Mrs. P. D. Mc'l‘aggart-Cowan was in Thornhill last week visit- ing friends in the area. She travelled up from New York City after attending a ceremony where her husband, Patrick D. McTaggartâ€"Cowan, had been honoured by the American Meteorological Society. He was presented with the Brook award‘ given by the sooiety for his out- standing contribution to meteo- roiogy. ing friends in the area. She travelled up from New York City after attending a ceremony where her husband, Patrick D. McTaggartâ€"Cowan, had been honoured by the American Meteorological Society. He was presented with the Brook award. given by the society for his out- standing contribution to meteo- rotogy. The McTaggart-Cowans lived for many years on Colbourne St. in Thornhill and moved to the west coast about a year ago. Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan was dis- trict Guide commissioner for three years and local area com- Mr. McTaggartâ€"Cowan is president of the new Simon Fraser University at Burnaby.‘ BC. scheduled to open its doors. ‘this September. The university; Ibllilt on a mountain top, will be‘ ithe first Canadian university to operate on a year round basis and will have many new inno- vations. Provisions will be made ifor crippled students in wheel chairs. the library will feature open stack shelves where stu- dents can select books without a check-out desk, and a new method of studying languages will be taught. conversations preceding the written grammar. 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb The Thornhill Branch of thedirector of the Church Army Canadian Cancer Society held in Canada, preached the sermon. a meeting January 26 at the Following the service, the home of J. B. Maver 154 Arnold Church Army team met with Avenue. Thornhill. In attend- the Trinity Teens and Twenties. ance were Mrs. M. Johnston. The executive of the WA met Mrs. M. Walker, Mrs. J. Mac- on February 11 in the morning Kay, Mrs. D. Startup. Mrs. R. and a work and business meet- MacLeod, Mrs. G. Toms and J. ing was also held in the after- Maver. .noon. Mr. Maver welcomed Mrs. Discarded household articles, Startup and Mrs. MacLeod who shoes, hats. white elephants. as are to help Mrs. Walker in the well as outgrown clothing are forthcoming campaign. Mrs. T. needed for the opportunity sale Marks and Mrs. J. Kearns, who to be held on February 20, will also be assisting Mrs. Please call Mrs. R. Hudema at Walker, were unable to attend 285-3194 if you have any of the the meeting. items mentioned above. Mrs. Walker announced that a tea will be held in the Pres- byterian Church Hall some time late in March. At this time in- stl‘uctions will be given and kits given out to the captains and canvassers. Mr. Maver will check with the session for ap- proval of the use of the hall. Mrs. Johnston showed four monl' Group Of the Parish interesting posters to be used Guild. There will be refresh- fnr publicity purposes to be ments and door prizes. Tickets placed in banks and stores in are $1_00 and may be obtained Thornhill. ,from guild members or Mrs. G. Mrs. MacKay reported that‘Saunders 285-5931 or 285-4271. Christmas packages were made‘ * "' * " and donated by the ThornhillSt. Lukes Roman Catholic Women's Institute to the cancer‘Church patients in the district. 3‘ 0" Febl‘ual‘)’ 1 the CWL_had Mrs. Walker has started to work on details of the campaign and will ask for assistance if needed. Coffee and refreshments were served at. the close of the meeting. Nursery School Children of the Thornhill} Cn-operative School were treatâ€"t ed to an exciting morning of tobogganing on February 3. Mothers and their children en-i joyed sliding down the hills at “Little Brook Farm“, the‘ ‘home of Mr. and Mrs. R. '12; Tamblyn. The weather was‘ blowy and very cold but this‘ didn't dampen the spirits of the‘ exuberant young tobagganists.‘ Mrs. Ann Ives, assistant teacher at the school, was in charge of the group and she was delighted with the good behaviour shown by the boys and girls. After many slides and spills, the chil- dren were treated to hot choco- late and cookies served inside the delightful. warm and cheerâ€" ful kitchen by Mrs. 