THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX Jan. 14, 1965 "The, Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. ()ur news corres- pondent in Kingr City Is Mrs. William J. Houston. tele- Phone 833-5457. and in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Avenue. 773-5479. 'I965 Committees, King Township Tax Levy Past Million Dollar Mark King Township's tax levy amounted to $l.058.39ï¬ in 1964. Notes From King City Boys Popular Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Callum are celebrating the ar-l rival of their fourth son at York Central Hospital at New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. John Monk- man welcomed a little brother for l9-months'~old Donna. He arrived before Christmas at York Central liospitai. Service Recognized FINANCE William Ctirran. Rceie Ray the King Sideroad farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Fergu-r son. Though all immediate mem- ers of the family are King res- idents it had been a long time since they were together for the same occasion. Present were two daughters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mr. and Mrs.I Charles Gordon and the Fer- Smile The While King City Lions' Club bulle- tin entertained members with a thoughtful ditty. “It's easy to grin. When your ship has come in. And you've not. the stock market beat; But the, man that's worth- while Is the man that can smile When his shorts are too tight Clerk Harold Rose mid council Jennings and a†muan mem. 'During Sunday morning ser- gusons‘ four grandchildren. Ross in the <93! «- . at the first meeting of the year. beâ€. Vice Rev. E. H. Costigan paid Ferguson and Bruce. Brenda.L A ~ .-i k a e B i This was the first time in his- "mm" m a mum-"l young and Cher-VI Gordon- I “NS-r. ï¬e lets . a 9 o tor_\' the levy had been over‘ ROADS AND BRIDGES membcrofAllSaints'congrega- Norman Ferguson and Ethel Mlmmlml REP i‘cquu'ements ‘the million dollar mark. he re- Ken Mactaggart. Gordon “on' Dand Rm'hm Mu†“'9†marl‘lEd 3" thelhave n0“: hp?“ lowered .mr . . ‘ pnmed‘ In 1963 it was 5974.219. Cook. For 52 consecutive Sundays bride's home at Brechin. EII‘IS “'ISIllnfl 1" becomt’ GllldFS N 0f the mm 1964 lew 85. David never missed his reli-i They farmed at Canninizton.or Bm“’m°‘- _ _ l e 87F! hag alreadv‘bepn sauce": POLICE AND EMO gioiis duties as server at the‘then Downsview, before mov- Instead Of "'ghl‘ “"15 may ed ‘mm‘pared “Adm 86 2000 at‘ Jack Rouble. Gordon Cook. altar. Summer holidays did not iniz to King Township. They‘m’w "‘ml as Brownies at seven. We are very sorry to say thatof the army and decided to stay “new “a†M may “With “mm, of us who [hp same “me last year. FIRE AND INSURANCE 2:†him from» being present. were at the Eversley farm nowlljar'he: C‘omlflete' 3.1411118 “fâ€? l'ttl Sarah Good Wildwoodiin Montreal to live. ml “me, to school 5.0. h“, walked with you. it . V . . . . _ I'lerI‘l MN‘ImSS .WOI‘kEd by their son. Watsond‘ :V 95‘ °-‘ -" “p 0 Aveiiue was taken' to hospital ‘I' * * * tion 2 Board In King Town- carries memories of de- r nepuilthee‘lgï¬ï¬cilldon (Jmiii blwmmm curran' “Ck R0“ [he annual meeting at me twenty years um“ they mOVEd Gu‘des When they a†ten. . . . ‘ * ' orecas . . . u . won 9. ~ ' '- - ~ . . v‘ r " r " Christmas night andis smuhemi There Wm be a mee‘mg m- shlp by Secretaryflreasuh lightful endeavor. made who“. Ham)th MCI: Escrease" foragitz‘gation of lung City Unâ€" to their piesent home in thel‘Ol-her\\ the) walk up. because of rheumatic fever. the ladies‘ auxiliary to Scouts.