Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1964, p. 6

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[Richmond Hill TYPEWBITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in :cluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod [915. Special rental rates avail Ible to students. L. H. SIMS \ 88 Baker Ave. BALL OF FIRE. Beautiful. plpeless, portable stove oil heater, no smoke. no odour, heat capacity 10,000 B.T.U. Safe and trouble free. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road. Victoria Square. Gormley. Phone 886â€"5413. tfclS BEAUTYREST, Marshall. Sim- ‘mons. Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5â€"1591. tfc44 as UIDUUUH 1' ULLANERS we do repairs. alterations and quality cleaning for all your «clothes at Discount prices. See bur Resale rack of better garâ€" ments up to size 20. at a frac- tion of their cost. In the Mall, Richmond Heights Centre. tfc48 1964, 8% hp Skidoo. Purchased last January. Newly overhauled and repainted. Over $50 worth racks and bumpers added. This machine is in like new condi- tion. Phone 773-5237. 4T Dfscoum CLEANEޤ SACRIFICE Cottage furniture. Chesterfield. and 2 chairs, 2 rollaway cots and mattresses. Small D u n c a n Phyfe table etc. Best offer. 884-5708 after 5. clw27 CHRISTMAS trees. spruce. Scotch pine. large and small painted trees. Call C. L. Knap- pett. 884-3089. tfc22 N0. 1 white honey. 2 and 4 lb. containers. single or by the case. 30 lb. pails. $7.50 per pail. B. Kays. 888-1770. Doors, windows, awnings, and mum. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 5 PIECES lady'sTflTx‘e 'Ifiééfii never been used. Keystone movie camera, electric eye. 884- 8613. (mum GREY Persian 13ml; jacket wifii double sapphire mink collar. New condition. $125. 884-1547. clw27 SEASONED hardwood for fire- places $10 a load, Well rotted manure or mushroom compo- site $7 load. 225-2781. GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd‘. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 USE337Wesblnghouse televlsla 21" console model. Excellent condition. $85.00. Phone 884- 1245. nc1w27 PASSPoni-pICi'iffiiis 3 for $1.50 â€" 6 for $2.00 24 hour-service WILLOW PHOTO PHILDDENDRON plant. 10 a. PETS FOR SALE high showroom plant. 884~2203. ,vrum ‘m‘fi clwz7 PUPPIES. $3. 8344953. BOX trailer, 37x4'. 31768217126 m_*__ ., ,__4£L“L2H7 and metal frame. ball hitch, FREE to aigood713me. 7 week 1%" plywood body. meta] roof. old male kltten. house broken. 884-5481. clw27 285-3946. c1w27 SPY apples, Manning and Sons Orchard Duiferin Street. half mile south Maple Sideroad. RR2 Maple. 832-1274. tch'? PHOTOGRAPHS of your family or children in your home name. Hourly rate. 384-7020. afâ€" mg program. special assistance 285-5762 ' FREE ESTIMATFS‘ PAH“)? wheels as new for snow ) flies ’61 Ford, $10. Phone 832- ter 3 Wm c1w27 it} new stfirters. top commis- mm ' 25- c1w27 AB 1' m‘“ slons and raws_ Can Mum & _~,fi( r_ AW 4_ 39 - B Y smug M New Yea” Star Ltd.. 222â€"2525. “625 nmmcmmonmmms FIREPLACE wood. 5 years séa. Eve in .my home. Willing to #75 ‘H -d J . “med oak $20 cord; maple $15_ keep chxldren overmght. Rea- ALL tradesmen required for themfiglceie Silligtrlge'pfglirsnilafigf Delivere¢ 773.5368_ “C25 sonable rate. 884-5679. the'manufacture of commercial , W337." c1w27‘refngeration equipment. SheetJ42 Le‘endale Road' 884'323'12 Brand new. $50. 38433678. jme‘al Workerwawenterxspray c painters. assemblers. Apply 124 MASONRY CONTRACTOR clw27 - - '__¢_ Norfmch Dr.. Downswew. Phone Stonework. Fireplace etc V RHJLPDENDRON Plan}; 10 3?- PETS FOR SALE 1635-63675- c1w27mmmw. m a. n ELECTRIC stove. uooo conm- tion. Reasonable. 884-4123. cl w27 STAUFFER couch. good condi- l . 