i4 Thornhill Notes I On December 29 the young people of Thornhill United Church gave an unusual and successful holiday dance. The Sunday school auditorium be- came Coffee House Lane for the evening. Each coffee house was a separate unit and decor- ated by a different group with. a convenor in charge of cach.l Diane Fierheller was social con-. venor and Dave Ivorson organ-i ized the dance. Sue Elliott is president of the YPU. The individual coffee houses were cleverly decorated and contained their own tables and chairs. The dancers visited the Red Door. The Barn. The Bluel Note. The Flower Pot. The‘ Cave and the Hi C's Dive dur-l ing the evening. The prize foriguest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill But-.P the best decorated coffee house: was awarded the Hi C's Divel Dancing for the evening was! rhupplied by Johnny Knowles? and his orchestra with Bob Jameson on drums. Refresh-l ments of coffee and sandwiches were served at. intermission. i III II it it Y‘ On December 30 the Anglican3 Young People's Association gave1 ity Church parish hall. theme of the dance was in keep- ing with the Christmas season. The. doorways were decorated with blue and white streamers and pine boughs. the ticket table was beautifully done with candles. boughs and streamers and the individual tables car- ried out the same decor. An ornamental Christmas tree com- pleted the setting. Tom Higgs. disc jockey from CKEY played records for th dancing. Nancy ‘ITucker and ad Leonard were the lucky winners of the spot dance. Punch and sandwiches were served during the even- ing. Sandra King entertained before the dance at her home and Rosemary Cordingley gavel I party afterwards. it: rir a: it The Thornhill Golf and Curl- ing Club held a very successful ‘ dance at. the club on New Years . Eve. Many members and their friends attended. ‘ ##1## Jim Jarrell enjoyed Christ- mas with his family. Mr. and .Mrs. J. Jarrell and his sister Nancy of Arnold Avenue. Jim attends Appleby College in Oakvllle. Martin Littlejohn was home from Pickering Col- lege to spend the holidays with golfer to Thornhill. was home for Christmas vacation from New Mexico University. * it "a it! Mrs. P. S. Stevenson. former Thornhill resident, now living. in Quebec. was in town during the holidays and visited old‘and will have to go through'85 Place 0" JRHUarY 25. friends in the area. . ii- a it a Mary Louise McLaughlin from‘ Brantford. Ont., visith Cindyi Perry. 102 Arnold Avc. for a. few days during the holidayst * ’0‘ If! It Mr. and Mrs. K. Nccly. Arn-g old Ave. had Mr. Neely‘s par» cnts from Clarkson visit over the Christmas season. i ik*>k* ' Dave Keane was the house- lcr. Vista View, during the hol-- idays. ‘ it it )3 It! i ‘ Congratulations to Janics H.‘ Timmins. Thornridge Driven who was named a QC. in the'. New Year honour list. I it it at xix ‘ The engagement has been an: nounced of Roger James King-i don. U.S.N.. son of the Intel a Christmas dance at Holy Trin-iEai-nest Kingdon and Mrs. Wil-.es in Europe and Asia, Every- Theliam Hunt of 21 Franklin St. intone is invited to hear this in- Thornhill. to June Moira Novak‘ of Willowdale. daughter of Mizl. and Mrs. Frank Novak. Sydney. ruary. Roger Kingdon was home for. the Christmas holidays from San; Diego, California. where he is station'ed'with the United States Navy. A resident of Thornhill for fifteen years, Roger attendâ€" ed Thornhill Public School and Thornhill Secondary before joining the navy two and a half years ago. His wedding date deâ€" pends on his leave and will be. announced in the near future. it * * * Mrs. R. W. Fitzgerald has revl ceived a copy of her "History; of Thornhill“ by airmail and isi delighted with the printing and1 binding of the book. The type is clear and the photographs