' o®§§mï¬m®§§®®®wwwwquww»%%90 ‘ saows®9asssao@®®§®®®@$asao 9&000000000000oocoooaooocao in magistrates court when he ple charged under the Liquorl was convicted on a charge of Control Act, following a raid] driving while his ability was by Vaughan and Markham Town- impaired. ship Police of a beer party at Constable Bruce Shipley, OPP the Yonge Street residence, Ja-' told the court that Martin Sin- nuary 22. The house is the head-l clair had led him a wild chase quarters of the Vagabond Mot- in and out of traffic in Vaug- orcycle Club. ‘ han Township, February 15. be- Also fined: Edward ConnOr, fore finally being apprehended Stouflville, $10, having liquor at Steeles and Finch Avenues. in a pl_ace other than a resi- Diane “York, 19, of 8143 Yonge Street, was also fined $335 and Willowdale Youths Are Convicted'st. paul's Hostg After Wild Chase In Automobilel'fo Hi“ Scouts His companion, Kevin George, 20, also of Willowdale, was fin- cd $35 and costs for drinking under age. "He said that Sinclair had fi- nally been stopped about 3:30 a.m., and at that time admitted to having consumed three 26- ounce bottles of rye with a companion since 3 o'clock that afternoon. An 18-year-old WillowdaleICosts for drinking under age. youth was fined $100, '1juesdgy] _Misls York was one of 24 peo- Members of the 8th and 9th , AL, r:A.._,, .I In“ Conn} arnnne pccooooooooooo000000000000. 0000000000000coo-000000000 o$$§@$$$@§§33@@%a@®aaaaaoo O9 .9 O@ 03$ .39 O$ O$ O§ .$ .$ ‘ WIRE-SURE†USED CARS 00. a0. so. an. @00 @00 go. @00 an. goo 924-3369 z o Yonge Street. Richmond HI" I . cooeooceegegoegaeec Toronto LITTLE FORD AND 24,000 MILE PROTECTION GUARANTEE PLUS FREE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM, 2 YRS. 7 DAY FREE TRIAL EXCHANGE! In deep black, automatic, radm. bucket seats, FULL PRICE $18-15. 1964 Galaxie 500 XL 2 Door Hardtop In Grecian grey with red inter- ior, fully equipped luxurious bucket seats and sports console. FULL PRICE $2895. In ocean blue, V8, automatlc, power steering, power brakes, radio. FULL PRICE $2695. In gold, automatlc, radio. FULL PRICE $1295. $45 Monthly ouas ARE oumwmso 3N WRITING! ARE omens 2 WITH 2-YEAR WRITTEN BOND GUARANTEE W you're unhappy in any way, bring the car back and we quaroMee wo'" oxelmngo it for you. OURS ARE AS lOW AS OTHER DEALERS. CHECK THEM! 2. YOU’RE SURE OF THE CARl 1. YOU'RE SURE OF THE PRICE! $78 Monthly $54 Monthly $85 Monthly 1961 Meteor Sedan 1964 Ford Country Sedan 1963 Corvair Monza Coupe Also fined: Edward Connor, ‘Stouï¬ville, s10, having liquor ,in a place other than a resi- dence; Bernard McGinty. Stouf- fville, $10, having liquor in a} place other than a residence; Daniel Taylor. Ringwood, $35, drinking under age: Edgar Bi- shop, Markham $35, drinking under age: Ronald Muller, 20, of Toronto, $35, drinking un- der age; Wayne Murphy, 18, Toronto, $35, drinking under age; Harry Murphy, 21, Toronto $10, having liquor in a place other than a residence. nu; nu." “n.5, cnurcu pm nu: u: at which Pastor Albert E. Myers, group chaplain, conducted the service. Last Monday, Mr. Myers, who is a past member of the York Summit District Executive Com- mittee. observed his 2lst anni- versary as a member of the Scouts. The evening service was de- voted to the Downsview group, who were guests of the Luther- an young people. Held in con- junction with Brotherhood 1171...]: hlno anfllina fnnhn-nrl an North Toronto 285-5101 Coast to Coast In blue with white top, 6 cyhn- der, standard transmission, FULL PRICE $1195. 1n rose beige, 6 cylinder. stan- dard transmission, F U L L PRICE $795. $33 Monthly In fieldstone tan, 6 cylmder. standard transmission, FULL PRICE 1445. $50 Monthly In corinthian white, economical 6 cylinder transportation with automatic, FULL PRICE $1295. $49 Monthly $45 Monthly 1960 Chevrolet Belair Sedan 1960 Plymouth Sedan 1962 Galaxie Sedan 1961 Ford Ranchwagon NEWMARKET: A large delega- tion from the town's churches presented a brief to council protesting any amendment to the Sunday sport by-law which would tend to lift the present evening curfew. The council has passed a resolution to amend the by-law extending the 6 pm. curfew but the covering by-law has not yet been passed. In view of the protest the by-law has been tabled pending study by a committee of flhe whole. The evening service was de- voted to the Downsview group, who were guests of the Luthern an young people. Held in c0111 junction with Brotherhood Week, the