Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1965, p. 11

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. @ntarlo. Thursday, Jan. 28, 1965 11 m\\\\\\W\WWWNWI GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE i E BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND I AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES PHONE 285-0782 No service charge, no booking fee g a MNWNNNWW’WWCWWWW .AA '\ A.\A,‘WVMWVV\M v.7... vwm 85 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL .-0-K.1--v. The UCW of St. Matthew's The Women's Progressive “The Family and Christian United Church held their first‘Conservative Association held Education" was the topic for the‘ Mizpah. general meeting of 1965 on Jan-.their monthly meeting at the‘JanuaI‘N meeting Of St- Paul's uary 19. I The guest speaker was Mrs. Cecil Brenn. Colborne Street,‘ who spoke and showed SlldESl on her recent trip to Trinidad. Winslow Case from Trinidad, now living on Elmdale Crescent. also gave an interesting talks on the background and history; of Trinidad. The afternoon unit of the. UCW served coffee and Triniâ€"‘ dadian dessert. it it i a "Christian Yorth Week“ is being observed in St. Matthew's United Church tl is week. and to mark the occasion the church school will hold a special ser- vice for all pugils in primary, junior. intermediate and senior departments. TI is service will be at 9.05 a.m. January 31 in the sanctuary. This service will follow. as nearly as possible, the regular order of adult worship but gear- ed to the child‘s level. II! t i it! The Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, Bishop of Toronto will be the service at the Church of St. Gab- riel on January 31. The church wardens and church officers for 1965 will be installed. with tea served follow- ing the installation. by members of the Friendship Circle. Board members, wardens and wives will then attend a luncheon at the Summit View Restaurant. a t a a Visiting friends in the Hill last weekend were former resi- dents of Driscoll Road, Mr. Len Jones and his daughter Carol, from Guildford. England. Carol has been accepted as an exchange student at Toronto Teachers College. and Mr. Jones took the opportunity of accom- panying her on the trip to Can- ada for a brief visit. returning to England on Friday. it i: it :0: Keep "Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your news â€" the service is free â€" phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884- 1105, drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. or call » in personally. we’ll be pleas- ed to hear from you. III III A! it v. Pauline Bracey-Gibbon. pro- prietrix. and staff of Chez Pauline,House of Beauty, at- tended the World’s Fair of Beauty held last week in the Crystal Ballroom of the King Edward Hotel. Of interest to the fashion con- scious women of the Hill. hair for 1965 will be short, with more pincurls being used in the setting. World champion Doris Paul demonstrated many home of President Mrs. L. Oliver, Sussex Avenue. The federal chart on redistriy bution was studied and plans discussed for the annual dance.‘ This year a St. Patrick‘s motif1 will be used. as the date has been set for March 12. ‘ Refreshments were served by‘ the hostess and her daughter. Miss Caroline Oliver. tutti I Entertaining on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Anâ€" gus Philip. Sussex Avenue. who held a dinner party for mem-‘ bers of the Dynes Ball Team. Guests included sponsor. Verni Dynes. Coach Casey Cripps. Dick Moulton. Fred Thomas, Charlie Reid. Greg Causey, Moe. Zabatuik, Sil Steffan. Bill Rob- son. George Smith. Gino Guat-g to. Stan Thornington. Red Wil-i son and Ron Woods. During the evening a pair of cuff links and tie tack were presented to Moe Zabatuik by Manager Philips. for contribut- ing the most to the team during 1964. and organizational plans; ‘son. a t a n- ’ The Rotary Club of Richmond ‘Hill continues to grow, with the newest member being Michael Norman, 292 Boisdale Avenue. Mr. Norman is presi- dent of Micro Metallurgical Ltd. of Thornhill. t It s o Rev. PAUL MORLEY St. Mary's Anglican The Rev. Paul Morley, form- erly of Richmond Hill and now incumbent of the new parish of Oriole, Willowdale. will be the preacher next Sunday morning at 10.30 a.m. at St. Mary‘s An- glican Church. t