'l‘amblyn and the president of the parents' association Mrs. C. Meier. All agreed it was a most successful outing. * * * * ‘ United Church On January 31 the Hi-C's met for a pol-luck supper at the home of Chris Clark, 36 Kirk Dr. Members supplied cas- seroles and desserts. On January 31 the Hi-C's' met for a pot-luck supper at the home of Chris Clark, 36 Kirk Dr. Members supplied cas- seroles and desserts. The annual congregational. meeting was held on February 1 in the church hall. A pot-luck supper preceded the meeting. The Kai-Alpha group met in the church parlour on February 6. This group is made up of young adults (graduates of high school) working, or in univer-‘ sity. A once monthly discussion series began with “God and His Purpose." 1 Th9 Hi-C’u \unvn nn-ivilnand On‘ Anyone who is interested in any aspect of growing things is invited to the meetings. held the third Tuesday of each month at 8 pm. in Thornhill United! Church. This is a friendly group of people, united in their com- mon interest in horticulture“ The meetings feature interest-‘ ing speakers, films or slides with information on gardening exchanged regularly, The annual membership fee is $2.00 per person. $3.00 per couple. For further information call Mrs. M. Harris, 283-1889 or Mrs. M. Riley, evenings, 285- 1670. The Kai-Alpha group met in the church parlour on February 6. This group is made up of young adults (graduates of high school) working, or in univer- sity. A once monthly discussion series began with “God and His Purpose.†The Hi-C’s were privileged to see Dr. E. M. Honey‘s recent Ilides of the Far East at their meeting on February 7. The couples club have plan- ned an evening of square danc- ing under the direction of the popular callers. Charlie and Peggy Murray. for February 12. Tickets are $1.00 a couple and are available from Emily and Don Burnett. 78 Woodward Ave. 285-4648. Unit 3 of the UCW under the direction of Mrs. L. Denby. are holding a lucky luncheon on February 17. Tickets are avail- able from Mrs. G. Stuart, 285- 4115. or any member of unit 3. Prvsbyterian Church On January 31 the Fortnight~ ers conducted the evening ser- vice. Special guests at the ser- vice were Miss Margaret Webs- ter and Mrs. William Winship. Miss Webster is from Knox Col- lege and Mrs. Winship from the New University Church. On February 1 the Fortnight- ers had Rev. H. King as their guest. Mr. King spoke on "The Mission of the Lepers". FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE The YPS attended a perfm‘m- i 127 Birch Ave. - Thornhill, om. E ) 2 ance of "The Deputy" on Feb- ruary 6 and returned to the‘ manse for an interesting discus-‘ sion afterwards. Holy Trinity Church †At the evening serV‘ice on Feb- C “W 7- Cami! R. Tab’bn‘memnuW xxx xxx ~ Ex PHONE AV. 5-4911-2-3 WE ARE THE BEST Community Happenings In Thornhill Village Activities Thornhill and District News PHONE 285-3190 '“I At the next meeting of the _ ‘t' CWL Mrs. Dorothea Parks,‘ Thornhill residents were sad- Of chairman of the Theresians, dened to learn of the premature 3‘ will be their guest and her sub- death last week of Roderick n’ ject will be on education. James McAlpine, CLU, 41, 0f 2 “St A card party will be held on Lafayette Pl. Bayview Glen, 1e'May 5 by the CWL for the pur- Thornhill. Mr. McAlpine had an I" pose of raising funds for 3 attack of hepatitisand died in asjscholarship for a grade 8 girl St. Michael’s Hospital after be- [lslfrom St. Luke‘s Separate School ing in 1655 than 3 Week;- missioner for 2 length of time The executive of the WA met on February 11 in the morning and a work and business meet- ing was also held in the after- noon. Discarded household articles, shoes, hats. white elephants. as well as outgrown clothing are needed for the opportunity sale to be held on February 20. Please call Mrs. R. Hudema at On February 14 at the morn- ing service, Rt. Rev. Donald B. Marsh, Bishop of the Arctic, will be the guest speaker. Make a note of February 22 when an evening of fashions, jewellery and hair styling will be held in the parish hall. This is to be sponsored by the Har- mony Group of the Parish Guild. There will be refresh- ments and door prizes. Tickets are $1.00 and may be obtained On February 1 the CWL had} a most interesting meeting. Mrs. Evelyn Morris gave a hat de-g monstration and showed a col- lection of new spring straws from Montreal. Mrs. Morris made a lovely flowered hat for her audience. The hat was raf- fled off at the close of the meeting and Mrs. Orion Browne was the lucky winner. ject will be on education. A card party will be held on May 5 by the CWL for the pur- pose of raising funds for a scholarship for a grade 8 girl from St. Luke‘s Separate School to attend St. Joseph Morrow Park School, Horticultural Society