IdJourn not later than 11.30 On the third Monday council will convene at 1 pm. and ad- Team standings for the Lake Wilcox Bowling League are Winnabugs 5. Red Ensizns 5‘ Lady Beatles 5. Buckeroos 5, Flinstones. Aces Up and Lady Bugs all have 2. Bugs all have 2. ‘ William Hodgsnn, Metro Con- " * " * ‘lservation Authoriiy; Thursday afternoon league‘ Councillor Rouble, Holland Icores looked a little better,River Valley Conservation Au- with Charlotte Brockon 553-‘thority; 252: Anne Sweeney 532-193;‘ Councillor Curran and Reeve Mickey Clarendon 529-209; Lil " Atcheson 505-202; Doris Smith‘ 293 single: Vena Porter 192,! Hilda LaRiviere 186. ‘ FIInPrAI <9 BELHAVEN: Reeve J. Dales told the inaugural meeting of North Gwillimbury Township that operaï¬on of the lownship Would probably cost more than other years. It will have to be a year of team work, he said. 'I‘w1 King Twp. Council Schedules Meetings And Names Reps. 3 KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pinned to puhllsh ill interest regarding people and events in the Oak ll Lake Wilcox and King City districts. ()ur news pondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Haustw phone 833-5457. Ind in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcn i I ,,U. u'uJ_,_.1 1..--.._ --v‘) “'10 Mari-Lou MacDonald, King City stunt woman, high fashion model, whose story will be appearing in the February 13 “Weekend Magazineâ€. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. Featured In National Magazine Lake Wilcox Bowï¬ng Councillors J. C. Rouble and William Curran. Schomberg Community and Agricultural Board; Representatives of King Township Council have been appointed to various boards for 1965, as follows: Deputy-reeve Gordon Cook and Councillor Ken Maetaggart, Schomberg Comunity Hall Asâ€" satiation. The former Ethel Gertrude Wilson of Vaughan Township. she was {he wife of Elmer Had- wen, King City. Conducting the services was Rev. M. R. Jenkinson, King City United Church. Interment was in Maple Cemetery. A former member of Teston United Church Mrs. Hadwen came to King City nlne years ago with her husband after he retired from farming in Vaug< han. Mrs. Hadwen had been a communicant at. the Testnn Funeral services for Mrs. E1- mer Hadwen, 73, of King City. who passed away December 23, were held at Thompson Funer- church and active in the wo‘ men‘s association there. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Elmer Hadwen She was also prominent in Maple and Vellore Wl's activi- ties. and was a member of the Maple Horticultural Society. Throughout her life Mrs. Had- wen worked consistently for the church and community. and she and her husband shared the hospitality of their home with their many friends. Besides her husband, Mrs. Hadwen is survived by twn daughters. Jean. Mrs. Harold Kirby. King City, and Irene. Mrs. Michael Miller, Richmond Hill: two sons. Wilbert and Eric of RR 1. Maple; 11 grand- children . Wayne and Sandra Kirby: ELizabeth and Paul Mn. ler; Christine. Laurie and Bob- Home, Aurora. December 26 To Serve In 1965 Both regular meetings in July will be held in the even- lng to accommodate the farm population. "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of lntzrest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilco: Ind King City districts. Our news con-es- pondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. tele- phone 833-5457, and in Oak Ridge: - Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwond Avenue. 713-5479. Regular planning board meet~ lngs will be held the second and fourth Tuesday of each Ray Jennings, Nobleton Com- munity Association Board; Councillor Rouble. Holland Marsh Drainage Commission; Reeve Jennings and Deputy- reeve Cook will be council's representative on planning board. Harold Taylor and Al- fred LeMasurier were re-ap- pointed to this board for a term of three years. Dr. Ross Kenney, Nobieton. was re-appolnted {or three years to Aurora District High School Board; Dr. J. S. Webster Schomberg. for two years; and Marvin Hunter, Laskey for one year Also surviving are a sister. May Walker, King City: three brothers. Roy and Harold Wil- son, Maple; Mervin Wilson, A1- herta: three half-brothers. Al- lan. Barrie; Bob. Schomberg: Jim. Toronto: three half-sisters. Shirley. Mrs. Norman Shells- weli. Barrie; Mary. Mrs. John Agnew. Schomberg: Beth. Mrs. George Walsoley, Toronto. Pallbearers at the funeral were nephews Donald Hadwen. Jack Walker. Hadwen Kyle and William Wilson: halfâ€"brothers Bob and Jim Wilson. by Hadwen angl Ricky. Kim Mark and Shelly Ann Hadwen 21. 