St. Matthew's choir presents the “Chorus of The Bluffs" barbershop show, Bayview Sec- ondary School auditorium. FEBRUARY 9, TUESDAY â€" York County Branch, Canadian Mental Health Association will hold their Seventh Annual Meeting in St. Andrew‘s Unit- ed Church. Markham. Dr. Stuart E. Rosenberg. Rabbi. Beth Tzedec Congregation, Toronto, will be guest speaker. A preced- ing coffee-party from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. To the public a sin- cere invitation is extended. If you are hunting for a clean- er who puts quality and cust- omer satisfaction above all else then you need hunt no more. Next time you have a bundle of soiled garments. drop them into the store or give us a call and our delivery man will pick them up. No licence required either. MAY}, SATURDAY â€" 3 pm BINGO â€" Thursday night, 8 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION p.m. sharp. jackpot. â€" 4 spec- ladies auxiliary branch 375 ial and 25 regular games. Our weekly bingo starting Tuesday. Lady Queen of The World Hall. February 2 $50 game to go east side of Bayview at Crosby weekly, penny bingo for early Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc28. birds. Admission 50 cents. Le- !gion Court. tfc31 ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall, east side of Bayview at Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc28. JANUARY 29, FRIDAY â€"The Fragments Coffee Club. This week a current of Irish folk- lore finds its way to the depths of the Fragments in the person of Owen McBride. The vault opens at 9:00 pm. c1w31 FEBRUARY 6, SATURDAY â€" Mundinger Music Concert. fea- turing local talent and the Mundinger Accordion Orches- tra in the Lions Hall. 106 Cen- tre St. E. at 8.30 pm. Admis- sion 50 cents. c1w31 FEBRUARY 3. WEDNESDAYâ€" At Legion Court under auspic- es of LOBA Empire Lodge. Clark's Food Demonstration at 8.15 pm Refreshments served gift of products. Interesting film. Admission 35c. clw31 FEBRUARY 3. WEDNESDAY â€"8 pm. Victorian Order of Nurses annual meeting. Rich- mond Hill council chambers. Guest speaker Mr. W. K. Cairns. vice president Greater Toronto Branch VON. Subject: Early history and modern trends in VON. c2w30 FEBRUARY 2, TUESDAY -â€" 8 pm. euchre in Maple Masonic Hall. Everyone welcome. Come and bring a friend. If you are a home- owner. I can cut your monthly payments in half or less. I’ll lend you from $1550. to $15,000. to pay off a mortgage, finance company, bank loan or any debts. FIDELITY Financial Services 12 Richmond St. East. Toronto EM. 3-6251 NEED MONEY? RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB Coming Events Corner Yonge Street and Levendale Road RICHMOND HILL For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call James Climans "27 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" TU. 4-4411 c1w31 02w30 c1w31 at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church ed will observe youth Sunday by tles‘ Creed will be used. ng giving its young people charge The preaching of the sermon of the worship service. will be a joint effort by Greg Sunday's service will begin Dueffert, Valdl Inkens and Ed w at 11 a.m The Luther League Miller. The prayer of the of of the congregation will conduct church, the major morning ,h_ the morning order of worship. prayer, will be offered by Brian r5_ including the sermon. lDawe. faith. The words of the Apos- A Progressive Conservative, Mr. Mackenzie has represented York North in the Legislature since 1945. Mr. Mackenzie came out in strong support of the Red En- sign as Ontario‘s official flag. Premier Robarts had indicated earlier he will ask the Legisla- ture during the current session to approve choice of the Red Ensign as the official flag of the province. The only change will be the addition of the provincial crest. Douglas Bonnell will read the collect. This is a one-sentence prayer summarizing the thoughts of the day's worship. Mackenzie MLA Favors Red Ensign, Ontario York North‘s representative A. A. Mackenzie, the oldest liv- ing member of the provincial house, attended the official opening of the winter session of the Legislature held Wednesday of last week in Toronto. Routine physical examinations had indicated that the hemo- glogin counts of inmates ‘was generally lower in the spring than in the autumn. In order to rectify this and keep up the re- sistance of the residents dur- ing the winter months, large Wayne Rumble. Rita Inkens and Klaus Willner will read the morning Scripture lessons. The young people will all join in singing the Luther League hymn. “0 Christians. Leagued Together," as an anthem. Brenda Tomrett will lead the‘people w congregational confession ofJFebruary Health Of York Manor Residents Good; "5 Accommodated In I964 The health of residents at the York Manor Home for the