and illustrations by Thoreau: MacDonald have come out very‘ well. She is especially pleased to have been able to include the drawings by Mr. MacDonald and also his interesting remin-‘I iscences. _A long time resident of Thornhill. Thoreau MacDon- ald' has illustrated many books. but as often happens. his work is better known and appreci- ‘ his parents Mr. and Mrs. G xtttlejobn. Arnold .ated elsewhere in Canada and. Avenue. the United States than in his. ‘1 i441 LYON â€" PAUL NL'PTIAIS Honeymoon In Caribbean For Rid) vale Bride A honeymoon to the Carib- bean islands of Antigua. Bar- bados and Grenada followed the Wedding of Pauline Mary Paul. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rey- nold F. Paul. Spruce Avenue. Richvale to Robert William Lyon. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lyon of Richmond Hill. Miss Paul chose with her formal white gown of bridal satin. slimly-skii-ted with elbow length sleeves on a fitted jackci covered with lace and tiny pearls. her grandmother's Rriis- sel‘s lace 50â€"year-old wedding Veil. She was :ivcn in mar» riage by her father The ceremony “as Perform- ed by Rev James (J‘VFII at St Mary's Anglican (‘hiirch in 3 getting nf vellmv white. gold and rust rhrvsantliemums Music “as tiarininnai. The bridal party. gowned in light yellow satin with loosely flared skirts and matching Jackets similar in design in the lwith Rev. Hugh Davidson D.D.. ‘Hill. ‘ years. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 7, 1965 Thornhill and PHONE 285-3190 District News "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of lntcrcst contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 285-3190 Thl Notes lFlrian Wilcox. well known yolingvown village. Anothcr contributor to the history is Willard Simpson. whose "Boyhood Memories“ will he enjoyed by newcomers as wcll as by his many old friends in the district. The books are coming by sea customs so may not be here for a Week or ten days yet. Mrs; Fitzgerald will advertise theiri. arrival in the Liberal. She says she has been greatly surprised' and encouraged by the number of orders and inquiries already received. Anyone wishing to or- der a copy of the “History of Thornhill" should get in touch with Mrs. Fitzgerald, 7616 Yonge Street. Thornhill. >0: it ii! )0! resbytcrian Church The YPS resumed their re- gular meetings on January 3 as their special guest. On January 6 prayer fellow- ship met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hook in Richmond On January 9 at the couples club meeting. Dr. D. V. Wade will show slides and speak on recent development in churchâ€" 'Dl‘. Wade. Reserve January 20 at 8 p.m. for the joint service of all the churches to he held at Holy Trinity Church. Brooke Street. The annual meeting with a special report from the G‘irisâ€" tian education committee tak- xr It: a x Holy Trinity Each parish organization is“ advised to have its annual reâ€". port submitted to Mrs. Saund- ers by January 15. Also the treasurers must submit their books for audit as soon as pos- sible. The auditors are Mr. H.i Iddon and J. Kearns.. The Alpha, Harmony and: Ophelia groups of the parishj guild meet this week. ’ ‘ ties meet every Sunday after the service in the parish hall. United Church l Boarding homes are still ur- gently needed for children from 0-18 years. If you can supply a foster home for a child or chil-i dren please call “Home Find-‘ ing Department" 221-1161. your returnable pop bottles and l place them in a conspicuous. teresting program conducted by The Trinity Teens and Tweni. Thornhill P. S. C/mstm as Concert The December l7 Christmas concert of Thornhill Public School held at Holy Trinity Church included a variety of choral reading. plays and skits as well as traditional carol singing. Shown above are members of the grade 5 class taking part in their choral reading entitled “Davey and the First Christmas.