Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1965, p. 15

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The 5th Richmond Hill Scout group announces the formation of a senior Scout troop for boys 14 years of age and over. To qualify the boys must have passed most of the first class tests. The troop is under the leadership of John Turner, former leader of the regular troop and is probably the first This club originated in Chic- ago in 1941 and since then has grown to the place where there are many organized groups from coast to coast in United States and many cities in Canada. Pioneer Girls . has_ no organic connection with ‘any political, 5th Richmond Hill “Pioneer Girls", 3 club for girls aged 8 to 11, will have its beginning in the Langstaff Bap- tist Church on February 1. --a... ..." ... 7"_ ~....(,...... _,.r tist Church on February 1. This club originated in Chic- ago in 1941 and since then has grown to the place where there are many organized groups from coast to coast in United States and many cities in Canada. Pioneer Girls . has no organic connection with any political, social or religious group. but it is operating'in churches of more than 20 denominations. The purpose of the club is to win girls for» Christ. train them in effective Christian liv- ing and prepare them for Christian leadership and serv- ice. At a church parade on Dec- iember 13. Rev. c. G. Higgin- son presented Stephen Coxford, Kim MacDonald, Tim McGhie and Brian Whittingham with their "Religion and Life" cer- jtificates and badges. John Scott, gbeing unable to attend the lchurch parade. received his “Re- ligion and Life“ certificate and badge from Mr. Higginson at the pack meeting on January 8. On December 18 the pack iheld its annual Christmas party at which time Santa Claus dis- tributed presents to the boys. At the January 8 meeting Stuart Thompson was promoted Christian leadership and serv- ice. ' The weekly meeting will feaâ€" ture a variety of craftspgames, songfest time, Bible explora- tion and other special activities designed tointerest every type of girllj-‘Th‘e ‘girls will have 0ng portu’n_ity'- to progress in rank and earn badges in a wide var- iety of fields.- Although Pioneer Girls Club consists of two age divisions, Pilgrimsâ€"ages 8 to 11 and Col- onistsâ€"ages 12 to 14, only the Pilgrim Division will be meet- ing weekly .at 6.30 for the present time. They will meet At the January 8 meeting Stuart Thompson was promoted to Sixer of the Tawny Six. Mang Pack Nine new "chums" have been invested since September, bring- ing the pack total to 42. The pack is under the able leadership of Stewart Coxford, well known local outdoors en- thusiast. He is ably assisted by his wife, Ruth. and by John Sutherland and Jim Pearson. The Coxi‘ord's son Stephen is a member of Rama Pack. daugh- ter Susan is a Girl Guide and Nancy is a Brownie, so that all members of the family are in- in the youth centre building of Lanzslaff Baptist Church. In a vep‘y short time there will alsmh’e a club organized for the Colonist Division. All girls ages 8 to 11 will be made wel- come this Monday. Pioneer Girls Club Formed At Langstaff Langstaff Baptist Church. Inl Since September. members ol‘ The town} four ml” FafveS‘ a vepy short time there willgMang Pack have pasSed four!“°“" 10“de {mo “‘{mat‘hlne’ nlsoxhe a club organized for thelhouse orderly badges. two swimâ€"jam: reS‘fient‘aI PUbllc 531001; Colonist Division. All glrls'mer badges, one athlete badge,i€0mmerc1al anti 1nd‘ustr1al pub- ages 8 to 11 will be made wel-ltwo collector badges and 10‘llc “hook res‘deinml “Para” come this Monday 1mm stars. ‘school; commermal and indus- â€"A+â€"â€" v »â€"7â€"~ ~â€"» â€" w â€"~ ~ -» ‘ trial separate School. i"_“““““““‘vj The new system gets tax bills ‘ Victoria Square Community Centre Dance Ilout much earlier and speeds FOR FREE DELIVERY AT CASH AND CARRY PRICES CALL lOVE'S LOVELY LUMBER 285 - 5488 Open Monday to Friday 8 am. to 6 pm Saturday 8 am. to 4 pm. Spring Items to arrive about Feb. lst JANUARY CLEARANCE Boys’ Sizes Infant to 12 60 Green Lane, Thornhill Girls’ Sizes Infant to 14 Family Aliowance Cheques Alwraiyrs Welcome ABOUT In, OF ALL ITEMS _ IN THE STORE ARE ON SALE COATS SNOW SUITS JACKETS LEOTARDS DRESSES -\~ INFANT ITEMS TOYS. ETC.. ETC. 20% T0 50% OFF regular prices SALE SCOUT NEWS CUB and senior troop in the area. Five boys from