Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Feb 1965, p. 11

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Mrs. Marilyn McCormick has returned from some time spent in Memphis. Tenn. and New York City where she studied office practice for Welcome Wagon. As Toronto area superâ€" visor she is now in the newly opened Canadian head office located at 7 King Street East. Toronto, which she describes as "simply beautiful“. Buses will be leaving the lib- rary at 7 pm. and any members or interested friends should con- tact Mr. Spence Urquhart, 884- 2440, as soon as possible in or- der to arrange for transporta- tion. * * * * The Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society is planning a trip to the O'Keefe Centre on March 10th to the Toronto Garden Club annual flower show. Iuocessful in grade 79 piano drel" bemg aCCEPIEd in thelsupportmg r0195~ “Anybody know where a fella examinations at the Royal Central Ontario Drama FGStival-l _ * * f "' can get a couple of reserved Conservatory of Mugabe!” It will be in competition with, Brian Gemml" 0f Ruggles seats for Spring Thaw?” is the ise is the pupil of Mrs. four Other Plays â€" “TheiAvenue W35 the luCky “’1an question being heard along Ellen mo“, Richvale. Crucible”, “Ghosts”, "is" Sing-‘01. the 1ad1e_s diamond watch in Baker Street these days as It It * It To You" and “The Cave Dwel-=the Valentine draw at Bork dozens of disappointed ticket- Holidaying in Nassau for two lel'5"- Jewellers 0" saturday' ‘seekers are turned away empty- weeks are Mr_ and Mrs. William The Curtain Club production; The draw was made by Mnihanded . .. . Knapp of Knapp's Paint Set-“Will be PresentEd and adJudi-iOrtlieb of Langstaff, a customj This Baker Street. no relation vice. Levendaie Road. Icated at Harti House on Apnlier in the shop at the time. andl‘to A1exander Cohen‘s is the 10- 2. Tickets for this performance he was presented with an Alaska‘cation of the Nelson Civic may be obtained by calling diamond tie clip for doing the‘Centre, where Spring Thaw was 884-2115. ‘ honours. playing _____ The Fourth Richmond Hill‘Church Cubs and Scouts and the1 Brownies and Guides â€" all of Mr- 3 Which meet in Wrixon Hall â€"â€"- their S( will parade to church for a ser-‘DFiSCOU vice of thanksgiving. :i‘lpglanc Mr. Joseph Hishon, Alper Street. has returned from a holi- day in Quebec where he attend- ed the Montreal Winter Carnival and visited the Laurentians. she underwent an appendectomy Mrs. H. H. MacKay. Arnold early Monday morning. ‘Crescent. entertained at a tea * * * * on Wednesday to introduce The birthday of Lord Baden-{Miss Janet Washbrook. from Powell. founder of the ScoutlBristol. England. whose marâ€" movement will be observed atiriage to her son Walter will St. Mary’s Anglican Churcthake place on February 20 at next Sunday at Evensong. 1Richmond Hill Presbyterian On her return home Sunday evening. Nancy was rushed to York Central Hospital where she underwent an appendectomy early Monday morning. Miss Janet French and Miss Nancy Min-lees of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church at- tended the Ynung People's Con- ference in Oshawa over the weekend. Mrs. Eric Beck from Timminsl The ladies section executive is spending a few days with her,nf Richmond Hill Agricultural sister. Mrs. W. H. Bury, Arnold‘Society will meet at the home Street. lot Mrs. Lloyd Beatty. R. R. 2 * * * * ‘Gormley. next Tuesday evening. Electric-TV-Appliances RENT pHILco Congratulations are ex- tended to Miss Denise Har- court, 61 Lawnwood Court. Richmond Hill. who won the trophy for best impromptu speech for grade 8 in Mac- Killop School and for all grade 8's in the Richmond Hill Public School system recently. Young Miss Harcourt is I very busy young lady and at the same time added to her achievements by being successful in grade 9 piano examinations at the Royal Conservatory of Music. Den- lse is the pupil of Mrs. Ellen Blogg, Richvale. $2 Week Sales. Repairs. Parts 