VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE W. 8. P. SERVICE I78 YONGE 51. N. Licensed Auctioneer York &' Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING [N PUREBRED CA'ITLE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS We personally handle all ule bills and advertising PHONE All electrical repairs & wiring T.V. - Antenna Repairs & New Installations - Refrigeration 12 Virgllwood Drive, Willowdale Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 285-6662 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill AV. 5-6562 BA. 5-9397 Bank of Non Scoth Building Anton Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 54531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 RELIABLE SERVICE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE Douglas Allen Ilrchitect 884-7322 70 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL C.A.: A.A.C.C.A.; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT David J. Broomani BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING FOR. SMALL BUSINESSES Sam I. Cohen Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists Alvin S. Farmer AV. 5 - 3591 EMERSON T.V. HOOVER VAC. BLAUPUNKT MOFFAT, PHILLIPS Free Pick-up & Delivery Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 Auto Transmussmn Automobiles Richmond Hill FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 290 Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill. Ontario Work Guaranteed ‘N E 886-5311 GORMLEY. ONT. Auctioneer Accountants Auto Electric Accounting Service Appliances PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY I L. E. Clark Architect 633-5122 285-4921 EVENIN GS 884.7968 l Chiropractic I iâ€" I Chinese Foo] H. D. M elsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 8: Bayview (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efflclentâ€"Tasty PHONE: 884-1136 â€" 884-1137 173 Yonge Street North (Opposite R. D. Little & Son) SPECI:I LISTS IN MOTOR TUNE-UP IGNITION SERVICE EXCHANGE IN VOLTAGE REGULATORS GENERATORS STARTERS 22 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL Dr. J. Perdicaris Bowden Lumber Arthur G. Broad Town Auto Body Dr. D. J. Harris Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South Free Estimates for Repairs to All Makes of Cars GUARANTEED WORK DAVE HAY 'l‘U. 4-4745 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Dr. J. M. Dryer CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 MEDICAL-DENTAL 73 CENTRE ST. EAéT RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING DENTIST 21 YONGE ST. N‘ RICHMOND HILL 884-7769 STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC Leno’s Machine Shop Engineering 21 Bedford Park Ave., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 By Appointment FREE ESTIMATES Auto Body Work Phone TU. 4-5368 DENTIST Open Evenings 73 YONGE ST. 5., RICHMOND HILL FLOORS Flooring By Appointment TUmer 4-1462 mjt rong VINYL Dental 884-1121 Toronto Office - 7 Queen St. 13., Suite 151 Phone EM. 3-5877 T. C. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER a: SOLICITOR Suite 2, Lowrle Buildint ‘ 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUrner 4-1551 50 Yonge St, N. AV. 5-4955 - TU. John S. Walkington TU. 4-1219 113 King St. Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Glus Automobile Financing etc. Ernie Brock 8: Son i Hair Styling 8: 5 Beauty Salons Fire. Auto and Liability (Formerly Harrington Insurance Agency) Suite 2, Lowrle Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill AVenue 5-1379 Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 STUART P. PARKER, Q.C. JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Parker & Pearson 1 GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY HELEN SIMPSON LYNE’I'I' Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lune Richmond Hill We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg.. Aurora. Ontario COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Elgin T. Barrow Insurance RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE l3 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Next To Woolworth: Corner Agency Limited Hans H of mann Phone 884-5892 Ph. HU. 5-1145 (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Complete ‘ Insurance Service RICHMON D HILL Roy V. Bick 2518 YONGE ST. )er - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association 17 Queen St. E. CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLIST Insurance Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Flowers TE. 3-5283 Legal Richmond Hill TU. +1543 King City 1" Senior Home 16 Yonge Stre 1 North RICHMONDCmLL Canada Lt‘ TU. 4-4231 Local Bus Service 285-5729 Daily Richmond Hill‘ Rentals, sales, service of