Aged was generally good during 1964 it was reported at the York County Council meeting Janu- ary 20. Allen Miller will give the in. Allen Miller will close the vocation to open the service. serVice with the benediction. Then he will lead in the order Special music will be played for the confession of sins. lon the organ by Charles Nord- The introit will be read by gren. Ralph Markham. St. Cathy Rumble. Her sister. Mari- Paul‘s organist and choirmaster, lyn, will lead the Kyrie and will play for the order of wor- Gloria in Excelsis. These are ship. prayers and hymns of praise in- Candle lighters will be Carol herited from the earliest cen- Crittenden and Myrna Dawe. turies of Christian worship. Klaus Willner and Juergen i Charged with breaking and .entering and theft were Lawr- STOUFFVILLE: Three m°nth5']ence Moody. 21, and Richard activity by a “peeping Tom" wasiWeldon. 21, both of 361 Queen put to an end when two Stouff-‘street, Newmarket. ville constables answered com-i The two were arrested by plaints January 19 and followedIConstable Ronald Rankin. of footprints in the snow to the'Whitchurch Township Police. home of a 20 year old youth. who witnessed the would-be His name had been on file as a robbery while driving through suspect before the arrest. lAurora early Sunday morning. Allen Miller will give the in- vocation to open the service. Then he will lead in the order Young Members Of Luther league To Conduct Youth Sunday Service Phil Barth Approximately 30 of the res- idents are daily visitors to the craft room. Considerable mat- erials for crafts was purchased in 1964 and exhibitions and bazaars were held during the year where the articles prod- uced were exhibited and sold. Wilson-Niblett Motors Ltd.. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile dealers in Richmond Hill, are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jack Rumney as a sales representative. “munummuummmnmumuumnmnuuuw A resident of Gormley. Mr. Rumney brings with him ten years experience in the auto- motive business and looks for- ward to seeing his many friends and customers in his new pos- ition with this progressive dealership. In a second craft room, ap- proximately 15 special care re- sidents also enjoy crafts. .uumuuuuuumuunumuumuulu“muummmumuuuuumnm Special home care was appro- ved during the year and ten prospective homes were inves- tigated and their operators re- viewed. Three of the homes were approved by the York Manor board. They will ac- commodate a total of 18 per- sons. If York Manor becomes completely filled, these homes could be used to care for ap- plicants who would otherwise be on the waiting list until there is a vacancy at York Manor. Lloyd Gohn was appointed superintendent of the home and Edward Wilkinson named his assistant. The league enjoyed a visit to the Sabbath (Saturday) service‘ of Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue in Downsview Janu- ary 23. The synagogue young people will return the visit in stocks of cod liver oil and min- eral capsules had been ordered and residents are being given these daily until spring. A total of 155 persons were accommodated at the home during 1964, 59 men and 96 wo- men. Staff now totals 68, in- cluding a partâ€"time barber and part-time hairdresser. Alert Police Action Brings Quick Arrest Adult advisers of the league are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Guenter Bel- lach. along with Pastor Albert E. Myers. An alert policeman. who spotted a man dipping into a service station till, was respon- sible for the apprehension of two men who appeared in mag- istrate's court in Richmond Hill Thursday morning. The preaching of the sermon will be a joint effort by Greg Dueffert, Valdl Inkens and Ed Miller. The prayer of the church, the major morning prayer, will be offered by Brian Dawe. Candle lighters will be Carol Crittenden and Myrna Dawe. Klaus Willner and Juergen Parsche will be ushers. APPOINTMENT WILSON-NIBLETT MOTORS LTD. (Lagerquist muuuuuuum ;RNA Course At Bayview Secondary The area of the addition which will be used for the course Mr. Chapman noted was originally designated by the ar- chitect as “unused†space. How- even once the levels were de- termined it' was found satisâ€" factory windows could be in- stalled and the space he put into use. He estimated capital costs would amount to approx- imately $15,000 for changes in the building with an additional $5,000 for equipment Its an- nual cost would be provision of a teacher and some part time personnel to provide supervisâ€" ion of the girls in the hospital, he said. This would make it comparable to any other shop in capital and annual costs. (Continued From Page 1) course at staff and pupil lev- els". The RNA course is de- signed for people who are not able to cope with a five year