ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT YORK MANOR, HOME FOR THE AGED Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Ma‘le Assistant Superintend- ent, York Manor, Home for the Aged. Newmarket, on or before 11.00 a.m., Monday, December 14th, 1964: Duties to commence January 4th. 1965- Particuiars may be obtained at York County Building or by phoning Newmarket 895-4594. J. L. SMITH. Clerk-Treasurer, LEN PUGH is young and dynamic A resident of Ward 2. he is keenly aware of the need to keep himself well informed on matters of concern to his fellow resl- dents. Ward 2 as well as Richmond Hlll needs Vigorous action to foster growth and ma‘lntaln property values. Make this community an attractive location for both residential and industrial develâ€" opment. Encouraging and helping local industry to expand. FOR COUNCILLOR a To ensure sound, sane and efficient , township government A snund and factual industrial promotional programme for industrial development in the municipality of Richmond Hill. The goal of creating an aesthetically. pleas- ing and economically satisfying environ- ment for both residential and industrial development of this municipality can only be attained by far sighted guidance and leadership from civic officials working in harmony wth the citizens of this commun- ity and responsibile representatives of free enterprise. Vote For I firmly believe that Vaughan Township has a bright and better future awaiting if it has a sound, eflicient administration. If elected, I promise prompt consideration of all ratepayers’ problems. VO'I'E SAM KAISER LEN PUGH WILL WORK T0 ELECTORS 0F VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP CARS AVAILABLE â€" CALL 884-3634 WARD 3 â€" VOTE FOR DEPUTY- REEVE SAVAGE ELECTION DAYâ€"DECEMBER 12 COUNTY OF YORK MURPHY FOR A BETTER VAUGHAN For Council ELECTION DAY â€"â€" DECEMBER 12 (THOMAS) County of York, 62 Bayview Avenue. Newmarket. Ontario HONESTY EFFICIENCY ECONOMY FULL TIME SERVICE INDUSTRIAL GROWTH LEN PUGH In Ward 2 0 3!"; yrs. as its chair- School Area Board man Aware of Problems Experienced A delegation from tho Unionville Association Li- brary Board. the Unionville Ind Buttonvllle Women‘s Institutes and the Mark- ham Township Public School Trustees Assooin- lion appeared at last week‘s meeting of Mark- ham Township Council ask- ing that council consider the establishment of a con. trll library system as tho townshlp’s centennial pro- ject. Spokesman for the group was Mrs. Arthur Too- good. ommuniiy Minded yrs. on Township Suggest Central Library System For Markham W h e n Deputy-roe†The hall was well filled and1 llprizes plentiful. ! Among those attending were Mrs. Charles Hooper. Mr and ers Russel] Boylngton. Mr and, IMrs. Russell Burr. Miss Dellal [Stephenson and Dr. Georgel Kelly l Prizes went to Mrs. Russell aBurr. Mrs. Fred Shadlock, Mrs. iF. Thomson. Mrs. Innis Both- am, Alf Trimble. Gordon Rise- .borough, Gordon Spring and iKeith Carson. The lucky draw, la Christmas cake, went to Mrs. . Gordon Risebomugh and freeze- ‘1 out winners were Mr. and Mrs. EWeidmark. Mrs. Alf Trimble Tand Mrs. Gordon Riseborough. “ Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. James Rodlck, Mrs. 0. Brooks, Mrs. Jean Cook, ‘Mrs. John Donaldson and Mrs. yBrodie. Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Ivan Shenfield of Cal. gary was a guest of Mrs. A. M Shenfield and Alf last week. It was fortunate that town- ship nominations. were held at Victoria Square Community Centre this year. There Was a standing room attendance even for that large auditorium. The benefit euchre sponsor- ed by Doncaster Ladies Com- munity Club for Thornhaven School for Retarded Children was a huge success last Mon- day night. Mrs. Russell Burr. Miss Dellaiun“ No. 1 Hostess Stephenson. and Dr. George. Kelly. ; Mrs. Donald Reesnr entertain- Chrlstmas tree sales are no. ed when the Unit No l. Happy parently being held back this Timers met at her home Tues- year. It is only within the past day evening of last week. few days that truck loads have Following a serious discus- been Toronto-bound. sion of specific Bible passages led by Mrs. John Brumwell and Euchre Series Ends Mrs. Reesor, the group heard The second last game of the Sgt. Robert Hood of Markham present series was played at Townshi p Police who spoke on Buttonville WI Hall on Friday safety and life-saving techni- evening of last week with 20 ques. L_I.1-- .1 un‘ uuuuuuuuuuuu 4 The December meeting of Carrville UCW will he held at the home of Mrs. Jack McEwen December 9. At this meeting the election of officers for 1965- 66 inclusive will take place. All reports of committees must be ready for this meeting. Rounding out the evening the annual Christmas party will be held with exchange of gifts and good wishes for the holiday sea- son. With Christmas exams just ...... A 4Lâ€. 