The community extends sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McDonald and family on the death of Mr. McDonald's father. Essemary Leek was the guest at Legh'Rootham at the skating party sponsored by Thornhill United Church. Deputy-reeve Stewart Bumble and Mrs. Humble attended the service at St. Gabriel Anglican Church last Sunday‘ morning. This Is an annual service held in this church to offer prayers for guidance for the community and its leaders and pertains to Richmond Hill and Markham Township CORRESPONDENT: MES LOREN GUILD 8.3. 2, Gormley Phane 884-3040 Neighborhood Notes {at Buttnnvlllg. . The United Church calendar had a time little story for a New Year thought. A small girl who had inst started to take arith- matic in school attended a large church with her father and for the first time saw the cross. She whispered to her father. "Why do they have tho plus sign in the church?" Cï¬rtainly the '91“ Sign' ‘9 B‘and now stationed in a church good symbol for the Christian in his homeland Trinidad. message. It Is ‘going the second ' miie', a symbol of going beyond] The officers for the coming duty. the symbol of giving. otyear are: President Mrs. G. Bar. adding to life for the welfare ofiker, Vice-President Mrs. C. Lee others. Secretary Mrs. L. Guild, Treas~ UCW urer Mrs. D. C. Calder, Corres- .Mrs. G. Barker presided foryponding Secretary Mrs. W. Well- the annual meeting of Headtordlman, Pianist Mrs. S. Rumble UCW held in the home of Mrs.[Nominating Committee Mrs. C .Mrs. G. Barker presided for the annual meeting of Headford UCW held in the home of Mrs. P. A. Binnington, January 12. Ten members were present and answered the roll call with a verse containing the ward ‘gos- pgl‘. Twenty visits were report- e . Mrs. C. Lee‘conducted the de- votional service and Mrs. Barker called on the conveners for their reports. Mrs, Binnington reported 12 paid-up~memberships in the Vic- 'ponding Secretary Mrs. W. Well- man, Pianist Mrs. S. Rumble, lNominating Committee Mrs. C. ‘Horner. Mrs. W. Clark, Social Committee Mrs. E. Leek. Mrs. N. Brodie, Mrs. W. Middleton, Sick and Visiting Mrs. van T01, Mrs. H. Burton. Garden and Decorating Mrs. G. Barker Mrs. 'van Tol, Christian Education, Mrs. S. Rumble. Victor Home, Mrs. F. A. Binnington. Repre- sentative to Stewards Miss Cora Brodie, Mrs. W. Wellman, Rep- resentative to Presbyterial Ex- I'I‘UUUIVIU JUIIUU" J‘IIVVI I.) I‘VVI Junior, Intermediates In HI-C The annual Headford Sunday school meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble. January 13. There were nine present and Dr. Bin- nington opened the meeting with prayer and for scripture read Psalm 27. With no intermediate age group the school has become a junior one. The intermediates moved up to Hi-C which has "a membership of 15 with an av; erage attendance of 12. Their leader.. Mrs. E. Leek. reported} that she had a good group that participated in the school sesâ€" Iion. Since September they have loined in several activi- Dr. Binnington presided for the election of officers. Stewart Rumble was returned as super- lintendent with Mrs. C. Lee as- sistant treasurer, Charles Barker lance convener, Freeman Bark- er; corresponding _Mrs. C. Lee; cradle roll. Mrs. {D. Young. Teachers: kindergar- iten, Christine Terry; primary,. Mrs. D. C. Calder; junior girls, Cora Brodie; junior boys, Doug Young; Hi-C, Mrs. E. Leek;I choir, Mrs. S. Rumble. Christ-‘ mas tree supply, Elmer Leek,‘ Christmas concert, Mrs. E. Leek and Mrs. S. Rumble. For Special day duties: famâ€" secretary; Albert Leek; temperv secretary,. Bert Middleton who also is". in the York Central. will wel hope he soon out again. Hurry: and get well folks we miss your‘ familiar faces. There must be something go- ing on in Carrville besides folks being on the sick list. while I like to fill my column with newsy news I don’t like to have to report so often on our Carr- ville folk being under the wea- ther. Once again I say please give me a call on any little item that would be interesting, it doesn‘t have to be a spectacular, in plain words, anything, please! UXBRIDGE: Dr. J. F. St. John. medical officer of health, will carry out a complete inspection of an Uxbridge Township tene- ment house, located in the