Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2238. LfclB FIREPLACE wood. 5 years sea- lonegi oak $20 cord; maple $16. Delivered. 773-5368. tfc25 CHILD‘S medium size crib, with spring filled mattress. 832- 8843, after 6 pm. c1w34 5 PIECE modern bedrooHiEIâ€"lit-e: like new. Best offer. 832-1250. clw34 MOFFAT rangeâ€"30“, 1962. (‘A‘Jrl CflEcK THIS $329, fully automatic_ wm‘We believe we have the Largest guarantee. $175 or near offer and most complete retail ware- 285â€"5226, “C34 house stock of furniture and ap- â€"â€"-â€".â€" â€"~ .» ~ '_‘Tâ€"‘ pliances in Canada (a special on “militari kitchen tables and chairs). You VIKING frost free automatic. 14.3 cubic feet. 2 doors. 6 mon- ths old. Phone 884-6312 or 884â€" 1188. c1w34 MOFFAT range so", 196270;? OLD Enï¬eld ' military-rifle. with martini action. In good Ionditlon. $35. 884-3241. LLOYD baby carriage. navy blue and white with metal body. Very Rood condition. $25. 884- I294. c1w34 EARPAULINS, 11' x 17', $12.50. 21 piece tap and die set, $15. Also different size tarpaulins. 773-5874. c1w34 GOOD usedifurniture {01" 5711;. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 NEW PHILTCO refrigerator, $149.95. 884-3211 c1w34 c1w34 18 HP Johnson iï¬B’tbr. 19622. Good as new. $250. 285-3020. c1w34 INGLIS automatic washerâ€"wit]; suds return. guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 PORTABLE television. 17" with warranty. $54.50. 884-2624. clw34 21" TELEVISTOTI, {ï¬nâ€"till] condition. walnut. RCA Victor. $45. 884-5081. c1w34 PROPANE space heater. used 4 months. and stove. 285-1966. tfc32 DRY hardwood, cut. suitable for ï¬replace use. Delivered single --«J 1â€"1.. 00‘ A110 4:-..J'1') ‘Tiï¬E CHESTTEHFIEIZD‘sui’téa piece‘ Sklar, like new. Bargain. 884v c1w34, récorderfï¬ Seabl‘eeze', stereo. $100. Tape recorder Re-' 3503. vere. $40. Phone 884-3813. ask for Grant. ï¬EADBOARD (combination headboard and end tables) un- usual design. Please call Mrs. Burton. 285â€"1052. clw34 CENTRIFUGAL pump. Mi" suction. 1" discharge. 6' lift. 1/11 HP motor. including switch. $30. 832-1449. c1w34 DRAPES all lined, 1 pair 96“ x 144". Royal. 1 pair 96" x 96" Royal. Phone 884-6312 or 884- 1188. c1w34 c1w34‘ t 21"77’7T’ELEVISION. beautiful condition. walnut. RCA Victor. $45. 884-5081. clw34 FRIGfDAIRE, autSEEtiâ€"câ€"wash- er. 1960. Cost $489. Will guar- antee. $150.. 285-5226. DRY hardwood, cut, suitable for ï¬replace use. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfcw23 ALUMWIVI‘I PETS FOR SALE Doors, windows, awnings. and H railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. SAMOYED puppies. Regd. tfc36 Phone 773-5595, Oak Ridges. 21" MOTOROLA T“v. Excellent _ 02w34 condition. New picture tube, 2 GERMAN Shepherd puppies $85. Also 21" Sylvania TV, $65. for sale. 884-6695. 884-5747. c1w34 c1w34 MOFFAT. fully automatic TRIMMING, [SS-thing and stove with Rotisserie. 6 months grooming. Specializing in Ker- Old- Phone 884-5312 01‘ 884- ry Blues, and poodles. 832-2671. 1188. clw34 “(:20 I I (Continuedï¬Li may FROPKNE gas stove. 884-6046 REFRIGERATOR. s45. 285-5iï¬slfmm 6-9 pm. “W34 ____., fie-14 TAN-GT, Fâ€"rigï¬ai;'e;"3o~fa‘um. NEW PHILC? refrigerator. matic. $75. 285-5226. tfc34 11W}? sâ€"T’ovrraragerat’or‘ma‘gm OAK dmmg room suite. Best unit, 334-3923 c1w34 CHE “c‘ï¬fsï¬a’ï¬mm'and’2"chms. 21 INCH TV. $45- 884-5575 suitable for cottage. Best offer. v _cl_w3_4 884-2312. clw34 22" MOFFAT range. New ele- MOFFAT efé’ctr’ifstdvéfzv. ments. $39. 285-52§§.W_itfc3§ Looks like new. Baby crib. 884- ANTIQUE settee. excellent conâ€"P538. ‘7:le34 dition, $125. 334-3190. clw34 3â€"Dgg5's’E'sjâ€" near "new. we WGE refrigerator. very good blaCk- Borg jaCket, Size 12 Pet.