John J. Durham. 49, will ap- pear in magistrate's court in Richmond Hill. March 25. to answer to the charge. Willowdale Man To |Magistrate Insists On Hearing‘ F3“ The“ Chm“ ‘Preliminary Evidence On Charge A Willowdale man has been charged with theft following a series of coin box robberies from pay telephones in Rich- mond Hill. Police said about $25 in cash was taken from No phones along Yonge Street and from another in the Allencourt Plaza during the last month. In all three cases. the phon- es were ripped off the walls of the booths and taken to some spot where they could be more easily dismantled. RICHMOND DKIUI'II) I'HIVLI [3 UL. HIV) FRESH, lEAN APPLESAUCE 2+or27¢ MINCED (\Allrr’c noun 1‘) n7 Tlll ¢ BRIGHTS FANCY MACARONI SWIFT'S PREM SWIFT'S IRISH OR BEEF STEW 39¢ AYLMER IO OZ. TINS TOMATO SOUP 4*or49¢ PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THIS STORE ONLYâ€"FEB. 17, l8, I9, 20 DAVIDS PLAIN OR SALTED CRACKERS LUNCHEON MEAT 39¢ KRAFT DINNER 3for39¢ 375 UIU vv y; uuvB.- uvv. w-v'- I Front row (left to right): Eisie Burnie.‘ corresponding secretary; Edith Titshall, second vice-president: Kav Wood. first v1ce-pres1dent; Lucy Rickard, preSIdent; _Gloria .Sandford. past president; Anna Lehtonen, treasurer. I Rear row: Audrie Apperley, executive officer; Inez Greenfield, recording secretary; Marie Finnertv, executive officer; Nancy Sutcliffe, executive officer; Audrie Tutton, executive officer; Rose Donnellv, sergeant-at-arms. v Absentâ€"Audrey Sykes, executive officer. ' With jaunty berets and crested blazers the 1965 executive of the ladies’ auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch was photographed after _they _h_a¢31 afsurried their duties for 19‘65. r: 1-†m" 1 n ‘ , 1,- ___.__:.I-__L . If-.. ‘17--..l r:.....¢ Valente LADIES' & GENTS’ CUSTOM TAILORS ALTERATIONS Formal Wear Rental Richmond Tailor Co. TAILORING 884-4212 5 Yonge S Styled by legion Auxiliary Reaa’ y For Coming Year Two other witnesses_ Nor- shaving lotion from a taxi stand man Tunney, Markham, and D3â€" in Thornhill. December 22. vid Jones. Stouffville, both tesâ€" The loot was discovered un- tified that they had been out der the seat of a cab, Henry in the car With Galbmith on and some other youths were N: the night in question, and had ding in back to the home, i abandoned it with the accused It )0: ax :- after he had run it into a James Donald. 20' of pol-1 ditch. 'Perry. who was discovered with Magistrate Hollinrake said a bottle of opened beer in his there was enough evidence to possession on Main Street in commit Galbraith. and remand- Stouffville, January 17 was fin- ed hlm on $1,000 cash bail or ed $23.50 for drinking while with an equal surety. under age. Constable William Gunn. 50"“? ‘Markham Village Police. testi- fied that Galbraith had reported a stolen car to him last Decem- RObEI bet. The car, which belonged to ed ‘0 Travis Sugden of Markham, arhe W friend of the accused was re- der 3 covered later in a smashed con- con dition in a ditch, 11/4 miles east Thor] of Highway 48. Jen a] A A Markham resident was committed to trial before a judge and jury. following a preliminary hearing last week in magistrate‘s court Richmond Hill on a charge of report- ing an offence. which alleged- ly never occurred. Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake dismissed a motion by defence counsel Frederick Bannon to have his client. Robert Gai- braith. 26 committed without a preliminary “I've never been quite clear as to waiving evidence for a pre- liminary". said Magistrate Hol- linrake. "I feel I should hear it before committing the ac- cused." Douglas Brock. 25, of Lav- erock Avenue. was remanded to February 16 for a pre-sentence report. The loot was discovered un- der the seat of a cab, Henry and some other youths were ni- ding in back to the home. Brock pleaded guilty to sev- en charges of breaking and en- tering and theft. and one of breaking and entering. He told police he had been pressed for money and food. having been out of work for some time. The occurrences took place in Richmond Hill. January 24 and 25, and involved small sums of money and articles from seven business places. Some of the money and $125 in goods were recovered from a hiding place in Brock‘s apart- ment. xiii)! A House of Concord youth. Robert Henry. 16. was remand- ed to Feb. 15 for sentence when he was convicted of theft un- der $50. Constable Arthur Wolfreys, Thornhill. said Henry had stol- en an electric razor and some shaving lotion from a taxi stand in Thornhill, December 22. The loot was discovered un- der the seat of a cab, Henry and some other youths were ni- ding in back to the home. It )0: it * James Donald. 