the regular troop are already qualified and four more are expected to qualify before long. By formation of this troop On December 18 the pack held its annual Christmas party at which time Santa Claus dis- tributed presents to the boys. Leadership of the regular 5th Richmond Hill Scout troop has been taken over by former leader Drummond Fraser whose capabilities are Warmly wel- corned. The Coxford's son Stephen is a member of Rama Pack. daugh- ter Susan is a Girl Guide and Nancy is a Brownie, so that all members of the family are in- volved in scouting and guiding. Rama Pack By formation of this troop it is hoped to provide older boys with an interesting pro- gram. It will also make it pos- sible for the regular troop to accept more boys moving up from the Cub packs. 3305 BayvieW Ave. 250 Yonge St. N. Bayview Mall Bayview at Cummer (285-1919) Willowdale. Ont. Richmond Heights Centre (884-7474) Richmond Hill. Ont. CUB PACKS 'â€" - Mechanical Tax Billing Saves Time And Money “We plan to mail even earl- ier this year.” says Mr. Clem- " ent. “Tax bills will be partial- I'ly pre~printed ahead of time. As soon as the mill rate is ‘struck, we‘ll have a printer lstandxing by to add this informâ€" ;‘ation. We should be able to‘ [start billing about two days ai- '{tere :hnmmnte is wartime ‘ ed." i In 1962, the article recalls. when the town‘s population was 16,000. the eight-week tax bill- ing job was a tedious time for \employees and expensive for [the town. In the spring of 1963, lthe accounting machine was first put to work on tax bills and did the job in three weeks. o Instalments are calculated automatically by the machine 0 Four separate mill rates are locked into the accounting machine. saving the time of manual pre-cnlculation. “Preparation and mailing of iicated on the bottom Ireceipt) 5,500 tax bills, once an eight-‘part of the tax bill and clerks week grind for municipal emâ€"‘no longer have to re-enter ployees in Richmond Hill, can these figures. This saves staff now be completed in two weeks t me at the front desk. The col- and without the high cost of10r of the tax bills is changed overtime,” says an article in theleach year to help the staff pro- January 1965 issue of “Civic‘cess payments faster. Adminisn‘atmnn- 1 On the subiect of local im- Deputy-Clerk-Treasurer L. M. Clement is quoted as saying in- troduction of the machine has cut the annual billing task down to size and produced these im- portant fringe benefits: The article ascribes the in- creased efficiency to an ac- counting machine. the F1500 typing Sensimatic, manufactur- ed by Burroughs Business Ma- chines Ltd. 0 Collections arrive earlier, allowing the town to save bank interest by paying off loans ahead of time. ulation had jumped to more than 19,000. but machine time was cut to two weeks. The elimination of overtime, is an important saving, says Mr. Clement: “It takes two persons to do the complete job, one operating the machine, the other check- ing back-up sheets against tax figures listed in the roll. These sheets are also used to balâ€" ance at the end of tax billing." l “Previously, DHO auditors as Iwell as our own auditors, would wade through all the general account cards to check on roads,” says Mr. Clement “A separate system with a differ- ent set of cheques. has simpli- fied auditing. It's also easier for the town's works commissioner and provincial tax inspectors to review amounts spent on roads." Similarly. separate ledger O A complete breakdown can now be given on local improve- ments. The new system gets tax bills out much earlier and speeds payments. Taxpayers pay bills in threelmonth. ‘ instalments; These were previ- The general ledger functions ously manually calculated and can be handled smoothly. even then entered on the tax bill. Al- during tax billing time, by so, a perforated receipt section changing a bar on the machine. on the bill had to be filled out “We had been considering in full when payment was made. hiring extra hem." says Mr- With the revised duplicate Clement “The sensimatic made tax bill, instalments are calcul- the expansion unnecessary. We ated automatically by the mach- have one regular machine op- ine and odd amounts added to erator and two other members the first instalment. of the staff who can take over This information is now dup-iif required." By 1964 tax billing time, pop- ulation had jumped to more