- condition. $35. 884-2183. ite. 832-1206. MATHS‘ TV RADIO 884-7903 Used wringer washers, automa- tic washers. All reconditioned. Full warranty. Parts. tf028 POOL table and accessories. Gendron brand. new, home size 52" by 100". Cash and carry $129.50. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. HU. 8-7911. 1 CONTINENTAL bed with painted bookcase headboard; amost new mattress. 1 new elec- tric shoe shine kit. 2 prs. of girls figure skates. size 4c. 1 pr. of Kneblis. hand made. 884-1529. clw34 BEAUTYREST, Marshall. Sim- mons. Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call .Frank‘s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tic'l DEAD oak trees on ground or standing. to cut will pay $1 per single cord. Will also clear up dead beech. maple. birch. 773‘ 5368 or write Perfâ€"Pro. Box 173 Lake Wilcox. *l\\'33 “ROOM and BOARD HAY and straw by bale or ton ing down. Showcases. shelves. pop cooler, cash register, etc. etc. 17 Yonge Street North. 884- 3450. c1w34 SALE THE VILLAGE SHOPPE clos‘ TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand~ and portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Riohmond Hill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion Sc eachvword. minimum charge 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 50 per word, min. charge 656 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, 5e per word: min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10:30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice ARTICLES FOR SA LE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, HONEY WERNER 285-2724 884-1 c1w34 c4w33 tfc34 tlc21 uc49 745 V PETS FOR SALE USED office desk. 285-4702 Avenue, turn west off Yonge at B.A. 773-5615. c1w34 DEAD oak trees on ground or standing. to cut will pay $1 per single cord. Will also clear up dead beech. maple. birch. 773- TABLES. 2 step. 1 coffee Ital- ian Provincial, walnut formica tops. like new. $45. Stauffer re- ducing table, $75 or best offer. 833-5310. c1w34 38 BEATTY Stanchions. water bowls and pipe. Milker pump pipe (approximateLy 300 ft). and surge stall cocks. 884-2236, 285-2236. c1w34 TYPEWRITER. Smith Corona 250. electric portable. Special script type. Ideal for business or professional conrespondence. 18 months old. Original cost $240, sell for $125. Private 285- 6692. c1w34 RECEPTION'fsTï¬redï¬i? :local firm. evenings and days. Typing essential. Box No. 49 The Liberal KIND and reliable lady for 3 year old boy in hi at 113 Arnold Crescent. 1 to Friday. 8 am. to Please call after 6 884- EXCELLENT opportunit; able for girl to perform iety of interesting dutie local office. 5 day wee] benefits. typing and Sht essential. 285-5414. should pay us a visit or call 884-6771 open 9 to 5 daily ex- cept Friday until 9. Central Van and Storage 28 Industrial Road TV DEVICE FOR. THE HARD OF HEARING Designed to help you hear your favorite program better and clearer without annoying any- one in the same room. Attaches to the TV easily. Instructions included. Money-back guaran- teed. Send $1.00 cheque or mon- ey order and self-addressed en- velope. Northern Television Products 4810 Yonge Street Willowdale. Ont. TOY Manchesters, also males at stud. W. H. Glenney, 21 Aubrey Jill Goddard, for professional poodle clipping. Stud services & top bred poodle pups usually for sale from $100. 7783 Yonge St., Thornhill. 285-3606. WANTED room and board for? one eldeer gentleman. Close to stores in Richmond Hill, 5285- 3479 after 6 pm. clw34 ROOM & BOARD available. 88443868. clw33 ROOM and board ailailable for gentleman. near transportation. 