Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1965, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 6 Thursday, Jan. 28, 1965 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, 1st insertion So each word, minimum charge 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word, niin. charge 65c BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, Sc per word; min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS. 1N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS. per insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10:30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invmce ARTICLES ' FOR SALE fKINDvlady/to'babyflsit in my‘ home. Please call after six. 884- l 285-4702. uniform supplied. 887-5411. l Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE ‘ The classified ad takers at “The Liberal“ are friendly, helpful people. trained in their jobs, with a full realization of the importance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call When you do, it will “THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 â€" 285-3316 to place a Want Ad sooil. be a pleasant experience. LEN PUGH REALTY LTD. HELP WANTED DRIVER for light deliveries. 285-2770. Mr. Child. c1w31 [Continuedl EXPERIENCEDiwaitress want- ed. days and part time. The 7 way. 285-5790. PLUMBERS Steady work for reliable men.‘. Phone 887-5234 after 6 pm. 1 c2w30 4285. c1w31 MAN'orionnanito scrUb and wax office in Richmond Hill.‘. c1w31‘ DENTALTassiStant. experienced preferred Phone 884-4094 Mon_.EXPERIENCED waitress \vant-‘ ~ .I 1 ..1 ed. Apply Pop's Tavern. 194 d3! -t9â€"frlE§-, --. - - c-“j Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. LADY companion in exchange “(.30 . -.’.’ 6. ~---- - ‘ for room and board 285 M3 WELDER wanted. acetylene-1 31 -- - -- -,CIW lonly. W. E. Nixon 81 Co. Van“ WAITRESS wanted. experiencedlldorf. 72743211 or 9231746. c2w30‘ CM“ nmcsneai’ distr'iblitorimov- HELP WANTED i C3“'29.KENNEDY'S Home and Com- CARPENTRY a. CONCRETE MISCELLANEOUS} ' P'ONDS‘DUG’FREE For information call, 884-3272. we) Drive-in. Don Mills and 7 High-> "PLUMBING _ HEATING , A. MILLS & SON LTD. James I). Stewart 884-2201 tfc43‘. mercial Cleaners. Floors. ceil- ings. walls. rugs. windows. chesterfields. 884-7866. Phonei tfc16i PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfc? ‘Wilcox. broadloomu ' FOR SA LE ffl AUTOMATIC washer for sale. 285-5226. W tfc30 (Continuedl 'ELECTRIC clotheâ€"s dryer. 285- .5226. tfc30 l APARTMENT siz'c’reing’ernax HAIRDRESSER wantId. eifiiii enced. Apply 285-1416. tfc31 I4.YEARCLD boy with bicycle‘ Custom building additions, re- pairs. rcnovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 CALL us for your? sanvdfgraviel. ing to Concord requires young lady for steno-typist duties.- Grade 12 or better. 421-8600, Mr De Moraes. clw31' TARP for saleT'ioniy’son Phone 285-4609 c1w31 UPRIGHT-Tnianorideal for reC- reation room. 285-4554. c1w31 RECONDITIONED Eas’y’auto- matic washer. $79. Phone 884- 5072. c1w31 NEW ProctoTâ€"iEoning board and cover. New Proctor all purpose boiler. 884-3568. A“ 7 ‘clrwral’ BALED hay. alfalfa and timo- thy and oat straw, baled. 887â€" 5567. *3w31 WALNUT bedroom suite. in- cluding 4 poster bed. 285-3555. clw31 HAY and straw by bale or ton. Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2236. tfc18 FIREPLACE wood. 5 years sea- soned oak $20 cord; maple $16. Delivered. 773-5368. tfc25 LLOYD baby carriage. very good condition, $30. 884-2294 .or 884-2861. c1w31 .Wâ€"ESTINGI-IOUSE. z'i‘TflTv. working perfect, $40 285-5557.. c1w31 UPRIGHT piano. $300, West- inghouse. washer and dryer. 884-6888. c1w31 FRIGIDAIRE electric range. 2i 285-5226. tfc30 DRY hardwood, cut. suitable for fireplace use. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfcw23 ' RATCLIFF LUMBER CO. Stouffville, 640-2351 Union- ville, 297-1661 Gormley. 888-- 1991 Slab Wood and Fireplace Chunks For Sale c1w31 TV DEVICE FOR THE HARD OF HEARING Designed to help you hear your favorite program better and clearer without annoying any- one in the same room. Attaches to the TV easily. Instructions included Money-back guaran- teed. Send $1.00 cheque or mon-. ey order and self-addressed en- velope. Northern Television Products 4810 Yonge Street Willowdale. Ont. fl USED CARS 1755 BUICK sedan. $40. 887- 7310. no 4 to 6 daily. Wights Pharmacy, 884-4444. *1w31 WAITRESS wanted To; 7 am. Eâ€"ARNrthat needed monAeyr“ThAe Avon Way". For details write‘ Miss Ziegler. Box 141, Guelph. to 2 pm. shift. 7584 Yonge St.. Ont. c1w31 Thornhill. r r 7 c1w31 W'liA’QR’O'LL'CLERK AND "" HOUSEKEEPER cook required TYPIST ' Office near Maple has two vac- ancies for either male or femâ€" in Oak Ridges. Phone 895-5606.‘ c1w31 WOMENWforklight fEctory work. in Thornhill. Steady employ-l ment. 285-5407. c1w31 LADY wanted to pack foodiAp: ply Scott's Chicken Villa, Yonge, St. N.. Richmond Hill. ior typist. Telephone 285-4861. ('1w31 ACCOUNTING CLERK Large steel distributor moving to Concord requires responsib- le young man with grade 12 or #L. ....._#L_-71;_1W3-1 better for costing position. 421-, NEAT, efflclent mOVlng V3“ 8600. Mr. De Moraes. operators. S a l a r y commen-. c1w31. surate with ability. Call 884- 2613 or 285-5101. c1w31 WOMAN to care for children in our home. five days a week. Markham-Bayview area . 884â€" 7696. c1w31 WOMAN companion for elder- ly lady. Room and board and small remuneration. No house- work. 285-5536. c1w31 FREE room and board and re- muneration for reliable woman. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN OR SALESWOMAN David McLean Ltd. Realtors have openings for two addition- al salesmen or salesladies to join their busy long-establish- new year. Top commissions. bonuses and managerial assist- ance. Please call Mrs. Suther- land. 884-3805 or evenings, 884- 5310. c1w25 ale help. payroll clerk and sen-i ed Richmond Hill offices in the, ‘CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. tfc7 WCONCRETE - MASONRY“ Building. alterations & repairs. prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter-i ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc 31 ALPHA JANITOR SERVICE Complete office or store clean- ing. No job too big. no job too small. Phone 773-5319. c1w31 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete Work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard. 16 Elizabeth St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 1 Light housework and baby sit- ting. 884-5505. c1w31 WOMAN for general dutieTin one-girl office with some knowl- ’59 MG convertible. metallic blue finish. $650 884-7810. nc COME AND GET ME CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price EMPLOYMENT inch. $35. Lovely condition. 884- 4517 c1w31 GREENHOUSE glassTs" x 2‘4". 1 double bed and mattress. sev- eral greenhouse sashes, 3‘ x 6‘. 884-2218. *1w31 BEDROOM suite. walnut. spring and mattress. baby‘s high chair. vtplaypen with pad, $15. 884- 4775. c1w31 ‘ADINING ROOM suite and buf- fet, $75. 40 hp Mercury out- ;board. complete with controls. .884-5168. c1w31 FUR jacket, honey beige. mus- krat, size 16, $125. Apartment 1956 DeSoto. $250 or closest tak- es me home. 8700 Yonge St.. Richvale. c1w31 1959 OLDS 88. power equipped. automatic. radio. Good condi- tion. Telephone 884-4957 (eve- ningsl. c1w31 1957 HARLEY DAVIDSON mo- tor cycle. Needs assembling. $l50. Phone 773-5766 after 5 c1w31 1961 RAMBLER Classic 6, over- drive, radio, 4 new tires plus 2 snow tires, mounted separate- ly. One owner. $1150. 