Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1964, p. 15

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At Richmond Hill Presbyter- The CGIT ann prnorcr Ian Church on Sunday morning‘dlellghting service will be Heather Nesbftt. daughter ofion December 20 at the Mr. and Mrs. L. Nesbitt. 2261mond Hill United Church. Taylor Mills Drive North, reâ€" * * * * ceived the Sacrament of Bap- The Christmas meeting .u. n:,l..“n_‘l uill Fnl At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday morning. Heather Nesbftt. daughter ofj Mr. and Mrs. L. Nesbitt. 226 Taylor Mills Drive North, reâ€" ceived the Sacrament of Bap- tism, also a New Testament given by the Sunday school. It! It! It At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Friday night at 8 pm. a pre-communion service will be held. The Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be administered on Sunday. . After the Friday night ser-. vice refreshments will be ser- ved at the social hour follow- ing. ~1ectable array of casseroles and uuu nay-v. y. me LUII - , dlellghting service will be held on December 20 at the Rich- mond Hill United Church. it a it at: The Christmas meeting of the 9th Richmond Hill Cub and: Scout Ladies’ Auxiliary in the form of a pot luck supper was held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on December 2. Many new mothers were wel- comed and all enjoyed the de- salads. At the close of a lively air- ing of views on business mat- ters, members turned their tended, ‘Open VHouse’ held election night by Mr. and Mrs. Scudds at their Blue Grass Blvd. home. Helping Mr. Scudds celebrate his reâ€"election to council for a third term were former neigh- bors and friends Mr. and Mrs. James Cook of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart of Trenton and Mrs. Gerald Miller of Ottawa. iii if it: it The 5th Richmond Hill Lad- les' Cub and Scout Auxiliary are holding a bake sale this Saturday (December 12) in the attention to the attractive offer- - . AL- “4-..; onkln Th; old church hall of the Rich- ..Ana um 1mm"! Chm-oh. Cen- The “LG Group of the Rich- mond Hill United Church met on Sunday in the church par- lor following the evening ser- vice. The topic of discussion was “A Look At Roman Catholic- Ism . Queen is the assistant director of music for the Onta- rio Department of Education. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Queen. Romac Court. left on Friday for a week in Washingtop._ Rehearsals'rai'e'ih full swing for the Curtain Club’s Christ- mas pantomime “Dick Whit- tington.” Included in the cast are‘ Margaret Queen as Dick Whit- tington; Louise Monks. Alice; Mary Monks. the cat: Kay Tids- Well, Queen Abigail; Woody Comeau, King Algernon; Bill Hassall. Captain Anderson; Sam Neill. union organizer; Peter! Shore, Mr. Fitzwarren. The com- muters are Starr Dueffert. Deir- dre Jackson. Denise Harcourt, Peter MacElwain. David Knight, Hugo Jackson. the children. Jos- ephine Matyas. Pixie Jackson, Nancy Trott. Marianne Neill, Debbie Lounsbury and Darlene Harcourt. “Dick Whittington“ will be presented at the Lion’s Hall. Centre Street East, on Dec- ember 28. 29 and 30. and tickets may be calling 285-1034‘ This Sunday, December 13. is "White Gift Sunday" at the Richmond Hill United Church. Worship services will be held at 11 am. and 1pm. Religion and Life awards will be pre- sented at the morning service. The December meeting of; the 2nd Richmond Hill Cub and‘ Scout Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Marie FinnertY. 367 Browndale Crescent. Plans were completed for a bake sale to be held at Bayview Plaza on December 12. beginning at “Lixich was served after the meeting. 10 |mmunuummmmmuI\nunuuuumunmunuummmmmg the 2 pl 3 n a teacher ESTELLE MARKHAM 884-3787 \mumuuuummmmumImmummmmmmummnmunuw gmuummuummmm WW“!W“WKKK«KK«WW£W‘ For the sportsminded gal on your Christmas list why not choose a Curling or Ski Jacket and Slacks from our wide selection be obtained by SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-4741 ‘For Women Who Deserve The Best‘ l SEEP-3 At the close of a lively air-‘ e Ser-‘ing of views on business mat- i'OHOW- ters, members turned their attention to the attractive offer- ings at the talent table. The ‘Rich- prize for the best designed h met "money plate" went to Diane h par- Whittaker. Thanks go to all E ser- mothers who contributed to the success of the evening, with ‘11 W315 special thanks to Helen Monk Whallc' and Pat Wood who convened the supper. All members are asked to QUPCD- save Golden Charity Product Fl‘lday labels. plus Canada Packer hox 0?- tops, and bring them to the 51513!