service featured. an interpreted worship and discus- sion period. St. Paul‘s young people were guests of the Jewish group at a similar service in January. Richmond Hill Scout groups, and 35 members of Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue. Downs- view. were guests of St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church at two separ- ate services last Sunday. The Scouts were guests at a church parade in the morning, at which Pastor Albert E. Myers, group chaplain, conducted the service. Last Monday, Mr. Myers, who is a past member of the York Summit District Executive Com- mittee. observed his 215i anni- go. we 2 David Williamson of Good- ‘wood and Miss Stella Dow of Unionville had Sunday dinner with Major and Mrs. Fred Lew- lis. The next major fund raising activity of the Lions Club will be a donkey bas‘eball game June A few weeks ago I mentioned that we were sort of anticipating the arrival of the “mumpsâ€. Well to just let you know we were. not disappointed we have them: President Clarence Steckley presented a cheque for $1,000 to Pat Ottaway, chairman, and Mrs. John McCague, secretary- treasurer of the community centre park trustees to help de- fray the $5.000 bank loan. The president reported that since organization of the Lions, over $8,000.00 has been raised for community purposes. Of this approximately $4,875.00 has gone towards the park and com- munity hall. Guest speaker was Miss Hilda Dullege, of Montreal who has observed education methods in several countries by living with the people. During her hour she howed many beautiful colored slides with a most interesting conunentary. A buffet lunch was served by several of the Lions’ wiv- es. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwen on their twenty-eighth anniver- sary on March 22. Happy birthday greetings to Abigil Sellen who had a birth- day on February 18, to Penny Houston on February 19, to Car- rine Harrison on February 22 and to Michael Bone who cele- brates a birthday on February 26. Lions There were 13 tables of eu- chre players at the community hall on Friday evening of last week. Prize winners were: Mrs. Everett Vanderkooy, Mrs. Har- ry Barber, Mrs. Sylvia Duffy, Jim Bowden, Leslie Morgason and Harold Morganson. Lone Hands: Miss Grace Gallany, Bill Cox. Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Wil- liam Orr. LOL No. 91 held a very suc- cessful euchre party at the Read home on February 12. Prize winners were; Ladies first. Mrs. Marge Diceman. second, Mrs. J. Cossey, third, Mrs. Mary Jones. Mens first, Bill George, secdnd Ernie Johnson, third Ken Gor- don. UCW Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker. former residents of Carrville district opened their home to their many friends and neigh- bours both here and of their home in Hawkstone, on the oc- casion of their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary. Many of their friends in the Carrville districtI were present at this joyous oc-{ casion to wish them many more} years of wedded bliss. :‘ Mr. and Mrs. Les Cover, Son-1 ora. California visited with their' family, and many iriends dur- ing a two week visit recently. Mrs. Cover was before her mar- riage last June, Martha Bakeri daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos: Baker. I‘m so sure her many friends would be very happy to see Martha and her husband and to know that she is very happy‘ in her new home in Californiaï¬ Mrs. Mary Appleton and Mr. Garwdod Barker and children of Toronto spent Sunday in our community. February 16 meeting of Vic- toria Square District Lions was education and ladies’ night. Euchre Another euchre will be held February 26 at 8:15 p.111. spon- sored by the community cen- tre. Euchre The March meeting of the Carrville UCW will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Barton on March 3. at 8 pm. In charge of the devotional will be Mrs. Baker and Mrs. D. Bone. Silver Anniversary Christ Cru-saders’ Day was observed Sunday at Heise Hill Church. Guest speaker was Rev. Barry Jones. Oak Ridges MiX< ed Quartette sang in the even- ing service. Miss Ruth Bice and Mr. Evans from Galt spent a pleasant eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mrs. Charles Milsted attend- ed a birthday luncheon on Tue- sday at the home of Mrs. E]- don Gooding of Richmond Hill for Mrs. Douglas Jones of Wil- lowdale. Other guests were Mrs. .1. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steckley and Grant of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Gray of King City, Mrs. Walter Bell of Milton and Mrs. Harry Rum- ble of Hamilton. Alex Kirby of Toronto Sunday dinner with Mr. Mrs. S. N. Doner. Elliott. They showed pictures; taken at the latter‘s 50th wed- Cona-atulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Scharbach, who cel- ebrated their 25th wedding an- ding anniversary niversary on Sunday. Her sis~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor and ters, the Misses Henderson and Miss Nancy Barkey are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hender- in Quebec with Mr. and Mrs. son, from our community atâ€" Harold Reesor and their new tended. daughter. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Mt. 2. Gormley CORRESPONDENT: Ms. W. SANDLE 285-4001 GORMLEY NEWS Telephone 887-5201 and {World Day of Prayer ' Mrs. S. N. Doner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles James of Stouff- ville. Mrs. A. Leek and Mrs. Fred Doust visited the Kane Funeral Home at Willowdale Sunday afternoon. Their friend, the late Fred Carrette was test- ing there: Tuesday evening the WMS ladies met at the United Misâ€" sionary Church to hear Mrs. Paul FretZ'give an illustrated address on their work in Bra- zil. The women of Heise Hill Church were also special guests ‘at this service. The annual World Day of Prayer service for Victoria Square charge will be held in Headford United Church on March 5 at 1:30 pm. All ladies in the surrounding communi- ties are invited to attend this service. Please note change of time. Neighborhood Notes Special birthday greetings to William J. Muirhead, who will celebrate his 83rd birthday February 28. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Waley Boynton at Port Perry on Sunday after- noon. Mrs. Harriet English is now in St. John’s Convalescent Hos- pital, Willowdale. Friends will be pleased to hear that she is progressing favorably and wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry West of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bray, Keswick, had din‘ ner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forsqn and family of Cannington call- ed on Mr. Rolph Boynton on Sunday afternoon Birthday greetings to Donna Beatty, 11 years February 26; Teddy Mortson, March 1. At the social hour which fol- lowed, candy and cake made from recipes which came from that island were served. Community Centre Mrs. Charles Mflsted attend- ed the funeral of her brother- in-law Mlliam Shaw of Ux- bridge at the Mt. Albert Fun- eral Home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Carr and Mrs. George Leary of Aurora had supper Sunday with Mrs. Frank Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lehman of Claremont had Sunday din- ner with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. Jack Stewart and Lynne of Toronto ca-Iled on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empr‘mgham and Eirls Sunday afternoon. The “Sweetheart Swirl" dance and euchre at the community centre was very successful. Guests came from many out-of- town points. Door prizes and refreshments were donated as well as the lucky dance prizes. A sizeable amount of funds was raised to help with the cost of the new ball. It is hoped to have another such evening in the near fut- ure. A study of educational oppor- tunities in Trinidad was given by the group. The Trinidad na- tional anthem was learned un- der the leadership of Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. D. Eischer- Isbert have bought Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace's house (the for- mer Wilcox home) and will be moving to it early in the spring. UCW The February meeting of the UCW was held in the Sunday school room on Wednesday eve- ning of last week. The room was decorated in a Trinidad- ian theme. Mrs. John McCague Mrs. M. Styrmo and Mrs. F. Brumwell were in charge of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor and Miss Nancy Barkey are visiting in Quebec with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor and their new daughter. Telephone 887-5421 113 A Richmond Hill youth was‘ rs.|committed to trial before 3, EW judge and jury on a charm! 