Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1964, p. 15

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Craftsmanship Evident At Seniors' Bazaar T . x a (Photo by Stuart's Studio) ‘ Richmond Hill Senior Citizens‘ annual bazaar held recently at Richmond Hill United Church was a most successful event with a great variety of handcrafted articles for sale. In the above photo (left to right) President E. Lomax of 362 Lynett Crescent, Albert Doner of Hilisview Drive, Billy Boynton of 394 Fernleigh Circle North and Mrs. Elsie Maxwell of 277 Kerrybrook Drive, admire part of the display. Mr. Doner was the craftsman responsible for the furniture seen in the picture. In the draw Mrs. F. Tomlinson was the winner of the painting and a visitor who held ticket No. 27 won the head table floral display. The Christmas meeting of the 7th Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Ladies Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Bar- bara Fix-man. 399 Browndale _ Crescent. A cup and saucer was pre- sented by President Ev. Lang to Past President Betty Mc- Pherson, in appreciation of her year as president. Plans were discussed for the father and son banquet to be 'held In February. Members are again selling nuts this year as one of their fund raising projects. An exchange of Christmas gifts was enjoyed by the mo- thers and the evening came to a close with refreshments ser- ved by the hostess. Ifitt ‘ The White Gift Christmas Service and Baptism will be held at St. Matthew’s United Church next Sunday at 10:30 am. The white gifts will help the needy of the world. At 7 pm. the CGIT and Ex- plorer groups will hold their candlelighting service. iii. A. H. Gabb arrived on Tues-. day from Somerset. England. to; spend the Christmas holidays; with his daughter. Mrs. G. C.‘ Crack. -. It It It I! l R. Hill Senior Citizens l E. Lomax presided over a. very successful ‘meeting withl about one hundred and thirty in attendance. Mrs. l. Marsden reported on the success of the bazaar thisl year and thanked members for their splendid effort. Jack] Sheahan reported that there is free bowling for the senior citizens at the ABC Bowling Alley at 2 pm. on December} 29. ‘ Members thoroughly enjoyed. the entertainment provided by‘ Mary Monks and Jack Bateman.l whose magic certainly puff members into the festive sea-‘ son spirit. A talented accord-y ionist. thirteen year old Eddie Karroway. also played for their entertainment. The raffle for the quilt was won by Mrs. Roy Masters. The meeting was rounded off. with carols sun: by all. accom- panied by the Citizens‘ Rhythm Band. Ralph Hill made an excellent Santa Claus and dis-v Lributed gifts to everyone. Tea. sandwiches and cakes were served by the ladies of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church and Richmond Hill United Church. l x t at 3 Registered music teachers will be interested to know that plans are well under- way for the formation of a branch of the Registered Music Teachers' Association in this area. The association will meet monthly and offers its members the opportunity to hear the views of other teachers and receive help in solving prob» lems. it also offers the opporâ€" tunity to hear exports in the field and to have students ap» pear in recitals more frequent- ly than is otherwise the case, Mrs. Estelle Markham. who attended one of tin planning meetings Monday evening. re“ ports. Interested teachers are asked to watch for more new: of the new branch early In the new year. I The true Spirit of Christmas is being exemplified this year by pupils of the intermediate and senior Sunday schools of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. These young people have decided to forego the pleasure of exchanging Christ- mas gifts with their classmates and instead contribute to a fund to be sent to an Indian Sunday School. Next Monday evening, at the Christmas entertainment. a cheque for the donation will be presented. It is expected that "Chief" George Armstrong of Toronto Maple Leafs will be present to accept the cheque. Featured on the program will be the Joseph Trio of young singers from Gormley. A party for the children of the Junior Sunday School will be held at 2:30 pm. Saturday. "The Christmas Story" will be presented by the children, fol- lowed by two short films, re- freshments and a visit from Santa Claus. Parents and young brothers and sisters are invit- ed. # t i C The Watch Night Service at St. Matthew’s United Church on New