†The Thornhill Sports Scene December 29 was a momcnâ€".tHughes Real Estate) Atoms 4 Pete Reesnr added one 10 makelhe has a goals-against" of 3.8‘ tons day in the lives of Thornâ€"i hill North End Cleaners, If there was any feeling of . 1am†forget..that January 9.5adncss it was because Billyisisied on two and Mark Gayn. ‘5 Boule Day (“rule CUhSlLaW. a staunch little Thornhilkon the other. Mark Gayn scored sum“ and Rovers' I‘mdly Sanlevgoal-getter couldn't go along‘the fourth goal unassisted. Onedodge. hard knocks and flying: Aurora 3 6. Three goals were scored by‘Ncw Year's Day 5 lPaul De Marco. Mike Coync as‘; Stouffville Clippers 7 ‘ Uxbridge Chicks 5 l This was a game of scramble} ‘ Regarding'hockeym heTeelsTthat the only way he'll move up in i the break. He hasn't missed a sin? gle game the whole season and in 19 games. 1 DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 The Doncasicr Community Ladies’ Club met at the home of . Mrs. J. Barbour. 140 Hender- son Avenue. and like a bunch ‘of Santa's helpers prepared a dozen Christmas baskets and six boxes of chocolates to be ldisti-ihutcd to the senior citi- lzens of Doncastei‘. ‘ The January meeting of the .Doncastcr Community Ladies' Club is to be held at the home of Mrs. M. Malinski of Proctor lAvenue. on January 13. Mrs, J. Barbour returned home Christmas eve from York ‘Central Hospital where she had been for observation for about 1a week and a half. Nature of her ailment has not been determined. but at . . .present she is taking “sulfaâ€. (Photo by Barbour, After a month of this treatment tat home her condition will again be considered. The Barbour family as usual spent the latter part of Christ- mas day with relatives in Ham- ilton. Richard arid David returned home the same day. Jackie and Diane returned the following day and the parents the next day. Your correspondent extends to all readers of Doncaster news a happy New year. He also re- quests these readers to submit newsworthy items of the com. munity for this column. ranks is. if he's given a‘ ' 0 place by 9 am. for pickâ€"up. Mortgage At Year End Gatheringikditil‘il;utilitizdwzt A ceremonial burning of the mortgage was the highlight of a New Year's Eve gathering at Langstaff Baptist Church. Par- ticipating were B. Carter and E. McLean. The evening began with an informal gathering in the lower auditorium when everyone join- ‘ed in singing and testifying to the faithfulness of the Lord during 1964. Vocal solos were given by Donald Marrett and Master Paul Watson. Instrumenâ€" tal numbers followed by Jim Kent at the piano, Douglas Holmes and Steven McLean with trumpets and Cynthia Holmes with the clarinet. Mrs. E.. McLean gave a read- it? 51:22:02? l‘ï¬â€˜liigi‘dlilangstalf Baptist Church Burns ing of “Jonathan Brown", with them. penalty was earned by Mike‘sticks to remember. Man. an t However 31 people on the‘Coyne- ‘thcse juniors rough. And it was lpeewces. accompanied by Man» PEEWEES in touch and go game all the. lager Norm Davidson and Coach North End Cleaners 1 lway. Barry Maclcan scored the. iVince DeMai‘co and some pai» Aurora 1 first goal which was immedia‘ ‘ents drove Off in cal-s headed Bill Law scored the only goal for pointe Claire. QUebcc_ for Thornhill unassisted. . l They arrived there at 4 p.m.i * * * * BANTAMS Aurora 4 coined with a reception and din- ‘ l ainer. thanks to Mrs. John Mills Pal-menu" Go dc“ Ham“ 3 and the ladies of Pte. Clairei A hard Iagt game was report- tely tied by the Chicks and} broken again by that trusty jhustler Maclean. There was iplenty of action around the Ux- bridge net and a well-aimed lshot by Rod Kelson was promp- .tly squashed