Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1964, p. 4

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DATED at Toronto. the 19th day of November. 1964.. To: A. W. BAYLISS. Administrator. by his Solicitor. IN THE MATTER of the es- tate of WILLIAM BAYLISS, late of the Township of King. in the County of York. deceased. R. C. G. Wilson. Q.C.. Wilfred Larivlere w ,. , man for his brother arm R‘R' No. 2' lung. Ontario More Jack Grix of Pnrt www-manmvand RiChal'd Ham. Kin: After the lastâ€"named date the Issets of the said estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. All persons having claims lgalnst the estate of William Bayliss. late of the Township of King. who died on or about the 11th day of July. 1963. are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned solicitor for the said estate, duly verified. on or before the 2nd day of January. 1965. The tender for 6.000 gallons of No. 2 furnace oil for port- ables at 14.6c submitted by Hal- liday fuel: was also accepted. This company also was awarded the contract lor 5.000 gallons of Itovn all at 17.9c. Again these Were the low tenders. The board agreed to try one load of Nordic coal from Wea- ver Coal Company before reaâ€" ching a decision on which ten- der for coal to accept. Last year's prices were 12.54c for light industrial, 16.1c for furnace oil and 17.85c for stove oil. Mrs. Jack Grix of Port Credit entertained at a miscellaneous Ihower at which 20 relatives tethered. The bride's sister, Mrs. Har- old Ferguson of Scarbom ar- ranged a miscellaneous shower Ittended by nearly 30 relatives Ind friends. UCW Bazaar Mrs. Glen Sawyer of Whitby. past president of King City United Church WA returned to visit her friends and to open the'annual bazaar held by the United Church Women. British American Oil's tender for 40,000 gallons of light in- dustrial oil for Beverley Acres and 0. M. MacKillop Schools It 12.52c per gallon was accept- ed by Richmond Hill Public School Board Thursday night of last week. This was the lowest of six tenders received. School Bd. lets Fuel Contracts Mrs. Jack Whalley and Miss June Peck were hostesses for the shower at the bride‘s homo. North Keele Street. attended by 25 neighbors and friends. The bride attended public ted mitts and hats, candy. home- lchools at Strange and King‘baking. preserves. candles and City. and [Aurora and District decorations SOld steadily in High School. She was a meszpite of the blustery weather. her of King City CGIT and;I Luncheon and coffee snacks earned provincial honors inlwere available in the refreshâ€" Llskay 4-H Club_ imenh room throughout the Relatives and friends atâ€" tended parties in honor of Miss Carol BrOWn, before her recent wedding to Lincoln Larlviere. Kresge office associates in Toronto had a miscellaneous lhower and made a farewell presentation of a tea-pot. cream and sugar set. Miss Helen Hunter, Mrs.‘on the stage flanked a table Clyde Cairns and Miss Betty where chlldren could draw sur- Arbuckle arranged the com- prise packages. presided over by munity shower in Laskaya cleverly constructed bright Church Hall when the bride‘red and white figure of Santa. received miscellaneous gifts. 1 The “Curiosity Shop" drew Neighbours were invited to‘continuing patronage with doâ€" the shower at the home of Mrs. nated treasures for all 8385.‘ frank Buddin, Sixth Conces-‘games, jewellery. purses fig- llon. urines, pictures. flower pots, Kresfle office associates jmdishes and assortment of books. Bridal parties were given {or Miss Nora Jane Hately of Las- kay prior to her marriage to Tony Trudgian of Aurora. Brides Honored 87 Yonge St. N. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE TO CREDITORS KING CITY, OAK RIDGES "The LIheral" is nlways pleased to publish items interest regarding people and events In the Oak Rid Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres: en! in King CIty I: Mrs. William .l. Houston, telep 833-5457. 1nd in Oak Ridgrs - Lake Wilcox, Mrs. L‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 8. 1964 Notes From King City 24o Bunch" from Cont to Coast B. L. WHITWORTH : St. N. 285-4853 Richn $502. to $50001“! Always there with ready cash . . . For Bill Consolidation or any good reason. Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride wore a long gown of white lace over satin. A heart-shaped neckline topped the fitted bodice with its long sleeves. The three-tiered skirt had tiny rows of ruffles at the back above the train. Her shoul- der-length net veil was fastened to a crown of seed pearls and Lshe carried a bouquet of bronze :chrysanthemums. Wilfred Larivlere' was best man for his brother and ushers were Jack Grix of Port Credit Rev. Reinhard Burchhardt officiated at the wedding in Sa- cred Heart Roman Catholic Chu1ch of Adelyn Carol Brown daughter of Mr. Arthur Brown King City and Lincoln Lari- viere of North Bay, son of Mrs. Anne Lnriviere of North Bay: and Toronto. Minister of Agriculture Wil- liam A. Stewart addressed the gathering. Certificates of ach- ievement and merit were pre- sented by Mr. Stewart and Ki- wanis President Gordon McKit- trick. King City leaders Mrs. Warâ€" ren McKendry and Mrs. Verdun Gordon accompanied their 4-H members, Susan Cargil], Laurie Orr, Shirley Walker, Robbie Innes, Lynda and Sandra Wade, Donna McKendry, Brenda and Bonnie Church, Heather Dav- idson. Susan Scott, Delynda Pa- ton. Wendy Bennet and Mary McPhee. Before he knew it, Dickie Van Willlgen was dressed in a cowboy outfit, complete to lar- iat, and helping with the lunch- eon entertainment. The Kiwanians made a gay affair of their luncheon in the Royal York Canadian Room. During the impromptu enter- tainment, the 14 girls from King City found themselves up on the stage. rendering "School Days" as they were called upon to “sing for their supper.” Accompanying the King City Branch were girls from Snow- ball 4-H group and three lads in York County Calf Club, Don- ald Orr. Bruce Bumble and Dickie Van Willigen. A bus load of youngsters from King City area were among 500 from York County, who were guests of the Down~ town Kiwanis Club during the Royal Winter Fair. CGIT girls in middies and sumptlon is averaging 106,000 skirts worked beside UCW gallons. Chairman John Mann members for a successful event. reported to village trustees 4-H Club .t Fair Nogember 23 mgetipg. Luncheon and coffee snacks were available in the refresh- ment room throughout the morning and afternoon sale. Cover-all and waist aprons be. "Meat in the Menu". in a wide variety of good cot- Mrs. Gordon and MrS. Mc- tons, some of them smocked; Kendry organized the home- baby clothing. doll outfits. knit- making group a year ago, under ted mitts and hats. candy. home- Sponsorship of King City branch baking. preserves. candles and Women's Institute. Currently Decorations were festive at the “Bazaar of Christmas Treas- ures". Individual booths were attractive with poinsettias and boughs. Two shimmering trees Wedding Breakfast After Ceremony Richmond Hill Clifford Corbett said he is concerned about sewage treat- ment facilities and parks and recreation; he has spent two years on the recreation commis- sion and the Memorial Arena Board. Walter Davis called him- self "the average “citizen" when he announced he will run. Ri- chard Illingsworth. a member of the school board for the past two years. wants closer liaison between board and council James Murray, former mayor Incumbent councillors Stew- art Patrick and Thomas Man- ning are runnimz for the post which will open up the race for their seats on the Aurora Council. Election is this Saturday. At last week's nominations, contenders for council seat an- nounced were housewife Mrs. Evelyn Buck who said she en- tered the contest because she believes acclamations “ a very unhealthy state of affairs." Father of seven Melvin Coon- ey wants a better look at parks; he thinks too much planning has gone into large area parks and not enough into flower gar~ dens and smaller parks. A copy of a letter from the township solicitor was read, questioning the validity of By- law 47 passed by trustees. conâ€" cerning appointing a substi- tute representative to King Memorial Library Board when Mr. Mann is unable to attend. Trustee Donald Findlay has been acting as alternative, Trustees ratified a letter. which had gone to King Town- ship Council asking the road committee to meet with trus- tees to discuss roads. Another letter directed to councils po- lice committee, requested the committee discuss police matâ€" ters with trustees. All-Out Race In Aurora Guests were present from Downsview, Port Credit, Scar- boro. Mimico, Toronto. East York and King City. With Clarence Davis acclaim- ed as mayor of Aurora for his second two-year term and Dep- uty-reeve Jean Moffat taking the post vacated by retiring Reeve W. H. Stoddart. the race is on for deputy-reeve. Following the ceremony, 60 guests attended the wedding breakfast at 91 North Keele Street, where the couple will make their home. For travelling the bride wore a grey sheath dress, flecked with white, a grey mouton jac- ket. gold hat and gloves. Davis, Mayor â€" Jean Moffat, Reeve The