than 19,000. but machine time was cut to two weeks. Previously, all rates had to Be Dre-calculated before tax bills could be processed. With the revised duplicate tax bill, instalments are calcul- ated automatically by the machâ€" ine and odd amounts added to the first instalment. \ No English was spoken in a demonstration of an Oral French lesson at the grade 5‘ level, conducted for 22 minâ€" utes with 13 children at the January 18 meeting of Pleasâ€" antville Home and School As- sociation. Noel Bennett-Alder, director of French for English- speaking elementary schools in the Department of Education, greeted the grade 5 pupils as they came on stage in French and from that moment neither he nor the children spoke a work of English. The instruc- tion was concerned with areas of school work in keeping with} the policy of the department in regard to this subject. French and English by Mrs. Hilda Burkett, head of the French department of Rich- mond Hill High School. A delegation of six was pres- ent from the McConaghy Par- ent-Teacher group and the Rich- mond Hill Public School Board was well represented as they learned a great deal about ‘French as a second language. Mr. Bennett-Alder stressed the fact that he came as a friend to explain one more .phase of education in Ontario so interested people can learn what is being done in the field of education. lâ€"â€"_â€"_-1 There is no set curriculum in elementary school French, but the course is tailored with em- phasis on the areas in which the children are involved. rather than on them becoming bilingual. Mr. Bennett-Alder also told of his duties. explaining that he is not a salesman. but rather an assistant to teachers and boards to help make a. program in French work. In this way he is quite distinct from an in- spector. It was quite evident that the 13 children in the class were delighted with the ex- perience, end the 60 pu- ean present were most im- pressed with the demon- stration. The demonstration was fol- lowed by a 40-minute discus- sion period when Questions flawed freelyâ€"and showed no sign of decreasing interest when a halt had to be called. He noted that numerous areas are putting the subject into the curriculum in grades 7 and 8. one reason being that all the majorareas have senior schools, and teaching of any subject is more economical in such school. However. it has been found that grade 5 is a better place to start since pupils in that grade are apt to be more relaxed. Pleasantville H & S No English Spoken In Wm. NEAL Oral French Meeting gei‘éq‘i‘fiiflil “'2: fizzmofgi: £12533 Rapsetffiliza ‘5‘; $321 "5!” MRS The speaker was thanked 1n calculated With fewer manual calcula- Tl_itions and the machine's built- in proof factor, the possibility of error has been reduced. ngl In its first year of operation of the machine was used strictly ifor tax billing and posting, At 31. {the start of 1964, it was put to nk‘ttmrk on the town‘s general led- ns ger. This includes accounts re- ic'eivable, accounts payable and "J trial balance. Vfl On the subject of local im- provement figures, Mr. Clem- ent reports: “Before, to obtain individual local improvement totals, we had to go through the complete assessment roll, adding as we went. The Sensi- matic handles these totals as an automatic function." Before putting the machine on the general ledger, Mr. Cle- ment visited the nearby muni- cipalities of Orlllia, Whitby and Georgetown to see how they handled these and other admin- istrative functions. Then he added some ideas of his own. Department of Highways be nece roads subsidies. for example. building: are segregated from general ac- vide for count cheques. An extra set of to provi1 account cards was set up for the building job. 1 The 1 Similarly, separate ledger cards have been made up for each of the town‘s outstanding debentures. These are up-dated monthly. allowing town man- agement to know individual de- benture amounts and outstand- ing amounts in total. Formerly, this was done once a year. I 0n accounts payable, every cheque is posted to general led- ger as it is written. Under the old system, it probably wouldn't be posted until about the secâ€" ond week of the following month. “The necessary figures are readily obtainable," says Mr. Clement. “In effect, the new system has improved budget control." Mr. Clement‘s department is responsible for producing a