Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and Nancy spent Christmas Day at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Ash. Miss Gretta Middleton spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gill and fam- ily. Collingwood. We are sorry to say that Mr. Bert Middleton is having a stay nun. nuuul Alcau uau “:1. \Mr- and MVS‘ R- Purvesv scar' family at home for Christmas, bt‘xwugh had dinner at me PUT“ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read vea' on Sunday last. and boys, Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton had Grant Drewery and family, their son and his family Mr. Stouffville and received a and Mrs. David Barton, Rich- Christmas phone call from her mond Hill and their daughter. son and family in St. Hubert‘s, Mrs. Dean Wilson and her fam- Quebec. ily home for Christmas, and for On New Year's day Mrs. Ad- New Years an enjoyable time am Read, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon was had by all at the home of Read and boys had dinner with Mr. and. Mrs. David Barton. Mr‘ and Mrs. Grant Drewery Richmond Hill. land familv. , Mr. and Mrs. F. Purves and' M, ‘famlly spent New Year’s at New {he home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. Iowells. Willowdale. M. Miss Wendy Purves spent Sunday after Christmas at the A me of her friend Miss Debbie B r of Richmond Hill. the end of January for this family so maybe by midsum- mer I may be back to normal. ing the holidays at Carrvill On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Millar spent the evening with the Bushells ‘ tamed .Mr. and Mrs. How- A few of the happenings durâ€" and on New Year‘s eve they were that the family of Mr. Stan Wood all met and enjoyed an evening together the day after Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purves. also enjoying the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. G. Evering- ham and Mr. A. Everingham, Scarborough. ard Nicholls. ‘ On New Year's day Mr. and Mrs. Bushell and Jim spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott of West Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker had their family all home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Morris and Heather, Mr. and Well. after two hectic weeksiwell and hope he is out very of festivities. the feminine side of the household usually em- erges from the leftover Christ- mas wrappings. decorations. noise makers and nutshells with a huge sigh of relief. for now its heave ho for the Christmas tree and decorations are care- fully packed for another year and finally a feeling of normal being is restored (to a degree anyway). The past two weeks I have been expecting my little ones to break out with the chicken pox after having been in contact with them a month ago but fortunately they missad them for the time being, now I am anticipating the mumps around the end of January for this family so maybe by midsum- mer I may be back to normal. soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Ash and Mr. and Mrs. L. Wellman and Marie and Lynn had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ’Bert Middleton and then visited with Mr. Middleton at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bushell enter- tained their son Jim, home for the holidays, and their daugh- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Goodhead, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and Mrs. Farr and Mrs. Claughton for dinner Christmas day. On the Saturday after Christ- mas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell and Jim visited with Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bushell of Owen Sound. On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Millar spent the evening with the Bushells Back to Normal! Council passed a formal by- law designating January 4 at 11 am. as the time of the first council meeting of 1965. They agreed to hold a luncheon at Buttonville Community Hall "You fellows are all sorry I'm not going to be here next year.“ answered Mr. Sloane. "But I will be here â€" only on the other side of the fence. I still intend to take an active part in the government of Markham Township and I‘ll be back on council again. Markham Township's 1964 ï¬ouncil ended its deliberations with a 9 am. meeting on De- cember 30. An atmosphere of peace and tranquility prevail- ed, far removed from the tone of many of its meetings during the past year. Although acknowledging that they had not always agreed during the past year, Reeve Charles Hooper felt that much had been locompllshed. thanked all {or their help and shook hands with his Deputy-reeve Stewart Rumble. Mr. Rumble wished the best for all council members. thank- ed the local press for very fair reporting during the year and expressed his regret that Coun- cillor Robert Sloane would not be with them next year. which councillors‘ wives would be invited to attend with their uhusbands. as well as heads of township departments and the press. l A letter was read from the ‘board of TSA l. requesting a ;transfer of $28,000 worth of debenture funds to permit the purchase of an additional three acres at the Woodland School site, at a total cost of 545,000. Mr. Crisp explained that no new debentures were required but that debenture monies had ’been set aside previously [on ‘the purchase of a school sitel iin the Selkirk Subdivision but it is not possible to get a clear? deed to the property and the; subdivision plans are in a state of confusion. The OMB require a formal resolution of council to permit the transfer of these Busy Session Markham TWp. Council Ends Year In Spirit Of Peace And Goodwill CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 CARRVILLE NEWS â€"â€"--v---wvâ€"<â€"-â€"0y "7‘ ristmas, and for On New Year's day Mrs. Ad- stated? _ enjoyable time am Read, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Council agreed to accept the at the home of Read and boys had dinner with recommendation of Chambers David Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drewery & Meredith, real estate agents and family. that a compensation of $3,556 Bert Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read be allowed to E. A. Wookey for ; Christmas Day entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ,182 acres of land expropriated their daughter Penny and family, Mr. and Mrs. for the widening of Steeles vIr. and Mrs. Russell Sommerville and girls Avenue. This is at a rate ofl and Mr. William George for $15,000 per acre. vilddleton spent supper on Sunday of this week. A resolution was also passed Heard through the grape vine that the little Bone boys are not enjoying the chicken pox too well. Just think of the ex- tended holidays. Mrs. Adam Read had her family at home for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and boys, Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Baker had their family all home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Morris and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and Connie. During Christmas evening Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craigle and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Savage called m. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Morer had New Year‘s dinner at home with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker. On the Saturday after Christ- mas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell and Jim visited with Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bushell of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jim ‘Ash and Mr. and Mrs. L. Wellman and Marie and Lynn had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Middleton and then visited with Mr. Middleton at the hospital. in the hospital. We wish him well and hope he is out very soon. lpress. ‘ A-letter was read from the board of TSA 1. requesting a transfer of $28,000 worth of debenture funds to permit thei purchase of an additional three acres at the Woodland School site. at a total cost of 545,000. Mr. Crisp explained that no new debentures were required but that debenture monies had been set aside previously for the purchase of a school site in the Selkirk Subdivision but it is not possible to get a clear deed to the property and the subdivision plans are in a state of confusion. The OMB require a formal resolution of council to permit the transfer of these funds for the purchase of another site. I The school board letter explained that plans for the future development in the area called for a cam- pus arrangement including two junior public schools and one senior public school on land adjoining the high school site. A senior public school addi- tion to the Woodland School is planned now and requires t h e additional pension down there. The people don’t want a senior school and they don't know anything about it.“ he said. Reeve Hooper coincided with this View, feeling that there were engineering problems concerned with the site and council should know just where the three acres required are situated. The rest of the council agreed and Councillor Sloane's motion was passed asking that. a rep- resentation of the school board appear before council to clarify the situation before approval is given. Deputy-reeve Rumble gave a report of the fire committee on the purchasing of a new fire. truck for the Unionville Fire‘ Brigade. The committee had? met December 18 and visited‘ the Stouffville and Markham. brigades and the Scarboro Fire! Department. As a result of dis-‘ cussing fire trucks with these officials the committee recom-: mended to council that the; tender submitted by C. E. Hie-v key 8: Son of Hamilton be ac- cepted for a fire truck costing $15,750. of At the suggestion which councillors' wives would be invited to attend with their husbands, as well as heads of township departments and the press. Jim ‘Ash and Wellman and had dinner at and Mrs. 'Bert A resolution was also passed to pay the balance of the cost of the water tower site out of the lot fees from Steele Valley Acres, Dan River Heights and the Wycliffe Subdivision. A by-law was given three readings appointing high school trustees. John Honsberger of Thornhill to the York Central District High School Board and Reginald Perkin of Unionville to the Markham District High School Board. A letter from the County of York was read giving notice of the passing of a resolution of the county council appointing a county assessor and making all township assessors em- ployees of the county as of January 1. Reeve Hooper noted that the resolution had been passed by only one vote. “Is there no court of ap- peal for this?" enquired Councillor Cleary Palmer. “So many people are op- posed to it.†Reeve Hooper stated that there was no court of appeal but that they would have to discuss the matter in committee and see if anything could be done. “Our ‘farm assessment will go up automatically," he stated. Township Clerk Harry Crisp reported that there were only two trustees left of the Button- ‘ville Cemetery and as one of these now lived‘ out of the township. the remaining trustee did not wish to be left with complete responsibility for the cemetery. It was very well-kept, he said and there were suffi- cient funds on hand for its maintenance. Council agreed that it become the responsibility of the Markham Cemetery, Board. Deputy-reeve Rumble gave a report of the fire committee on the purchasing of a new fire truck for the Unionville Fire Brigade. The committee had met December 18 and visited the Stouffville and Markham brigades and the Scarboro Fire Department. As a result of dis- cussing fire trucks with these officials the committee recom- mended to council that the tender submitted by C. E. Hic- key & Son of Hamilton be ac- cepted for a fire truck costing $15,750. At the suggestion of Councillor Charles Hoover. Mr. Rumble amended his motion and it was agreed to recommend the accept- ance of the Hickey tender to the 1965 council. Council also passed a resolu- tion agreeing to have Markham Township Cemetery Board as-‘ sume responsibility for the Buttonville Cemetery. The} board had agreed to do this ati the request of the Buttonville cemetery trustees earlier in the year but formal council ap- proval was required. and Councillor Sloam was passed asking ti resentation of the set appear before council the situation before is given. “There’s no panslon down people don't w school and the anything ahoul Reeve Hooper three acres. Trustee Sloane to giving e rest of the council agreed Councillor Sloane's motion passed asking that a rep- itation of the school board ar before council to clarify situation before approval sign a there objected approval. of ex- AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ITEM LISTED BELOW BUY A DELUXE -' McClARYâ€"EASY DRYER [ K n nxrï¬rn 1rn‘rvn AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ITEM LISTED BELOW BUY A SPAR'I'ON AM-FM STEREO THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDA Y ONLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ITEM LISTED BELOW Portable Record Player Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Portable Transistor Car Radio BUY A McCLARY-EASY WRINGER WASHER Open 9 to 9 RM. 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If you don't see the appliance deal you want here, come on in â€" we'll make a special deal for you. Here’s how we can make this offer AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ITEM LISTED BELOW BUY A 23" CONSOLE SPARTON or MARCONI TELEVISION .. .. Easy Credit Terms Portable Stereo Hi-Fi McClary-Easy Wringer Washer Hoover Vacuum Cleaner and Floor Polisher DNE -~GE‘T ( THE AND GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE ITEM LISTED BELOW BUY A DELUXE McClARY-EASY RANGE rIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 7, 1965 Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Four New Firestone Tires McClary-Easy Wringer Washer Portable Stereo Record Player m urcunv D