Toronto service office machines. B u sin ess Chartered Coaches supplies and social stationery Information: 285.: I Optometrists J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.D. A. W. Kirchen, 0.1). Stouifville’s new Home for Senior Citizens Operated by Mennonite Home Association Chartered as a non-profit organization Guest applications now being received. Box 910_ Stouffville Rupert Ave. Phone 887-5690 or 640-1538 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC James H. Timmins 15 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-4413 80 Richmond St. W., Suite 402 Torontp 1. Ontario 366-3156 Telephones PArkvlew 7-9488-9 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner. Q.C. Bernard R. Fol-gang 47 Yonge Street South Anton. Ontario Gariepy and Mann Barrister, Solicitor 8; Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUmer 4-1863 By Appointment Office Supplies Lawlor LeClaire & Batman BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Norman A. Todd Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Public 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill. Ontario. TU. 4-7891 220 Bay Street, Suite 701 Toronto 1, Ontario. EM. 6-9411 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 6197 YONG! STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8808 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Nell Mann TU. 4-4618 PARKVIEW HOME 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 .I. Rabinowitch, Plaxton, Deane & Drew YORK OFFICE SUPPLIES Edward D. Hill B.A.. LLB. Floyd E. Corner Banister, Solicitor, etc. Barristers and Solicitor. Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street )1. AV. 5-5144 1110li] Office AV. 5-1197 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public RICHMOND HILL THORN HILL THORN HILL AVenue 5-3165 TU. 4-3962 TU. 4-4641 By Appointment By Appointment Continued legal Reservations For Every Phase of Travel Without Charge 7728 Yonge St., Thomhill‘ 285-4807 - 285-4808 1 ISporting Goods Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER Coaches for all Occasions Ontario Land Surveyors 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill, TU. 4-294! 105 Wlllowdale Ave., Willowdnle Ontario, 221-3485 Res. George T. Yates. 0.L.s. Langdonk Coach Lines Ltd. 5 BEAVERTON RD. If no answer at 884-3614 in day- time, call 884-1105 or 285-3316 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Travel Services ltd. REPAIRS C.C.M & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill. 884-1213 Transportation [Paint-Wallpapel Trailways Of Canada L FOR IN FORMATION WINTER GADEN Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Sales - Rentals - Leases Residential - Commercial PIANO TUNING INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All AV. 5 4059 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Guesswork Is Eliminated New Scientific Method “Checked†Electronically With the Stroboscope 15 Yonge Street North PHONE 285-1472 Yates & Yates ADANAC Real Estate FREE DELIVERY Surveyors FREE ESTIMATES AL PYLE Telephone TE. 3-5351 Travel 884-3614 Pianos 285-3642 Ltd. REPAIRS All persons having claims against the Estate of Tena May Piercey, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of {York, Married Woman, who died on or about the 11th day ‘of September, 1964, are re- quired to send a statement of their claims to the undersigned before the 29th day of January, 1965, after which date the es- tate will be distributed. having‘ regard only to the claims ofwhich the undersigned shall‘ then have notice. ‘ DATED at Toronto this 4th day of January, 1965. Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Ofï¬ce Telephone 147 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill RUMBLE TRANSPORT v“ «5! I!!! (Ly-"i Expert Repairs to TV - RADIO - Hi FI - CAR RADIOS ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS 3 AN D PARTS Authorized Service for ‘ Rogers Majestic â€" Fleetwood Courtesy TV’s 90 Day Warranty on Parts Electric Appliance Repairs and Parts 1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of TENA MAY PIERCEY P.C.V. Class A, C. and H DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL T0 TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling N01? 