‘ e, Raymond Burt we" ,5 us." and mo". “forms due to the townshipvs gmwm PERMWS AND Wt? Viiizrf‘h is Scheduled for Village seven and a half yearsiplanLS Nights Sarah missed her sixth birthâ€" Cubs. Guides and Brownies on conned and honored by through your “forts. A†Hm) ~t_ Hm“ WM AGREEMENTS -aÂ¥t;18r) n. ‘ I ‘ H ‘ ago. V interviews between parents day at home January 6. We do the third Thursday of this retiring school trustees “ “May the years “Md Q “0‘ ni.-htn.m.t_lme ndla {nu} Garden Cook‘ Ken Maï¬a? A†eqa'nrtiiia Aesti'} meeting of. .Mrs. Ferguson was always ac-iand teachers were arranged duru hope you are now home and month. which is January 21 and their closing meeting of be as pleasant for you as ‘od ' hg†ï¬nely“? I. .t gart. pl ‘3'" S .nghmn Chuffl‘ t'Ve 1" WMS “’m'k- They are Inf-I two evenings of parents' i 1' much better Sarah will be held in the home of Mrs. 1954 you have made the past ‘an a a 0Ԡa-thme 'm' '1 «.W‘I he held In the evening. connected \Vlll’l St. Andrew‘s nights this week at King City 89mg - ' . . ' .. . .Usually the meetings alternatel DRAINAGE AND January 29. Presbyterian Church ‘0 ‘t q I was also very sorry to see Maâ€! wondsi souâ€? Road- 1‘ '5. The 92nd annual meetâ€" ones for us , the tribute between evening“ and davtime, DFVFLOPMFNT “mi†Gathering if - A 0mDOSl e .chool. ne oin u Wild- hoped that there Will be a very: lng. held in Eva L. Den- concluded. ' ' ‘ _ - i A I . VA ‘ . ‘ ‘ H ..,L V. ‘ tayrhozlmglilldlmi‘e ï¬antfarvpï¬ and flow tul'nWt 35 there Will be nis School. marked com- Mr. Whalley. who serv- comm" also d9“de ‘0 “Ski Jack wale' w'lham Cur‘an†Mr‘ and mm Nmman Feâ€: .delegations to notify the clcrk‘ . . “so†of King Strep“ happin PROPERTY AND GARBAGE celebrated the 57th anniversaryl ‘three days in advance of the DISPOSAL 10f their New Year's day wed- nature of their business with. , ‘ ifouncil. to allow time to stule ken Mi'c‘aggart' “Ck Rm'hle' ding at a family EathrlnE 31‘ WELFARE ‘ " " ‘ ' ithe questions and prepare ans- ed as a trustee for the section nine years. pres- ented to Mr. Burt a che- que for 3500. Mr. Laurence Scott. who retired the end an election of officers for the coming year. On January 18. members of the Oak Ridges Branch of the‘ Canadian Cancer Society willi pletion of service by the current board. Trustees William T. Heaslip. Gor- don Tetley and Charles Ormsby. Administration of later found out that Muriel La- Belle had been taken to York Central Hospital. Hope you are also feeling better now. Pay all your bills now! North Road. passed away on volved in a car accident recent? of appreciation. “0n be- the only school in the sec- hended .lanuary 10 in a vehicle a it it! v - r v ~ ' . . . . . meet at the Ridge ion to make the section was being ab- of 1958 after six years‘ “’e'S-“HO‘W‘TL 'l W35 “Freed Gordon Cook. William Cur- Get bympathy ls “tended tnhMl'ldressings. New members are al-' sorbed into the newly- service. complimented Mrs. lhal ally emmigenm" W'n he ran. ‘ an and Mrs‘ Raly Steane' Who 3.†ways welcome. formed King Township Burt with a bouquet of deall Nth al any "92mm meet‘ ‘ ‘ Payer Loan . had three deaths in the famuy Three more people are on‘ Board. American Beauty roses and mg' , . . “i:er ENNMI‘ . in the past two weeks. They the sick “51 with two in SL Among those attending whit? carnations. Committees for .1965 were William Curran. Jack Rouble. B 5 Got bills youjust canat meet; were Mrs. Steane. Toronto. alMichaers Hospital! Toronto: were former Trustees John ML and Mrs_ Burt mow named as follows tfirst name is: The reeve is an 'eX-OffICIO p. u y C - “Star (if mr' 5‘9?