Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Jan 1965, p. 6

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TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod 218. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill BUSINESS is really brisk. This! is further proof that our pric-l es are right and service is out-1 standing. Almost everything{ new and used for office and‘l home. Visit us soon or call 8844 6771. Open from 9 to 5 daily! except Friday. ‘ BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new, medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591‘ tfc44 MILDMAY brand. Sweet apple butter. made from ripe apples and sweet apple juice. No sugar added. Manufactured since 1903 according to German Recipe. Sold at Ruth's Bakery. Levon- dale Road. Richmond Hillp FULL SIZE crib 8: mattress. carriage, stroller. bassinette 8; baby seat, good condition. 884- 1309. c1w29 Call Frank's Movers and SEX: age, 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. {£63 PORTABLE aluminum d’oib‘le laundry tubs. Excellent condi- tion. Reasonable. 832-2618. gqon uszd'ih‘r‘mr’e‘iarsm; KING. 5 diam‘EfdéWh‘ite gala“, cost $189. Sell reasonable. 884- 1101 days. 884â€"5366 after 5 MATHS’ TV RADIO 884-7903 Used wringer washers. automa- tic washers. All reconditioned. Full warranty. Parts. tfc28 COB CORN (27% moisture) $33 per ton in ton loads or more, plus trucking charge. 235-6154. after 6 pm. *1w29 CONSOLE television. in ’good condition, $25. Phone 285-1852. clw29 FIREPLACE \xvoociTsEea'rske‘ai some; oak $20 cord; maple $16. Delivered. 773-5368. tfc25 ANTIQ UE s ? " Offic'omi's’e‘! Ruth Calverley Gallery 884-5829 50 Yonge St. s. Richmond Hill. lent condition. case included. 884-3756. *1w29 for sitting and proofs PASSPORT-PICTURES 3 for $1.50 â€" 6 for $2.00 24 hour-service ly refinished and upholstered. 235-5885. c1w29 HAY and straw by' bile Varitbn. Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or BB4~2236. tfc18 ACOORDIAN, 48 Sass. excel- Pfifififififi’fis of your family or children in your home TROPICAL fishâ€"séf's'alé. Angels and others. 285-5352. c1w29 BROWNIE unfrErm, size 8. 884-7194. c1w29 GOOD usedritélevision. Reasonâ€" able. 884-5747. clw29 PIANO, ihandyman‘s delight $10 and «.take it away. 884-6147. c1w29 mIQUE sofa and chair. newâ€" SNOW blowé'rfénp'Toro. $70. 884-4698. c1w2 9 BROWNIE unde'mf’si'z'e s, new style. 884-3300. clw29 BOY‘S bike, 26""ti'ame. $13. 773-4138. c1w29 u. upen 1mm 9 to 5 daily USED FURNITURE cept Friday. KWANTED -â€" pianos and used Central Van and Storage lfurniture. Cash price paid. Call 28 Industrial Road ‘Frank's Movers and Storage. CIWZQITU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l R‘_H WILLOW PHOTO 285-6851. open evenings for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion So each word, minimum charge 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per Word, min. charge 65c BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per Insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10:30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice ARTICLES FOR SA LE NO CHARGE AL' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 14, 1963 HONEY? WERNER 285-2724 884-1745 fic49 c2w29 clw29 3‘ Hm. BABY SITTING in my own 01W29 home. Days or evenings. 285- , 16456. c1w29 c1w29 tfc? WANTED to rent. heated gar- aze. 884-3509. c1w29 THORNHILL, seltTEEtained GH- furnished accommodation sin- gle man. abstainer, excellent tenant. Write Box 261. Maple. 