hTOMS January 8 (Hughes Real Estate) Moms 6 Woodbridge 0 Five goals are credited to Mike Coyne. Assists on four came from Gerald Martyniuk, Mark Gayn, Mark Woolnough and Jimmy McIntosh. Jerry Reed scored the sixth goal for: Thornhill with an assist from1 Mark Woolnough. J January 9 (Hughes Real Estate) Atoms 9 Woodbrldge 0 The Thornhill Sports Scene St. Clements 4 Thornhill 1 Bob Priestman scored the sin- gle for Thornhill. Thornhill. January 8 STOUFFVILLE JUNIOR Ladies: High three for Karen MacDonald with 530. High singles to Eva Hingley 214, Helen Leahy 218 and Mary Gage 211. 226 Don Bradley 234, 214: Jim Rutledge 228, 207; Ken Poole,| 271: Rick Soc, 252; Charlie MacDonald 201; Denny Stewart 228. John MacDonald 217, Cy Ball 211, 209. Bud Leahy 228 and Harold Hinzley 211. THORNHILL BADMINTON CLUB : (Continued From Page 14) _ New Years eve. a fabulous gChampagne Ball was given by Ethe Sheraton Hotel in the Cry- , stal Ballroom. where native perâ€" ;formers kept the guests enter- tained. i It It i Travelling down on the same plane to Jamaica with the Clarks were Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Shasta Drive, and their children Kathy and Eric. The Wrights' destination was Long Bay, a more remote spot where the Kingston residents spend their holidays. Long Bay has a beautiful breeze off the ocean and is still untouched by com- mercialism. Kerosene lamps are used instead of electricity and the Wrights were in bed by nine and up by six every day. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone, 48 Kirk Drive, were their daughter Betty from St. Thom- as. their son Arthur, his wife Margaret and small grandson David Andrew. and Miss Aud- rey Thomas from Wales. Miss Betty Bone is the assistant principal at Alma College. Un- ited Church College for Girls. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone rec- ently moved to their present home from Yonge Street where they resided for thirty-five years. It! II t * 5 preciated Church at 8 pm will discuss the < of photographing plants. An im tended to everyc enjoy hearing t talk. * i 1 Parent - teachi took place at Tl dary School on 12. Many pare] rooms and discu ents’ work. The the teachers w: it: CGmmunity Happenings In Thornhill 1 pigs, chickens. goats. etc.. to Horticultural Society will have meander across. The Wright as their speaker S. Howden family met many delightful from Eddie Black‘s Camera Jamaicans and enjoyed a restful Shop at their meeting on Jan- and relaxing holiday. uary 19. The meeting will be *A“ * * .held at the Thornhill United will discuss the correct method of photographing flowers and plants. An invitation is ex- tended to everyone who would enjoy hearing this interesting‘ talk. iral Society will have speaker S. Howden ldie Black‘s Camera their meeting on Jan- The meeting will be the Thornhill United ning the contest. Debbie also wins a wardrobe. The Sweet- heart contest was the first she has ever entered. Twelve hun- dred students cheered Debbie at the Sweetheart Swirl dance Mr. Howden!when she was crowned \th WOPld :I-‘FOI mterestlng are patients PHospital. Smith and Get well wishes to Mrs. Jean 1 and Robert Shelston, of Thornridge Drive. who THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 14, 1965 York Central Carrier (boy or girl) required for established “Liberal†newspaper route in Richvale. PLEASE CALL 884-1105 or 884-1106 AL HORWOOD, Superintendent RICHVALE M. C. Fry, Circulation 6A Levendale Rd., Ph. 285-5414 life insurance regularly to mak sure it meets current needs. J us get in touch with your Mutuafl Life representative. am! It’s a good idea to review you% The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANAD-gi Hm omcs: WAanDO. mmo/zsruusnlm You know, with earnings likelt that I might even consider in» creasmg my coverage!