria. Latest medical. nursing and diet advice, Christmas menus and party snacks. DECEMBER 5. SATURDAY â€" 10 am. Rummage sale. spon- sored by the Catholic Women’s League of St. Mary Immacul- ate to be held at house next door to church. c2w22 DECEMBER 5. SATURDAY â€" 2 p.m. NOEL BAZAAR. Bake sale and Afternoon Tea. St. Mary's Anglican Church (Wrix- on Halli. c4w20 See Our Selection of BAYVIEW MALL 3305 BAYVIEW AVE. WILLOWDALE A V. 5-1919 SENSIBLE SHOPPERS CHECK LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Phil Barth c2w21 ncwl H Because of an increase in the farm property. to enable bank interest rate, several tenv them to put this land on ders for the purchase of $175,â€" the market as serviced 000 worth of Markham Townv land. Cost of the ‘ trunk ship debentures were withdrawn sewer is estimated to be before Monday‘s deadline and 150,000. there were also several tele- _ \ graphed bid changes. _A‘ sewage plant WM}. 5“? The debentures are to pay forthe purchase of the $90,000 site for the York Central Board‘s sixth high school; to fiâ€" nance the Hillsview Drive wat- ermains, costing $45,000 and for the $45,000 worth of sanitary sewers on parts of Proctor Ave- nue. Sprucewood Drive and Clarke Avenue. By-laws for these three undertakings were ‘given third reading at Monday’s lmeeting. Vaughan Worker Fired Wants To Know Reason Toronto Firm Pays Premium Price $175,000 Mk'm Twp. Debentures Robert Taylor. a Vaughan Township planning and build- ing department employee want- to know why he had been handed "his walking papers†two weeks ago. when he ap- peared Monday night at Coun- cil. Mr. Taylor. a township em- ployee for the past two years, claimed he had not been given a proper reason for the termi- nation of his job. “My attitude was one of the reasons given but I believe I have been falsely accused of being dishonest and having a bad attitude. When the com- mittee met to discuss my case. they heard only one side, that of Mr. Vanderfleet." he said. Gerald Vanderfleet is the Best of the six bids opened was that of J. F. Simard Co. Ltd. of Toronto who offered $100.06. Council accepted the bid pending confirmation. Sec- ond highest bid was $98,777 from Greenshields Inc. The board also gave approval for a $113,500 addition to Stouf- fville High School. The Stouff- ville High School Board’s share of this will amount to $28,000. A letter received from the City of Toronto con- firmed the city was pre- pared to bring a trunk sew- er line from the north lim- its of the North Thornhill development up to the jail Senior School Panel Pleosoniville Mon. A chance to learn about senior schools for grades 7 and 8 in Richmond Hill, to ask questions and have them answered honestly and as accurately as pos- sible is being provided all citizens of Richmond Hill on November 30. Pleasantville Home and School Association has planned a panel discussion for that evening on this as- pect of education. At the request of W. R. Hutchin- son. vice-chairman of Rich- mond Hill Public School Board which recently an- nounced its decision to in- troduce a senior school in this municipality by 1967. This school will be loc- ated at Crosby Heights School and serve only that portion of the town east of the CNR. Senior school facilities for the rest of the town will be provided when increased registra- stration in kindergarten to grade 6 makes additional classroom accommodation necessary Mr. Hutchinson was chairman of the board's We have a Wide selection of Used Volkswagens but do not forget! We, and only we supply with the used car I78 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Have You Thought About An Economical Second Car.’ IF SO COME ON IN TO' W. G: P. Service 3 Months 100% Written Warranty for parts and labour Councillor Ruth McConkey chairman of the meeting con- cerned. said the council had given Mr. Vanderfleet the re- sponsibility of department head and since he had the authority, council would back him up on any hiring or firing recom- mendations. “I prefer not to go into all the reasons you were fired in public because I don’t think it‘s fair to you. she told Mr. Taylor. “But if you want me to list them, I will,†she added. Mr. Taylor said he and his wife would wait until after re- gular council to discuss the rea- sons in camera. A sewage plant with suifi- cient capacity to serve the jail farm industrial area as well as their own development is to be installed at the cost of the spon- sors of the North Thornhill de- velopment. They will also pay for and install the trunk sewer line from the plant, expected to be on John Street, to the northerly limits of their pro- perty. township‘s building department chief. Council also confirmed a re- solution made at last week’s committee meeting which gave approval to a one storey addi- tion to the library at Thorn- hill Secondary to be financed by a $39,600 loan under the Municipal Works Assistance program. Council had been scheduled to discuss the appraisal of the property for the proposed sew- age disposal site on John Street, but the appraisal, complete with easements was only re- ceived during the course of the meeting. too late for it to be discussed. It was to be con- sidered instead at the Wednes- day morning committee meet- ing. Authorized Volkswagen Dealer committee