16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 14, 1965 R E. ('ole of 713 John Street. Thornhill. has ad- dressed an “open letter" in Reeve t‘harles Hooper of Markham Township. a copy of which he sent to “The i Liberal". Mr. (folc is concerned about the plan of the North ‘ Thornhill development pre- l sented to 'l‘hornliitl residents " at a public meeting on De.- cember 5 which includes several high rise apartment buildings. He says: "i consider this plan ill- conceived for the following reasons: it will devaluate the homes of many small property owners; the reasons ers. roads. etc.‘. l|o\\e\et, modern town planners all agree that these should he developed in their own stir- roundings. The finest of these are developments such as 'i'lioi'ncliffe and Pleinins- don Park. or perhaps more obvious. the building of ap- artment blocks in down- town areas where land is not available. Even in downtown areas. blocks of h i g h rise apartments should be grouped. Compare these with plans to superimpose high rise apartments on the Thornhill residential area. The only existing service lludlcl .\\enue. (ilcncam~ eron Road and Henderson would have to he widened or have sidewalks built Fit the expense of the com- miinitv \ll other \‘PI'\l('f‘S such as schools. sewers. hydro. etc. do not cxist so must be de- veloped by the municipality. You must consider the small property owner! These people are seriously affected since the property they own in most cases rep- resents their life's savings and in many cases is still to he completely paid for. Approximately fifty ad< jacent properties will most ' most ' An Open Letter To Reeve Chas. Hooper lyl three times this figure, or another 150. Many others would be ad- verser affected. With the quiet residential village at- mosphere destroyed. they would be. hard to sell. it is true that we cannot stop progress. but at least. let us stop and consider whether this is progressing or regressing. I suggest that if we need hiin rise apartments in Markham Township »- and no one at the meeting of December 5 could assure us that we do ~-- one of the impossible areas for them is Thornhill. for manv of us moving to is Yonge Street. All other certainly be seriously de- They should be planned ~- 7 this area will be destroyed mf‘ds wm'ld have m h.“ made Valualed' The "9“ group 0‘ for a. convenient. location (Photo by Barbourt tresidential' atmosphere. a Sllllahl“ fm‘ El‘mll." mol‘eas‘ mm“ “""lse Pl'lVac-V “'Ollld not presently built up. “re mace for Our children. ed traffic. Some. such as be completely eliminated ‘ John Street, Clark Street, ‘ low density of population; 77 wnulrtnumbertransom-alive:l wow/and 56/100, Grade 8 Graduates Eran...tritzzttsti‘ï¬W. E. Judges To Head Thornhill ing the plan except in gen- eral terms under the guise . of municipal planning; theT . R J R b R p spotting of high rise apart- ' ' o e - ments in an. existing resl- William E. Judges. Brooke cleared out. Mrs. Lambert was‘ flaws adlaf‘enl t“ ""9 "f "l" dentlal area '5 "Ol economl’Street, was appointed chairman directed to write to Vaughanl "the" mam roadsv Prop" cal when other more opehlof the Thornhill Village 'l‘rus-i’l‘ownship and secure the necâ€" services “mum have t†he areas 9X15l1 ll Wm‘l‘l be calitees at their inaugural meeting essary information regarding pMVlded for "l the Thorn' where services can be plan- ned properly and paid for by the apartment developer in a clear cut manner. It is true that Yong. Shown at the graduation exercises held last fall are the. members of the 1964 graduation class of' Woodland Public School. l Street is a convenient main l They are. front row. (left to right) Caroline. Allison, Olive Krause, Sharon Phinnemore, Lorraine Cole. Margaret Gil- lies. Betty Rierma. Diane Suri'idge. Linda Evans. Janet Mat-Kay. Grethe Risgaard, Marlene Smith and Jane Garnett. Rack row. same order, Principal Gordon Learn, Harold Phinnemore, Paul