Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1965, p. 18

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Notice is hereby given hearing to be held t Township of Markham mittee of Adjustment Municipal Offices Butu on Thursday. Februar: 1965, at 7.30 pm. The application to be has been submitted by J G. Barrington owner of 1 Lot 28, Concession 1. To of Markham. A varia requested from the pm of By-Law 1442 as amen NOTICE OF HEARING has been submitted by Murray G. Barrington owner of Part of Lot 28, Concession 1. Township of Markham. A variance is requested from the provisions of By-Law 1442 as amended in order to allow a dwelling to be built 4 feet from the west lot line rather than 5 feet as required by the by-law. This variance is requested in order to comply with Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation regulations. Signed written submissions on this application will be re- ceived by me at this office prior to the hearing. Signed written submissions: on this application will be re-l ceived by me at this office prior‘ to the hearing. 1 The application to be heard has been submitted by Howard E. Hunt, owner of Part of Lot 28, Concession 1. Township of Markham. A variance is re- quested from the provisions of By-Law 1442 as amended in order to allow a dwelling to be erected 4 feet from the west lot line rather than 5 feet as required by the by-law. This variance is requested in order to comply with Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation regulations. 1 Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Townâ€" ship of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices. Buttonville. on Thurs- day. Feb. 4th, 1965. at 7.30 pm. Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Iiversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information 884-3348 For Further Information .Agreed on .the recommeyda' 8844348 tlon of the fmance commlttee that Frank Barrett be asked to W appear at a meeting of that M committee to discuss senior citi- mmulmmummuuuummumuuuuuummmi Zens' store rental‘ taxation and ‘parking. The members of the NOTICE OF HEARING 1“. 5.3755 Tu. 4,7456 "It looks t ‘8 O 0 d cont: wlnmunumlmull\mmnummuuumnuumumumumIAlan Sumner TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Committee of Adjustment Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Loan] Services Rendered to Cancer Patients Richmond Hill TV TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Richmond Heights Shopping Centre Committee of Adjustment WHAT MAKES YOU SO SURE _ Cfllflk TV IS PERFEBIEB? Secretary. Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment RR. 2. Gormley. Ontario. M. A. N. Shenfield. Secretary. Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment, RR. 2, Gormley, Ontario. i ( I own Agmm! (KB 28 Levendale Road Richmond Hill 1m \3 R} ~: *3 $§ CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY THE LIBERAL) Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 28, 1965 South Block Established 1878 PHONE 285-1073 126 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL CA/65/2 Phones: CA/65/3 Shenfield stment at the es Buttonville February 4th given L! “fI€Q a heard Murray the Some druggists feel that the tax, which is levied on the drug- gist’s purchase. could lower prescription costs to the con- sumer by as much as a fifth, if removed. It has also received little in the way of petitions in the way of support with the maj- ority feeling that all the peti- tions in the world aren’t going to change the federal govern- ment's present position. At Monday night's meeting transportation committee of Richmond Hill Council the also attend this meeting. following matters were dealt * * * "‘ with: Agreed to pay $1,221 A scheme by the Ontario Pharmacist's Association to pet- ition against an 11 per cent fed- eral sales tax on prescription drugs. has received little in the way of favorable comment from Richmond Hill druggists. The CPA has sent out petiâ€" don't like petitions." tion forms to 2.000 druggists in Said Hugh Wight. of Wight‘s the province in the hopes of Pharmacy: "I don’t think I'll do collecting some 500,000 signa- anything about it. The petitions tures from customers showing might have some hearing but their opposition to the tax. The we don't plan to take part our- association will present its pet- selves.” ition to Finance Minister Wal- Richmond Hill Councillor W. ter Gordon next month. ‘13. Lazenby, proprietor of A1- Some druggists feel that the lencourt Pharmacy, said he had tax, which is levied on the drug- had some of the petitions on gist’s purchase. could lower display. but that not many peo- prescription costs to the con- ple had picked them up. Markham Township Council last week approved of a new garbage disposal contract with Miller Paving Co.. at a cost of nearly twice as much as its previous contract. However, the new agreement. which will cost $29,652, calls for twice-weekly collections. compared with one before, and is for five years. The contract will run from February 1. 