“ M†Gor- Gerry Post from Rosemary Aveâ€" Whalley. Laurence Scott ed to King City in 1945 afâ€" ‘Cha'rmam: Impmh" Of 3†mmm'uees' 'ather them a†UP and come d'mI 10mm“ S'Ster'm‘law of mg. and Wendy Munro. who en- and Gordon Orr. After tet' Mr. Burt retired as â€" 7 w r 7 . W v - 3‘01?“ "8"5 Rel“ I‘lwnsmi’ t0 HFC for the money you Mr' Steam and Mrs‘ Rumer'dered on December 28. under-i routine school. financial CNR customs agent. In . _ . pollce in King and Whitchurch d ' ford. Torontov an “M M Mrs’ going a mastoid operation. and; and insurance reports had 1949 he succeeded the late G P t t d busy over the weekend. “63 to pay them. Then you Steane‘ George Furze who will be home1 been read. Chairman Wil- Mr. Arthur Welleslcy in ' . e Ring Township Chief Leslie can drop your bill problems * ‘l' ‘ "‘ [or another month. liam Heaslip presented looking after the part-time Pengf‘lly 531d that two area in thc n t “Ibo d We. are Very sol‘l‘yloheal'thai 0n the injured list is Mac the retiring secretary-treas- secretarial and financial ‘ - . youths were charged with car cares mdl X an 39'year‘01d Mrs- E†Drinkle- Wallace. Bond Lake. who was in- urer with a personal letter duties in connection with the“ 3â€" the-V were appl‘e' rcpay HFC Conveniently. New Year's day, Interment was m suffering two broken ankles. ha" of the pupils and W... mm. mm. named Kim, H ‘ I V owned by ’Wilfred Bourne. of Sce Household AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS in Midland on January 4. multiple bruises and lacerations} ems Whom mu h“e m.“ City public School. [he inaugural meeting of board was given by Rev. E: H.‘I\Iobleton. the youths. Clifford now~b0rrow with [sin 36 .10 I 20 1; it! a m -0- Mr. Wallace was returning fromi ed so well over these many Mr. Heaslip completed lh“ I‘lng Township Area School Costigan. All Saints Anglican‘Paul Agar. 1'7. of Rielnburg. ï¬d month month: months month: We would like to congratulate work in Newmarket. when a car‘ years, it is a pleasure and three years on the board: Board was held In Ihe town' ChU’Th- King Clli'v I" a veryiand Russell JOh" PhlIIIDS. 16. con ence- Mrs. Anne Sweeney on winning 5.000 lucky green stamps l‘esltire. swinging across the road tend to you this token of ormsbyv one .VPar- Earlier _ 7 ., Refreshments were served by. . , cently playing TV Bingo. Con-{into his car. We do wish 3 our esteem and apprecia- Mr. Orr served a three-year 11:12:52: “35 Challma“ 0f the courtesy of the various homeifjillfiga R22? igndaNptblfttorql. all“: ASK ABOUT CRED†1 gratulations also to Mrs. Hilda tion. term. .- and school associations of the. DD m g- r e. c r LaRlviere on winning first prize in a recent draw. I! i It It We hope Mrs. Rita Szeler en-, going the opposite way blew a speedy recovery for all those on the sick list. ‘ It a a a Birthday wishes to Doug Mc-i Millan. 18. on January 5; Rogerl privilege to be able to ex- Mr. Tetley. seven. and Mr. tBrideClioseSameChurch ship offices on January 6. Pub-linspiring address_ lic School Inspector W. .I. Reeve Ray Jennings of King Township welcomed the guests. to the offices and congratulated the board on their election. The declaration and oath of aI-i township. township officials. The meeting was attended by _ representa-iare still investigating an acci- tives from the home and school‘dent. in which a stolen car was of Woodbridge were arrested by lVaughan Township Police at this' LIFE INSURANCE ON LOANS AT Low GROUP RATES i‘in Richmond Hill week. Whitchurch Township Police later 2500 95.12 Above payment: lncludl principal and Interest and no band an prompt repayment, but do not Imludl the coat I It. Imnnec. 