01‘ car theft at a preliminary hear- ex- ing in magistrate's court. rs. Thursday of last week. I 3" Committed was Thomas Rain. be 18, of 447 Palmer Avenue. who 18- earlier in the day was convict- nd ed, along with his brother. A1. {1' ben Rain. 16, of a charge a! u- â€: sault occasioning bodily harm. Stereo HiJ‘i Sets - Combina- tion Floor Model and Portable TV Sets - Automatic Sewing Machines - French and Italian Living Room Suites - Fine Occasional Chairs and Tables - Table and Floor Lamps - Modern and Chintz Contemporary Chester- field Suites - Triple dresser bed- room Suites - Provincial Fruit- wood Dining Room Suites - ‘Spanish Designs Dining, Bed- :room and Living Room Suites - ‘Name Brand Mattresses, all sizes 7 Quantity of Broadloom and Domestic Bugs, in many sizes and colors - Custom Built Love Seats - Bed Chesterfields - Leather Chairs and Rockers - and many items too numerous to mention. Hill Youth sent; 3320:“ To Trial Beforei .mm Judge For Theft! ANGLICAN Defence counsel John Lawlor asked for a lenient sentence for Albert Bain, after his brother Thomas, had been ziven five days for the offence. Mr. Lawlor said the accused had been drinking the night of the occurrence which probably had been the contributing fac- tor in his actions. In fining him $50, Magistrate Butler told the accused it had only been his counsel’s plea that had saved him from a jail term. Terms - Cash. Cheques accep- led. Goods now on view daily up to time of sale. All to be sold without reserve. Sale Will Be ï¬eld At For information call 225-4373 FREE PARKING AT REAR However. Constable Findlay said he apprehended the woâ€" man Diana Bain who turned out to be the wife of the accused. almost immediately. Constable Edward McBrien, Richmond Hill said that Bain had called him the nexi day, and had admitted driving the car, but said he had obtained it from a friend. John Anderson, 292 Finch Av- enue. Willowdale, owner of the car in question. said he had not given anyone permission to drive his vehicle. He said it had been stolen after he had lefl it in the driveway of his home with the motor running. He said Bain had come into the cafe with his brother, Al- bert, and had ascertained who had struck his brother in a pre- vious fight. When McPhee said he had, the accused hit him. he said. Albert Bain then kicked him in the face, the witness testi- fied. Testifying at the preliminary Constable Bruce Findlay, Mark- ham Township Police. said that he had chased a stolen car at speeds up to ’100 miles an hour, the evening of January 15. The car finally pulled into a priv- ate driveway and a man and I woman got out and ran off. In committing the accused, Magistrate James Butler said it wasn‘t up to him to decide on the question of innocence or guilt, but whether he felt there was enough evidence to warrant a trial. In the assault trial, John Mc- Phee. 17, of Box 382, Richmond Hill. testified that Batu had hit him in the face in a restaurant. January 2. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 27 (J ust Sale under supervision of JEFF ’S FURNITURE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. Bankrupt Stock FINE FURNITURE AND RUGS All Name Brand Goods. 5235 Yonge St. Willowdale 0n and after March 151:, 1965, the half load restrictions will be enforced on all town controlled roads in the Town of Richmond Hill. Restriction Period March 1. 1965, to May 1, 1965. Half Loading Restrictions, 1965 Below Willow Theatre) NOTICE TO TRUCKERS at 1.30 11.111 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL re? 7r; ue tinge-vane O. S. WHALEN, Works Commissioner 'OCOME Li 0 T0 E o wonsmp 0 AND ' o nmorcn TU. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1965 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Senior Church Quinquagesima ! 8.00 a.rn.â€" Holy Communion. 10.30 am â€" Morning Prayer Church School for all ages and Nursery Care 700 p.m.â€"Choir Cantataâ€" "Olivet To Calvary" ASH WEDNESDAY 7 am. -â€" Holy Communion 9 am. â€" Children‘s Service 10 am. â€" Holy Communion 8 pm. â€"- Choral Communion followed by Lenten Study Group TH! ANGLICAN CHURCH 0! CANADA THE CHURCH 0! ST. GABRIEL Cmby and Bayview Avenue: Rev. E. E. Mch 407 Lynch Crescent School, 7 to 13 years 11 mm. â€" Morning Prayer Junior Church School. 2 to 6 Quinquagesima 8 am. â€"Holy Communion Men’s Corporate Communion Breakfast ‘ 9.45 am. -â€" Senior Church School Classes :11 am. â€" Church School ‘11 am. â€" Morning Prayer. Preacher: The Rector 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher: Rev. F. C. Jackson Ash Wednesday 7 am. â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion *8 pm â€" The Litany ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1965 years and Nursery 4 pm. -- Holy Baptism 7 p.m. -â€" Said Evening Prayer School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 11 a.m.