20. of Port' Perry. who was discovered with a bottle of opened beer in his possession on Main Street in Stouffville. January 17 was fin- ed $23.50 for drinking while under age. following eveningralso at '7. Birthday greetings to Danna Ford. Brookside Road. who cele- 22. Pupils from Jefferson School enjoyed a valentine skating party at Richmond Hill arena, last week. Congratulations to Mrs. Ted Gamble. Elgin Mills. who was the winner of the lucky draw prize at the valentine tea, sponsored by the Elgin Mills-Jefferson Branch of the hospital auxi- liary. The first prize was a handmade quilt. Second prize. an oil painting, was won by Mrs. Eleanor Cas- way. Bathurst Street. The cup and saucer went to Mrs. Jack Hall, Naughton Drive. brates her birthday, February. St. John young people break- fasted at the church Sunday morning. before attending the morning services. Due to Mr. Robinson's absence ‘last week, the service of Holy Communion will be observed. February 21. PICKERING: For'hls part in a disturbance in a Pickering store, January 20. Thomas A. Joyce of Liverpool Rd. South was sentenced to 30 days in jail by Magistrate H. Jermyn last week. It ax xv It S'l‘OUFFVILLE: An eight-year old Stouffville girl, Patricia Dedlow. Main Street West. was struck by a car driven by Ken- neth Roberts. Harold St.. Stouff- ville and suffered a broken right leg January 30. A House of Concord youth.‘ Birthday ï¬reetings to Danna Robert Henr)’. 16. was remand‘ Ford. Brookside Road. who cele- ed to Feb. 15'for sentence whembrates her birthdayV February he was conv1cted of theft un- 22' 7 OZ. PKGS. 15 OZ. TINS 16 OZ. PKG. 24 OZ. TIN 12 OZ. TIN Doug Brown. Larry Laidman and Ian Corkin were among the young hockey enthusiasts who attended Maple Leaf Gardens last week for a junior A hockey game between Toronto Mar- lboros and Montreal Canadiens. At the last meeting of the group committee of the Jeffer- sonson Cubs and Scouts. it was decided to hold a church par- ade to St. John‘s Church, Feb- ruary 28. The boys are asked to be at the church by 10:45 am. Anyone interested in join- ing the Cubs should be at St. John's parish hall. Monday even- ings at 7. Scouts meet there the following evening. also at '7. who supported the group and who helped make the afternoon a success. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell, of Toronto. and their seven-week-l .old daughter, Linda. spent Sun- !day with Mr. Bell's parents. Mr. .and Mrs. William Bell. The monthly meeting of the community club will he held at Jefferson School. February 24. Church News Captain Terry Buckle of the church army. conducted the morning prayer last week at St. John‘s. The rector. Mr. Robin- son. was the speaker at Little Trinity Church. Toronto. _ St. ‘John young people break- branch. district had receiv- ed the six percent membership award for 1964 from provincial command. As George will become zone commander in June. he will find it difficult to carry out his present duties as entertainment officer. One of the main func- tions of that office. which he has held over the past seven years. is organizing our weekly dance. It was suggested by our ladies representative. Comrade Madge Barrott. that the fifteen ladies. take over this event. Some of the ladies have been complaining because they have no regular participation in L..___L --L:..:Ll-- anmfl‘n nnwnnfl Neighborhood Notes EVENING BRANCH ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 884-3008 ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEW ZEALAND FRONT 0' LAMB Jewel Shortening Ivory Soap SPERSOI IGA LAMB in the BASKET I INSTANT MILK 99¢ Thanks zo out to all than who supported the group and who helped make the afternoon a success. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell, of Toronto. and their seven-week- old daughter, Linda. spent Sun- PICKERING: For'his part in a disturbance in 3 Pickering store, January 20. Thomas A. Joyce of Liverpool Rd. South was sentenced to 30 days in jail by Magistrate H. Jermy-n last week. S'I‘OUFFVILLE: An eight-year nld Stouffville girl, Patricia Dedlow. Main Street West. was struck by a car driven by Ken- neth Roberts. Harold St.. Stouff- villa and suffered a broken right leg January 30. { When a member asked if the ‘juniors could not wear coveralls. Ted asked the member if he [was kidding. He went on to ex- ‘Ph0l0 by Stuart'l Studio) plain how many sturdier coat jackets now existed that were without. sleeves. 5 PERSONAL SIZE BARS The Junior Legion was on the agenda of the last executive meeting. The president said that he had commended the juniors on the success of their recent vincial command requesting donut campaign in which they dues for 1965. It is interesting had made a profit of $130. Sec-'to note that if everyone paid and Vice-President Ted McBrien their dues on time. the Legion‘ asked the branch. to assist them throughout Canada. would pro. in the purchase of judo outfits. fit by many thousands of dollars, He said the 20 who attend every in interest alone. Many dues week were very keen but couldiare still owing. last drumhead service was held at Orillia in 1964. It i i e A letter was read from pro- Comrade Ted will assist in- structor Jack Walker at the Weekly meet. He is the holder of the brown belt in judo. He was authorized by the executive to go ahead with the purchase of outfits which will receive Legion backing, as the niidget hockey team which is suppnrted by the branch. in the purchase of judo outfits. He said the 20 who attend every week were very keen but could not afford the outlay in a lump sum for a suit. He thought the Junior Legion was as deserving without Sleeves. Comrade Ted will assist In- structor Jack Walker at the weekly meet. He is the holder of