1965, to December 31. 1969. Miller will also provide the location for disposing the garbage. Approve Markm G a r b a g e Pact If and when that day comes it won’t be through a petition say local druggists. “It looks to me like a very g o o d contract," commented In its previous agreement. which was also with Miller, cost was figured on a pickup basisâ€"there was no contractâ€" and the company was at first paid between $6.000 to $8,000 for a certain number of pick- ups. and then an increase when it agreed to make additional summer pickups. The new agreement works out to 27 cents a household per pickup. Richmond Hill Town Council Briefs At the recommendation of the transportation com- mittee, L. Needler of Trail- ways of Canada Ltd., will be requested to attend the next meeting of that com- mittee on February 18 to discuss transportation. mer by as much as a fifth, if “To do a good job on the pet- moved. itions, we'd have to push them If and when that day comes, all the time,” Mr. Lazenby said. won’t be through a petition, “If it could be proved they had y local druggists. any effect, we wouldn’t mind." “If we had a strain: associa- He said he was somewhat The Church of St. Gabriel. Richmond Hill East. held Its annual community worship service on Sunday morning, January 17. Representatives of local government in Richmond Hill and Markham Township attended the service at the invitation of the rector. the Rev. Robert McLennan. Seen above at the social hour that followed are (left to right) Public School Board Chairman Walter Hutchinson. Reeve Donald Plaxton, Rev. McLennan. Mayor Thomas Broadhurst and Markham Township Deputy-reeve Stewart Rumble. Druggists Not Counting 0n Petition To Remove Sales Tax Annual Community Service A t St. Gabriel Approved grants to the fol- lowing: Canadian Council of Christians and Jews $10. St. John Ambulance $25, Muscular Dystrophy Association of Can- ada $25, York Music Festival $10. Total grants for the year lwin be limited to $700. “I’m not circulating them,“ Mr. Clarke said. . . . “I just don't like petitions.” Said Hugh Wight, of Wight‘s tion like the medical profes- sion, it might do some good,“ said C. M. Wight of Tambiyn‘s Limited, Richmond Heights Centre. “But I don't have any effect tion has yet." Alec Clarke, of Clarke‘s Pharmacy, said he was oppos- ed to petitions as not reflecting the true picture of the people. Agreed to pay $1,225.70 for the SCM Copier in the town office. Approved an agreement with the York Central Dis- trict High School Board which will permit surface drainage at B a y vi e w Secondary School to be dis- charged by the town's open ditch storm drain into Bea- ver Creek. The board agrees to indemnify and save harmless the town from costs or claims arising from this use. A covering by-law Approved membership in: Ontario Traffic Conference $25. Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association $45, On- tario Good Roads Associa- tion $20. Ontario Municipal Association $100. TV BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE 13 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TUES. â€" WED. -â€" THURS. FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL HANS HOFMANN THE CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLIST AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER SPECIAL . . . . . . . . . . . .' REGULAR PRICE UP 'TO 520 As long as Present Stock Lasts 1' R 0 II B I. E ? CALL BA.I - 0485 STOCK CLEARANCE SALE think it will . . . No peti- cowwwas9so will will he prepared. I i R‘ Peary manager of Bever- 0 ‘ . . ‘ r _ nly two other clmlcs ley factss PharmF‘CX’ .Sald he have yielded over 200 pints hadnt much falth 1n petl- of blood and this was one tions and hadn't done any- of them “mg, about the assoc‘atlon5'\uunmmnumlmmmmunnmnumnnnmnnumunulmumuuw petltlon yet. *’â€"mâ€" itâ€" ‘_ A .ll sceptical of petitions, however, as the Royal Commission on Health Services had already recommended removal of the tax, but nothing had been done about it. “You can get people to sign anything ” said Mr. Peary. “I don't think the government pays much attention to them" (pet- itions.) Councillor Lois Hancey, not- ing there are not many side- walks in the town, asked those people who have one in front of their home or place of busi- ness to shovel the snow. She said that legislation is being prepared which will make this compulsory. Heard a report that the circuâ€" lation of books by Richmond Hill Public Library had been 223,236 in 1964. A slight sur- plus of approximately $1,000 in the library account will be re- turned to the town. Councillor Walter Scudds thanked the police and works employees and the three teach- ers who helped direct traffic during the three days of the Yonge Street detour. “It was handled very well with a mini- mum of confusion,” he said. Councillor Hancey asked that all members of unpaid commit- tees who retired this year be sent a letter thanking them for their services. Mayor Tom Broadhurst said the letters were ready and waiting for his