I Auctioneer W. 8. P. SERVICE I78 YONGE ST. N. Richmond Hill Llcensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience SPECIALIsz IN PUREBRED CA’I‘I’IE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS We personally handle all sales bills Ind advertisingâ€" 12 Virgllwood Drive, WIllowdnle All electrical repair: a; wiring TN. - Antenna Repairs 3; New Installations - Retrigeration EMERSON T.V. HOOVER VAC. BLAUPUNKT MOFFAT PHILLIPS Free Pick-up a. Delivery Telephone TU. 4-2288 Evening! TU. 4-3392 PHONE A Complete Transmiu Bulk of Non Scott: Building Auror- Telephona Aurora PA. 7-9451 CA4 A.A.C.CA. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill AV. 5.8562 BA. 5-9397 VOLKSWAGEN SALES 8. SERVICE FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 64531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 RELIABLE SERVICE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 3. Com. David J. Brooman 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 21, 1965 BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Douglas Allen Architect 884-7322 70 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Transmission Ltd. 1 177 YONGE ST. N. I RICHMOND HILL 285-6662 Alvin S. Farmer Anton AV. 5 - 3591 Auto Transmission 290 Bayvlew Plaza Richmond Hill, Ontario Work Guaranteed Automobiles Accountants H Auto Electric Sam I. Cohen 'NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Accounting Service PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Appliances L. E. Clark Architect 633-5122 Mister bpecialistl lnvnmncs mam Delicious piping hot, Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty PHONE: 884-1136 â€" 884-1137 118 Yonge Street North (Opposite R. D. Little & Son) H. D. M elsness, 0.0. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate a: Bayvlew (1 block south Bayveiw Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 SPECIALISTS IN MOTOR TUNE-UP IGNITION SERVICE EXCHANGE IN VOLTAGE REGULATORS GENERATORS STARTERS 22 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL Dr. J. Perdicaris Town Auto Body Free Estimates for Repairs to All Makes of Cars Arthur G. Broad Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South Dr. D. J. Harris DENTIST 21 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 884-7769 STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC Dr. J. M. Dryer MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Chinese Food strong GUARANTEED WORK DAVE HAY TU 4-4745 '13 CENTRE sr. EAéT RICHMOND HILL 81 Bedford Park Aveâ€, Richmond Hill TUrncr 4-4251 By Appointment Leno’s Machine Shop Engineering Auto Body Work Chiropractic Phone TU. 4-5368 18 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTII‘ AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING By Appointment FLOORS DENTIST Open Evenings Flooring TUrner 4-1462 VINYL] Dental n Lumber 884-1121 Parker & Pearson STUART P. PARKER, Q.C. JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Insurance - Mortgage: Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Fire. Auto and Liability (Formerly Harrington Insurance Agency) Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1551 John S. Walkington TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Ernie Brock & Son Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass Automobile Financing etc. TU. 4-1219 HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Toronto 363-3 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association T. C. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Toronto Officeâ€" ’1 Queen St. E., Suite 151 "Flowers For All Occasions" Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS AV. 5-4955 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Suite 2 Lowrie Building 5 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence, 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill Bonk of Nova Scotla Bldg. Aurora, Ontario RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Every Thursday Afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons l3 Yonge Street South , Richmond Hill Next to Woolworth: Elgin T. Barrow Insurance COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE 113 King St. - King City TE. 3-5283 Hans H of mann TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Corner Agency Limited Phone 884-5892 2518 YONGE ST. LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. (at St. Clements) Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick Phone EM. 8-5 CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLIST 17 Queen St. E. Insurance Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Flowers Legal Richmond Hill 363-3959 '- 4-1543l PARKVIEW HOME J. C. Horvat, B.A., 0.1). A. W. Kirchen, 0.0. 