NEW refrigerator. $149. 884- 3211. clw35 21" TELEVISION. $35. 884- 5575. r c1w35 22†MOFFAT range. New ele- ments. $39. 285-5226. tfc34 FRIGIDAIRE, refrigerator, fa- mily size. good condition. $35. Phone 884-3611. nc2w35 NORDHEIMER (Lansdowne) piano, upright. Good tone, good condition. 884-2268. c1w35 INGLIS automatic wagerein suds return. guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 Call M. Acremaxi 285-2236 or 384-2236. tfc18 Eâ€˜ï¬ EPLACE whod. 5â€"year} sea- sone_d oak $20 cord; maple $16. Dglivered. 773-5363. “025 MOFFAT range's'o", 1962. Cost $329, fully automatic. Will guarantee. $175 or near offer. 2&5-5226. V tfc34 FglGIDAIRE, automatic wash- er, 1960. Cost $489. Will guar- antee. $150. 285-5226. PROPANE space heater. used 4 months, and stove. 285-1966. tfc32 BRY hardwood, cut. suitable for ï¬replace use. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfcw23 COB corn. 294-2608 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. Lfc3 REFRIGERATOR, $45. 285-5226 Lfc34 REFRIGERATORiiï¬d heavy duty stove. Goima.r cheap. Call before Friday. 884-3292. ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. f, tfc36 BAY and straw by baleioritohi. MATHS' TV RADIO _ 884-7903 Used wringer washers. automa- tfc washers. All reconditioned. Full warranty. Parts. tfc28 ‘ c4w33 BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- Vice. Eiderdowns rec0vered. 0n- tgrlo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. . tfc44 POOL table and accessories. ‘endron brand. new, home size g2" by 100". Cash and carry $129.50. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St, HU. 8-7911. _r $30. Drapes. Mushroom. 50 for $65. floor lamp. $40 r $20. Dinette suite, $129 for _0. Mahogany 4 piece bed- noom suite, $505 for $250. Fruit- ood, 4 piece bedroom suite, 00 for $250. Two piece Mc- ine luggage. used once. $51 {by $28, 8844860. *1w35 TYPEWRITERS , ADDING MACHINES r Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- duding new and rebuilt stand- qrd portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. chhmond Hill 884-1745 " “#_ tfc49 FURNITURE in excellent con- dition with cost and selling qrice listed. Two matching blue Indian oriental rugs 15 x 10 and 3450 for $225. Coffee table $64 9? x 7, $700 for $350. French provincial Chesterfield suite. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word. min. charge .90c. "BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion 0! 50¢: COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7: per word; min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- unrflnn sertion bum Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us it 884-1105 or 285-3318 and you will receive an invoice. Rising production and distribution costs necessitate a modest increase in our clas51fied advertlsing rates. Effective March 1 the minimum charge for classifieds will be 15 words for $1.00. There will be a charge of .7c for each additional word. Second and subsequent insertions if the wording is unchanged will be .70 per word with a minimum charge of .90c. The charge for Coming Events notices will be .7c per word with a minimum charge of $1.00. The charge for Box Numbers, Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Deaths, Engagements, Marriages and Births will remain unchanged at $1.00 per insertion. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, HONEY WERNER 285-2724 Home Paper 01' the District Since 1878 NOTICE Classified Advertising “The Liberal†c1w35 c1w35 tfc34 tfc2l BOY’S hockey equipment. near- ly new. 884-4294. c1w35 BUNK beds $30. Call Mandi)?- Friday, 9-1 pm. 884-6502 1 YEAR warranty, fully recon- ditioned, Easy automatic wash- er $79. RCA whirlpool $79. 