Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1965, p. 12

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Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News To begin this year's activities at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church the following meetinzs will be held: The first Lutheran Church Women executive meeting was held on January 5 at the home of Mrs. Esther Lange, Maple and a report of this will appear next Week. The Luther League are plan- ning a visit to The People's Church (Lansing) on January 10. A regular business meeting is scheduled for January 24 as well as a “Toboggan party" on January 81 (weather permitting) Women's Institute News Everyone will be most We!- come at the women‘s instltute meeting January 10 in the Ma- ple United Church parlors at 8 pm. Miss Eadie, an out- standing speaker and field worker with UNICEF, will be the guest.- Sunday School Party I announced previously that St. Stephen's Sundav School would be holding a Christmas Party on December 29. Well they did! The food. donated by mothers, was delicious and plentiful. But, as J. Martin. su- perintendent of the Sunday school said, “It is after Christ- mas that we should celebrate Christ's birth, not all before." A marvellous magician held in- terest and his amazing tricks were quite astonishing. After “baking” a rabbit, one of his many tricks. and assisted by Digby Bourke of Gram Street. the tiny animal was presented to Digby for his help. All in all, the evening was eventful and very interesting. Birthdays Randy Philips of Lancer Dr. celebrated his birthday on Christmas day and Gordie Brock of Keele Street also greeted his on the same date. Merry Christmas and happy eighth birthda When I was a little girl, A generation ago it seems, DQIlies then as now, were part Of all young ladies’ dreams. But oh, how things have changed! What wonders have been wrought! From babes to fashion models, Lat’s see What Santa’s brought. There’s Barbie and Ken, Allan and Midge, (Another of those and I’ll jump off \ a bridge.) Margie and Tammy and Gina and Sue, Cathy and Kookie and Tina and Lou. This year a new doll By name Penny Brite, Has come on the scene Your girls to delight. "The Liberal" ll always willing to publlsh Items ragnrdlng people Maple please phone Linda Grnham. 832-1372; in Edgeley and S With dolls come the clothes, The wigs and the rooms; (Say', whatever happened to Dustpans and brooms?) You don’t like her hair? Just tear off her head, Replace it with one Whose tresses are red. She’s tired you say? Her bedroom’s right there With canopied bed And plush ruffled chair. Off to the movies, Shawn following their election to the executive of the King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association are, (left to right) Andrew McClure, secretary; Stewart Diceman, president: Norman Rob- ertson, vice-president and Jack Macklin, treasurer. They were elected at the brunch’s annual meeting held at Snowball United Church, December 15. King- Vaughan Plowman is Executive THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 7, 1965 She’s A Ball (Or Is She?) Maple Notes Zion Lutheran Church December ‘I (Keele S St.) On January 25 at 8 pm. An early reminder â€" The anâ€"l sharp the Sunday school tea- ual congregational meeting is to‘ chers will meet at the parson- be held at the church on Feb- age for a training program ses- ruary 5 at 6:30 pm. sion on “Helping Children i I! no: * Know the Docmne". Mr. Harry The flowers gracing the Suter will conduct this session church an“ on December 27 and 311 teachers are “$155th were donated by Mr. and Mrs. to be present. at, an Km" n: Thar-"hill m The church council will meet on January 18 at 7.45 pm. for their initial business meeting of 1965. The Lutheran Church Women are planning their first meet- ing of 1965 to be held at the parsonage on January 20. Help! As I sit here behind my trusty typewriter. I think of all who read my column then rea- lize the short length of what you must read. I only wish that I could re- late more news to you through the articles of this Weekly pap- ‘er. If I thought it would create more news for my readers, I would go out and make some news. only stealing church col- lections or kidnapping the lo- cal bus driver is not exactly permitted. Under such circum- stances. you would be without a correspondent. So. I beg of you. more news please. How can I hold your interest if I have nothing to write about? ommmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmw ‘ nn‘PAMMENT or HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK1 Your Baby’s First Year Taking care of your baby and watching him grow and develop can be fun. Getting him off 1to a good start toward a healthy, happy, useful life can give you much satisfaction and joy. Your baby is very special. He will grow in his very own way at his very own rate. Enjoy him for what he is. Don’t feel he should be like another baby. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. mummy-mummi- January Special PRE-FINISHED 5 10 Mahogany Plywood 4 pm. WIN-DOR DOORS - FRAMES & SASR - TRIM PLYWOOD !