Year's Eve will be fol- lowed by a pot luck dinner. sponsored by the Couples‘ Club Tickets are $2.00 per couple. please call Grace Walter 884- 2514. if you plan to attend. new: By certificate of transfer the following were welcomed to the membership of St. Mat- thew’s United Church: Mrs. Arlene Drew. 337 Cen- tre St.. from Carmen Memorial United, Toronto; Mrs. Marlene Moore, 389 North Taylor Mills Drive. from Wesley United. Mimico; Mrs. Ruth Pears, 218 Bayview Ave. N., from St. Thomas-Wesley United. Saska-. toon; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith,, Misses Sharon and Suzanne. Smith, 316 Osiris Dr. from Tri-' nity United, Hanover; Mr. andi Mrs. Allen Spraggett, 284 155-1 sex Ave. from St. Paul's Uni- ted. New Liskeard; Mr. Wesley: Viney. 48 Rockport Cr. from“ Cannington United Church. II: t it ‘0‘ Richmond Hill United Church is holding two morning services on December 20â€"one at 9.45 and the second at ll am. At '7 pm. they will again worship as the Nativity of our ,Lord is presented in tableaux. carols and the spoken word. The junior and church choirs will assist. as in previous years. The observance of Christmas would be incomplete Without this act of rejoicing and praise. it it it it many. send Christmas greetings y to their many friends in the dis- I it? fillllllllllll‘l\lllllllllllllllllllll“llujllllmlllllllllllullllllllllllum who appeared on “Uncle Jer- ry’s Club” Sunday. showed promise. ability and personality in her jazz acrobatic dance. onto she commutes mond Hill to study with the. Sylvia Garson Dance Studios. picting the Christmas story. Joseph. tertained guests 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Passmore( 50 - 50 Club News At the election of officers on December 14 St. Mary Immac- ulate 50-50 Society elected W. Evans of 222 Donald Avenue their president by a plurality of With the festive season fast approaching, social ac- tivities are in full swing. “Life in the Hill" is comp- rised of social and com- munity news, that you, the reader. wish to publicize. 200 votes. His office expires The service is freeâ€"call January 11, 1965. the Social Editor Margot s a s 2* Crack at 884-1105, or drop The Engineersv Wives met a line to 63 Yonge Street South, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. i all it! it Nine year old Cindy Manners. last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. Knowles, 285 Emerald Isle Court. Mr Frank Boden from the psychiatric unit. of York County Hospital. Newmarket gave a most interesting talk to the group, giving them an insight into the work being accomplish- ed by this unit. Gifts were collected for the mental health .patients. The next meeting will be held on January 13. ‘ Vt!!! Thornhaven Adult Train- ing Centre needs a piano very badly. If you have one which is not in use, even if it needs some repairs on WBENâ€"TV last fine Although Cindy lives in Tor-T to Rich- Iklkitiitl What better way of en- tertaining the children over the Christmas holidays than taking them to the Curtain Club’s Christmas panto- and tuning the Young pew mil’getgfifgdwfififlngggn": pic of the workshop would be more than grateful to receive it as a gift. The young people are very anxiOus to have a piano for their Christmas party. A phone call to Miss D. Ketola at 884-5861 to let her know your un- used piano is available will ensure not only a merry Christmas party but hours of enjoyment in the future. )lv )0! II it A regular busineSS meeting of the Curtain Club was held" on Monday last. Rehearsals are well under~ way for the Christmas panto- .mime. “Dick Whittington” * * * a which will take place in the Next Saturday the Sunday‘Lions Hall on December 28, 29‘ school pupils (primary grade,iand 30. Volunteers were asked ages 2 to 6 years) of the Church‘for work in the Lions Hall on of St. Gabriel, will again cre- December 27â€"anytime during ate a twenty-foot poster de- the day. Producer Mary Neill would be pleased to hear from As the story is narrated by a lady member who would co~l KKKKKfiKflKKKE‘flC‘KflK‘E'fiKKQKQKKKKfibflfififififlfifififififimfifi Richmond Hill High School student, attractive Margaret Queen. who as Dick Whit- tington. has a very unusual cat, who aids and abets him in his search for fame and fortune. This role is being played by the talent- ed actress. Mary Monks, whose daughter Louise. gives a delightful perform- ance as the principal girl, Alice. “chk Whittington“ will be presented at the Lions Hall, Centre Street