884-2283. c1w35 REFRIGERATORS, large stock, 539. $49. $59, $69. $79. Recon- ditioned. guaranteed. Suther- land Refrigeration. 1004 Queen St. E.. Toronto. HO. 3-0930. 9 to 9. *22w35 SINGER zig zag sewing mach- ine, does fancy stitches. makes buttonholes Originally $119. can be had for balance owing $57.00 cash or $8.00 monthly. *Write Box 51, The Liberal. 18" ROTARY power mower. $30. 884-5750 after 6 pm. PROPANE refrigerator. Servel. Gurney propane stove. 4-burner. Both excellent condition. 8325 1410 Maple. c1w35 40 HP. MEliEï¬ï¬Y electric start with alternator and con- trols. After 5 o’clock, 884-5168. c1w35 WEDDING dress. $120 new. reasonable, size 12 heavy taf- feta. scooped neckline, long sleeves. 884-5400. c1w35 HEAD board (combination head- board and end tables) unusual design. Please call Mrs. Bur- ton 285-1052. tfc35 REFRIGERATOR $50, wooden wardrobe with full length mir- ror, $25, Kitchen suite, $25. .884-6376. DRAPES, unlined, floral design white background. 15’ x 95". Also shorty matching drapes. $40. 773-5083. c1w35 AUTOMATIC garage door opener $65. Easy ironer, $40, Easy Automatic washer. $100. Inglis dryer $60. 884-4698. ELECTRIC clothes dryer, $85 Phone 285-6021. daytime. Black coffee table. $8. Over- size continental bed as new. 6 ft. 5 inch length. 39 inches wide, box spring. 5 inch firm foam mattress, steel frame with runners (cost $126) $69. Used desk $8. Walnut and blue lea- ther end chair. $12. Continental ‘bed with mattress, $20. Vac-‘ ‘uum cleaner with attachments __(Master-Vac> $20. 285-4657. 30“ KENMORE stove. automa- tic oven. Viking refrigeration, 12.5 cu ft.. automatic defrost, Kenmore dryer, 5 heats. 884-4772. c1w35 GERMAN made 35 mm. slide camera with built in light met- er. Hard protective leather case $40 or offer. 285-4037. PENNY WISE, ZOB Yonge St.‘ S. ~ Moving March 4th to 12 Centre St. E. Good used cloth- ing at opportunity Sale Prices. Maternity dresses, boys' and men‘s jackets. children's wear. shoes. Thurs.-Fri. 5-9 pm. Sat. 9-11 am. c1w35 WE HAVE just what you need in living room. bedroom, din- ing room. kitchen furniture and appliances at prices you can- not afford to miss. Try us and see. Open 9 to 5 daily, Friday until 9. Call 884-6771 for fur- ther information Central Van and Storage 28 Industrial Road "LIBERAIP’C'LKSSIFIEDS' GET FAST RESULTS Phone 884-1105-6 or 285-3316 FOR QUICK SALE FOR SALE (Continued) clw35 c1w35 c1w35 c1w35 clw35 *1w35 clw35 clw35 CLERK-TYPIST Saturdays. 9 to 5, to answer phone and type offers. Call Mr. White, Norm Black Realty Ltd.. 285-6241. c1w35 MAN wanted with chauffeurs licence for part time delivery. Morgan Davis Printing Ltd., 285- 4322. c1w35 GENERAL office clerk with some knowledge of bookkeep- ing and posting. Phone 285- 4865. Mrs. Sullivan. c1w35 WAITRESSES for days or nights. The Seven Drive-In res- taurant. Don Mills and 7 High- way 285-5790. c2w35 WOMAN wanted. part timeâ€"to“: 'cleaning kitchen appliances and dusting furniture. 884-6771. HAIRiSTYLIST to take over clientele. Top wages. 285-1215. Evenings 636-0422. c1w35 IContinued) RANGEt-Ffigiagire, 30". auth matic. $75. 285-5226. tfc34 WAREHOUSE SALE, RELIABLE SERVICE 30" Moffat range, $169. fully automatic; 30" Moffat range $199; Rotisserie; 12 cubic ft. refrigerator $189: 10 cubic ft. refrigerator. $169; 1965 dryer $159. Trades required with most items. 8843283. c1w35 TYPIST Invoicing and general office work for office located in Ma- ple. Must have own transpor- tation. 285-4861. c1w35 WOMAN to do housework, about 3 hours weekly. 884-4182. clw35 RADIO TV repairman, part or full time. Herridge Electric TV Appliances. 42 Levendale Rd.. 884-3211. c1w35 LEGAL secretary required. two evenings weekly for firm locat- ed in Maple. Telephone 832- 2606. 