Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1965, p. 11

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Next Sunday evening at Shicabulary wi Mary's Anglican Church the word". Gi “Festival of Lights" will usher and secret In the Epiphanytide season. This each other is a d"amatic presentation of the A delici manitestation of Christ to the served and world and representatives of the poured tea‘ various youth groups of the parish will participate. } A not lu. Allencourt Shopping Centre Markham Rd. & Bayview Avenue Richmond Hill Drawing comment at both ends of the telephone line was the unseasonable weatherâ€"hea- vy snowfall on the west coast and no snow and much above average temperature in Ontario. New Year's Eve brought two surprises to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chalkin. Westwood Lane. Thorn- hill. During the evening the engagement of their daughter Gerry to David Batten of This- tletown was announced to their guests and a phone call was received from Mr. Chalklin’s brother, George. from Vancou- ver After her TCA flight had been grounded because of fog. Miss Barbara Southwell of Port Arthur caught a later flight which brought her to Malton Christmas Eve. so that she was able to spend Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Southwell, 237 Church Street South. Barbara returned to her duties with the Port Arthur Welfare Services on Monday of this week. The Engineers' Wives will hold a book review night on January 13 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Z. Kafarowski, 217 Lucas Street. Wm. C. Lazenby. B.Sc. th SCIENCE COMES UP WITH MORE THAN MOON-DREAMS But scunce comes through. as with new vaccines lo immunize children against diseases that ion merly crippled or killed. For us. filling your doclor's prescription is no problem an all. lhanks la science, your doctor's wisdom and our own knowledge and skill. Allencourt Pharmacy ltd. At one time. hndung cures or pre- ventives for various dlseases seamed as sluggenng as any spaco problems we vmght have. But scuence comes through. as M FREE Advice Phone 884-1114 RICHMOND HILL TREE SER VICE G‘ FORESTRY CO. LTD. Dead Or Diseased AN ESTABLISHED COMPANY OFFERS THE BEST CHECK OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU INVEST" 884-5829 10:30 â€" 6:00 Sunday Open House 2 pm. - 6 pm. Prints. Etchings Jewellery The unusual RUTH CALVERLEY GALLERY PICTURE LOAN 50 Yonge St. S. 10% Winter Works Discount 884-4461 flew/1 FULLY INSURED r The annual congregational meeting of Richmond Hill Un- ited Church will be held on January 27. It II! hi! it A pleasant Christmas surprise, which is continuing into the new year. for Mr.‘ and Mrs. Terry Bullen of Essex Avenue was a visit from his brother Frederic and his wife and son from Vancouver, BC. The two brothers were last together for Christmas in 1952 in that west coast city where Mr. Frederic Bullen is engaged in marine iengineering. . Both brothers and their famv ilies spent Christmas 1964 in the family home, “Ricterlee‘fij London. ##9## Out-of-lown guests of Coun- cillor William Lazenby at the ‘inaugural of Richmond Hill's 1965 council were his brother, Mr. J. Wallace Lazenby and Mrs. Lazenby of Peterboro and sister, Mrs. Anthony Magnelli and her husband Mr. Magnelll ‘of Scarboro. ! Ill ii * 4r ‘ The exotic Russian set‘ design- ed by .Dagmar ,Mattyas for “Diary of a Scoundrel” needs some drapes. borrowed or donâ€" ated, blue, yellow, or what have you, in any condition. Anyone interested in helping ‘the Richmond Hill Curtain Club’s festival entry in this way is asked to phone 884-2115. Missionary contributions by any visitors will go to the mis- sionary program of their own church. Remember this fine picture will be shown this Sun- day at '7 pm. “A Cry In The Night” depicts Hindu believers worshipping and pleading before thousands of gods which have no power to help or to save. And it show so much more of Asia. as it is seldom seen. Lillian Dickson. a little Canadian missionary and. living legend on Formosa, is part of the picture. " Church congregations gather: seven days a week at 4 am.