884-3211 LEASE BUY town for five months year. They visited Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Sarasota, Tampa and St. Petersburg where they had a short visit with their cousin. Dr. Ernest J. Hill and Mrs. Hill. x :- nox :1 Congratulations to the Cur- tain Club on their festival‘ entry “The Diary Of A Scounr drel" being accepted in the Central Ontario Drama Festival. It will be in competition with four other plays “The Crucible”, “Ghosts”, “I'll Sing To You" and “The Cave Dwel- every ‘of the Richmond Hill Steam Baths on Levendale Road. Ik * 1: II! The casting for the next Curtain Club production “Gigi” was announced on Monday and taking part in this delightful" comedy will be Janie Clifton in the title role. with Helene Knight, Ron Solloway. Margaret Cross, Patricia Sully, Kingsley Owen and Lisa Jackson in supporting roles. Iii * Ik Ill Brian Gemmill of Ruggles Avenue was the lucky winner of the ladies diamond watch in ‘the Valentine draw at Bork, year was approved and plans were made for weekly work meetings to be held at members homes, where members will make toys for the gift shop. The next meeting will be March 8 at the home of Mrs. M. Joyce. 166 Bayview Avenue South. in a a a A clipping from the Nelson (B.C.) News reading: “Anybody know where a fella can get a couple of reserved seats for Spring Thaw?" is the question being heard along Baker Street these days as dozens of disappointed ticket- Sympathy is extended to land, miscellaneous. Ernie Nerlich. golf pro at the‘ * * "' "‘ Richmond Hill Golf and Coun-1 Members of the Inner Wheel try Club. on the death of his‘of the Richmond Hill Rotary mother. Mrs. E. Nerlich. on Feb- Club held their monthly meet- ruary 6 at Toronto General Hos- ing on February 9 at the Arn- pital. iold Street home of Mrs. S. * t t * ‘Pipher. Guest speaker was Mrs. St. Joseph’s Morrow Park G. Malni who showed many Parents Guild held their 5th an-jslides and gave a mOSt inter- nual card party on February 9‘esting talk covering the trip in the auditorium on Bayview she and her husband Dr. J. S. Avenue. Willowdale. ‘Maini, took recently. residence in Canada. Their daughter Carol who arâ€" rived about a month ago. is attending Toronto Teachers College. 11*)! On Friday evening February" 12 accordion students of Mrs. Mary Nicholls of the Mundinger School of Music entertained the patients of the Villa Hospital. Students performing were. Gordon Lee. Bruce Craig, Ed.’ Koroway. Gary King, Mark Sun- der-land and Gordon Barenthin. also adding to the program was her son Ken Nicholls. accordion soloist and daughter Janis, piano solist. ot the Richmond Hill Natural- lists Club. Dr. Gorman. who will speak on minerals, is said to have the finest teaching col- .lection of minerals in the world. ‘He is past president of the Mi- neralogical Society of Canada and in 1963 was elected presi- dent of the Geological Associ- ation of Canada. * >l< * * Toronto drama critic Nathan Cohen â€"- gave an excellent re- view of “La Ronde" a Poor Alex production that opened last Thursday, and kudos to the leading actor Dennis Thatcher of Hunt Avenue. ‘ aux-s): Their daughter Carol who arâ€" rived about a month ago. is attending Toronto Teachers College. * * * * i It was a very happy St. Val- Mrs. V. W. Pugsley. Hall entine’s Day for Mr. and Mrs. Street. has returned home from Doug Whorpole, Laverock, who a month's vacation in Stuart, became the proud parents of Florida. with her cousin, Mrs. a baby boy born at York Cen- George C. Cavana of OrilliaJtral Hospital. who lives in that Atlantic coast Mr. Whorpole is the owner town for five months every‘of the Richmond Hill Steam year. lBaths on Levendale Road. Boys and girls. dressed in their best, enjoyed games and songs and exchanged valentines, before sitting down for refresh- ments. The children themselves had made special valentine cookies by decorating tea bis- cuits with pink icing and tiny red cinnamon hearts. About 800 guests attended, many from Richmond Hill in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. J. Daley. Mrs. S. Johnson. Mrs. P. Hall, Mrs. M. D. Frisque. and Mrs. J. Conway â€" many of whom at- tended with friends. Start reading “The Liberal" at breakfast time. Call 884-1105 for early Thursday morning home delivery service. Refreshments were served by Mrs. T. Broadhurst, Mrs, N. Hill, Mrs. J. Parker. Mrs. D. An- drews. Mrs. J. Corbett. Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. A. Gallienne. Mrs. J. Thompson. Mrs. J. McArthur. Mr. H. McGurran. Mrs. A. Lyn- ham and Mrs. L. Evans. all liv- ing in Richmond Hill. who have daughters attending the school. David, who is associated with Calladine and Baldry Ltd. in Toronto. left on Monday for a business trip to Mexico. Ven- ezuela and Lisbon. but will be returning in time for the fest- Ival being held at Hart House at the end of March. Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones and their son Michael, formerly of Driscol] Road. are sailing from England aboard the Queen Mary on March 11. to take up residence in Canada. David Lewis. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis. Hillsview Drive. will be participating in the Central Ontario Drama Festival with the Brampton Player's production of Ibsen’s "Ghosts". in which he plays the lead role of "Oswald". On Friday. February 12, at Entertaining with showers for Valentine party was held at theiMiss Diane Andrews prior to Top O’The Hill Nursery School.|her marriage this Saturday to Boys and girls. dressed in’Grant Kellough were, Mrs. R. their best, enjoyed games and Street. linen; Mlss I. Anderson songs and exchanged valentines,‘and Mrs. W. Babcock. kitchen; before sitting down for refresh-inks. W. iAitcheson and Mrs. ments. The children themselveSJDouglas Andrews, linen; Mrs. had made special valentine‘W. J. Kellough and daughter cookies by decorating tea bis-{Lynne a luncheon and cup cuits with pink icing and tiny and saucer shower at the West- red cinnamon hearts. ibury Hotel; Mrs. Charles Mac- * It It * ‘Donald and Miss L. Suther- The convenor was Mrs. R. L. Pierozynski, who thanks the Richmond Hill merchants for their donations. which contri- buted so much to the great success of this annual event. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bork, Yonge Street South. were Mr. Bork‘s sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flegal of Arn- prior. The Rev. Canon Ted Scott. as- sociate secretary of the depart- ment of Christian Social Ser- vice. will be the guest preacher at St. Mary's Anglican Church. next Sunday morning at 10.30. Members had a preview of the new Spring styles. heard how they were made. and later enjoyed modelling some of the hats from the attractive and colourful collection. The Engineers Wives met on February 10 in the auditorium of the local library for a most interesting “hat show” given by Mrs. Betty McConvey of the Patricia White Shoppe, Rich- mond Heights Centre. Brian Gemmill of Ruggles Avenue was the lucky winner of the ladies diamond watch in the Valentine draw at Bork, Jewellers on Saturday. ‘ They were away for three months, during which time they visited fifteen different coun- tries. Mrs. McConvey then gave tips on accessories and the right clothes to buy for a good basic wardrobe. Professor D. H. Gorman. B.- Sc., PhD. of the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Toronto will be guest speak- er at the February 19 meeting Llya Ull nUL‘CDfiUl 1C: dllu tut: > right clothes to buy for a good \. basic wardrobe. " t 2n a: t A general meeting of the lad ies of the 4th Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Mother‘s Auxilg iary was held on February 9 at‘ home of Mrs. Helen Birrell,- Tyneview Lane. The thirteen mothers present spent the evening making place cards for the annual father and JOAN HALL son banquet held on February Memo-Soprano 17 at Wrixon Hall. The meeting adjourned with She drew public attention when the Scout Mizpah and coffeeShe won the grand award in served. 