lit 3! # Mrs. L. Bailey and sons George and Ron, Trayborn Drive. have returned from Mon- treal after attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, John of these new styles. and Pauline Bracey-Gibbon and staff were most enthusiastic about the manageability and look of the new line. a. s t n \\\\~\-\\ .. . N N‘ s N N b I Hutchinson-Watson. I The late Mr. Watson was 1president and general manager of the Denco Company of Can- Iada, also past master of the Royal Blue Connaught Lodge AF&AM for Quebec. as well as, many other notable activitiesl t it t e ‘ The Central branch of the‘ YCH auxiliary held their first meeting of the year on Wednes- day last at the home of Mrs. R. Stanfield. ] Plans were discussed for the. activities for the year. including the selling of tickets for “Spring‘ Thaw" the auxiliaries major: fund raising event. ‘ Mrs. S. Symns. work convenorh asked for volunteers for knit- ting and sewing. . At the close of the meeting} refreshments were served by the special preacher at the morningldiscussed for the coming sea'Ifor LCW Panel members were Mrs. Mabel Percival and Mrs. Pat Wood. Moderator was Mrs. Naomi Myers. Mrs. Barbara Barth had charge of devotions. "Parents are given the child, not to have and to hold, but to have and to mould", said Mrs. Myers. The topic stressed the importance of Christian training and devotions in the family circle. There were twenty members ‘and guests present for the meet- ing. Area Lutheran Church news was reported by Mrs. Hilda Dumais. She noted that a new mission church was started in Oshawa on January 10. Mrs. Ev Miller, Christian outâ€" reach chairwoman. announced that she will have two greeters at the church doors on Sundays to help make newcomers feel welcome. Mrs. Margot Wirt, Christian fellowship chairwoman. an- nounced the final plans for the congregational dinner meeting January 24. A mother- daughter tea is planned by this committee sometime in May. Mrs. Nelly Williamson. faith and life chairwoman, announced that Mrs. Mary Rumble will be the program leader next month. Her topic will be "Mental Re- tardation". This program is to be given on February 10. Mrs. Barbara Barth, Christian action chairwoman. reminded members of the clothing drive for Lutheran World Action to be held in the spring. A thank-you note was read from the York County Mental Health Association for the Christmas gifts the women sent. Mrs. Sylvia Limpert. church women president. announced that St. Paul‘s LCW will be hostesses for the World Day of Prayer on March 5. Also partici- pating will be women from St. Gabriel Anglican, St. Matthew‘s United and St. John’s Baptist. The meeting closed with a member induction service fol- lowed by the missionary bene- diction. t It it # Councillor Eric Handbury has volunteered to take on the chair; manship of Heart Sunday. Feb- ruary 14. for the Heart Founda- tion. Anyone interested can ob- tain further information by phoning Mr. Handbury at 884- 6675. Donald Ross. manager of the local branch of the Bank of Mon- treal has consented to be treas- urer of the Richmond Hill Chap- ter of the Heart Foundation. ‘ t is air 3k Captains for the 1965 March of Dimes, scheduled for the evening of February 1. met at the home of Mrs. Norman Todd, Church Street. Thursday even- ing to hear an informal talk by Johnny Myers. assistant cam- paign director for Ontario. Mr. Myers outlined the ser- vices provided for physically disabled people over 19 years of age by the Rehabilitation Foundation which is supported by the March of Dimes. These services include sur- gery. braces and training to make these people self-sufficient and self-supporting. he ex- plained. Mr. Myers is himself a paraâ€" yplegic from injuries suffered in a car accident. t i t :6 Cecilia Anderson. pianist. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beresi’ord Anderson, Centre Street West. will pre- sent a recital on CBL Con- cert Series Sunday morning at 11.30 a.m. from Ottawa. ’I‘ it! II‘ ill hostess. It It! It It I New members who are trans- mond Hill Cub and Scout The ladies of the 4th Rich-i ‘meeting closed with the Scout ~ There was a good turnout of‘ imembers and friends at the: regular Curtain Club meeting: held on Monday evening in the .club premiscs, 25 Yonge St.. North. I . Vice President Neville Cross; 1chaired the meeting, and fol-I lowing a short business session‘ with reports from the play read- ing. theatre and membership committees. two studio produc- tions â€" O‘Neill‘s “lie” and the Ithe recognition scene from “An- ‘astasla" were presented. Directed by Mary Neill. the casts included Eleanor Beatty. Margaret Bergin, Margaret Cross, Tony Hiscoke, Sam Neill, ,Kingsley Owen. Ron Solloway land Lars Thompson. The calibre of both plays was in the professional class, and director and casts are to be con- gratulated for providing an evening of first rate entertain- ment. it’lrillll Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes and family from Prince Edward lIsland. have recently taken up residence at 248 Alsace Road. Mr. Holmes is with the RCAF. The community welcomes them and hope they enjoy living in Richmond Hill. it! )Ir * it! Judge George Sweeny -and Mrs. Sweeny, Highland Lane. attended the Saturday meeting of the Stouffville United Church Couples Club, where Judge Sweeny took part in a panel discussion on "Juvenile Delinquency", and related topics. Chairing the discussion was ‘Stouffville lawyer, David Coon. )It * 1" it Mr. Louis Baker, Church Street South, is now making good progress in York Central Hospital following a recent heart attack. His many friends in the Hill hope his stay in hospital will be of short duration. and that he will soon be taking “Chitzia” for his customary morning walk. ill at it lIr The executive of the WA of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church met on Monday night at the home of President Mrs. I. F. Allan, Libby Blvd. The monthly meeting on Feb- ruary 1 will be a pot luck sup- per starting at 7 pm. Members are asked to bring a friend. The hostess served a delicious lunch at the conclusion of the meeting. ##Ikntl Mrs. J. R. Langstaff, Mrs. J. B. Wynne and Mrs. A. T. Aral attended a recent meeting of the York County Medical Wives Association held at the home of Mrs. Crawford Rose in Aurora. Joseph 0. Dales QC was the guest speaker who spoke on the subject of estate planning. The next meeting of the asso- ciation which now has 55 memâ€" bers, will be held in March at the home of Mrs. D. F. Mc- Gregor, Bridgeford St. II‘ it! ill III Everyone loves a comedy. especially if directed by Peter Boretski, cast with the best of iCurtain Club talent, and profes- fsionally costumed by Maria Ku- charski (who was responsible for the magnificent gowns in “The Country Wife" and “Pygama- ilion“.I Such is the case with “The Diary of a Scoundrel" the club‘s ‘festival entry which is being presented on February 10. 11. 25 Yonge Street North. Tickets are already available and selling fast. Reserve yours :today by calling 884-2528. Ii It II! t Before attending the Rich- ing to prepare reports for the annual meeting to be held at 13. 17-20, 26, 27. at the theatrei -mond Hill IODE executive meet-' At an afternoon wedding in Richmond Hill United Church. December 26. Deirdre Ann Hunt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunt. Richmond Hill be- came the bride of Blake Charles William Noon, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Noon. Weston. Rev. Charles Higginson per- formed the ceremony. Wedding music was sung by Lois Perkins. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a floor length .gown of candle- light white satin which fell into a chapel train. Her full-length veil was of French lace and was caught by a pearl drop on a leaf headpiece. She carried a bouquet of white mums and red carnations. Attending the bride were a maid of honor, Sharon Craigie, Sympathy is extended to George Major, Lynett Crescent, on the passing of his father Ern- est Major at Toronto Western Hospital on January 24. Inter- ‘ment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. **** A well known resident of the area for the past 46 years. Mrs. Herb Gater, 0x- ford Street. will celebrate her 79th birthday on Feb- ruary 1. Her many friends in the Hill join “The Liberal" in extending every good wish for a very happy birthday. **** The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. F. Jan- kowiak, Baker Avenue. on the death of her father. Horace James Savage. who passed away on January 19 at Sunnybrook Hospital. Toronto. . *ilkltl ‘. The Kinette Club of Rich-‘ mond Hill celebrated their 10th anniversary on