The Thornhill Horticultural Society, which will soon be celebrating its 50th anniversary, is having a drive for new mem- bers for 1965. It is felt that many people new to the Thorn- hiII area are unaware of the society's activities. which in- clude regular monthly meetings all year round and monthly flower, fruit and vegetable shows from May to October each year. This month's meeting will'be held February 16 and will fea- ture a talk on this year's new‘ annuals by President Joseph‘ Wain. Mr. Wain has 'had a lifetime's experience as a hor- ticulturist and operates Wain's Greenhouses In Willowdale. He is in a position to know all about the newest introductions in the flower world and his talk will help you plan your garden for this summer. Members have also been invit- ed to bring the six best slides of their gardens or flowers and these will be shown â€" a good chance to see what kind of com- petition you will be up against. Come and visit the third Tues- day of any month, 8 pm. at Thornhill United Church. Dud- ley Avenue -â€" just behind the North York Farmers‘ Market. LAMB THE MOVER LTD. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street! Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. - Thomhjll, Ont. for about the sameThe college will be staffed by time. young, keen and enthusiastic lcTaggarf-Cowan is professors. Mr. MacTaggart- of the new Simon Cowan is hoping to see some iversity at Burnaby. Thornhill students attending the iled to open it's doors university in the future. Over 45 Years Experience “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise whv may be reached by phoning 285-3190 professors. Mr. MacTaggart- Cowan is hoping to see some Thornhill students attending the university in the future. The McTaggart-Cowans are at present renting a lovely house on a mountainside. and event- ually will reside in a house built by the university. Both Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan are oriâ€" ginally from the west. They moved east after the war. They have a daughter Gillian and son‘ Jim who were both honor grad- uates of Thornhill Secondary School. They have remained in Toronto to continue their studies; at Trinity College. Gillian is a fourth year student in geology and physics and Jim is a second year student in mathematics and physics. zery. Her many friends will be glad to hear of her progress. Diana Hartford of Montreal ‘and Peterboro who shared a ‘room with Sharon Lewis at the Toronto General Hospital dur- ing her lengthy hospitalization period. was permitted a few days off from the hospital routine and was guest of the Lewis fam- ily for the week-end. It! It! not it t Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Schimkus. 20 Franklin St. on the arrival of their chosen daughter. )iI a a * Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons and their children have returned from Australia where they have been visiting for the past eighteen months. The Gibbons, year student in mathematics and physics. It! it! * it An enterprising group of young ladies have organized a baby sitting organization called; the Tiny Tot Watchers for the Thornhill. Richmond Hill and Don Mills areas. The girls are all experienced baby sitters and will take full charge in the parents absence. Charges are 50c an hour before midnight and 75c an hour after midnight. For a baby sitter in the Thornhill area call Jean Hardy. 285-7288. ;formerly been visiting for the past eighteen months. The Gibbons, resided on Calvin- Chambers Cr. and are now liv- ing in Richmond Hill. ' >3 * * :0: Keith Moffatt, Thornridge Drive, is sporting a cast these days after breaking his arm in a recent accident. III * it it Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garland and their children, Bill, Glen and Anne. of Ottawa, former residents of Arnold Avenue, Thornhill, were in Toronto over Birthday greetings to Kathryn Charlton. Brian Neely and Hugh Matheson, all of whom recently had birthday celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Belliveau, 2 Elspeth Place. recently cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary and received a personal message of congratulation from Prime Minister Lester B. Pear- son. Mr. Belliveau is the author of the book “The Coffin Murder Case". Get well greetings to Miss‘ Cliff Nuttall. a member of Jane Seager. Centre St. who is Canada’s Olympic team and well a patient in Branson Hospital. known track star. is at present * * * * doing supply teaching at Thorn- Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrell. Arn- hill Secondary School. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrell, Arn- old Avenue, recently returned from a trip to Montreal. .- __V-.,_‘, V from a trip to Montreal. ? If anyone has any suitable * * * * children‘s books they no longer Sharon Lewis, Arnold Avenue have any use fer, St. Luke’s is recuperating at home for sev- Separate School is looking for eral weeks, before returning to books for the school library. Rod McAlpine was born in Edmonton on February 19. 1924. He attended school there and the University of Alberta. Thir- teen years ago he joined the New York Life Insurance Co. \uuuuumummmuuuumuuuummnnumumunuuummuum1 Pres. Bayview Glen Rec. Ass'n. R. .I. McAIpine Passes Suddenly Liz Duncan and Kelly Burkart, Thornhill's well- known synchronized swim- mers, swam off with the Ontario Synchronized Swimming Association's duet championship for the second year in a row at the Page Recreation Centre Pool in Toronto last Satur- day. They were awarded the Jimmy trophy They bettered their point score this year and with 70 points were 3.5 ahead of the second place winners. Judy McNeil] and Heather Rich- ardson from the Peterboro Kawartha Aquatic Club. Liz and Kelly plan to take part in the Dominion cham- pionships in Edmonton at Easter where they will compete as a duet and also part of a quartet. Liz also may compete in the solo competition. Seventeen-year old Liz Duncan is a grade 12 stu- dent at Thornhill Second- ary School and is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. 5. Duncan. Arnold Avenue. As well as keeping up with her school work. Liz practices her swimming Tuesdays. Thursday and Sundays and is also taking a commercial art coursel Kelly Burkarl. 14 years old, is in grade 9 at Thornâ€" hill Secondary. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burkart. Delair Cres- cent Swimmers Do It A gain Thornhill 11. 1965 Bishop memorial the! Keith Moffatt, Thornridge and Drive, is sporting a cast these are days after breaking his arm in and a recent accident. ’1 . trol over ’l‘hornhill roads in \"The Liberal" before we reâ€" :ceived this letter" observed ‘Chairman William Judges at the the Toronto General Hospital February 2 meeting of the for further treatmenl and surs- Thornhill Vlilage Trustees. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Schimkus. 20 Franklin St. on the arrival of their chosen daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons and their children have returned from Australia where they have Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garland and their children, Bill, Glen and Anne. of Ottawa, former residents of Arnold Avenue, Thornhill. were in Toronto over the week-end to attend a con- vention. Bill visited in Thorn- hill and saw some of his old friends. Make a note that February 17 is professional development day for Vaughan Township teachers and the children will be at home all day. Other dates to remember are March 9 when Thornhill Public School will have their ‘Open House' and the Easter holidays, April 16-25. Mr. McAlpine was a resident of Toronto for fourteen years‘ and moved to Thornhill three‘ years ago. He was president of‘ the Bayview Glen Recreational Association, a chartered mem- ber of the Life Underwrit- ers Association, a member of the Toronto Association of the University of Alberta Alumni and a member of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. McAlpine was associated with St. Luke's Cath- olic Church in Thornhill and was previously connected with Holy Spirit Church where he was on the building committee. and at the time of his death was a manager for the company. Requiem mass was sung atl Holy Spirit Church. Sheppard Ave. E.. on February 3 with in- terment at Holy Cross Cemetery Father Harding conducted the service. Pall bearers were Ce- cil and Michael McAlpine, Wil- liam Kennedy. Charles Macrae, Fred Cash and Dr. E. G. Bert- rand. liam Kennedy. Charles Macl’ae, Mrs. J. M. Finerty. social ac- Fred Cash and Dr. E. G. Bert- tion convenor, reported that rand. she will be in charge of a full Mn McAlpme is survived bylarea in the Heart Fund drive his wife the former Doreen and will have 29 canvassers out (Bonniei Bowman, four children on sunday~ February 14- Rory, John, Mary Jane and Mar-i Mrs. E. R. Robinson, educa- garet Ann and two sisters. Mrs. tion convenor, reported that a W. M. Crago (Kathleen) of Ed- leadership course will begin in monton, and Mrs. Henry Gauth- March for those interested. Mrs. ier 1Mary) of Miami. IM. Fox in her report outlined Cliff Nuttall, a member ofl Vaughan Twp, Control, The Sports Scene A’I‘OMS February 6 South Shore 1 Paul De Marco, star of this game. scored six goals assisted Village Roads Discussed "Funnv I hut in road ahmit (Tluh had annminoed a grant of and l‘9<'€i\’9d no 355‘s†0" “"99 Hughes Real Estate Atoms 12 ‘ He Mart-n from Joe De Marco. The Poeneos have just comple- ted the first round of the group finals, 1 I m #- RANTAMS February 6 Parmenter Golden Hawks 5 Unionvlllc 2 Murray Electric 8-3 0 This was the end of the road for the B's in this series Con- solation serres will be next play ‘for them in which all the los- ing teams will try out for the North York Championship. "Funny I had to read about Vaughan Township seeking con- trol over Thornhill roads in The letter referred to was from Vaughan Township and concerned a recommendation of their roads committee that the township take over control of the village roads again. The present road agreement between the village and the township was read by Mr. Judges and discussed with Trus- tees R. J. Robinson and R. E. Cole. It was decided to take no action until the matter has been discussed with representatives of both the township and the village. “We'll be happy to meet with the township coun- cillors and listen to their pro- posals.†said Trustee Robinson. Johnny was treated for a cut lip and allowed to go home, but .Mrs. Nosan is in more serious condition and may require an operation. The driver of the‘ car which struck them, a young ‘man from Richvale, said he didn’t see either Mrs. Nosan or 'Johnny and didn't know he had . hit them until he heard screams. Birthday Greetings Birthday wishes to John W. ’Bruce who will be 89 years ' young on February 12; to Pet- er Webster who celebrated his ‘birthday February 4, Leonard Trustee Cole reported on his attendance at a recent area recreation committee meeting. He said that Bob Adams. chair- man of the boys and girls com- mittee of the Thornhill Lions ‘Mrs. Paul Nosan of 100‘ Crestwood Road is in Branson Hospital following an accident which occurred as she and her 21/2 year old son Johnny were walking on Crestwood Road about 8.30 pm. last Friday evening. The sympathy of bhe com- munity is extended to Miss Au- drey Leary, principal of Pow- <ell Road School, and her fam- lily on the passing of her fath- ‘er, Edward Thomas Leary, [RR 2 Gormley, on February 1. Mr. Thomas was in his 92nd. held at the Thompson Funeral .year. The funeral service was held at the Thompson Funeral Home, Aurora, with interment Jat Heise Hill Cemetery. St. John, Bobby Goddard and Mrs. Marjorie Fitchett all of whom celebrated February 7; to Mrs. Dorothy Miller who will have a birthday February 14 and Mrs. Minnie Konsmo who celebrates hers February 19. Sympathy J. Williams of the St. John Ambulance Brigade was the guest speaker at the February meeting of St. Paschal Baylon CWL. Church News Mr. Williams outlined the his-i tory of the brigade and theni demonstrated the mouth-toU mouth method of artificial res- piration and points to remem-; her when putting it to use. In; the question period. he answer- ed many queries on artificial respiration and first aid around the home. CRESTWOOD ROAD NEWS '75 Crestwood Road, Willowdnle Telephone 285-3443 “mm CORRESPONDENT: MRS. FRED ST. JOHN IEFIESHMEIT MI Club had announced a grant of $500 by the Lions to the ARC} to help sponsor activities fori children in the area. He also1 announced that the Lions are‘ willing to give money to recreaâ€" tional organizations for the pur- chase of goalie equipment for a hockey team only if the equip- ment is turned in to the ARC at the end of the season so the ARC can keep track of it. Chairman Judges reported that easements had been re- ceived which will permit en- trance onto private property to clean up the water courses from Arnold Avenue and Brooke Street to Yonge. Purchase of a new Gravely tractor was discussed by the trustees‘ Bills were presented for payment from Kenel and Sutton for $2385.43 ‘tracton, Beamish Construction, Miller Paving. Newtonbrook Hard~ ware, Frank Engel, Thornhill Paint Sup‘plies and Ketola Power Equipment. The village trustees meet the first Tuesday of each month in Thornhill Public Library, Col- bourne_Street. many interesting programs on radio and TV comirig up in the