“ next meeting scheduled for April 7 At the November meeting of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Women, twenty-four members and guests gathered at the new church for their first LCW meeting to be held there. Mrs. Ruth Auger, guest speaker from Zion Lutheran Church. Maple, gave a very in- teresting talk on “Christianity and Communism." Election of officers for the' 1965â€"66 term was held and results were as follows: presi~‘ dent, lllrs. Sylvia Limpert; vice- president. Mrs. Mabel Percival; secretary, Mrs. Helen Albright; treasurer, Mrs. Erika Bratflsch; outreach and fellowship co- chalrmen, Mrs. Margot Wirt, Mrs. Ev. Miller; Christian ac- tion chairman. Mrs. Barbara Barth; faith and life chairman. Mrs. Nelly Williamson. Miss Edna Izzard, Mill Street, and Dr. Lillian Lang’- stafl', Church Street North leave on Friday for holidays at St. Vincent in the Caribbean. They will be returning to the Hill in time to celebrate the festive season. Refreshments were served following the election. at The CGIT and Explprer Can- Following his outstanding performance as Papa Bak- er in the Curtain Club production of "Come Blow Your Horn", Joe Rabino- witch has been invited to repeat the role in a Poor Alex production, to be pre- sented this week from Dec. ember 10 - 13, 16 - 19. “Come Blow Your Horn" played to packed houses at the Curtain Club Theatre, and local residents who were unable to obtain tick- ets are urged not to miss the opportunity of seeing this riotous comedy, strong- ly recommended as an evening of pure entertain- ment‘ The 5th Richmond Hill Lady ies' Cub and Scout Auxiliary are holding a bake sale this Saturday (December 12) in the old church hall of the Rich- mond Hill United Church, Cen- tre Street East. Their spring rummage sale has always been the main pro- ject for fund raising, but with the steady increase in Cubs and Scouts, another source of funds is necessary, and the auxiliary hopes their friends in the Bill will help to make this a worthwhile effort In the Hill for the festive‘ season, staying at the Rich- mond Inn. are Mr. and Mrs. George Blouin, of Saskatoon. who are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Babey, 339 Osiris Drive. A coffee and dessert party was held at the home of Mrs. Hagar Hethrington by the York County Medical Wives As- sociation on December 1. ers. Hethrington has one of the finest old stone houses in the vicinity of Kleinburg, and it lent itself beautifully to a happy informal social meet- ing. It was particularly inter- esting to those who had not had the pleasure of being there before. Mrs. Audrey Meiklejohn in conjunction with Floral Design Associates gave a very inter- esting talk and demonstration on Christmas decorations, and these were drawn for at the end of the meeting. Mrs. Crawford Rose of Aur- ora poured coffee and Mrs. Clayton Rose of Aurora and Mrs. James McPhee of King City were social convenors. The lst Beverley Acres M0-‘ thers’ Auxiliary had an excel- lent turnout at their November meeting. Six members attended the annual fall conference for the York Summit District Ladies‘ Auxiliaries held on November 26 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Peggy Hemphill was served the first cup of coffee from the new Golden Book for Charity percolator. Peggy spent many hours counting lab- els to make this purchase pos- sible. More than fifty people atf The annual bazaar was held! at Bayview Plaza on November‘ 21. Many beautiful handmade articles were sold, and coffee was served by Flo Nesbitt and Mabel Havllland. The auxiliary would like to express their thanks to the many people who contributed their time and efiorts towards the success of this event. fir'rl‘hremext meeting will be held on December 15 at Bever- ley Acres Public School. Cynthia ‘Cindy” Manners. a nine-year-old Torontonian who attends Sflvia Garson’s dance studio lessons will be a featur- ed performer in acrobatic jazz on the Uncle Jerry Show on Buffalo's Channel 4 at 10:30 am. Sunday. Mrs. Garson said. Richmond Hill music teacher Ruth Garson is presenting five of her most advanced pupils at a musical soiree this Friday night at 8:15 at the North York Library. Performing will be pianists Judith Dodson of Maple and Jane Dean, Sheila Orbac, Cher- yl Palmer and Liam Whelan all of Richmond Hill. Miss Gar- son said she hopes to give her students an opportunity to present their musical repert- oires. Tea will be served. Richmond Hill Ladies' Ply-5.5;, gresslve Conservative Assoqa- A Special thanks to Mrs. tion held their annual meetmg Audrey Teasdale and her soc. on November 30 at