02w34 LADY for full time, year round work in an air conditioned dry cleaning plant, for marking and ‘washing shirts. Apply in per- ‘son only at Earths Cleaners 198 \Yonge Street North RECEPTIONIST required by local firm. evenings and Satur- days. Typing essential. Write Box No. 49 The Liberal. RECEPTIONIST required by local firm. must be a capable typist, shorthand preferred. Write Box 48, The Liberal. OFFICE JUNIOR Large steel distributor in Vaug- han Township requires young lad for mailing department. Mr. De Moraes, 285-7341. clw35 MAN semi retired for plant and office cleaning. 7.30 to 4.30 Monday to Friday, $1.25 an hour. Apply Stuart Enamelled Products, 102 Industrial Road Richmond Hill. c1w35 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd, 222-2525. tfc25 MIDDLE aged (or older) lady or couple to housekeep, prepare 2 meals a day for 2 elderly gentlemen in exchange for free accommodation, on bus route. Downsview area. Phone even- ings. RU. 3-8703. clw35 “AVON CALLING†All ambitious women with free time who would like to have extra income. No experience necessaryâ€"we train you. Miss Ziegler, Box 141 Guelph, Ont. c1w35 MAN ofwoman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the Town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time Write to J. Gau- thier, 350 St. Roch, Montreal 15, Quebec. c4w32 Experience not necessary. Write Box 47 The Liberal. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. have openings for 2 salesmen in their busy successful long established Richmond Hill Of- fice. For interview appoint- ment please call Mrs. Sutherâ€" land, 285-1164. evenings. 884- 5310. clw34 STENOGRAPHER WANTED Manufacturer newly located in Richmond Hill requires experi- enced stenographer-typist for one-girl office. Must have shorthand. New modern office, pleasant working conditions. Reply in own handwriting. stat- ing age. education, experience‘ and salary expected. to Box 50 The Liberal. clw35 UNUSUAL Opportunityâ€"High commission earnings with a growing 61 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Rod Tormo earned over 524.000 (Not typical but indicative of potential) last year. M. W. Frank earned over $13 000. Age no barrier. Diversified year round line. No investment required We take care of all financingâ€" shippingâ€"and collections. Start on part time basis if you like. Write Consolidated Paint 8: u. .uv uuunu vvcl ¢a1.Uuu' ‘1“.35 (Not typical but indicative of potential) last year. M. W. Frank earned over $13 000. Age no barrier. Diversified year round line. No investment required.» â€" â€" ~.â€"- â€"* A}, We take care of all financinzâ€" DAY Ear: availatfliareln 028; shippingâ€"and collections. Start pgez 5c 0° age C 1 ‘clwss on part time basis if you like. 7534-, _ _ _ _ __ _ Write Consolidated Paint 8; GOOD day care g1ven in my Varnish (Canada) Ltd.. East home. vicinity of Skop1t and Ohio. Bldg, Cleveland. Ohio.lNeal. Richmond Hill. 884-5368 USA. ctwaslaner six. clw35 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN JUNIOR FEMALE CLERK Feb. 25, 1965 FOR SALE Required by Local Chartered Bank c1w35 c1w34 c1w34 clw35 c2w34 LADIES Are you interested in making money. Try the Beauty Coun- selor way. Commission plus bonus. Full training program. Phone 834-2237. c1w35 EXPERIENCED secretary "to vice - president administ- ration required with steel warehousing company located near Maple. Good shorthand essential. Telephone Mr. Shear- er 285-7341 for interview. OPPORTUNITY Local firm. expanding in Rich- .