1Canada’s famed “Singing Stars" A special program with Cub competition. Later she was leaders in attendance‘ has been soloist four times in a single sea- arranged for March 16‘ to cele_;son with the Toronto Symphony brate the Auxiliary's 8th birthflOrchestra under the direction day. This meeting will be held 0f 511‘ EFHBSt MCMiuan- at the home of Betty Brown,i Great versatility is clearly in- 30 Knollside Drive. idicated by the list of her major Guest Speaker DR. D. H. GORMAN ‘ If you can help in this regard.l {please deliver hats to the home of Mrs. N. Todd, 95 Church ’Street South. The executive committee will forward them to the school. where they will be most happily received. The first YWCA Teen Club began classes in modern dance and dramatics at Crosby School under the direction of Joy Hor- ton. In addition they now have a program of dances, singing. crafts, speakers and outings at the Allencourt YWCA Centre. Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. under the leadership of Yvette Steel. Twenty-nine members parti- cipated in various games and were served dessert and coffee afterwards. YWCA The Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxili- ary held their annual ‘party evening‘ last Monday. The slate of officers for this year was approved and plans Mr. and Mrs. W. Washbrook arrived on Monday from Bristol. England. to attend the wedding of their daughter Janet. whose marriage to Walter MacKay. son of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. MacKay. Arnold Crescent. takes place on February 20 at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. A request for Scout hats, Stetson style. has been received from Mrs. Standing, chairman of the Provincial Advisory Com- mittee. Boy Scouts of Canada. It is an occasion for rejoicing when such a gifted musical art- ist as Miss Joan Hall consents to appear in concert for the benefit of a local audience. Miss Hall will sing two groups of songs at the concert to be given by Richmond Hill Symphony Or- chestra in Richmond Hill High School Auditorium on February 25. Nationally known as a singer and recitalist, Miss Hall began" her training at the age of 19 when she came to Toronto on scholarship to study with Dr. E. Vinci at the Royal Conservatory. engagements, Concerts: Calgary, Moose Jaw, Regina, Winnipeg, London, Toronto, Montreal, Orchestra: Winnipeg, Toronto. Ottawa, Montreal. Opera: (CBC and Conservatory Opera com- panies) leading roles in Marriage of Figaro, Rigoletto, Il Trova- tore. Aida, Madame Butterfly. Gianni Schicci. Hansel and Gretel, Diedre of the SorrOWs, The Old Maid and The Thief. Now happily married and ‘living in Richmond Hill, Miss Hall is busily engaged as a vocal teacher and appearing on various CBC programs. As part ‘of the program on February 25, she will sing a group of Manual de Falla’s popular Spanish folk songs which she jrecently performed on a CBC Sunday morning recital series. Lend A Hand! Joan Hall To Appear Next Week With Local Symphony Orchestra The community extcnds congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clement who cele- brate their 50th wedding anniversary on February 25. Their many friends are invited to an ‘Open House' being given by Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Clement at 72 Centre Street East on Thursday next from 2 - 5 pm. and 7.30 - 9 p.m. How about reserving seats early for the YCHA's theatre night “Spring Thaw” on May 1 at the Royal Alexandra Theatre? Tickets may he obtained by calling 884-7767. At an executive meeting of the Richmond Hill Jaycees. held last week. President Alan Smyth announced the appointment of th: following officers to serve the unit for the balance of the 1964-65 year -â€" 1st Viceâ€"Presi- dent Ed Spencer; Treasurer Senator Ralph Markham; Sec- retary Leo Morrier. The Jaycees wish to acknow- ledge with thanks. the outstand- ing service rendered to the unit by the following