85. Call 833-5310. ton s clw27 'DRY hardwood, cut, suitableAf'iTr fireplace use. Delivered smgle cord lots. 884-4519. v" ______,_____.._~_... LAWN mower sharpener, Ideal. Also bed plate grinder, $100 complete. 88445116. c1w27 HAY and straw by bale 01115:? Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2236. tfcl_8 PAIR of wheels as new for'Eiow flies '61 Ford. $10. Phone 832- tlcw23‘ mattress. $20. 28-3-2550. cl w2 7 COMBINATION washer-drier, good Working condition. 285~ 5906. c1w2'7 17 CU. FT. deep freeze. wash~ ling machine, dryer and other .household articles. 884-4028. c1w27 BABY SITTING BABY sitting, New Year's Eve. by competent adult in our own ' home. Hourly rate. 884-7020. af- lter 6 pm. clw2'7 iGENERAL dunes; ironing: dish- es etc. part time. Nursing Home. Thm‘nhill. 7608 Yonge Street. 285-7072. clw27 COOK to be trained as assistâ€" ant manager. Apply Sonits Chicken Villa. Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. (-1w27 ThECEFfib‘NISTLTY’PIST. " ’ar- iraciive 25-40. Apply Beltane; Hearing Service. 36 Yonge‘ Street South. 334-6611. 221â€": c1w27‘1 5927. REAL ESTATE career for meni or Women. free extensive train-i ing program, special assistance to new starters. lop commis- ________.__.._.M ELECTRIC stove. Good condi- tion. Reasonable. 884-4123._ 285-6851. open even‘ings for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word. minimum charge 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word. min. charge 65c BOX NUMBERS Il'l extra charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE, 5c per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per Insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10:30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice NO CHARGE fittjgg and proofs ARTICLES FOR SA LE ALUMINUM THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 31, 1964 HONEY WERNER 285-2724 884-17 45 fic49 clw27 *6w22 [534: ENERGETIC young man seeks c1w27 permanent position. Willing, hard worker. W111 consider anything. Phone 773-5025. tfc21 tfc'l V va. yum,ch Reference Libraries â€"â€" Foreign Language Study Courses â€"‘ El- ementary and Secondary School Subjects Teaching Machines. No previous sales experience required. No investment. We provide sales kit and materials. Write William Draper Cana- diana Company Ltd., 200 Uni. versity Avenue. Toronto, Ontâ€" ario. c2w27 YOU TOO CAN MAKE MONEY! Raising Chinchillas. Contact Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. 12.12. 1 UXBRIDGE EMPLOYMENT PART TIME ~ FULL TIME Be the Canadiana Company sales representative in your district. Have a profitable business. Earn weekly commissions by supplying friends. neighbors. school age children with Home and School Educational Ency- clopedias. â€" Schonl thinn! SILVER bracelet, Sunday Dec~ ember 27 at Arena. Reward. 884-1919. c1w27 DACHSHUND, black with brown. Answers to "Maxie" child's pet. Reward. LanEstaff DAY CARE available ifiy own home. 285-4508. clw27 DAY care available for pr; school age child. Walter Scott school area. 884â€"5317. HAND? man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. 7 tfc24 LOST mainly white 175171. Per~ sian male cat, almost 2 years old, family pet. 884â€"7810. area. 285-1824 COMPETENT young man in need of work has references. Please phone between 9 and 5. 884-2589. clw27 YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 and evenings. 884:40I3-iMBever- 1y Acres. c1w27 GAREEGE and rubbish re- moval; also junk, scrap etc: 288-0797. tfc20 BApyfs'ITTER day time care DOG GROOMING Jill Goddard, for professional poodle clipping. Stud services & top bred poodle pups usually for sale from $100. 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. 