in one of the most beautiful saves of the game by Ntw Wm! #â€" Goldman/Ll poem about “giving while liv- ing." A young ladies‘ trio com- posed of Lois and Linda Knight and Grace Watson sang and this was followed by singing led by Rick Brushett. Refreshments were then servâ€" ed and this was followed by the mortgage burning. The congregation then gather- ed in the main auditorium for an instrumental number per~ formed by Mrs. J. Brushett at the organ and Miss J. Black- burn at the piano. A short film was shown, “The Silent Wit- ness." The evening closed with prayer and wishes for a happy and blessed New Year. l Thornhill residents were sad- dened to learn of the sudden death of Leslie Donald Markle who died of a heart attack on December 22 at his home 15 Westwood Lane, Thornhill. Leslie Markle was born in Toronto where he attended school. He joined the Northern Electric Co. Ltd. when be comâ€" ipleted high school and was with the company for thirty ears. At the time of his death he held the position of sales supervisor. Mr. Markle was a resident of Thornhill for over eighteen ’ He was past president of the Thornhill Lions Club and was instrumental in ob- taining 21 house for the refugee family brought over in 1960 by the Thornhill Refugee Commit- .tee. with the assistance of the .Lions Club. He will also be remembered for his work with the Richmond Hill Hockey “Arena a number of years ago.iFraser. a sister. Blanche iMrs. I. when he coached a team of Laceyi and a brother. Errol. a1 centre. The boys were bilâ€" leted at the homes of the hoc- key players. Thc games were arranged through Mr. Black- Pte. Claire. now of Thornhill. the peewees. The first played on an outdoor against the Pie. Claire team at 9 am. Wednesday morning. was a tie. Ian MacKay scored the Thornhill goal assisted by Joey DeMarco while Jimmy Lind- say scored for the Pie. Claire lteam. game and the Pte. Claire Recreationâ€" w. ‘ a1 Associates at the recreation-lEd mdsm borough. a former resident of v His son John plays defence fori rink. :ed by the Golden Hawks coach the Uxbridge goalie i and .there .Were all The second period was almost {number of penalties. Vince Dea repetition of the ï¬rst i Marco scored on an assist from‘ Another tie was achieved by} Mike Bum†and 13†Patter'luie Chicks. The fans felt the ‘son netted another from Mikesuspense of the game and re. Burkliart. Jim Ralph scored the.S onded accordjn 1y. Chuck third goal assisted by Stewartleoylï¬ the Clipperggoane kept Francies. gthe Chicks at bay until Macy Nohlflon 8 , ‘lcan smashed another one of‘ ‘Murray Elemâ€) Bantam BS 0i his long shots to break the tie. . .The Bantam B‘s tasted the He added another for good mea- bittei'ness of a complete defeat sure on an assist from Rod K61. b-Y Nome“)? last saturday son. Craig Dunnett scored the night. The Bs have been going fifth goal at the end of the great all season but like the second period be“ M teams have their bad The Uxbridge warriors were .momem5~ grcally pressing hard by this Taktoilfzwdfllyt New aï¬ePdiDM! Ottolnmau Good limo not! Gotta wmle skillet: Spool. vawlTon Former Lion President Les Markle lege, Ste. Anne the Bellevue at: 18 p.m. Ptc. Claire scored the: “('m Blank “aWks 2 Bruce Shilton scored one goal Dies Suddenly At Thornhill Home fourteenâ€"yearâ€"old boys from the Thornhill area, before the days of local teams. Mr. Markle was a member of the Electrical Club and the Thornhill Curling Club. He was; associated with Richmond Hilll United Church. The funeral took place at Pipber Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill and cremation at Toronto Crematorium. Rev. C. G. Higginson of Richmond Hill United Church. assisted by Rev. K. A. Thatcher of Emmanuel Anglican Church. Richvale. con- ducted the service. Pall