members, who, due to pressure of business. were forced to resign from the above mentioned offices â€"- Peter Dawson, Syd Goldsmith and Jim Doyle. The CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish held their annual card party, February 12. The winners of the three raf- fle prizes were, set of Corning Ware. Mrs. B. Killean, wool blan- ket, Bernice Murdock. The mys- tery prize won by Mrs. T. Made- ley. Winning players were: ladies bridge, Sharon Gaffney. lst gentlemans bridge. Clive Bet- tles; 2nd ladies bridge, Gwen Caldwell; 2nd gentlemans bridge. M. King: low ladies bridge, Mrs. Kriter; low mens bridge, Vince Hanna. Ladies cribbage, Carol Sokal- ski; mens cribbage. Lyn Tucker. Travelling euchre, Mrs. Thelma Webb. Euchre: High ladies. Ruth Fraser; high mens. Pat McCart- ville; lone hand ladies, Jessie Harrington; lone hand mens Pat McCarrville; low ladies, Sybil McCarrvilIe; low mens, Gerry Hiscock. Many thanks to all the ladies who gave their time and energy to make this card party su( a success. The convenors we 1 also like to thank the donors of the various prizes. TRIPLE YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUE Simply cash your Fam- ily Allowance cheque, fill in a coupon and become eligible for the lucky draw at Richmond Heights Centre Approximately 60 students and staff advisers have worked four months ' ' ' 0 u n . L n t production and all hope the c1t1zens 0f Rlchmond Hill will show their support b?! atlleildeiiigt‘lllge; geifogmances scheduled for this Friday and Saturday at 8:15 pm. as well as a matinee on a ur ay. Principals in Bayview Secondary School’s musical comedy, “Archie and Mehitabel”, being presented at the school as a joint project of the band and drama club are (left to right): Leon- ard McHardy, producer; Lesley Betts, female lead and Alister Gorman, who plays and dances as Archie, the erudite cockroach. Studehts Present Broadway Musical Comedy Allencourt Shopping centre Sale Under Supervision of d. & Ba. - JEFF’S FURNITURE Markhamsenue 'mew‘ DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Richmond Hill 1 225-4373 ' Congratulations to Miss Deb-isenior Citizen! orah Goodier of Maple, who The Richmond Hill Senior placed second in a class of 17 in Citizen‘s monthly meeting was the girls vocal 5010, 12 years and held in the education building under in the Kiwanis Music of the Richmond Hill United Festival. EChurch. Festival. Church. Deborah was awarded a mark The extreme weather forced it of 85. She comes from the vocalrto be held a day later on Feb- studio of Joan l-lall Richmond‘ruary 11 with seventy eight Hill. members in attendance. "' "‘ "‘ “‘ President E. Lomax outlined Your friends and neigh- the forthcoming move to the hours are always interested new day centre in Legion in reading of newsworthy Court. David J. Brooman, who has carried on an accountancy prac- tice at 15 Yonge Street North for the past year is leaving the field of accountancy to study for the ministry. Mr. Brooman will still be as-l sociated with the firm and as‘ his studies will not occupy him‘ full time, particularly in the: summer. will still be able to see‘ his own clients. i Mr. Brooman came to Canada from England seven years ago. He first went to St. Catharines and then was associated with a firm of chartered accountants in Toronto. While he was in To- ronto he serviced several clients from Richmond Hill and in November, 1963 moved to the Hill and opened his practice from Donald Plaxton’s office. His pradice here will be taken over by Joscelyn Laughlin, Franklin Tucker and McBride, a well-established firm which Mr. Brooman knew when he was in St. Catharines. Local Accountant To Study For Ministry Mr. Brooman is presently the student assistant at Emmanual Anglican Church in Richvale and is studying theology at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto in preparation for or- dination in the Anglican Church of Canada. Wm. C. Lazenby. B.Sc. th Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Your