“ even amid snow and ice. to hold: prayer meetings â€" and so much; more. ‘ A pot luck supper and social evening with an interesting film on South America is planned for the first general meeting of the “United Church Women" of Richmond Hill United Church. The meeting is scheduled for January 11 at 6.45 pm. in the main hall of the Christian edu- cation building. This is an open meeting for all women of the congregation. Following the business meet- ing, members tested their vo- cabulary with a game of “Pass- word”. Gifts were exchanged and secret pals made known to A delicious luncheon was served and Mrs. Jean Thomson poured tea. “A Cry In The Night". a 50- minute World Vision missionary film of unforgettable challenge and interest. will be shown in the local Free Methodist Church. Ruggles and Elmwood, January 10 at. 7 pm. This is a first place winner in the documentary division of the Winona Lake Film Festival, an international competition for religious films. The Christmas meeting of Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Mrs. Stephanie Barnes, 234 Tampico Road. The first meeting of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens for 1965 will be held January 13 at the United Church Edu- cation Building. All new mem- bers will be welcome. Attending the inauguration New Year's visitors at the ceremony of Richmond Hill‘s:home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ‘1965 council as guests of Coun-Johnston. Boisdale Avenue. were lcillor Mrs. Lois Hancey were: their son. Rev. Weldon J. John- Mr. and Mrs. George Trickey.iston. his wife Marie and child- her parents and Miss Weldie, Cheryl and Greg of Clifton. her cousin. all of TOâ€"iOlean. New York. where Weldon ronto. is pastor of the Free Methodist * ‘ “‘ * Church. Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Also at home for the holidays enjoyed an afternoon of bowl-‘was their youngest son David. a ing December 29 at the ABC grade 13 student at Lorne Park Bowling Lanes. Mrs. F. Price.College. surprised the 75 bowlers by Weldon and Marie will be serving coffee and cake. going on a missionary award President E. Lomax thanked.trip in March to the Dominican Mr. and Mrs. Price and those‘Republic. His brother Paul, new present joined in expressing ap-‘minister of the Free Methodist preciation for their kind hospi-‘Church in Smith Falls and his tality. The Seniors presented wife. Betty. went on a similar Mrs. Price with a potted yellow trip last March. These missions chrysanthemum. wishing them award trips are given each year every success and a happy new to about six pastors in the Free year. ’Methodist Church in Canada and " " * * the United States for excellence The first meeting of the in their promotion of missions Richmond Hill Senior Citizens in their local churches by the for 1965 will be held January General Mission Board of the 13 at the United Church Edu- Free Methodist Church. 1 York Choraliers are presently ‘seeking more men singers. both itenors and basses. Practice is held every Monday evening in Thornhill Baptist Church at 8:15 p.m. A concert is planned for March. Phone AV. 5-2237 or .TU. 4-4519 {or further informa- 'tion. *tt‘ ‘ A holiday visitor with Mr. and iMrs. James Hope. 406 N. Fern- lleigh Circle. is the latter's brother, Mr. Robert Walls of Edinburgh. Scotland. Mr. Walls enjoyed a family reunion on Christmas day and renewing the acquaintanceships he made dur-. ing a visit to Richmond Hill two years ago. A highlight of his visit will be a house-warming party at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Condy, Beaverton Road. Mrs. Condy is Mr. Walls niece. is ill at * The watercolor of the L. M. McConaghy Public School, pre- sented to Harold Sanderson on Attending the inauguration ceremony of Richmond Hill‘s 1965 council as guests of Coun- cillor Mrs. Lois Hancey were Mr. and Mrs. George Trickey. her parents and Miss Margaret Clifton. her cousin. all of To- ronto. FREE Estimates Brian Tinker and John Mor- row have returned to Eastern of Michigan University at Ypsi- ,ta lanti. Michigan, after spending M the Christmas holidays with 34 their parents in Richmond Hill. The Friendship Circle will re- sume their weekly meetings January 7 at 9:45 am. at St. Gabriel Anglican Church hall, corner Crosby and Bayview Ave- nues. Anyone wishing to join Friendship Circle is asked to contact Mrs. J. Arnold Price for further information. The phone number is 884-3674. The exotic Russian set‘ design- ed by .Dagmar .Mattyas for “Diary of a Scoundrel” needs some drapes. borrowed or don- ated, blue, yellow, or what have you, in any condition. Anyone interested in helping the Richmond Hill Curtain Club’s festival entry in this way is asked to phone 884-2115. Mrs. C. Gardiner, the course instructor, has taught exten- sively for the Y and has con- ducted classes at the Toronto Art Gallery and the Ontario Ladies‘ College. Enthusiastic about teaching women to dis- cover their latent talents, Mrs. Gardiner uses the rhythm of music to release artistic im- pulses. Registration is January 14 at 9:30 am. at Allencourt Centre. A social get-together and intro- duction to the course will fol- low. The local YWCA is sponsorâ€" ing a six week course in creative design. This is a basic course in which women may learn to create original designs using copper tooling. lino block and other media. Mr. Lew. who