“Always look to Imperial for the best†.lnummumumuulmum“nu\unulmlunuummuum\umm“lmu“mmmuuumnulmmmuuuuuummuuumumumu.mqu \unuumm \‘ 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday gmmmuum“uuuuu1I“unu\\muuuuuunuuumummumunmumu1nuummmmmmmnuumuuuuumlnuuunmmuuuumg ...l__ OIL & BURNER SERVICE DRY CLEANING SERVICES YOUR LOCAL ESSO HOME HEAT TEAM Bill Hood Doug. Chalmers 285-1255 832-1551 For your complete professional IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1960, c. 296), IN THE MATTER OF MlapmkaHMIby The Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 2100 passed the 17th day of August, 1964, as amended by By-Law 2120 passed the 9th day of November, 1964. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby ap- points Wednesday, the 24th day of February. 1965, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers in the Township of Markham, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. IN THE MATTER of an application by The Corp- oration of the Township of Markham for approval of proposed Amendment Number 2 to the Official Plan for the Township of Markham Planning Area being the secondary plan for the North Thornhill-Thornlea Community; bounded on the west by Yonge Street, on the east by Bayview Avenue, on the north by Holy Cross Cemetery and the south by the valley of the East Don River and its tributaries. The community of this secondary plan includes three neighbour- hoods, each providing for differing residential densities, provisions are also made for parks, schools and neighbourhood community commerc- ial uses, on a reference to this Board by The Honourable the Minister of Municipal Affairs. IN THE MATI‘ER OF Section 34 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1960, c. 296), The official Plan Amendment Number 2 referred to above corresponds with the restricted area by-law 2100 as amended by By-Iaw 2120. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING points Wednesday. the 24th day of February. 1965. at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon. at the Council Chambers in the Township of Markham, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. Free Pick-Up-Delivery Service PHONE TU. 4-2162 DATED It Toronto this 27th day of January, 1965 I‘HE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby ap DATED at Toronto this 27th day of January. 1965 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD EXPLANATORY NOTE om-Amo -and- MARCO -and- B. VICKERS, SECRETARY H. C. T. CRISP, Clerk, TOWnship of Markham B. VICKERS, SECRETARY N. 8717-65 N. 8333-64 l . . ‘ Prlze wmners Were: Mrs. Au- drey Cox. Mrs. Janet Nichols. Mrs. Ethel Hardlwick, John Orr, Harold Morgason and Bryan Gibson. Lone Hands: Mrs. Mar- garet Gall and Leslie Morga- lson. l Another euchre will be held February 12 at 8:15 pm. spon- sored by the community centre board. Church News A confirmation class for boys and girls 13-18 years of age ‘from the whole charge. con- ducted by Dr. Binnington will begin in Victoria Square Church February 14 from 3:30-4:30. It [will be held for seven Sundays. York North Chapter provid- ed six numbers directed by Roy Keys. Harry Barber. Roy Brook- ing, John Nigh. William Nigh, Clarence Steckley and Carl Walker attended from this com- munity. W A "The York North Men of Music" will be presenting. “An Evening of Barbershop Harm- mony". March 5 in Newmarket. There were 14 tables of eu- chre players at the community hall on Friday evening of last week. Lucky draw for a box of gro- ceries was won by Herman Mortson. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Watt of Willowdale spent Friday after- noon with Mrs. C. Milsted. The Watts have just returned from ‘a seven week trip to Africa. While in Nigeria they met Rev. and Mrs. Earl Honsberger, Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Lilly, Miss M. Anderson and Miss C. French. John Ash fell at LloydICentral Hospital, Richmond School last week and sufferel Hill, but will have to remain a had cut above his eye. It took in hospital for two weeks. 15 stitches to close the wound. Mrs, Emma Winger of Stev- Bishop E. J. Swalm of Dun- troon conducted the Sunday morning service at Heise Hill Church. It was a special instal- lation service for the new dea- con and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger entertained all their family (ex- cept Velma and Mildred) at dinner on Sunday in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Ross Bril- linger and their grandsons. Mi- chael and Peter Brillinger. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French on the occasion of their 64th wedding anniver- sary were Rev. and Mrs. Will- iam VanderBent of Richmond‘ Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wide- man and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rush and family. Mr. Elias Elliott has in his possession several old books. They are bound volumes of magazines, some of the Montâ€" real Witness of 1863 and some \ Christian Witness of 1357. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winger of Stevensville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvey, Mrs. Frank Harvey and Miss Joyce Harvey went to Creemore on Sunday. ‘ Their relative. John Hisey, had ;passed away there. Mr. Arnold Holmes of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Ash. Miss Marilyn Harmon of Srtouffville had dinner on Sun- day with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith visited friends in Stayner on Sunday. Mr. rand Mrs. Elias Elliott had supper on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leek. Mrs. Suley, Mrs. J. J. Morri- son and Janice of Toronto had supper on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Heise had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise. Chris Johnston has returned home after spending several weeks in York County Hospi- tal. Newmarket. Chris is wear- ing a large cast on his arm, over his shoulders and chest. mummmumuumuuuuunmmmmmuummmuuuuuuuumm .Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wright of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnston. Peter Stickley is making good progress after surgery in York x m“\\\\\l“l\ll1l\\1\lll“\\\ll\\\l\\l“|l“I“l“ll\\\l\\lll\l\ll\“ll“\ll“l\l\llll VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Accident Hearing March 9 Magistrate 0. S. Hollin- rake will preside at the preliminary hearing into the two-car accident December 24 which caused the death of Charles Milsted. Gorm- ley postmaster. The hear- ing will be held in Rich- mond Hill court March 9. Richmond Hill solicitor John Lawlor will defend Charles Robertson. also of Richmond Hill. who was charged with dangerous driving. y, Feb. 11, 1965 It is expected that the defence will call on the 11- year-old sister of the ac- cused. Kathy Robertson, as a witness. Both she and Charleen Milsted. daugh- ter of the victim have been hospitalized since the crash. R.R. 2, Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 886-520] CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE GORMLEY NEWS was I‘ll A S M" .Q'l‘l‘,“ Federation of Agriculture Wed- nesday evening of last week. Guest speaker was George Mc-i Cague. a former Victoria Square boy. now of Toronto. Friends are pleased to see that Miss Olive Glover is able to be out again following herI recent illness. A speedy recovery is wished for little Paul Barker who was taken to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, suffering‘ from pneumonia. . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family had Sunday dinner wtih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rennie and family at Scarboro. UCW ' The February meeting of the ‘ UCW will be held in the Sun- day school room February 17, at 8 pm. ‘ ' Dance A “Sweetheart Swirl“ with -modern and old tyme dancing will be held in the community hall. February 12 at 9 pm. Bill Smith‘s Orchestra will provide . the music. EY NEWS > ‘Mr. Albert Middleton and his! ‘family on the sudden loss of a and brother Lloyd. Miss Middle- ry 12 at 5:13 pm. Birthday Party Miss Wendy Purves celebrat-; ed her twelfth birthday by being guest of honor at a party Jan- uary 30. when 12 of her friends; and cousins helped her to cele? brate. She had an extra birth-l day surprise when she enjoyed the movie "Little Red Riding Hood“ with her cousins Sunday afternoon. ' Congratulations to Mr. and‘ Mrs. Don Reid. Dufferin Street‘ on the birth of their daughter on January 30, a sister for Bert and Dale. Birthday greetings to Anita‘ on February 11 and to Mrs. Jack McEwen on February 14. It is the deepest sympathy that the community extends to dear daughter and sister. Myr- tle. who died instantly as a re- sult of an accident on Saturday evening. She is survived by her father and her sisters. Olive Hazel and Ruby (Mrs. J. Wighti‘ ton was a lifetime member of the community and will be sad-l ly missed by her family andi many friends. ‘ .lohn. Robert. Mary Rose and Christopher are staying with their Miller grandparents at the farm this week.. The older chil-‘ dren are at home. Last week when at the On- tario Municipal Board hearing on pits and quarrels in the town-'1S program mnvenor ship, there was a large deput-. ' tation from the Don Mills Road, BI‘own's Cornersl UCW will N0. 7 Highway district. and Mrs‘tco-operate with other women on John Wilkins and My. Dicki‘the Victoria Square charge in Jones spoke up for the neigh-‘U.1e world Day Of Prayer 5â€" bors. They supported the town- he‘d this year at there from 1876 to its present status. In business discussion it was agreed to hold a spring lun- cheon. Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mrs. Fred Leaf will make ar- rangements and Mrs. Steffler VlCe to be ship's new by-law N0. 2113 to‘lleadford United Church on restrict pits and quarries. Mamh 5' Specifically. these local resiâ€" Buttonville Branch YCHA dents have been concerned Mrs. F. M. Adair was host- about the establishment of aless Friday morning of last week pit operation at the rear of theiriwhen the Buttonville branch of properties in lot 9. eoncessioniYork Central Hospital Auxil- 4. where Sabistons began ex-‘iary met at her home, 9 wim. cavating last spring. Accordingibridge Ave. Markham, for their to official information work has‘February meeting. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375 announce a z t MILLIONAIRES' i OOâ€OOOO A “Sweetheart Swirl" with modern and old tyme dancing will be held in the community hall, February 12 at 9 pm. Bill Smith's Orchestra will provide the music. Mrs. Emma Winger of Stev- ensville spent Sunday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Telephone 887-5421 Richmond Hill TV 3 cups biscuit mix 2 tablespoons melted butter M cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/1: teaspoon nutmeg 1 2 cup canned strained plums (or junior plums) We have a large selection of Used TV‘S to choose fron1 FULLY OVERHAULED AND GUARANTEED 28 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill AV. 5-3756 PHONES TU. 4-7456 Television SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL! 2|†USED CONSOLE TV For Rent a 19†Portable TV for the Hockey Games United Church Women ‘ The February meeting of the‘ Carrville UCW was held at theL home of Mrs. J. Williams Feb-2 ruary 3. Mrs. J. Bushell and; Mrs. F. Purves reported on their‘ day at the Toronto Centre annual meeting on January 29. It was decided to carry on the system of “bazaar bags" as a a method of collecting items from each member for the fall bazaar. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Barton on March 3. Euchre The LOL No. 91 will hold a euchre party at the home of the Reeds, Bathurst Street. Februa- ry 12 at 8:15 pm. Birthday Party CARRVILLE Prepare your own biscuit dough or use a prepared mix. Roll out in 15x10- inch rectangle. Spread with melted butter. Com- bine sugar and 'spices. Sprinkle 1/2 on biscuit mix. Spread with strained plums leaving a 1-inch margini Sprinkle with re- maining sugar and spices. Roll up and cut in 1-inch slices. Place slices, out side up, in a greased pan or muffin tin. Bake in hot oven I450 degrees F.) 15-18 minutes. Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read 285-4001 $39.00 S 8 Another neighborhood insti- ems tution is about to disappear fan with the selling of the Pralet will farm. Dick and Dora's “Pralet 5H1, Gardens" have been a bright spot in the community and we twill miss them. Neighborhood Notes Harvey and Nancy Brown plan to move this week from their home on John Street to one around the corner on Don Mills Road. Mrs. S. J. English is report- ed making good progress. and expects to be moved to St. John's Convelescent Home at Newtonbrook this week. Congratulations to Jim and Rosemary Miller, whose son Matthew arrived on February '7 at York Central Hospital. Specifically, these local resi-j dents have been concerned‘ about the establishment of ai pit operation at the rear of their‘ properties in lot 9. concession 4. where Sabistons began ex- cavating last spring. According to official information work has THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l8th§ 8 RM. Multi-stop city driving calls for CHEVROLET MILLIONAIRES' - NIGHT â€" we have purchased six more. "Accurate comparative analysis of our vehicle operation proves Chevy-Vans to be most economical. The six-cylinder engine is really lively with plenty of power. Gas mileage is very good and has given us a substantial saving per unit. '55 CHEVROLET WWI/(POWER TRUE/(5‘ WORK HARDER, BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF . 2. Gormley Phone 297â€"1741 355 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL PHONES: AV. 5-5435â€"PA. 7-9453 Says W. M. Browne, Toronto Caretakers, Toronto, Ontario. "We have used panel trucks of various makes forthe past 15 years. Nine months ago we put six Chevy-Vans into service and, from our experience with these, AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK been discontinued at this site because of a water problem. Brown‘s Corners United Church Women were entertain- ed at a dessert luncheon at the home of President Mrs. Har- old Steffler, Wednesday of last week. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Edgar Fuller and Mrs. John Harris. ‘ Brown's CornerstCW will loo-operate with other women on ’the Victoria Square charge in the World Day of Prayer serâ€" lvice to be held this year at Headford United Church on ‘March 5. ‘Buttonville Branch YCHA A meeting followed. with Mrs. Steffler presiding, and Mrs. A. F Binnington served as pianist in the absence of Mrs. S. J. English. Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Fuller conducted the devotional serâ€" vice and Mrs. Steffler gave a paper on Brazilian political problems. and traced the grow- th of the protestant religion there from 1876 to its present status. In business discussion it was agreed to hold a spring lun- cheon. Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mrs. Fred Leaf will make ar- rangements and Mrs. Steffler is program convenor. Mrs. F. M. Adair was host- ess Friday morning of last week when the Buttonville branch of York Central Hospital Auxil- iary met at her home, 9 Wim- bridge Ave.. Markham, for their February meeting. 9"x9†VINYL ASBESTOS FLEXACHROME FLOOR TILE 60 Green Lane, Thornhill â€"â€" 285-5488 "Manoeuvrability in city trafï¬c is excellent, resulting in reduced time between calls. Mechanically, Chevy-Vans have proved to be first-class-we have had no failures. "In summary, I would say that Chevy-Vans are far superior to any units we have previously operated." SPECIAL THIS WEEK at LOVE'S LOVELY LUMBER Every operation can profit from Chevrolet Workpowerâ€"including yours! See your Chevrolet Truck Dealer today. pen Special 0n Records DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL 4‘“ DIAMOND NEEDLES All the latest Albums - Shows, Country & Wes- tern, Classics, Records MST lU/VGER! $1.29 $3.98 Per Ctn T-665-D