groom's mother were a light blue dress with blue hat, corsage of white Chrysanthe- mums and a white topcoat. Rev. E. H. Costigan conduct- ed the ceremony and Miss Gail Thompson played the organ music. Mr. Hately gave his only daughter In marriage. She wore White Chrysanthemums were a long white peau de soie gown arranged on the altar and mark- styled with fitted bodice and ed guest pews for the wedding full skirt forming a short train. in All Saints’ Anglican Church, Her shoulder veil was held by King City of Nora Jane Hately, a rhinestone tiara and she ear- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- ried a bouquet of tangerine car- les Hately of Laskay and An- nations. thony William Trudgian, son of As maid of honor, Miss Grace Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trudgian Glass of Richmond Hill was in of Aurora. copper satin. Bridesmaids Mrs: Meeting on Fridays, the King 0169‘: rllLIICU Ddlllclcommittee is Mrs. William Mit- branch is completing a course ‘chell and Ml‘s- Clayton Beynnn. . u u 1 ° Th - on being well-dressed andlln Newmarket ElectlonlUcwe waifiernoon unit of the f‘well-groomed". As part of1 he held one week 1 their current training, the. ' early. on December 10 at 2 pm. :girls are making themselves‘ Mayor W._A. (Bert) hent Oflat the home of Mrs. Umehara. lcottan duster housecoats. KNewmarket ls meeting stiff op-l Mr. and Mrs. William Turner Though many of the girls hadl‘DOSltion from DEDUtY-I’eeve'have sold their home on the to be shown how to operate a‘Clare Salisbury for the top past Second Concession and will he. sewing machine when they in the northern community. making their future home in started, there is not one duster Mr- SalisburY‘s campaign mot- Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island. that is not well made, Mrs.t0 is “Harmony. Economy. Wilfred James, Milton Wells. McKendry proudly told “The Leadership and PTOEFeSS"‘William Skerratl, Wilbert Jen- Liberal." WhiCh $138115 OUt “Help NeW-‘nings, Bert Palmer and Rev. . , market“.. he told the recent Earl Stotesbury attended the She said the next wufi'i,‘ nomination meeting. annual dinner of York Presbvâ€" n‘nn‘lnfl nknll‘ Poke-nan: Water levels in the wells areltwo year terms are incumbent: rising slightly and daily con-lseneca C00k‘ Tom Taylor. An sumption is averaging 106,000idrew Doalg and Laura M. Cath Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Mcâ€" Kendry organized the home- making group a year ago. under Sponsorship of King City branch Trustees the girls' group has a mem bership of 17. She said the next course. starting about February, will be, “Meat in the Menu". Wedding Of Interest In King Township “The leenl" ls always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events In the Oak Rldges - Lake Wilcox and King Clty districts. Our news correspond- ent ln Kin: City Is Mrs. Wllllam J. Houston. telephone 833-5457, and in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lllllan Ateheson, Wlldwood Avenue, 773-5479. Mayor, Deputy-Reeve :ang Stage Pitched Battle “‘50 “1;: In Newmarket Election Seeking re-election are Jack Williamson, chairman of the police committee and Ronald Simmons. and only Aurora citizen to hold! all council offices is to hold all council officers, is seeking election. Another form- er councillor Arthur Giddy is running for a seat as is Bell Telephone employee William Trent. Guests went on to the recep- tion in Laskay Church hall ar- ranged by the United Church Women. For travelling the bride wore a brown and black tweed suit with white hat and brown ac- cessories. The groom is em- ployed in Toronto and the cou- ple will be making their home on the Sixth Concession. As maid of honor, Miss Grace Glass of Richmond Hill Was in copper satin. Bridesmaids Mrs. Russell Tyler of Toronto and Miss Sarah-Ann McDonald of King City were in similar street-length gowns of emerald green. Their headdresses were of brilliants and pearls and they carried yellow Chrysanthemums. Russell Tyler of Toronto act- ed as best man and ’ushers were George Hately, cousin of the bride and Calvin Trudgian of Aurora, brother of the groom. The bride's mother had chos- en a dress of copper and beige brocade accented with a small matching hat and corsage of pink carnations and pearls. The groom's mother wore emerald green and black with black ac- cessories and corsage of white carnations with sweetheart rose- buds. MARKHAM: Ludmilla Jaro- limek was awarded a profici- ency scholarship at Waterloo University. This scholarship was for obtaining 75% or above on grade 13 results. Reeve Sidney Legge's posi- tion is being challenged by Councillor Tom Surgeoner. Contesting the seat left vacant by Mr. Sallsbury‘s move up will be incumbent Councillor George Richardson and Mrs. Mary Commissiong. chairman of the public school board. Newmarket‘s election is De- cember 7. erwood. Three others contest are John M. Bruce Eves and Garry bent. The six seats on town council almost went by acclamation but one starter was added late in the proceedings. Heading for two year terms are incumbents Seneca Cook, Tom Taylor, Anâ€" The incumbent mayor gave a resume of his past three years as head of the municipality and expressed his concern a- bout “party politics" creeping into civic elections. in the Insley. Broadâ€" Iwelyg SelekAFive Seats Saturday Township Clerk Harold Rose conducted nominations when the following were proposed: Twelve candidates are in the Kettleby, housewife: GEOF- running to form King Town- FREY PIERPOINT, RR 1, King. ship’s first township school area forester: C. GORDON TETLEY. board as a result of nomina- RR 1, King, manager; CARMAN‘ tions last week at Kettleby Un- TILSON. RR 1, Kettleby, far- ited Church when an overflow mer; JACK VAN LUYK. RR 2, crowd listened to candidates. Newmarket. market gardener: WALTER BARKER, Noble- ton. merchant; JOHN FAW- CETT, RR 1, King, farmer; KENNETH D. GOSBEE, RR 1. Kettleby, accountant; MARY HAYWARD, RR 1. Schomberg, housewife; WILBERT G. JEN- NINGS, RR 3, King,- driver; Elections are being held at township polling booths Decem- ber 5, between 10 am. and 7 DOLINA PATERSON, RR 1, program in the hands of the home economics committee with Mrs. Harry Hutchinson in charge. The roll call is to he answered with a gift {or the residents of York Manor. Lunch committee is Mrs. William Mit- chell and Mrs. Clayton Beynon. The afternoon unit of the UCW will he held one week early. on December 10 at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs. Umehara. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner have sold their home on the Second Concession and will be making their future home Wilfred James, Milton Wells. William Skerratt, Wilbert Jen- nings, Bert Palmer and Rev. Earl Stotesbury attended the annual dinner of York Presbyâ€" tery United Church Men held in Markham United Church Wed- nesday evening when George Morrison was guest speaker. Paul Chalk received second prize and Wayne Paxton third prize in the yearling filly class for Welsh ponies. January 1 will see, the dawn of a new era in edu- cation in rural Ontario when a prevlnce-wide town- ship school board system will he set up. This is a very important matter and should result in many improvements and advantages for rural school children. It is important that rate- payers give serious thought to the election of suitable in: Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island. ‘ Also there is a possibili- lty of a visit from Santa Claus. so bring the child- ren along. Anniversary Service ‘ Special services were held last Sunday at St. Paul’s Un- iited Church honoring their i10th anniversary. St. Paul's inew minister, Rev. Dorothy lSharmon took the morning ser- vice and Rev. Victor Wood was guest speaker for the evening service. iSchool Vote The Oak Ridges Home- owners Association will meet at Oak Ridge: Public School. Yonge St.. on Dec- ember 3 at 8.15. This is to be an open meeting and the topic for t e eveninx‘ will he the “Sc 00] Vote". and the prozress of the assoc- iation formed a short time ago. Family Reunion A pleasant day was spent by lmcmbers of the Adams family ‘reeentiy, meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ad- ams. Gamebridge. Immediate members attending were Mrs. Bet Neil, Mrs. Audrey Middle- ton. Mrs. Jack Hunter. Arizona. Ken Adams, Brockville. Other members were Norman Neil, Ron and Linda Neil. A. Mid- dleton and Keith, with Vickie Ryman, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Willis and Lori Willis who is a great grandchild and Mrs. Sylvia Adams. About People annual dinner of York Presby- tery United Church Men held in Markham United Church Wed- nesday evening when George Morrison was guest speaker. Correspondent: Mrs. W.G. Jennings Phone PR. 3-5892 The December meeting of the institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Jennings December 9 at 8 pm. with the program in the hands of the home economics committee with Mrs. Harry Hutchinson in charge. The roll call is to he answered with a gift for the residents of York Manor. Lunch committee is Mrs. William Mit- chell and Mrs. Clayton Beynon. The afternoon unit of the UCW will be held one week early, on December 10 at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs. Umehara. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner have sold their home on the Second Concession and will he making their future home in Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island. New King Township Board Budget $700,000 Teachers Back Up New Board Temperanceville News It Is important that rate- payers give serious thought to the election of suitable persons for the board and get out to vote. This is a very important matter and should result in many improvements and advantages for rural school children. Remember that no candl- dato was ever elected on uncast ballots. The five-man board, the teachers feel, will need all the help and support the teachers can give them. said Tom Cober. principal of Eva L. Dennis School at King City elected as president of the association. "We must work together as closely as possible in the best interests of the pupils in the new system,” he told a meeting at Oak Ridges at which Miss Evelyn Courtney, Kinghorn principal was elec- ted vice-president and Mrs. Lynn Edwards, Kettleby teaâ€" cher as secretary-treasurer of When King Township's first area school board is operating after Saturday’s election it will have the sup- port of a newly-formed teaâ€" chers‘ association. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE King Township WIB. JENNINGS ELECT 25 Years Experience as a Trustee on SS N0. 21 ELECTION DAY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5 POLLS OPEN 10 A.;\I. â€"- 7 RM. For Cars or Information Election Day phone BUY T B CHRISTMAS SEALS Only you can control Tuberculosis have regular TB Tests ‘ “Two more nominees, exper- ienced school trustees, declined to accept . . . William T Heas- l‘lip. King City. engineer, and Gage I-I. Love. RR 2, King, ex- 'ecutive. A double celebration Was en- jnyed by the Clarks recently. Mr. and Mrs. D. Clark. North Road had their 46th anniversary November 26 and Mrs. Mabel The five-member board to re- place 51 school trustees now heading three smaller school areas and a dozen school sec- tions within the township, will Newmarket, market gardener GEORGE H. WILSON. RR 3, King. assistant manager; AL- EXANDER YOUNG. RR 1, Richmond Hill. superintendent. Si. Mark's Christmas Bazaar The tea tables will he the feature event of the Christ- mas bazaar and tea which will he held December 12 at 2 pm. in the chapel at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Yonge St. There will also be gift tables for Christmas giving and stocking stut- fers. Also suggested has been a temporary advisory 'commit- tee made up of present trus- tees from the various little boards in King Township to assist the new board in get~ ting started in the TSA sys- tem. The group would have no voting or financial pow- er. Hugh Orser. Temperance- ville trustee, said he thought such a committee would be of great satisfaction to parâ€" ents, all of whom are unac- customed to a township - Wide hoard. The association set up an information research group to gather information on various processes used, mat- erials employed and even free milk service to children at school. the 80 member group A third electoral polling Oak Ridges And lake Wilcox News 773-5892 . Team standings for Lake ‘Wilcox Bowling League are La- jdy Bugs 19, Flintstones 1']. ‘Beatles 12. Aces Up 8. Red En- ‘signs 8, Lady Beatles 6. Buck- ‘eroos 5. Winnabugs 5, High bowler for the men was Frank Munro with 729 triple. 255 single, Barry Willis 667- 248: Ken Fullerton 645-251: Ray Hunter 624-239. High ‘bowler for the ladies was Lor- raine Forster with 601 triple, 245; Mary Munro 593, 237; Mary Lahey 585, 226; Ida Ransom 532, 226; Marion Hunter 531-207; Audrey Middleton 508-225. Over 200 scores were Stan Forster 244; Dave Barry 215; John Shearer 216; Ron Biso and Jerry Lahey 209. Three of the top men bowl- ers of a couple of weeks ago en- tered the Carling Tournament and all placed in the top 11 on the first roll-off. Ray Hunter is high bowler from the Aurora Bowl with Tom Biso and Ed Pilote. They will go to New- market Sunday for their second roll-off. r One of the first duties of the school area board will be to choose an administration lo- cation. as no offices have been planned to date. The new board is ex- pected to Idmlnistrate a budget nearing $700,000. An estimate of public school expenditures across the township for this year to- tals $654,000. Trustees are eligible to re- ceive a maximum of $50 a month plus mileage if they de- cide to accept salary. At the end of next year an- other election of five trustees will coincide with the two-year term election of the township council. be in authority next uary 1 for 1965. Team standings are Skinnie Minnie's 52: Hookers 45; Fat- so‘s 39, Hepcats 5. Top bowlers for Lake Wilcox Ladies Bowling League were Emily Lloyd with 519, 224: Charlotte Brocktnn 512 239; Anne Sweeney 504 175; Ruth Wiche 503, 215 Clark celebrated her birthday November 29. Birthday greet- ings also to Carol Orton. 