6 4 1 6 2 6 8 joyed hearecent trip to Monâ€" gl‘toni 18.11 Janllaéry ï¬zv.VAu%‘gï¬i legiance was administered by associatiOns. former Sf‘hOOl‘found in a ditch on Bayview h‘eal.v151tingw1th her son. Matâ€" G:it‘alc“10111:t§..L . ,3 "61k 12 11} {Township Clerk Harold Rose. ‘board members and secretary- Avenue near Lake Wilcox. thew. Who recently Came DUI 1°“ i 1'4_‘gryd]: 06 J ‘igl . i Geoffrey Pierpoint. was el- treasurers and friends. At-iabout 6 pm. January l. . hanuary 18». (:d C?Wdev granithvi lected chairman of ‘the boardi‘tending from Temperancewllej Township police said a youth lllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltilIllllllllllllllilllIllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllli‘ “mar! ‘ a n “ ‘ S S u Sland Wilbert Jennings Vice-‘were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jen- had been arrested in connec-‘ :who will be 6 on January 19. . Lchairman. things. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac-ltion with the theft. but theyI Honour Former Chief Librarian In fond memory of a Bolan daughter of Mr. and ics and carried a bouquet of ill IIK I? III ‘ pioneer volunteer on King - ‘Mrs. Ross Bolan. Wildwood yellow and white roses. Memorial Library staff. the Jewellery Demonstration . _ lt M“ J. Rock th on several ladies athered at the:Avenue and Gordon Arthur Best man was Mi. Donald E e ' mes ' r g Munro. son of Mr. and Mrs..Buker. Usher was Mr. John leading volumes have been placed in the library by family and former co-work- era. A resident of King City before she moved to Bramp- ton. Mrs. Rock was treasurer . of the village library since Its beginning. She succeeded the late Miss Marjorie Jarvis as chief librarian. The former i?flezvthgrs' Bargimdpavy' i‘gf'iorganist and soloist. ‘ with blue accessories and a Vera Janet Brown dled last Ith the eï¬ont 1’ en mg a g; The bride was given in mar- corsage of yellow and whitei September in her 78th year. Le 0.1555; W- riage by her father. Mr. Ross roses. l Professor Eric Arthur's book. "Toronto No Mean City". an architectural record of the. city's vanish- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Graham.‘ both former teachers at the Lake in December. home of Mrs. Muriel Steane,‘ Bayyiew Avenue, to watch‘ Daphne Panton demonstrate the many different ways jewellery‘ may be worn. The demonstration was held January 6 with Mrs. Mickey Clarendon. Mrs. Helen: Sliand. Mrs. Dot Nicholls. Mrs.i Helen Furze. Mrs. Mae Doughty, Mrs. Hilda Cort and daughter. Shirley. Stouffville, Mrs. Rita twhlelciéugug‘rinstzhozoi' 5:1: bziixcsed to decorate the church for blue taffeta dress with p ’ the wedding of Brenda Marie overskirt. and white act- Ist King Brownie .1y i Pink and white roses were Dianne Hunter. who Frank Munro. Moray Avenue. iSkogstad. uncle of the bride. The wedding took place at. The reception was held at the the Perth Avenue UnitediPickfair Restaurant. Lake Church. Toronto. which is thelShore Boulevard. The bride's same church where the bride'slmother chose a two-piece lace parents were married. The dateldress in cornfiower blue with was December 30. 