Enjoy “Florida warmth" all Winter in YOUR home. 0rd- er our cleaner. steadier- burning Fuel 011 today. 189 CENTRE ST. EAST TU. 4-1313 TO THE ELECTORS of RICHMOND HILL “Are you in favour of the members of the Council of the Town of Rich- mond Hill being elected for a term of two years (2) years. Such pro- vision to be effective as of the First of January, 1966?†I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the question to be submitted to the electors at the municipal elections to be held on Saturday, December 5th, 1964 from 9:00 AM. to 6:00 PM. Question to be submitted to a vote of the electors of the Town of Richmond Hill: My sincere thanks for your ex- pression of confidence in acclaiming me as your Deputy-reeve for 1965. I shall endeavour to merit that confidence you have placed in me. all. FLOYD PERKINS WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS LTD. RAMER 8. SON If you prefer Qualityfl'y Cleaning call TEE LIBERAL, Ridhmon'd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 26. 1964 Season’s Greetings to one and TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL («Anon-o Deputy-reeve elect BY ANNE SMELLIE It Richmond Hill Curtain Club members ever have doubts aboutthe type of play they_ should tackle, their current "Come Blow Your Horn†is a convincing argument for light comedy. “Come Blow YourHorn â€Shows Club’s Flair For Light Stuff Like last season’s highly rewarding “The Little Hut". the club’s latest offering is The Christmas novelties booth sponsored by the Friendship Circle was a very busy place at the November 7 Hollyberry Fair held at the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill East, as can be seen in the above picture. The annual event also featured handicrafts, white ele- phants, aprons, home baking and a tea court. St. Gabriel Holt/s Successful Bazaar R. LYNETT, Clerk “CARL E. HILL, MD, 11.03 Jerry Diakiw as the bachelor brother with his bevies of beau- ties just hanging on his every phone call and his one true- blue “marry me or not at all" gal gave a polished performance in keeping with his experience. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Best of the excellent perform- ances was Helene Knight’s cari- cature of the mother, a hand- some Bronx matron whose sons and husband leave her bemused, bewildered and bothered: her walk, her mannerisms and her accent are perfect for the part. Joe Rabinowitch, the local lawyer, has finally found a part that suits him to a T . . . the stern, wisecracking, soft-under- it-all Poppa Baker, †the east coast’s largest manufacturer of artificial fruit". Playwright Simon's , rapid- ï¬re, up-dated and very clever dialogue is the major contribu- tion to the success of all parts; situated as the play is in Al’s posh apartment with very little action, the words have to carry the burden. Like Jean Kerr's “The Snake Has All The Lines". Jerry tore into his part with vigor and in- a jewel of a three-act play. well-acted, wen-directed 1nd well-received by the first night audience. A Broadway hit for two sea- sons, written by Neil Simon. “Come Blow Your Horn" invol- ves 21-year-old Buddy Baker (played by Kingsley Owen) who wants to flap his wings like his 33-year-old New York playboy brother, Allan, (played by Jer- ry Diakiw). His parents' con- cern and his brother's love life all tie the thing up in a neat package. In the case of most dis- eases there is a definite end result, the attack over, the extent of the disability established. But with M. S. and its repeating surges of trouble and periods of re- mission the attack is never really over nor is the extent of the disability ï¬nally de- termined. Is a disease which has disabled an estimated 25,- 000 Canadians, mostly young adults between the ages of 20 and 45. Doctors in Canada and other countries know it is a crippling disorder of the central nervous system, the cause of which is, at pre- sent, a mystery. But, in Ca- nada and other countries research programmes are being carried out aimed at discovering the cause. Multiple Sclerosis i Ann Diakiw’s Peggy Evans, the vapid, starlet-eyed “girl from upstairs†who thinks young Buddy is a Hollywood di- rector is a treat with her bril- liant, sexy costumes and her ut- ter stupidity. Kingsley Owen, the young eagle, takes a little getting used to because he has an oddly - pitched voice but after awhile, it fits the part as does his ner- vous fidgeting and hand-wring- ing as he ï¬rst takes the flight into manhood. Costuming by Gary Fischault, Elisabeth Jackson and Maria Kucharski was delightful parti- cularly Mrs. Diakjw’s ensembles in zebra stripes, shocking pink and a honey of a cocktail dress in peacock blue. A word about the set design- ed by Mr. Owen, it’s a modern east 60's cliff dwelling livened by bright spashes of color and a magnificent has-relief back- stage paintlng . . . easy to move around in, gay and yet function- a1. “Come Blow Your Horn" was directed by Tony Miller and produced by Edith Jones. Its fun continues tonight, Friday and Saturday night. As his one and only love, Es- ther Postlethwaite, a slip of a girl, gowned and gloved exquis- itely for the play, was properly coy and tough as the role of Connie Dayton demanded. deed did have some of the best lines in the play. He fell from grace only slightly when he had to be firm with brother Buddy; this called for just a little more strength. POLLS OPEN 9 AM. - 6 RM. 0 School Trustee ELECTION DAY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5 0 Community Minded Resident seven years Administrative Experience Self Employed Married, with 8 children In the United States, 2,504 communities, embracing a pop- ulation of 45,000,000, drink flu- oridated water. 