YWCA The congregation of St. Mat- Many thanks to Janet Fayle,‘thew’s United Church shared dietitian, who spoke to the Silhouette Club on February 7. This talk, exploding miscon- ceptions on “Food Fads and ancies", was part Of the pro- ram aimed toward helping the'Joan Plume and Uneeta Joyce, irls achieve their goal of los- ‘ng 15 pounds in eight weeks. his is done through planned lot and personalized exercise. Mrs. Joy Horton. physical ed-I cation specialist, instructs the ~lasses and gives each girl per- onal attention on exercises uitcd to her own needs. )II 1! A? It Sympathy is extended to‘ rs. William Neal, Centre St.‘ ast, on the death of her aunt. iss J. Isabel Fortune. on Febâ€"1 uary 20 at Wingham and Dis-. rict Hospital. a xv wk :0- Richmond Hill in observe rayer in | arch 5. two services The afternoon service at 2 Community World Day of on last Sunday morning in the 1The group, with their leaders, lFlip Forbes, Doris Monahan, attended the service, and act- ing as ushers were Margaret Peterkin, Donna Rayson, Don- na Bridge and Linda Robbins. Since CGIT have set aside the entire year for celebration, the girls have decided on March 6 for their anniversary fund raising day. This event will take the form of a tea and bake sale to be held in the church from 2 to 4 pm. The funds raised will be donated to the Indonesian Camp Con- ference Centre. This is a camp site already purchased and op- erated by the CGIT in Indon- esia. All CGIT groups across Canada hope to raise $50,000 to send Over for this Christian leadership camp, in gratitude for their 50 years of progress. .m. will be in the United 4- * ill a hurch on Yonge Street and 5 th is extended to in be fouowed by a SOCiaersile. McLeod Arnold alf hour with a cup of tea. Crescent, on the death of her‘ ursery care will be provided. he speaker at this service will gig“; Mzrg' aE'YEEESIEW' “in: e Mrs. Lily Stonehouse of Ux- “.1 y en a Hospital. ridge, who is World Day of rayer promoter for the Free ethodist denomination. The evening service at 8 pm. ill be in St. Paul’s Lutheran hureh on Bayview Avenue. rs. A. E. Myers, the minister’s til it it: a Mr. and Mrs. Don Brayshaw and children Robert, Douglas Susan and Barbara, Crescent, take up residence in Montreal. Harrygan leave on Friday to ife, will bring the message Their many friends wish nd. there Will be a combined them success in their new .hOlI‘. A social half hour fol- home. * * "‘ * ows this service as well. Plan to attend the service ost convenient for you. it: it! it 1! For two weeks, February 22 0 March 8, the girls of the leasantville YWCA group will ave an excellent display of elr crafts in the window of he Allencourt Centre. This includes millinery,’wea- ing and copper tooling. lliillllllllilllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllliilllE the piano teacher ESTELLE MARKHAM _ 884-3787 lllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllltIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllié et this iant Bunny or Easter FHEE w feet tall I elight ' our hlldren ith our ew flick/ass lectric-TV-Appliances Sales. Repairs, Parts 884-3211 42 LEVENDALE ROAD CANDIDLY 5: .- :1 on the death of his St. Paul's Lutheran Church Women met recently at the church. Eighteen guests and members were present. Mrs. Erika Bratfisch was in charge of devotions, and Mn. Mary Rumble spoke on “Men- tal Retardationâ€. It was announced the World Day of Prayer service will be held in the church March 5 at 8 'p.m. An afternoon service will be held in Richmond Hill provided. Past President Mrs. Betty Harvey was presented with an emblem. This recognized her our years service as first pres- dent of the group. The next meeting will be on March 13. Rev. Stewart will give a talk and show slides of his recent .trip to the Holy Land. Mrs. Nelly Williamson and Mrs. Ella Hull had charge of refreshments. lk ll! it! it! Sympathy is extended to Adelmo Melecci, Willowdale, wife, Margaret Melecci, on February 19 at Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Melecci is a former choir leader at Richmond Hill Unit- \.\ ed Church, and for many years taught music in this area. * Ik * * Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Besien and their two daughters, new residents at 13 Rockport Crescent. The Van Be- siens come from Barrie and Mr. Van Besien is with the Ontario Hydro in Willowdale. New residents at 42 Rock- port Crescent, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. O’Gorman and their three sons come here from Regina. Mr. O'Gorman is office man- ager for Perini Construction. Mr. and Mrs. B. McDiarmid and their two small children re- cently took up residence at 61 Tormore Drive, coming to the Hill from Toronto. Also from Toronto are Mr. and Mrs. A. Bultje who are liv- ing at 162 Lennox Avenue. Their neighbors on Markham Road welcome Mr. and Mrs. F. Rouse who recently moved into No. 78. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse have two small sons, age 2 and 4 and ,come here from Wiarton. *ltlltllll This coming Sunday in place of the regular even- ing service at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, the choir will be singing J. H. Mann- der's sacred cantata “Olivet to Calvary". This describes in choral l form the last days of Christ on earth. The service starts at 7 pm. SPEKINC. You'll never look lovelier than on your wedding day and wouldn‘t you like to know how others see. you? Let us rccoul your looks . . . and this day. . . with fine wed ding candids. You'll always be glad you did .5th 5% 30A YONGE ST. 5., RICHMOND HLL 884-6741 50th anniversary celebration of lthe Canadian Girls in Training. United at 2 pm. with a nursery Among the out of town guests who will be attending the March l King City Composite School will tl‘i and Mrs. Shastri of Toronto. Dl‘. Shastri is director of the nadian Indian Tourist office for the government of India. Richmond Hill ticket ***>l is the convenor. . The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Women‘s Progressive Conservative Asso- cia tion was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Price, Final plans for the- annual St. Patrick’s Dance were completed. President Mrs. L. 'Oliver congratulated the com- mittee for their planning of the evening. Bingo was enjoyed and fan- tastcic prizes were won by Mrs. R. Jarvis, Mrs. J. McAllister, Mrs. W. Stone. Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. A. Whaley, Mrs. E. O’Neill, Mrs. J. Hunt, Mrs. D. Clissold, Mrs. T. Worsley and Mrs. Cappy. Tickets for the dance may be obtained from the co-chairman, Mrs. L. Oliver 884-2278 and Mrs. J. A. Price. 884-3674. ##‘iï¬ Have you reserved your sealts for the YCHA’s theatre night “Spring Thalw†on May 1 at the Royal Alex? The $3 tickets are al- ready sold out, and sales going well for $3.50 and $2 tickets, but many seats have yet to be sold for this nationally popular review. Essential equipment is still needed by the York Central Hospital, and the auxiliary are hoping that proceeds from the theatre night - the main fund rais- ing event of the year will provide a major con- tribution to the hospital’s needs. “Spiring Thaw" is first class entertainment for all ages - and is usually booked up lomg before opening in Toronto, so why not take the opportunity of good seats at regular prices, and give the auxiliary your , wholehlearted support. 4 Tickets may be obtained from any. member of the auxiliary or by calling 884- 7767. J. **** ' At the February meeting of the CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World presided over by Mrs. J. Daley, it was reported that six cards had been sent to sick members in the parish. The ladies were asked to bake for these members. Mrs. Copping and committee who convened the Valentine bridge and euchre were commended on a very suc- cessful evening. It was announced by Mrs. S. Park that the ladies would cater for the Holy Name Men’s Breakfast on March 14. It was decided to hold a pot luck supper March 22, with Mrs. A. Bellavanoe and Mrs. St. Louis, convenors. An invitation to attend this event is being ex- tended to the Girl Guides by Mrs. C. Thompson. Plans were made by Mrs. J. Fraser for the Communion Sun- per April 26 alt the Summit Res- taurant. Mrs. Tamhonso, radio and TV convener, asked the ladies to atâ€" tend a workshop at Holy Rosary Hall February 27. Mrs. J. Mc.Arthur won the mystery door 'prize. Father F. Robinson explained the liturgy of the English mass which begins March 5. Refreshments were served by Mrs. S. Park and committee. its )k )k i Robert Hunter, formerly with Skyline-Pontiac, has been ap- pointed used car manager with Woodland Motors Limited at >Cooksville, it was announced last week. * >l< a r The patients at the Villa Hospital enjoyed a fine perfor- mance of music and dance on Friday evening, presented by pupils of the Sylvia Garson Dance Studios and Miss Ruth iGarson. A.D.C.l\il. , Cindy Manners, Cindy Copp, lDawn James. and Cheryl Mat- ;‘thews did jazz and tap dances. ,and Paul Boreham brought de- llight to the audience with a ‘fast tap solo and a special Paris ,number. Cheryl Palmer did a fine job at the piano with “Greensleeves†and a sonata. and Judith Dodson showed good expression in three songs. and fine versatility in playing a Spanish dance by Albeniz on the piano. Cheryl Matthews. did well as The Dying Swan. as did Cindy Copp in the Mexican hat dance. and Dawn James in a fast rhythm tap. Cindy Manners, who had recently ap- peared on '1‘.