14 years on November 28; Char- lotte Brockton, December 1; Mrs. Dot Wayne, December 4: Brian Donnithorne. December 5. Oak Ridges Pioneers hockey team have won three games Mr. Cook Is also advocat- lng organization of electoral wards In the township. "The assessments should benefit the township," he said and suggested steps to correct the arrangement be made immediately. Township Clerk H. G. Rose said nothâ€" ing could be done before January 1. King Deputy-reeve Gor- don Cook objected that school section boundaries are to remain intact. He said the school area should be kept within the municipality's boundaries. booth will be established at Oak Ridges to accommodate the 458 in Whitchurch Town- ship eligible to vote for the King board. There are 1.356 eligible voters in Oak Ridges union public school section. Lake Wilcox Bowhng Jan ainst Bolton at the Bolton Ar- He was also second highest in ena by a score of 4-2. ‘51] of Canada and the United Congratulations to Robert‘States for the month of Oc~ Woolley named the “Top Dol- tober in the DCBA contest lar" winner for all of Canadaland he is a Surge dealer. He in a recent sales contest spon-lsold pipeline milking systems sored by Babson Bros. Co.. and vacuum pumps to the dairy Chicago dairy farm equipment farmers in York County to he- manut’acturer. come top winner in the Dairy Mr. Woolley and his wife;Cow Protective Association. with onc loss. Latest victory was against Maple at Bradford. They lost their last game ag- ainst Bolton at the Bolton Ar- ena by a score of 4-2. The 3rd day of December, 1964, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon at the municipal offices at Vandorf, in the Township of Whit- church, shall be the time and place for the ap- pointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of the persons interested in the affirmative or the negative on the said question. The vote on the question shall be taken at the same time and at the same places as the municipal election. The 7th day of December, 1964, at the hour of 12:00 o’clock midnight at the municipal offices at Vandorf, in the Township of Whitchurch, shall be the time when, and place where the clerk shall sum up the number of votes in the affirm- ative and in the negative on the question. Notice To Electors To wns/Iip 0f W/ritc/Iurc/r Elect PAT" CASHMAN To Whitchurch Twp """ Council For I965 . I, Thomas Kerr, Clerk of the Township of Whitchurch, do certify that the following is a true statement of a question to be submitted to obtain the opinion of the electors: TOWNSHIPOFWHITCHURCH] Pat Cashman â€"â€" your man for the job For better administration, Better maintenance of roads. Proposes that Township be divided into a “Three Ward System" for Better Council and School representation. Also we need more progress and expansion in both com- merce and industry to help lower our high taxes. That all our road and building contracts should be let to Con- tractors Living in the Township. That farmers get an easement in the sale of lots on their land for a building or dwelling. Would like to see the township policed by a York County police force to cut costs. PAT CASHMAN - PHONE 640-1267 EXPERIENCE ELECTION DATE MONDAY DECEMBER 7TH Public School Electors in the Township of Whit- church in Union Public School Section No. 14 (Oak Ridges) are hereby advised that the vote for-Public School Trustees FOR KING TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA will be held at the Legion Hall, Oak Ridges, Ontario, on “Are you in favour of the election of members of the Council of the Township of Whitchurch and the election of Trustees of the Town- ship of Whitchurch Public School Area for a two year term?” FOR KING TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Saturday, December 5, 1964 POLLING HOURS 10 AM. TO 7 PM. Thomas Kerr. Clerk TETLEY NOTICE GIVE HIM YOUR SUPPORT Gordon Thomas Kerr, Clerk. Township of Whitchurch. RR. 1. Gormley. Ontario Township of Whitchurch were awarded a coffee service for his sales of dairy farm equipment. ABILITY

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