NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. Richmond Hill's leading Realtor We need homes of all types IMMEDIATELY. 'FREE courteous and professional appraisals. List NOW for FAST action. BRAND NEW $16,500 Ruilt-ln oven and range, yellow clay brick, ranch style 3 bedroom bungalow, L-shaped living, dining rooms. economical oil early possession, close to Yonge CALL TODAY DOUG BENNETT. BETTER HUME LOWER PRICES heat, Featuring outstan York County CARlISLE CALUMET REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 9205 YONGE ST. AV5-3721 CHOICE LOTS RESIDENTIAL 0R COMMERCIAL ON OR NEAR YONGE STREET REAL ESTATE TU. 4-7751 AV. 5-7381 THORNHILL $9.000 $2 000 down, comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow on 41 x 306 ft. lot. modern kitchen and bath. ftill basement. forced air heating, aluminum storms and screens. Mr. Car- lisle. 'I‘U. 4-7751, 6 ROOMS, 1 ACRE $13,900 near Yonge 3 bed- room bungalow with attach- ed garage on 103 x 428 ft. lot. 22 ft. living room. rec. room. Close to pliblic and separate schools. Mr. Shields. TU. 4-7751. 1 BLOCK T0 YONGE $11,900, immaculate 3 bed- room bungalow. family kit- chen full basement. finish- ed recreation room. alumin- um storms and screens. Mr. Cameron. TU. 4-7751. SUE-9h MORTGAGE $15,900, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gar- age and paved drive. open fireplace, storms, screens and awnings on 60 x 150 ft. landâ€" scaped lot. Mr. Crowther TU. 4-7751. $13,900 â€" $2.000 DOWN Listings Wanted â€" : Watch For The ‘ GRAND ‘ ‘. OPENING I I I i .' â€"â€" i'EMERALD ISLE II REAL ESTATE LTD. 18A Yonge Street North TO I “THE LIBERAL†Real Estate Page (ting Property Values throughout HANSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED NOBLETON 88.00 a month interest, prin- cipal and taxes carries this ultra modern 6 room solid brick bungalow on a large professionally landscaped lot. tastefully decorated through- out; owner moving to Florida. full price only $15,900. Call Mr. Elgie. 483-4329. NORTH SUBURBS 23.900, Architecturally de- signed, custom built 6 rooms plus family room with open fire place. low down payment will handle. Call Mr. Gib- hens. 483-4329, evgs. Ba. 5â€" 3386. I'500.00 DOWN Richmond Hill. 6 room solid brick. featuring all large well planned rooms. This home in excellent condition, tastefully decorated throughout. Call Mr. Elgie. 483-4329. HANSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED SELL CALL SOONER ,ing in ,weeks since he was convicted of keeping liquor for sale and r- 7â€" â€" V ‘ illegal possession of liquor. was WednC-‘day' Mal‘Ch 3~Clearmg fined a 10131 of 3445‘ m- 55 days‘farm auction of 50. Registered in jail 1 !Citizens’ Committee To Check 7W/ REAL ESTATE ISALE REGISTERS WANTED 3 TO 5 ACRESisuitahleâ€"for home site Richmond Hill area. 884-2748. cl\\’35 HOMESIWANTED byAinvestor for renting, all cash, will repair bred and grade llolstein cattle.) Iif needed. Free appraisal Call D.H.I.A. records. Mitro & Star Ltd, 222-2525. “925 3 year records av. 13.306 milk.I .7 473 fat, 4 year old average 14,-} 322 milk, 514 fat. mature aver: Ap-I proximately 75 head of cattle inl all. including young cattle. 36I Club Members Fined The Vagabond Motorcycle Club of Thornhill. which has ‘been sending some of its meInâ€"‘fm.age bers to magistrate's court al- imost weekly since the club was Stake (ruck. iraldEd during a be†drmkmg with records of cattle sent on‘ lparty in January. sent its last, rmuesl‘ property of 1], 3, R'; delegation, Tuesday, with thej'ymrame‘ result that five more convic-‘Markham Village (m NO. 7 1.