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL TU. (-4231 285-5729 Rentals, 5 ale s service of office machines. B u sin e s s supplies and social stationery BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 15 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4.4413 80 Richmond St. W.. Suite 402 Toronto 1, Ontario 366-3156 Edward D. Hill B.A. LLB. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. TU. 4-7891 220 Bay Street, Suite 701 Toronto 1, Ontario. EM. 6-9411. Telephone PArkview 7-9488-9 Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public James H. Timmins BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. Bernard R. Forganz 47 Yonge Street South Aurora, Ontario Gariepy and Mann Stouffville's new Home for Senior Citizens Operated by Mennonite Home Association Chartered as a non-profit organization Guest applications now being received. Box 910., Stouffville Rupert Ave. Phone 887-5690 or 640-153. Lawlor LeClaire & Bannon BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Norman A. Todd Office Supplies 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Richmond Hill, Ontario Office TUmer 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Senior Home J. Rabinowitch, Plaxton, Deane & Drew Floyd E. Corner Barristers Ind Solicitors Optometrists 15 YONG-E ST. NORTH YORK OFFICE SUPPLIES Banister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond 11111 Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhlll Office AV. 5-1197 Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 TU. 4-4641 TU. 4-3962 W. E. Nell Mann TU. 4-4618 By Appointment By Appointment Continued Legal Ontario Land Surveyors 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale Ontario, 221-3485 Res. George T. Yates, OLS Firestone tires, batteries, accessories FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY I Service Station If no answer at 884-3614 in day- time, call 884-1105 or 285-3316 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT REPAIRS Coaches for all Occasions Reservations For Every Phase of Travel Without Charge 7728 Yonge St., Thomhilll 285-4807 - 285-4808 1 Langdon's Coach lines Ltd. CARI/S TEX A00 SERVICE C.C.M. 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill. 884-1213 Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 285-3642 [Paint-Wallpaper Sporting Goods I? Travel Services Ltd. 285 Yonze St. S. Richmond Hill 884-1671 Transportation PIANO TUNING WINTER GARDEN Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop FOR INFORMATION Trailways Of Canada Ltd. INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All AV. 5 4059 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Guesswork Is Eliminated New Scientific Method "Checked" Electronically With the Stroboscope Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY ADANAC 5 BEAVERTON RD. FREE ESTIMATES Surveyors AL PYLE Telephone TE. 3-5351 884-3614 Pianos rave! REPAIRS The assoclation, which repre- sents Marklee School in Mark- ham Township. requested coun- cil to write them to discuss the library as a centennial project. Marklee Home and School Association helped keep alive 3 proposed Centennial Library as a project for Markham Township with a letter to coun. cil last week. Council has already received “ ‘0 “Pr†1 similar requests from such * * * "' groups as the women's insti_ Agreed to a request from the tutes of Buttonville, Unionville canadian Faderatmn 0‘ Mayor! and Victoria Square, the Lionsv and Municipalities for $150 to Club, public School Trustees- assist them in their hearing with Association of Markham Town- Ben. TelePhone C°mpany re‘ ship, various home and school 3"“de Increase“ telephone associations and Unionville As- rates- sociation Library Board. “ " "‘ " PINDER BROS. LTD. The groups proposed the pro- ject following an earlier propo- sal by council that an addition be made to the municipal build- ing to accommodate a library. Office Telephone 147 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill Grants from both the provin- cial and federal governments are provided to communities _to assist them in centennial pro- jects. HSA Group Backs Proposed Project Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON RUMBLE TRANSPORT Electric Appliance Repalu and Parts 1 \' ll IV & RADIO " “*QSE‘RYJS: ‘ Expert Repairs to TV - RADIO - HI FI - CAR RADIOS STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS AND PARTS 6mg Authorized Service for Rogers Majestic - Fleetwood Local and Long Distance Hauling TU 4-1013 EM 4-2625 90 Day Warranty on Part: STEEL