ham- let of Altona. A report from Stouffville Fire Chief Walter With no Intermediate age group the school has become a‘ junior one. The Intermediates moved up to Hi-C which haS‘aI membership of 15 with an aw} erage attendance of 12. Theiri leader.. Mrs. E. Leek, reported1 that she had a good group that‘ participated in the school sesâ€" sion. Since September they have joined in several activi- ties. attending Victoria Square anniversary in a body and the Christmas pageant at Thorn- hill Trinity Church. They went in a body to Teston church to hear a speaker on “World Hun- ger" and during the holidays elijoyed a skating party. Mrs. C. Lee conducted the de- votional service and Mrs. Barker called on the conveners for their reports. Headford Sunday School Is Now Junior, Intermediates In HI-C JEFFERSON A mull Annual Meeting Mrs. C. Lee reported the use (31‘ Avel in the Sunday‘ school and other organizations in the church. For a small yearly fee any department .of the church may have the use of material trom Avel (audio, visual, edu- eational library). ' M. C. Fry, Circulation. I Carrier (boy or girl) required for established “Liberal†newspaper route in Jefferson. PLEASE CALL 884-1105 or 884-1106 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 AT 8:00 PM. Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375 51A Yonge St. N. Sponsored by Richmond Hill Tickets Available from â€" Ladies' Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375 PHONE 884-2479 HYDRO SHOWTIME HEADFORD NEWS ELECTRIC COOKING DEMONSTRATION LIGHTING HINTS LAUNDRY TIPS ADMISSION 50c at Buttonville. Mrs. van Tol said that the visiting committee had deliver- ed seven gifts. Mrs. Barker gave a resume of her activities as president dur- ing the year including attend- ance at presbyterial and execu- tive meetings. A special appreciation was voiced to Mrs. van Tol for her generous donations of flowers for the sick and to Mrs. G. Bar- ker who never fails to have an attractive flower arrangement in the church. a letter from Rev. Idris Hamid former assistant at Headfm'd and now stationed in a church in his homeland_ Trinidad. Mrs. Binnlngton and Mrs. C. Lee presented the first part of the mission study on Trinidad and showed a film of this beau- tiful island with its contrasts in living conditions, its varied buildings for schools and churches and its industries of sugar cane harvesting and oil. Interest was added to the meet- ing when Mrs. Binnington read For special day duties: fam- ily day, Mrs. L. Guild; Sunday school anniversary. Stewart Rumble and Mrs. Lee; Sunday school rally. Mrs. D. Calder; bionic, Doug Young» and white gift sefvice. Cora Brodie. Anniversary Sunday was set for May 30. The new curriculum was dis- cussed and a meeting for the teachers planned, to adjust the program to the equipment, space and teachers available. The hostess served refresh- ments while a social hour was enjoyed. Hydro-Electric Commission Last week I announced that the annual congregational meet- ing was to be Tuesday evening of this week. but I should have said Thursday evening, Janu- ary 21, it is still a pot luck sup- per with A-L bringing dessert and M'z bringing the “mini At the recent executive meet- COUI’SE- I do hope that "0 o"eting lasting over three hours of- Showed up at_ the Chum“ onificers were named for 1965. Alec Tuesdaé’ evenmg due to mleernohan was appointed secret- 511‘1 "11.5%?- ]ary and Rick Pillage will re- Four (4 Branch 375. By Eric 1 The impact then sent the first car, which was driven by Fred Harold Carruthers, 52, of Oak Ridges, into the north- bound lane, where it collided with a vehicle driven by John Hamilton McGowan, 47, o! 385 Balkan Road, Richmond Hill. Mr. Carrulhers suffered bruises to his left hand. Damage to the three cars was estimated at $950. Police said James Doran, 45. of 237 Elka Drive, was driving his car south on Newkirk Road, January 14 at 8 a.m.. when the car in front of him stopped sud- denly and his vehicle collided It seems to me that this is a bad year for Carrville folk, be- cause whenever you talk to someone, it's have you heard that this person or that person is in the hospital. ’Jack McCarthy has just reâ€" turned home trom a stay in the hospital, and we