\'. danced sulUs‘ and Sheila Ol‘bolt and Jane Dean showed tine feeling and expression in their various piano selections. Ruth Garson, herself. Offered a vocal select- ion that was very well received. Following the entertainment. refreshments were served and all the performers as well as be Bill White, who is to be mas- tnr of ceremonies for the York Male Singers. and Dr. P. Shas- Mrs. George Sweeny 884-1273' l ,“The Fragments" t The club are holding their 3‘ Canada-Mysore Concert in the;first “Amateur Night" this Friâ€" ‘day, when the spotlight will be on local talent. ‘ The vault opens at 9 pm. t a a t- The regular monthly meeting ,of the CWL of St. Mary’s Catho- llic Church was held on Monday in Our Lady of Fatima School. President, Mrs. C. Bettles pre- sided. Father Daugherty spoke to the members regarding voca- tion in the parish. During the business period plans were discussed for a Day of Recollection to be held for the members in April. The store for sale of used clothing, which was proved financially worthwhile, is now closed as the building is due for de- molition. A few members at- tended the regional meeting at St. Patrick's Church, Markham on January 25. The next re- gional meeting will be Leld at St. Mary‘s, Richmond Hill on May 6. The meeting was adjourned and coffee was served. * ii! * iii The monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill United Church Men’s Club was held February 17. Jesse Bryson, former deputy- reeve of Vaughan ,Township was an interesting guest speak- er. With the background of eight years experience in mun- icipal politics, the speaker out. lined his initial entry into pol- itics and the stimulation and satisfaction which he has re- ceived from belonging to a council in the formative years Of development of a township on the fringe of Metro and the problems which resulted from the transition of Vaughan to a partially industrialized area. Mr. Bryson emphasized that every man has a responsibility to his family and community land that politics, particularly at the municipal level, to a large extent fills that respon- sibility. a few days recently visiting their son Paul, his wife Betty, and their newest grandchild, Janice, in Smith Falls, and Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. G. L. Monahan in Ottawa. Paul as pastor of the Free Methodist Church in Smiths Falls since last August, has been working closely with other mem- bers of the town in the min- isterial association, including the Rev. W. W. Patterson, for- mer minister of St. Matthew’s United Church. Their most re- cent co-operative effort was the very successful Rideau Lakes Crusade For Christ with Evan- galist Barry Moore, held Jan- uary 31 to February 7, in Trinity United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston thor- oughly enjoyed visiting again with Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. Reorganize Women Of St. Mary's Parish The women of the several or- ganizations in the parish re- cently merged under the apt name of the Women of St. Mary’s. It is a renewed pro- gramme which will Offer to opportunity to use her talents in whatever way will best serve the work and fellowship of St. Mary’s. They will be guided by a central executive compris- ed of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and the convenors of the several areas of interest and concern. These include, social service, transportation, sewing, crafts, educational, altar guild, dio- cesan liaison, nursery, prayer group. housekeepers for new church, phoning and Christian drama. It is hoped that all women of the parish will be involved in some aspect of this new look at women’s work in the church. Mrs. W. S. Pocknell is the able ‘chairman of the executive. tine theme. Municipal 4th Vice-, year, Municipal Corr. Secretary year’s work. A slate of officers for the coming year was acâ€" came to a happy end with the coffee. * * * * meeting, Mrs. F. Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John- Mrs. C. Riswick, conducted a ston, Boisdale Avenue, spent penny auction which raised $25 nual “Hyacinth Bridge" to be court; vocal, grade II, Darlene Harcourt; Ross. Harrygan Crescent, entertained of former neighbours Mr. and Mrs. T. Abbott, who have re- lowing several years land. every woman in the parish an have been living at the Andore arrival, will shortly be taking up residence at Finch and Toll- erton. Barrie and Toronto. Richmond Hill United Church next Sunday will be in charge of the missionary and mainten- ance committee. The Rev. Wal- ter Beecham, a missionary on furlough from Korea will the guest speaker. at 7 pm. will be led by the former student-assistant of the church, the Rev. Dorothy Shar- man Last Sunday during the morn-l ing service at St. Matthew‘s United Church. new membersl admitted to session were Mrs.' A. Beckwith, Mrs. B. Knight,‘ Brian Smith, Howard McKay,‘ Bill Jones and Andy Hutcheson. The other members of the session rededicated themselves to their task. * Entertaining for Mrs. Walter MacKay prior to her marriage last Saturday at Richmond Hill} Presbyterian Church. were her office associates at MaeLarenl Advertising Co.. who held a‘ bathroom and kitchen shower: and Mrs. Harold Jackson of Simcoe, who held a luncheon3 to introduce Mrs. MacKay to relatives and friends in Simcoe- Mrs. H. H. MacKay’s hometown. it >lr * a On February 15, at the home of Mrs. W. J. Barnes, Tampico Road, the Richmond Rose Chap- ter I.0.D.E. held its first an- nual meeting and birthday cel- ebration. The evening commen-l ced with a pot-luck dinner con-i vened by Mrs. B. Smith. The decorations in the room where the buffet and meeting were held. centered around a Valen- *** Regent Mrs. C. E. Hutchinsl poured tea. l Regent Mrs. G. R. Foord, ï¬rst conducted a monthly meeting, then the annual meeting began. Each committee reported to the chapter its activities for the Mrs. F. E. Newland, seconded the reports. Regent, Mrs. G. R. Foord, spoke to the chapter congratulating them on their claimed. Mrs. C. E. Hutchins gave a short talk on the work: Of the IODE in Canada today., The evenings celebrations] serving of birthday cake and **)lt* The Men's Club of the Rich- mond Hill United Church are presenting AOTS Scarborough Glee Club in the main hall, this coming Saturday at 8:15 pm. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mr. Elson 884-1430 or Mr. Barnett 884â€"4750. ll< >l< * )k A very successful February meeting was held by the 1st Beverley Acres Cub and Scout Ladies Auxiliary. The father and son banquet will be held on March 10 at the Lion’s Hall. Volunteer help is required - members or friends able to offer their ser- vices are asked to call 884- 7009. At the close of the business l for the auxiliary. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held on March 16 at Beverley Acres School. it I! m a The Richmond Hill Chapter IODE Bridge Committee met on February 17 at the home of Convenor Mrs. A. McNaughton, Tampico Road. Plans were made for the an- held on March 31 at the Lion’s Hall. , t ii: a * Pupils of Ellen M. Blogg RMT from this district were very successful in recent ex- aminations at the Royal Con- servatory of Music, Toronto. Obtaining high honours were, piano, grade IX Denise Har- grade IV, Marilyn Ill >ll ill * Mr. and Mrs. S. G Cockburn, neighbours and friends at a party on Saturday in honour cently returned to Canada fol- in Eng- Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, who Hotel in Toronto since their Out of town guests were from t ’k is )k The 11 a.m. service at the he The worship in the chapel of St. Paul’s United, Church. ' *i’h’l‘ rence Avenue. Mrs. ‘ At Allencourt Pharmacy First In All Canada ,"Rexall House tmlr Councillor William Lazenby and his staff at Allencourt Phar- from John Bawles Of LOs An- jgeles. president of the Rexail .Drug Company. Mr. Bawles was laccompanied by Howard K. Van .Der Linden, president of Rexail lDrug tCanadal Ltd.. and David J, Gardner, general sales mana- ‘ger of the Canadian division, on the first Sunday of each will from 7:30 to 9:30. Theme will] Services for the Lenten season‘ at St. Gabriel Anglican Church. Richmond Hill East will begin Ash Wednesday evening. March. 3, with Holy Comlnunion at 8, p.m. ! Each Sunday there will be ai service of Holy Communion at 8 am. At 11 am. the service will be morning prayer except , month which will be Holy .macy were pleasantly surprised Communiom last week by an unexpected visit Theme for the rectors ser_ mons at these services will be. “Great Truths of God for the 20th Century". On March 7 he will speak on Nuclear Bomb". "Love and the Each Sunday evening there be an adult study group Purpose 0: the visit was to be “The Bible and the Word iview the new "Rexail House" fixture unit, recently installed in of God in the 20th Century".I This series is intended to help' Allencourt Pharmacy, the first in in interpreting the Bible for ‘Canada. This unit will be used our day and resolving the diffsl to display Rexail products. iculties of modern criticism.’ . Mr. Lazenby and his staff were hlghly complimented on, Sub-theme for March .7 is based on the first 20 verses of the the patients seemed to have a hls display and store manage-lsecond chapter of Luke. ‘Blrth good time. p ,ment. ‘ gof Christ - Truth or Myth?