high school program, he noted, so will not con- flict with those svudents seeking registered nurses training which requires the five year program.. Mr. Chapman noted that nur- 178 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Sasmycbdqwi (c265 (/o\skwogen wifh The 51999 WMdOMS Bigger windows? On a Volkswagen? > We could hardly believe it ourselves. Even when The new models arrived from The faciory. looked like the some old bug to us. From the outside. Then we sat down inside. What a difference. Bigger windows. Everywhere you look. The youngsrer's drawing shows you wha’r the bigger windows feel like. Wont lo know what they look like? Come on in and see for yourself. If you look real close you'll ï¬nd 16 other improvements. W. 6:. P. Service “Poor old Auntie Kleo Who looks exactly like a horseâ€. Kleopatra (Anita Stainer) and General Kroutitzky (Derek Miller) discover “The Diary of a Scoundrelâ€. This Russian comedy will be produced by the Curtain Club on February 10, 11, 13, 17-20, 26, 27. Tickets may be obtained by calling 884-2528. Curtain Club 3 Festival Entry Authorized Volkswagen Dealer On motion of Trustee Endean money will be taken from the contingency fund to install plumbing and electrical outlets for this room. This work which has to be done right now is est- timated to cost between $2,000 and $3,000. Supervised Study Truottee Bar-Ree reported that the board has been concerned with the slightly higher level of dropouts at Bayview Secon- dary. Irt recommended, and the board approved, that school be opened for study Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 to 10 pm. Directed study will be provided for students who com- mit themselves to attend on those evenings on application from their parents. Mr. Kinnee noted that this was strictly on an experimental ba- sing assistants are not per- mitted to administer med- ication, handle surgical bandages or cope with ster- ile techniques for wounds. The rate of nursing as- sistants to registered nur- ses varies from hospital to hospital he said. In some cases the ratio is 40-60, in others 50-50. IAKIINU IIME â€" OI’. . MONDAY FEBRUARY 1st LIONS HALL 3591 sis and will be continued for a maximum of 10 weeks. The tea- cher will be paid $16 per night for a three hour duty, the trus- tee noting that this is slightly less than the rate for supply teachers. NESTLE’S R. J. LUCAS SUPER VALUE CARNATION EVAPORATED DETERGENT QUIK 21/2 lb. tin $1.05 FRESH GRADE A-ROASTING or FRYING CHICKENS AYLMER TOMATO MILK CHEER RINDLESS 3‘00†)5; . ’. i pkg, 5 9¢ N0. 1 U.S.A. RED RIPE Tomatoes IMPORTED U.S.A. NEW 14 oz. cello package SOUP CABBAGE 2 heads (Continued From Page 1) Reeve of Sutton. These two ap- pointments were for three years. As there were two nominees for the third place, a vote was held and Deputy-reeve Ernest Rixon of Georgina Township de- feated S. G. Patrick. deputy- reeve of Aurora by 16 to 12. 29 Yonge St. S. - Richmond Hill The first two places on the board of directors of the Chil- dren's Aid Society went to George Richardson, deputy- reeve of Newmarket and Norn Garriock reeve of Woodbridge by acclamation. giant pkg Hooper County Commissioner 88 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL 257° Starting Feb. 1st, For 2 Weeks BORK J EWELLERS Each purchase during this time entitles you to a free entry in our “Diamond Watch†draw to take place at 4 pm. Saturday, February 13. 45¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 28 39¢ And Hundreds of Other Jewellery Items 73¢ STARTING TIME â€" 8PM. Frank Kennington. deputy- reeve of North Gwillimbury was acclaimed for a seat on the board of the Royal Winter Fair. Deputy-reeve R u m b1 e, of Markham Township received an acclamation to the board of the ONE as did Stewart Burnett, deputy-reeve of Whitchurch Township. COPACO Vegetables In t (Wax Beans, Corn, Peas & Carrots) DEL MONTE FANCY LYONS’ Tea Bags 100's pkg. CLARK’S CALIFORNIA FLORIDA Reeve Piaxton of Rich- mond Hill presented a reso- lution asking that committee reports be submitted to council members 48 hours before they are discussed in council, stating that he CELERY PORK G: BEANS Sliced or by the Piece OVEN READY 2V2 - 3V2 lb. av. BOLOGNA LETTUCE 2 20 oz. TINS 41¢ extra lge. stalk 884-1681 Diamond Rings Watches Cuff Links Cultured Pearls Jewellery Boxes rarely had time to read them, let alone study them before being asked to vote on them. Several members felt this would slow down the operation of the council too much and Vaughan Township Reeve. A. H. Rutherford stated that it would require the hiring of more staff to mail the reports out. Reeve Joseph Dales of North Gwil- limbury felt it would severely restrict the action of the com- mittees, and the resolution was defeated with only Reeve Plax- ton and Reeve Timbers voting in favor. tin , 1965