FABRICATIN G All Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service P.C.V. Class A, C. and H CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTERING Phone 884-5127 RICHMOND UPHOLSTERY To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 125 PEMBERTON RD. RICHMOND HILL DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL T0 TORONTO 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill Veterinary Upholstery Television 884- 7903 Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Trucking Specialists In Courtesy TV’s Council appointed the follow- ing to Crosby Memorial and Vic- toria Square Community Centre Boards: A. L. Brown, W. L. Clark, E. B. Kunney, A. Toogood and Councillors Charles Hoover and Clenry Palmer. Council also: Approved the sending of two representatives from the engineering depart- ment to a two-week course in road construction surveying, conducted by the Department of Highways, 1n Downsview, March 22 to April 2. Mr. Haggart will replace another ex-reeve, Vern. Griffin of Unionville, who formerly 0c- cupied the reeve's chair in Markham Township. Mr. Griffin was appointed to a three-year term in January 1963, but re- signed because of pressure of business. The area which Mr. Haggart will represent includes Richmond Hill, Markham Town- ship, Markham Village and‘ Stouffville. ‘ Approved of 2 recommend:- tion of Township Engineer Dusan Miklas that he prepare specifications and call for ten- ders on the following equip- ment: one 125 hp. road grader; one three-quarter ton pick-up truck; one half-ton panel truck. Approved the construction of a local improvement work, a 12- inch water main for Don Mills Road from John Street north- erly to Rodlck Road, 1 dis- tance of approximately 4,840 feet. James Haggart, former reeve of Richmond Hill, last week received the backing of Markâ€" ham Township Council as the northeast representative on the Metropolitan Planning Board. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H‘ Developers of Unionville Varley Village will get a defi- nite answer to their proposed sub-divider‘s agreement this week. members of Markham Township Council said at their regular meeting last week. Meeting in Markham Township municipal offices. the members took time out to discuss the building pro- Ject in private, after they had failed to come to an agreement among them- lelves on the plan. Representatives of Hengran Development Limited, builders of the proposed project, who were in attendance at the meet- ing, were told by Reeve Char- les Hooper that council would discuss the agreement attain this week. in an effort to reach a final decision on whether ep- provsl should be given. Driver Faces Charges After Head-On Crash windshield Joe Suconik, 31. of Gulliver Road, Toronto, faces two traf- fic charges after hls‘car, tra- velling east in the westbound lane of Maple Slderoad collld- ed almost head-on with anoth- er car, Friday, opposite the Sup- erior Sand and Gravel Com- pany’s main gate. Driver of the other car was K. Sniegula, 59, of Elmdale Court, Richmond Hill. His pas- senger Arlgo V. Abbendenzi, 22. of Elm Street, Toronto was treated for head cuts at York Central Hospital and released. His head went through the Mkhm. To Answer Subdividers Soon “I would like to see this get underway." said Councillor Palmer. “It would be a big help to employment . . . We need homes to attract industry." There are already six homes completed in the proposed 400-home develop- ment. and Monday night. council gave approval to the erection of eight more. However. the present hom- es are without sewage ser- vices and these can’t be. provided until approval of the sub-divider’s agree- ment by council. Unionville Varley Village Debate on the agreement which Councillor Cleary Palm- er said had been described by Township Solicitor, J. D. Lucas. as the "most air-tight sub-div- ider's agreement ever seen in the township", occupied most of the meeting’s time, both in council and out. Markham Briefs Your Doctor is there to help you. Have him examine your baby at set times. He will tell you how often. That will give your baby a better chance to keep well. When you have a question about your baby’s health, your doctor is the one to ask. Ask him from time to time about baby's food, vitamins, solid foods, and immunization against many of the childhood dis- eases Your Baby's First Year “When are We going to get a chance to look at it," (the sub- dividers agreement) said Coun- cillor Charles Hoover. “You'll be here all night. 