Richmond ial committee for a wonderflfl Hil_1‘ Pgblic {.aibgary- evening. ' Election of ofiicers took place: conducted by Mrs. Man Com-i issiong of Newmarket. All; positions have been filled ex-‘ cept those of convenors. It‘ was decided at this time to have a Christmas party on Dec- ember 14 at the home of the new president. Mrs. Muriel Oliver, 254 Sussex Avenue. Members are asked to bring a gift worth not more than a dollar. With the festive season fast approaching, social ac- tivities are in full swing. “Life in the Hill” is come prised of social and come munity news, that you. the reader, wish to publicize. The service is free. When Home Repairs Are Needed Consult the Liberal Miscellaneous Classified Column Brian Toogood. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Toogood. Rock- port Crescent, will be dancing with the National Ballet Com- pany at the O’Keefe Centre during the Christmas season. He 'will appear in three dif- ferent roles in the Nutcracker ballet and also In Romeo and Juliette. Brian, 13 years old, is at- tending the National Ballet School for a second year. Dr. A. B. Arnot. pastor of Richmond Hill Baptist Church, Wright Street, preached at the dedication service for the new $59,700 Bayview Baptist Church. Bayview and Parkview Avenues, Willowdale on December 6. - Dr. Artiot was also part of the instrumental ensemble which provided music for the service. Guest preacher at Richmond Hill Baptist Church December 6 was Rev. J. van der Coll of South Africa. Rev. van der Colf also delivered a message from South Africa at the dedi- cation service. Over 400 people attended the service. Pastors from several other Baptist churches also took part, including the pastor from the Don Jail. The programme about “Love” was given by Joyce Linderman. A talk, with a filmstrip of the life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer illustrated the self sacrificing love of this man. Discussion followed. Members of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, held their November meeting at the home of Judy Smith. ved‘ Recent guests at the home of Mrs. L. Dalley, 'I‘rayborn Drive, were Dr. R. K. Partlow and Mrs. Partlow from Aylmer. and Flt. Officer Chas. Rayfuse and Mrs. Rayfuse from the RCAF Station, Trenton. Members of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, en- tertained their husbands at a progressive dinner party. CBcktails, hors d‘oeuvres and soup were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Thomson, Yonge Street. The group then went to Mr. and Mrs. B. Buckles’ residence for a main course turkey and ham. WThis was followad by des- sert and dancing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. O’Connell. Former residents of Rich- mond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. D. MacWilliam, Robbie and Anna Marie, from Welland, were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. L. Dalley and her son Ronald, Trayborn Drive. Mr. MacWilliam, now princi- pal of two schools in Wel- land, was the former vice- principal of Crosby Heights School, and as a homeowner in town, planned his visit so that he and his wife could ex- ercise their franchise. The annual Christmas pot luck supper sponsored by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. York Chapter, was held on December 1. The tables in the cafeteria of the York County Hospital, Newmarket, were attractively decorated with sprigs of ever- green and Christmas candles. Following the meal were sev- eral lucky draws. A short sing-song of Christmas carols led by Mrs. Lois Clark was enjoyed by everyone. Santa Claus arrived and collected the annual donations which, this year, were sent to the Salva- tion Army. Several guests present in- cluded G. Chatfield, adminis- trator of York Central Hospi- tal, Mrs. Chatfield, Miss G. Gatehouse, director of nursing at York Central Hospital, E. W. Roeder, administrator of York County Hospital, Newmarket, Mrs. Maunsell, director of nurs- ing at York County Hespital, and the guest speaker for the evenLng, Miss Anne Gribben,‘ president of District No. 5, who fwas introduced by a close friend Mrs. Mary Slingerland. Miss Gribben. who spoke on We are pleased to report that Mr. Don Stewart of “The Villa". Bathurst Street, is pro- gressing very favorably in York Central Hospital after a cor-l‘ ‘onary attack. He hopes to re-' turn home in a short time. "Collective Bargaining," was thanked by Mrs. Hope McKin- ofiee and donuts were ser- ‘Open House’ will be held every Sundu from 2 till 6 pm. at the Ruth Calver- ley Gallery Picture Loan, 50 Yonge Street South. They feature traditional 