complete financial statement in time for the town's nomination meeting each November. A delegation of six was pres- ent from the McConaghy Par- ent-Teacher group and the Rich- mond Hill Public School Board was well represented as they learned a great deal about French as a second language. Mr. Bennett-Alder stressed the fact that he came as a friend to explain one more phase of education in Ontario so interested people can learn what is being done in the field of education. Wendell and Bently'Mazelow of Proctor Avenue spent the two weeks after Christmas in Mexico. Spending most of theirI time in the area of the capital. Mexico City. the boys enjoyed. among many other things a bull fight. ‘ UXBRIDGE: Norman Smith of Uxbridge was named president of the Ontario County Farm Safety Council at the annual meeting of the council held in the Department of Agriculture office at Uxbridge January 8. DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone 285-5205 The present pavement on Yonge Street and storm sewers laid in 1928 from Markham [Road to Levendale Road are rapidly getting beyond the pat- ching-up point, Mayor Thomas Broadhurst told the town plan- ning board last week. He ad- vocates approaching the- De- 9partment of Highways about undertaking resurfacing of the road, widening Yonge Street .and daylighting the corner of ‘Markham Road and Vaughan jRoad. Coupled with this should l;go increased storm sewer capâ€" acity which would handle more concentrated use of Yonge Street to be made by office or apartment buildings. u.” sup-nu uauu. acLuuu. Mrs. D. Barton and third Bob Walker. Neighborhood Notes The Carrville UCW will meet at the home of Mrs. James Wil- liams February 3, at 8 o'clock. Birthday greetings to Wendy ‘Purves on January 30. All those on the sick list seem to be doing just fine, for those suffering from colds and the flu, cheer up. it will soon be 'spring. With the weather that we have been having it is a wonder everyone hasn't been under the weather, one day you have to wear fur lined shoe laces, and the next day practic- ially run around in your shirt He feels that all problems are interlocking and one can not be solved without consideration of all the others. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Carrville United was held in the church hall in the form of a pot luck supper. The folks who attended were Mayor Hopes To Spark Yonge Re-Developm't Because of drainage difficul- Sleeves ties in the southwest area, it With probably would not be possible greates to provide parking at the rear Winstoi of these buildings and it might everym be necessary to require such the pas buildings to be set back to pro- memor vide for off-street parking, or the 01 to provide parking space in the think i 51962 Ford A Toronto man, who was ar- rested by police following a visit to a priest Saturday night, appeared in magistrate‘s court Thursday morning, to face a charge of armed robbery. The capacity of the storm‘ sewer on Centre Street East must also be considered before advocating increased density on the east side of Yonge, the mayor said, and also the one on Church Street. Visit To Priest Brings Arrest He was arrested by Vaughan‘ Township Police after a priest at St. Paschal Baylon Church, 92 Steeles Avenue. reported that he» had been con-fronted by a man at the confessional de- mand-in-g $100. Rear lot parking with lanes should also be considered not- ing that these might be passible both east and west of Yonge. He said the man had a news- paper over his arm and had told him that it was covering a gun. The priest said he gave him $15. in the two blocks south ind north of Centre. Charged was Carlo Seiro, 49, of 40 Prince Arthur Drive. The accused was picked up within 30 minutes after police were called. Police said he had a Very pistol, a pistol used for firing flares. in his possession. 395 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND BILL TU. 4-7381 1962 Pontiac 2-door & automatic. 1962 Chrysler 1962 Falcon Wagon 1964 Volkswagen Van. Just like new. 1962 Ford 1960 G.M.C. Wm. NEAL “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET FAST RESULTS PHONE . 884â€"1105-6 or 285-3316 ONE OWNER CARS Many others to choose from Chrysler - Dodge - Valiant “Get Behind the Wheel with Neal for Vuues” Standard transmissiOn. Saratoga. Power steer- ing, power brakes, radio. V-8, automatic, one owner. Galaxie. 