___- mond Hill. has opening for a bright young man. 25-40, no pre- vious experience necessary Starting salary $400 to $500 monthly. depending upon qual- ifications. Future increases in six months. Write, giving full particulars to Box 45. “The Lib- eral". c2w34 ’FARM SALESMANâ€"WANTED 1 hum: RIInTJaan rm Pnanrtl pan 9. u. AV. 5.21134. “noâ€... u. tfc43 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt. delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations 6: repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 (cmmlued’ “PLUMBINGTHE'ATI'NG CLEANING lady for’oné’or'txm A. MILLS & SON LTD. days a week. Thornhill area. James D. Stewart Phone 285-6809. c1w351 334.2201 EXPERIENCED shnrthand typ- ist knowledge of bookkeeping an advantage. Small Richmond Hill office. Excellent opportun- ity for advancement. Write stating age. experience. salary required. Box 52, The Liberal. c1w35 David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. have an opening for an experi- enced farm and land salesman in their Steeles and Yonge of- fices. Applicant must have a knowledge of Markham. Vaug- han, King and Whitchurch areas For interview appointment please call David McLean, 285- 1176, evening 285-3419. DAVID McLEAN LTD.. RLTRS. 74 STEELES AVE. WEST LADY requires employment evenings, Saturdays and Sun- days. Experienced receptionist office and sales clerk. Have car. Phone 884-7137. after 5.00 p.m. *lw35 AGGRESSIVE young man‘ with electronic technicians papers re- quires work. Specializing in in- dustrial and automation, electro- nics. However anything in elec- tronics will be considered. Write Box 53. The Liberal. clw35 $2620 - $2980 For full particulars as to resi- dence. qualification require- ments and application forms‘ see posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before March 5 1965 to the Civil Ser- vice Cominission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East. Toronto 7, Ont- ario. Quote: Competition 65-T- 720. c1w35 CLEANING woman wants day work. 884-6050. c1w35 WOMAN wants housework. 884- 3279. clw35 WOMAN desires clearing work: 884-5865. clw35 LIFT-TRUCK mechanic avail- able for evening and weekend work. Mike Karsh, 884-3949. c2w35 Wâ€- ,- ,fiwéflï¬ï¬vGâ€"cny WEIZIIDRILLmG WOMAN desires Eleaning work.‘ CO. LTD_ 884'5865- “W3? Pump equipment installed and WOMAN requires houseï¬k serviced. George Adams, Box or child care by the day. 884â€" 192. King City. Phone King TE- 5570. c1w35 3-6321. “599 EXPERIENCED typist will do typing in her own home. 884- 1577. c2w34 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24 EXPERIENCED man would like bank or office to clean. 884- 3362. c1w35 HANDYMAN, willing worker. Odd jobs, painting‘ carpenter work. Phone 895-2030. 2 OR 3 bedroom house in or around Richmond Hill. Best of references. No children. Middle aged couple. 884-5777. clw35 2 or 3 BEDROOM house dup- lex or apartment required by bank employee. $80-$90 month- ly. Mr. Turner. 884-5501. PRICES For everything or anything Household repairs and altera- tions‘ DEPT. of Lands and Forests employee requires 3 bedroom house in Richmond Hill before March 12. No children under 12. Days 832-2241, Ext. 224. Nights 884-4491 It doesn’t cost a cent to phone. tfc 33 HELP WANTED gMI‘SCE‘LLANEOUsg To 131211311 PLUMBING & HEATING 285-3765 or 884-1441 EMPLOYMENT WANTED THE POST OFFICE AT MAPLE, ONTARIO REQUIRES AN ASSISTANT l 285-3765 or 884-1441 WANTED TO RENT c1w35 c1w35 *4w33 *1w35 tfc33 ! CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. tfc7 PAINTING and decorating. free estimates. Workmanship guar- anteed: Ron Gardner. 884-5464, days. 884-5067 evenings. PAINTING and decorating. Free estimates Workmanship guaran- teed. Ron Gardner. 884-5465 days. 884-5061 evenings. mercial Cleaners. Floors,’ ceil- ings, walls. rugs. broadloom, windows, chesterfields. Phone 884â€"7866. tfc16 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. KENNEDY’S Home and Com- Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884â€"7902. Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PAULS BARBER SHOP The Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. open daily 8-6 pm. Thursday - Friday 8-9 p.m. Hair styling by Frank. Monday, Tuesday. special haircut. sham- poo. styling. Only $3. Haircut- styling $2.25 at all times. Cour- teous service. Personal atten- tion. c4w34 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884â€" 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcls 5 greats guaranteé. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 ’PLUM'uNG Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 'ï¬'ATï¬IVEfMSvï¬EEERhTING " SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylog {rein-Q9 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, rem tions, additions, and rep Kitchens a specialty. Mo Harrison. 884-2838. t1 Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards. shelves. garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345 .l' U U J.‘ U *i’ ’ YOU Too FOUND‘Bn’deze Streetfpbéketl CAN MAKE MONEY! book with sum of money in itJRaising Chinchillas. Contact Owner can have same by prov- Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. ing property. 884â€"1733. ‘ R.R. 1 UXBBIDGE 884â€"1245 Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe- C. STI'NDEN HOME IMPROVEMENTS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 UPHOLSTERY CARPENTRY CHIMNEYS FOUND Richmond Hill 384-7996 tfc51 c2w35 c2w34 tfc 31 tfc43 c1w351 tfc33 tfcM tf038 tic ROOM'toirent. suit one gentle-} man. 884-1629. “(335 BED sitting room. clroiseâ€"té Yonge Street. Centrally located. 884-3119. c1w35 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment. Yonge Street at Markham Road. 884-2902. c1w35 ‘3-ROOM apartment, $75 a month. Adults only. 884-4893. 3_FTIRN15HED r00ms and bath gon, automatic_ radio, new tir- carport. Private entrance. 285- es. 285-3311. clw35 4690‘ #22335 1â€"9§6.VO_I:KVS_‘VNXGEN, fair con: 1 BEDROOM. selfâ€"contained dition, $95. Call 884-5551. apartment. Close to Yonge. 884- c1w35 4224- _“L35 1953 PONTIAC. Good running SELF CONTAINED apartment, condition. Best offer over $50. heated and air cooled. King 832-2052. c1w35 City- 833-5231- 01W35 61- VOLKSWAGENjeTu;e.â€"Iâ€"Ex- BAYVIEW Plaza. Richmond cellent condition. 884-2257. Hill, 2 bedroom apartment in c1w35 basement. Phone 884-5669- Tam mnnms mnn, hlackr sanâ€"u 87ROOM house on Yonge St.. $70. 727-9488 or 727-5046 2 BEDROOM house. close to Yonge Street. schools and shopping centre. $90 monthly 884-3576. c1w35 SMAIIL STOR'E'or mm: on Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Rea- sonable rent. 884-6195. 8 rooms. double garage. Teston 1 Ontario, on Jane Street, 2 miles north of Maple Road. LEnnox 3â€"9282. c1w35 OFFICE SPACE T0 LEASE About 14‘ by 22‘, heat, light, $75 monthly. Rear of Atlantic Fin- ance. 884-1853. c1w34 veniences. Close to shopping, $95. Aurora. 727-9488, 727-5046. tfc32 APARTMENT for rent A11 con- 2 BEDROOM apartments, rea- sonable. close to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884-2852. SOUTH of Richmond Hill, pri- vate bath, parking facilities. $78 monthly. 636-4923 for furâ€" ther information. c1w34 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments, year round swimming, balcony, inter-com. 884-6342. BED SITTING room. Kitchen- ette. dining area, sun deck. Parking central. Mature adults no children. 884-1204. c1w35 LIGHT housekeeping, heated and furnished, fridge and stove $8 weekly. Ladies only. 884- 2196. tchI SUBLET, 2 bedroom apartment in new building, intercom and balcony. 9 months left on lease. 