19 area, 1 two car garage or extra large single car garage C. H. RUTLEDGE. Nobleton 859-0844. cl w29 YOUNG family transferred to Richmond Hill requires 3 or 4 bedroom house from March lst. Toronto references. Write Box 32, The Liberal. IN RICHMOND HILL or Mab‘ FORD flathead V-8, full race. 0.30 over 3-975 on Edlebrock 404 Isky and adjustables. Schiefer wheel. Less heads and pumps. c1w29 REAL Esfifi‘flifi’s‘ufir firms TON truck V‘QTOFS‘GE We require an energtic sales- Reasonable. Must. be in good man or saleSlady for our busy condition. 884-4870. c1w29 “mm” Office experience W" “5‘... fl?‘ ferred. but will consider all ap- NURSE With Child 1195"” ‘0 plicants. Top commissions paid. live in and Work out while lady Start a new and interestinz baby sits- 884'5778‘ ‘l‘career today. Call Mr. Jeffery. c1w2912354211 and talk it over or USED FURNITURE [drop into our office. Jack Jef- WANTED .â€" pianos and used fery Real Estate. 7718 Yonge furniture. Cash price paid. Call SL. Thornhill. (‘2w29 1956 CHRYSLER, 4 door hard- top. Power brakes, steering. automatic. $300 or best offer. 884-1618 after 6. *1w29 1958 EDSEL sedan; radio pawer brakes and steering. Good condition. 446 Alper Street. 884-4302. c2w28 CARS wzifited for semiâ€"285'- 1074. Evenings. *5w20 SINGLE ’beds. 36" and 39 reasonable. 285-3181. 1951 PONTIAC. 4 door auto- matic. enzine. heater. good tir- es, battery and generator. Per- fect for around town. $75. 884- 3886. c3w28 WANTED second héh'd metro- nome. Call 8846687. 1958 BUICK 717151631317 $565131: full powered. 47,000 miles. 884- 7290. Clw29 1953 CHEV. Very good condi- tion. 539 for quick sale. 884- 3347. clw29 1958 FORD Fairlane, automat- .u nnuo, atccl nus, ‘antomatic. $300 or best offer. 8844618 after 5. *lw29 1958 EDSEL sedan, power brakes and steering. Good condition. 446 Alper Street. 8844302. c2w28 FORD flathead V-8, full race, 0.30 over 3-975 on Edlebrock 404 Isky and adjustables. Schiefer wheel. Less heads and pumps. $200, or best offer. 832â€"1309. radio House provided. good FARM HELP King City area. married man for swine and beef cattle farm. wages. Apply giving age. experience and references to Box 31 The Liberal. clw29 YOUNG lady. 18-25. with or without banking experience. for small branch office. Apply to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Maple or 832-1341 Corporation Ltd. I 20 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill' 884-4458 - 285-5562 Mgr. Felix Game 1 1954 PONTIAC, two-dooi'. ’goSa running order. 887-5406. c1w29 home. days or evenings. 884- 3781. *2w28 WILL mind children in my own Do you have a drinking prob lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 fer- 285-2705- 01W29 EXPERIENCED waiiress want F661 TABLE anclhacéeEBFie§19d- Apply Peters Res’wram Brand new, Home Size 52' x 7584 Yonge SL, Thornhml. 100". Cash and Carry $129.50. ‘_ “NW N 7 7 32‘"? North Park Furniture. 3368' WOMAN to live in. help with : Yonge Street HU- 8-7911- ichildren and light housework (Continued) DRY hardwood. cut,suitab1’e’f¢§ fireplace use. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfcw23 FRIâ€"(HDAIRE, stove in very good condition. $50 or best of- fer. 285-2705. clw29 BABY SITTING I USED CARS LOANS $50 - $5,000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE WANTED TO RENT WANTED PERSONAL FOR SALE clw2 "lw29 *1w29 c2w28 trcszl David McLean Ltd. Realtors have openings for two addition- al salesmen or salesladies to join their busy long-establish- ed Richmond Hill offices in the new year. Top commissions, bonuses and managerial assistâ€" ance. Please call Mrs. Suther- land. 884~3805 or evenings. 834-1 5310_ nlw'Jfil SUPPLY TEACHERS Are required by the Board of Township School Area No. 2. Markham. Qualified teachers desiring to be on the Board's supply list should make appli- cation to the secretary. Mrs. J. Brown, 18 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Appli- cations will be reviewed by the board. Remuneration at the rate of $16 per day. Chairman E. Miles. Secretary J. Brown. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK! For Board Office to check in- â€"-â€"~-â€"â€"â€"â€" voices in preparation for pay- GRAD}; blz ment. Must be quick and ac- grade oy curate with figures and shouldl‘ChVale 3““ be accurate typist. Experience w_m__ in accounts payable preferl‘ed.‘-TUTOR forâ€" Apply: The Business Adminis- subjects. gra trator. York Central District grades 7. 8. High School Board, 25 Yonae matics. 884- St. N., Richmond Hill. zmâ€" .:.;u.. REAL ESTATE career for men or wbmen. free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 EXPERIENCED male payroll clerk required by manufactur- er in Maple, Ontario. Must have own transportation. Phone Mr. Richardson, 285-4965. w‘ “W” Few” ““°".“”“‘”“’For stainless steel process pip. 7584 Yonge 5‘" Thomhfli'z sling installaiions to take __4##-,, m, charge from drawings to com-1 WOMAN to live in, help with z‘plefion of job. Knowledge nf 'children and light houseworklfitting. welding. steam piping. Private room. TV. 285-5680- electrics and mechanical. r €1W29 These are small installations. SALESMEN for established One of the prime requirements bread routes. Hospitalization is Pdaptabllitbfi ' ‘ and pension plan. phone 244- This 15 a challenging and perâ€" 3571‘ clwzg manent position for the right ~â€"-w m a man. Must be prepared to be. PART-TIME stenos.. secretar- away for 34 days at a timer ies. office clerks. sales clerks. Age 3045 3 Reply Girl Friday. Box 30 “The . _ Liberal.“ czwzngm‘ appomtment call 285 4861. GENERAL maehinisfi' good lathe hand with hand tools. Ap- ply Mr. McHardy, Brodie In- dustries Ltd.. 320 Newkirk Rd.. 235-5461. c1w29 EOEâ€"ho}; é‘dxfiéfiy‘ijfi; ééfiJNEED MONEY? . . . Earn it wont Ont. 285_1135_ ‘as thousands of women do. Re- present AVON COSMETICS, EXPERIENCED 'wai'tress', full Wm M'“ Z’egler' 8"" ’41 . iGuelph. Ont c1w29 or part time. 887-5411. “wwwv 7* ., _ clwzg CLEANING lady. 9-4 experien- ~â€"~â€"-~â€"â€"* ~r~â€"- A â€"'*-Iced, dependable for Wednes- gfiBYd SIÂ¥TERv11TiueSd3Â¥ 312d! days or Thursdays. Provide own “rs 357' mm " p‘m' m y’transportation. Dutch prefer- - - I own home. Part time. 285 6648.1md Steeles and Henderson -rm ., 7 , M“??? area. 285-6107. c1w29 ngPERIENCED waltreSS want- â€"“fiEI:D~S~Ui,ERWSORâ€"~Mi A__1... “-1--- n-..L ..... “LI c2w28 __‘..___7-- _# 4.. _ A,_ _ PART-TIME janitor required for small apartment building in Richmond Hill. Call Toronto R0. 7-1814. clw29 I ORGANIST lFor pipe organ. Write Box 29. “The Liberal." tfc29 ‘CLEANING lad-y Frid‘éys m to ‘430 pm. Provide own trans- ‘ portation. 2854303. clwzg UNWE_Dâ€"~mother wéhtedwfor mother's helper. Small allow- ance. 884-5385. c1w29 2 MEN for growing roses. Con- ‘ cord Floral Company Ltd., Con- ‘lcord, Ont. 285-1136. Start now. $1.25 per hour. mornâ€" ing or afternoon. Call 884-3434. c1w29 ‘ HOUSEKEEPER. 2 adults, own ‘apartment. Write Box 26. The I Liberal. th29 PERSONABLE young lady for stenograp‘hic duties with char- tered bank in Willowdale. 222- 2596. c1w29 Responsible saleslady. nights. References. Bayview Variety, Bayview Plaza. 884-0090. BABY SITTER, Tuesday and Thursday, from 11-3 pm. in my own home. Part time. 285-6648. c1w29 HELP WANTED ' HELP WANTEDHUUM and BOAR? REAL’E‘S’T‘A fish SALESMAN on SALESWOMAN TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT c1w25 c1w29 clw29 le ML PICTURE Framing? Of course! Ruth Calverley Gallery 8845829 c1w29 50 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. clw29 c1w29 884-6761 RENTALL CENTRE 41A Yonge North Legion Court Floor sanders. rentals or ser- vice. power tools. tableware chairs. reducer belts. bug spray- ers. (Follow label to kill roach- es. silver fish. etc.) Caulking RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 285- TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers. floor sanders and edgers. ramset guns. roto- tillers. rotovators. also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA 1-1711. tfc30 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers‘ AV, 5-1109. tfc27 TUTOR for grades 4 tcTsfau‘Frée estimates. Basement subjects, grades 9 ,10, 11 French attic Cleaning 352-5455- grades 7, 8. and 9 new mathen wvcé matics. 