285-3606. "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET FAST RESULTS Phone 834-1105-8 or 285-3318 WANTED Toy puppy (female preferred). Cairn - Boston - Poodle. Call 884-6135. *1w27 TRIMMING. bathing and grooming. Specializing in Ker- ry Blues. and poodles. 832-2671. tchO (Continued) DOUBLE bed. good spring, new mattress. $20. 285-2580. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Business Opportunities DAY CARE FOR SALE tfc24l fim Eiy White 33875 cat. almost 2 years pet. 884-7810. c1w27 'acelet, Sunday De; at Arena. Reward. c1w27 ND, black with iswers to "Maxie" Reward. Langstaff‘ 324. c1w27- “ Y CARE 2 available ifiny oiE‘ 1508. clw27l Mickie. 285-4931. FACTORY HELP Male and female for punch press work. No experience ne- cessary. Apply Dieomatic Metal Products Ltd., Ohio Road, Ri- chmond Hill. c1w27 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products the Towu of Richmond Hill. No investment neceSSary. Earn $75.00 per Week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gauthier 350 St. Roch St, Montreal 15. Que. c5w23 TEéiS‘fERED’NUlisEsâ€" with supervisory experience. One as evening supervisor. 55 day week, $400 per month. One‘ as assistant head nurse, day duty and 4 days per week. The Villa Private Hospital, Mr. c1w27 nc3w26 02w27f tchZ RELIABLE woman for general help for working mother. Color- ed girl welcome. own room. $80 monthly. Thornhill. 285-6917. ‘ c1w27 tfcz7‘lGIRL for housework and baby sitting. Live in. Two girls. 2-4.. â€" Own room, TV, bath. Good m iwages. Evenings. 285-3424. lion‘al | :es & :ually 'onge DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. tfc41 DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly done. Mrs. J. Shields. 473 Lynett Crescent Richmond Hill. Phone for appointment. c1w27 Villa Private' fioépitéi;" fvfr'. Mackie. 285-4931. cl w27 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN OR SALESWOMAN David McLean Ltd, Realtors have openings for two additionâ€" al salesmen or salesladies to join their busy longestablish- ed Richmond Hill offices in the new year. Top commissions. bonuses and managerial assist- ance Please can Mrs. Sutherâ€" land. 884-3805 or awn-vino: 824. 5310 Registered nursing assistants or practical nurses required for day duty. The Villa Private Hospital, Mr. Mackie, 285-4931. c1w27 Write Box 23 HIGH SCHOOL student with chauffeurs licence to work at service station, evenings 6-10 Apply in person 9584 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Mr. Alexander. clw27 _.v..‘, ‘vk‘bhu for extias for Emine- and family. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 141, Guelph, Ont. c1w27 Make this year 'V‘Earn w-ith Avon" year: Have those longed- INTELLIGENT young man re- quired for shipping department of local manufacturer. Perma- nent position and a good future is assured to the right 35% can‘t: 285-5416. tfc27 LVUlllUUll u] .. uuwnsvxew. rnone 635-6363. clw27 $120 monthly. kindly house- keeper to take care of 4 and 2 year old while mother teaches. All school holidays free. 19th Ave. 884-5378. WOMAN required to look after one child in home. Light house- work in modern home. Prefer someone to live in. Call 884â€" 6312 after 6 pm. c1w27 WOMAN required for typing. bookkeeping background, gen- eral office duties. Usual com~ pany benefits. Write Box 17 The Liberal. c1w27 Stonework. FiI'EpIdCE. etc. V. Ostergaard, 18 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tchB CARPENTRY WORK, additions, grenovations, garages. recreation ,rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough. new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work euaran-- teed. TU. 44006. tfc51 ‘ CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and remain-d DRESSMAKIN G COOK. full time for nuréing home, Thornhill. 