Chambers, John Rage, Frank Warnica, llavid Tutt, Bruce Brown, Derek Cann. Steve Morrison, John Judson, Michael Wilson, Steve Sabiston and Mrs. M. Windrim. ‘ road with a meager bus set» vice. but if an apartment complex were developed in .Christmas. A carol service, con: lducted by the Choral Society of . . “ t . Wing ‘0 a few “angler†landlvlahual'l' 5. He will continue as easements. The residents invol-i hm an“ . i'lamf‘lca' was mum en-lo-‘Td "n developers at the exhense 9‘ well with the responsibilities ved will then be asked to per-‘ Lf’t "5 plan "ll". "immlln' » Chl‘lSlmaS 9"? al lhe hmf‘l- existing homeowners: lt‘as managing trustcc. mit the township to use its “'3’ "1.3 way whwh w'" ’1'â€. After Christmas the Clarks (fund ."m be lusm'ed as a; R. .l. Robinson. 'l‘hornridge equipment to clear the water- PS pral‘le' 1.)" nulllet us turn travelled up 10 the nmth shore llhaht‘lal advantage l0 theiDrive, was appointed the trusâ€" course. ' Fhornh'†ml“ the Thorn' township as it appears that may representative on the . I I hill Folly." l liustee Robinson agreed to Yours m.u1y_ services to' be Pl‘OVidEd‘Thornhill Area Recreation (‘om- dig A » .cuss a three year garbage WO‘lld exceed tax revenue mittee arid this year's new collection contract with L. Reid.‘ R" E' COLEâ€"r- from the apartments: the‘ trustee, Eric Cole, John girpehhrhe new Markham TownshiplMinniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï¬iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Planned denSltY 0i POPUla‘lwas named representative on‘official plan was discussed and‘ “on “mum be excesswe forlthe Thm‘nhlll PUhllC lllhl‘al'yithe secretary was insthticted toI lht‘ 3"93- Board for 1965. obtain a map of the south-east: l’l‘he approximate number Mrs. Patricia Lambert will come,- of the township froml of existing homes is 1.0003continue as secretary to the Township Clerk H. Crisp A and between 2-3.000 apart- board of trustees. A number of bills were pass-‘ mrnls are PlanMd-l Chairman Judges reported ed for payment including 3997.3 - we can all agree that that a new lllassey-Ferguson‘ï¬tl to L. Reid for garbage col-l Taught on Floor Looms PRIVATE LESSONS apartments may play an im- tractor had been purchased on lection for the last quarter and‘, portant part in the developâ€" behalf of the village at a cost small accounts with the lGA,l ' lllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllll'ttllllllllllilllllltlllllllill! and stayed at the Trade Winds lMotel for four days. They then ltook a trip around Montego Bay where they had planned to stay lfor the remainder of their visit. btit as they were unable to find accommodation they returned to Kingston. They enjoyed many . ‘trips through the scenic moun-l‘ l ’tain area where Bruce did most. of the driving. He had the ex-l perience of driving a right hand The weather in Florida \vaSidrive car on the treacherous reported Mr. and Mrs. .l. Gall, Kirk beautiful for their visit and theiroads that twist through the, with son .lohn and,Wilcs enjoyed the pool. badminâ€" mountains. They visited Dunnes son. while and special note was daughter Mary .lane. travelled‘ton courts and shuffleboard fac- River Falls, Shaw Park, Hope The ll‘ll‘ 1†POlhlE‘ Claire. made of the hospitality exâ€"lup to their cottage near Hunts-Tilities. Pizza and twist parties Gardens and covered about Quebec of the pee wee hockey tended the group during their ville between Christmas and were arranged for the youngerleight hundred miles altogether. team was enjoyed by the par-itwo day visit. New Years. Instead of spend- set and they kept busy with ' ents who accompanied the1 " * * * ing their days skiing on the the many activities provided for.. team as much as the boys them-l John Tucker, son of Mr. and‘hiils, they enjoyed many hours them. One of the interesting selves. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ast, Mrs. F. Tucker. Eliza St., waslof excellent outdoor skating. sights the Wiles took in on Mrs. G. R. Bagg. Mr. and Mrs. home for the holidays from‘ a a v * their trip was a visit to the R Blackborow, Mr and Mrs. V. Royal Roads. B.C. John is a D13 and Mrs. E, c. Aim 3 missile base at Cape Kennedy. Demarco, with three of thcirifirst year student at the college Elmbank Road. Spent two weeks While talking to Mrs. Wiles I children Vince. Rathy andland plans a career in the‘ih Fort Lauderdaie‘ F101«ida_.\vas interested to learn of a Carol. Mr. A. Hartwick, Mr.lR.C.A.F. He was held up ar- over the Christmas seasonlhumihg mp she and her hus. John MacKay. Mrs. D. Moorelriving because of the heavylrheir daughter Lorraine. a well‘band took in October when and Mr. and Mrs. N. Davidsonlsnow but arrived in time for known swimmer, left a weekEthey journeyed out west to Kenâ€" and son Brett stayed at the Christmas. jbefore Christmas to attend the‘ora and flew inland to hunt Trayel Lodge while in POime‘ College Swim Forum at Fort-moose. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wiles Clall‘e- Mr. and Mrs. Terry GOOdWin.iLaudei‘dale. Groups from the,Sh0l 8 H1008? apiece- MYS- The boys on the team were‘Thornridge Drive, with theirlUm'ted States and Canada at.,Wiies was particularly thrilled Glen Crouter, Joe and Paullthree children Fred, Meg anditehded a series of clinics and‘hecause this was her first. DEMBFCO- 13h MHCKa)’. BOblPhiliP. Spent Christmas at TallYltraining programs beneficial * * * * Macintosh, ken Moore. Ricleo Lodge. The Goodwins bat-.and helpful to competitive Mn and M1~s_A.Patte Mill Hartwick and Paul Wooinough. tied fog to get there and alâ€"Eswimmers. Dr. and Mrs. Aho, Rnad with their three children _During their free time the laâ€"lthough the snow didn‘t arrivelwilh sons Lance and Alan, trav-‘Kareh Alan and Lynne flew dies enjoyed shopping at theilas they had hoped, they en-‘elled down to spend Christmas dawn ‘in Miami Beach during largeshnpping fen“? Close hydol’fd their stay. ,with Lorraine and had a mostlthe holidays. The Patte family Enjoyable 5183' under Sunny had a wonderful two weeks at Florida Skit‘S. the Desert lnn Motel where M’ 80 e t an Sta l * l * * ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Philip White- they stayed for their vacation. . 75‘ * ’31 its head. Colbourne St., with their Mn idaughters Jill "The Liberal“ is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be. reached by phoning 285-3190 PHONE 285-3190 Thornhill asilrikri‘ Many travelled out of town over the‘ternoon movie. All Christmas and New Year sea- that the trip was well worth Drive, residents while the boys attended an af- ment of a municipality sincelof $2,125. Ketola Power Equipment, New-l they help to increase thel Further discussion took place tonbrook Hard-ware, Thornhill strength of the local mer-labout the watercourse from Ar-‘Paint Supplies. Frank Engel chants and service compan-.noid Avenue and Brooke StreetlBA. Station, the Liberal Print- les and make the greatest to Yonee. Street which several‘ing Company and K. J. Beamn (Continued On Page lï¬i use of existing services (sew-‘residents had asked to have ish. Fact: , ' January is the best time to buy a new car *ikrkds Here’s why. 4 lions. Only Rambler gives you such exclusive features as: Deep-Dip Rustproofingâ€"the world’s best rustprooï¬ng, The body of every Rambler gets a “dimking.