- LUMBER. Number 7 Highway west of Dufferin at CNR track: 4’x8’x3/16’ THORNHILI But first get her car; Doesn't every doll have one How sporty they are! Yes,- dollies that walk And dollies that talk Dollies that burp, dance or race Oh, where is the doll Who lies in her crib With a sweet little smile On her face? All she had Was a nightie and blanket And maybe a diaper or two; Tear her head off? not my little baby! If that happened, “mommie” cried ' too. When she lost her stuffing We bled for her With cold cream, We shined up her face; Her forehead was peeling, She’d lost all her hair, But 'nothing‘ could take her place So, play with your Barbies, Your Cathies and Kens, Your Bobbi, or Gina or Sue; We’ll never target our Sweet baby dolls Regardless of all that is new l regarding people and events contributed by m tendon in Maple. Concord and Edgeley districts. In In Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stu-rt. 285-1934: and In Concord, Mn. Ruth Rafter, 285-6805. 5 Colors to choose from E. Roy Keffer of Thornhfll to honor members of the Out- reach and Fellowship Commit- tee of the Lutheran Church Wo- men in view- of their work done throughout the past year. Happy birthday wishes h‘om the Sunday school teachers and class to Allan Moore, son of‘ Mr. and Mrs: Aft Moore, King City. Allan will be 8 year: old on January 12. WMWM\W VBY RUTH KEFFER AV. 5-1117-8 LUMBER CO. LTD. sheet Atoml Bantam All-Stirs ‘ Maple Contractors 2. Goals Beetan 5. Two goals by Mike by Paul Hoogenboom, Peter McKay, the others by Bernie Fraser; a shut-out for Vernon McKenna. Mike McKenna and 330m}. Mike Sage. Parker Spray Paint N 0. { Maple 1. Goals by George ‘ Transport Réfrlgeration 2. Goals by Billy Bag: and Brad \Elkins. \Peewees \ Connpr Transport 1. Goal by David Waltt‘ers. D.H.&A.4 Engineers 2. Both Saywéll goals by Gordearrott. I Stand Maple Merchants 1. Goal by Billy Charbonneau. ' ‘ Maple Linus 2. Goals by Ed- 3dy_ Lowe and Kim Adams. * Superior Propane 1. Goal by Jeff Jarvis. IBantams Maple Minor Hockey Results Del Brocco Construction B.Arthurs Jones Three goals by Jimmy Madden. Maple Merchants . three by George Saywell, Mar- Allied Paint . . . . . ‘vln Yake and Jim Coxsworthy Minor Hockey Day lboth with (me each. January 16 is M Arthurs Jones 5. Two goals Day in Maph by Grant 11059, the others by my pass tick4 Ricky Birch, John Wéir and uted to those David Birch. ing the boys Maple Merchants 4. Two goals that morning \by Gord Free. the others by This day is ‘John Thurston and Ed Hoogen- Hockey Wee! boom. mencing on .1 Mame 13. Four goals by Jim- my Madden, three by Dale Bone, three goals by Mark Le- Moine, two by John Brown and one by Kim Adams. Allied Paint 1. Goal by Rod Shields. Peewee AllaStaI-s Nobleton 8, goals by Brovm and Hughe. Also in YOrk Central is Mrs. Alf Bagg for the same reason‘ as Mr. McWhirter. Aftér 70- plus active years, Gram is due a good rest. Many thanks to the folks at Maple United Church who saw to Mrs. Bagg’s needs until Elizabeth Baille brought her home. In Hospital R. McWhirter, former prin- cipal of Concm-d School for 15 years is in York Central Hos~ pital following a heart attack. The many friends he made dur~ ing his stay in the community wish him 3 speedy recovery. Symmthy Note Our sympathy goes to Mary Yates and her family this week. Mary's uncle Ray Lowe, was the first traffic fatality in 1965 in Toronto. He was a passeng- er in a car driven by Ms bro-; ther-ln-law when it crashed into a snow plow. Mr. Lowe a painter and decorator, lived on Hillside Ave. for several years before moving to To- ronto. Winter spart enthusiasts are Once again reminded of the Metro Conservation areas’ fac- mtles during weekends. Pioneer Village Opens Mrs. Elwood Taylor, my nei- ghbor who manages the CNIB refreshment booth at Pioneer Village, tells me that three cars checked into the village on Sat- urday despite the impossible weather. Their passenger’s spent a total of $2.62 on refreshments. Sunday saw 170 cars at the Village and although I have no ‘figures on the “take”. let us assume it exceeded $2.62. , Retirement Party When our neighbors, Tess and Bob Haines, Went out to “dinner with friends" last week the affair turned out to be a Monday,Jan. II, 1965 FOR Council, School Board, Planning Board, Committee of Adjustment and Maple Police Village Trustees IN THE Following the Devotional ExerciSes and the Administration of Oaths and Choral Arrange- ments by a. public school choir, light refreshments will be Served. Council Chambers at Maple Inaugural Meeling Concord News TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN AT 8 O’CLOCK P.M. A. H. RUTHERFORD, Reeve J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk Standings is of Jmuary 2 1Aloms lTeamsâ€" 1" Maple Contractors .. . . . . . . D.H.&A.> Engineers .. . . . . . . ‘Parker Spray Paint . . . . . . . Transport Refrigeration . . . . Peewee's Maple Merchants . . . . . . . . .. n c . a o o y c - Maple Lions . . . . . . ........ Superior Propane . . . . . . . . . Bantams Del Brocco Construction .. Arthurs Jones . . . . . . . A , . . . Maple Merchants . . . . . . . . . . January 16 is Minor Hockey‘ Day in Maple end compliment- ary pass tickets will be distrib. uted to those interested in see- ing the boys play their games This day is previous to Minor Hockey Week In Canada. com- mencing on January 23; further notice of that next week. The idea of these free passes is, to put us all in the mood for Minor Hockey Week and to stress the necéssity of “Don’t send your boy, take him!" Tickets will be available at Perry's Pharmacy, Adcock's Variety, John's Garage and others. surprise party for Bob who re- tired from West York Motors at the end of the year. Tess knew abbut this, and now Bob is con- vinced that he is married to a born fibber sincéjhe kept the secret so well. From all re- ports, the hundred or so guests treated Bob royally with their gifts and kind wishes. So what happens when one retires? _ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bone, Bruce and Maureen have return- ed from Florida where they spent the Christmas vacation. One gets called into work oni‘ Monday morning because of; trouble in the shop, that's what. Home Again Staying at Fort Myers Beach, they stayed with former Con- cord residents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark, who divide their time between Ontario and Flor- ida now. The Clarks lived on Highway“ Seven where the Frasers now live, and their Son Ralph and his imin liva on King High Drive. Bruce and Maureen made many friends among US. teen-I agers who of course were also‘ on vacation. 3 In fact, Maureen may change her brand of tooth paste, after meeting a former "star" of those commercials where the kids have 43% fewer cavities, and all that jazz. On the wayy home, the Bones visited Arling- ton Cemetery where the late John F. Kennedy is buried. They were impressed with the orderly manner in which visi- tors are directed around the grave which is on a hill with paved walks leading to and, ifrom it, so that a continuous path is created with no one \doubling back the way they ‘came. Bruce was home in time ito celebrate his birthday Jan- ‘uary 5. )rge Mr. Wishart awarded 107 620': to Ontario lawyers and 2 said party politics were not a factor in the selection for the fig. high honor. "We tried to choose . 1'1 those who brought distinction . 12 to their profession and com- . gmunity,” he said. N. Gwillimbury Reeve Named QC, Seeking County Warden Seat North Gwillimbury F Joseph 0. Dales, this yea ing the post of warden ( County, was named a l Counsel by Attorney-Ger A. Wishart December 31 Mr. Dales who operates from a law office in Newmarket and is a member of the York North Bar Association was a Liberal provincial candidate in the ‘York North Riding in 1955. He has headed the county’s administration of justice com- mittee and last year was a commissioner of the county. Work on a $250,000 dam on the Rouge River at Markham is expected to start early this year according to Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conserva- tion Authority. Rouge River Dam Planned In Mkm. The dam and reservait‘, part of the MTRCA's flood control ptngram, is the first project tinder a new provincial assist- ‘ance program for mm of its \nature. The province will pay 75% of the cost and payment of the remaining 25% is deferred until ‘1967. LIBERAL WANT ADS Produce of USA Tender Green Can. No. 1 Grade â€" 3 lb. bag Easy to Peel Navels - Doz Crisp and Green -â€" 10 02. bags Crisp lettuce 2- 35¢ Sunkist Oranges 69¢ Fresh Spinach 2-39¢ Cooking Onions 25¢ Brussel Sproutslb.25¢ INTO SPARE CASH BY USING SPARE BOOM MAPLE IGA FOODLINER IN MAPLE in Bonus Tapes EXTRA TURN A Total of Reeve >ar seek- of York Queen‘s metal A. Can. No. 1 - Size 24’s Size 88 Receive an Extra $10 Tape 2 lb. pkg. Cadbury Choco Receive an Extra 58 Tape Increase daily gains by 1/2 lb. and lower feed conversion 20% with SHUR- GAIN’S new 40% Beef Sil‘asupplement This new supplement to be fed with top quality corn sileage provides all the nec- essary nutrients to make silage a com- pletely balanced ration. For more profit from your silage and from your beef cattle, use SHUR-r‘ \IN Beef Silawpplement “A”. See your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill operator DOW Maple Feed Mill â€" 8324241 Shur- Gain Beef Silasupp/ement 'A ' Royal Guest BindIeSS -â€" 1 lb. pkg Fresh Lean Pork Fresh Tasty and Well Trimmed Prices effective Jan. 6, 7, 8 and 9th We reserve the right to limit quuntities Butt Roast lb. 39¢ PorkButtChOpslb.49¢ Sliced Side Bacon 59¢ BeefSteaketteslb55¢ Alpine or Primrose Chopped "THE LIBERAL" at IN ADVERTISING, CIRCULATION and NEWS Receive an Extra $4 Tape Quick or Instant - 3 lb pkg Quaker Oats Fluffo Shortening 1 lb. Pk TOMATO JUICE 33¢ Heinz Strained or Junior â€"â€" 5 UL. tin! Hospitality APPLE PIE Stoker Fancy BABY FOODS lOfor99¢ Sunny Morn IGA COFFEE Lancia Ready Cut Macaroni - 2 lb. pkg: or SPAGHETTI 2 for69¢ Bravo Plain WALKERS SALTINES 25¢ SPAGHETTI SAUCE 39¢ 1 lb. 13kg Homn Paper of the District Since 1878 beeffeeds 28 oz. tin 1 lb. halt 48 m. tin each 39¢ 75¢

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