285-4313. clw34 TWO furnished adjoining room. private bathroom. in nice home. Suit two gents. 884-3923. clw34 FOR SALE DOG GROOMING WANTED Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 18, 1965 c1w34 c3w32 c1w34 U027 HAIRDRESSER EXPERIENCED TO TAKE OVER CLIENTELE AV. 5--1215 IACETYLENE welderiï¬plyï¬h Iperson. w. E. Nixon & Co.. IVandorf Sideroad, 727-9211. I HELP WANTED I HELP WANTED {MISCELLANEOUS KIND and reliable lady to care for 3 year old boy in his home at 113 Arnold Crescent, Monday to Friday. 8 am. to 5 pm. Please call after 6 884-5171. EXCELLENT opportunity avail- able for girl to perform 3 var- iety of interesting duties in a local office. 5 day week. staff benefits. typing and shorthand essential. 285-5414. WAITRESSES for days or nights. The Seven Drive in Res- taurant. Don Mills and M Highâ€" way 285-5790. c2w33 EEGAL seci‘etary required. two! evenings weekly for firm locat-I ed in Maple. Telephone 832-J 2606. c2w34 MAN wanted over 30. for ship-I pinz room and nursery. Chauf-l feur‘s licence necessary. 884- 3933. Horticultural Products. EECE'PTIONIST required by local firm. evenings and Satur- days. Typing essential. Write REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the Town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gau- thier, 350 St. Roch, Montreal 15, Quebec. c4w32 EXPERIENCED real estate land and farm salesman wanted for Steeles and Yonge head of- fices of David McLean Ltd., European capital and represenâ€" tation provide unequaled oppor- tunities. Please call David Mc- Lean, 285-1176, evenings 285- 3419. c1w34 EARN that needed money “The Avon Way“. For details write Miss Ziegler. Box 141, Guelph. Ont. c1w34 ATTENTION ladiesTwould yeti like a part time job and have a car please call 773â€"5994. Experience not necessary. Write Box 47 The Liberal. HAIRDRESSER wanted. experi- enced. Apply 285-1416. BOYS with bicycles for morn- ing paper routes. Phone 884â€" 7543. c3w32 MAINTENANCE man required on machinery, tools and dies. Full time position. 285-7321. m EXPERIENCED female clerk- typist for manufacturing com- pany in Richmond Hill. 285- 5461. c1w34 Lâ€"KDIES. 2 t673flevrenings a week Will pay $20 to $30. Car neces- sary. Call 884-7824 or 884-1612. clw34 USED car lot man. 285-1105. Mr. Vanderkolk. c3w33 i’KRTâ€"or‘fdilitime female ofâ€" fice help. Typing and knowl- edge of bookkeeping. 285-4963. clw34 Over 40‘s too. The real estate business is booming and we need 2 salesmen for our north and west offices. We will teach you the business from A to Z and pay you a drawing account if needed while you learn. We pay top commission rates and bonuses and offer specialized training. A little selling experi- ence will help. particularly ha- kery and dairy salesmen. For confidential interview call Sam Reid. 222-1186. Norm Black Realty Ltd. clw34 SALESMAN WANTED Sell Ramblers The car that‘s really going places! We have an opening for one experienced, hard-hitting, am- bitious salesman. Permanent position with a bright future. No limit on earnings. See Mr. Harrison at 91 Yonge St. S . ance reports, knowledge bud ing posting ledgers. trial bal 35 years tric Corporation Ltd.,, Bullock Senior accounting clerk accounting procedures, includ gets Drive. Markham JUNIOR FEMALE CLERK LAND SALESMAN Required by Local Apply Amalgamated Elec Chartered Bank WE NEED YOU! HASKETT AUTO CENTRE Good background in MALE NeWmarket clw34 c1w34 c1w34 clw34 c1w34 clw34 c2‘w34 c1w34 c2w33 c1w34 25 to tfc3l IA young man to learn the men's 'clothing business at our Rich- mond Heights Centre store. I (Continued) EXPEï¬i‘Eï¬Eï¬ï¬‚ï¬it‘r’és’s'want ed, steady nights. 