3 CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTERING All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Phone 884-5127 RICHMOND UPHOLSTERY WALSH AND WALSH, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 125 PEMBERTON RD. RICHMOND HILL 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill Veterinary Upholstery 884 - 7903 Television TU 4-1013 EM 4-2625 Specialists In Trucking ATH‘S Next time, try . . . RADIO Also present was the skipper-’5 wife Mrs. Lynn and Mrs. Bert Wallace, wife of the A.S.M. Mrs. Ron Foerter regrets that she could not be present as she works 3511 nurse’s aid and had to go on duty attending the sick leaving us healthy ones to shift for ourselves; these three are fast becoming inter- Before breaking off, Mr. Lynn personally presented Ron and Bert with three important books each to help them in their endeavours as leaders. Then the room broke into three rousing cheers because the room was full of Scouts, Cubs and parents who were there for a Cub coming-up ceremony which was scouter Ron's first act as leader. Then he said "As leaders the eyes of your boys will al- ways be on you. Also the eyes of your community and the eyes of this great brotherhood of scouting. For that matter. the eyes of the world. You will never know of the good you are doing as youth leaders but you will certainly hear of any wrong because there will always be those that make mountains out of molehills. For this, re member your Scout motto â€"â€" “be prepared". While Mr. Lynn was proudly placing their leadership plumes on the bands of their hats he once again explained the mean- ing of the hat, a symbol of Canada. pointing out that the point always pointed to God where they can always receive help. The dents representing the three parts of the Scout promise and the fourth repre- senting the Scout law. The band that has now become a wide band of loyalty and th much broader brim that means a much broader mind. Chairman of the Oak Ridges Group Committee, Frank Thi- vierge presented Ron and Bert to their old scouter to be in- vested while Rover Mate Jerry Hopkins, 1st King Rover Crew, assisted by manning the Troop flag and Patrol Leader Fred Lynn Jr. handled the Union [Jack. Satisfying himself that Ron and Bert understood the Scout promise and laws from a man’s point of View the troop flag was lowered in front of them by Rover Mate Jerry Hopkins and Skip Lynn once: again received their promise, only this time as leaders and then presented them with their Ontario, York Summit and Oak Ridges badges, shoulder knots and leaders’ lanyards. . Chairman Frank Thivierge placed the Oak Ridges scarves on their necks. At the opening Mr. Lynn re- peated the Scout promise as he lit the three candles as he has always done in 26 years of snouting. On the table was an old an- tique candlestick that Mr. Lynn inherited from his great grand- father and historian Captain James A. Cook. This candle- stick was used ln Mr. Lynn’s lnvestiture into scouting and has been presented at all inves- titures that he has seen or of- ficiated at including Ron and Bert’s investiture when they were Scouts and has always burned the white candle of pur- ity. The investiture table was a blaze of colour, green for SM. and red for A.S.M. Ironically the Scout green shirts and Rover red along with the bright red scarves of King blended well. Bert Wallace of Oak Ridges, After Scout flag break. Cub ‘Ron as scouter and mm as ,5. Leader Bernice Fuller led her sistant. peek in the grand howl calling Ski er Fred L n, leader f Brian cobblestone, David Milne the 1:: King R03: Crew W; and leq Collins to her. she given the honour by District had then} for the “St time ’9‘ Scoutmaster Jack Taylor of peat the“ 0“" promise to her Richmond Hill of investing these and regretfully led the three two men because 18 years ago 1â€â€œ through lhe Cub We“ and he invested them as Scouts on up to scouting where scouter‘ when he first organized the lst Ron receive‘i them into the Oak Ridges Scout Troop. tr°°p ML--- L_._, A , . . . Mr. Lynn stated that it Was indeed an honour because there are very few scouters that see their boys come up to leader. ship. let alone being honoured investing them. Ist KING ROVER CREW ested in On Monday December 14 at and M“ the Legion Hall in Oak Ridges Christal! two men were invested as have be! Scout leaders. Ron Foerter and SETVEd. Bert Wallace of Oak Ridges, After Ron as scouter and Bert as as- Leader 3 sistant. pack in 11-115 LIBERAL, mcnmona mu, ontarlo, Thursday, Jan. 14, 1365 To make this world much better to live in, every com- munity, no matter how remote should help supervise and give a hand to the youth who will eventually become citizens. With our help they learn through our experiences to manage com- munity affairs honestly and in- telligently. 