0f the 12 China is conducting further studies of the question because of the international controversy. ‘ Soviet medical men have re- commended fluoridation plants for Leningrad and the Volga cities of Gorki and Zeleno 151: after .a detailed study of the water supplies in these areas. France turns its back com- pletely on fluoridation. French health experts say that there is Insufficient proof that it is com- pletely harmless, in Canada, the federal gov- ernment has indicated its ap- proval of fluoridation after 16 years of research. About 20 per cent of the Canadian pop- ulation now drinks fluoridated ‘water. Many Russian experts favor a small amount of fluoride in drinking water. But in Moscow Itself the experts are making plans to reduce the natural flu- oride content because It is too high. There also has been no fluor- idation of public water supplies in Italy. Yet in his own country, only one town, Kassel, uses fluoride in the water. Most West Gerâ€" man scientists cannot agree on the issue. question has been raised in “totalitarian. a b s u rd and Richmond Hill but on two shameful. . . _" previous occasions it was Parisâ€"Two French hygiene removed from the ballot experts. Rene Truhaut and before election day. _ Louis Truffert, said in a report King City and Stouffwlle that the best way to combat turned fluoridation down 5“ dental decay by fluoridation is munlcmal elections held In to take fluoridated pills on a 1961. doctor’s prescription. They said this method would “not expose ill \lllllllllliilliilllllllillllillll\lllllillllllllllillllllllllililillllllllllllililll the whole population to doses Yet most of the investigating of fluoride far above the indis- bodies have approved fluorida- pensable optimum." tion. They have found that if fluoride 15 not taken in exces- ‘lllliillllllllillllllllilllll“lilll“ll“llllllllllilll\lllilliillllilllllllllllillllil sive quantities, it helps to pre- In â€no mouthguards vent tooth decay. coated with fluoride paste Tokyo â€" The Japanese wel» fare ministry has asked leading scientists to investigate fluoriâ€" dation. Opponents say that Ja- panese foodstuffs already con- tain sufficient fluoride. Sydneyâ€"A leading Australian dental authority says Sydney's plan to build a giant fluorida- tion plant to serve 2,500,000 persons will reduce the tooth decay in the region by 60 per cent. Wellington â€" Five New Zea- Iand cities with a total popula- tion of 200.000 now are drink- lâ€"n “.IA‘:JA“A ...-L_â€" -_A -â€" West German scientist Hein- rich Hornung, who claims to have blazed the trail for fluori- dation in Europe, says: “Only the ignorant oppose fluorida- tion." ‘ One medical expert who op- poses the idea says that fluori- dation could lead to a human race of “dwarfs or giants." Another says that it could lead to cancer or "the birth of a‘ monster." ‘ \1mummmmmmmmllnuInm1nmnnmnmmmnuummunmu Western and Communist tions alike have establi commissions to investigate arguments for and against artificial treatment of W with fluoride. A world-wide controversy is largest American cities, only Copenhagen â€" Public opposi- ;raging over the fluoridation of New York and Los Angeles are ition forced the government to public water supplies. holdouts. abandon fluoridation legislation, Western and Communist 1121- The British Government gen- but since January fluoride tions alike have established erally supplies fluoridation but toothpastes have been permit- commissions to investigate the has left it to individual com- ted. arggmgqtslfor. and.aga.in5t the munities to make 8 ChOlce- Ilnnnâ€"N'n anvnrnmnnt nMinn Water Supplies Fluoridation Meets Mixed Reception Around World King City and Stouffville turned fluoridation down at municipal elections held in 1961. Richmond Hill voters will be asked to approve fluori- dation of the town’s water supply on a plebiscite at the December 5 election. This is the third time the question has been raised in Richmond Hill but on two previous occasions it was removed from the ballot before election day. says that nuori- The British Dental Associa- ad to a human tion has distributed thousands 'f5 .01' giants. of advertising stickers bearing tat It could lead the slogan: “Fluoride in water the bmh 0‘ a halves tooth decay in children." As the debate continued, cor- tliI1m1m1mummmuummnmmâ€590Mems in W°r1d centres [ill voters will pprove fluori- town’s water plebiscite at r 5 election. hird time the men raised in l but on two made the following reports: Londonâ€"In June, Birthing-3 ham became Britain's first town to put fluoride in its water. The head of the British Anti - Fluoridation League des- cribed Birmingham's action as “totalitarian, a b s u r d and shameful. . . ." ' monson " x FOR CARS OR INFORMATION PHONE TU. 4-5003 Stockholm â€" Swedish health authorities favor fluoridation. The government has approved legislation enabling communi- ties to take such action if they wish,» but few have done so. \mnummuumlumnmuuuumuuuummmlnunmnuuumnum Both the British Medical As- sociation and