887-5411i BOOKKEEPER wanted â€" for truck dealership. experience in general accounting necessary. Apply in writinz stating full particulars to Herron Motors Ltd., 1525 Dundas Highway, Cooksville. Ontario. *1w34 EXPERIENCED Steel plate fit- ter and experienced code weld- er. Apply Chemical Valley Fabricating Company, 320 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill. 285- 5462. Ask for J. Weaver. WATCHMAN 4.30 to 12.30 'a.m. and 12.30 am. to 8.30 am. Transportation required, 5 day week. Permanent position. Full employee benefits. Age limit 50 years. Salary $2,880 to $3.360. Reply giving experience and reâ€" ferences to Box No. 46 The Lib- eral. *1w34 OPPORTUNITY Local firm, expanding in Rich- mond Hill, has opening for a bright young man. 25-40, no pre- vious experience necessary. Starting salary $400 to $500 monthly, depending upon qual- ifications. Future increases in six months. Write, giving full particulars to Box 45, “The Lib- eral". c2w34 SUPERVISING CARETAKER Required for township school area No. 2, Markham (18 schools). Duties to include maintenance work, ordering and delivering of supplies. Apply in writing, stating qualifications by March lst to Mrs. J. Brown, secretary treasurer, 18 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. c1w34 HIGH caliber of men wanted to follow up leads. Must have car and over 25 yrs. Beltane of Riâ€" chmond Hill, 36 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. c1w34 WOMEN interested in making good money, all leads supplied, must have car. Beltone Hearing Service. 36 Yonge St. 8., Rich- mond Hill. clw34 RECEPTIONIST required by local firm, must be a capable typist, shorthand preferred. Write Box 48, The Liberal. DRIVER with own car for drug store delivery, 5.30-9 pm. Mon- day through Saturday. Sundays 2-6 pm. every other week. Ap- ply in person Richvale Pharm- acy. 9014 Yonge Street, Thorn- hill. c1w34 TSA N0. 1 MARKHAM Requires itixierant school secre- tary. half time basis. for schools in Thornhill area. Shorthand necessary. Apply E. J. Sand, Business Administrator, Gen- eral Delivery, Thornhill. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. have openings for 2 salesmen in their busy successful long established Richmond Hill Of- fice. For interview appointâ€" ment please call Mrs. Suther- land. 285-1164, evenings, 884- 5310. c1w34 'ELK’S’MEN‘S & BOYS WEAR TECHNICIAN, full or part time. Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc2'1 Do you have a drlnking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHIC reader, teacup. cards and palmistry. By appointment. Amelia Davie. Phone 773-5491. c3w33 2226 after 6 pm. CIWE RICHMOND HILL and su rounding area house with 2 ( 3 bedrooms and backyard. Re ponsible family. 884-7629. RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns. roto- tillers, rotovators. also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA‘ 1-1711. tfcao 884-7 456 LOANS S50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 285-5562 Mgr. Felix Game DUPLEX or apartment. one or two bedroom. in central Rich- mond Hill, for No adults. 884- Tool & Equipment 19" portable. day. week or month RICHMOND HILL TV RENT A TELEVISION Hex-ridge Electric TV Appliances Sales. Repairs. Parts 884-3211 TOOLS FOR RENT PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT RENTAL 285-3756 tf033 c1w34 c1w34 c1w34 clw34 c2w33 c2w33 c1w341884-1245 c1w34 tfc31 tfc32 2 or Res- CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations 8; repairs, prompt service PAINTING and decorating. Free estimates Workmanship Quaran- teed. Ron Gardner. 