“th tions were registered under the “.33., Markham Tow-“shin Sale Act \VRS Liquor Control Heaviest hit Ronald Storey who has been repos- jail for the past two He was one of three members charged on the two counts. " However. the charges were withdrawn against the other “I want to say again that I Tuesday. Important extensive auction sale of registered and high grade Holstein cattle. complete disâ€" persal. including modern farm machinery. there are 65 pureâ€" al'. 12,838 lbs. milk. 469 Of fat. age 16,637 milk. 625 fat. can electric btilk cooler. dairy equipment. tractors. combine, equipment. unloading wagons, 1959 Chevrolet 1 ton 17,000 miles. List 2‘2 miles east of starts at 12.00 noon. Large sale. See pOstcrs. Cattle sale starts DaVid Sim?†20' of 8143 “mac at. approximately 2.00 pm. Held‘ Street. which is also the home under cove]. Terms msh‘ No l,(,_ of the Thornhill club. ‘scrve. Farm is sold. Ken 32 . Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers.) IMarkham. Ont. c3w33 and High Grade Holsteins. also nearly new implements, includ- ing 4 tractors, combine, new baler with Dale thrower. power mowcr. 2 spi‘caders. drill. for- two when Storey insisted that‘329 hal‘VCSIN‘ and blowerv 3‘ it had all been his idea. ,SU wagons. 2 elevators, new hay leonditioner, 2 cars, pick-up MEI‘châ€"Envdfl 965 #1 2 year records, THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 25, 1965 7 Three members of I! newly- formed citizen's committee, who have appointed them‘ selves to oversee the work- ings of Markham Township Council. received little en- couragement from council when they visited them last. week to tell them about their new project. Eric. W. Baker, chairman. Robert J. Sloane, vice-chairâ€" man. and Donald H. Mc- Clennan. secretary, repre- senting Markham Township Citizens' Committee. were informed that council wasn’t “an information bureau." after they had requested the latter keep them informed regularly on council hap- penings. “We have many requests from people for informa- tion." said Mr. Baker. "They all say they wish they knew more about what was going on in the community." He said that it was the plan of the citizens' commit- tee to develop some kind or information service to bring this end about. In forming the group. the committee had tried to select from all wards. and between rural and urban interests. He said one of the things the committee would be in- terested in was the upcom- ing Goldenberg Report on Metro and presumed council would provide it with an ex- change of information. “That will be public know- ledge." said Councillor Alan Sumner. you any information on it." said Reeve Charles Hooper. "We can't be of service to you people by going in cold." said M. Baker. Reeve Hooper suggested the committee get former township Councillor Sloane ~~ now vice-chairman of the committee â€" to brief them on it. Said Councillor Hoover: “Has this commit.- tee discussed the North Thornhill development? And if they have. have they come to any conclusions?" Mr. Baker said the com- mittee had gone into it exâ€" tensively. but still hadn't enough information to draw Charles ’up any definite conclusions. The committee would, when it had the information, ad- vise council if the developâ€" ment would be of any benefit to the municipality. Said Councillor Sumner: "Is it the intention of this committee to supersede the planning board?" Mr. Baker said he hadn't regarded the planning board as a “separate voice." Mr. Sloane said the com- mittee's intention was to help council, not to hinder it. At this point, Councillor Cleary Palmer, who had re- mained silent when called upon to speak earlier, said he would say something after all. The council was not an information bureau. he said. and everything that was done in council was open to every- body. On Markham Twp. Council Thornhill development," Mr. - Palmer said. council agreed on a 3-2 vote to go ahead I with it. " “it is now out of council's 1 hands and in the solicitor’s. ' He may or may not prepare .. a brief I'll never see it. -- “It is not necessary for ’f you to come here.