4 No matter how little you do â€"- do it. nagement to train the youth of today so that the world of tomorrow will be a better one. If you asked Barby now what she'd like to make of her life she might tell you she’d like to be a hairdresser or a make-up artist. But there are some things that Barby does for sure. She eats heartily at her meals, enjoys her work at the studio and her studies and sleeps soundly almost as soon as she hits the pillow. She knows that she must be rested for the overflowing to- morrow. ested in ladies‘ auxiliary work and will probably be active after Christmas turkeys and puddings have been devoured and bromo served. These boys grow up fast and the Scout movement is always in need of leaders and adult On top of all these activities, Barby likes to sew, make rag dolls and ski and skate. “We are not pushing her to do all this,†said Mrs. Peirce, “we hope she’ll go on and complete her education, perhaps go to University, but it’s really up to her." a small piece of music which was accepted by CBC. She is one of Miss Marguerite Boyle’s prize pupils in the public speaking division. She won medals in the Peel Festival and won the public speaking contest for all the Richmond Hill Public Schools. Last year she won medals for performances in ballet under the direction of Miss Audrey Parker of Richmond Hill. There is never a moment wasted in the Peirce household. “I read Barby’s scripts with her while we are peeling potatoes, doing dishes and even dur- ing the baking,†said Mrs. Peirce. “She misses so much school that we all have to pitch in and help her with her schoolwork.†She misses quite a lot of school but she is a top student in Mrs. McWhirter’s class at Walter Scott. Like many talented people, Barby has many other abilities and interests. She once wrote a_play_§nd VThe Peirce’s do everything they can to keep Barby unspoiled and unsophisticated in this day when sophistication is so much encouraged in the young. In order to completely understand Barby’s phen- ominal success in the commercial and television field, you would have to take her whole family into account. The Peirce family circle is a closely knit one and all rejoice in the success of their talented member. Mrs. Peirce, an expert dressmaker, makes all of Barby’s clothing including those she wears for appearances plus the clothing required by sister Laurie 9, and brothers Gary, 121/; and John 6. Mrs. Peirce also drives Barby to and from the studio. Gary baby sits and he can pinch hit as a cook when necessary, and all of them understand the problems of making commercials for they have all made them. The boys have given it up but Laurie can be seen in commercials put on byiRobin Hood Oats, industrial accidents and recently she did one for a shoe com- pany. Her latest achievement is her contract with the “Moment of Truth†serial where she 'plays the lead role of Sheila Wallace. Her TV father is Dr. Wal- lace, a psychologist. (Continued from Page 2) serial called “Many Windows" as Kitty Dennis. daughter of an eccentric household. She played one of the children in “Son of a Hundred Kings†9. serial that ran for 10 weeks. She appeared again in the Junior Forest Ranger film, another Kleinburg pro- duction. Barby once appeared on a morning program on Channel 9 called “Free and Easy†where she acted as model for children's hairstyling and for a time she was a regular on “Time of Your Life†on Sunday afternoon for the CBC. She also made a. guest ap- pearance with Michelle Finney on “Razzle Dazzle.†TV: n o II B I. E ‘2 CALL BA.I - 0485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE E : gfgéM€PTiSDELIVE RY aiégnagwgw SOUTH 884-2230 “The Finest Upholsteflng At No Extra Cost" WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS it. He notes that income tax services are being sold door to door and comments “While this may be an easy way to get the job done. it is wise to do I little checking on the referen- ces of the firm doing the job." A request by phone or mail will also get you a farm ac- count book which will make the income tax job easier next year. Mr. Wall recommends that any- one who doesn't want to fill out a return himself should get a local accountant to work on rsday, Jan. 14, 1965 13 Forage Crops Topic Of Dr. J. Winch, OAC Dr. Winch emphasized strong- ly, however. that management had to be right to do the job. Direct seeding was suggested to aid in getting a good stand and high rates of fertilizer were re- commended. Cuttlng dates make a great difference in both yield and quality and the new recipe calls for cutting at the right time to get three crops each year and still rest the field in September. Mr. Wall advises that he has pamphlets available with extra information on the topics cov- ered In the recent TV series on farm management. From the standpoint of both quantity and quality, forage crops can produce feed just as well as any other crop was the message brought to a recent crop improvement meeting by Jack Winch from OAC. Over 300 people attended the meet- ing, reports York Agricultural Representative A.‘ A. Wall.