884-5465 days. 884-5061 evenings. ALPHA JANITOR SERVICE @5529 0? am; Complete office or store clean- time‘ 334.5813 ing. No job too big. no job too ~ ~ -â€" â€" “- small. Phone 773-5319‘ KENNEDY'S Home and Com- mercial Cleaners. Floors, ceil- ings. walls, rugs. broadloom. windows. chesterfields. Phone 884-7866. tfc16 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CARPENTRY E CONCRETE Custom building additions. re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. tic-7 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workâ€" manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 PaintinE. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 PLUMWING Alterations. Repairs. Contractâ€" ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 7 tfc51 KING CITY WEL ~ DRILLING ’ CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards. shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 HEARING AIDS Batteries. service. Free infor- mation. Philips “New Life†Hearing Aids. 10-day money- back guarantee. Atlas Photo Supplies, Richmond Heights, Centre, 884-3221 or Central Hearing Service, 4810 Yonge Street, Willowdale. c4w31 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5â€"5345. PAULS BARBER SHOP The Mall, Richmond Heights Centre. open daily 8-6 pm. Thursday - Friday 8-9 pm. Hair styling by Frank. Monday, Tuesday. special haircut. sham- poo. styling. Only 33. Haircut- styling $2.25 at all times. Cour- teous service. Personal atten- tion c4w34 AV. 5-2526 tch RALPH ELMS DECORATING WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tf PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 Kitchens. Rec. Rooms, Flooring, Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe HOME IMPROVEMENTS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill c2w34 c3w32 tfc 31 tfc43 tfc44 tfc33 tfc33 tfc 'ROOM to rent in exchange for light housekeeping duties. 884- “5813. c1w34 ԤTORAG‘L: sp_a.ce- gvailable. I1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments year round swimming. balcony inter-com. 884-6342. ï¬r? F‘U R‘Ntsfliï¬jnh F5376 ’e‘h’t apartment. 3 rooms and bath. Business couple preferred. 285- 1890. tfc31 iL’I’CTH‘rpfléï¬Ã©elééE’pi’n’g. hé'it'eâ€"d |and furnished. fridge and stove $8 weekly. Ladies only. 884- 2196. tfc31 SUBLET. 2 Bedroom apartment APARTMENT for rent All con- veniences. Close to shopping, $95. Aurora. 727-9488. 727-5046. tfc32 About 14' by 22', heat. light. $75 monthly. Rear of Atlantic Fin- ance. 884-1853. c1w34 MODERN’one‘bediioom apart; ment. kitchen and living room. Close to Yonge. 884-4224. 2 BEDROOM house. furnished. $90 monthly. Immediate occup- ancy. 773-4116. c1w34 SOUTH of Richmond Hill, pri- vate bath. parking facilities. $78 monthly. 636-4923 for fur- ther information. clw34 THREE bedroom house, nice garden. children welcome. $125 monthly. 285-3921 after 6. APARTMENT. 2 bedroom. Close to transportation. 285- 5315. cl w34 2 BEDROOM apartments. rea- sonable. close to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884-2852. RENT. Lease. Buy PHILCO TV $2 PER WEEK Herridge Electric-TV Applian- ces, 884-3211. clw34 in new building, intercom and balcony. 9 months left on lease. 884-6019. tfc30 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, 1st house east of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 ONE bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom luxury apartment. 884-3982 or BA. 5- 6429. tfc29 2 STOREY, three bedroom house. good condition. Alumi- num storms and screens. 884- 7690. c1w34 BACHELOR, 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. modern, near ev- erything, from $92.50. Av. 5- 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfc17 3 ROOM basement apartment, large living room. large bed - room, frig. stove. bathroom, central parking. Call 884-2812 after 4:30 pm. c1w34 YONGE and Steeles area. 1 bedroom apartment, frig and stove. Private entrance. child care available. 