was present at the meeting, was intro- duced to the members by Vice-president Charles Tay- lor. Mr. Lew’s many con- tributions to the improve- ment of living conditions in this communityâ€"the arena. the hospital and the swim- ming pool: his interest in the welfare of the children at the Orange Home and Thornhaven School; his as- sistance at times of disaster â€" Hurricane Hazel. the ex- plosion at Maple. and local major fires â€" these and many other acts well qual- ify Mr. Lew as a man who has distinguished himself in fulfilling Rotary's motto “Service above self â€" he profits mast who serves hbst." At the regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Rich mond Hill on January 4, President Keith Sully an- nounced that Mr. Bing Lew had accepted honorary membership in the club. Honorary membership in a Rotary Club may be confer- red on a person who has distinguished himself by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals. Richmond Heights Centre. 884-5021 DURING JANUARY TO FEBRUARY 13, 196-5 VIENNESE BEAUTY SALON Cold Wave SPECIAL ‘ A holiday visitor with Mr. and iMrs. James Hope. 406 N. Fern-I ileigh Circle. is the latter's] brother, Mr. Robert Walls of Edinburgh. Scotland. Mr. Walls enjoyed a family reunion on Christmas day and renewing the acquaintanceships he made dur- ing a visit to Richmond Hill two years ago. “The Liberal" joins their many friends in Richmond Hill in extending sympathy to Mr. Ernest Reynolds, 16 Yonge Street South, daughter Nancy (Mrs. Andrew Kent of War- minsterl and son James of To- ronto. in the death of a wife and mother. Funeral services for Mrs. Reynolds, a resident of this town for almost 20 years, were held Saturday from Bar- rie's Funeral Home. Midland. Other Richmond Hill resi- dents among the over 900 who attended the event were Rev. R. E. McLennan. rector of the Church of St. Gabriel, former Reeve James Haggart and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broderick. Mill Street. Mr. and Mrs. Cripps noticed a lot of changes in the mining town, which is, they report, buzzing with tips on mine stocks â€"- some good, some bad. Rev. and Mrs. James O‘Neil and Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Bane represented St. Mary’s Anglican Church at Bishop Wilkinson‘s annual New Year levee at the Diocesan Centre in Toronto. Mrs. O‘Neil assisted at the tea table. They welcomed in the New Year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Stevens on. the Nabob Mines property where they also enjoyed tobogganing on the snow-covered hills. Mrs. Stevens is Mr. Cripps' sister. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Auger (another sister) dur- ing the holiday period. On their return to Richmond Hill they spent a day in New Liskeard with Mrs. Alice Mc- kenzie who returned to Rich- mond Hill with them to visit for a week. At the last meeting of Rich- mond Hill Rotary Club in 1964, Jag Maini gave his classification talk. Dr. Malni is an ecologist with’ the Department of Fores- try. His fine ability as a speaker and his wide experience in many places of the world made this a most interesting talk. At the Christmas meet- ing of this service club. 16 sons and 13 daughters turned up with their proud fathers. The result was a very enjoyable meeting featured by showing of the film “Silent Night." Ten days in Timmins was the Christmas and New Year’s va- cation of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Cripps, Boisdale Avenue. They visited Mrs. Cripps’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fillion and enjoyed renewing friendships made‘ during their 20 years’ residence‘ in that northern town. The watercolor of the L. M. McConaghy Public School, pre- sented to Harold Sanderson on his retirement as chairman of the public school board will be on display for a week to ten days. the recipient announced this week. Those interested in seeing this fine work of art are directed to the window of Wight‘s Pharmacy, Yonge Street South. The New Year is well un- der way and activities have resumed after the festal season recess. Keep the community informed of your group’s accomplishments by phoning or dropping a note to the editor of this page. Your friends and neighbors are always interested in reading of newsworthy events in your family, and we are always happy to pub- lish reports of them. Martin, who is engaged in a course of training at the Royal School of Signals. Canadian Army. Vimy Barracks, Kingston, is progressing satisfactorily in his training. thoroughly enjoy- ed being home again, renewing acquaintances with his former schoolmates, friends and family. attending parties and dances in the area. A most enthusiastic Welcome to 1965 was extended by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacDonald and their guests at their home, 51 Star- light Crescent. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Percy Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. William Maitland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sher- bo, Mr. and Mrs. James Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Parr, Mr. and Mrs. James Long, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shropshire, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron. Mr. and Mrs M. Mcr Auley. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mac- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. R. Prec- ionsr Mr. and Mrs. William Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Finlay. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Crone, Mr. Dan Docherty, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Temson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Selvidge. 1 The Kinette Club of Rich- mond Hill held its December meeting and Christmas party at the home of Kinette Marge Robinson December 14 with all members present. ‘ The executive meeting of the 151. Richmond Hill Scout and Cub Mothers was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Moorley on January 5. The monthly general meeting will be held at Mrs. B. Wilder’s home on Jan- uary 13. All mothers are asked to attend to make plans for the coming year. Special guests were former‘ Kinettes Norma Bunn, Betty Williams, Flo Goodyear, Mad- eline Woodhouse, Mary Neali and Marian Holt as well as Isa- bel Robinson. The program committee provided games and refreshments for the enjoyment of all. Plans were finalized for the 10th anniversary celebration which will be held January 11 at the Richmond Inn. Any for- mer Kinette wishing to attend may call 884-3405 for further information. Acting as captain for the present is .Mrs. .G. .Sheldon. District Commissioner for Richmond Hill East, who would welcome mature volunteers â€"â€" even without Guide experience â€"- as full training assistance The Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will meet next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lois Jack- son, 430 Fernleigh Circle. All members are urged to attend this meeting since a nomination slate of officers must be prepar- ed for the coming year. â€" as full trai would be given To those who would show sincere interest in the guidance of these girls of the 6th com- pany, please telephone Mrs. Sheldon at 884-7564. “Urgent â€" S.O.S..". to save the 6th Girl Guide Company from having to disband. a cap- tain is needed to lead the 18 girls who meet every Tuesday, from 7.30 to 9 pm. at Crosby Heights Public School. “Home {or the holidays“ â€" all 10 days of it â€" a leave of absence for Martin Connolly, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Connolly. Lynett Crescent. Mmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmnmnummmmmummummmmuu If you want to enjoy a 1965 calendar that is really different then make a point of seeing a copy of the 1965 calendar of Rumble Trans- port Limited. It's a com- ical take-off on their oper- ation that is guaranteed to make you chuckle. mmmm the piano teacher ESTELLE MARKHAM 884-3787 v.. unmmumm\nummlnunmmmummunmunmunmmnu t!uuuufiliuilimuuunflu\muumuunm“mumnuum\uuumunnumuunmuuuuumimuuuuu\ufifiifiumuummumuumumv‘ After spending a full day at inaugural proceedings of Richmond Hill Town Coun- cil. two councillors contin- ued to celebrate on Tues- clay. Councillor Walter Scudds welcomed his first daughter later Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Scudds have fur sons. The wee girl. who weighed in at five pounds. ls assured of the prettiest dress that can he found. Councillor Lois Hancey promised this gift to the new addition to the Scudds family If It should be a girl. Councillor William Laz- cnby greeted a seven pound son early Tuesday morning with great pride. He al- ready has two daughters. Both babies were horn at York Central Hospital. SAVE UP TO 50% Waiuw'c/z Jude DRESSES, SUITS, COATS SHIRTS SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-4741 ’For Women Who Deserve The Best SEMI ANNUAL After a seven week absence since November 15. heads were replaced on parking meters in the business section of Yonge Street Monday morning. At a meeting of Richmond Hill Town Council on October 19 it was agreed to remove the heads for the longest period yet. November 17 to December 31. Council Monday night gave Essex Avenue from recent re- Police Chief R. P. Robbins auth- zoning. Owners of these prop- ority to fly the new Canadian erties had objected to the pro- flag when it receives final fed- posed rezoning on the ground eral government approval. they had purchased the prop- * * * * }erty for multiple residence Transferred senior citizen‘rental buildings and planned to housing to the jurisdiction of use them for this purpose. During this seven-week per- iod the parking meter heads were checked and repaired and people were allowed to park free. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lagerquist have just returned from Port Arthur via the Canadian. after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Maunder, and grand-daughter Irene. * * * * Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bellamy. Rich- vale, over the holiday season were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Brown and family, Duntroon, Mr. Ken Carleton and Gary of Beeton and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chamney of Winnipeg. i! )k 1k * Mrs. Thomas Broadhurst, daughter Susan and son Christ- opher were joined by Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and daugh- ter Anita of Alsace Road. as guests of Mayor Thomas Broad- hurst at Monday's council in- augural. A Richmond Hill laborer who volunteered for a breathalyzer test after his car rolled over three times on Newkirk Road January 1 was fined $200 and :costs or 15 days in jail when lhe pleaded guilty to impaired driving Tuesday. ' Tobias Murphy. 21. of Beechy Drive. was uninjured in the acâ€" cident which completely wreck- ed his car. Richmond Hill Constable Robert Deighton who testified he saw the accused about 10 minutes after the accident said he was unsteady on his feet and smelled strongly of alcohol. He said Murphy requested a brea- thalyzer and he was taken to Ia Metro police station where test readings were 1.4 and 1.3 parts per thousand alcohol. Crown Counsel Arleigh Arm- :strong said Murphy’s condition v NEWMARKET: Mrs. Mary Commissiong was tentatively named chairman of a ratepayr ers association which, met at the Credit Union offices last week. Walter Wrightman con- ducted the meeting. Transferred senior citizen housing to the jurisdiction of the personnel. welfare and pro- cedure committee. Passed a by-law authorizing borrowing of not more than‘ $800,000 at 534% interest to‘ meet current expenses until taxes are collected. The mayori noted this is the maximum am>‘ ount which may be borrowed and passing of the hy-law does} not necessarily mean the full amount will be used. He pointed out that in 1964 the town had borrowed $300,000. Passed a by-law exempting‘ three properties on west side of Cedar Avenue and one on Mr. and Mrs. C. Lagerquist have just returned from Port Arthur via the Canadian. after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Maunder. and grand-daughter Irene. Parking Meters Backgg’; On Yonge Street Areafig Richmond Hill Council Briefs Jim Switzer. Welcoming in the New Year at the home 01" Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacDonald, 51 Starlight Crescent were 40 guests. Among them our camera caught the happy mood of (left to right) Mr. anclers. William Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hopper, Mrs. Jim Long and Mr. .and Mrs. He pointed A suspicious nature photo- town had grapher, stolen eggs and adven- ' turous children are all featur- ed in this Saturday’s Richmond - Hill High School Library Club 3:111:25! Films For Children series. ld one on The film is “The Case of the Missing Scene” and deals with a group of children on the trail 5 Back of poachers shooting rare birds for their eggs. Car Rolls Over, Driver Admitted Too Many Drinks Crown Counsel Arleigh Arm- strong said Murphy‘s condition was “average” based on the tests. Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake also suspended his right to drive for six months The club is held at the high school auditorium at 10 am. Episode 4 of the serial will be shown. Adventure Film For Library Club Coming This Sat. If small children wish to at- tend. they should be accomp- anied by a parent. Phone 884-5272 Mundinger Music Co. and Teaching Sludios COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Jan. 7, 1965 Happy New Year 272 I Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL STEREO, Hl-FI & R mos Richmond Hill TV 28 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill AV. 5-3756 PHONES TU. 4-7456 SHORT RIB & BLADE TULIP â€" FAMILY PACK Margarine 3 lbs. 79¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA ROASTS lb. 43¢ SIRLOIN, WING, ROUND T e io n SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE $9317 éfifil‘fles C. NELS GAGE Rent a 19” Portable TV for the Hockey Games Accordions Guitars Folk and Western Music Harmonicas Auto-Harps Drums PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE (Photo by Stuart's Studio) TU. 4-769l

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