friends and neigh- bours are always interested in reading of newsworthy and community events in “Life in the Hill" â€"â€" why not keep us informed of these activiies â€" by mail, by phone, or by calling in personally. we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. TAKE A CHANCE? NOT YOUR PHARMACIST... It's not by chance that your Rexall Pharmacrsl has the proper drug ready l0r an emergency By today's modern methods ol drug distribution. he has thousands of dollars worth of health products you may need frequently, as well as those you may need but once in a lilelrme. You take no chances when we fill your prescription. 884-4461 Provincial Fruitwood' Bedroom Suites, Spanish and Scandin- avian Bedroom Suites. Hand Tufted Wing Design Provincial and Modern Living Room Suites â€" Fine Occasional Chairs and Tables â€" Dining and Din- ette Suites â€" Mattresses, All Sizes â€"â€" Leather Couches and Chairs â€" Quantity of Rugs and Broadloom. etc., etc. Also Included:â€" Stereo Combination HiFi Sets - WHITBY SALES C0. NO RESERVE Combination 3-Way TV Sets â€"- Portable 19" TV Sets â€"- Auto- matic Sewing Machines â€" 3 h.p. Outboard Motors. All above nationally advertised brands All Goods on Sale Can Be Viewed From 9 am. to 6 pm. up to time of Sale. AUCTION SALE Members are reminded that the yearly bulletin subscriptions of $1.00 are due at the next monthly meeting. Mrs. J. Card is collecting this. Ordered Liquidation ; Furniture & Rug Stock Saturday, Feb.20 Mr. Sims entertained with some old country recitations and a song. which once again proved how much talent is in the group. The Valentine table decora- tions which Mrs. H. Cook and Mrs. J. .Sheehan carried out were very colorful and Very much appreciated by everyone. p i a n o te a c h e r ESTELLE MARKHAM 884-3787 innunuunulnllmx1nummnu‘Inmmunummmummuunm 7 Immumn .â€" z a _. E E z' z 5;lll““\ll\\l\l“\l\\\ll\\l\\\1l\\l\\lull“lll!“Il“\llllll\l“\l\\llll\\lll“\‘L ' the AT 1:30 RM. 'at 5235 Yonge St. Toronto (Willowdale) (Just Below Willow Theatre) TERMS CASH CHEQUES ACCEPTED Bunny Snow's Garage AT FRED’S BP Repairs to all English Cars Bankrupt Stock and all makes of imports ELGIN MILLS 884-6521 YONGE ST. EHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 18, 196511 Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Bayview Avenue, on Sunday were Sandra Lee. daughter of Jack and Fern Ton- tegode. and Wilhelm Otto, son of Willi and Irma Dembowski. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Furse and Bill. 50 De Vere Gardens. Toronto (formerly of Richmond Hill) in their recent sad bereavement, the loss of their daughter Helen. ficood eatina \QaA'I' SAVINGS! DEMPSTER’S - FULL 24 OZ. LOAF BLADE & SHORT RIB ROASTS lb. 43¢ S'I'EAKS lb. 59¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA ROUND, SIRLOIN, WING ROASTS or BREAD 2 for 41¢ Boys' 8: Girls' mum“ 9W 12km (Photo by Stuart's Studlo) WE HAVE A FEW WINTER ITEMS STILL ON SALE C. NELS GAGE Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill Special Group of Infant Vests, TVahfing Pants Etc, by [{arvey VVoods ON SALE NOW Arriving Fax/flop: For Spring SHIELDS W111 footnote from Shields Footwear “WHERE FIT IS FOREMOST" Richmond Heights Centre RICHMOND HILL Why experts frown on “hand-me-downs” All children have differ- ently shaped feet. Look into a well worn shoe and you’ll see a pattern of the sole of the foot in the insole. This pattern is unique and should not be allowed to influ- ence the foot shape of the next child in line. His or her size may be the same but body weight, stance, and walking habits may be different. That’s why “hand-me-downs” are unwise. For heathful development children need correct shoes properly fitted. Savage Shoes, well made of good materials over pro er lasts, are correct for oys and girls of all ages. And our staff understands the impor- tance of proper fitting. 884-7474 TU. 4-7691

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