1964. at 5 white feathered hat and white‘ o'c‘lock. gaccessories and wore a corsace Officiating at the marriagelof pink and white roses. The was Rev. McPhee. with tradi-‘mother of the groom wore an tional music provided by thelantique white and silver dress. Thomas Bolan and looked love-'. The bridP'S going-away out-. in a three-quarter lengthifit was a black two-piece suit} bridal gown of nylon and rathrimmed with white fur Withl| on lace and net. with the bod. white accessories and a corsage . c " d sleeves of net lace. The of White roses. in: landmarks. and Win- P dime. a". . . , , , “ ISkll‘l billowed in two flounces of‘ I The young couple Will FPSIfIPt “on Churcmus‘ The net bordered in lace. over tafâ€"‘ln Oak Ridges after their honv'. Island People". are the gen- erous donation to the lib- rary by a son. A waiting list of girls wantâ€" ing to become Brownies in feta. The bride carried an old eymOOn spent in Hamilton and fashioned nosegay of red roses. BUffaIO. ‘ Out of ' N t . Bridal attendant was Miss town guests were The! are Inscribed. hing City area 15 MW 8009m- from Kettleby. Aurora. l)owns-; “Given to Kingr Memorial modated with the re-orgamza- view. Rexdale. Toronto and Library by Mr. S. H. Rock. in memory of his mother, Mrs. James Rock. active in the. founding of this library. and chief librarian from 1953 to 1955." The. gift from librarians who worked with Mrs. Rock is a copy of “Canada†with photographs by Peter Var- ley. son of artist Fred Varley. and text by Klldare Dobbs' She has the assistance of Mrsf‘hlucky luncheon" a1 Nnblemâ€. t I Donna 90‘: AMI MI‘S. T- P- Community Hall on .ianuaryl liliiiiiiiiiiiitiitittiiiitiiitititiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiititiiiitiitiiiittiiiiiiitiiititittt.Henshall. 21 at 12.00. Tickets are $1.00 Lake Wilcox l Bowling Bowling has once again started after a layoff of two weeks and I‘m afraid the girls on the afternoon lcague didn‘t have. very good scores. High for tion of the First King Brownie Pack. For the past year and a half the original first pack was dis- banded owing to limited leader» ship. The second. third and fourth packs continued to op- erate. Now l4 girls are trying tests. working toward their golden bar. under the Brown Owl Mrs. Ralph Church. While Mrs. Church had nev~ er been a Brownie or Guide. she spent four years leading Brownies. the past two years as Tawny Owl. Her four daugh- ‘ters are all guiding-minded. Brenda and Bonnie are Guides and Ruby. a Brownie. Foitiuyear-oid Elizabeth. who goes along to Brownie activi- ties. is looking forward to don- ning uniform when she is old enough and alreadyâ€" knows some of the basic training. The re-tormed pack meets Mondays at 41l3 after school in All Saints‘ Church. Enrolled in it are Susanne McDonald. Del» leadership of‘ Lake Wilcox. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllIilllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllN . Iemperanceville News Correspondent: Mrs. W.G. Jennings Phone PR. 3-5892 District Wo- Iustitute are holding a York Centre men's The evening unit of the UCW met at the home of Mrs. Andy Annand. Aurora on January 5. Mrs. Ewart Jennings and Mrs. Gordon Fawcett had charge of. the devotions. Mrs. Wilfred James was elected vice-presiâ€"1 dent. She succeeds Mrs. G. Hol- lett who recently moved from 'I‘emperanceville. The programs for the year were planned, and the meeting night was chang- ed to the first Wednesday of the iiioiitli. .\Irs. Fred Buys has returned from Edmonton. where she at- tended the funeral of her bro- tlier. Mr. Ed Patton. ‘ HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH the aneman “:3: Charlotte hie Doig. Sharon Minion. San- Mr. and .