†It’s dipped right to its roofline in rustprooï¬ng solution six separate times. Rambler’s Ceramic-Armored Muffler and Tailpipe are made of galvanized metal covered with a heat-resistant shield to resist corrosion, exactly like the inside of your oven at home. Unique roof insulation with Fiberglass Roof- liners holds warm air in, keeps cold air out. Rambler’s Double Door Seals halt chilly drafts. Single Unit Construction with Uniside makes every Rambler body strong, safe, lastineg rattle-free. Double Safety Brakes give you extra protec- tion against rugged winter conditions. In addition, Rambler offers you its superb Weather-Eye Heater for complete comfort all winter long; a heavy-duty battery for peak starting power on the coldest mornings; an alternator that charges your battery even while your engine is idling; Twin-Grip Differential for safe, sure going; and plastic kick panels to resist snow and slush tracked in by driver and passengers. Because of its noâ€"nonsensc protection against Canadian conditions, your Rambler will stand up to the worst that Old Man Winter dishes out. And here’s the best part: Come spring, your Rambler will still be a new car! How can you beat that? What are the ’65 Ramblers like? The 1965 line of Ramblers marks Phase Two of the Rambler Revolutionâ€"the second stage of a revolution that introduced the ï¬rst com- pact car in 1957 and revolutionized the auto industry. Now, Phase Two brings you a greater choice of models, option: and engines than ever before and introduces the completely new Ambassador, the car that offers Rambler quality to the larger-car buyer. ' 1965 RAMBLER AMERICAN The lowest-priced Canadian- built car The neatest-bandling, quickest-moving compact you can buy. Dclightï¬il, young- at-heart styling. Get Torque Command, the 155 h.p. six that cuts loose like an eight. Or pick from two economical sixes at 90 and 125 h.p. Get automatic trans- mission, power steering, power brakes, reclining seats, adjustable headrests. 1965 CLASSIC Completely rte-styled with powerful , new performance Here’s proof that a family-minded car can be an exciting road performer, too. You get more people space, more luggage space. 3 great engines; two new Torque Command engines, 145 and 155 h.p., the sixes that act like cights, plus a swift- moving 198 h.p. V8 for quick performance. More than ever, Canada’s best car value. 1965 AMBASSADOR Rambler quality for the largerâ€"car buyer Exclusive Rambler quality and features in an all-new, larger-sized car. More comfort, elegance, luxury. Superb appointments. Over 70 power options and features. 7- position reclining seats, adjustable head- rests. 3 great engines, including a powerful 270 h.p. V8. Full power equipment. Flash-O-Matic Transmission. First, it’s a matter of dollars and cents Traditionally, January is the slowest moth in the car business. As a rule, people don’t buy new cars in January. They buy in the fall or they hold off until spring and summer. A lot of car dealers write January off. But not Rambler Dealers. Not this year. They‘re going to buck tradition. Rambler Dealers have built up a great sales momentum. (November sales alone were 50% more than the same period a year ago.) They won’t stop now. They’re going to drive right over the January sales barrier. HOW? With the right product and the great- est deals of the entire year. Your Rambler Dealer wants to sell cars. He’s offering superb deals that can’t be beatenâ€"this month or any other month. F or '31 days, you won‘t ï¬nd Rambler Dealers in Canada writing January off. They‘ll be working hard, making the best deals you’ve ever seen. Prove it to yourself. Talk to the Rambler Dealer in your neighbourhood. and Mrs. John Hanna. and Pam and;Elgin St.. with their sons John ' ' I ' ‘lhelr dog “53mâ€, Shem 1W0 dE‘fand Murray spent three weeks ' lllghlflll WEEKS at POmPahOlat El Portal, Florida during the h . lBeaCh. Florida, durlhg the hOl-‘Christmas season. John Hanna ida." season. Jr. is manager of the Thornhill Except for the fact that they.were careful to add “He‘s the * * 'l‘ * Swimming Pool and MUl‘l‘al’ «3 didn't drop little white kidlone with the crew cut and. Mr. and Mrs. K. Wiles. lifeguard at the pool. The gloves behind them, the more‘glasses who wears a blue turtle'Thornebank Road with theirHannas thoroughly en.i0.VPd than 300 parents who came to neck sweater", and thuslthree children Rickey, Terryitheir holiday in the sun'nyl the [Langstaff Secondarylgive the