4L... ........... n11 The second last game of the present series was played at Buttonville WI Hall on Friday evening of last week with 20 tables of players present. Our new neighbors, the. A1 Hamiltons, who live opposite Jones’ store, have a new baby daughter which arrived at York Central Hospital over the week- end. Mr. Hamllton is produce manager at the Dominion Store, Markham Plaza. Last week. when the women‘s institute catered for the junior farmer’s banquet. two groups of guests enjoyed their dinner, and then discovered that their tickets were for another event entirely. The white gift service at Brown‘s Corners United Church will be held December 6 with Rev. B. J. Scott of Fred Victor Mission as guest speaker. Buttonville is getting to be so well known as a banquet cen- tre that some people head there automatically for such an af- fair. The service will be a joint one with the Sunday school staff in charge. There will be special music by the junior choir. under the direction of Mrs. George Hooper. Obituary It was with regret the com- munity learned of the death of Milburn McNeish, on Friday. Mr. McNeish had been serious- ly ill since last spring and spent much of the intervening time in hospital. He died at East General Hospital, where nurses spoke of his cheer as an inspiration. The service was from G'Lffen and Mack Chapel on Danforth Stewart Rumble asked how a central library could serve the whole township. Mrs. Toozood explained that what was envisaged was a library system with a central library in Union- vilie and either a book- mobile service or branches at other placesâ€"such as Victoria Square. Dickson‘s Hill, where book: could be sent out on rotation or on request. The branch libraries would be open only part time and could be housed porhaps In schools open How To Vote For Pugh CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2. Gormley Phone 297-1741 BUTTONVILLE NEWS PUG", leonard I X } During announcements. Mr. ,Whyte noted the forthcoming icandlelight service and Christ- ‘mas sing sponsored by the CGIT and explorer groups which will be held at Victoria lSquare Church December 20. Avenue and interment at, High- land Memory Gardens Monday. Surviving are Mr. McNeish's wife Margaret. his mother and sisters. This week T. '1‘. White was the speaker at. Brown's Corn- ers Church. and there was an anthem by the senior choir and a duet by Margaret and Patricia Patterson. Candlelight Service In the absence of the lead- er. Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Mrs. Bill Wilson conducted the meet- ing and business. \\ullm1mulxxutummulumlumu\mIlummmumuum“11mm“i $225,000 "dgbéï¬iï¬'r’é: f5; Buttonville WI Sgt. Bob Hood will be guest speaker and members will bring candy for patients at the On- tario Hospital. Queen St. W. Mrs. Bernard Stlver The December meeting of Buttonville WI will he held one week earlier this month and members will meet at the home of Mrs. Russell Boyington Dec- ember 9. A former resident of the nei- ghborhood, Mrs. Bernard Stiver died at lthe Uxb‘ridge Cottage Hospital on Saturday of last week. The funeral service was held from the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham. November 30. Mrs. Stiver and her husband. who predeceased her a number of years ago, farmed and rais- ed their family on a farm on the 5th Concession near 16th Avenue. She is survived by two sons Lloyd and Lewis and one dau- ghter Muriel, Mrs. Gibson. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H \umummmluummummmmmumulmm\u\mumuuunuuuw DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ‘l“1““ll\lllï¬lllll“ll“llllllllll““ll“llIlll“lllllllllllllllllll‘llfllllll‘ful“ after hours. or In a room In a community hall. Mrs. Toogood suggested. She emphasized that the build- lnz of the central llbrary would be the beginning. not the end of the project. Mrs. Toogood stated that council would have to es- tablish a public library Ire: whlch could be done wlthout n plebiscite at the request of In association library board. Reeve Charles Hoopm' nld that council was cor- talnly not opposed to the establishment of a town- While sharing your satis- faction with the great pro- gress made by our country in fighting communicable diseases and building a healthy population, may I suggest that Canadians re- flect on the challenge offer- ed by the discrepancy be- tween what is actually being done against tuberculosis and what could be achiev- ed by making even fuller use of the knowledge and techniques available to med- ical science today. Tuberculosis Mrs. A. Higgins officially1 opened the Carmine UCW ba- zaar November 28. Those who braved the discouraging wea- lther had a treat in store for 1them when they made a tour iof the heavily laden tables of delicious baking. appetizing jams. jellies and pickles and beautiful handiwork. It was once again a success despite the rain. The convenors of the ways and means committee in charge of the bazaar. Mrs. Adam Read. Mrs. Ernie Bone and Mrs. Jack Barton thank everyone who gave time, effort and talent to make the bazaar a success. UCW family enjoyed a Sunday after- noon of skating recently at Doublerink, of Jane Street and No. 7 highway. They reported a most enjoy- able afternoon with the skat- ing at their very best. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamb, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Kiebak. Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and boys, Oro Station. visited Mrs. Adam Read on Sunday. A belated birthday greeting to Bobby Bone who had a birth- day on November 26, and to Mrs. Len Kirk who shares that birthdate. n... n.._|_-u Aâ€, u BROUGHAM: A number of Pickering residents objected to the proposed new municipal ‘building at the November 20 OMB hearing. Council had ask- ed permission to spend $300,- .000 on the building and issue Bazaar Rounding out the evening the annual Christmas party will be held with exchange of gifts and good wishes for the holiday sea- son. With Christmas exams just around the corner. the young readers of this column will be right in the midst of studying the best of luck to all, it is nice to think of the Christmas holi- days which are cominz up very quickly. it sort of takes the sharp edge off those examina- tions, doesn't it? Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. ,John Baker celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary November 26 and were the “surprised†guests of honor at an anniversary party held at the home of Mr. andl Mrs. Milton Savage on Saturday evening. Many friends and the mem- bers of their family were on hand to wish them many more happy anniversaries. Their two little granddaughters. Heather and Connie. helped present the with a lovely electric cof- fee pot from the gang. Many more happy anniversaries is the wish of the Carrville folk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purves and their family along with Mr. mammal} James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-1529 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company ship library board and Councillor R. J. Sloane moved that council should not one up. Township Solicitor .l. D. Lucas however cautioned council not to act too hut- ily on the matter as a township library board would possibly come into conflict with the Thornhill Public Library. Councillor Cleary Palmer pointed out however. that council had just appointed a consultant to make a sur- vey of what is needed In the way of public buildings HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARII Jon-u Cannrflan Head Office. Toronto. Ont. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 CARRVILLE NEWS and Mrs. Larry Reva.†and their family enjoyed a Sunday after- noon of skating recently at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamb, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Kiebak. Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and boys, Oro Station. visited Mrs. Adam Read on Sunday. A belated birthday greeting to Bobby Bone who had a birth- day on November 26, and to‘ Mrs. Len Kirk who shares that! blrthdate. < Jim Bushell was hnme for the weekend from Queen's Uni~ versity. Mrs. Dean Wilson and dau- ghters Myra-Jane and Betty- Ann spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bar- ton. We are sorry to hgar Jack Bushell was under the weather with the flu. which would he sultahle for l centennial project. and suggested that he be asked to contact Mrs. Too- gnod and Mrs. J. A. Rus- aell. chairman of the Un- lonville Library Board. dia- cnsa the matter with them. and bring back a report to council. Council agreed to act on Mr. Palmer's suggestion. They had previously de- cided that an addition to the municipal building he undertaken as a centennial project. For Cars or Information Phone 288-0959 or 832-1465 THE LI'BERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Dec 3, 1964 AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF WARD 2 In the past five years I have attempted to build a reputation for my local pharmacy of service with sincerity. To do so the drug store has remained open longer hours, Sunday ’til 9 p.m.; employs a staff of three pharmacists and seven clerks; provides a full-time delivery service at no extra charge and with no minimum size of order; provides after hours emergency prescription service, has never refused to charge a prescription when requested; will never refuse to cash small personal cheques by local residents; has sponsored a minor league hockey team for 3 years and an intermediate football team for 2 years. I have served as president of the York County Pharmacists Association and have represented it on the York County Emergency Measures Organization. Prior to election as your Coun~ cillor for 1964 I served on the Committee of Adjustment for 4 years and was chairman in 1963. As your representative I served on the finance committee and the transportation and parking committee and was chairman of the industrial and development committee. I also served as council representative on the Arena Board. If it is your wish I would like to serve you again in 1965 as your Councillor for Ward 2. LAZENBY = William C. COUNCILLOR Ward 2 FOR CARS OR ASSISTANCE PHONE 884-4683, 884-4461. 884-4933 PLANNED PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP. Polls Open 10 am. to 7 pm. Saturday, December 12 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight's Pharmncf Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS COUNCILLOR WARD 2 IN FORMATION. CARS â€"- 884-7025 THINK POSITIVE! VOTE YES FOR FLUORIDATION L H. SIMS Rutherford REEVE Vaughan Township BASIL LISMORE Sponsored By The Pro-Group THANK YOU All populnr makes on hand ~1745 Special Studenta' mm VOTE FOR