bearers were R. Orgill and E. Carson from Northern Electric Co.. R. Beck. A. Bone and E. Sand'. from the Lions Club. and R., only goal. Mr. DeMai'co felt that the boys played very well and cer- tainly deserved to win. but this time the puck didn't bounce for them. and of course they were up against the good backchcck-. ing of the Pte. Claire boys. i Manager Davidson spoke; highly of the Pointe Claire team an] their coaches, the Zoppi brothers. He gave spec- ial credit to the Pte. .Claire goalâ€"keeper Jeff Walker. Two years ago the Pie. Claire team took part in the B-trials at Brampton and Walker was con- sidered the best goalie 'of the. Brampton tournament. Special} mention was made of Paul Woolnough. the Thornhill nct keeper for his superb job of} goal-tending. The Thornhill teams madci friends during their short but‘ meaningful stay. They anti- l :Taylor from Maple. i ‘ Mr. Markle is survived by .his wife the former Muriel Kid-. die. a son Guy and daughter. Beverly. his mother Mrs. Flora Many Thornhill cipated this trip. they have rea- lized it and now they remember. it. ‘ iiuiuuiumiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i. Library Gets Special Grant It has been announced by Teenagers Enjoy ; Camp Illahee Counsellor Reunion. On December 29 a reunion was held for lllahee Camp counsellors, the staff and sen- ior campers at the Family Serâ€" vice Centre on Wellesley Street. The camp is situated in Cab- 0111?. Out. and is for medical- ly handicapped children “DC are for the most part diabetic and heart patients. Don Ander- sou. guidance teacher at Thorn- hill Secondary School. is camp director and many of the coun- <cllors are residents of Thorn- hill and district. . Having a reunion was the idea of the counsellors with Jay Perry the chief organizer, ‘The hall was gaily decorated by the teenagers and everything was arranged by them for the evening. Mr. Anderson com- mentcd that the counsellors were a tremendous group. in this day when one hears of teenagers not being responsi- hlc. he has nothing bui pi'aisc grilles dress were her sister. for me ones he has Worked iances Elizabeth as maid of with honor and bridcsniaid .\li's. ' Patricia Koch. Counsellors who attended the Best man was Sandy Smith “mm†“"3†'la-" lawn“ Jud-V 0" Richmond Hi“ and l“he†Evans. ‘now in nursing at Sick were 'l‘ylor Lyon, and Gary Magwnod .\t a reception at the ion on Ron Dallcy Children‘s Hospital. Sandra Evans 'nlll‘slfl‘.‘ training at Wel- leslcy HOSpllal‘. Jill Anderson and Kathy Lonnie. students at the Park. Ali's. Paul rcr‘o‘iv - - . 9d )lcllaster lniversilv. Paul Riâ€" giicsts in a turqumm Illllllf‘fl . . v ‘ ' .-â€\, . _ _ \crs. “arrcn Davis. Bill Mas- si (‘nxomhlc \\llllP the :room 2 ._ ~ . l(‘1\. .lim (.ibcon Rm Benton. molth chnsc :i lllel wool dross , a. - in fall sll'wlnt \ ft‘lx'l l-\criii:tmi \ancy Burton F I and Chris \lcVandcr Onip h» dill hm .mipdin: n .‘.|t. ‘nn 53nd; “my-am riiv'ccloi' for the ii 9 donned a, uhzic unoi Danny R dishoiir and foi'mcr f‘mt'lwierl \‘llll with oliyc gown rigi‘flnpl'. now with the RM s aCccssoricrz. (‘lnh of Canada. also ar'corlcrl The rnlih'e arr yin! in 'n: The ramp "4 "1m hi. the Fami- 3’ dill) “Dblll'n A.‘ Plitih 'l'iiI-wm ’ Sci" VP \«nrial'rm lto. ' SEKED!:~’llFRS attended the reunion and a good time was enjoyed by everyone. Some of the older children who attend- ed came from as far as Lon- don. Penetang and Hamilton to renew acquaintances and enjoy the evening. Slides of the past summer days at camp were shown. skits from shows per~ formed at camp were repeated .and a lively sing-song of camp. songs took place. Refreshments were served and everyone agreed it was a most success~ ful event. Miss Jane McLaren. librar- ian of the Thornhill Public Library. Colbourne