teacher the correctland Suzanne. drove down to south. SChOOlS {H‘St Pal‘t’nls' nighl.fvi5lial image to match up \iiitthallandale Florida, on Dec- January 7 gave "er-V F°°d Per‘llhe marks in lh? register. .ember 19 and returned January Mt“. formances as.the white rabbit! Those who found themselves 3_ The only had driving inevKirk Drive, with their children mm All“ m wonderlï¬md '}“’llh “"19 l0 Spare between aparan into was at the border oleruce and Christine. flew down scurrying up and down corridorslpomtments were invited intolTehnessee when lhev had to in Jamaica for two weeks dur- to their next appointment. ,the teachers' lounge where theylturn hack and spend‘me nighl mg the holidaâ€. The Clerks Conveniently provided with a‘were able to sit and chat with, the slaved at the s'heraton Hotel in I , , ‘ ‘in Kentucky because of plan of'the school and a list friends and enjoy a cup of cofâ€"lfreezing conditions. .Kingstfm until the day after of the teachers and their roomslfee. An informal tally showedl when they came in the frontl240 cups served, so the ma.i-‘ *1<-lt* and Mrs. L. 1‘). Clark, y W I. c __‘ N s . \\\_\\ as“ .\\ s. \\ was“. .. . -â€"â€"-._.....v.... . .. . \ . \ _ \_ my I (I, /,/////(//,,,,,//w, entrance. parents spent the firstlority of arents took adv nt T d G I A I P t B half hour making appointments‘of the \iielcome respite.a age‘ 0 a a y y with the courteous and effici- . . ‘enl "secretaries" who were “Elfxc'galh.wallt:r mural] , posted outside each door. If you ‘ ‘se . "use as m" e T h were smart â€" and lucky â€" you Fleas“! “"3 ll†“hoops EMT. v. | EN all your appointments on first lime"m night and es- the. same floor running close “math “‘3‘ at least one i Many civic dignitaries will be laymen who have been of spe- lnflcthcr. and thus avoided run- parent had turned up for iamong the guests at the annual cial service to the diocese. ning upstairs for a 7:45 ap- “hm†ha†“‘9 Students at party given by Mr. and Mrs. Among his many and var- pointment and downstairs for the salon" "9' ""ted- hm“ Vincent DeMarco. Baycrest led activities. Mr. DeMarco has one at 7:50 then up again for "a" that "He" “‘9 95"“"5 lDrive, on January 16. been president of the Retreat the next one. However. with u" teachers mm†M†l“ Among those invited are His Association; chairman of the mitgteachers hooked up pretty SN,‘ dnnt Shmv “9' Worship Mayor Philip Givens'Rehabilitation Board which set 501 y in tie first 1.5 minutes Mr. Murch feels that my. and Mrs. Givens. Metro chair- up the Good Shepherd Refuge ' ’ for so. parents blad to take what ents' nights are valuable in {hall man William Allen and Mrs. in Toronto: past president of second! It s a matter lmes were avai able and this is the parents' interest in the Allen. Vernon Singer, MLA for the Serra Club, a group of men :ihat tcalmed so much looking school is likely to be reflected Downsview and Mrs Singer. who encourage vocations for the Of Common sense on c cs an scurrying along in the students' interest in their North York Reeve .l.Service and priesthood; chairman of the 10-, _ _ lh“ halls; work. However. “the purpose of Mrs. Service. Markham 'i‘ownâ€" cal separate school board. and1 If: you nllrsc yOl-lr pr?sent Car tin-09gb the Venfm‘: dmflh“ “lnm- the Par- Pal‘f‘llls' niSlit is to give the ship Reeve Charles tlooper and many others. He has just ac-1 Winter With the intention of trading it come 5 a . ive minutes to dis- parents an opportunity to see Mrs ilooper. Markham 'i‘own- cepted an appointment to the ~ - ~ - ' cuss their youngsters Drob- where their children spend 75% ship Councillor Cleai‘y Palmer Catholic Charities Council. l Sprmg’ you may b: maï¬ngzmlsmke' W1.