The preliminary study will he used to decide what must be done for the overall improve~ ment of the grounds at this school. the board being agreed that in order to accomplish this undertaking it will first be ne- cessary to provide proper drain- age. Costs of the preliminary study will he kept within 8500. Mrs. H. R. Howden discussed the need for more equipment at York Central Hospital at the January 13 meeting of the Thornhill Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. the first meeting of the branch this year. Fund-raising projects will have to be considered, she slated. "Spring Thaw" at the Royal Al- exandra Theatre on May 1. Tie- kets will be from $2.00 to $3.50. All information concerning seating arrangements may be obtained from Mrs. R. D. S\u~ bley, ticket convenor. Phone 285-1787. The engineering firm of R. E. Winter and Associates Lim- ited has been engaged by Vau- ghan Township School Area Board to make a preliminary survey of problems on the grounds of the Charles Howiti School. Engineers Hired Howitt Problems Joint Theatre Night Planned By York Central Auxiliary Branches A theatre night has been planned jointly by all branch- es of the auxiliary. to see "Spring Thaw" at the Royal Al- Mr. and Mrs. H. (‘ntlinzlon of Arnold Avenue. with their two children, have returned from Florida where they vaca- tioned for several weeks over the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Slekciee. Steele Valley Road, with their two children. Kathy and Jimmy. have returned from 1hcir vaca- tion. The Slekoiecs spent Christmas in Toledo, Ohio and then drove down to Palm Beach. Florida. They especially enjoyed a visit to Marineland while in Florida. On their re- turn the famin visited Mrs. Stekelee's brother in Herdon. Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Adamson Helen Ava, spent their Christ~ mas holidays in St. Petersburg Florida. Get well greetings to Mrs. A Bagg. a patient at York Contra Hospital and Mr, and Mrs. E. A Hooper who are both recuper ating at home. Sharon Lewis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lewis. Arn- old Avenue. who is in the To- ronto General Hospital, recov- ering from a car accident was permitted to no home {or three days at Christmas. She enjoyed being at. home with her family and seeing a few friends away from the hospital routine.‘ Sharon has since had an oper-‘ ation on her ankle. a very pain-l ful one. but she is improving daily and is in very good spirits,‘ Sharon has had many weeks in' the hOspital and deserves a great deal of credit for her} courage and fortitude. She is making excellent progress which is encouraging news to; her family and friends. i "Everything In Lumber‘ Plywood: Tentest Trim Masonite Mouldings Flooring DOOI’S Cvm'nr Wall Cement 16 Helen is enjoying her stay in France. and working hard at her Intensive stud- les of the French language. She Is a member of the un- iversity choir and every Sunday they sing In a dif- Helen Simene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sim- me. '73 Elzin St.. who is attending Ciermont-Ferrand University in France. had an interesting vacation over Christmas and New Year's. Helen and a fellow student visited Switzerland where they spent a few days at Geneva. Zurich and Lake Constance. At Lake Constance the girls enjoyed a visit: with relatives of the Simcoes. During their two-week haiiday they also spent. time in Munich and Strashurg. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS 285-1100 9020 Yang». Thorn!!!†Thornhill and District News THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 21. 1965 spent. the Christmas holidays. H. Cntlinleon Mrs. Fielding, who left a week me. with their later than her daughter Linda. have returned had a frustrating beginning to [nsul Board Arhm-ite PHONE 285-3190 On behalf of the Thornhill branch. Mrs. K. Burgess ex« pressed much-deserved thanks to Mrs. Zinkan for her out- standing work during the past yeah Approximately 26 members attended the meeting and past president Mrs. G. Zinkan web comed three new members. Mrs. H. Bartholomew, Mrs. L. Stew- art and Mrs. H. Stocking. Executive members for the coming year are Mrs. G. Zinkan, past president; Mrs. B. Tremaine, presi- dent: Mrs. J. Morse. lst vice-president: Mrs. Hazel Hooks, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. K. Burgess, secretary; Mrs. Alice Watt. trelsurer: Mrs. Nelia Wright. corres- ponding secretary: Mrs. Helen Mowat, membership and Mrs. M. Slauenwhite, publicity. Mrs. E. Redelmeier. president of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary was present and wished the new executive and members of ihe auxiliary much success in the coming year. The plane took off from Dor- val and arrived in England Christmas Day. As it was Christmas. BOAC was the only European airline flying that day and London airport the only iairport open. It takes 200 men ito bring in one plane, and with the staff at all the other air- ports on holiday, all plane: had to he landed at London airporti The passengers were then put‘ on a summer sight-seeing bus; for the 200 mile trip back to“ Manchester. The bus was with~ out. heat of any kind and 110% rest-rooms. food or beverages were available during the six; hour trip. Tired, cold and huh-5 Dy Bus 10 EN; their flight to A charter member of Thorn- England because of the bad hill Baptist Church. Arthur Len- weather in the Toronto area. inie, gave a brief history of the The plane took off from Domchurch since its founding _in val and arrived in Engla‘nd‘lfls at the anniversary servxce Christmas Dav. As it was'held. January 10. Dr. Harold Christmas“ BO‘AC was the onlthremer, editor of the Canadian European airline flying that day;gzlxgigvazfreffgniggzrggégg and London airport the only - . ' and the purchase of the alrpmt own It takes 200 men building. The church interior to bring in one plane, and Wlthknd Sunday school have been the staff at all the other air- considerably altered and im_ F235, $2,33L‘d.‘1y‘r.ifl’iia’l‘iin’l’i?aproved since that time. Mrs. J. Fielding and her daughter Linda. former Thornâ€" hill residents. returned from England recently where they her trip. She was due to leave on December 23. but owing to the fog conditions, all flights were cancelled. On December 24 she arrived at Malton and learned that the passengers would be travelling to Montreal by bus to get their flight to England because of the bad The service on board was su- perb and Sandra especially commented on the haspitality and friendliness of the Greek people. They were most inter- ested in Canada and Canadians. éstédin Canoda arid Miss C‘ Conle's grade .11 German class from ’lhm-nhill 0" Chris‘mas da-V Sandra at“‘Secondary School enjoyed a de- tended mass at an ancient oathâ€".“ghtful dinner party on January edral in La Palmos, with two(17 at the Harmonie German American school teachers sherclub. Mrs. M_ G. Gunther. "mt 0" board. A 8313 NeWiFrench and Russian teacher at Year‘s Eve was spent on boarlehomhiu. and her husband M. Ship 0" the†“tum journey- G. Gunther, accompanied the All Sandra's friends will be‘group. Dr. R. K. Arnold. profes- interested to hear that, there‘sor at Victoria College. Univ- is a possibility that she may}ersity of Toronto. was special come home for her summeriguest of the evening. vacation. 1 * * * * rough days at sea. the (rip wasib‘lub members welcomed Fred most enjoyabm They had 33W. Barber the new manager of stopover in Spain for a day andlfhe ï¬mb- Mr- Barbe" “’35 bm‘n Sandra Stewart, daughter of ‘Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Stewart, Arnold Ave, had a memorable Mediterranean cruise to the :Canary Islands for her ten-day vacation away from teaching. Sandra is on the staff of the RCAF base school in Metz, France. She took a train to Genoa where she embarked on the “Agamemanonâ€, a 5.000 ton‘ Greek liner with a crew of 190‘ and about the same number of passengers. Except for two rough days at sea. the trip wasi landed at La Palmos‘ Canary Islands. on Christmas day. "1-1 01 ferenl, Gothic church In the area. Th9 Lsnith “Award†may be your chance it) hear bener wnhont a big investment. Ricth designed and precisely engmeered. the "Award" can mean new happinea for you. Ask us about the remarkable protection plans available from Zenith, a world leader in Radio and TV. Home Appointment further information "The Llheral" Isl always plum-d to publish Hva «I Interest contributed by “a read": In thn Thornhlll aroa. Our representative In Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may h! reuhad by phoning 285-3!†Dufferin 8: 401 HW} uc. u. ulc alcul m we clu.\uu1n‘v education summer course for teachers in 1965. Vaughan Townâ€" ship School Area Board was advised of this appointment by D. A. Mae'l‘avish. director of the Auxiliary Services Branch of the Department of Educatinn. Mrs. Hill has served on the staff of this summer course for . 7‘ several years. 