285-6621 01‘ 884-6382. c1w31 washer, 30. Both . mâ€"*_’“_‘-â€"â€" 3844848} “‘9 1964 CHEV. Impala hardtop, 283 engine, standard column WGâ€"13? Tm shift 50 , 0 nd tak - VPlymouths All parts for sale. ments,$773-5a766 aftgrogelprfy \After 7 p.m., Kevin, 884-7049. c1w31 c1w31 - .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ 1960 CHEV half ton truck motor 'KITCHEN table- and tires good condition. 1963 . 4 matching ichairs. pearl grey desxgn. $20: Parisienne Pontiac 4 door. 14,- 000 miles power steering and «alsoumatching cabinet $25; two -.7 3 W196 venetlan blinds 515- radio. Other extras excellent condition 727-4888. c1w31 “Aurora 727-4671. *1w31 “LADYS’ full length Hudson seal m tires and accessories; also used ‘fur coat, worn a dozen times, trucks for sale. Moore Truck "like new Must be seen to be 'appreclatEd' COSt “35’ Snap at Parts & Sales Holland Land- ing, 895-4666, Aurora lot, 200 $100. 285-2738. *1w31 MATHS’ TV RADIO Yonge N. 727-6432. tfc15 WHOLESALE CARS 884-7903 Used wringer washers, automa- 'tic washers. All reconditioned. [Full warranty. Parts. tfc28 i’GOOD used furniture for sale. ,Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- -l TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC These cars will be sold with low down payment. Full price and age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- monthly payments as shown 2613. th3 Watch “The Liberal" for. our ‘ HONEY weekly wholesale "as is" spe- -" WERNER “315- 1 2854724 1960 Falcon Station Wagon $897 “C21 1960 r d s d $40 per or e an ALUMINUM $34 per month Doors, windows. awnings, and ,raillngs. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 AT DISCOUNT CLEANERS we 'do repairs, alterations and quality cleaning for all your i clothes at Discount prices. See our Resale rack of better gar- 1960 Envoy Sedan 8626 $29 per month 1958 MG Hardtop $545 $26 per month 1958 Edsel Sedan 9495 $24 per month, $532 $26 per month 1957 Ford ments up to size 20‘ at a frac_ 1957 Morris Minor $160; tion of their cost. In the Mall. Ful1 Price. IRichmond Heights Centre. tfc48 R- D- LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. ‘BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- ‘mons, Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- ,turned just like new; medium' ,‘firm, extra firm. Two-day ser-‘ .vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On-l -tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591.> c1w31 ~iiETS FOR SALE i PUREBRED black Labrador Re-I _trievers. 773-5200 c1w31 tfc44i_ â€"_.i.7 _.. -_ ._._- , 'EH‘COLLIE black and white, good ADEESEWRII‘TERS with children. Free to good’ Sales Sewfiegflffis home. 884-7187. I‘lCl\\'31 s â€"â€"â€"‘-‘â€"“ '~.-â€" '~ Authorized Dealer TRIMMING. bathing and‘ {grooming Specializing in Ker- ry Blues. and poodles. 832-2671.i tfc20 . All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebllilt stand- :ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- : able to students. L. H. SIMS . 88 Baker Ave. ‘ Richmond Hill DOG GROOMING 1Jill Goddard. for professional lpoodle clipping. Stud services 8: :top bred poodle pups usually, 884-1745lfor sale from $100. 7783 Yonge tfc49ESt., Thornhill. 285-3606. FURNITURE ‘ WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE ‘ tfc27 3 pce. bedroom set from . . S98. 5 pce. dinette set from .. $38. 2 pce. Chesterfield from .. $48. Wiiiii 517‘ AVAILABLE for l three-year- $29.1,0Id boy. 0111." one other child. 3 rooms of furniture . $228. 773.417L_._._. Your choice ,DAY CARE for child. Monday MODERN - PROVINCIAL 'to Friday. 884-1903 1 COLONIAL - DANISH clw31‘ Pay cash or $2.50 weekly SAVE STOREKEEPERS‘ 3 pce. coffee table from .. Broadloom. 9‘x12' from.. DAIzYCARE" of chil’drie‘niiifill room and board 1 baby. Mrs.‘ PROFITâ€"BUY DIRECT FROM Ford. 295 South Taylor Mills. i THE HOUSE OF HAIG *IWBI‘ FACTORIES SHOWROOM 1 l . â€"___l i720 Bathurst St. 1 stop south‘ TUITION of Blool - TORONTO LE. 1-2453 , For Richmond Hill visitors openTUTOR for grades 4 to 8. :El Friday till 10 pm. Isllbjects. grades 9. 10. 11 French Saturday till 8 pm. grades 7. 8. and 9 new mathe-, c2w31 matics. 884-5079. c4w28] edge of bookkeeping. 285-2506 c1w31 PANTRY girl wanted nights, some experience necessary. Ap- ply Thornhill Country Club. 285 -4818. c2w30 FEMALE cle rk. ANTED EXPERIENCED typist will-(16 typing in her own home. 884- 1577. c1w30 JANITORâ€"QER wante'd. can time or full. Phone 773--5319. ' c1w31 HOUSE CLEANING. Tuesday, Thursday or Friday 773-5956. c1w31 HANDYMAN. willing worker. Odd jobs, painting. carpenter work. Phone 895-2030. *lw30 ENERGETIC man seeks work required by local chartered bank. Experience helpful but not necessary. Write Box 37, The Liberal. c2w31 SERVICE station help. exper- ienced Contact Mr. Bailey at Sorenson. Chrysler, Plymouth, No. 7 Highway at Dufferin. 285- 4858' CIW31 as truck driver. 22 years experi- TURRET LATHE ence. Reliable. Will consider SET-UP MAN anything. 884-7187. nc3w29 F01” small Fecocd-Qperation ENGLISH lady would like part- lathes. Thornhill district. 285- time Office work, Clerical, 5407 CIW31 switchboard. Please phone 285- GIRL Friday, must be able to 5173- ClW31 type and take charge of a full set of books. Own transporta- tion, for part time and future full time. 285-7275. c1w31 BOYS WANTED For part time work evenings and Saturdays. Excellent com- mission and bonuses. Call Mr. Keith. 884-4977. c3w23 SALES woman, neat appearance good business connections, wanted part time. salary and commission. Apply in person, Ken Stiff Furs, Richmond Heights Centre. c1w31 YOUNG MAN to learn forestry trade. Chrauffeur's licence es- YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered, Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24 URGENT MARRIED man desires truck driving or any inside work â€"- warehouse. shipping, receiving etc. Call collect, 773-5046. c1w31 Tool & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers. floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 sential. For appointment call 884-7774. Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Co Ltd. c1w31 LICENCED mechanic, for used car department. Apply to Mr. Long, Skyline Pontiac-Buick Ltd, 9612 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. c1w31 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd, 222-2525. tch5 MAINTENANCE man required for automobile dealership. Must be experienced and bondable. Apply in person Mr. Main. Sky- line Pontiac-Buick. 9612 Yonge TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers. floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA 1-1711. tfc30 RENT A TELEVISION 19" portable. day, week or Street. Richmond Hill. c1w31 month â€"’â€"â€" - HEARING AIDS DEALERSHIP available for RICHMOND HILL TV . Electrolux (Canada! Ltd. inlsu‘7456 285'3756 Batteries, service. Free infor- Richmond Hill area. Full iimc‘ tfc33,maiion. Philips “New Llfe" or part time. male or female. ‘Hearing Aids. lO-day money- service and sales. Apply, write back guarantee. Atlas Phtoto Electrolux lCanadal Limited, Supplies, Richmond Heig ts. 4914 Yonge. Willowdale, Ont. 200M and BOARD Centre. 884-3221 or Central c2w30‘RO0M and board available Hearing Service, 4810 Yonge .884-1509. *1w31iStreet, Willowdale. . c4w31 JUNIOR TYPIST BOARD arid ro‘Jm. Suit yolIng COMPLETE HOME man. 884-6085. *1w31 SERVICE Must be neat and accurate typ-‘SUIT t‘VO young men- Separai Repairs â€" Alterations - . . moms- 884'7454- Cl“'311Carpentry, recreation rooms, ist. general clerical duties. Ap- AVAILABLE 1.1059 to Langstaff kitchen cupboards. Repairs to 285-2948. c1w31 ply. secondary school. AMALGAMATED ELECTRIC l 1 AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORRâ€" Eavestrough. new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 PLUM'IING Alterations. Repairs. Contractâ€" ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 tfc51 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. ‘ Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards. shelves. garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 HANDYMAN AND JANITOR SERVICE Free estimates. Basement and attic cleaning. 852-6456. c4w29 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed; also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. c4w29 UPHtTLsTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345. tfc44 washing machines, appliances and sump pumps. " i. - - Phone us for all your house-1 BOARD aiallable. Suit one orhold problems. large or small {two men. Markham and Sussex. . CORPORATION LTD. l884-3757. ciw31,285'5958 832011.333 Bullock Drive Markham‘ROOM and b‘oEd'aTailable. -"#”"”' " gentleman preferred. Close to c1w31 Yonge. Call any time. 884-7940. *l\\‘31 RESTAURANT MANAGER WANTED Good Opportunity with Future Dependable man or woman. age Lthere are no children. for gen- :tleman. Walking distance from to 35. to Operate food-ice cream‘zz'3 store. Able to make decisions. NW3] work with and lead people. Re- sponsibilities include hiring and? training store personnel. con-l . trolling cost. keeping operat-i BUSIIICSS ing efficiency high. Experience ' ' :and references required. Excel- lent benefits. profit sharing YOU TOO plan. Steady future job. Write.l CAN MAKE MONEY! stating full qualifications and Raising Chinchillas Contact enclosing reference list. to PO. Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. Box 35. . R.R. 1 I'XBRIDGE c2w30l 1 WANTED in quiet home. w’h’ere‘ 1 Richmond Heights Centre. 884-. tfc52 884-1245 SEPTIC TANKS PL'MPED 525.00 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. C. STL'NDEN Richmond Hi1 ,Slze 4 or 5. 887-5807. T0 RENT PERSONAL 5"R’Oohi"honsevio"rént“ at Lake. 773-5390 ROOM ior rent. Call 884-5717.. clw31; 1 bedroom" apartment ,7 fully self I .contained. 884-2933. lie 29 ONE’ " BEDROOM apartment. 1 kitchen and living room. Close to Yonge 884-4224. c1w31 3 'R‘OOM apartment. â€"$751va lmonth. Adults only. 884-4893. *1w311 OFFICE-Store space: 495 square} feet. 12 Centre Street East. $95. March 1. 884-1853. c1w31! UNFURNISHED room basement apartment. 3 rooms and bath. Business couple preferred. 285-. 1890. tfc31.’ TO RENT or exchange. looking! after 5 year old boyâ€"two room apartment with open kitchen and bath. 884-5985 c1w31} FURNISHED apartment. suit one lady. Fridge and grill, pri- vate entrance. $15 weekly. 884- 6582, evenings. c1w31 BEDROOM to let. Gentleman. Close to Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. 884-4183. nc1w31‘ 3-ROOM I basementfiapartmentH parking. fire doors from bus. abstainers. Gouldinig Avenue. Willowdale, 222-5577 . c1w31, LIGHTAA housekeeping, Chi heated and furnished, fridge and stove $8 weekly. Ladies only. 884- 2196. tfc31 ATTRACTIVE room. central lo cation close to Yonge Street. ' 20 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill # Do you have a drinking prob- c1w31llem? If so_AA can help. Write MASSEYJERGUSON SALES, lBox 84. Richmond an 1. tfc45; LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 884-4458 - 285â€"5562 Mgr. Felix Game tf032i Transportation RID’Ei'availahle. leaving Rich, mond Hill at 7.20 a.m, leavingl Sherbourne and Bloor at 4.50 lGrand Champion. 285-4610. eve-‘ $15,900.00 FULL PRICE Carries $105.00 P.I.T.. three bedroom bungalow on a quiet crescent. modern throughout. This immaculate home can be seen by appointment. Cali MRS. HAWKES. 884- 1306. $13,500.00. RAVINE- LOT 9 miles north of Richmond Hill on a large wooded lot. three bedroom rancher. at- tached garage. fireplace. very modern. carries less than rent. To view Call MRS. JOYCE. 884-3607. Farmilm piemeiitS RUMBLE EQUIPMENT" PARTS. SERVICE Gormley. east of Don Mills Rd. Phone 886-5851. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WELSHficolif’fm‘onihs' oldTSIr- ed by 64 Royal Winter Fair nings c1w31 mom 13"“ call 8844691; WANTED all kinds of dead an- _... . ._... , H. :lwflimals. For fast service call TU: AVAILABLE to Queen and14-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License: University from Yongehurst - No. 204-62. tfc31 $20,900.00. FOUR BEDROOMS Richvale area. arriving 8 to 8.30 Leaving 5 pm. 884-7069. ‘ (‘1w31 TWO 1954 FORDS, one stan-‘ dard, one automatic with new motor and extras. Both in good mechanical condition. Will swapl for a good western horse. 832- 2470. nc1w31 MORTGAGES MONEY available for good first and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and. Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2, Suitable for one gentleman. 884-3119. c1w31 CATERING IMMEDIATE n’osséésion. 4* A “ room house, Elgin Mills Rd., $50 monthly. 884-6046 or 884-5350. c1w31 OAK RIDGES, 4 room house. all conveniences. garage. Avail- able March lst. 773-5370 after 4. c1w31 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT â€" stove and frig. Glow to trans- portation. Will decorate. Now vacant. 884-7907. *1w3l SMALL equipped aIIartment. suitable for two. Separate en- trance. central parking. no chil- dren. 884â€"1204. *1w31 SUBLET.2bedroom apartment taL Spam” thanks to Dr- in new building, intercom and mm“ “W31 balcony. 9 ' months left on lease. 884-6019. tfc30 FURNISHED room. cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 TWO. 2 bedroom apartments in quiet court, equipped. decorate to choice. March 1. $120. 884- 4597. clw30 ONE bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom luxury apartment. 884-3982 or BA. 5- 6429. tfc29 BACHELOR, 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. modern. near ev- erything, from $92.50. Av. 5- 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfc17 $95 HOLLAND LANDING. 4 bedrooms, new bungalow. 727- 9488 and 727-5046 Aurora. tfc 23 Wilfred Sutcliffe. Richvale $125 MONTHLY. detached and Mr. and Mrs. Britton brick bungalow. fireplace, Ri. Riddell. King City c1w31 it: * chmond Hill. Call Mr. Brauns. Norm Black Realty, 285-6241. c1w31 MODERN bachelor apartment with stove and frig. Available February lst. 36 Church St. S., ' Richmond Hill. Phone 727-5319. tfc30 FOR SALE House. large kitchen. 3 bed- rooms. full basement. Will con- sider rental purchase. 884-2933. ‘ c2w30 HALL FOR RENT Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets. weddings. etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc37 FURNISHED large 4-room bun- galow, large walk-in closet. laundry. hot water beat, all con- veniences, garage, Thornhill. $110. Phone evenings, 285-5273. c‘lw3 PARK MANOR I-bedroom apartment, equipped. In a nice, quiet building, close to Yonge Street and Richmond Heights Plaza. 62 Hunt Avenue. 884-5306. c1w30 IN Richmond Hill. 6 roomed house, oil heat, bath. Immedi- ate possession. 1 block west of Yonge St. Apply Norman Bone, 34 Elizabeth St. 884-1443. CATERING CATERING for small parties Assorted sandwiches. savouries, mince pies and butter tarts.‘ Other dishes made to order. 884-6153. nc4w31 Births SCHELL -â€" Jim and Carol (heel, Lee) are happy to announce the arrival of their baby son, Wednesday, January 20, 1965, at York Central Hospi- Eeaths ANNERUD. Barbara Nancy â€"â€" At Maple. Wednesday. Jan- uary 20, 1965. Barbara Nancy. darling infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Annerud. aged 18 days. twin sister of Oswald and Sister of Debbie. Interment Maple Cemetery. c1w31 C It i . RIDDELL. Randy Brittonâ€"Sud- denly at his home in Ottawa, January 22, 1965, Randy Britton Riddell, beloved son of Sandra and William Rid- dell. aged 2 years. dear, brother of Shirley and Scotty’ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. SANDERSON, Alice Mae â€"â€" At York Central Hospital, Wed- nesday. January 27. 1965. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanderson, of 92 Roseview Ave.. Richmond Hill. Dear sister of Herbert I PIANO pupils wantedlfi884i-2127. Immaculate two storey home. Paved drive. atlaclied gar- age and breezeway, well landscaped lot, broadloom in i main areas. For appoint- ment to inspect Call LEN PUGH, 884-3624. " $20,500.00. SPLIT LEVEL Three bedrooms. finished recreation room with fire- place, drapes. broadloom in living room and stairs. $3500.00 will handle. Call RAY MELBOURNE, 884- 3624. MUSIC INSTRUCTION c1w31‘ CARD or THANKS ‘ I take this opportunity to, thank Dr. Socol for his part in: my recovery and the nurses: and staff for their courtesy andl kindness to me while in thel York Central Hospital. for the kind friends who visited me, and for the flowers and the: cards I received and thank you Mac. â€" Samuel Winger. PHOTO M.L.S. 884-3624 285-5056 *lwal‘ itii CARD 0F THANKS We would like to express our. sincere thanks and appreciationi to our many friends and nei h- ' ' bors for their floral tributisAHas I'Kence cards and letters of sympathyl during our recent bereavement.l Victor Kenneth Edwards. 32. A special thanks to the Rev. F. of 87 Morgan Avenue. Thorn- Bennett and Rev. P. Buck. Dr. bill, was fined $125 and costs, Zuck and Dr. McGregor: also and had his driver's licence sus- Ihe SeNIOI' Citizens. lpended for three months when â€"Mrs. W B. Gillies and familyihe was convicted Tuesday in it III )II * CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank all friends and neighbors who helped us, through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers. words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness. Special thanks to Dr. Byford. Rev. B. F. Andrew and. Mr. Pipher of Wright and Tay-Z lor Funeral Home for their kindness , â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. O. Annerudi a i- i- i- CARD 0F THANKS Mere words cannot express our appreciation for the kind- ness and sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement in the loss of a beloved husband and father. Horace James Savage. We especially thank Dr. Morrow, doctors and nurses at Sunny- brook Hospital who worked so hard to save him; Dr V. Zuck; Thornhill Motorist ldriving. Vaughan Township Constable Roy Harrison. said the accused had rammed a tree with his car, near King, January 23. When apprehended he was unable to walk straight and appeared in an impaired condition, the con- stable said. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and ‘neighbors for their good wish- es and get well cards, also the staff and nurses. doctors, for their wonderful care during my stay at York Central Hospital, 1964. A very special thanks to Dr. J. T. Kerr, Dr. Granton. Dr. W. C. Cowan and nurse Mrs. Corkan who took me to St. Ontario Lodge 521, AF&AM. John Convalescent Hospital. Windsor; Perfection Lodge Also the ministers Rev. J. F. A&ASR. Windsor; also Rich- O’Neil and Rev. C. R. Neill of Richmond Hill for their kind- ness mond Lodge and the Lodge of Fellowship, AF&AM. Richmond Hill; Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375; Rev. James 0‘Nei1;. Department of Veterans‘ Af-, â€"Ethel Harvey c1w31 fairs; Red Cross; White Cress volunteers; all friends and SENSIBLE SHOPPERS neighbors and the Pipher Fun- CHECK eral Home. â€"Mrs. E. A. Savage and family) LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS c1w31 FOR BIG BARGAINS "‘lllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllIlllllfilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllll\lllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllfilllllllllllIlllllllllllllll (Herb) of Richmond Hill: Ed- gar tTed) of Buffalo and Ce- cil of Burlington. Resting at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Service on Saturday at 1.30 pm. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery c1w31 it! it it it SAVAGE, Horace Jamesâ€"Sud- denly at the Sunnybrook Hos- pital. Tuesday. January 19, 1965, Horace James Savage. beloved husband of Elizabeth Ann Gliddon of 105 Baker Avenue, Richmond Hill. dear father of Iris (Mrs. F. Jan- kowiak) dear gramps of Maria Richmond Hill. Member of Ontario Lodge 521 AF & AM. & Perfection Lodge. Windsor. lIllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllI‘ lllll Oll & BURNER SERVICE YOUR LOCAL ESSO HOME HEAT TEAM Bill Hood Doug. Chalmers 285-1255 832-1551 “Always look to Imperial for the best” illlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllIllllltlllllllllllllllllllillllllli lIIII111110lltlllillll“lllllmmmmfllmummilflmlmIIIIIlltlllillllllllllilfi id I Also the Canadian Legion. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Interment Veterans Plot Cemetery. c1w31 In fibmoriam tfc31 APARTMENT in Richmond - I Towers. Trayborn Drive. Lounge COOPER â€"- 1“ 10Vmg memory IWO bedrooms. kitchenette.l of my dear husband. Fred ibathroom. Includes fridge. elec-l Cooper. who passed alwa.V .tric stove. $120 monthly, 9 February 1960. .months of lease. renewabledEVeI‘y day in some small way. >,884-2234. czwgllMemories of you come my way ‘ WANTED 3 TO RENT TRUST company manager, wife and 3 school-aged children re- quire 3 bedroom house in Rich- mond Hill. 884-2661. ('lu'31 WANTED CARS wanted for scrap. 285- 1074. Evenings. *5w29 ,GIRIE 3-7piece \i‘intervcoafseit c1w31 ‘YORK ChoraIiers require ten- ors and basses. Phone 285-2237 .or 884-4519. c1w30 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank‘s Movers and Storage. ,TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l ;Though absent you are ever . near ‘Still missed. loved and always I dear. â€"Loving wife Annie and family c1w31 * It II! V ROSS â€"â€" In ever loving mem- ory of my dear husband. Finlay Ross. who passed away February 1. 1962 .Sadly missed along life‘s way. ‘Quietly remembered every day. â€"-By his wife Margaret and family. *llv31 it t i # THOMPSON â€"- In loving mem- ory of a dear son and broth- er. Harold George. who pass- ed away January 26, 1951. In our hearts A memory is kept For a son we loved And will never forget. â€"Sadly missed by father. mother. brother and Sister ‘ clel 1 Girls’ Sweaters, 8-14 yr. sizes ASSORTED CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS Group No. 1 . . . . . . . $1.44 ea. Group No. 2, counter soiled $1.00 Babyalls and overalls Assorted styles: Sale Price 49c Slacks up to 6X: Sdle Price Ladies’ Ski Jackets $7.77 & $8.88 Ladies’ 3/4 Coats $5.99 to $14.88 Ladies’ Dress Coats $9.95 to $34.99 Ski Jackets, 77 to yrs. $5.99 has Jackets . . . . . . . . . . 88:88 SIMPSDN’SDRYGDBDS 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 4 .”‘ lmagistrate's court of impaired "

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