285-2674. BASEMENT apartment. almost new, 1 bedroom, living room and kitchen. Fridge and new stove, 2 piece bathroom with shower. Private entrance. 884- 7208. c1w34 BASEMENT apt, large living room, large bedroom, kitchen equipped, fridge and stove. 3- piece bath, available March 7, TU. 4-2812, after 4.30 pm. Seating capaclty 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc3'7 2 ROOM APARTMENT, free parking, fully furnished. mod- ern kitchen, private entrance, own phone, TV outlet, 4 piece bathroom. Suit business couple. 884-7671 after 6 pm. c2w32 MODERN bachelor apartment with stove and frig. Available February lst. 36 Church St. 5., Richmond Hill. Phone 727-5319. tfc30 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, stove and frig. Quiet district. $125 monthly. Refer- ences required. 884-1853. WEST OF YONGE. large bright sunny one bedroom. self con- tained apartment, four piece bath, front and back entrances on large yard. All conveniences $95 884-5708 after 5 pm. Raising Chinchillas. Contact Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. CARE for children. 5 days week- work. Phone 895-2030. 1y. 285-6876. clw34 *4w33 13:4? care given-in happy home, EXPERIENCED secretary reâ€" 2 children aged 3 to 5 years. quires full or part time em- 285-5388. c2w33 ployment in Richmond Hill. RELIABLEâ€"day éa’r‘eâ€"fo‘lfygï¬ Write Box 38 The Liberal. preâ€"school child in our home, , , C3W32 884-2495. c1w341 PRICES WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc3l OFFICE SPACE T0 LEASE Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE "THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 - 285-3316 DEAD STOCK YOU TOO CAN MAKE MONEY! Business Opportunities The classified ad takers at “The Liberal" are friendly, helpful people. trained in their jobs, with a full realization of the importance of being helpful (a everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do. it will be a pleasant experience. DAY CARE R.R. 1 UXBRIDGE HALL FOR RENT T0 RENT kind, phone any c1w34 clw34 c1w33 c1w34 clw34 tfc32 tfc33 tfc33 IF YOU sold your house and hold a mortgage we will buy Intact‘from you. Best prices paid. uch. Morgan and Company. 17 Queen 'St. E., Toronto. Phone 363-8747 tfc52 day or evening. tfc34 54 FORD autométic,’ E1} con- dition. or trade for half ton ipick-up. 884-3143. c1w34 1965 BRIDGESTONE Japanese motor cycle. Maple Marine. 5 Maple Sideroad & Keele Street, Maple. c1w34 :lTï¬b FORD. take over p-ailnents I1956 DODGE. 4 door sedan, au- tomatic. radio. snow tires, 1 owner, ideal second car. reas- .0nable. 884-4128. c1w34 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts 8: Sales, Old 11%. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 WHOLESALE PRICES 1960 RAMBLER Super Classic. radio. one owner. Al condition. 884-1419. c1w34 1958 Volkswagen. grey, in good condition, $275. 384-3250. PRICES I For everything or anything Household repairs and altera- tions. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian. Phone 884-7620. clw34 53 Mb’ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ii‘iéom {Eom 6-9 pm. c1w34 1954 AUSTINâ€"Awfcood con- dition. reasonable. 884-2528. nc1w34 1956 FORD, low mileage. Ex- _ cellent running. radio. 884-5653. c1w34 F; ’1'9‘54‘AU'STIN‘A36, gaaa‘sm , â€"] and tires. Cheap. 833-5785. ' MA; 5G CHEV-- mEChaniciarllb'isrdilirlidJGormley.fleasi'diiï¬bn‘mlls Rd. $275 or offer. 833-5276. QPhone 886-5851. “c9 6 cylinder, automatic, white custom radio. 884-3561. Full price $225. 1957 Monarch sedan. radio, $200. 