which carried out an eight-month study of such intermediate schools. He will chair the panel at Monday night‘s meeting and will be joined by Jack Knott chairman of the board's finance com- mittee. Mrs. Joan Rout- ledge and Dennis Middle- ton, principal of Pleasant- ville Public School. All were members of the com~ mittee which studied inter- mediate schools a n d brought in to the board the recommendation which was Iccepted. This meeting will prov- ide all interested parents in Richmond Hill an oppor- tunity to discuss this im- portant subject which will have a direct effect on their children's future and also on their pockets. In- terested people from the area will also be welcome.. A physical education display by grade 6 students under the direction of Tom Jean will start at 8 pm. with the business session getting underway at 8:15 BINGO N533?†“33“}an [it TRUST US Tenders for the sale of $216,- 000 worth of 5%% debentures were advertised and awarded to Bankers Bond Corporation with a bid of $99.85 on each $100 bond. The debentures are ne- cessary for construction and im- provement of highways in the county. Asked why he elected to run for Vaughan office. he said he hoped to be able to continue good government in the town- ship. mmun“mimuu'mmlï¬mnm\ï¬fmmIï¬lumlmuuummmmmuu Maple Trustees Run Again So Far Unopposed “\“llllllll“lll11\\lllllllll\lll\llllllllllllll“lllllull“lll‘lllllflfllflllllfllli Mr. Darlington is a director of the Toronto Milk Producers’ Association District 9. vice- president of York County Fed~ eration of Agriculture and pre- sident of the Vaughan Federa- tion of Agriculture. a vice- president of the Woodbridge Fair Board, an elder at Maple United Church and a member of the Masonic Lodge. Married he has th'ree sons, Jim, Bill and Jerry. A former Vaughan school trustee and well-known in the farming community, James Dar- lington of 50 Netherford Road, Maple has announced he will run for council this December.. York County Council met last Friday to discuss its hos- pitals’ and financial reports among other things. Runs In Vaughani A resident for 21 years, he was born and raised on the family farm bought in 1903 in the Don Mills-Sheppard Ave- nue area. Mr. Darlington who farms a 235-acre property on Jane Street with his son, Jim. was a trustee from 1950-58 before the present board was formed. , Nomination night for the village is December 1 at Maple Community Hall. Maple Village Trustees so far have no opposition to the seats they’ve held for the past four years, and must be re-elected to on December 12. Trustees are Frank Rob- son. who’s in the transport business, Roland Keffer, a retired farmer and Jim Hodgson. foreman at a To- ronto manufacturing plant. Main job for the three- man group is to look after lights, sidewalks and roads in the village. “We’re a peaceful family unlike King City," said Mr. Robson. Current projects are planting barberry hedges and a little memorial gar- den for Maple blast victim Herb Joslin in the vicin- lty of the railway station, planting trees and install- ing skating facilities at Nor- maple Park. County Briefs JAMES DARLINGTON Former School Trustee 28543591 :Markham 2-Way Fight? An easy winner in Ward 3' last year. Charles Hoover, for- mer township clerk, has indi- cated his intention of running [Continued From Page 1» This year‘s Ward 2 represent- ative, Cleary Palmer, will run again for the same office. A business consultant and resi- dent of the Bayview Glen Sub- division, Mr. Palmer served five years on the North York Town- ship Planning Board. The fa- ther of seven children, he has a BA in economics from Mc- Master University and a BA in business administration from the University of Western On- tario. Vote For Len Pugh In Ward 2 FANCY GRADE MCINTOSH POLY BAG FLORIDA Celery Stalks ALLEN’S ORANGE 0R GRAPE Garden Patch Choice E. D. SMITH’S TOMATO Catsup 211 02. bottles 35¢ MIRACLE WHIP GRAN ULATED WHITE LEAN MINCED Salad Dressing 160:- 39¢ ROUND STEAK OR RUMP SUGAR DRINK PEAS or CORN APPLES 3 LB. nv RAG 2 48 oz. tins 69¢ again. Mr. Hoover resides on1 the outskirts of Unionville. ‘ Up to press time, the only other person who had an- nounced his candidature in Ward 2 was real estate and in- surance salesman Geoffrey Wal- ker. Mr. Walker, who stated that he had no particular plat- form, will contest either Ward 1 or Ward 2. He has been de- feated in two previous tries for council. 29 Yonge St. S. â€" Richmond Hill Nominations will he re- ceived at Victoria Square Community Hall Friday ev- ening between the hours of seven and eight o’clock. 5 lb. bag THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 26, 1964 Kountry Kist Whole Kernel STARTING TIME - 8P.M. «'m‘m‘m‘m‘a‘m"m'm'm“m‘m'm'§' m" m'm‘m'm'm' " 'a'm‘m“m"t\‘ rim"'9.“m'm‘m‘AV-‘VmeVmV't’aVR/W - -. How To Vote For Pugh GOLDEN YELLOW Bananas, 2|bs.25¢'f LB. 59¢ LB. 65;; WHITE SWAN â€" White or Colored HENLEY CHOICE PeaChes 2 20 oz. tins 55¢ YORK PORK 6r. BEANS TOILET TISSUE PEAMEAL BACK THANK YOU The members of the Cedar Rod and Gun Club Wish to express their thanks to the businessmen of Richmond Hill for their generous support which has enabled this organization to progress rapidly. PUG", leonard I X End Cuts 20 oz. nus 39¢ large Stalk 24's ROLL PACKS 49¢ 55c Sliced or Centre Cuts 319’!