trust that he is well on the mend. Injury In Crash with it Correction The time is still 6 o‘clock too and everyone is still welcome Neighborhood Notes Allan Morris is in York Cen- tral Hospital and we hope that he will be home soon. Local Men Escape to report so often on our Carr- ville folk being under the wea- ther. Once again I say please give me a call on any little item that would be interesting. it doesn’t have to he a spectacular. in plain words, anything, please! UXBRIDGE: Dr. J. F. St. John, medical officer of health, will carry out a complete inspection of an Uxbridge Township tene-i ment house, located in the ham- let of Altona. A report from Stouffville Fire Chief Walter Smith recommended such an inspection be made, that the furnace room be cleaned, a proper chimney built on the rear apartment, and fire escapes installed to serve the two top apartments. Five families reside in the building. ' stalled at the general meeting‘ last Monday. not e :t :n- The executive discussed pub- lication of a monthly bulletin for the branch. It is hoped that part of the bulletin would conâ€" tain advertising. So far attempts to find advertisers have been un‘- successful. The president point- ed out the publication would replace the notice of meeting now being mailed to members each month. The executive de- ferred adoption of the proposal until all possible sources of ad- vertising have been explored. The ladies auxiliary birthday show "rich 'as enjoyed by‘i some 20!: , eople last November is to be waged again for our senm-~ citizens. The curtain will go up at 8.30 pm. this Friday. Our live wire ladies go into pro- duction again next week with an electrifying performance of Hydro Showtime which should prove illuminating to many housewives. All the latest appli- ances will be on display in a cooking demonstration and some useful tips will be given the laundry wise. Switch on time Will be January 28 at 8 pm. We Comrade Benton has suggest-,ipredict our consistent comrade. ed the branch institute an em- ployment service. He reported his work as poppy and welfare chairman brought him in con- tact with people who disliked ac- Harry Lever. will plan a hum- ourous sequel to the show and that the theme will be how to live better although electro- outed. Smith recommended such an inspection be made, that the furnace room be cleaned, a prnper chimney built on the rear apartment. and fire escapes installed to serve the two top apartments. Five famine: reside in the building. CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs'. Gordon Read 285-4001 a each week a each month 0 each year Branch Manager: M. N. Foyle 121 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, Telephone: 8844107 Advisory Board: H. R. Button, Q.C., S. D. Parker, Q.C., J. E. Smith the company that shows 100% interest in you!" how much can you HEAD OFFICE: STRATFORD. ONTARIO The Jefferson Cubs and Scouts are having a skating party at Ted Lavender's' Elgin Mills Road West, on January 25, at 7:00 pm. Refreshments will be served and the parents will be most welcome. Hospital Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the Jefferson Community Club will be held at Jefferson Public School on January 27, at 8:00 pm. A very interesting evening is anticipated when Mrs. Warner of King will be giving a demonstration of wea- ving. Cubs Ind Scouts Community Club The Elgin Mills - Jeffersoniary 21 and to Dave Rusmn on branch of the hnspital auxiliary January 23. are Planning I Valentine 1'33 Mrs. Gordon Charity, Church and bake sale for February 13.}5tmet, Richmond H111 enter- 5“ coming events for “me Ind'tained at a dessert luncheon for Place- . her aunts and a few close St. John’s Church friends on Wednesday of last The annual vestry meeting week. Mrs. Norman Chatterly will be held on January 25 at of Sutton, and Mrs. Harvey Col- 8:00 pm. in the parish hall. lard of Victoria Square were There will be a service of eve-lemons the out-of-town guests. to {her meeting at 7:40 pm. All those who regularly attend and support the church are urged to ‘ Chairmen and officers for the remaining duties are unchanged. the following being re-appoint- ed; John Tsinonis, treasurer; Frank Woods. membership; Jack Sanders. hospital; Frank