884-6019. tfc30 Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 BACHELOR, 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. modern, near ev- erything, from $92.50. Av. 5- 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfc17 ONE bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom luxury apartment. 884-3982 or BA. 5- 6429. tf029 RENT, Lease. Buy PHILCO TV $2 PER WEEK Herridge Electric-TV Applian- ces. 884-3211. tfc34 7 ROOM home, close to shop- ping and transportation, Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Avail- able March 15. $110 monthly. 884-6793. , c1w35 Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets. weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc37 COMPLETELY DETACHED 6 room bungalow with fireplace. Fast possession. Close to Bay- View. Call Hans Brauns. Norm Black Realty Ltd.. 285-6241. 3 ROOMED basement apartment large living room, large bed- room. frig. and stove. central. parking available March 7. Call 884-2812 after 4.30 pm. 2 ROOM apartment. free park- ling, fully furnished modern kitchen, private entrance, OWn phone, TV outlet, 4 piece bath- room. Suit business couple. 884-7671 after 6 pm. WIRE haired terrier pup. Housebroken. good with chil- dren. 285-1604. c1w35 SKMOYED puppies. Regd. Phone 773-5595. Oak Ridges. cZw34 FREE to good home. Prefer farm, Golden Retriever and part collie. 10 months. Good with children. 884-4368. ' TRIMMING, bathing and grooming. Specializing in Ker- ry Blues, and poodles. 832-2671. tfc20 DOG GROOMING Jill Goddard. for professional poodle clipping. Stud services & top bred poodle pups usually for sale from $100. 7783 Yonge St., Thornhill. 285-3606. "THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 â€" 285-3316 PETS FOR SALE The classified ad takers at "The Liberal" are friendly. helpful people, trained in their jobs, with a full realization of the importance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do. it will be a pleasant experience. Business Opportunities HALL FOR RENT clw35 c1w35 clw35 tfc35 clw35 clw35 c1 W35 tfc33 tfc33 c1w35 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and * Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 ‘IF YOU sold your house and ! ihold a mortgage we will buy tntactrfrom you. Best prices paid. nch. Morgan and Company, 17 Queen ,St. E... Toronto. Phone 363-8747 tic52 day or evening. t1c34 n-0’n-« ycv-(n-n-n- tfc2'l TQTPESFMOUI‘H. good running condition. Best offer. 884-4017 or 884-2283. clw35 '1'954 AUSTIN A40. Good con- ‘dition, reasonable 884-2528. nc1w34 cheap. 285-3416. clw35 PARTS for sale. Au’s’t’i'nâ€"s'sï¬. 884-4572. c1w35 1962 FORD Consul. s‘e‘d'én. im- maculately kept. $875. 884-2430. clw35 '1'§§3*P0NTIAC. Good running condition. Best offer over $50. 832-2052. c1w35 él-beKS'WKGENfdeTu {It}: cellent condition. 884-2257. T933T’ILYM0UTH. 4 door sed- an, good running, condition, clean. $75. Phone 884-5883 af- ter 5.30 pm. Thursday and Fri- day. c1w35 HONDA â€" BSA â€"â€" Norton -â€" BMW â€" JAWA. For best deal anywhere go to North York Motorcycles, Newmarket. 895- 9582, seven days a week. c8w35 ‘53 VOIKSWAGEN. Perfect 1965 BRIDGESTONE Japanese motorcycles. Maple Marine. 5 Maple Sideroad & Keele Street. Maple. ncw35 17960_FOR7D." 2 door station wa- {960 MORRIS 1000. black. snow tires. block heater, 1965 licence. Lady’s car $425. 285â€"6784. '1’9’5’8 VEEK'SWAGEN, good mechanical condition. Best of- fer. 773-5677 after 6.30 or week- ends. c1w35 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 1957 MONARCH. 4-door hard- top. Radio, power steering arid brakes. Full price, $190. 1959 Ford 1/2 ton pickup. Excellent condition, full price $750. Many other cars at wholesale prices. Ask for Harry, 285-6101. Overstocked on older model cars. We will take every rea- sonable offer on these cars. No down payment required. 