6 cylinder. automatic. ’2 Ton Pick-Up Truck. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone 285-4001 CARRVILLE NEWS i With the passing of one of the‘ greatest men in the world. Sir‘ Winston Churchill has been in} everyones’ silent thoughts for the past week. I imagine many memories are brought back to the older generation as they think back upon the war years. It is with deepest regret that we along with the rest of this , world bid good-bye to this man lwho will go down in the pages iof history as a legend of our » times. Euchre Pnrty On Friday evening. January 22, the L.O.L. No. 91 held a euchre party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker. Birch Avenue. Prize winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. B. Saunders. Mrs. W. Campbell, 2nd prize; third prize, Mrs. C. Ash: Men's first: Bill Richardson; second. Mrs. D. Barton and third Bob Walker. Neighborhood Notes small in number but from all reports a very enjoyable even- ing of fellowship was had by all. Euchre Pnrty R. H. Police Investigate Two Sunday Accidents “- .1llLlllIlUIlu lllll .uuuuaj. III Mackay Drive - Richv.1. which two motorists struck Rev. K. A. Hutch" parked cars. A“ 545789 Stanley Kokurewicz‘ 29- of Richard Leach. A.R.C.T., 351 Osiris Drive‘ has been Orzgnist charged with careless driving gummy, JANUARY 31, 1965 by police after striking a parked Epiphany IV car on Markham Road. i8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion Damage to the two cars tot- 9.30 “n. _ Senior Sunday alled $500. Mr. Kokurewicz sufâ€" School fered a bruised head. 11 am. -â€" Morning Praver Stanley Kokurewicz, 29. of 351 Osiris Drive. has been charged with careless driving by police after striking a parked car on Markham Road. Police are still seeking the driver of a car that struck a vehicle owned by Peter Pere- hinczuk, 61 Grenoble Drive. To- ronto, which was parked in front of 96 Roseview Avenue. More than $900 damage was done in two separate accidents in Richmond Hill Sunday. in which two motorists struck parked cars. SATURDAY, JAN. 30 Notice! We are Not Going Out of Business! - - Clearance of All Name Brand 1964 Models - - Terms Cash or 10% Down and Easy Monthly Payments Registration Fee â€" $3.00 for each course Courses: Hostess Hints Horticulture Investment & Money Management Evenings: Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 16, 23 & March 2. Registratiou: Tuesday. Feb. 2 & Thursday, Feb. 4, 1965 - 7:30 to 9:30 pm. THORNHILL SECONDARY SCHOOL Registration Fee â€" $5.00 for each course Genrees: Hostess Hints (International 000k- ing, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Greek foods) Physical Fitness for Ladies Evenings: Mondays, Feb. 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22. Registratiom Monday. February 1, 1965 - 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Courses: Golf (for beginners) Public Speaking Evenings: Wednesdays, Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 3, 10. 17, 24. Registration: Wednesday, February 3, 1965, 7:30 to 9:30 pm. For informationâ€"Phone Thornhill Secondary School - 285-5453 Bayview Secondary School - 884-4453 M. J. Kinnee, Chairman AdvisOry Vocational Committee All Appliances and Televisions Carry a Full Warranty with Free Service WILCOX APPLIANCES AUCTION SALE York Central District High School Board NEW APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE EVENING PROGRAMME SHORT COURSES BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL mum-” Maple Shopping Plaza Maple SALE STARTS AT 1 RM. AT Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bono SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 1965 EPIPHANY IV 8.00 am. â€" Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer Preacher. Rev. Paul Morley Church School for all ages and Nursery. 7.00 pm. â€" Holy Communion 'Questions & Answers‘ THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby 1nd Bnyview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4238 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1965 8 a.m.'â€"Holy Communion 9.30 a.m‘ â€" Senior Church School. 