884â€"5079. c4wZB’ A sf. JOHN'S Nurse'ry Schood H “filiggngéj‘me Yonge St. south of Oak Rid- . ICustom built homes rem ges. has openmgs for pre- . .. ' school children 3 to 5%. Trans-1;??? addmons‘ .allgd gap portation available. 727-59875." “.8” 3 SP9” Y- 0 cl W29 Haljrlson. 884-2838. t1 Tool & Equipment RENTAL 1 [11115pr La. “UH ‘ CARPENTRY WANTED, arriving Bloor St} A’W type b T“- ’°°ms’ cabinet or returnmg 5.30 pm. 884â€"5968. L ' ’ ‘ ' clwzglfi‘ ‘_ tfc22 WOMAN requires ride from King Sideroad and Yonge to Midland Avenue. 7.15 am. 773- 4138. Oak Ridges. { PETS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING and altera- tions expertly done. Mrs4 J. Shields, 473 Lynett Crescent, Richmond Hill. Phone for ap- pointment. clw29 PURE bred Samoyed puppies. 8 wéeks old, pure white, females $35. males $50, sold as pets 773-5032 phone anytime. DOG GROOMING Jill Goddard. for professional poodle clipping. Stud services & top bredopoodle pups usually for sale from $100. 7783 Yonge St, Thornhill. 285-3606. DAY Care igiVén, Eieii'réril‘éy Ac- res, $15 weekly. 884-5741. 2 KITTENS, 3 months old. 884-“ 5947. c1w29 TRIMMING. Ewing andl grooming. Specializing in Ker- ry Blues. and poodles. 832-2671. »â€" â€" r *VW-fiH CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS DAY CARE. for children in my‘ . . . . - home. any age. 8847437. IBuxldlng, alteratlons & repalrs, prompt service c1w29i V,,m__,r_ A _, ,_ W,” “Wri WALKER & MITCHELL DAY Care given. figy’gajgy Ac-l AV. 5-2526 tfc8 "Liberal". Sleat ern plant. Ap] 285~3316. N'E’ED'MONEY? 19" portable. day, week or month PRESSMAN Experienced Pressman {or the Steady work for reliable men Phone 887-5234 after 6 pm. FEMALE help required‘ for typing and general office work. Telgphone 285-4861. clw29 DRESSMAKIN G enient ite RENT A TELEVISIES‘ Transportation DAY CARE SERVICES TUITION PLUMBERS Continued) student toiitfit}; in TST course. Ri- 285-4403 after 7. Steady work, mod- Apply Mr. Cook. nc2w29 __~‘ E. w. PAYNE 1onths old. 884-'Drains. septic tanks. All types CIWZ9 of concrete work. ggfim g 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES 0 kill roach- cJ Caulking Many other 35' us a visit. 285-3756 tft‘33 Lfc21;884-1245 clw29 c2w28 clwzg CARPENTRYVVORK. additions. ~â€"~~~ renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 HHS; t SHEET METAL Wonk sion‘a] ices & sually Yonge c1w29 “027 c3w29 tchO! CALL us .for yaur sand. gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. ;Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple. lALpine 7-8876. Lfc? Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence. business. AV. 5-5345‘ IKING CITY WELL DRILLING ‘ CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and iserviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE.‘ 3-6321. _ tfclS‘ Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. IEDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. ‘Free estimates. Work guaran- lteed. TU. 4-1006. tchl Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile. Showers installed; also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered -â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de. sired A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 HANDYMAN AND JANITOR SERVICE Frge estimates. Basement and Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone 884~ 5688. tfc23 Paintinz. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Freé egtimates Work guaranteed. 884-7902. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. KENNEDY‘S Home and Com- mercial Cleaners. Floors, ceil- ings‘ walls. rugs. broadloom. windows. chesterfields. Phone 884-7866. tfclS - _, Hung---“ .uV PONDS mu: ’FRE’E cilities‘ 16 Lorne For information call, 884-3272. of Clarke's Drug tfc29 CONVERSth ’ 7 Oil "Burners: ENEâ€"6&Y367n_éi "used". completely installed ped. 884-7243 or $150.00. Any hour. free estim- Sorbara Real E ates. 285-3796. *2w29‘ PLUMBING - HEATING ONE bedroom A. MILLS & SON LTD. 3 bedroom. 2 b2 James D. Stewart apartment. 884-3 884-2201 6429. RALPH ELM?fiEEORATIfi6 MISCELLANEOUS! ROOM and boérd fin" géntleman near transportation. Thomhill. 285â€"4313. Clw28 LARGE newly, turnis‘fiéd’iodhfi suit one or two men. Markham at Bayview. 884-3757. FURNISHED room in friendly home, board optional. Also un- furnished rnom available. 884- 6695. c1w29 CARPENTR’Y s: CONCRETE MASONRY CONTRACTOR Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PL'MPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN UPHOL’STEFY PLUM‘EING CHIMNEYI’S' Richmond Hi] 884-7996 tfc51 c4w29 c4w29 tfc44 tfc 31 cl w29 tfc31 tfc43 tfc HANDY ’man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting‘ BA. 5-7558 or 884~ 7469. tfc24 ACCOUNTANT. typist would like two or three nights or weekend work. Experienced. Box 27 Liberal. *1w29 ACCOUNTANT, typist, several years' experience. All phases of accounting. Excellent referen- ces. Box 28 Liberal. *1w29 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 INTELLIGENT woman would like general work in Thornhill or Richmond Hill area. Experi- ence in factories on Miller’s and punch presses etc. 285-5087. clw29 ENERGETIC man seeks work a; truck driver. 22 years experi~ ence. Reliable. Will consider anything. 884-7187. nc3w29 HOME, typing wanted. Phone 832-2306. c1w29 SIMPSON’SDRYGDODS FURNISHED mom'fcooking fa- cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east 2 ROOM apt., fully furnished. Modern and complete kitchen, 4 piece bathroom. Private en- trance. Free parking, TV out- let, own phone. Suit business couple. Phone after 6 pm. 884- 767]. clw29 HALL FOR. RENT Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc37 SMALL apartment unfurnished, kitchen, living room bedroom. Business couple, low rent. Afâ€" ter 6 pm. 884-3471. *1w29 1 BEDROOM apartment, Jane and No. 7 Highway. Self con- tained, heat and water includ- ed. $80 monthly. 285-6313. UNFURNISHED apartment, bed room, living room, kitchen, bathroom. Close to Yonge, $85 monthly. 8846310 after 6 pm. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, own entrance. working couple or elderly couple preferred. 884 - 4870. c1w29 $95 HOLTLAND LANDING. 4 bedrooms, new bungalow. 727- 9488 and 727-5046 Aurora. 12 Yonge St. S. ONE bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom. 2 bathroom luxury apartment. 884-3982 or BA. 5- 6429. tfc29 EAEI-TEITOR, 1, 2 and a bedâ€" room suites. modern, near ev-‘ erything. from $92.50. Av. S- 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfc17, Commercial Space I RUMBLE EQUIPMENT i uugaguutllw Oak Ridge: MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. ‘ 773-4132 1 PARTS, SERVICE ‘ Mr. and Mrs. William J.‘ TH'ORNHIiJime-igfia_fao'fi; Gormley‘ east of Don Mills Rd. Lllckins, Emerald Isle Cellrt,' gentleman. Parking. 285-4115 Phone 385‘5851~ “C9 Rmhmond Hiu' WiSh to an- anel- 5.30. c1w29‘ 3031?: meTengagegmm ‘1‘ “"3”. A, , m, ,,‘ , , W,_ll_*._V_,.