11 you do." said Councillor Sum- ner. “It took me all weekend to look through it." " - Monday night, Township En- gineer Dusan Miklas said his department had approved the internal sub-divider's plans and the central sewage plans. Councillor Palmer said mem- bers had had “plenty of chance" to see it and approval should be given immediately. Councillor Alan Sumner said he was surprised to hear sev- eral members were "not con- versant with lt," but would like to see all the council studying it before any agreement was made. Said Reeve Hooper: "If we want to see it. now is the time. even If we have to stay here 'till 12 o’clock." ASK ABOUT CREDIT UFE INSURANCE ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES “Last year, 42,000 Canadian girls over 12 camped under our Guide flag using the rules and the program suggested by the committee,†said Mrs. Redelmeier. This committee is also responsible for conducting national camps. Last year 312 fifteen year old girls criss-crossed Canada by air to camp together for the purpose of studying each province’s contribution to Canada's national heritage. Prov- incial heritage camps were held in each province (plus one each in Ontario and Quebec held by the Girl Guide Catholiques du Canada, secteur francais) and were attended by two girls from each province, four from secteur francais and two Girl Scouts, guests of the Girl Guides of Canada. Close to 2000 girls and leaders will celebrate the national heritage in song, dance, crafts and food and will share this special event with guest Girl Guides and Girl Scout members of those countries which have made contributions to Canada’s historic past. Planning is underway for a national heritage camp to be held in 1967 on Lake St. Lawrence to celebrate Canada’s birthday. (Continued from Page 2) mond Hill Horticultural Society and the Garden Club of Toronto. She is a member of the Royal Ontario Museum’s member committee, a small group who assists at the museum on a weekly or special event basis. A member of the Kingcrafts weaving group, Flavia finds this hobby very stimulating when she finds time for it. Curtain Club activities also inter- est her, especially backstage activities, visual pres- entation section, costumes and production and she enjoys adapting and putting together any of these. She says: “The Country Wife has been my most ambitious costume assignment so far.†Her chief interest and longtime love is for the ‘ Girl Guides of Canada. She was the brown owl at' St. Paul’s Church 1944 to 1950. At the same time! she assisted with pack and company at Bloorview‘ Hospital. She was the district commissioner for Girl Guides of Richmond Hill and district from 1952 to 1958, a. member of the national executive com- mittee in 1957, and chairman of the nomination com- mission 1958-1962. In 1962 she was chairman for the ganadian National Camping Commission. You’ll find her miking a ‘V‘Vjoirrfn’l noise†as a member of St. Mary’s Anglican Church Choir, and at present she is the president of the York Central Hospjjzal Auxiliary. This committee is resbonvsihlewferwhiemoting camping as part of the Canadian Guide program and is one of the four major standing committees. The other three are headed program, training and inter- national. Rambling Around RICHMOND Hlll. IS Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-4431 Got bills you just can’t meet? Gather them all up and come to HFC for the money you need to pay them. Then you can drop your bill problems in the nearest mailbox and repay HF C conveniently. S cc Household nowâ€"borrow with conï¬dence. Get an HF c Bill Payer Loan . 1777" I hid ' I d In I 7 Low GROUP RATES iwxmmmwm :3. $3.313 .‘m HOUSEHOLD rumcm Pay all your bills now! (over "I. Bank of Montreal) AMOUNT OF L0“ $100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 Councillor Hoover said he had only seen parts of it and would “like the privilege" of seeing it. all. Reeve Hooper said council had agreed to It right along and unless it gave immediate autha orization to the agreement. it would be another year before it was put through. Council then decided to meet in private for 10 minutes and discuss the issue further. On returning from the pri~ vate meeting. Councillor Pal- mer moved that council agree to the plan "in principle," and that it meet again later this week to discuss the proposal and come up with a definite deci- sion for presentation to the Hengran developers. Reeve Hooper, Council- lors Palmer and Sumner voted for the resolution, while Deputy-reeve Stewart Rumble voted against it. Councillor Hoover abstain- ed. MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS as I so I 20 12 many months mom 95.1 10732 v . . . . . 263111.. 624849 34592, s 1 117135 6416263