-Junior Sunday School 7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong Quinquagesima 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"- Morning Prayer FINDER ms. LTD. STEEL llNTELS I EAMS The Rector 11.10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Organist: Howard Jerome AR.C.O.,F.C.C.O. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mach! Drive - Bichvnle Rev. K. A. Thatcher AV. 5-6789 Richard Leach, A.R.C.’l'., Orlanlst SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1965 Quinguagesima 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 9.30 am. â€" Senior Sunday Rev. Fred C. Jackson, Assistant. Estelle Markham. ARCT., RMT. Organist 1nd Choir Director SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1965 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THOENHILL Brooke as Jane Streets Rector Rev. E. Reginald Howden, 3A.. L. Th. Rector: Rev. E. H. (:0st SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1965 STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1=3344 TEE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Feb. 25, 1985 8 pm. â€" HI-C Group 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School TEORNHILL UNITED 11 3-10- â€"- WOI‘ShiP CHURCH Rev. H. B. Wideman. president Rev, A 1, lugging, 3,A_, 3.1),. of Emmanuel Bible College, Rev. Veala, Assistant Minister Kitchener. Will speak relative to SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1965 the Work 0f the college 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and 7.30 pm. â€" A service of witneu Senior Sunday School and music by the choir of Em- 11 am. â€" Nursery and up to 11 manuel Bible College. years Wednesday, March 3rd 11 aom. â€" Morning Worship 8 p.111. â€" Prayer Meeting For further information call "THE WORD FOR THE Alb-3131 ' WORLD" 2 Rev. D. Sharma 8 pm. â€" HI-C Group 11 am. -â€" "Blessed Mourners" 7 pm. â€"â€" “The Heathen" (Place your questions in the Question Box) A Friendly Welcome I: Ex‘ended to ALL 884-3091 9.45 am. â€" Primary, Junior. Intermediate & Senior Sunday School 11 m. - Nursery 8: Kinder- garten Sunday School. 11 am. â€" Morning Service Rev. W. Beecham 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Rev. D. Shannan Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A., DD. 8 mm. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. F. F. Bennett Meeting in the Public Library Auditorium 9:45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service; "Blessed are the Merciful" Junior Church & Nursery ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Albert E. Myers, B.A. 3.1)., S.T.M.. Pastor 884-5264 Ralph Markham, Organist and Choirmaster ‘SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1965 9.30 am. -â€" School and Adult ‘ Bible Study ill am. â€" Worship Service ‘ Nursery provided. fl p.111. â€" Young People Wednesday â€" 8 pm. Lenten Service SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1965 1 Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Department 2 pm. â€" Communicants Class RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. 3A.. 3.1). Mr. J. Spanner, Assistant SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1965 LANGSTAU BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evnngellcal Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street Thornhlll Pator: Rev. Thomas M. Watson 9 Benson 8%., Thomhlll SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1965 11 am. â€" “It‘s The Natural Thing To Do" 7 p.111. â€"- “What Meaneth Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vet: Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1965 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School and (Convention of Out. & Que.) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Mlnton Johnston. DJ).. Minister Mn. Cameron Andrew. Org-nut 10 am. â€" Senior and Intermed- 9:45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School and Sweeney Supervised nursery at all Lord’s day activities ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lange, B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1965 ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Con. Vaughan Rev. B. 1“. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1965 10 am. â€" St. Andrew’s Sunday School and Church 10.20 am. â€" St. Paul’s Sunday School 11 a.m.