1958 Ford Fairlane. automatic radio. $450. 1957 Dodge Suburban Station wagon. automatic. Full price $200. 1958 Mercury Commuter Stat- ion wagon. $875. Full price. 1959 Mercury. half ton pick-up. $875. 1959 Lincoln convertible , all 1955 Buick Sedan. radio, $90. 1955 Cadillac coupe DeVille power, open for an offer. The above cars are in excellent running condition. Ask for] Harry. 285-6101, Coster RoadI and Highway 7, Maple. ' JANITOR Work wanted, part time or full. Phone 773-5319. EXPERIENCETTtIrï¬ist will do typing in her own home. 884- 1577. c2w34 HANDYMAN. willing worker. Odd jobs. painting, carpenter work. Phone 895-2030. Overstocked on older model cars. We will take every rea- sonable offer on these cars. No down payment required. 1960 Studebaker Lark $671 $31 per month 1958 1958 1957 Ford CLEANING Woman, Dutch wants day work. 884-4280 WOMAN, experienced in house- work. By the day. 884â€"7987. HOUSE CLEAITï¬NG available 2-3 days weekly. Richmond Hill area. Reasonable. 884-3616. CAPABLE man, experienced in warehouse work, presently em- ployed, desires change, Rich- mond Hill or Sheppard area. 285-1435. c1w34 YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 1960 1957 1957 1955 HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting‘ BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24 285-3765 or 884-1441 It doesn't cost a cent to phone MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tch R. D. LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. $15 per 1 ’55 Mercury 9-passenger Station Wagon PLUMBING 8; HEATING 285-3765 or 884-1441 EMPLOYMENT WANTED USED CARS MORTGAGES Meteor $16 per Meteor Rideau 500 $15 per Renault Edsel Sedan Ford $22 per $16 per $29 per $387 $21 per month c1w34 c1w34 cl \v34 $671 month $298 month 3543 month $478 month 5297 month $276 month c1w34 $281 month c1w34 tfc 33 c1w34 c1w34 c1w34 c3w32 c1w34 tfc33 KARSH â€" Michael and Shirley (nee Sadler) are very happy to announce the arrival of their son, Robert George, 7% pounds. on February 11, 1965 at York Central Hospital. First grandchild for Bob and Marie Karsh of Richmond Hill, and George and Anne Sadler, North Bay. and first! great-grandchild for Mary Karsh, Toronto. Also first great-grandchild for Mrs. Ro- bert Sadler, Bowmanville. ALL kinds of sewinlgfalfé; tions. slip covers made. etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly done. Call for appoint- ment. Mrs. J. Shields. 473 Ly- nett Crescent, Richmond Hill. c3w34 AVAILABLE. leaving Hill 7:15 for Scarboro via Woodbine to Eglinton East, returning 5:15. 884-1762. CZW34l LOST â€" one brown wallet. per- sonal and money effects in the vicinity of Richvale Pharmacy on Yonge Street. Thornhill. If found please contact R. Lamb, 285-4911. Reward. clw34 PICTURE framing? Of course! Ruth Calverley Gallery. 884- 5829. 50 Yonge St. 8.. Rich- fU‘foR required for gageâ€"1 ment Pine Hills Cemetery pupil. weekends. Reasonable. Cl 285-3970. c1w34 â€"_ mond MARKHAM VILLAGE: How- ard A. Cosburn was named president of the Markham Fair for 1965 at a meeting of the executive last week. He succeeds Walter Gould. RUMBLE EQUIPMENT " MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS, SERVICE COOPER. Gary and Betty (nee‘1 Silverthorn) are happy to an-l nounce the birth of a son Gary Grant 8 lbs. 2 025. at York Central Hospital. Feb- ruary 15, 1965. A11 doing fine. - c1w34 WHLTBY: Township Clerk Mur- ray Robinson tendered his re- signation last week after 20 years of service with the town- ship. He has accepted the post of secretary of the new Whit- by Township School Board. SIMONS â€" The ball team is now complete with the arriv- al of