“ , Come And Get It! The “come and get it†call didn’t have to sound twice when Joan Plume ladled out the Victuals at the bean pot supper held by the Couples Club of St. Matthew‘s United Church Conference Centre, Cedar Glen, Bolton, last Saturday. Before supper, club members had enjoyed a sleigh ride to whip up their appetites. First in line were Cliff Plume and Dawson and Evelyn Lang while Connie Lillie waits her turn in the background. Baptised Sunday in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church were Kirsten Jennifer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guenter Bellach, and An- drew John. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Evensen. )l< >l< * * Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Matthew’s ,United Church on Sunday morn- ing were Robert Gerald and Gary John. sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen, 313 South Taylor Mills Drive. i * it it: The Engineers Wives held a very enjoyable and successful “theatre night“ with the Curtain Club’s festival “Diary Of A Scoundrel" Tuesday last. The proceeds from the even- ing will be used to present a bursary to a student from the area entering engineering. * * * * Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Terence King, 85 Law- were Rev. and Ben Garrett of Lindsay, Flt. Lt. Carl Ross from Prince Edward Island and Mr. and Mrs. Thome Spear from Tren- ton. All attended the Sunday on evening presentation of “This Hour Has Seven Daysâ€, CBC Television. is a at: * An event of local interest took place at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on Sunday, when Kirsty Kate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sevenoaks, received the Sacrament of Baptism. Prior to the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Sevenoaks entertained the godparents, Moya and Gillie Fenwick and Mrs. Peter Donat, at a buffet luncheon at their Kirk Drive home. i >k >3 ‘ The Kinette Club of Rich- mond Hill held their February meeting at the Yangtze Pagoda, with guests Laurie Morrison, Joyce Van Dyke and Norma Wright in attendance. Plans were finalized for the Kinette bridge and euchre party being held March 2 at Legion Court. A lively and profitable auction sale of articles from the home. with Kinette Peggy Hopkins as auctioneer, provided entertain- ment for the balance of the evening. * a a a A variety concert by the Scarboro AOTS Glee Club will be presented this Satur- day evening in the Christian Education Building of Rich- mond Hill United Church. Yonge Street at Centre. Sponsoring group is the men‘s club of the local church. This is the third time the singing group, who have cut three records of sacred and secular music, have sung in Richmond Hill. It is composed of represen- tatives of th e United Churches in Scarboro Town- ship zod is under the direc- tion (i‘ Sidney Bagnell. The group has been performing together about five years and are greeted by apprecia- tive and enthusiastic audi- ences wherever they go. Much of their time is de- vulni to pruliiling l‘rrr ru- tcrlaiulneul to r senior citizen groups, hospital pat- ients and home and school associations and they have sung at church conferences from Halifax to Vancouver. Proceeds of next Satln‘day evening‘s program will help them continue their ser‘iees to the church and to the community. production of THE LIBERAL. Ri Dr. James Langstaff and Mrs. Langstaff, Yonge Street North, left on Wednesday for three ,weeks vacation â€"â€" two weeks skiing in Austria and Switzer- land, and a week in Majorca in .the Mediterranean. >l< >l< >l< * Following his role in the rec- ord breaking production of “The Deputyâ€, Joseph Rabinowitch has been cast in “The Provoked Wife", a forthcoming Crest at- traction. ill it! * * At the last regular meeting ofl Richmond Hill Lions Club, Sec-l retary Richard T. Miller was‘ presented with sterling silver salad servers created by Lion Douglas Boyd, Silversmith, in appreciation of his service to the club. Mr. Miller who lived on Lynett Crescent has been transferred to Windsor by his firm. It It >l< It “Order Day" for the annual Guide cookie campaign â€" stag- ed by the York Central District Guides & Brownies â€" Satur- day, March 6, is announced by Convenor Mrs. E. Rayson. When the little girls in their' Brownie uniforms and their older "sisters" in their bright blue Guide uniforms, come‘ knocking on the doors of resi- dents in Richmond Hill, Rich- vale, Langstaff and Thornhill, it is hoped that the orders for Guide cookies will be “the best ever"! ' i **** ' A very successful father and: son banquet was held on Feb- ruary 17 by the 4th Richmond Hill Cubs and Scouts at Wrixon‘ Hall, St. Mary's