1961 Meteor sedan 1960 Studebaker 1960 Renault 1960 Volkswagen 1957 Ford coach. Licence No 35186 5] 1957 Pontiac sedan 1955 Mercury 9-passenger Station Wagon. TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 $25 per month 1958 Meteor. Licence No. B. 47696 $491 1957 Ford sedan 288679 RENTALL, If YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers. rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales. 6026 Yonge St, BA‘ 1-1711. tfc30 Tool & Equipment RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 285- Do you have aidi'lnking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 ANY KGH nurses iï¬ this area? Contact Lillian Hagbarth. 235- 447. c1w35 PSYCHIC reader, teacup, cards and palmlstry. By appointment}- Amelia Davie. Phone 773-5491. ‘ c3w33' ‘ .0-0- x LOANS $50 - $5,000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. ‘ 20 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill; 884-4458 â€" 285-5562 -v-u- -4:- R. D. LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. RENT A TEIIEVISION 19" portable, day, week or month MORTGAGES PERSONAL RENTAL Mgr. Felix Game an $1,098 $49 per month Lark $587 $27 per month $274 $187 Full price {an 3298 $16 per month Licence No. $16 per month L 5387 $21 per month $15 per month 5589 285-3756 tfc33 clw35 c1w35 clw35 tfc31 $298 tfc32| SUIT to fit boy 16. Good con- dition. 285-7436 *1w35 SMALL wadï¬rning machine wanted. 884-3917. clw35 25 HP outboard rnotoxirvmanual or electric. Good condition. Al- so good trailer. 884-4904. WANTED $3.000 pay 8%. Give first mortgage. 3,000 x 3.000†lake front bordering Algon- quin Park. Also wanted. used typewriter. 884-4095. clw35 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"- pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank‘s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613‘ AV. 5-5101. tfc7 tions. slip covers made. etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 '15R'E§SI4XIEIN'G._18_IiiEHnEaâ€"d Street Maple. 832-1321. DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly done. Call for appoint- ment. Mrs. J. Shields. 473 Ly- nett Crescent. Richmond Hill. c3w34 ALL kinds of sewing, altera- AVAILABLE from Richmond Hill. arrive Bloor St. at 8.00‘ a.m., leave at 4.50 pm. 884- 4691. c1w35 AVAILABEET'leai/ing Hill 7:15 for Scarboro via Woodbine to Eglinton East, returning 5:15. 884-1762. c2w34 CAR leaving Richmond Hill 8 am. Monday - Friday for Scar- boro has room for 3 passengers. 884-5319 after 6. c1w35 AVAILABLE to downtown area. leaving Crosby and Bayview. 7.15 a.m.. returning 4.30 pm. 884-3103. c1w35 ROOM and board available. near Yonge St., 884-1509. *1w35 WOMAN will share base with another or will give room and board. 884-3412. c1w35 '{OOM and BOARD BEAGLE, female, dark brown and white. Answers to Lady. Bayview and 7 Highway. 285' 5774. c1w35 PETERBORO plywood boat 11' 4†with steering and wind- shield, 15 hp. Evinrude motor and a Tee-Nee trailer, $475 complete. 727-5373. c1w35 PAIR of black framed glasses in light blue case, in red pen- cil case at Langstaff school. Re- ward. 884-1273. c1w35 MACWILLIAM. Lois and Don MacWilliam are proud to an- nounce the birth of their third child, Donna Lois, born January 29. A sister for Rob- bie and Annamarie. WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS, SERVICE Gormley, east of Don Mills Rd. Phone 886-5851. tic!) BOATS FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Alec Young of‘ Richmond Hill are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their eldest daughter Jeannette Frances to Mr. Svend Kristensen in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Satur- day. March 6. 