signa- ture before they were sent out. There was one optimistic note, however. Walter Murray, manager of Mainprize Drug Store, said that, although the petitions might not be that effective. they at least gave people a chance to voice their opinions about such things. “Then they get to the government, where these things should go.” Mr. Murray said. Representing Richmond Hill in addition to Mayor Broadhurst, Reeve Plaxlon and School Board Chairman Hutchinson were Deputy-reeve Floyd Perkins. Councillors Mrs. Lois Hancey and Eric Handbury. Public, School Trustees Jack Knott. Mrs. Deena Simpson. Mrs. Phyllis Hawkes and Andrew Hutuheson. Planning Board Chair- man Howard Whillans and Hydro Chairman Sam Cook. Markham Township was represented by Deputy-reeve Rumble and Councillors Alan Sumner and Charles Hoover 884-5892 jgflwo Councillors ““Conduct Meeting “yam Lna'rman Mm LooK' Reeve Donald Plaxton of Richmond Hill enquired wheth- er the by-law did not set out ‘the man's duties. ' When,the by-Iaw was finally minimlm\iuuu1mm1mmiinIumnu11muumuuumumuiiproduced and read it was found Pints that the position was termed r lthat of a “planning consultant" represented by Deputy-reeve Alan Sumner and Charles Vaughan Township Council- lors Warren Bry‘ce and Sam Kaiser held the fort all by them- selves last week. In his absence. Councillor Dalton McArthur was appoint- ed to attend a meeting of the Central Ontario Regional Tour- ist and Development Council in North York council chambers on January 27. Reports given at Monday’s council meeting indicated that they were the only ones who had attended the Wednesday committee meeting of the pre- vious week Reeve A. H. Rutherford and Deputyâ€"reeve Garnet Williams had attended the waterworks committee meeting in the morn- ing but had to go to the York County Council meeting in the afternoon. “That's what is called an in- centive appointment,” remark- ed Councillor Bryce. The planning committee (with? only Councillors Bryce and Kai- ser in attendance) had discus-‘ sed the request of the plan- ning board for direction about 1965 fees but had left the mat- ter to be discussed by a full council. A recommendation from planning board that ele- vations for all buildings on lots not covered by subdivision ag- reements be approved by the building department or the township engineers was also held over. The numbering of houses on Naughton and Stancroft Drives and on Yonge Street between Naughton Drive and Elgin Mills, as requested by the post office, will be done as soon as other priorities have been taken care of. Payment was authorized of fire accounts totalling $1,024.46 and police accounts of $430.98. Two hundred and forty- seven pints of blood were donated by Richmond Hill and district citizens at the Red Cross Clinic held on Tuesday of last week. Com- mittee Chairman Dr. J. M. Wachna reported the clinic was most successful with the quota of 250 pints al- most reached. Atlas Photo Supplies Blood Donated U LTRA PROJ ECTOR Brilliant 500-watt projection. Cinépar 3/4' f/1.6 lens for sharper detail. Forward, still or reverse movie action. Swing-out gate for easy load- ing. Selfcontained carrying MANSFIELD Holiday 8mm RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-3221 II Objections To New Man "P at the York ( the co market new a; market. over V new appointee should be cal planner" or “1 ant”. Commenced Duties Jan. 1 Reeve E. J. ina Township by-law creatin Reeve E. J. Norris of Georg- ina Township insisted that the by-law creating the position had termed it "consultant". “Does he do planning for the county?“ he asked. “If we adopt this (part of the 1964 warden's reportl he is a plan- ner." Mr. Norris insisted and moved that 'the word be changed to consultant. Reeve J. 0. Dales of Northlcommittee last fall and began Gwillimbury accused Mr. Norris his duties January 1 at a salary of making a play on words. Thelof $11500 per annum. plus car term "consultant" he said. madelallowance. the position sound a part-time; A graduate of the honors or temporary one. If Mr. Dow-Egeography course at the Uni- son had been called a planningiversity of Toronto and of the "director" it would indicategtown and regional planning that his duties went beyond thatldiploma course. Mr. Brown was of a consultant and the com-iawarded the Metropolitan To- mittee had therefore designatedlronto Planning Fellowship in him a "planner." 11958. Magistrate Hollinrake said the House of Concord had been doing “a wonderful job." what- ever the youths might think. Having the Salvation Army take on the responsibility of delin- quent youths relieved the courts from sending them to jail or reformatory. Vaughan Township Constable Jim Mabley said he had been called to the Salvation Army home for boys about 11:15 Jan- uary 19 to apprehend Thomas Hull, 20. and Reginald Mitchell, 17 who “had the whole house in an uproar.” He said they had consumed a half-dozen beers between them and had an unopened bottle of rye on handhEvery light in the house was on and all the rest of the boys in the home were up. He said, however that he was going to sentence Hull and Mitchell because the youths had made it difficult for both the staff and the other youths. Two youths from the House of Concord, who Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake said were “not going to jeopardize the future welfare” of other‘inmates, were convicted last week in magis- trate's court of having liquor in a place other than a dwell- ing. Rowdyism At House Of Concord Brings Jail Terms To Two Youths The two were fined $50 each, with an alternative of seven days. Hull and Mitchell, who were on probation at the time of their arrest, now also face breach of probation charges. Fined $25 and costs on a similar charge was Margueritte Weston. Toronto, who was ar- rested in Richmond Hill Dec- ember 9 afler she was observ- ed driving in an erratic man- ner down Yonge Street. The accused then got up and staggered down the street be- fore being apprehended Con- stable Kelly said. He smelled A part-bottle of rye was found under the driver’s seat. Constable John Kelly of'Q Richmond Hill testified that heffi had seen MacElwain lying on the side of the road on Church > [:1 Street December 28 about 11.50 '4 Peter MacElwain, 16, of 3052 Bluegrass Boulevard, was fined‘0 $15 and costs when he was cong victed of drinking while under {'4 age. 9'] <1 Heated L the .1 $49.95 SPECIAL OFFER PRICE Ited words le January County ( county bu tions To "County Planner" Man "Planning Consultant" rds were e: nary 20 me y Council, building r whether Lee Conroy called the “planning in New- council‘s Dowson "county consult- and that his duties were to make studies of the physical. sociological and economic de- velopment of the county. to conduct research activities. to give advice to council “and such further and other duties as may be from time to time as may b‘ authorized Mr. Dowson was chosen from among five applicants inter- viewed by the county planning committee last fall and began A graduate of the honors geography course at the Unl- versity of Toronto and of the town and regional planning diploma course. Mr. Brown was awarded the Metropolitan To- ronto Planning Fellowship in 1958. After a year as zoning admin- istrator for Scarboro Township, Mr. Dowson was senior planner for North York for two years. He spent five years in Niagara Falls and resigned his position as planning director there to come to York County. In sentencing MacElwain, Magistrate Hollinrake said that the fact that the youth’s par- ents had come to court showed that he would probably be further dealt with, “and would do more good than I could by imposing a large fine.” Constable Douglas Young, who investigated the incident, said the youths had told him the same thing at the time they were first questioned. although later admitted the possibility Comeau might have seen them with the beer. TORONTO: The Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir. directed by Mrs. Grace Hastings, Port Perry won the choir competition Iâ€"zo LEVEN‘DALE ROAD_ 20 IZEVENDALE "ROADâ€"'20 LEVENDALE ROAD WALLPAPER SALE A charge against Wilfred Co- meau. 96 Roseview Avenue, of supplying MacElwajn and an- other youth with liquor, was dismissed. at the annual Junior iFarmer “Toronto Conference" on Jan- uary 9. slightly of liquor and Admitted to drinking some beer. Both MacElwain and I com- panion, William Hassall, 16, of 260 Anzac Crescent testified they had come across the beer in a refrigerator in Comeau’s apartment. Comeau. however, was unaware they had it, they said. then voted in favor of Mr. Norris' motion and Mr. Dowson was designated in the report a “planning conâ€" sultant" as he had been In the original lay-law. Jack The majority of council Latex Knapp’s Paint Service Richmond Heights Centre 20 LEVENDALE ROAD_20 LEVENDALE ROADâ€"20 I BUY BOOKS mealtimes. Moore’s “Sillers” Brand $1.38 Qt. - Reg. $1.95 emi.Glos $1.63 Qt. - Reg- 52-25 $4.40 Gal. - Reg. $5.90 S S $5.55 Gal. - Reg. $6.95 884-7664 PAINT SALE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIO January Special PRE-FINISHED $ _20 Mahogany Plywood pm] WIN-DOR FREE ESTIMATES - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY CARS AVAILABUE BODY REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS. â€"All Types of Insurance. Workâ€"â€" 285-6192 Rumble Transport Next to Richmond Inn - Top of the hill Call Manager Bill Calder 727-9381 Aurora DOORS - FRAMES & SASH - TRIM PLYWOOD - LUMBER Number 7 Highway west of Dufferin at CNR tracks WAREHOUSE STORAGE 75 YONGE ST. SOUTH 4'x8’x3/16" Auto Refinishing 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 884-1013 - Richmond Hill THORNHII.L COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD Richmond Hill’s Finest Richmond Hill 285-5445 Toronto 5 Colors to choose from 20 LEVENDALE ROAD AV. 5-1117-8 923-2942 Toronm Pontiac â€" Buick Ltd: BODY SHOP For $5.15 PREV PASTED VINYL Wall Covering PER ROLL Reg. $6.50 LUMBER CO. LTD. 364-2625 per sheet Per Roll

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