Tit- shall, service; Ernest Benton, poppy and welfare; Ted Mc- Brien, disciplinary; George Wood, entertainment; Wes Ber- seth, bar chairman;. Steve Ap- pleby. assistant secretary: Eric Chapman. public relations and Mrs. M. Barrott, women‘s rep- resentative. Ernest Benton was named liaison officer between this branch and the Junior Legion. A five member branch iby-law committee was also es- tablished. All officers were in~ stalled at the general meeting last Monday. were over the normal employ- able age or lacked education. A committee would be set up to canvass working members for possible vacancies and con- tacts would be made with indus- tries advising them of the ser- vice. Government departments would also be approached to in- vestigate trade courses that might be available. Dominion command approved branch employment services in 1951. The proposal wa ac- cepted by the executive and Comrad Benton will now be chairman of the re-employment and placement service. >z< xk * * The ladies auxiliary birthday show "rich 'as enjoyed by The annual vesiry meeting will be held on January 25 at 8:00 pm. in the parish hall. There will be a service of eve- ning prayer immediately prior At the recent executive meet- cepting charity. The pride which ing lasting over three hours of- many people possess often re- ficers were named for 1965. Alec suited in their refusal to accept Kernohan was appointed secret- help even though there appear- ary and Rick Pillage will re- ed to be a real need for it. place Alec as chairman of ways Many only accepted because of and means. Chuck Jesson will dire necessity. The service be responsible for inventory and would provide help for members Gord Bayler, property. Cord and dependents who were unem- Mills was named sports officer. ployed because of disability, _ Chairmen and officers for the were over the normal employ- remainln: duties are unchanged. able age or lacked education. Cnmrade Benton has suggest- ed the branch institute an em- playment service. He reported his werk as puppy and welfare chairman brought him in con- tact with people who disliked ac- You alone can decide. just as it is your decision where you save. We suggest a- Savings Account at any of our 15 offices. YOUR SAVINGS EARN d'lu INTEREST calculated on the minimum halfâ€"yearly balance. You can write cheques; you can save-by-mail at no expense; and the business hours are most convenient [offices are open approximately 40 hours each week]. Get complete details by either a personal call. by telephone or by mail. A FACT ABOUT MONEY: Paper money was ï¬rst used in North America by French Canadians. In 1685. when money to pay troops failed to arrive from France, the French Colonial Governor of Canada declared that playing cards were to be honoured as currency when they bore his signature. your legion Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman EVENING BRANCH ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH be present at this meeting. On Sunday morning. February 7, Bishop Wilkinson will con- duct and preach at a service of thanksgiving and dedication. The service will be followed by é congregational lunch. Please keep this date in mind. Neighborhood Notes Belatsd blrthda greetings to Mary Catherine aylor on Jan- uary 13, Lawrence Meikle on January 15, Catherine Miller on January 16 and Lynn Snell on January 17. Sorry we missed you last week. .1 VMany hapy returns of the day to Robyn Corkin on Janu-- ary 21 and to Dave Ruston on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerwin were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin, Islington, last Saturday. Dominion command approved branch employment services in 1951. The proposal we ac- cepted by the executive and Comrad Benton will now be chairman of the re-employment and placement service. 