the Dental As- sociation support fluoridation. Dr. Keyes reported the gelatin - and - mouthguard treatment also proved ef- fective in hamsters against certain form of periodontal disease (frequently called pyorrhea). In humans this is the most common cause of loss of teeth afteti 35. Dr. Keyes reports a sim- ilar program was started recently with 400 child- ren. aged 10 to 14, at a school near Buffalo. The children, under supervis- ion. will wear medicated mouthguards, resembling those worn by boxers and football players â€" for six minutes a day, flve days a week throughout the school term. Plastic mouthguards coated with fluoride paste and worn only a few min- utes a day can stop tooth decay in hamsters â€" and probably in humans, ac- cording to Dr. Paul H. Reyes, a scientist at the National Institute of Dental Research, Bethesda, Mary- land. Results will be compared with another 400 children receiving no such treat. ment in the program being conducted by the Univers- ity of Buffalo under con- tract. IN WARD 3 For Council f CON MURPHY (THOMAS) He is aware of the problems of our Ward 0 Correct sewage problems 0 Improved parks and play- ground facilities FOR ACTION VO'I' E COUNCILLOR WARD 1 GET ACTIVE ELECT Vocal numbers will also be‘ offered by Mrs. C. L. Knappett and Mrs. Wm. Millichamp of Toronto. Mrs. Millichamp will sing English and Welsh carols. Men of the community as well as the ladies are invited to en- joy the high tea. Mrs. Dean Hughes will open the affair officially at two p.m. Wellington â€" Five New Zea- land cities with a total popula- tion of 200,000 now are drink- ing fluoridated water and an- other four towns with 200,000 more people are preparing to install fluoridation plants. Hospital Auxiliary To Hold English Tea At Victoria Square Johannesburgâ€"A South Afri~ ‘can Government commission is studying the question. Dental authority Jan Staz told the commission that a man would have to drink two baths full of fluoridated water a day to be harmed. An old English tea party, complete with crumpets, Eng- lish muffins and pound cake is to be held in the Victoria Square Community Hall. Dec- ember 5, from two to ï¬ve p.m. A special feature will be mu- sical entertainment provided by students of the four Area 3 schools who will offer three- part carol singingâ€. As well as the high tea, which will of course include thin bread and butter and home made jams. there will he a ba- zaar and bake sale and lucky draws. \ Bonnâ€"No government action has been taken because of dis- agreement among scientistl. Lagosâ€"The Nigerian Govern- ment is still working on a pro- posal to introduce fluoridation in areas where there is no na~ tural fluoride In the water sup- plies. Sponsors of the tea are mem- bers of the Gormley-Headford- Victoria Square branch of the York Central Hospital Auxili- ary. Tll. 4-2162 IX I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill at a meeting held on Monday. October 19th, 1964. THAT the question “Are you in favour of the members of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill being elected for a term of two (2) years. Such provision to be effective as of the first January, 1966?†be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill THEREFORE the Council of ‘the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill ENACTS as fol- lows : WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill deems it advisable that the above- mentioned question should be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. “Are you in favour of the members of Council of the Town of Richmond Hill being elected for a term of two years. Such provision to be effec- tive as from the first day of Jan- uary, 1966?†A By-law to provide for the submission to the qualified electors in the Town of Richmond Hill, on the question: I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a by-Iaw passed by the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill at a meeting held on Monday, October 19th, 1964. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation 3f“ the Town of Richmond Hill ENACTS as o ows: That the question “Are you in favour of the fluoridation of the public water supply of this Municipality?†be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill deems it advisable that the above- mentioned question should be submitted to the Municipal Electors in the Town of Richmond Hill. A By-law to provide for the submission to the qualified electors in the Town of Richmond Hill on the question: “Are you in favour of the fluorid- ation of the public water supply of the Municipality?†“Are you in favour of the Fluori- dation of the public water supply of this Municipality?†I, R. Lynett, Clerk of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the question to be submitted to the electors at the municipal elections to be held on Saturday, December 5th, 1964 from 9:00 AM. to 6:00 PM. Question to be submitted to a vote of the electors of the Town of Richmond Hill: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PASSED this 19th day of October, 1964. PASSED this 19th day, of October, 1964. By-Law Number 1175 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL By-LaW Number 1173 “ota'wne “dag-gnâ€" Cn-tn‘rogc T. BROADHURST, Mayor R. LYNETT, Clerk R. LYNETT, Clerk. R. LYNETT, Clerk T. BROADHURST, Mayor R. LYNET'I‘, Clerk R. LYNETT, Clerk