7608 Yonge Street. 285-7072. clw2‘7 EXPERIENCEDHVWEVifress warn; ed. Apply Pop's Tavern. 194 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. JANITOR,' part time, Eenibr citizen acceptable. Write Box 21. The Liberal. tf026 KITCHEN help requi}€d by lb- cal club. Phone 285-4554. WANTED â€"~ Girl 'Friday to CHARTERED BANK HELP WANTED fMISCELLANEOUSr TO RENT MALE OR FEMALE year. Top commissions es and managerial assist- Please call Mrs. Suther‘ 8843805 or evenings. 884- Acceptance or Consumer Credit CLERK Experienced For Local NEW IN 65 NUR’SES‘ "The Liberal“ cl w25 c1w27 c1w27 tch7 Gormley. east of Phone 886-5851. Do' yam?“ a drmfing-ot? law? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tic§5 LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 2855562 ; Mgr. Felix Game ’ 884-1245 RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES PARTS, SERVICE Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resie dence, business, AV. 5-5345. SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered -â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99, 5 years guarantee. Terms if deâ€" sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 Custom built homes‘ renova~ tions, additions. and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. .1. B. DeFen‘afl, Maple, ALpine 7â€"8876. tfc7 Ontario Sheet Metal Industries. Complete custom fabrication. Also duct work. alterations and repairs. 2856362. Nights 285- 3457. c4w24 Farm Implements [CARPENTRY WORK, additions, irenovations, garages. recreation ,rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards. shelves, garages. etc. 884-2588. tchZ KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manshlp. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfcls Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 Eavestrough. new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 44006. tfc51 i CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. yAV. 5-2494. tfc43 < CONCRETE - MASONRY {CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS lBuilding. alterations & repairs. . prompt seche I WALKER & MITCHELL ‘ AV. 5-2526 tfc8 } RALPH ELniEonofiAnfid 1Paintimz. paper-hanging. intern Hot and exterior. Free estimates. l'Work guaranteed. 884-7902. t E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn‘ TU. 4-2798. KENNEDY'S Home and Comâ€" mercial Cleaners. Floors. ceil. ings. walls. rugs. broadloom. windows, chesterfields. Phone 884-7866. tfc16 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY SHEET METAL’WORK SeWers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. PERSONAL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 UPHOLsiE'fi' C. STUNDEN SNow'REM'OVA'L' PLUM'mVG [SON SALESflfumished accommodation sin- ERVICE tgle man. abstainer. excellent Don Mills ‘Ifdjtenant. Write Box 261, Maple. Richmond Hi! e BACHELOR, 1. 2 and 3 bed- IHELL room suites. modern. near ev- _7 “5% erything. from $92.50. Av. 5- DRATING 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfcl7 "g" inter‘ 3 BEUhOOM‘oungalow. se’mi. 95t1m3t95~ Excellent condition. Storms and ‘7902‘ screens. Close to Newmarket tfc 31 Plaza. $90. 895-5600. clw26 E $95 fiéEflNb EATVDING, 4 All types bedrooms. new bungalow. ‘727- {9488 and 727-5046 Aurora. 884-7996 tfc51 tf632 6ch “(E44 tfc43 FARM 20-30 acres. house with good barn. or large pig pen. Aurora , Stoufiville, Bradford area. Write Box 22, The Lib- eral. *2w26 THORNHILL. seli~contained un- .LU A. STORAGE space available, Storage of any kind. Phone any- time. 884-5813. c1w27 tfc FURNISHED room, cooking fa- .” cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 re- tis. 3 ROOMS. unfurnished, flat, or basement apartment required. Reasonable rent. 884-7633. MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4.2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'? 