January 11 at the Richmond Inn. I Guests included several of. the Kinsmen. former Kinettes‘ the Summit View Restaurant and Mr. and Mrs. Ian McClure,; DEIRDRE ANN HUNT IS BRIDE 0F BLAKE NOON Wed In Richmond United Church a bridesmaid, Gail Methe and two flower girls, Betty Ransom and Karen Hunt. All wore floor length gowns of red peau de soie with full skirts and scoop necklines. and carried cascades of white roses. Best man was Malcolm Jordan of Toronto. Ushers were Thomas Woodhouse of Toronto and Erik Campbell-Smith of Richmond Hill. Following the ceremony. a re- ception was held at Summit View Gardens. The bride’s mother received wearing a street-length sheath style dress of cream and gold brocade with a three-quarter length matching coat. Her hat was of brown Mrs. M. Savage Heads Ladies Fair Auxiliary Mrs. Milton Savage will again head of ladies auxiliary of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society for 1965. She was re- elected chairman at the annual meeting of the auxiliary held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Graeme Bales. Mrs. R. Kent will serve as vice-chairman of the auxiliary this year and Mrs. Arnold Mort- son as secretary-treasurer. Co- chairmen of committees ap- pointed Monday evening are: lunch booth. Mrs. W. Diceman; baking competition. Mrs. E. Boyd; flower arrangements. -1V-Il-ir-(M-V-u-lr-imtqu-O-J-h-U-t 4 and gold flecked organza and she had cream-colored acces-. sorles. The groom's mother wore a street length gown of emerald green peau de soie styled on em- pire lines with three-quarter length sleeves. Her accessories were of matching emerald green and gold. For the honeymoon trip toI Quebec City the bride wore an Irish tweed suit with dark brown‘ accessories and a corsage of yelâ€"‘ low roses. ' Out of town guests attending! the wedding were from Blind River. Sault Ste. Marie. Toron-l to and London, Ontario. 1 The young couple are now living on Winette Avenue in Toronto. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ‘ Miss Ruth Garson : A.D.C.M. announces that Guisseppe Minchella 3 will be accepting I registrations for students of the trumpet SATURDAY, FEB. 6 from 1 to 5 pm. at 428 SOUTH FERNLEIGH CIRCLE (Bayview-Markham area) .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JUST ARRIVED . . . From Fort Franklin. Northwest Territories SMALL SAMPLE SHIPMENT NORTHERN CREE HANDCRAFTS EXAMPLE: Bone implements and home tanned and beaded Caribou Gloves & Crow Boots THE "CANADIANA" GIFT SHOP 80 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL A'l' 884-5464 Lid-0-0”.“-)-‘J-m_.I-O-0-”-J-(i-0-i e-ru-u-u ’m---_u-.«--“---m~--~- (I Galina sAvmes I ROUND STEAK 0R RUMP muse BRISKE'I' LEAN PLATE lb. 19¢ SLICED ENDS Bacon lb. 39¢ - 3 lbs. $1.15 C. NELS GAGE SKI 1/4 Walnut/a allude _ “For Women Who Deserve The Best" South Block Richmond Heights Centre BAYVIEW PLAZA FINAI CLEARANCE DRESSES $10 - $15 - $20 TU. 4-769I WEAR o FF LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884-II05 Mrs. J. S. McCague; and school work competition, Mrs. M. Huit-‘ son. ‘ Lloyd Beatty. Mrs. E. Clark and Mrs. M. Read. All ladies interested in the auxiliary are asked to call Mrs.‘ Morison at 884-3065 or Mrs. Savage at 8844939. The next meeting of the auxi- liary will be held February 22 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Beatty. Concession 3 Markham Township, 887-5462. Committee members are Mrs] . . , Mothers' Auxiliary met on Janu-‘on February 1_ several of the; gellmg (if the Blehménd “lufiry 19 at the home 0f MFS- Ale' members assisted at the blood mth C_“r°h “m be “elmmed Iha Smith. TYneview Lane. donor clinic. held last week at: and recewe‘i 0" Maren 7' Twelve members were present. the Richmond Hill United. For those who wish to con-i A Special vote of thanks waSIChurch_ presidents of North York Kins-‘ The “mm, was formed‘ N 0 w I S I H E I I M E men and Kinette Clubs respec- 13“ year and. had a Very Successfi the” jful exhlblt in several compete. ' V tive classes in the Lions Hall; Mr' Bernard “anger “as the in connection with the spring w. K. CAIRNS To have your remodelling. renovating ‘sider the meaning of the Chris-Intended to those who so gener.‘ a n n it guest speaker for the occasion. fair ‘ or redecorating done. “a” 1731‘“ It '5 planned ‘0 hold‘ously contributed to the success-. Congratulations to the new He spoke and ShOWEd DlCtUY€5‘â€"' -vmâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.