St. that the library has received an interprovincial grant in the amount of 3500. Payment of the special grant was made in recogni- tion of the work the library has accomplished. in its efforts to secure higher li- brary standards through co- operation with otlicr boards. The grant will be used to improve and enlarge the library facilities. The ex- tent of the improvements will be decided on when the board meets in the near future. rlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll! Hill llllltll‘illll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AUTOMATIC TANSMISSION REPAIRS GENUINE PARTS ONLY USED Best Price AH. WORK t â€" Best Job il'.\ll.\N'l‘l<Il‘Iii BUDGET TERMS Wilsonâ€"Niblett Motors Ltd. 355 YONGE ST. NORTH RIt‘H‘lOXD H ll.l.. ONT \Rlll :assisted by John Gillies. Angâ€"‘ elo Di Vincenzo scored another from Steve Andrews. Penalties went to Dennis Lougheed and‘ John Gillies. **** THORNHILL CHURCH LEAGUE TIKES St. Edwards Eagles 8 Thornhill Presbyterian 0 Holy Trinity 5 St. Edwards Cubs 0 ATOMS St. Edwards 3 Thornhill Prcsbytcrian 1 Holy Trinity 6 St. Luke‘s Z PEEWEES St. Luke's 3 Holy Trinity" Rockets 1 St. Edwards Lions 6 Holy Trinity Terrors 2 St. Edwards Tigers 1 Thornhill Presbyterian 1 BANTAMS St. Edwards 6 Holy Trinity 3 Thornhill United 4 .l is * 1: wk ‘timc and managed to slip three‘ The second game of the day MIDGETS goals into the Clipper net in[ took place at MacDonald Col- Aurora 8 the beginning of the third per-l Jiod. The game was clinched for: the Clippers by two goals from 1 Rod Kelson. ‘ *tlliltt December 29 RICHMOND HILL SENIOR LEAGUE Thornhill Shamrocks 3 Toronto Tilden‘s 3 g The boys from the Emerald‘ isle brushed against the Tor-l onto Tildens last Tuesday nightl It was a tie. Credits for the‘ Shamrock goals went to Nick Nowelselski. Gary Stamp and Carmen Sargent. ‘ a a a a Y SPORT PERSONALITY . Charles Doyle better known ilo hockey fans and friends .‘ahout Thornhill as “Chuck†is ‘the dedicated nct minder of the iSiouffville Clippers. This cap- lablc goalie is 19 years old. the' {son of Mr. and Mrs. if. 3. Doyle. [Shasta Drive in Thornhill, He l t attends Langstaff High SchooH He chose the goal-tending} position because he felt he; wasn't fast enough to skate on a line, and he enjoys catching MAW! Thornhill Presbyterian 3 lpucks- ; "Chuck" stands 5‘ 10" and * r * * :wcighs 186 pounds. STOUFFVILLE JUNIOR i Besides hockey. he has an HOCKEY CLUB lintcrcst in bowling and golf ‘Deccmber 28 l Stouffville (‘lippcrs 6 Uxbridge Chicks 2 Rod Kelson lcd with three Upon graduation from high goals for the (‘lippcrs Neil school. Chuck would like to EN jSaundci‘s added two more and into the air force or study 13M. and was a former football play-l f‘l‘. lie was sub-goalie for the Clippers last year. ' ‘*..:_ODE°".T A S I . 1' ‘ . l “WMWKMEMZHH ' '. RERiiutiiiiiiii 4g -_ THEATRE v- Todayllntil Next Wed. 1 I Show Starts 7.30 p.m. i in on minimum mm siltt Box Office Opens 7 p.m. 2 GREAT COMEDY HITS! llirk Dean Robeii Paul illaclmnc \an Dka Martin Jlitc‘num Newman “WHAT A WAY TO GO†l.\' l,\l'('-Hl.\‘,~'§ (‘OLOR Adult Entertainmcnt ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)- N . Shirley: Rccommcndcd as AND FOR YOI'R ADDED ENJOl'lll‘INT Pl-le-‘R SELLER.“ ‘ SOPHIA LOREN "THE MILLIONAIRESS" l.\‘ (‘OLOR (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX i 1 i i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAï¬ I:l \(i' XX} ~ utenmm NW ARE Assuntn i yum wncout é ELECTRICAL N AT THE ODEQN DRIVEslNS i: ’N-m H r HEATERS M Holman!†M WVWVVVW’F Famin “Mill†Financ Him Plan puts my of the things you want within your reach in 1965 Bring all your personal credit needs LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Avai/ab/e at your nefghbouzhood B 0/ M branch DONALD ROSS Manaer