41A Yonge North Legion Court Floor sanders, rentals or ser- vice. power tools. tableware, chairs. reducer belts. bug spray- ers. (Follow label to kill roach- es, silver fish. etc.) Caulking guns, drain snakes. Many other convenient items. Pay us a visit. 884-6761. tfc21 SKIS, 5'. stee'l eazgs; cablé harness. 884â€"2946. c1w27 SLEIGH RIDES AND HAY " RlDES For information call 225-1607 or ME. 3-3740. 884-7456 TOOLS T0 RENT ! Cement mixers, floor sander-5‘ and edgers, ramset guns. roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Renta‘ and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA 1-1711. tfc30y LITTLE FORD These Prices Good Only Until January 2nd. 1965 ‘WILLOWDALE at Drewry Ave- nue, 6 room bungalow, double garage. 2 fireplaces, 2 finished recreation rooms, utility room. Close to schools and shopping. immediate possession. $165 monthly. 285â€"1753. c1w27 Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. AV‘ 5-1109. tfc27 HALL FOR RENT Seaiing capacity 250 for ban~ quets. weddings. etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc37 SMALL furnished apartment. Cooking facilities, own entrance. Suibable for lady. or lady with one child. $15 weekly. 884-6582 evenings. c1w27 UNFURNISHED apartment. bed room, living room. kitchen, bathroom. Close to Yonge. $85i monthly. 384-5310 after 6 D.m.‘ T001 & Equipment RENTAL COMMERCIAL workshop. size 20' by 36'. Very bright, heated. ample paved parking. Yonze Street, north of Richmond Hill. 773-5386. clw27 THORNHILL, bed-sitting room for business person on Yonge St. Parking available. 285-3606. tfc22 BED SITTING room with pic- ture window, kitchenette. din- ing area. Separate entrance. central. Parking. 8844204. 3-R00MED*apartmen/tfâ€"S'zs monthly. Adults only. 884-4893. c1w2’7 ONE bedfomfi ébartmeht'rédxfi’r; pad. 884-7243 or 783-6154. Sam Sorbara Real Estate Limited. c3w27 rent, ceMraL Can after 4. 884- 773-5386. *1w27 5 ROOMâ€"houseflarge garderi and garage. No. 7 Highway; 285-5624. clw27‘ Gâ€"fidOVMi-bdnéalowf afiailable end of January. 884-2254. 19" portable, day, week or month RICHMOND HILL TV NICELY fut-mama bedroom to AMUSEMENT MORTGAGES RENT A TEIZEV'I'SIOTV RENTALL CENTRE ToOLE'Fon RENT WANTED TO RENT WANTED 285-3756 tfc33 "1w27 *1w27 c4w25 c1w27 tfc 23 tfc27 c1w2'7 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hillaby of Richmond Hill are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Sandra to Mr. Andy Di Vincenzo son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Di Vincenzo of Richmond HilL c1w29 CHITI‘ENDEN â€"â€" Chuck and Elizabeth (nee Haley) are happy to announce the arriv- al of a baby girl, December 13. 1964 at York Central Hos- pital. a sister for Elizabeth Anne and Brian. c1w27 ROOM and BOARD BEATTY â€"~ In loving memory of a dear mother, Isabella Beatty who passed away Jan- uary 2. 1963. Her life was full of kindly deeds, A helping hand to all in need. A pleasant smile, a heart of gold, ‘ No finer mother this world; could hold. 1 What she suffered she told buti few. ‘ She left us her thoughts un- known. But she left us a memory we are proud to own. ~â€"- Ever remembered by son. Frank. Elsie and grandson Bill. *1w27 @ngagementz In memoriam ROOM and board. suit young gentleman. 