Anglican Church. After a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, the Cubs had their fathers participated in an impromptu folk dance and tongue twister song which was enjoyed by all. , This was followed by a dc- in this field. Needless to say, the Cubs. Scouts and fathers watched this rough and tumble with enthusiasm. not wholly shared by tile mothers present! ‘ :< is a 3 The “Green Room" party fol- lowing the filial curtain Of the. Diary Of A Scoundrel†will be The convenor will be Mar- garet Cross assisted by Joy Mad- 71; den. t! it it it! Keep our “Life in the Hill" columns up to date . with your news â€" the ser- vice is free â€" phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6, drop it in the 1 mail, or call in personally I â€" we’ll be pleased to hear ‘ from you. AURORA: Ontarlo Department of Highways has suggested re- 2' construction of Yonge Street through the downtown section. to from Centre Street South Church Street. The department considerinc ‘illtj ul' T;illllt‘l'in On the next side 01 y.(<# (list! 3. range When replying to a Liberal Box l Number please address your envelope to: 503: 'NL‘MEER' THE LIBERAL WANT ADS 'Frank Tate. Church Street South at 8:30 pm. in the church hall. Curtain Club production of “A‘ held this Saturday at the home 'of Professor W. S. Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, Vaughan Road, ,-’ straiglncn- . (‘lt‘i‘ll l(l Li‘t‘l) { ' chmond Hill. Ontario. Thur sday, Feb. 25, 1965 11 (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Miss F. J, Russell, 117 Yonge Street South, a resident of Richmond Hill for many years, leaves on Thursday to take up residence in Toronto. * * a a: Sympathy is extended to on the passing of his brother Walter. A resident of Sudbury for many years he was asso- ciated with the railway. Inter- ment was at North Bay. :0: )k * in The MTH Music Guild wel- comes two new members, Gail Reynolds, and Rosemary Brown. The guild meets this Sunday at 3 pm. at the home of Miss Ruth Garson, ADCM, and the guest artist will be Frank Min- chella. who will be playing and discussing the piano accordian. a 4< * >l< The Richmond Hill UCW are planning a dessert and hat fash- ion show featuring the latest in spring bonnets by Georgena Spearn. costumes by the Patri- cia White Shoppe with furs from Ken Stiff. It will be held on March 10 Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. W. K. Ellis, 884-4381. s * a x The Luther League of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church invited forty Jewish young people from Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Syna- gogue in Downsview to attend the special service last Sunday in honour of “Brotherhood Week". Pastor A. E. Myers answered several questions concerning re- ligion. and refreshments were served. The Luther League would like to thank Pastor Myers for host- footnote from Shields Footwear perhaps tomorrow. . . Soon . . . very soon . . . he'll. take his ï¬rst "free" step. At; that; moment his tiny feet. will be bearing the full weight this body. about 20 pounds. If the 26 pliable little bones in each foot are to develop healthfully, he'll need correct shoes, properly ï¬tted â€" Pussyfoots, “ï¬rst; walkers" by Savage. Pussyfoots have flexible sueded leather soles and treaded heels to guard against slipping; they‘re smooth inside to resist chaI‘ ing. Moccasin toes provide wiggle-room. The tongue extends right to the ice for easy on and off. And Pussy- I foots are Sanitizedi‘" for lastâ€" ing hygienic protection. Your baby's ï¬rst ï¬tting is most important. We have the experience and patience to do it properly. SHIELDSWK: “WHERE FIT IS FOREMOST" Richmond Heights Centre RICHMOND HILL 34k TEAMWORK is essential to YOU ' ...because your Doctor and Pharmacist are colleagues in guarding your family's good health. They work together to alleviate pain and suffering. Your prescription often represents the results of years of work, research, train- ing and experience. That's why we con- sider it a privdege to serve on your health team in our community. You Pharmacist Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Wm. C. Lazenby, B.Sc. th. 884-4461 Allencourt Shopping Centre - Markham Rd. & Bayview Avenue Richmond Hill ing the evening. g:ii7¢\;\’?\70\’7\?\4 2 t 85 YONGE STREET N. E RICHMOND HILL ( GLOW BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES No service charge, no booking fee PHONE 285-5782 ~A'l' Budget SAVINGS DEJIPSTERS - 24 oz. Loaves FARM STYLE PORK FRESH PORK RIBLETS , le' - ('l‘nx included) Biting 5 to. 99¢ snusness diesel: 4 lbs. 92¢ Dog Food 10 tins 99¢ C. NELS GAGE 3.5 BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-7691 63 '10ch ST s,