1nd modern paintings, sculptures, prints and an- tiques. A most enjoyable evening of] fellowship and faith was shared& by Richmond Hill United' Church Women when they met on Monday last. i A blessing was asked by Mrs. C. G. Higginson. and cof- fee and dessert served. With Mrs. W. Boynton at the pianoi Mrs. Shepherd led the singing of favorite Christmas carols. and fun and friendship follow- ed as partners were found to work out the scrambled spell- ing of cookie ingredients. Lucky winners of this contest of speed and skill were presen- ted with packages of jelly desâ€" sert sion was conducted by Presi- dent Mrs. L. Clement. The meeting closed with worship in the chapel, led by Mrs. A. Macdonald and mem- bers of the Tuesday morning unit. The growth of Jesus was traced from the life of the in- nocent baby to divine manhood. A11 present were inspired to experience growth from “child- ish belief" to a “childlike faith" as they met the challenge to live for Christ in their daily life. Miss Edna Izzard, Mill St.. gave a gala Christmas meeting for the Local Association of Girl Guides, West Division. The new commissioner, Mrs.‘ R. Packard and twenty mem- bers enjoyed hearing Miss Adele Windrim speak on her recent Guide visit to the Inter- national summer headquarters in Mexico, known as the Cab- ana. The slides of her visit were most colorful and her commentary very interesting. In thanking her, Mrs. Grant Farwell said her enthusiasm for Mexico was a joy to hear and she was sure Adele was excel- lent as an Ontario ambassador. Little Miss Susan Mabee, 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blane Mabee, Oak Ridges, was admitted to York Central Hospital Monday and was the 5000th patient this year. Looking very spry and sun- tanned when he visited “The Liberal" officeâ€"and the envy of the staffâ€"was Mr. S. B. Symns, 108 Hall Street, who with his wife, had recently re- turned from holidays at the Sahara Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida. ’ They Were accompanied on the trip by their daughter and sonâ€"in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin of Rouge Hills. Linda Bradley, daughter ofl Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Bradley, Rockport Crescent, returned home on Sunday from York Central Hospital, where she has been a patient for four weeks, following a riding acci- dent. Linda, a grade 13 student at Walter Scott School, will be convalescing‘ at home for a few weeks, but hopes to return to school after the Christmas holidays. St. Matthew’s United Church, Crosby Avenue are holding their traditional "Carols by Candlelight" service this Sun- day at 7 pm. The junior and senior choirg under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Beattie will sing famil- iar and not-so-familiar carols and spirituals in the candle- lit church. An informative business All denominations are invited to attend this colorful service. The sidesmen of the Church of St. Gabriel were more than gratified with the response fol- lowing their recent appeal for toys for the annual Christmas sale at Trinity Church Toronto. They would like to expreSS their thanks to everyone who kindly donated, and as this is an annual event, ask them not to discard broken toys dur- ing 1965, but to call Tom Mc- Keage at 884-7969, who will promptly arrange for a pick-up. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gold- berk of Pembroke, spent a few days visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bork of Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill Chapter 1.0.- D.E. held its annual Christ- mas dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. W. J. Houston, of Maple. Mrs. Houston’s interesting home was gain decorated in the Christmas spirit and favor- ite dishes of the members were served on a table laid with a gay red Christmas tablecloth. Regent Mrs. W. T. Barnes poured cofiee. Mrs. R. Watford was instal- led into the order by Mrs. W. T. Barnes. Mrs. W. Houston and Mrs. W. J. MacLeod. Mrs. Watiord was given per- mission to wear her mother’s badge. As Christmas projects the< chapter has decided to don-1 ate funds to Co-ordinated Wei-l fare to assist in buying sup-‘ plies for the Christmas hamp- ers to be given to needy families in this area and to supply treats for their adopted school in Newfoundland. any memuer. 