â€"St. Andrew’s Bible Class 11.15 am. â€" St. Paul‘s Church Preparatory Service late School 11 am. â€" Junior School and Nursery ' 1]. un. â€"- Morning Service A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Bible Class 11 mm. â€"â€" The Service Nursery provided PRESBYTERIAN (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A B. Arnot. DD. This‘ Guest Soloist: ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH For small children A Cordial Welcome to All MIDWEEK HOUR, WEE. 7.30 p.111. Prayer. Praise, Bible Study RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple. Ont. lUTHERAN BAPTIST RICHMOND KILL BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH UNITED n" Mrs D‘ 1 Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams, BA. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 196 Hope, . e . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.45 8. Maple â€" Sunday School . . . , . 9:45 a. Primary. Junior. Intermediat Worship Service . . . . .11 a. Junior Congregation Kindergarten and Nursery A welcome is extended to a CARRVILLE UNITED’CHURC: 9.05 am 10.30 am Nursery to Adults J 11.30 am. â€" Worship Servic 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service ‘ Services March 2-7 Rev. W. J. Stonehouse, are superintendent will be th speaker each night at 8 pm. March 2 - 5. and on Sunday‘ March 7 at 11.30 am. and 7 pm Coming Friday, March 5 World Day of Prayer 2 pm. â€" United Church. Yong! r - - Street ‘ 8 pm. -â€" St. Paul's Luthera Church of the Light and LI! Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday ‘ 884-7097 ; ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. 1". James Burn. B.A.. 3.1! TU. 4-5526 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 196 10.30 a.m 11.45 am 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCI DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL Mr. Philip King 7.00 pm. â€"- Evening Service Mr. Philip King 8.15 pm. -â€" Communion Servio. Wednesday â€" 7.30 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study Rev. L. K. Slder, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1965 Corner of Elmwood and Ruggle: Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 196 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School (Clarke 8: Willowdale Sta.) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 196! 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Aw:n Richmond Ell Affiliated with the Pentecost! Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorenaon SUNDAY 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service Classes for All 11 a.m.â€"Minlstry of the Word 7 pm. â€" Worship and Com- munion ALL WELCOME AV. 5-3364 - AV. 5-5057 TUESDAY 8:30 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY BRETHBEN 1N CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor Tet: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3151 Heise Hill (Gormley) [10 mm. -â€" Sunday School. .11 an. â€" Worship Serviée ‘7:30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed. 7:45 p.m.â€"Prayer Meetim Vaughan (3rd Com, 2 mil north of Concord) 11:15 am. â€" Worship Service Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Heise, Pastor Tel.: 285-5002 10 11.111. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service Tues. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meetim Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. 10:30 am. â€" Sunday School 11:30 am. -â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Tues... 8 p.111. â€" Prayer Meetim RICHVALE’GOSPEL c 24 Oak Avenue Sunday â€" Services 9:30 am. â€" Remembrance S vice 11 am. â€" Bible Hour 8: Sun day School 7 pm. â€"- Gospel Service Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer meefp ing and Bible Study. Women’s and Young Peoples Meetings as Announced. “Faith of Our Fathers Livia: Still" Other Denominations 7 p.m. â€" Children’s Hour SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 14 mile west of Yonge Stree‘ 9.15 a.m.â€"~Sabbath School. 11 a.m.â€"Worship Service. Concord Ave. and King High Drive CONCORD SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1965 10 am. â€"â€" Bible School A CHURCH OF CHRIST GORMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH am. â€"â€" Worship Servlc (Baby Care) am. â€" Sunday School Primary and Junior UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE â€" Nursery Kinde' garten â€"â€" Senior Intermediate