\lrs. Ronald (lra~ STATE FARMI Bmcm‘m “"Ih 536488; Anne dra Hensiiall. Kinna Moore. ham of Kcswick, formerlv of 5“'een§~" 500490; Helen Fm" Carolyn Firth. Leslie Walker. Temperanceville are the proud 197; LII AlChF-‘nn 195» Dawn Clark. Beverley i-‘ergus- parents of a baby boy born “ “ ‘ * on. Sharon Nilson. Delia Gar- just after Christmas. Winners of mg sprig; butt, Linda Wilson. Elsa deLInt Congratulations to \lr Jam- and Barbara McGrath. Paxton who celebrated Devotions were conducted by “(we at Rev. J. Hanenburg of the Chris- {unitian Reform Church. Holland‘ (assornMarsh. and the charge to the klin. Mrs. Herbert Routledge.,were withholding his name bury and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert. Jennings. The youth was treated for inâ€" Hugh Orser. Rev. Earle Stotes-lpending further investigation. 3 (over tho Bank l I5 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-443I of Montreal) juries at Newmarket. Hospital. ‘ Ocean s of Hot Water on the. Lake Wilcox Bowling 95 Ill; " - . ' . .. '. ‘ . . ’ . League. Just before Christmas. 3111‘. Church has not return- eishty-sixth birthday on Jan- lo‘dah than; a no lead)“ to de' 101' “ hate\er purpose and In fluyanew gaswaterheater and were the. Lady Bugs. captain Pd tic cnmnnsm'z. hsince shah oar; s d prive yourself of all the hot water Whatever amount you need. have "Oceans of Hot; Water.†or . » a . - _ wro e a song \viic wa, \'e . . ' ' ‘ " . ‘ ’ y ' Barr) Willis. Flintstones. cap ‘ ‘ “p†»‘ "‘m‘FV‘ 1‘ ““I‘P‘I you want. when you want It.’ With bIe rent for as little as $1.75 a month tain. Tom Riso: Lady Beatles. captain. Brenda Neil. The Flinn stones will take it because the Lady Bugs won the first series. i v- n :5 High scorer for the night was Frank Munro with 724-281; Tom Biso 676â€"243. Charlie Ransom 659-253 Dave Neil 647-248; Jock McLean 633-257: Barry Willis 619-245; Stan Forster 616-221; Jerry Lahey 602-258. Marion Hunter was high for the ladies with 698-269. Audrey Middle- ton 624-242; Ida Ransom 614- 246: Mary Lahev had one good game. with 266 flat. High to averages start 225. Frank Munro 2‘20, Willis :14: Marion Hllnier Forster 17!, Jack McLean 19“. Iris Ransom dletor 166. off the New Year are Ray Hunter Dave Neil 219; Tom Risn 216: Barry 2206. Lorraine l'lTl. Mary Laney 167. Audrey Mid- received at an enrolment cereâ€" (l Bruce Wood O "Home Paper of the O FOR DEPENDABLE HOME DELIVERY “The Liberal" in King City PLEASE Linda Sierolawski for Mrs. James Gillham who has .hcen ill. CI'I'Y James Graingcr 13f) Yonge St. 3. Richmond Hill, Ontario‘ ’I‘l'. State Farm Mutual Automobile 1 Insurance Company mu run loan-«i SERVICE F t-1329 (' A i .i. 833-6655 933-5370 Dist rtct Since I 37‘" tanariian Head 0ff1f€.| Toronto. Ont. l t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tnltivi iiiiuiiiiiiiinun}iiiiit‘niiitipuiiiiiiiiiiiiiintuit} thiiiiiiiiitiiim gas water heating you don't have to stint or laundryord you "Oceans of Hot. Water." You‘ll alway 85 YONGE There‘s nothing more enjoya “schedule†baths, isbwashing.Gas gives 5 have plenty on tap, dishwashing or laundry. â€"â€"or more useful than “instant†hot water. There‘s nothing more annoying than to run "short" and have to postpone or delay baths, on your gas bill. Save money. Take advantage of the low gas rates now in effect. Enjoy all the pleasure of modern living with gas. For information and persona/ service, call Consumers’ Gas, 285-181] @onsumers’@as STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL