Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Feb 1965, p. 17

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At the annual meeting of the Carrville United Church the following report was presented Phones: AV. 5-3756 TU. 4-7456 muuuuuuunmmuunnmuuuummnuumu1mmmunnmmm The annual meeting of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the hospital cafeteria on February 11 at 8 pm. Directly following the meeting a social period will be held. It goes without saying much too often the wonderful work that this auxiliary does for the hospital. The auxiliary ladies who volunteer their time and talents to the hospital and its-patients are certainly ap- preciated by all who have had to spend some time in the hos- pital. Church Meeting PONDS DUG FREE 1 ‘ ill“Illllll|lllllHum“l“lllllllllllllllfllllllmlllllllllllllllulllllllllm“ Any lady who would like to join the auxiliary and contrib- ute some of her time and talents ls asked to call Mrs. V. Mort- son 884-3065. or Mrs. O. Sav- age at 884-4939. The next meet- ing will be held February 22 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Beatty on Concession 3. Markham Township. 887-5462. Hespital Auxiliary GREATER DEPENDABILITY Richmond Hill TV Fair Auxiliary The annual meeting of the ladies auxiliary for the Rich-‘ mond Hill Agricultural Society was held at the home of Mrs. Graeme Bales on Monday even-, ing of last week. Officers for the year 1965 are: Mrs. Milton Savage, re-elected as chairman, Mrs. R. Kent, vice-chairman, Mrs. Verda Mortson, secretary- treasurer. co-chairmen of the committees, Mrs. Winnie Dice- man. lunch booth, Mrs. E. Boyd, baking competition, Mrs. J. McCague. flower arrangements, school work competition, Mrs. M. Huitson. Committee mem- bersâ€"Mrs. G. Bales, Mrs. L. Beatty. Mrs. E. Clark, Mrs. G Read. Mrs. J. Baker. by the clerk of session, Mr. J. 'Bushell on the past church year, 1964. “In 1964, the session held three meetings. Due to the splendid leadership of Rev. A. I. Higgins, the work of the church has run smoothly, and more meetings were not re- quired. During the year, we inaugurated the use of Com- munion cards and family visit- ation by the elders before each Communion. Last fall, Mn, Middleton and Mr. Bushell, along with the Thornhill elders, attended a retreat for the Thornhill and Camille ses- sions. held at Brown's Corners Church. "On decoration Sunday, June 14. a short service was held in PlyWoods Trim Mouldings Doors Wall Boards Formica Cement 28 Levendale Road Richmond Hill South Block Richmond Heights Shopping Centre Cam I! for l demonstration “Everything In Lumber" Garages Homes Cottages HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS to you why HANDCRAFTED 9020 Yonge, Thornth No Printed cm:qu offers you Elgin Mills Loam & Sod 884-3272 [ET US PROVE For Information Call 285-1100 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ CARRVILLE NEWS Tentest , ,k . Masonite Flooring Gyproc Insul Board Arborlte Plaster Telephone 285-4001 Total membership rose slight- ly from 233 in 1963 to 235. and total funds for all purposes‘ were $15,447.53, according to figures presented by Secretary H'. L. Coleman and Treasurer Walter Craig. Church receipts were $11,358.21. and of this; amount $7,107.07 was through envelope or plate offerings, the Building Fund $2,956.80, M&M $1,809.61 and a three-year ob- jective of $3,000 set by the church in 1962 for the Toronto Home Mission: Extension Fund was exceeded by $74.78, with $534.23 contributed in 1964. “On behalf of the sessions, I wish to thank Mr. Higgins and Mr. Veals for their able guid. ance; the board of stewards for their support; the superintend- ent and teachers for their faithful work in the Sunday school; the choir and the or- ganist for their inspiring music; the ushers for their assistance, and the UCW who help out in so any-ways." "As Mlss Beverley Bushell was marrying and leavmg the com- munity. it was necessary for the session to find a new organist and choir leader. We are fort- unate to have Miss Gloria Bowes as organist. and are grateful for the help of her mother as cholr leader. Brown‘s Corners United Church report for 1964 shows a successful year in the Var- ious departments. Reponu Good Year Church officers listed are: clerk of session, N. R. Reid; chairman of 1964 stewards. Donald Reesor; ushers, Bruce Armstrong; organists, Mrs Don- ald Reesor, Miss Joy Fuller; choir leader. Mrs. S. J. English, junior choir leader, Mrs. George Hooper; treasurer. W. “It is with sincere regret that we have learned the Rev. H. Veals will not be able to carry on this coming year. He will be sorely missed, and we trust his health will soon improve. The amount of the building fund loan at the end of Decem- ber 1964. was $11,500. Since that date this has been reduced by $500 to $11,000. Music throughout the year was supplied by two choirs. junior and senior. "During the year. we had two guest speakers: Jim Bushell filled in for Mr. Higgins the day of the Thornhm anniversary in October. and we were privil- eged to have Mrs. Higgins bring us the Christmas message. Women's organizations listed 46 members, with receipts of $2,277.39. and eight youth or- ganizations were active, besides the Sunday school. “On decoration Sunday, June 14. a short service was held in the cemetery. after which we continued our worship in the church. Rev. Higgins preached an excellent sermon at our an- niversary service on September 20. and lovely music was pro- vided by the Thornhill choir. 1 YOU don't have to shiver and shake. Just call us to- day for the clean-burning, economical Fuel 011 that will keep you warm as toast. whatever the weather! RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Button ville Community Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott vis- the near future. ited Mr. and Mrs. Wes Baker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cullen 0f Pine Orchard on Saturday had Sunday dinner with Mr. afternoon. They had dinner on and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Sider en- Ralph Baker of Cedar Valley. termined the members of Mrs. Master Chris Johnston had‘Gordon Cullen‘s and Mr. Allan an operation on Friday in York Smith‘s Sunday school classes at County Hospital, and had the their home Tuesday night. l The York Central Hospitallanc' Auxiliary will hold its annual ner meeting February 11 in the 1103- Mr: pltal cafeteria at 8 pm. The lauxiliary has done excellent anc‘ work through the past year. wit This will be an open meeting‘ley and everyone is welcome. A 30-5 1cial hour will follow. and Mr. Henry Heise attended the Mennonite Central Commit- tee of Ontario Conference at Baden on Saturday. Guest speakers were Edgar Metzler and Edgar Stoesz of Alcron. Pa. Bishop E. J. Swalm of Dun- troon was In charge of the eve- ning service, representing the Conference of Historic Peace Churches. The auxiliary met a challenge in 1963 and the reply has been very encouraging. This year. certainly, a challenge will lie in reports because work accom- A. Craig; secretary, H. L. Cole- man; envelope secretary. Mrs. E. Fuller; M&M treasurer, Wm. Middleton. There comes a month on the calendar of every organization that has a date marked annual meeting. a time for summing up. a time for reports, of plans and resolutions. It was no doubt, this custom that inspired a writer to sigh. “Ah me, the world is full of meetings such as this -â€" a challenge and re‘ ply." That well describes the an- nual meeting of York Central Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary, to be held February 11 at 8 o’clock in the hospital cafeteria. New appointees to the stew- ards are Harvey Brown. Richard Tribbling, Miss M. Rodick and Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doneri and Mrs. Fred Doust had din-' ner Thursday with Mrs. Eval Steckley of Bethesda. ‘ Richmond Hill Horticultural Society met January 26 in Wrixon Hall, when President Mrs. Douglas Boyd welcomed members to the first meeting of the new year and outlined the society's program for 1965. The annual prizes and awards were presented to winners with the most points at the flower shows held last year. The list Specimen 1. Marilyn Bruce 2. Gwen Urquhart. 3. Gerry Bruce and Bill Redelmeier. Rose Specimen Pieter Stiekley wan taken to York Central Hospital on Fri- day for surgery. This Week’s Happenings In Victoria Square Mrs.~ Frank Titshall Wins Four R. H. Horticultural Major Awards 1. Mrs. G. Barker, 2. Mrs. J. Rumney. 3. Mrs. Tltshall, 4. Mrs. S. Urquhart 5. Dr. L. Langstaff. Vegetables Master Danny Sandiford left January 27 with the National Ballet Company for Montreal where Romeo and Juliet and the Nutcracker Suite were pre- sented. Danny returned home Monday. 1. Mrs. Tltshall, 2. A. Stong, 3. Mrs. Barker, 4. Mrs. F. Red- elmeier, 5. D. Howard. New Members 1. Mrs. A. Kanls. 2. Mrs. L. Hawkes, 3. Mrs. A. Suter. 4 Mrs. L. White. Juniors Hospital Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting Feb. ll; Public Invited 1. Mrs. F. Titshall, 2. R. D. Little, 3. Dr. H. H. MacKay, 4. G. Longworth, 5. Mrs. G. Beatty. Arrangements Neighborhood Note: John McCague, (chairman), Arnold Mormon. Herb Nelson. Allan Orr, Wayne Mortson, Bruce Mortson, Richard Fris- by, Norman Tyndall. 3 years: Herb Nelson. George Brands, Carl Walker. Harold Hill. 2 years: Clarence Steck- ley. Denton Brumwell. Gordon Draper. Jim Barker. 1 year: Gordon McWhirter. Roy Glov- er, Jack Mackness. Allan Orr. From UCW Mrs. Earl Empring- ham, Mrs. Donald Boyd. Church Ushers 4 years: Percy Bennett. Earl Empringham; 3 years: Rolph Boynton. Roy Glover; 2 years: Heber McCague, Herman Mort- son; 1 year; Cecil Nichols, Ar- nold Mortson. Stewards Honorary Elders: Stanley Boynton, Louls L. Nichols. and William J. Orr. Elders: 5 years: Fraser Gee. Clarence Steckley; Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Victoria Square United Church was held Wed- nesday evening of last. week in the Sunday school room. It was preceded by a pot luck supper. r-i‘bvligwing' aré the officers of the church for 1965: Session Treasurer: Herman Mortson 3! MRS. LOREN GUILD CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 886-5201 GORMLEY NEWS Sunday visitors with Mr. and IMrs. N. A. Johnston were Mrs. 1George Suley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wright. Miss Barbara Field and Donald Gill. all of Toronto. They all visited Chris- topher Johnston in York Coun- ‘ty Hospital Newmarket. It is ex- pected Chi-ls will be home in ,the near future. Lay representatives to Pres- bytery: Lawson Mumberson. Mrs. Percy Bennett. James Robson. Henry Pieterse replaces Albert Copp in the ushers. and the nominating committee for 1965 lists Chair- man Donald Reesor, Clifford Donnelly, Mrs. H. Steffler, Har- vey Brown. Mrs. Bruce Arm- 1. D. Howard, 2. J. M. Brown, 3. Mrs. Titshall and Dr. Mac- Kay. Court of Honor Mrs. G. Barker. Color slides. taken by mem- bers of the society, J. Large, R. Tilt, Mrs. R. Britnell, Dr. H. MacKay and Douglas Boyd, were certainly appreciated by the audience. These slides re- called in detail the golden an- niversary garden party and old fashioned flower show last July at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. H. MacKay. There were also pictures of R. D. Little’s beaut- iful garden and a few of his prize lilies. plished is always an incentive to go on. This third annual meeting will disclOse progress and plans that will interest every auxiliary member. Come to the meeting February 11 and become informed about this important service in your hospital. There will be a social hour also in which to enjoy the association of fellow members. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steck- Mr; and Mrs. John Gilmore and children of Wainfleet spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger. Mr. Mervyn Kelly is unHer observation at York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill. Conference members were told that to organize meant, “to get in working order," and in 1963 the auxiliary took the ini- tial steps and is now walking firmly but carefully on the path of experience. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger and boys of Queensville had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cover (nee Martha Baker) of Califor- nia visited in this area over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Reg McMullen and boys and Miss Shirley Do- ne: spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hall of Hagersvllle. Cemetery Board: Frank Brumwell. Harvey Collard. Fra- ser Gee, Herman Mortson, Ce- cil Nichols. Rolph Boynton. Wil- bur Brumwell, Heber McCague. Richard Frisby. to the Toronto Garden Club show at the O’Keefe Centre on March 10. Any members wish- ing to attend should make bus reservations by contacting Miss Gladys McLatchy during the next few weeks. pin removed from his elbow and a cast put on. Christian Education Commit- tee: Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs. S. Boynton, Mrs. J‘ Boyd. Mrs. Percy Bennett, Mrs. V. Mikkel- sen, Mrs. Allan Orr. Percy Ben- nett. Norman Tyndall. Mrs. Boyd announced plans were being made for the mem- bers to go by bus, as last year, The next meeting of the so- ciety will be held February 23 in Wrixon Hall when the color photography contest pictures will be shown. Caretaker: F. McRooerts. Missionary and Maintenance Committee: Herman Mortson. Mrs. Alan Chadwick. Mrs. Mar- tin Styrmo. Gordon McWhirt- er. Mrs. Eloise Mortson, Mrs. Mary Buchanan. M & M Treas- urer: Mrs. Mary Buchanan. Compiler of Reports: Mrs John McCague. assistant: Norman Tyndall. Secretary to annual meeting Earl Empringham. Upper Canada Bible Society: Rolph Boynton, Mrs. W. San- dle. Memorial & Historical Com- mittee: Fraser Gee, Percy Ben- nett, Mrs. R. Perkins, Mrs. H. Collard, Mrs. H. McCague, Temperance Secretaries: Dr‘ A F. Binnington. Percy Bennett The group will undertake a planned study on Brazil and Trinidad this year, and it was agreed that in September, com- pleting a two year term, the group will discontinue support of a Korean orphan. Rev. A. F. Binnington chaired the meeting. which was pre- ceeded by dessert and coffee served by UCW members. He congratulated church officers and extended special apprecia- tion to leaders of youth groups in the congregation, and to the choirs. On behalf of the con- gregation, Norman Reid thanked Dr. and Mrs. Binnington for their faithful leadership and expressed gratitude to Terry Whyte and Idris Hamid who gave such able assistance as student ministers. YCHA Meets Unit No. 1 of Brown’s Cor- ners United Church Women met at the home of the leader, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, recently, to discuss group progress and plan a 1965 programme. There were 15 members present. The de- votional service was conducted by Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Mrs.‘ Armstrong, on the parable of the talents. Board of Trustees: Heber Mc- Cague (chairman), S. Boynton. R. Boynton. L. Nichols, H. Mortson. R. Brumwell, F. Gee. F. Brumwell. C. Walker, W. Orr, L. Mumberson, C. Nichols. H. Collard. (secretary). If you have been saving used postage stamps for the “Mis- sion to Lepers" Mrs. H. Mc- Cague and the girls of the in- termediate class say thank you, and now hope to send them In to 67 Yonge Street, Toronto by February 15. Hospital Auxiliary strong. Serving on the an- niversary committee are Mrs. S. J. English, Mrs. George Hooper, H. L. Coleman, N. R. Reid and Donald Reesor. The annual meeting of the Gormley - Headford - Victoria Square Branch of the York Cen- tral Hospital Auxiliary was held in the form of a buffet lun- cheon in the community hall Saturday afternoon with about 50 in attendance. Lawson Mumberson conduct- el the election of officers. The new executive is: Chairman, Mrs. R. Britnell; Co-Chairman Mrs. John McCague; Secretary, Mrs. Art Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Beatty; Coâ€"Chair- man for Headford, Mrs. Young; Co-Chairman for Gormley, Mrs. Mrs. F. M. Adair will be hostess to Buttonville YCHA members this Friday morning at her Windridge Ave. home, Markham. Coffee at 10 am. The general annual meeting of the auxiliary will be held Feb- ruary 11 at 8 p.m., in the hos- pital cafeteria. Neighborhood Notes In the meantime, Mrs. Don- ald Reesor and Mrs. Clayton Jones are giving music instruc« tion to several of Mrs. English’s pupils in her absence. “Happy Timers" Nominating Committee: John McCague (chairman). Harvey Collard, Allan Orr. Fraser Gee, Mrs. Eloise Mortson, Mrs. Den- ton Brumwell. There were 16 tables of eu- chre players at the community hall on Friday evening of last week. Prize winners wEre: Mrs. Doris V. Crosby. Mrs. Margaret Gall. Mrs. J. McCague. Leslie Boyd. Charlie Attridge. J. W. Dewsbury. Lone Hands: George Tooley and Mrs. Roy Glover. Lucky draw for a box of gro- ceries was won by Roy Glover. Mrs. S. J. English is making good progress now and plans are being made for her to spend a convalescent period at St. John's, Newtonbrook, in a short time. Her welfare has been the concern of the whole neigh- borhood, and it is good to know she is making an excellent re- covery. Auditors: Mrs. V. Mikkelsen Mrs. Mart Styrmo. Euchre Another euchre‘ will be held February 5. at 8:15 pm. spon- sored by Lions Club. Ladies please provide lunch. Everyone welcome. Observer Mrs. McCague. who is rep- resentative for the Observer would be glad to receive and send your renewal early in Feb- ruary. PO Used Postage Stamps Rolph Boynton. Dr. A. F. Bin- nington‘ BODY REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS â€"All Types of Insurance Workâ€" FREE ESTIMATES - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE Next to Richmond Inn Richmond Hill 285-5445 727-9381 Aurora 923-2 75 YONGE ST. SOUTH Auto Refinishing :0 Richmond Inn - Top of the hill Call Manager Bill Calder Richmond Hill’s Finest F. Dullege; Co-Chairman for Victoria Square. Mrs. Lawson Mumberson. Mrs. Miller. dir- ector of volunteers installed the officers. Hospital Auxiliary Richvale branch of York Cen-i tral Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. E. Spears. Roosevelt Drive. The following new officers were elected: Chairman Mrs. F. Baird, Vice- Chairman Mrs. P. Bannon, Sec- retary Mrs. E. Martin. Treasur- er Mrs. A. Simpson. Historian Mrs. S. Dembowski. Social Con- venor Mrs. E. Sand. Sewing Convenor Mrs. P. Bickerstaff, Telephone Convenor Mrs. M. Wright and Mrs. J. Devlon. Sunshine Convenor Mrs. M. Miller. The auxiliary will hold a twi- light performance of “Spring Thaw" on May 1 at 6 pm. Tic- kets may be obtained by phon- ing Mrs. E. Spears 285-3116. Lucky draws were won by Mrs. L. Guild. Mrs. Neil Mort- The annual garden tea will be on June 2. More details about both events will be made known at a later date. Congratulations to Gord and Jan Reeves, Duncan Road, on the birth of a bouncing baby boy, weighing in at the Doc- tors’ Hospital, Toronto. Janu- ary 24 at 7 lbs. 8% oz. The annual meeting of the York Central Hospital Auxili- ary will be held February 11 at 8 pm. in the hospital cafeteria. Everyone will be welcome and refreshments will be served. Cubs and Scouts Ist_Riohvale Cubs and Scouts Mothers Auxiliary will hold its February meeting at the home of Mrs. B. Bowden. 21 Birch Avenue, on the eight at 8.30 pm. A car washarama will be held in the spring to raise mon- ey so the Cubs and Scouts of lst Richvale will be able to at- tend camp this summer. School News to keep them occupied. As this group becomes established, clubs will be organized for younger and older children. January 27, 16th Avenue Home and School Association held a meeting. Guest speaker was Sergeant William Shearn of Markham Township Police. Main discussion was organiza- tion of a youth club In the area served by the school. Sergeant Shearn spoke on} hockey and baseball for this age group, and promised to show suitable films to the youngsters. All fathers in the area are asked to assist D. God- sman in organizing a hockey team. 'Dho school auditorium will be used for indoor sports. A drama club will be started by E. Bowers with the help of Mrs. M. Hinton, Mrs. R. Mc- Queen, Mrs. A. Longstaff and Mrs. E. Martin. Boys and girls will meet in separate groups except when participating in the plays or social evenings. Team standings in the Easti Richvale Mixed Bowling Lea-- gue as of January 26 are! Spookes 25, Blew Angels 20,1 Hy-flyers 17, Loudones and; Ringadings 14, Beatles and Hawkeyes 9, Silents 4. Silver dollars were won by Ron Brom- ley 714 and Barbara Hinton‘ 687, other three highs were John Mills, 684, Max Hinton 681, Rosina K. 682 and Cloniei Jones 678. Bowlers are remind- ed of the dance on February‘ 13 at the Lions Hall, Richmond‘ Hill. Tickets are $1 per per-l son and may be obtained from" your team captain. l A team from East Richvale played a team from St. Mary’s on January 31 in a challenge match. The local team won on total points. Socials The first project will be for pupils in grades 6, 7 and 8, as these children need activities Parents in charge or organ!- zer are D. Godsman, 285~ 2785, J. Hills. 285.3870; Mrs. Martin, 285-1930; Mrs. E. Lepke, 284-3489 and Mrs. C. Hewitt 884-7645. J. Eilbeck of the Department of Education will speak at the Februgry_ 10 meeting. Parents are asked to phone in questions they would like answered by this speaker. Bowling Richvale News CHECK LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS FOR BIG BARGAINS LATE MODEL CARS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt, 78 16th Avenue 884-7645 923-2942 Toronto Pontiac â€" Buick Ltd. BODY SHOP The auxiliary has tickets for a theatre night for Spring Thaw. at the Royal Alexandra ‘Theatre. Toronto May 1 at 6 3 pm. You may secure your tick- lets from Mrs. Doug Young at 884-1929. Be sure to get them early. Cooking School Get your tickets now for hydro showtime being held in the community hall February 9 at 8 pm. â€" a two hour show full of information and prizes. Tickets are available from Mrs. J. McCague, at 887-5409; Mrs. G. Brands, 887-5200: Mrs. L. Hart. 887-5415 or any institute member. Church News son and Mrs.‘George Brands The annual meéting of the hospital auxiliary will be held in the cafeteria February 11 at 8 Those interested in adult church membership will be asked to come to the study group at Brown's Corners and then remain for further pre- paration. Neighborth Notes It is also hoped to have a study group â€" The Lenten Booklet and Epistle to the Ephesians at Brown’s Corners Church. Wednesday evenings 8-9 pm. for seven weeks, be- ginning February 17. for the whole charge. It is hoped there will be a communican‘t membership class for those approximately 13-18 years of age at Victoria Square Church from the whole charge beginning February 14. 3:30- 4:30 pm. for seven Sundays. The flowers in the church on Sunday morning were in lov- ing memory of Mrs. Mildred Simpson. mother of Mrs. J. Knight. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Heber McCague, February 5; Mrs. Nelson Buchanan, Febru- ary 8. Jimmy Boyd spent the week- end with his cousin Douglas Minaker in Toronto. A speedy recoilery is wished for Philip Hill who is seriously ill in bed. Miss Mae Sanderson of Rich- mond Hill was laid to rest in Victoria Square Cemetery on Friday of last week. Sympathy is extended to her brothers who survive. Mrs. Wolford. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emprlng- ham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Britnell, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert G. Britnell, in honoring Mrs. Wolford and Mr. Britnell who were celebrating their birth- days. Pleased that Mrs. Harriet English is making gradual pro- gress from her recent illness in the Branson Hospital. T-Bone & Wing S'I'EAKS lb. 59¢ CUT & WRAPPED 6 Levendale Rd. 884-5801 lean Meaty SPARERIBS Ib.49¢ HIND QUARTER of BEEF Ib.45¢ LEVENDALE ' MEAT MARKET THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Fefi. 2!, 1965 17 SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS EAST OF DON MILLS ROAD ON 18TH AVENUE. VICTORIA SQUARE TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9TH, AT 8:00 RM. PRESENTED BY ONTARIO HYDRO’S RICHMOND HILL RURAL OPERATING AREA UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE VICTORIA SQUARE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE COME TO HHDRO SHOWfiMB Hydro Showtime . . . a lively 2 hour show . .. packed with ideas on Modern Electrical Living . . . to beenjoyed at: VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL DEMONSTRATION PRIZES LAUNDRY TIPS ELECTRIC HEATING COOKING LIGHTING HINTS

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