East. on December 28, 29 and 30. and tickets may be obtain- ed by calling 285-1034. Mrs. J. Arnold Price. each child ordinate costumes, pleaSe call? places his or her figureâ€"Mary, her at 884-3373. the three kings. etc. Casting for the club‘s festiâ€" â€"on the poster. while appro- \‘31 play “A Diary of a Scoun- priate carols are sung, drel" will be announced after This is a very popular event, Christmas. eagerly looked forward to ev- The CODL Twelfth Night ery year by the children and Party “in take Place at the their proud parents. Hot Stove Club in Torontoâ€"â€" it i s r further information my be ob- As part of their contribution tained by callini: Esther Pastie- to the r‘hristmas spirit St. Mat- thwalte 884-7609. thew‘s Church senior choir en- The evening was concluded at the On. by a studio production of Aug- tario Hospital. Aurora. on usie Strmdberg‘s “The Strong- Wednesday. and will be singing er" with Mary .\'eill and Joan at York Central Hospital and Cockburn under the direction The Villa on December 23. of Dagmar )Iatyas. WWW“ mmmmxmmmfifimxxxxw TINY TOTS PORTRAITS ‘ . . , .’ trict. adding “We could never One leil Mounted 9 get along over here Without (. m- l .“The Liberal“ to keep in touch " n v -- It i . . 2 - - - I” with our friends and their do-K ' “W I“, h MM]de y: lugs. and we send our best; {mm on}: pow } wishes to each of you". V} « um ’3 Their Erectings are rccipro- j: I‘m”. 1“ S Mmmmd (7/ rated. and "The Liberal" joins from (me Dose 7 their friends in wishing them 0 h. ‘1 all the very best for 1965. n’ if gRuuuuuuumiuuuuiuuuiuuhiimunniuuuuimmmmimg complete the E ‘ piano ' g 1 Including your choice of {if teacher 2 x 77 g \ -' 6 to if) poses . . . E ’ ’ 9 ' ’7“ Esme Mime...“ STl ARTS STl mo , 884-3787 E 5 3M i'onge St. S. “4-6741 cmx\\m\x\\\\\\&}k\xx\\\\\x\\\\\\\~exxx\ \“é . per. Tracey Doreen. chosen daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long, and sister of Wayne and Bob. Starlight Crescent. was christen- ed on Sunday. December 13. at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Rev. James O'Neil officiated. Tracey wore an exquiSIte white nylon and lace dress. Godparents were Warren Jen- ner. twin brother of Mrs. Long. his wife Auer and a dear friend of the family. Mrs. Earl Cameron. Following the ceremony. twenty-seven guests returned to Mr. and Mrs. Long‘s home, for many years. Miss the Villa Private Hospital.lG an illness of several months.‘C The late Miss Moore was. Miss Hazel Gertrude Moore Passed Away After Long Illness .\ resident of this community Hill. Hazel ‘ tMrs. Gertrude Moore. daughter of Sun blrs. and the late .‘vlr. HuthMrs. R. Fred Mitchell! of Ni- 'I‘homas Moore. passed away atlami. Thornhill. November 27. after'Hill: THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 17. 1964 RICHMOND HILL CURTAIN CLUB Presents DICK WHIITINGTON and four sisters: Ethel Clarence C. Clarkcl of . . . ch); California; Elsie -â€"a pantomime written by Mary Neill and Tony Hiscoke Monday. Tuesday & Wednesday, December 28, 29 & 30 Florida: Grace iMrs. eorge Stcvcnsom of Richmond and Laura IMrs. R. L. atherwoodl of Ncwmarkct. where a buff? idlpncr was scr- horn in Cnbourg‘ Ontario' and lmafmem “'33 in CObOUl‘S 7.30 RM. veg b H .gm S h I . came to Richmond Hill with Unl%n.cemetcr~v‘ the pallbear‘ 1'05 .V 8| 5 c 00 Is .‘ . . ers eing members of the fam- presenting a Christmas concert her pamms m 1922‘ Pnor to ‘that she had resided for some ily: Bruce Stephens. John Sie- ‘phens. Murray Stevenson. Bob nephews. and R. L. Catherwood. brother-in-iaw. Centre Street E.. Richmond Hill FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 285-1034 atherwood. Bill Stevenson. this Thursday (December 17) . . ' in the school auditorium. “mg m Torpmo Where ShglC , ~ I. . studied elocution. being a pupil The progiam “ill include 01. the I t O V S .1 numerous choirs and the Christ- . . a 9 .mm m] ey‘ She‘ mas Story partICIpated In many concerts}. The concert starts at 7 pm. in Torf’nm and lat.” hf" read'l * *1 * * lanS were heard In Richmond . I ‘ Iiil on man oecas' . Winners 31 “1" Monday Af'. She also set one tlithli‘: was an. tcrnoon BOWlmi-t League turkeylactive member of the Richmond . 