6 The next meeting will be at e the home of Mrs. W. T. Barnes 3 and will be in the form of ale work night to repair used” 'clothing for underprivileged'ie lchildren. I After their business meeting,1 members filled nursery bags} which they made to be given to the needy children in other countries and in this way helping to promote good rela- tions between Canada and these countries. ' Candles and wreaths can still be purchased by contacting any member. SES- QueenWiresHiIlCouple Celebrating 65 Yrs.Wed Well over 100 people called Mr. and Mrs. Leno, who are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 91 and 92 respectively, have E. P. Leno. 86 Leisure Lane on four grandchildren and six November 15 to offer congrat- great-grandchildren. Although ulations on their 65th wedding she has been bedridden for the anniversary. past eight years, Mrs. Leno is Congratulatory telegrams able to be up for a short while morn rprPiVPd from Queen El- each day. Congratulatory telegrams were received from Queen E1- izabeth. Prime Minister L. B. Pearson and Opposition Lead- er John Diefenbaker. Ontario Premier John Robarts sent a framed plaque. -.u...- ». r _.. 1 ,V Married in London, England} in 1899, Mr. and Mrs. Leno‘ came to Canada in 1904, set- ling first in Toronto and com- ing to Richmond Hill 43 years ago Two sons, Cyril and Floyd were born in England. A third son, Sta‘n was born in Toron- to and daughter Doris, who liv- es with her parents, was born at Goodwood. Mr. Leno opened a machine shop. when he first came to Ri- chmond Hill and it is now op- erated by son Cyril at the same site on Centre Street. Wayne Stirling of 404 North Taylor Mills Drive, received his wings at a formal wings parade recently. Receives Wings BASEMEN'i‘ ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill “Spaghetti Steffano” was the feature of the menu of the second annual family dinner sponsored by Our Lady Queen of the World Holy Name Society last Saturday afternoon and evening. Serving Mrs. G. Cardwell a generous plateful of delectable Italian cuisine, is Waitress James McArthur, a member of the sponsoring organization. That is not part of the menu on his head but the latest in mop tops. Enjoying the event, also, are Vincent Hanna, church choir director, daughter Yvonne and Mrs. Hanna. WAYNE STIRLING V‘Tlirgdments" Coffee Club L---’_"-D_--_ Fridays 9 pm. - ster L. B. .tion Lead- er. Ontario rts sent a n, England Mrs. Leno 1904, set- ) and com- 11 43 years and Floyd rid. A third in Toron- -is. who liv- Mr. Leno is still active and] while he now leaves the opera- tion of the machine shop to his son, keeps busy with odd jobs‘ for various people. The Lenos are members of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. When in Toronto, Mr. Leno was a member of the Grenadier Guards and was one of their crack shots. He is the last sur- viving member of the Stanley Gun Club, a trap shooting club of which he was a member for many years. Spaghetti Wit/1 Real Italian Flavor This week featuring: LARRY DIACHUN Guests at their anniversary party came from Sutton, Kes- wick, Peterboro, Oakville and Toronto. Among those who signed their guest book were Bill Neal and Dr. Ralph Lang- staff. When asked if he were a member of the Senior Citizens Club, Mr. Leno protested. ‘I’m not old enough for that yet." Disabled by multiple scleros- is for the past eighteen years. Helen Burton Rumble, wife of Alan F. Rumble, 89 Arnold Ave- nue, Richmond Hill passed a- way at the Villa Private Hospi-- tal November 26. Mrs. Rumble was in her 47th year. Born at Jefferson, Mrs. Rum- ble was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burnett, now residents of Richmond Hill. Be- fore moving to Richmond Hill? fourteen years ago, Mrs. Rum- ble and her family lived at Ma- ple. She was a member of Rich- mond Hill United Church. Surviving besides her husband and parents are a son William __._ r___-, at home; Brothers Stewart and Charlie and sisters, Agnes and Mary (Mrs. C. _Calverly). Funeral service was conduct- ed at the Pipher Funeral Home by Rev. C. G. Higginson with interment in Maple Cemetery. Pallbearers were John Rumble, Mel Weldrick, John Baker, Mil- Helen B. Rumb|e( THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 10, 1964 ’-' 15 "LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 -Dugm SUGGESTION FROM Shields Footwear Ltd. Christmas Gift Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, December 28, 29 & 30 7.30 PM. DICK WHITTINGTON â€"a pantomime written by Mary Neil] and Tony Hiscoke RICHMOND HILL CURTAIN CLUB Presents of the second annual family dinner Society last Saturday afternoon and delectable Italian cuisine, is Waitress 1. That is not part of the menu_ on Centre Street E., Richmond Hill LIONS HALL (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) FUR fl/[MM/[Y

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