â€"â€"______________ a l r a -. STORAGE spaqe avallable, stor- . Jamges eA_ ngir' 2:: or; age of any klnd. Phone any 3115111985 ‘and Mrs. Francis Leflel‘. Thorn-X tll‘rrleLrBll‘thlah w Opportunities lhill. The marriage will tako‘l pICTURE Rental? Of course; _, A ,_ 7, #,v_‘place Saturday. April 3. c1w29‘ Ruth Calverley Gallery 884-5829 YOU TOO “ “’ “*"*' 50 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. CAN MAKE MONEY! l. M ONE bedroom apartment equip- ped. 884-7243 or 783-6154. Sam Sorbara Real Estate Limited. c3w27 $7.77 and $8.88 $7.77 and $9.99 Sale Prices $17.95, $23.88, $29.88, $39.44 Women’s 3/4 Coats Sale Prices $12.99, $14.99, $15.88, $18.88 Girls’ 8-14 Dress Coats $15.88 Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE EMPLOYMENT WANTED $8.88, $13.33, [If/7x $15.88 Women’s Dress Coats “THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 8§4-Ilos-6 â€" 285-3316 :21 SKI JACKETS Girls’ 8 to 14 Boys’ 8 to 16 The classified ad takers at “The Liberal" are friendly, helpful people, trained in their jobs, with a full realization of the importance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do. it will be a pleasant experience. Commercial Spacer Women’s Up to 6X TO RENTf 1 Farm Implements ? $5.99 $4.66 Men’s store at Yange. tfc24 c1w29 tfc 23 tfc 29 tf C27 ORR. Gertrude â€"- At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Fri. Jan- uary 8. 1965, Gertrude Hil- liard, beloved wife of the late Victor Orr. dear mother of Mrs. Louis Berta (Marlene). 45 Keele St., Maple. in her 66th year. Rested at the Pip~ her Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Inter- ment Maple Cemetery. c1w29 WILLIAMS, Suoma Elina,â€"At her home, 225 Rumble Ave~ nue. Richmond Hill, Tuesday January 5, 1965, Suoma El- ina Jarvis, beloved wife of Douglas Williams and sister of Gino in her 49th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. GUMMOW. Edward GeorgeIOI‘ East G “Ted” â€" Suddenly as the re- The me suit of an accident on Friday, can work January 8, 1965, Ted Gum- time and mow. late of 418 North Pali- retired fa ser Crescent‘ Richmond Hill dent who tin his 38th year). Beloved ple. We 2 husband of Jessie Anderson, the right dear father of Janet and San- an eagern dra. Dear son of Mr. and Mrs. estate salt George C. Gummow of Jack- pany emp son‘s Point, Ontario. dear receives a brother of the late Beverley. of enquiri Interment, Westminster Mem- properties orial Park Cemetery. write Tor ANTHONY. Caroline â€"- At the Branson Hospital on Sunday, January 10. 1965, Caroline Riddle, beloved wife of Er- nest E. Anthony of 111'Steel- es Avenue E._ Willowdale. dear mother of Rosena (Mrs. Samuel A. MacDonald) in her 77th year. Rested at the Pip- her Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Inter- ment St. James Cemetery, Norway. c1w29 MILLARD â€" Crawford and Francis (nee Cormack) are happy to announce the arriv- al of twin boys. both weigh- ing in over 6 lbs. on January 11 at York Central Hospital. Double playmates for little Duane. Mother and babies well. c1w29 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tch WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 BECKLEY â€"â€" Richard and Mary (nee Gibson) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter on December 29, 1964 in Bellevue, Ohio. *lw29 DEAD STOCK Richmond Hill MORTGAGES 1825mm Eirths clw29 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 THO‘S. N. SHEA lTD. Clem, who enjoys meeting peo- ple. We are prepared to train the right man . . . all we ask is an eagerness to learn the real estate sales business. Our com- pany employs 18 salesmen and receives a tremendous number of enquiries for farms and small properties in this area. Call or write Tom Shea at Markham. 