‘. t classes on Sunday at 2 p.m. be- ful fall conference luncheon. executive members of thelof his work a. the Hospital for gs“llllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllIllllllllllllllIIlIIlllIlIllIIIIIIIlllllllllllllgi I ginning January 31 and on Fri-rheld November 25‘ Plans wereiFriendship Circle at St_ Gab. Sick Children. where he has; the 2 ‘Local busmeSS 311d tradesmen are I M t. days 3; 4 p.m. beginning Jan-‘made for the menu and tablelrieps Anglican Church; presi. been fgivitnhg \'0lltll‘lfl_afit‘lly of his}; piano 2 anXlous to help you and your neighbours uary - decorations for the annual dent Mrs. A. Price. Vice-presi- lme 0F 8 PBS _1 een years. 5 teacher 2 ' . ‘t “a * * * * father and son banquet to be dent Mrs. D. J. Boyle. Secretary entertaining the Chlldren Of the 2 E to bund 3‘ prOSpelous commum y' The an 1 t. Miss Ruth Gal-son. teacher of beta February 17 in \vnxon‘Mrs_ p_ s. Townsend. Assistant‘surgical wards. g ESTELLE MARKHAM E ' . nua mee mg or theiV'OICE- Plano 311d flute. has Der-Hall, and members were asked‘Secretary Mrs. R. Sandy. Treas- Birthday cake and COffee 3 3343737 2 SpeCIal dlscounts may be Offer‘ad RIChmond H1” bramh 0f the suaded Mr. Guisseppe Minchellaonce more to contribute their urer Mrs. R. Barker. Member-)Were SPI‘VPd- Vmonan Order Of Nurses has to teach interested students of time and talent for this event. been announced to take place in the council chambers at 8 pm. February 3. ithe trumpet in this area. I Mr. Minchella brings to his new task a wealth of experience . Christmas cards were collect- ed to be distributed in the Rich- fmond Hill area. for the use of GueSt Speaker “'“I be w- 1‘“ gained in 15 years of study inlmentally retarded school child- calms‘ who has had 18 years his native Italy and 15 years oflren. also cancelled stamps. exPenence as a VON board performing with the Cevaro Or- which will be sent to the Boy member. His subject "Early History Trends in VON." Mr. Cairns is vice-president of Greater Toronto branch VON. vice-president of Ontario‘ branch. chairman of the na- tional education and publicity committee and a member of the national board of management. Thus he has a wide knowledge of every facet of VON work. Reports of 1964's business will be presented to the meeting and will be and Modern election of 1965 officers will be ser‘atory 0f MUSIC examina- r‘ T hen. non. . EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ; .M .0.“ S. S S U 9 The public is cordially invited Miss Garson takes pride and , 3:30 TO \IIDVIGHT j) o ‘ ‘ 'S‘ RICHMOKD HILL to attend this annual meeting pleasure in having .\lr .‘lll‘l-’ A A I of the VON which provides a vital service for this community.istruction. chestra in and in operas. . High School students who are ifinding difficulty in mastering. wind instruments will be happy‘ to learn that Mr. Minchella can be of great help to them in this matter. His own training has concerts been of the highest degree of ‘ perfection and he will endeavor skill to his students. prepare students for Royal Con- chella Join her in musical 1n- Scout Association Headquarters in Ottawa. Coffee was served. and the Just returned EWWWWW" The Legion Court YONGE STREET NORTH BAND LEADER. B. GREGG . \“NNNWNWWWWWWWW‘YVNNWNW ship Convenor Mrs, E. Jackson, Program Convenor Mrs. R. J. Facer. Chairman for Sunday r, school nursery Mrs. K. Clendeni ning. Refreshments were served by ~ ~~ Mrs. D. J. Boyle and Mrs. R. J. Facer at last week‘s meeting when the new executive was in- _‘ stalled. ) I ) I I I HIGH I-IA'I'S BAND > I ) ) I I I 2 884-5344 J}; i remember your friends and relatives with a “FRIENDSHIP PHOTO"â€"-and here's a Jan- uary Stuart Saysâ€" 6-Wallet size Friendship Don't delay -â€" make your appointment. now â€" Call 884-6741 and ask for ‘I .i IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII? 'alentine‘s day is Feb. 14th. This year. special for Teenagers? Photos just $55.95 Offer good until Feb. 6th STUART! during the winter. REMEMBER When everybody works Everybody benefits For information write or call NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 4985 YONGE ST., WILLOWDALE 225-1194

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