0 ml] were Pauline Price. Flavia Redelmcier. Tuck Appleby and Lois Anderson. Following codes and home made cake. Beth Rice. on be. half of the league extended sea- son's greetings to proprietix ‘Hiil Curtain Club and took part in some of its plays. She was employed for over _25 years in the office of the‘ ‘Roselawn Dairy and after her. ‘retirement in 1962 was an ac-. _ ‘ itive member of the Women's Pauline. and Pleseme‘j her‘Missionary Society of the Rich- with a bOUQUet 0f flowel‘s- .mond Hill Presbyterian Church. ‘* * * * I l She was a lover of nature‘ The Christmas mcctmg of and flowers and was deeply de-i the 151. Richmond Hill Scout voted to her parents and her and Cub Auxiliary was held atlsisters and their families. the home of MTS- Helen Todd". Funeral services were convi in the form 0f 3 DOHUCR supfiducted at her late residence by :Rev. J. N. Hepburn. minister of‘ 96”...”99 The many dishes were a , . Richmond Hi1 ' greattemptatlon ‘0 “‘9 d‘etIChurch. of whiclh thzefiggézg conscious members. Mrs. “was a dev ted b H Dingwaii installed new mem- o mem er. e praised her for her steadfasil faith and prayerful life. The late Miss Moore is sur- vived by her mother. Mrs. Hugh {Thomas Moore of Richmond R When Home Repairs bers for the coming year. Court whist was the feature for the. evening, Mrs. Betty Smith and; Mrs. Bertha Curtis winning the two first prizes. Small gifts were received by all the members and a wonder- 9.0900990955ooo , V . . Are Needed ful evenlng 31551303“ by 311' Consult the ' The annual Christmas party Liberal of the York County and District Real Estate Board was held at the Summit Golf and Countryi Club last Wednesday night.‘ Seventy-two people enjoyed - the festivities. * it it at The Elgin Park Ratepay- ers‘ Association ls spon~ poring a gala Christmas dance in the Lions Hall, Centre Street East this Fri~ day (December 18). with all proceeds for the Thorn- haven Retarded Children‘s Association for the work of the sheltered workshop for adults. For only $1 per person, there will be dancing. re- freshments. spot prizes and a door prize. Why not make up a party, enjoy yoursel- ves, and at the same time contribute to this very worthy cause? Tickets are obtainable at the door or by phoning Ivan Mansbrldge at 884. 5765. Miscellaneous ClaSsified Column RUTH CALVERLE Y GALLERY 50 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill **** *** *‘k * Featuring New Extensive Collection of Fred Haines‘ * * it ‘ Paintings. Richmond Hill is still in the “banana belt", residents on‘ Custom Framing, Antiques‘ Ashlar Road report. Last Thursday morning a big fatl canal“ and Imported robin was seen in this area of‘ sum“ Open House 2‘6 1m“ L Picture Loan. Sculpture, Elma; , For the sportsminded gal On your Christmas list why not choose a Curling or Ski Jacket and Slacks from our wide selection at ‘ WW climate “For Women Who Deserve The Best" SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-47 41 E! MammamamanaawmmShamanismzanmmmxnnmmmanmamz FREE! ACCORDIONS With Each Purchase of a Hohner 120 Bass Accordion we give you ab- solutely Free One Mignon II. KKKKK «an:amazeananan:an:ammaahamamaamaymammamasmamaaaa This is not a toy but a quality built Hohner in- strument. R bass in petite size. Ideal for that small would-be accorrlionist in your family. Ideal Christmas present. Also free lessons with purchase. 0 Richmond Heights Centre flflifiiflifiifiifil Eflifliflififliflifilflifliflifi i. i. ifilfiifiii Offer Expires Dec. 3151. liltii l @ idem“ an, a; @1an Jazz ’Bailder: of Goad Crmrvmhp Have You left It Too W- late? DON'T WORRY We Have Just The A CHRISTMAS CAKE For You Baked Exclusively for Civitan by Hunts "QUALITY IN EVERY MO‘RSEL" PHONE NOW! The proceeds from our sale of cakes provides the Days ' means to carry on our service work which includes â€" EVENINGS 'â€" providing wheelchairs and assistance to Multiple Sclerosis Patients and assistance to Retarded Children as well as many other projects, s 1 Gift Certificates The perfect way to say “Merry Christmas” 0 Available in any amount 3 Free miniature shoe and box to put under the tree supps For The Whole Family Comfort with a fashion flair . . gift slippers for the whole family Mother, Dad, sister, brother. We’vc a bevy of styles for everyone. _A,/ Mom â€"- Omphies, Packard, Helena Kaufman Foam Treads. ' For Dadâ€"Packard, Oxford, Habitant, Foam Treads. - For the Childrenâ€"Parisette, Kauf- man Foam Treads. $2.98 - $3.98 Just the gift for cold winter days ~whcther it's dressy Cocktail Boots, Stack Heel Cossack Boots, Fiat Heel Snow Boots, Shields Footwear W SHED m FOR ME PAM/[V OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS Just West of Barth’s Cleaners fill/i FOOTWEAR

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