884â€"6085. WANTED from Steeles Ave. between Bathurst and Yonge to Church and Adelaide and re- turn trip. Call after 8 pm. 285- 6564. clw27 57 FORD 2 DOOR $245 56 VOLKSWAGEN $325 ‘1964 VALIANT Signet V8 con- ‘Ivertible. Bucket seats. auto- lmatic transmission. white walls, push button radio, 6500 mikes. Save up to $900. Full price $2,700 833-5310. c1w2'1 '63 G.M.C. 1/2-Ton Pick-Up $1595 ‘59 METEOR 2â€"DOOR $595 58 Edsel Sedan, automatic transmission $535 ‘60 CORVAIR SEDAN $845 ‘61 Country Sedan, 6 cylinder. radio ‘60 FORD SEDAN $795 61 Ford 2â€"Door. 6 cylinder standard transmission $895 ‘61 VOLKSWAGEN $595 ‘62 VOLKSWAGEN $995 ‘63 Falcon Station Wagon $1695 63 Falcon 2-Door. 6 cylinder $1395 63 Buick Convertible Vâ€"B auto matic. power steering. pow er brakes. radio $2595 ‘x953 HILLMAN. 'A’vaiTaBIé’ror ‘parts. 884-1934. clw27‘ 1?)?3'3 bek‘éWRâ€"GEKâ€"ISOO.‘ 884-2203. clw27i 1960 AUSTIN, 4-door Cambridge; reasonable. Richmond Hill. 884- 2788. c1w28 1958 BUICK special hardtop. power brakes and steering. 47.- 000 miles 884-7290. c1w27 T§§.6LVfiSMOBIiEr.7â€"door. radio. automatic. power brakes and steering. 884-6268 or 285- 287]. c1w27“ TRUCK wrecking, used parts.’ tires and accessories; also used trucks for sale. Moore Truck Parts & Sales. Holland Land- ing. 895â€"4666. Aurora lot, 200 Yonge N. 727-6432. tfc15 Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE Transportation :THE LIBERAL" WANT A9; PHONE78WS47-IIOS-6 â€" 285-3316 USED CARS fiittbs The classified ad takers at “The Liberal" are friendly, helpful people, trained ln their jobs‘ with a full realization of the importance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do, it will be a pleasant experience. Richmond Hill N0 PAYMENTS UNTIL MARCH 10"? DOWN USED CAR $1295 SALE c1w27 c1w27 CARDS 0F THANKS I wish to thank Edgeley Women’s Institute and Teston United Church Women and all who sent cards, flowers and plants while I was in hospital and since I came home‘ Also all the kindnesses to my mother on her 100th birthday. Gladys Mag‘mn. c1w27 Our sincere thanks to all who shared our sorrow in the loss of a loving wife and mother. For the consoling words of comfort, flowers and baking brought to our home, the thoughfulness of the staff at Thompsons and special thanks to Dr. McPhee and the Rev. Martin Jenkinson. Elmer. Wilâ€" bert and Eric Hadwen, Jean! Kirby and Irene Miller. c1w27! CARDS 0F THANKS SMITH, Jessie L MILSTED, Charles Franklin â€"- Suddenly as the result of an gqcidgpg Thursday, December MARKLE. Leslie Donaldâ€"Sud- denly at his home. 15 West wood Lane. Thornhill. Ont. Tuesday, December 22. 1964, Leslie Donald Markle. loving husband of Muriel Kiddie, dear father of Guy and Bev- erly. Loving son of Mrs. Flora Fraser. brother of Blanche (Mrs. I. Lacey) and Errol. Rested at the Pipher‘ Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. Cre- mation Toronto Crematorium. c1w2’l HOUSE, Lowell Edgar â€" Sud- denly at his home Keele 52., Maple Friday. December 25, 1964, Lowell Edgar House, be- loved husband of Mary Bak- er. Dear father of Jack and grandfather of Richard, Jef- fery and Stephen. Loving son of Frederick and the late Mrs. House. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. Cremation. Toronto Cre- matorium. c1w27 HADWEN. Ethel Gertrudeâ€"At her home King City (:1 Wed- nesday. December 23. 1964. Ethel Gertrude Wilson, be- loved wife of Elmer Hadwen. dear mother of Jean (Mrs. H. Kerbw King City. Irene (Mrs. Michael Miller) Rich- mond Hill. Wilbert and Eric RR 1, Maple; also survived by eleven grandchildren in her 74th year. The funeral was held in the Thompson Funeral Home, Aurora. on Saturday. December 26. In- terment Maple Cemetery. J. Butler): Eileen ers. J. Gradeen‘. Douglas. John and Bruce. in her 7lst year. Rest- ed at Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St., North, Rich. mond Hi1]. Interment West- minster Memorial Park Ceme- tery_ (-1 “:97 vu'ru, Jessie Lees â€" Sudden~ I): at her home, Willow Farms, Bayview Ave, on Thursday. December 24, 1964. Jessie Lees 1Bennem beloved wife of John Dudley Smith and dear mother of Jean (Mrs‘ R. BOYLE. Mary Ellen â€" At York Central Hospital. Monday. December 28. 