1mm: Following the service. the congregation gathered in the church hall for a time of fel- lowship and a sandwich lunch prepared by members of the WA under the direction of Mrs. A. McLeod and Mrs. A. Mrs. A Lennie Mrs. H. Hill Again On Summer School Staff Mrs. Hazel Hill, teacher of the junior opportunity class at Thornhill Public School, has again been asked to be a mem- ber of the staff of the auxiliary Jack Mackness as guest solo- ist gave a fine rendition of "The Holy City". The junior and sen- ior choirs also rendered special numbers. Mrs. R. Priestman was at the organ in the absence of Mrs. W. C. Andrew who was ill. Mr. Ross Knight, chairman of the board of deacons led the worship. The sermon was prea- ched by the regular minister, Dr. Mr C. Johnston, his text be- ing “Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." His hearers were urg- ed to greater zeal and dedicat- ed service in the future. The Young Adult Council of the United Nations had arranged Dr. and Mrs. W. 0. Moore Ede. Thornbank Rd. were host and hostess recently to a group of 11 Mexicans staying with Toronto families. Special Service For 13th Anniversary 01‘ Local Baptist Church the club. Mr. Barber was borni‘and Miss Marion Adams arrived in Victoria. spent six years‘from Ottawa in time to join the with the Canadian army duringifcstivities. Miss Adams is the the war and has had a wealthiCanadian representative for of hotel and club management “Experiment in International experience. He is married andiLiving“ and is responsible for has three children. ibringing the two groups to Can- Ik 1* it It ada. start of her trip. 1 The Toronto group of Mex- * * * * iicans is under the leadership of Thornhill Golf and Country Miss Juliette Paillaud. Another Club members welcomed Fredzgroup of 11 Mexicans, under the. W. Barber the new manager ofileadership 01' Roberto Martinex gry the passengers finally ar- irived at their destination at her: ’o'clock Christmas night. 1With ‘this experience behind her. Mrs. Fielding enjoyed her visit 10 England where she joined her elder daughter SUSan. a res- ident. there, and Linda. The family had a most enjoyable‘ reunion and visited grandpar» ents in Birmingham. The weath-‘ er was sunny and spring-likel for Mrs. Fielding's stay andi made up for the unfortunate start of her trip. 1 YORKDALE vsm's Third Flnnr 1209 789-8669 sir-{for a sleigh ride. followed by [man evening of square dancing. itths there was not enough snow [rs.;for a sleigh ride. Mexicans and tolCanadians alike bundled them- )EHSEXVPS up against the 10 degree esâ€"iweather and enjoyed a shqrt “he‘ride in two hay wagons. The: film that the whole familv should no IllCTlICAL IN-CAI ‘ N “you n: ASSURE) A mm mom ‘NAT m: onion paws-ms HIATII! At I. m cat! The. area encompassed by Richmond Hill 1 the new board is “0m Parmenter Gollen Hawks O Steeles Avenue to N0. 7 human, 15 Highway' “I†from Jane (Murray Electric) Bantam B‘- Street In Vaughan Town- Uni‘mvme 1 ship to the 5th line In - ~ ' . Ross Johnson Is credited wnth Mï¬rkham Townsh'p' lhree gnals. Singles were scor- ed by Tommy Wilkinson, Doug > WM NA,“ NR KN \' \"x" WWN' W" K ) 7" % LAMB THE MOVER LTD. The party then returned 10 the Ede home for an evening of dancing, the Mexicans learning Canadian square dancing and the Canadians learning Latin American dances. A survey was also made of the equipment at St. Luke‘s. The school, opened in 1957 with 91 students. now has an enrolment of 326 In eight classrooms and a kindergarten. The area encompassed by the new board is from Steeles Avenue to N0. 7 Highway. and from Jane Street in Vaughan Town- ship to the 5th line In Markham Township. Members of the board took their oath of allegi- ance at the January 18 meeting at St. Luke's Sep- arate School. The oath was administered to Chairman Loug‘hran by Dr. W. R. La- Croix. secretary of one of the now extinct boards, RCSS No. 1 Markham. The chairman then administer- ed the oath to the other members of the board. Consideration was given It the meeting to hiring permanent clerical staff to handle the work Involved in the board's new func- tions and responsibilities. At the new board's in- augural meeting January 2, J. P. Lnughran was elect: ed chairman and W. F. Reber vice-chairman. Sec- retary-treasurer is S. E. Woolnough. Trustee was named assessment Trustee W. head the committee. Four former boards. some of them defunct and resuscitated last summer for legal reasons have been formed into the new Combined Roman Ca- tholic School Board, Mark- ham, Vaughan No. 2. S. S. Bcl. 2 SUSPENSE PACKED HITS! F} Mee! the most "Hnnest" and Funniest (‘rnoks on Fflm in the Great Jewel The“! IN “TOPKAPI†Over 45 Years Experience LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE IN "ONE MAN'S WAY" Insiul This is the PHONE A V. 5-4911-2-3 ‘ is the private life of