“ it 11:15:31“; [hf] teacher. The tea- of their time and to meet the and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Denial-co, who is mother“ bc‘ Comglaely Com orta 6' I re you certain It 0rd; Mina; Shed†flass “9“ “9°pr “h†a,“ “Ol‘kllifl “illi 13.00111“): N112 and Mrs. I. of nine children between thel wxllpcrtorm safely and ct’ï¬Ciently through the up hm mom 9 could ‘turn them . he said. and felt that Paisley and His ltonoi- Judge ages of 16 months and 16 years, long, tough winter? Hmunh nfd iltlal‘a [(’Jdil). al- this purpose had been well serâ€" W. D. Lyon and .\lr.s L_\ on. has also been active in the life bl .. V h d" f D U ' 3 _7_7_..V. n lands at the game \cd on January 7. Between 13tl and 175 guests; or he.- c‘nnrcll. She is a past \X'h.‘ PUt up “n “com 011' neermmty' 7 7 mainly business associates of president of St. Luke's CWL, Needless expense? Mr. DeMart-o, have been in\'it-,.scr\'ed as convenor of se\erlal‘ You won’t have to with a new Ramblerâ€" cd. An orchestra has been en- different committees for six: , . . . . ‘gaecd to provide music and years on the Arch-Diocesanl the (flnadlan Car hunt for Canadlan condl' there will be a buffet supper at Council of Toronto and was! “midnlzhi. chairman of the local region. A signal honor Will be was president of the WA of the conferred on Mr. and Mrs. lDaughtei-s of St. Paul and is DeMarco at Holy Rosary new chairman of the. Thereswn-l Church January 17 when. hes. a group which encourage ,7, ,/ Opportunity month gives you five unbeatable advantages //.// //’/f’///{â€//’//’fl ROGER JAMES KINGDON \ “ ‘ “\s- i 1 .lt‘Nl-Z MOIRA N(\\ .-\K To Wed In Thornhill Mar. 6 The cnuagcmcnt has be \mak, Willnwdale. daughter Sydney: \ma Scotia to Roger .lamcs Kingdom KlilEt'iOll and .\lr~ the late Ernest Franklin Street, 'I'horohill Thornhill Public School and School lwtnre mining the l' on announced at .lltllt‘ \lui'a of Mr. and \li's. Frank \oiak l.\‘\ son of William Hunt of 2‘. \li' kingdom is a 2’0leR'F‘ oi attended Thor-ill"? q \al St‘cniirlail two and a nail \I‘il". ago. The wedding will take place in Thornhill Mach 5, along with seventeen other couples. they will be invest- ed with the Equestrian Or- der of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. His Excel- lency. Bishop. F. V. Allen. auxiliary Roman (‘atholic Bishop of Toronto will con- duct the ceremony. .-\ recep- tion wili follow at the Ports of ('all Restaurant. This recognition is :l'\é‘ll to ;~-.~.-«~-uâ€".._~-..-..-,._ ._. -. vocations to the sisterhood. Mrs. DeMarco is unable to be as active as she would wish in outside organizations at the mo- ment as she is short of help. “i don't believe in being in a rut" she stated, and noted that the entire famin is non knee-deep in plans which in\‘ol\e buying a bus and outfitting it for a family \acalion 'o the Yukon this summer. v‘n-n-u-n-uâ€"v-nâ€"_ V-"- ' f j 'I‘HllRNHHJ. ll,»\ll.\l|.\"l‘(l.\' ('llll l The club it“ 'lf‘s badminton dawn: and beginner: to l l‘ia) on 'l‘iliivsdai. .ldllthl“ 74. or Janna“ 3i. I The (“till iiice's 'l'wlirsru.‘ s at R till it oi at 'l'llm’n'l'll - | Sel‘tiiiilari Si ono'. located on ‘ne f' sl street 02:! of I \oogc mum of Figin \twl. Former; \laikei Ra'anc: i of season viicmheislwp 23ml F'ntir criiirt: , 1 ago ~e tau-a Aerial-e *awa-eoe‘ ‘ 1 BIG SAVINGS. Your Rambler Dealer is out to sell cars There's only one way be can do it. With the best deals you'll find all yearlong. His trade~in values are top~dollac his deals. are a delight. 2 BIG CHOICE. 2 and 4 door sedans, wagons, hardtops, convertibles Styles and colours. Options and engines (6 and V8). 3 FAST DELIVERY, No waiting, no delays when you make your choice. 4 ENJOY WINTER DRlVlNG in Rambler. the car that's buult to meet Canadian winter conditions. 5 ENJOY ALLâ€"YEAR DRlVlNG. Drive season after season in Rambler, the car that‘s both better for youâ€"for your safety. your comfort, your eoloyment. A mufl m AurDt Ag ifl‘T.’V: ‘ ’. swan: 'Vl‘l‘.‘ Lâ€" OPPORTUNITY MONTH 15 IN FULL SWING AT YOUR RAMBLER DEALER’S RIGHT NOW . Purdy s Rambler Sales & Servue Baker's Sales 8. Service Ltd. 9l44 Yonge St. Richvaleâ€"AV.5-ll89 Yonge St. Oak Ridge: - PR. 3-5481