1964‘ Mary Elâ€" len Rutledge, beloved wife of the late Herbert Boyle of Leonard St., Elein Mills, dear mother of Lorne. Margaret, ers. F. Springettl and Frank in her 64th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill Interment York Ceme- tery. clw27 24. 1964. Charles Franklin: Mils-ted. beloved husband of Evelyn Gooding of Gormley, dear father of Charleen. bro- ther of George. Toronto. Flor- ence ers. William Shaw) Uxbridge. Elsie (Mrs. Frank Metherall) Zephyr. Verna (Mrs. D. Keetch) Pefferlaw and Ruth (Mrs. J. Allen. Kes- wick. Interment Heise Hill Cemetery. Funeral arrange- ment by Pipher Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. BOWEN. Bertha~At the home of her daughter Mrs. Edith Williamson Lot 33, Conces- sion 5, Vaughan Township on Thursday. December 24, 1964. Bertha Deisman, beloved wife of Edgar Bowen and dear mother of Mrs. Edith Williamson, Harold and Roy in her 84th year. The funeral was held in Teston United Church on Monday. Decem~ her 28. Interment King City Cemetery. c1w27 GUITAR and music lessons in the home: also tuition for stage and night club work by member of musicians union. Learn to play rock and roll. blues. west- ern and standards by new me- thod. New and used guitars and amplifiers for sale. Hal Turner 773-4170. *lw2'7 BELL. Gordon ~ Suddenly on Monday. December 28, 1964 Gordon Bell of 9218 Yonge St.. Richvale. husband of Gertrude Rowell, dear father of Gordon, Gwen (Mrs. B. Greenyer) and Gerry; in his 50th year. Rested at the Pi- her Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. In- terment York Cemetery. Eeaths MUSIC Low Cost Rental Plan c] w27 clw27 ’7’ Let us discuss our Hot Water Service with you ._.--_.....- WANTED' an kinE oFaESd ‘ani‘ imals. For fast service call 'I‘U, +2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No‘ 204-62. t.fc3l Q With a low cost hydro water heater Two large “Power Packed” heating Elements are thermostatically controlled For further information on transportation call D. A Brown. Markham 294‘3292. Applicants apply to Richmond Hill Authority 101' Retarded Children. Box 101, Richmond Hill. Up to $3.100 a year. Duties include cleaning. care of heating system. and other duties as set forth in the contract with the Authority. Tenders for transportation for Retarded Children living in the area bounded by highway 48 on the east, highway 400 on the west. Steeles Avenue on the south, and the Gormley sideroad on the north. Approximately 45 child- ren. both half and full day. Up to $5.000 per annum. Duties include managing the affairs of the Authority. ire. school maintenance. trans~ portation, bookkeeping and correspondence. and other duties as prescribed by the Authority. Applicants should have some experience in one or more of the above items. Up to $3.100 a year A small private hospital. vicinity of Bayview and John. requires lady for cleaning and general duties. Pleasant working conditions, attrac- tive benefits. 40 hour week rotating. Call 285-1125 between 9 am. and 3.30 pm. for appointment for inter~ View Monday to Saturday. DEA Dfis'i‘TfliK' PLUS COST OF POWER Richmond Hill Hydro TU.4-35|l THE RICHMOND HILL AUTHORITY FOR RETARDED CHILDREN HELP WANTED FEMALE $1.50 B‘c'fm Secretary-Treasurer Transportation REQUIRES Caretaker Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS BUILDINGS ()F ALL TYPES REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS

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