294-1372 for interview. The men we are looking for can work either full or part time and could be a semi- retired farmer or village resi- We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives. friends and neighâ€" bors for their many kindnesses during our recent bereavement. The Mashinter Family. We would like to ’talk to a Gormley. Don Mills, Aurora resident with a general knowl- edge of either the Whitchurch or East Gwillimbury Townships. «u uul “15 this crushing experience. for your expressions of sympathy, your floral tributes, your tri- butes to my late husband. and every kindness, and above all for your prayers for Charleen and me my humble thanks. May God reward each one of you. â€"Mrs. Chas. Milsted and Charleen A clw29 CARD 0F TANKS sore. We did our duty to the end Till we could do no more. In tears we saw you sinkinz And slowly fade away. Although our hearts were breaking We knew you could not stay. â€"â€"Ever remembered by the fa~ m-ily at Richmond Hill. New To- ronto and Northern Ireland. Words are too inadequate Itol express my heartfelt thanks to all our wonderful neighbors. friends and relatives who have done so much for us during "4“. -_.‘_L_-A _ . In filemortam KERNOHAN â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear husband and our loving father. John Ker- nohan. who passed away Jan- uary 12. 1964. We sat beside your bedside. Our hearts were crushed and CARD 0F THANKS REAL ESTATE SALESMAN fingagementg Clerk Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Trade in, 1957 Stepside Dodge 1/3 with V-8 Motor may be inspected at Yard. Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on MONDAY, January 25th, 1965 for the supply of:â€" ONEâ€"34 Ton Pickup, 8 ft. Fleetside or Styleside type of body, Custom Ca’b and W8 Cyl. Motor. H. T. Crisp, Clerk Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. ONEâ€"1 Ton Van Type Truck with side and rear doors, side and rear windows, 6 cyl. motor. Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on MONDAY, January 25th, 1965 for the supply of:â€" TENDER FOR I TON VAN TYPE TRUCK TENDER FOR 3/4 TON PICK-UP TRUCK REALTORS Markham, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM r1sp TOWNSHIP OF MARKH AM Only $2,000.00 cash to one mortgage Carries for $101.00 monthly Principal, Interest and Taxes. For appointment to view this 4 bedroom family home, with bathroom ensuite. with mas- ter bedroom. plus standard 4-pc. bathroom and all mod- ern conveniences. For view- CALL MR. R. MELBOURNE 884-3624. LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE LTD. 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-3624 Carries this clean and imma- culate family home with 3 bedrooms. 4 piece bath, fully fenced garden with attractive landscaping. close to schools. trans. medical centre. For viewing C A L L MRS. HAWKES 884-1306. Immediate possession Three bedroom bungalow. Can be purchased with ren- tal option. Close to bus and shOpping. For information CALL MRS. WEIGHT. 884- 7915. Three bedroom home on the west side of town. Raised fireplace in the cathedral style living room. bath en- suite. balcony off master bedroom, recreation room. Newly decorated. For inspec- tion. CALL MRS. JOYCE. 884-3607. $54.00 montth P. and l $1500.00 downâ€"- low carrying Three bedrooms. large living room. separate dining room, triplex zoned lot. very large. Many extras. all conveniences. CALL LEN PUGH. AV - 5 - 5056. Modern 3 bedroom home on a lovely street. Possession 30 days. CALL MRS. WRIGHT. 884~7915. Small frame home with all conveniences. Suitable for retired couple. For appointâ€" ment to view CALL MRS. HAWKES. 884-1306. 322.900.00 â€" 54.000.00 down will handle REAL ESTATE D. Miklas, P. Eng., Township Engineer RICHMOND HILL'S BEST BUYS Township Engineer. D. Miklas, P. Eng., Let US Help YOU find YOURS $1000.00 down LEN PUGH FOR RENT FOR RENT LIMITED Ton Pickup Buttonville 285-5056

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