1965 (Ramon Stringer) quate to'accommodate cur- rent needs. A heavier enrolment ls ‘expected when the. starting age ls lowered ln Septem- her. At York County Hospital. patienls Include. Charles Gordon and the village's reliable hisâ€" torian. Andrew McClure. who is looking forward to his 94th birthday in April. IllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllll‘1Like The Song Principal B. T. O‘Beirn of King City Composite School. will be guest speaker at the men. thly meeting of Oak Ridges Home and School Association, January 26 lat 8 pm. at the school. Mr. O‘Beirn will speak on “Guidance.†A panel of teachers will dis- cuss guidance as it effects the student entering high school. Guidance Topic Of HSA Address There wiil also be a mem- bership jackpot. which will be double this month, no winners having being declared the last time. That same night there will be a meeting of the Oak Ridgesâ€" Lake Wilcox Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. However, no meeting place has been set as yet. Thirteen members and one visitor attended the WI meet- ing at the home of President. 'Mrs. Milton Wells on January 26 at 8.00 pm. Mrs. Don Chalk. citizenship and education con- venor had charge of the pro- gram, which included the show- ing of the transparencies which were sent to our Scot- }tish friends, and the commen- ‘Jtary prepared by Mrs. Fred Gardiner. Mrs. Ken Kiter con- ducted games to round out the ljprngram. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at church on January 10, with Ray Jen- nings Fred Hare, Wilfred Jam- es and Wilbert Jennings assist- ing the Elders. The date for the congregational meeting is set for January 27, at the church All those with reports to give are requested to have them ready for the meeting. Church News Announcement of lower- ing of age requirements for Guides and Brownies is arousing much interest among prospective appli- cants in King City and Ri- chmond Hill area. BUT, reminds District Commissioner Mrs. Ray Rumney. the new age lim- its do not go into effect until September. Mrs. Fred Boys and Mrs. Andy Armand attended the York Presbytery UCW annual meet- ing held in Markham United Church on January 12. Neighborhood Notes Girls will then be requir- ed to be seven to join Brownies. instead of eight Tenâ€"yearâ€"olds will he eli- gible to become Guides, in- stead of having to wait un- til they are 11. At present the three Guide companies and {our Brownie packs functioning in King City area are ade- quate to accommodate cur- rent needs. A heavier cnrnlment is expected when the age ls lowered In Septem- her. Mrs. Milton Wells and Miss! Judy Paxton attended the train- ing school for 4H homemak- ing club spring project "Meat in the Menu". held at the agri- cutural offices in Newmarket‘ on January 12 and 13. An in-i eresting feature of the school was the trip to .the Dominion Store in Newmarket where they witnessed the cutting up of a beef carcass. 1 Best wishes for a speedy re- covery go to Mrs. Earle Stoles- bury who has been confined to bed for a time. The sympathy of the com- munliy is exmnded ,to the fa- mily of the late Sam Mashinter who passed away, recently. and to Harold Clapp and family in the recent 1055 of his father atl Manotick, Ontario. ‘. Temperanceville News Mrs. Wilbert Jennings at- fended the meeting of Mark- ham WI on January 2. repre- senting the auxiliary of York Manor. To Lower Age For Guiding Correspondent Mrs. W.G. Jennlngs Phone 173-5392 A member of King City Fire Brigade. Harry Noakes. reports he is "out of commission" for a while with a broken ankle. Mrs. George Brown of Hnnp Street. is pleased with her luck in television bingo. Last week she was lucky winner of an electric hair dryer and to date has had OiEht winning cards, each en- titling her to $2 in groceries at the local supermarket. Another shopper receiving a dividend. Mrs. Wallace Tanner of Hollingsworth Crescent, won a $25 cash prize. Fireman Injured Bingo Winn": He received the injury when he slipped on pavement after the brigade answered a call to the Third Concession line for a Sunday afternoon car fire. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Smereka of Holllngsworm Crescent are celebrating the arrival of Susan Marie, 3 baby sister for Peter and Karen. Mr. Smereka is a science teacher at King City Composite School. Convalescing Arrival Fire Chief David (News is re- ported much improved and not as seriously 111 as first believed at York Central Hospilal. Miss Annie McBride was able to return home last week after nearly a month in York Cen- tral Hospital. While a patient she had many vlslts fmm friends. as well as cards, phone calls and flowers from individuals and organiza- tions. Just after she left hospital a belated phone call to the roam she had occupied was answered by the succeeding patient‘ who replied with relish, "Annie doesn't live here any more". Guests in Maple King City W.I. members were invited to last week‘s meeting of Maple W.I. Llskny W.I. Mrs. Pearson Smellzer. cura-‘ tor of Laskay W.I. Tweedsmuir history book. was In charge of the January meeting in the W1. hall. Mrs. Charles presided as Mrs. Cairns read the bible lesson. Smeltzer read articles on “Can-l Members decided to save ning And Preserving In 1899",11abe1s from meat packages, re- @onsumers’@as 85 YONGE STREET NORTH Oceans of Hot Water Notes From King City Today, there’s no reason to de prive yourself of all the hot water you Want, when you want it ! With gas water heating you don’t have to stint or “schedule†baths, laundry, or dishwashing.Gas gives you "Oceans of Hot Water.†You’ll always have plenty on tap, and, "Costume: Through The Ages". Members took part in two contests. guessing missing words in proverbs and naming 20 articles qovered by a stocking Church Meeting articles qovered by a stocking.[ On the new executive with Church Meeting Mrs. Hunter are: Mrs. Glen Annual meeting ni’ the con-‘Dooks. first. vice-president; Mrs. grezalion of St. Andrew's Pres-{Don Barker. second Vice-presi- hyterian Church has been set dent; Mrs. Aubrey Glass. treasâ€" for January 29. iurer; Mrs. Jesse Bryson. secret- KCCS Play .ary; Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer. Tickets are on sale for a play_.60rrespondiniz secretary. I “Charlotte.†to he presented by Mrs‘ AUbTEY GOTd‘mv. Chm“ students January 23, at King man of finance; Mrs. Loms Mar- City Composite SchooL wood and Mrs. Tom Walker, Laskay Euchre community friendship and visit- Five euchre tables were play- ed at Laskay W.1. Mrs. Charles Black convened prizes. which were won by Sara Ann Mc- Donald. Lucy Cluhine‘ Marjorie McMurchy. Don Barker. Archie McDonald and Wib. Burns. Lawyer John Lawlnr or Rich- mond Hill explained wills and succession duties to members of King City WI. meeting at the home of Mrs. Ross Walker, King Street. Introduced by Mrs. A. W. Mc- Lennan. the speaker noted a $50,000 exemption was allowed widows, while larger estates are subject to succession tax. He concluded his talk by answering members‘ questions. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. Harold Docks and Percy Leatherdale. Next euchre was announced for January 22 in the W.I. hall. Kim: City WJ. A St. John first aid course lasting eight weeks was planned to start March 1 in King City United Church. Members were reminded of the January 21 euchre and~ lun- cheon at Nobleton, sponsored by York Centre District W1. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Robert Innes, Mrs. Maud Ault. Mrs. Warren McKendry. Mrs. McLen- nan and Mrs. Hans Nielson. Laskay UCW nan and Mrs. Hans Nielson. l After {epeaung the oaths, the sides of the families and friends have visited recently in wel- Laskay UCW two new Scout leaders received Newly-elected President Mrs.;the Oak Ridges scarves from ii‘i‘i’i'““â€"“â€"i Marvin Hunter presided for theScout Committee Chairman!»' “‘ opening meeting of LaskaylFrank Thivierge- . l UCW. Scoutmaster Foerter’s first‘ Bible study was in charge oflduty was to accept three CUbS: the immediate past president'linto iris troop. after Cub leader‘m , Mrs. Earle Scott. Mrs. Pearsonlflel‘mce Fuller led ,per pack mi Carner (boy or Smeltzer presented an originallthe “Erand how‘, and had) . “ . “Happy New Year" message, by Scout-elect Brian Copplestone.‘ established Lil finding verses to illustrate each David lMilner and Ricky Colingsl o leiter of the traditional greet-fell“? the cub Prom“ {01' the rOUte In ( ings. immeï¬ _ ,._, .,__..