next month. President Mrs. J. H. Mather announced that Mrs. E Glionâ€" na will be convenor of the card party to be held in the parish hall March 17. Baker's Sales & Service Ltd. 9144 Yonge St, RichvaIeâ€"AV. 5-1189 SEE 3 NFFEREIT CARS IN 3 DIFFERENT SIZESâ€"COMPACT AMERICANI We don’t iust gloss over the winter rust problem. our unique deep-dip rustnrooting seeps into every nook and cranny to seal out the ravages of rust! Some years ago we decided that normal rustprooï¬ng methodsâ€"spraying and coat- ingâ€"weren’t adequate. Our engineers went to work and came up with a solution: deep-dipping. Dipping the entire car in mstprooï¬ngâ€"right up to its rooflines! We didn’t stop there. For complete 'rustprooï¬ng, the metal surface must be ab- solutely clean and free of all impurities That‘s why the body of every ’65 Rambler is submerged to the roofline in six separate tanks. The metal is cleansed, scoured and puriï¬ed. A The car is then completely dipped in rust- prooï¬ng primer paint. A second primer is sprayed on for good measure; then thorough BUILT IN CANADA FDR CANADIAN CONDITIONS WE SPIll MllBE THAN BIHERS USE. Hughes Real Estate Atoms 12 I South Shore 1 ‘ Paul De Marco. star of this game. scored six goals assisted! by Mark Woolnough on three and received no assists on three. Rick Hopper scored three goals. assisted by Paul De Marco. 'Mark Gain and Michael Coyne. Mark Gain had a pair. one un- assisted and one from Michael iCoyne. Michael Coyne deliverâ€" ied one to the net with an as- isist from Mark Gain. This was ithe Atoms first playoff game. North End Cleaners had an exhibition game with Beeton. {It was two to one for Thorn-‘ hill. Goals were scored by Paul De Marco and Ian MacKay. February 6 North End Cleaners 6 Bolton 2 l Ian MacKay scored two goals assisted once by John Blackâ€" borrow and once unassisted. Billy Law netted two, more lwith one assist from Keith Bag}: 13nd one unassisted. Singles were scored by Randy Bagg from Bobby McIntosh and Paul PEEWEES February 3 BUSTPBOIIFING? Plywoods Trim Mouldings Doors Wall Boards Formica Cement "Everything In Lumber" Garages Homes Cottages HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS 9020 Yonge. Thornhill 285-1100 ’l‘entest Masonite Flooring Gyproc I nsul Board Arborite Plaster MID-SIZE CLASSch LARGERI LUXURIOUS AMBASSADOR-AT YOUR RAMBLER DEALER’S NOW. BANTAMS :for them in which all the 105- February 6 ing teams will try out for the Parmenter Golden Hawks 5 North York Championship. Bolton 5 * ‘l' * * Wray Windsor scored two MIDGETS goals assisted by Jim Ralph.lFebruary 1 Peter Law. Singles were scor-‘ Black Hawks 6 ed by Jim from Wi‘ay Windsor; South Shore 4 Vince De Marco from Mike‘ Doug Tooley scored three of Burkarl and Mike Burkart from3the Black Hawks goals with as- Brett Davidson. isists coming from Bruce February 6 iShilton. Dennis Lougheed and Parmenter Golden Hawksl .‘Doug. Andrews. Bruce Shilton Bradford 1 ialso scored three goals on as- Mike Burkart scored a single sists from Dave MacDonald. on an assist from Stewart Fran-‘Dennis Lougheed and one with ces. no assists. February 5 (Continued On Page 15) Purdy's Rambler Sales 8: Service Yonge St., Oak Ridges - PR. 3-5481 let Beneficial put CASH wet-sanding removes any blemishes. Fifteen pounds of rustprooï¬ng primer coats the steel. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL 250 Yonge St., North 0 Phone: 884-4417 Three coats of chip-resistant, salt-resis- tant, super enamel are then sprayed on and baked. Corrosion-resistant wax and sealer compounds are sprayed inside girders, rocker panels, fenders and on under-body areasâ€" those critical places where rust does its worst damage. in your pocket today The result? Rambler is the world’s most completely rustproofed car. Every 1965 Rambler can beat the worst slush-and-salt winter conditionsâ€"year after year. ‘ éï¬â€™c’k‘év’itâ€™ï¬ Ramblér and let the rust of the world go by. Left-over bills to pay? Time-payment accounts? Heavy expenses? Clean 'am all up with cash from Beneficial! Then. make only one payment instead of several . . . have more cash left over each month . . . and prob- ably save money, too! Just call up, come in. BENEFICIAL Loans up to $5000 â€"â€" Your loan can be life-insured 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 - OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT-PHONE FOR HOURS FINANCE CO. OF CANADA Toronio area rasudents Phone: 285-6811) AWKVO‘AMWWMMW (Continued on Page 15)