’63 Chevrolet ’62 Chevrolet ’62 Chrysler ’62 Ford 6 cylinder, automatic ’64 Volkswagen Van Wm. NEAL 895 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL TU. 4.7331 "Get Behind the Wheel with Neal for Values" Many others to choose from Chrysler ~ Dodge - Valiant ONE OWNER CARS Ginger Ale HEINZ FANCY Tomato Juice DOLE FANCY SLICED PEAR SHAPED MAPLE LEAF BICK'S SWEET MIXED Power steering, power brakes, radio Pineapple IGA BRANDâ€"PLUS DEPOSIT QT. BOTTLES Hams 11/: Lb. Size Pickles Automatic HAVE A REAL ped beef and chow. which the“ dogs prefer to turkey. This is‘ served with an extra milk ra-i tinn. All residents also re- The English bulldog presided over festivities on Christmas day when. in accordance with annual custom, all residents were treated to special rations ceived their full shares of doggy and a toy_ George Martin. head candies and biscuit bones. Hap- ikennelman, prepared the treatipy participants in the Christ- containing chopped liver, chop-{mas day festivities were Canine Control Officer Jim Ryan's RICHMOND 1 guests was a white pigeon and ~a cat and dog who had re- !covered from injuries enough ,to participate. “Toughieâ€, the senior resident of Canine Con- trol Kennels, who has chalked up more than a month there, was chosen to be the canine Santa this year. TAILORTNG Styled by Valente LADIES’ & GENTS’ CUSTOM TAILORS ALTERATIONS Formal Wear Canine Santa Claus 884-4212 5 Yonge S Rental Richmond Tailor Co. RE-USABLE DECANTER “Toughie†will welcome any children who visit the kennels during Christmas holidays. He extends season‘s greetings to all his canine relatives and to all humans who are kind owners of dogs and joins Mr. Ryan in expressing appreciation and thanks to all children and ad- ults who have made sincere efforts to keep dogs under con- trol while exercising them in a proper manner. with "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET FAST RESULTS Phone 884-1105-6 or 285-3318 20 OZ. TIN 48 OZ. TIN 40 OZ. $1.39 ; FOR 55° 3 H. School Trustees Get g Honorarium As OHan.l Mr. and Mrs. W. FournierlBeatty and Was warmly wel- were at the Holy Communionécomed by the congregation. service on Christmas eve and: Rev. D. C. H. Mitchell. it certainly was nice to see former rector of the parish. them again. They have been‘sent many members of the con- living in Halifax for the pastlgregation a Christmas letter in two years but have moved back which he said he hoped to visit to this part of the country and Canada in the spring or early will presently be taking upjsummer. He wished everyone residence in West Hill. Their‘the best in the New Year. d an 1 :iiljlfess “ be R R ’ WESthhitter Chatter St. John's Church News Everyone was happy to see. Many ham Mrs. C. Snively back to church day to Karen after being confined to theiSaul on .13 house with a broken wrist forlBruce Dodso the past few weeks. I Mr. and M Mrs. William Leach was atltertained Mr. The honorarium will mence in January 1965 tees will also receive 1 mile for distance they on board business. Under the terms of of the Ontario Legislatu ed on the York Central $1 Payment of non-board mem- bers of the advisory-vocational committee was then discussed. Under the terms of Bill 52, such committee members are entitled to receive up to a to- tal of $30 monthly. Finally. a motion moved by Trustee George Yates was pas- sed, with none opposed and two absentinns, to have trus- tees paid $20 monthly and $20 for each meeting attended. The advisory-vocational comâ€" mittee included four members of the community who are not board members but are in a position to advise the board on employment and vocational needs in the community. Following a lengthy discussion, members of the York Central District High School Board decided at their December 21 meeting to pay themselves a flat $20 per month, together with a further $20 for each meeting attended, not exceeding $60 per month. It was suggested that non- Elgin Mills And Jefferson News IG A" mm 3 £61015; 3 u ORANGES u I.- GRAPEFRUITEI RoundSteaksorRoasts From Management and Staff OF THE EVENING BRANCH ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Allencourt IGA church with her Beatty and was w comed by the con Rev. D. C. H Rev. D. C. H Mitchell. former rector of the parish. sent many members of the con- gregation a Christmas letter in which he said he hoped to visit Chltter Chatter Many happy returns of the day to Karen Greig and Ronnie Saul on January 1 and to Bruce Dodsnn on the 7th. WMr. and Mrs. Lyle Boyle en~ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Meyers SUNKIST NAVEL DOZ. 49¢ FLORIDA NO. I Honor Retiring Members Reeve W. J. Haggart, Deputy-reeve Stanley Tin- nnd Councillor Robert Saunders, who will not be members of the 1965 Rich- mond Hill Town Council. were presented with cuff~ links hearing the town crest by Mayor Thomas Broad- hurst- Monday evening. All three stated they Would wear the links with pride and paid tribute to members of the Council and the town staff for their co- operative efforts during the year. Good Size th her father Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell spent Christmas with their son Bruce and his family. Congra- tulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell on the birth of a daughter on Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton and Linda spent Christmas day with Mrs. Patton's nephew, George Mitchell and his family in Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davies and Miss F. Condy of Hamilton on Christmas day. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hopkins and family who have moved into the home ‘formerly ocupied by Mr. and Mrs. Putta on Naughton Drive. . The Christmas season was celebrated very quietly at Le- gion Court. On Christmas eve. in a fog normally found float- ing around the Marble Arch in London, England, we manoeu- . vred the heavy traffic and were successful in reaching the court before the evening was ended. Our intended visit in a quest for news received some- what of a setback upon finding an almost deserted parking lot . and a similar absence of mem- bers inside the building. After talking to several of those pre- sent who chose to be afforded the protection of the fifth amendment. we encountered our congenial president who had probably arrived via char- ter flight from Centre Street. Our comrade; public notary. of- fice manager. salesman, execut- or, trustee, troubleshooter, pubâ€" lic relations man and president elect had only a few words to say, and we quote. “Please con- vey my sincere good wishes for the New Year from myself and the executive to all of our members. their families and friends". Frank would not elab- orate on the purpose of a re- cent visit he had made down- town on behalf of the branch. However We can no doubt soon expect to receive news of yet! another occurrence in our‘ 'first edition' series. l * a u: a: ‘ Another item we understand? is to be presented in the New? Year could very well be descw1 ribed as coming from Associa- lted Press. Also we may expect the results of the "Van Somer- an“ (branch of year) award. and we have certainly been trying. Something that will definitely arrive with the New Year are the dues for 1965. The $6 mem- bership fee is due on January 1. It is divided up as follows: $1.90 to Dominion Command for administration and the “Le- gionaryâ€: $1.30 to provincial command. For administration. $1.30 to the service pureaux fund of provincial command. Only the remaining $1.50 is re- tained by the branch. Having had the pleasure of writing this column since last October, 1 would like to con~ clude the last report of the year by thanking all my critics and cheerleaders, and also the editor who punctuates where required. To all of these and all of you, comrades and friends we wish a very happy and pros- perous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Browne and family celebrated Christâ€" mas with Ron‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Browne, Willow~ dale. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould- ing, and children spent Christ- mas day with Mr. and Mrs. D Goulding. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Terry and family visited Mrs. H. W. Terry in Toronto on Christmas day and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry, Willow- dale. ' Mr. and Mrs. William McKee of Orillia and Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid and Robin of Rochester spent Christmas with Mr. and Your legion Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman‘ - 884-7129 y .0“, manoeu. ‘ Another item we understand and were 15 to be presented in the New ring the Y_eal‘ Could very well be desc- ming was ribed as coming from Associa- visit in alted Press. Also we may expect ,ed some- the results of the "Van, Somer- m finding an“ (branch of year) award, and arkng 101; We have certainly been trying. I of mem. Something that will definitely ing_ After arrive with the New Year are those ppe- the dues for 1965. The $6 mem- , afforded bership fee is due on January the fifth L E is digideq _up as follows: CANADA'S FINESTâ€"RED BRAND BONELESS For a full variety of Party Foods for your New Year's Celebration, we carry all kinds of Salami, Spreads, Chubs and the biggest assortment of Cold Cuts SWIFT'S PREMIUM H Ready To Eat TURKEY PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THIS STORE ONLY-DEC. 29, 30, 31, JAN. 2 BARBEQUED TO ORDER 884-3008 Law of Ottawa and relatives from Buttonville and Wood- bridze. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dibb visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham in Acton for Christmas and then went to Kitchener to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Hoff- stetter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Passmore and Miss Nancy Passmore spent Christmas with Mrs. Pasmore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. But- lin. Thornhill. Wyn Butlin was home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. Leno had dinner with Mr. Leno's family and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clubine on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zim- merman and family of Mon- treal spent the Christmas weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman. Brookside Road. Sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Pet'- ferlaw spent the holiday with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ford. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. H. Boyle, Leon- ard Avenue. who passed away early Monday morning. And to the family of Mrs. J. D. Smith. Willow Farms. Bayview Avenue North. who died sudâ€" denly on December 24. Having had the pleasure of writing this column since last October, 1 would like t_o con~ clude the last report of the year by thanking all my critics and cheerleaders, and also the editor who punctuates where required. To all of these and all of you, comrades and friends we wish a very happy and pros- perous New Year. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Dec. 31, 1964 AIIe-ncourt Plaza RICHMOND HILL BAYVIEW & MARKHAM RD. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS 1 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TV SEE COLOUR TV IN OPERATION 28 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill AV. 5-3756 PHONES TU. 4-7456 Television The year is new, but our wish is the same: that we may continue to nerve you as we have in the past . . . to the best of our ability! Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! RCA VICTOR STEREO - HI-FI CONSOLE SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE 32m New Year NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL RENT A 19" PORTABLE FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS KEN & jEAN WALKER Represented by 5379'†Richmond Hill