the brown belt in judo. He was authorized by the executive ‘0 3° ahead with the pur°h?se.sald that he had fixed the leak. of outfits which w111 receiveyin the roof of the building and; Legion backing. The ladies‘ given permission to use the small hall at Legion Court for a weekly bingo. Gloria Sanford reports that the second of these games had a better attendance than the first. Some of the funds received will go to provide gifts for veterans at Sunnybrook Hos- pital. They also hope to swell the scholarship fund for vet- erans' dependants. auxiliary were'leak in the sky. He had thoughti When Property Chairman. Gord Bayler gave his report. the president said that he had seen three' children taking ad- vantage of the swimming pool on our parking lot. Gord in reply iwas taking steps to prevent thEl of digging a ditch to carry away the lake in the lot but was at a loss to know in which way to direct it. No decision was reached on the problem. and last week. when the rains came, all cars remained as stationary as a fleet lying at anchor in harbour. When spring arrives we may well be going down to the‘ Legion in ships. Comrade George Wood re- It was apparent last Friday ports that because of the mam-{that the word had spread re- bership achievement of our own garding the visit of three young branch. district had receiv- Richmond Hill guitarists. The ed the six percent membership club room was packed to capac- award for 1964 from provincial ity when Rick Pillage introduced command. the “Hardy Minstrelsâ€. named As George will become zone after Harty Amos, son of Com- commander in June. he will find rade Marsh Amos who manages it difficult to carry out his,a local juvenile hockey team. no regular participation in branch activities. George agreed to the suggestion and the opera- tion of the Saturday night dance. by the ladies, will be on a four week trial basis. Comrade Steve Appleby was briefed in his duties as chair- man of the drumhead service to be held in Richmond Hill on a Sunday in June. Comrades Ted McBrien and Gord Mills were appointed as committee members. All branches from district ‘E' will gather for the occasion. A large parade is ex- pected and it is hoped to obtain the facilities of the town park. A drumhead ball will he held on the evening prior to the ser- vice for members of the various branches and their wives. The your legion Report: Branch 875. Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-7129 “23¢ POTATQE§ The ladies‘ auxiliary invited all members of the executive. and their wives to a pot luck supper on February 15. Gloria Sandford said later that permis- sion had been given by doctors at Sunnybrook Hospital. for their protege Johnny Oliver to be a guest of the ladies on that evening. He was highly de- lighted with the invitation. The trio. Dave Englehutt. Keith Maintland and Mike Lyne proved to be excellent entertain- ment with their singing and playing of folk songs equalling any university ‘hootenanny‘. Harty is at present on sick leave from the University of Mon- treal. and Dave is a school< teacher in Toronto. The group has a fifth member. Bill Mer- aska. who also sings with them. After the trio sang ‘There's a meeting here tonight' some. one was overheard to say that he had paid to hear singers of lesser quality. When Bill was asked if the group could be compared with the “Kingston Trio’ he replied that the Kings- ton men had about 80 albums to their credit “But we have like none, you know dad". It is good to know that we have local young men with talent. PIANO TUNING AL PYLE 884-3614 iilf°ss$iY5§ 3 LB. BOX Guesswork ls Eliminated New Scientific Method FREE ESTIMATES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1965 BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM RD.â€"R|CHMOND HILL _ 10 LB. c - BAG NEW IMPORTED CABBAGE ALLENCOURT PLAZA ' M. C. Fry. Circulation. ' 1““““““““' ““““““““‘ JEFFERSON I. Carrier (boy or girl) required for established “Liberal†newspaper route in Jefferson. PLEASE CALL 884-1105 or 884-1106 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL IN RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. ON TUESDAY. the 23rd Day of FEBRUARY - I965 â€" FIRE-GLO CENTRE (a) Receive and consider the Annual Report (b) Elect Directors Dated at Richmond Hill this 3rd day of February. 1965, by order of the Board of Trustees. (c) Transact such other business as may prop- erly come before “u: meeting or any ad- journment thereof YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Annual Meeting of Members of the York Central- Hospital Association will be held in the IMPROVES AND BEAUTIFIES ANY FIREPLACE! may FIREPLACE ENCLOSURE COHFORY Indians IOMII. am he! mm M "w duh-l Jill/TV Haw. window View H ï¬n, U "and: vi". any duct. CONVL'N/fNCE Tum door: am 0'.- lly on plum hing... I Conhol ï¬n I'M! Ilvd-n. dull dun. 0 Ium wood, cool at In. SAFETY ’rohch Iuinul lurk. much. In! mid IM. 0 Guava-ï¬nd. 46 Steeles Ave. at the hour of 8:00 p.m. To: CALL OR non-m AND 3:: OUR COMPLETE also muvs. on SEND an: or FIREPLACE OPENING POI Pu: COLORFUL FlRlPLACI IDEABROCHURII Call AV. 5-3133 WILLOWDALE )otuuma soup )HEAI-TENPERED BRASS FRAME! cuss DOORS! G. WALTER, Secretary West of Yonge