1965 at 3 o'clock. nc34 “mu-4 w----l--.fl DRESSMAKING Farm Implements Hurthmming marriagw Transportation DEAD STOCK WANTED NOW RENTING RICHMOND HILL APARTMENTS Outdoor & lndoor swimming pools. Elevators, Balconies Inter-com. Hi-Fi Music, Broadloomed Halls General Electric Appliances Caretaking Services iï¬irths For Information Call 285-2303, 884-2852 or 633-9506 LOST 2 Bedroom Apartments clw c2w35 clw35 35 PIERCEY. Frankâ€"At his home, ve 30' )n- ed '35 ed all ge. :'c7 Testoa RR 1. Maple Thursday. February 18. 1965, Frank Pier- cey. beloved husband of the late Tena Hess. Dear uncle of Dawson Hart of Cornwall and Frank Piercey, Richmond Hill: in his 78th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Interment King City Cemetery. clw35 CARD. Mona Francesâ€"Al York Central Hospital, Thursday February 18, 1965. Mona Frances Sabiston, beloved wife of Jack Card of 344 Pal- liser Cres. South, Richmond Hill dear mother of Joanne and Michael. Sister of Camp- bell. Donald, Joan (Mrs. W. Hardy). James and Jane: .er5 K. Harker). Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Interment Unionville Luth- eran Cemetery. c13w35 In memoriam VANDERBURGH. George Al- fred â€" At the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, Thursday, Feb- ruray 18. 1965. in his Blst year. husband of the late Alice Rumble. Dear father of William and Jane (Mrs. E. Copelandli Grandfather of Shirley. Norman, Elizabeth Peter and Mary. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. clw35 l Middleton â€" we wish to con- vey our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to friends. rel- atives and neighbours for beau. tiful floral tributes, cards, ex- pressions of sympathy, and acts of kindness shown us in the loss of our dear daughter and sister Myrtle. We can only say thank you. so much. â€"Albert Middleton and Family | EVANS â€" In memory of Ar- thur Richards Evans. who passed away February 18. 1951. We sat beside your bedside. Our hearts were crushed and sore We did our duty to the end. Till we could do no more. In tears we saw you sinking. And slowly fade away. Although our hearts were breaking. We knew you could not stay. -â€"â€"Ever remembered by wife and family. c1w35 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors and friends for their flowers. cards and visits during my stay in York Central Hospital. Also special thanks to the doctors and nurses on the second floor. â€"-â€" Bob Bridges. *lw35 CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0]“ THANKS Our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks is extended to all the wonderful people. neigh- bots and friends in Maple and surrounding areas, who have graciously given us means of transportation to visit Charlie in the Ottawa Civic Hospital. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion to our many friends, relâ€" atives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sym- pathy shown to us in the loss of our beloved wife and mother. Also to Rev. I. G. Perkins our pastor, friend and neighbor for his consoling words and kind- ness. Also to those who sent many beautiful floral offerings and messages and to the Trull Funeral Home for their kind and efficient management and service. â€"Mr. Thomas Alva Weaver, 23 Oakdene Cres., Toronto 6. c1w85 Our sincere gratitude also to those who have offered help in many other ways. Thank you. CARD 0]“ THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Irene Gilroy would most sin- cerely like to thank all rela- tives friends and neighbors for their many cards, floral tributes and many kindnesses received. Special thanks to the Rev. Mc- Spadden, Dr. Bate, Dr. Cowan and the nursing staff 2nd floor York Central Hospital also Roadhouse and Rose Funeral Home for their kindness in the death of a dear wife and moth- er. CARD OF THANKS â€"â€"Muriel Rose and Family â€"Mr. C. Gilroy 6: Family *1w35 Eeaths