our short stop Robert Donald Paul, 8 lb. 1/4 oz. February 14, 1965, at York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. The rest of the team: pitcher Kenny, catcher Cathy, lst base Barbara, 2nd base Dona, 3rd base Glen. R-ï¬ield Brenda, L-field Marilyn, C- field Ricky, the proud um- pires Sonny and Jean. SODERBERG â€" Richard and Ann (nee Jackman) are happy to announce the birth of a son at York Central Hospital on Tuesday, February 16, 1965. A brother for Susan and Sandra. clw34 Farm Imnlements DRESSMAKIN G SIMPSON’SDRYGOODS 12 Yonge St. S. Transportation SEAMLESS MESH - 400 NEEDLE Assorted Styles - Broken Sizes Special $1.00 ea. Ladies’ Ski Jackets plain $7.77 - printed $8.88 LADIES’ WINTER COATS $9.95, $29.88 and $39.44 Boys’ Ski Jackets $7.77 & $9.99 Ladies’ 3/; Coats . . . . $13.33 to $14.88 Hill SERVICES DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 TUITION iBirtbs Reg. 49c Pair 3 Pairs for $1.00 LADIES’ SLIPS LOST NYLON HOSE clw34 c1w34 c1w34 nc34 I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbours and friends for their flowers, cards and visits during my stay in York Central Hospital. Also spe- cial thanks to Rev. A. I. Higgins and the doctors and nurses on the second floor. WEAVER. Frances Gwendolynâ€"- (member UEL Society, Tor- onto Branqh. Toronto and District Women Electors and Metro Community Planning) Suddenly, at her home. 23 Oakdene Cres., Toronto. on Monday. February 15. 1965. Frances Gwendolyn Dunham. in her 74th year, beloved wife of Thomas Alva Weaver. dear mother of Frances Marion Weaver. at home. Marjory (Mrs. C. A. Taggart) of Rich- mond Hill and Laurie (Mrs. B. F. Nolan) of Toronto. Sur‘ vived by five grandchildren. Funeral held at Trull Funeral Home, 1111 Danforth Avenue.. Toronto, Thursday afternoon. February 18. at 1 pm. Inter- STEPHENS. Frederick Charles â€"â€"At the Toronto General Hospital on Saturday. Febru- ary 13. 1965. of 58 Birch Ave.. Toronto. dear uncle of Harold, Fred. Glen. Doreen and Jim. in his 88th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yon-ge Street North. Richmond Hill. Inter- ment Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. c1w34 BARROW â€" In loving memory of our dear son. Jimmy who was taken from us 12 years ago. Within our book of memories We have pages set apart. Filled with loving thoughts of page As we so often do. We realize how much it cost To lose a son like you. â€"Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by Mom. Dad Sisters and Brothers. *1w34 CARSON â€" In loving memory of our dear mother Annie Carson who passed away Feb- ruary 18, 1962. â€"â€"Ever remembered by the family. c1w34 Mr. and Mrs. Alec Young of Richmond Hill are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming marri- age of their eldest daughter Jeanette Frances to Mr. Svend Kristensen in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Satur- day, March 6, 1965 at 3 o’clock. *1w34 CARD 0F THANKS you With which we'll never part. And as we turn each precious Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Donald of Oak Ridges are hap- py to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Penelope (Penny) to Mr. James Preston, son of Mrs. Violet Pres- ton, Oak Ridges. The marriage to take place, February 27 in Trinity Anglican Church, Aur- ora. clw34 3 bedroom. separate dining room. recreation room. 2 baths. modern large kitchen, fully fenced yard. This im- maculate home carries less than rent with a low 5%‘70 mortgage. CALL MRS. JOYCE. 884-3607. PHOTO M.L.S‘ 884-3624 h? Iflnrthrnming marriagw REALTY LTD. $14,000 FULL PRICE LEN PUGH @zathg memnriam Richmond Hill â€"Jack Barton c1w34 285-5056 clw34