884-7129 Friends of Mrs. Brookside Road, will be pleas-i ed to learn that she returnedi home from hospital on Friday: of last week. ‘i Mrs. George Topper. Bayn View Avenue. entered hospital: on Monday as a result of trnu-l ble developing in connection? with the fractured elbow she' suffered early in December. It is sincerely wished that this T. Dick.1pninful injury will soon heal. Kindzerzarten pupils from the north end of Vaughan extend a hearty “thank you" to Mrs. Gibson who gave them shelter one cold day last week when the bus had engine trouble on the homeward trip. The children enjoyed cookies and TV until transportation home was provided for them. Drivers were Bt’L 229 Rumk Hill, and of 5 Dan Vaughan Township Police re- ported several accidents during the past week, including one in which two people suffered minor injuries. In an accident January 16 at‘January 18 at 12 am. when a Keele Street and No. 7, Wil- car driven by Richard North- liam H. Firth, 16, of 36 Buck- colt. 311, of 20 Wales Avenue, land Road, Downsview, was Markham, went out of control charged with driving without a on Keele Street, one mile south driver’s license after he ran. of Carrville Road and went over into the back of a car driven‘an embankment. by Peter A. Kent, 25' of Marâ€"l Mr. Northcott was uninjured owyne Drive. Willowdale. Po- and no charges were laid. Dam- lice said Kent was stopped for age to the car was about $350 a light at the time. I ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"_.â€"__‘â€"- Mr. Kent's wife. Sandra, 24, suffered whiplash injuries, while Marie Shephard, 22. of 40 Highbrook Avenue, Scarbnrn, a passenger in the Firth vehicle. suffered pains in the chest. Neither woman was taken to hospital. Markham Township Police, on the other hand, reported an m- cident-free week, Damage to the two cars was estimated at $500. MARKHAM: Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and oxygen inha- lator treatment failed to re- vice Michael John Orieck. 3V; month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Orieck. In another rear-end collision that same evening. damage es- timated at $300, was done to two cars. Jack Chevrolei Impala Spar! Coup. Just a glance tells you Chevroiet has never been so new! New from the Sweep-line roof-right down to the road... and even that’il seem newer with Chevrolet’s new Wide-Stance chassis and new Full Coil suspension! I From Chevelle, last year’s most successful line of new cars, a-Iot of new style and great new ride! I A new debonair look hides Chevy II's practicality and saving ways. And Chevy II has‘many money-saving mainte- Police Accident Report 5 Bruce Rumble and Ge Davis 3‘55 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL PHONES: AV. 5-5435â€"PA. 7-9453 WILSON-NIBLET‘I’ MOTORS lIMITED BUY BOOKS Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Wynn: local listings for channel and time. of the tw :e Gordon 9 Avenue. 3eorge D. : Road, Au mealtimes two vehicles ion Slm. 17. 1e, Richmond D. Burke. 20, Aurora. th_e differenpe Is dramatic! 884-7664 A third accident occurred 16 “January 18 at 12 am. when a AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL 884-3008 Police said the accident oc- curred when Mr. Slm, who was going west on Maple Sideroad, near Dufferin. stalled his car and was hit by the oncoming Burke vehicle. No charges were laid EVERYTHING FOR Gumuusrsj Phone 884-5272 Mundinger Music Co. and Teaching Studios COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 21, 1965 see your dealer KESWICK: A former North Gwillimbury reeve. who has not been seen since December 29 when he left his Keswick home to drive to Sutton for a pension cheque, may have been the vlc- tim of foul play. The family of Harold Glover. 76. said they suspected the worst after police reported being unable to find my trace'of Mr. Glover's car. RICHMOND HILL I Spert with an international flair makes its appear- ance with Corvair! And the top-of-the-line Corsa series offers an optional ISO-hp Turwaharged engine! I Check out all four: ’65 Chev- rolet, ’65 Chevelle. ’65 Chevy II and '65 Corvair â€" at your dealer's today! nance-reducers, plus a choice of four great engines. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY January Special ALL PERMS D. Albert Bro wn (oi/furs: '/a me: RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Telephone 285-1416 l Yonge St. South Guitars Accordions Drums Auto-Harps Folk and Western Music Harmonicas PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE SOMETHING TO RENT To Sell Antiques. Furniture, Pianos. Advertise in the Want At PHONE 884-1105 Every Thursday For Fast Action