__“ Pleas Mrs. Charles Hater led the worship period and Mrs. Clyde For information and personal service, call Consumers' Gas, 285-4811 ‘“â€' Two Scouts Return To ich- :nnr} First Pack In New Role for Whatever purpose and in whatever amount you need. There’s nothing more enjoyable â€"or more useful than “instant†hot water. There’s nothing more annoying than to run “short†and have to postpone or delay baths, dishwashing or laundry. deemable for new coffee servers for the church kitchen. A spring luncheon and the main socizfl event, the annual fowl supper. we're discussed. community friendship and visit- ing convenors; Miss Marjorie McMurchy. literature; Mrs. Don Barker. Mrs. John Guimond. Christian education; Mrs. Mar- tin Jenkinson, nominations; Mrs. Fred O‘Brien, social convenor; Miss Helen Hunter, program: Mrs. Scott Smeltzer, supply, and Miss Marjorie McMurchy, pian- ist. Invested as Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmaster. respect- ively by Mr. Lynn were Ron Roerter and Bert Wallace. Two members of the original lst Oak Ridges Scout troop formed 18 years ago by Scout- master Fred Lynn. returned to their old pack recently in new roles. Raver Mate Jerry Hopkinsfnralea their 15! anniversary assisted at the ceremonies by‘on January 10.. lowering the troop flag, while we “mum 1â€â€œ I" welcome Patrol Leader Fred Lynn J12. baCk ‘0 “‘9 Nmm‘mity the manned the Unim, Jack_ Barney Haldorson family who An antique candlestick inher- have "turned recently from ited by Mr_ Lynn from his great California where they lived at grandfather. historian Capt. San Jose for abOut a year. They James A. Cook. was used in the 31“! “Vim: 0" Maple AVEnue. ceremony‘ as it has been used two doors from Mrs. Haldor- in such investiturea since the son's Sister and famiW. the ‘Scout organization was formed.1Calahans. Members of both Consult the Miscellaneous Classiï¬ed Column When Home Repairs Are Needed Birthday wishes to Peter Woods. one year old on Wed- nesday. January 6; Mr. Fred rLees. Jan. 6; Larry Newton 1'1 on January 13; Sharon Craig 13, January 3; Murray Nelson 14. January 15; Giselle Grise 13 ‘recently: Susan Forster 12 on Manual-y 19; David Simmerson :2. January 19; Dianne Hunter llï¬. January 22; Pauline Lees 13, January 22; Auluki Kuk- konen l9. January 12. We are glad to report that Sarah Good, and Mrs. Muriel LaBelle. are both home from York Central Hospital where they spent some. time recently. and both are on the recuperat- ing list. A speedy recovery is wished to you. Wendy Munro is now back to school after her recent operation. MEMO to members of the ladies auxiliary, to Cuba. Scouts. Brownies and Guides: There will he an olecnon of officers for the coming year January 21. at the home of Mrs. M. Woods. South Road. About People Anniversary wishes are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Wil~ liam Campbell. Aubrey Avenue, who celebrated their 24th an- niversary on January 18; and to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuech- Ier. Wildwnod Avenue who cel~ ebrated their lst anniversary on January 10. ‘ Carrier (boy or girl) required for ‘ established “Liberal†newspaper route in Oak Ridges. I M. C. Fry. circulation I ’IV‘IID‘III‘II‘IIII‘ Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox News OAK RIDGES Buy a new gas water beam and have “Oceans of Hot Water,†or rent for as little as $1.75 a month on your gas bill. Save money. Take advantage of the low gas rates now in eï¬ect. Enjoy all the pleasure of modern living with gas. 884-1105, or 884-1106 RICHMOND HILL Please call: CharquorontoWon an In Township Accident We would like to extend our host wishes to Patricia Ann Wilson of Sarnia. and William Walter Brown. son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brown. Fergus Ave. “ho were married Janu- ary 9. The wedding was of- ficiaterl by Brigadier Wilder and took place in the Aurora Salvation Army Church. The Oak Ridges Pioneer: (Pee Wee division) are still go. ing strong with their newly- formed team. The boys won over Schomberz recently with a 6-4 margin. Goal-getters were Nolan Natale with two. and one each for Reik Marshall and Brian Donnithorne. We were very sorry to heat that Mrs. Bertha Bolan. Wild- wood Avenue. was taken to hos- pital last week, and will spend some time in York Central. Hope you are feeling better by "OW. come them back ed with failing to yield the right of way following an ac- cident ln Klng Township last week. Police said the youth was tra- velling south on Concession 6, a half-mile north of King Road when he rollided with Mrs. Dellow's car as it pulled out of a driveway. Mrs. Elizabelh Deliow, 53. of 5 Hendricks Avenue. was char- gerl after the car she was driv- in): was in collision with one driven by an area youth. Pol- ice would not release the name of the youth because of his age. Whitchurch Police failed to report any accidents during a similar period. A Toronto woman was chart- with failing to yield the