omD of the I talked abnu‘ men of America The Life of Norman Vincent Peale M. H. Norrish chairman of the committee and H. Seeley is to transportation 127 Birch Ave. Today ['nlil Next Wed. in Color 2nd GREAT FEATITRE WE ARE THE BEST stin January 16 Newmarket 3 Parmenter Golden Hawks 0 Vince De Marco scored a single on an assist from Mike Burkart. Jim Ralph scored the second assisted by Peter Law. BAN'I‘AMS January )5 North End Cleaners ,1 Newmarket 2 Paul De Marco began the scoring on an assist from Joey De Marco. Billy Law came through with two goals for the Cleaners. assisted both times by Bobby McIntosh. January 16 saw the hockey audmnce douMed atthe Dou- blerink. Parents did come out to \ratch their kids play. A steady stream of people braving the beIO\v zero \veather kept arriv- ing an ‘hrnugh the day [row 8 aJn.1o the end of the hack- ey day. ATOMS January 13 Aurora 3 North End Cleaners 1 The singleton was scored by Paul De Marco unassisted. January 16 Richmond Hill 5 (Hughes Real Estate) Atoms 1 l The )one goal was scored by’ Mike Coyne, assisted by Mark Gain. ‘ PEEWEES DV Thornhill, Ont. Pictured above with the Pointe Claire team are the boys from 'l‘hornhill: Rack row (left t1 Claire Coach), Norm Davidson (Thornhill manager) and Vince De Marco (Thornhill coach) and manager). the peewees Centre row: (same order) Thornhill team, J. Blackhormw, P. De Marco Woolnough, G. Crouter, K. Bagg, K. Moore, N. Ast, R. Hartwick. 'l‘hm'nhil] North End Cleaners had a trip to Pointe Claire. Quebec, during the Christmas holidays, which they will long remember. They met the host peewee team 1n two hockey games. The first game played in the morning of December. 29 ended in a 1-] tie and in the second game Pninte Claire came up with the only goal to win the series_ The trip was arranged by R. Blackbormw, formerly of the Quebec town, now of Thomhill. whose son nlavs defnnrn fnr The Thornhill Sports Scene IWHERE THE IEWELS ARE) he most Maximillian Schell a Baker's Sales & Service Ltd. 5 9144 Yonge St. Richvale-AV. 5-1189 Shilton and Garry Hughes. January 16 (Murray Electric) Bantam 8'3 3 Unionville 1 SEE 3 DIFFERENT CARS IN 3 DIFFEREN T horn/It'll Team At Pointe Claire, Que. Mark Hendeljsnn scored two We don’t just gloss over the winter rust problem. Our unique deep-din rustnrooting seeps into every nook and cranny to seal out the ravages ut rust! The car is then completely dipped in rust- prooï¬ng primer paint. A semnd primer is sprayed on for good measure; then thorough Some years ago we decided that normal mtprooï¬ng methodsâ€"spraying and coat- mgAâ€"weren’t adequate. Om: engineers went to Work and came up with a solution: deep-dipping. Dipping the entire car in rustprooï¬ngâ€"right up to its rooflines! We didn’t stop there. For complete rustprooï¬ng, the metal surface must be ab- solutely clean and free of all impurities. That’s why the body of eVery ’65 Rambler is submerged to the roofline in six separate tanks. The metal is cleansed, scoured and puriï¬ed. BUILT IN CANADA FDR CANADIAN CONDITIONS WE SPILL MBBE [HAN flIflEBS USE. goals and Gary Masters got singleton. BUSTPBBUHNG? all-sncuul. LMIDGETS This game had one casualty.'January 16 Doug Shilton, one of the Banï¬ W: tam B's reliable goal getters. (IGA) ZESâ€"COMPACT AMERICAN, musxze cussml LARGER; LUXURIOUS AMBASSADORâ€"AT mun RAMBLER DEA are the boys from 'l‘hornhill: Rick row. \(Ieft t_o yight),ï¬ Zoppi (Points \ A...J 1H--- n- ML.†[m1 Yonge St, Oak Ridges Purdy's Rambler Sales & Service wet-sanding removes any blemishes. pounds of rustprooï¬ng primer coats the steel. Three coats of chip-resistant, salt-resis- tant, super enamel are then sprayed on and baked. Corrosion-resistant wax and sealer compounds are sprayed inside girders, rocker panels, fenders and on under-body areasâ€" those critical places where rust does its worst damage. The result? Rambler is the world’s most completely rustproofed car. Every 1965 Rambler can beat the worst slush-and-salt winter conditionsâ€"year after year. Stick with Rambler and let the rust of the world go by. - suffered a broken nose and con- Tm Mission. Thornhill OMHA teams, 1-] have been lucky so far. Ac-‘JTYKES cording to report this is only} the fourth accident since the Thm league; games began. | St. J. De Marco, Bobbie McIntosh, I. MacKay, P Woodbridzo 6 (IGA) Black Hawks 0 Thornhill, whose son plays defence for John Mills (Paint ‘Claire ATOMS Holy Trinity 3 Thornhill Prosbyterian (Cnntinupd On Page 17 Holy Trinity 1 Thornhill Pnsbyterlan St. Edward's Eagles 4 Thornhill United 1 THORNHILL Cilifk’éi HOCKEY LEAGUE PR. 3-5481