7 to 13 years 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Special preacher: Right Rev- erend F. H. Wilkinson, Bishop of Toronto. Junior Church School, 2 to 6 years and Nursery 7 pm. â€" Said Evening Prayer HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL \ Brooke & Jane Streets i Rector ‘Rev. E. Reginald Howden, B.A.. ; L. Th. Rev. Fred C. Jackson. Assistant. Estelle Markham. ARCT..RMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1965 School Classes 11 am. â€"â€" Church School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and the thany Preacher for the day â€" The Rector Wednesday 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH 1V Sunday After Epiphany 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Senior Church 9.30 am. â€"â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer and Litany 11 a.m.â€"Junior Sunday School 2.30 pm. â€" Confirmation Class 7 pm. â€" Evensong Wednesday â€" 7.30 pm. Adult Confirmation Class O COME 0 TO 0 WORSHIP 0 AND O REJOICE A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer A N§ l,_|_§_A N i ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Jan. 28, 1965 Richmond Hill 1 (Convention of Ont. and Que.) F Minister: Rev. F. F, Bennett c Meeting in the Public Library Auditorium S 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 1( 11 am. -â€" Worship Service; Junior Church & Nursery For small children A Cordial Welcome to All ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH ST. MATTHEW'S Maple UNITED CHURCH The Anglican Church of Canada 325 Crosby Avenue Rector: Rev. Ramsay ArmitagepRev. 1“. James Burn. B.A (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnol. D.D. SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 1965 11 am. -â€" “The Psalm 01’ the Cross" 7 p.m.,â€" "Does God Care?" (Place your questions in the Question Box) A Friendly Welcome ls Extended to ALL 884-3091 ST. Efif-s BAPTIST CHURCH M.A., D.D. ‘ TU. 4-5526 8 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY, JANUARY 31. 1965‘ 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 10.30 am. â€" Worship Service Holy Communion on 2nd (Baby Care) - Sunday of month at 11 9.05 am. â€" Sunday School- -ST_ Jo‘fiis Primary and Junior ‘ runs}; or KING 10.30 am. â€" Nursery Kinder- (Anglican) garter! HOURS OF SERVICE ‘11.45 am. â€"â€" Senior All Saints’ Church - King City 1 pm. â€" Intermediate 10:30 am. â€" Morning Prayer r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 11:10 am. â€" Sunday SChool Irwnuvnrn tml'rnn nmmnn A WXfii/i WEEédMEAWXiTs YOU ‘Wrser-V CALVARY CHURCH 11 mm. â€" Morning Sfizice RICHMOND HILL LANGSTAn‘ 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill BAPTIST CHURCH Affiliated with the Pentecostal (Fellowship of Evangelical Assemblies of Canada Baptist Churches in Canada) TU. 4-4387 26 Church Street Thomhm Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorenson Pastor: SUNDAY Rev. Thomas M. Watson 10 am. â€" Sunday School 9 Benson SL, Thomhili 11 am. â€" Worship Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1965 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Sex-vies ' 1100 am. â€" Message TUESDAY J. “THE GOSPEL ACCORDING=8z30 nm- -â€" Prayer Meet! a T0 PAUL" FRIDAY 7.00 p‘m. _ Message 7 pm. â€"- Children's Hour “GOD'S FINAL MESSAGE TO __-._â€"__-. --. An“-..â€" (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D., Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Org-nist 10 a.m. â€"â€" Senior and Intermed- iate School 11 mm. -â€" Junior School and Nursery 11 mm. â€" Morning Service LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada) 26 Church Street Thomhlll Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson 9 Benson St.. Thomhill MAN" Mrs. C. Bowyer will be Guest Soloist for this service. Supervised nursery at all Lord’s day activities SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 1965 9.30 am. â€" School and Adult Bible Study 11 mm. -â€" Worship Service Nursery provided. 7 pm. â€" Young People ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Albert E. Myers. BA. B.D., S.T.M.. Pastor 884-5264 Ralph Markham, Organist and Choirmaster Nursery DFOVIOBG Oak Avenue M Smith! -â€" Service. ‘ 9330 3-m- â€" Remembrance Sari vice v RICHMOND HILL 11 am. â€" Bible Hour 8: Sun- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH day SChOOl " Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister 7 11m. â€"- GOSPEI SerVice Mrs. Vera Diamond Tuesday 8 pm. â€" 13rayer meet- Organist and Choir Leader ing and Bible Study. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1965‘ Women's and Young Peopler 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School and Meetings as Announced. . Bible Class “'Faith of Our Fathers Living 11 am. â€" Morning Worship ‘ Stiu" ‘ 11 am. -â€" Nursery Department‘ w (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lange. B.A., B.D. SUNDAY. JANUARY 3!. 1965 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School and RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. 3A., B.D. SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 1965 9.45 am. â€" Primary. Junior. Intermediate & Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Nursery & Kinder- garten Sunday School. 11 am. â€" Morning Service “Christ‘s Little Flock" 7 pm. Chapel Service The Minister 8 pm. â€" HI-C Group THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D.. Rev. Veils, Assistant Minister "CEIERCH Rev. L. K. Slder. Pastor Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A., 3.1).. SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1968 Rev. Veda. Assistant Minisur‘9-45 a-m- â€" Sunday SChool SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1965 |11 “11- ~ WOI‘ShiD 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and,Pastor‘s theme: "Man's Greatest Senior Sunday School ' Need" ‘ 11 am. â€" Nursery and up to 11 7.30 p.m.â€"E\'ening Service years Wednesday. February 3 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Prayer Meeting For further information call “THE WORD FOR THE AV. 5-2131 WORLD” Bible Class 11 am. -â€" The Service Nursery provided Maple, Ont. and ST. PAUL‘S CHURCH 7th Con. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 31. 1965 10 am. â€" St. Andrew's Sunday School and Church mumon 10.20 am. â€" St. Paul‘s Sunday ALL WELCOME school AV. 5-3364 - AV. 5.5051 11 LmAâ€"St. Andrew's Bible ' â€" Class DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL 11.15 am. â€"- St. Paul‘s Church (Clarke & Willowdale Stu.) ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH MIDWEEK HOUR“ WED., 7.30 pm. Prayer, Praise, Bible Study ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LUTHERAN RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH UNITED CARKVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister ‘» Rev. Ralph C. Williams, BA. SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1965‘ Hope, . . . . . . n . . . . . . . 9.43 8.211.: Maple â€"â€" ' Sunday School V . . . . . . 9:45 am; LPrimary. Junior, Intermediate _Wors'nip Service . .n 11 am; , Junior Congregation ‘ Kindergarten and Nursery; A welcome 15 extended to all. 10 am. â€" Sunday School Nursery to Adults Youth Week January 31 to February 7 Theme: “All For Jesus" 11.30 am. and 7 pm. Services Speaker: Mr. Walter Sober. Physical Education Director at Lorne Park College. Port Credit Wed.. 8 pm. F.M.Y. Panel on RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 31. 1965 Other Denominations “The Creation in Genesis" Church of the Light and LI“ Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday 884-7097 Wm. Vanderbent, Pastor 1 Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3153; Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Wed. 7:45 p.m.-Prayer Meetfiii Vaughan (311! Con., 2 mfler north of Concord) 11:15 am. â€" Worship Servico. Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. ’ 10:30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11:30 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. â€" Evening Serv1ce Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Mr. Philip King 7.00 pm. â€" Evening Service I Mr. Philip King ‘ 8.15 pm. â€"â€" Communion SerVico Concord at Public School I Rev. A. W. Heise. Pastor ' Tel.: 285-5002 ' 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meetin'l- Roy Nigh. Pastor ‘ " Tel.: Gormley 5544 ' Wednesday â€" 7.30 13.111. Prayer Service and Bible Study C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 1/4 mile West of Yonge Staci 9.15 a.m.â€"Sabbath School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service. Classes for All ' 11 a.m.â€"Ministry of the Word 7 pm. â€"â€" Worship and Coni- munlon SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 1965 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School ' 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL CONCORD SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1965 10 am. â€" Bible School A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH

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