“ Mr. Pal- . mer said. “Mr. Sloane knows ‘ that." Mr. Baker said he realized A that. What was wanted was, a more organized means of passing on the information.’ “You can read it in the press.†said Mr. Palmer. I Council said it would dis-; cuss the committee's plans. again at a future meeting.' Other members of the" c o m m ittee: communications: committee: Chairman Mr. Rex. Weyman. Mr. Alva Gamble. Mr. Dean Hughes.“ community conservation’ committee: Chairman Mni H. G. Pain, Mr. Rod Brook“ Mr. P. B. Whitehead, Mn; Napier Simpson. develop; ment committee: Chairman‘ Mr. P. B. Whitehead. Mia-i Ewart Sliver. Mr. Geoff Cain. i pey. Mr. W. J. Henwood. Mn} J. A Kitchen, educational, committee Chairman Dr. C.‘ E. Phillips, Goldenberz re-‘- port committee: Chairmnni' Mr. George Rodanz, Mn! Lawson Mumberson, Mn; Stephen Roman, Mr. S. J.- Gadsby. roads beautificationk committee: Chairman ML“. Keith Kennedy. Mr. Fred‘ Wicks. Mr. Jon Hopkins, Mn; Clark Young. Mr. W. J. Sen-r FIRST COME. FIRST dall. . I am completely responsible inllTUCk‘ hay- Sll‘a‘Vv gralnv hensv "Said Mr. Baker: “We "with regard to the North ?___,.‘?‘ff'f:"i‘:‘1"_{",--: O'HAGAN SERVED Close to Yonge,_6 room ll’: this," Storey said. just beforeifurniturc, hulk cooler. 4 Surge wou1d like a free flow of WW _ , SIOFEX home "F ,exceuem sentence was passod. “although‘unllsv lhe property of Chas- information back and forth. :(mstItyWâ€"t givnfr6trans- , condititonAIarge livmg room, I 515500 FULL PRICE L 0,11 an I've heard rumors that that-SlReynolds at lot 26. Con. 6., The more our citizens know. erre 0 es. oas, room separa e ining room. garage. ‘ . 1 es Le (19 t -‘ Pickering. located 6 miles east) the better they can put their t ‘ , b I no so. I rancher. . 28x11 iecreatlion treed 64x 150 ft. lot. Mrs. Ed- Enfhdégomregiégï¬ionungrist: ‘ REALTOR Magistrate 0‘ s. “Omnrake‘or Markham on Hy, No_ 7_. shoulders to whatever wheel :fd’rriiis Wilhhndsldglpingcomppafihe 1 wards T044751. ‘ paved driveway, aluminum‘i Exclusive or Photo M.L.S. said that it was the type oijO'lEtzhOne of E.tzheéargtistlfarlin is Bflequgelg'" .d 1h TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA 2, MARKHAM ’. - ' s ' storms and screens. two i r _ - offence that merited much con- 53.95 H '75 Sim“ ~ an my 9 r. a er sai e com- ' Lot 75x135 carries .less than , REC. ROOM, 2 BATHS. I blocks from school. 5% NHA , 7771 Yonge St. A\. 5 siderauon' sa‘I‘d: you Name It, We Have. mittee would like to be kept MALE FULL TIME 5100 m°nth1ymmdmgtaxes' $3.000 dQWl‘l». PleasaanlllC , mortgaga carries for $9575 1 ' ' “I think that setting upilt . Farm sold. Terms Cash. informed on any centennial ’ '1 HURRY â€" CALL “ANS 61‘oom.br1ck bungalowdarge Ila mom}, CALL HUGH KERR ’-â€"‘“ houses and making them open‘FaulkneI‘ & Woods. clerks- Re" projects council was plan- State qualifications and experience. BRAUNS. living room with fireplace, ‘ ' to all ages Is very “rims,†hefreshments. Sale starts 12 noon. said ‘furniture 2 pm. cattle 3 pm, As a result, he declared the. 2 aualo" Tings- ning. and also asked to see the brief council intended to present before the OMB breezeway and double gar- age paved drive. Askin 1 $19,900. Mr. Sunter, TU. 4- 1’285.6288, Applications must be received by MONDAY, MARCH 8th, 1965 RICHMOND HILL $1.500 DOWN QUIET CRESCENT | 7751 g. . premises a public house, which‘ We Dv Atkinson» I on the North Thornhill de- A 1 . ‘ . . t th h . . Large 3 bedroom brick hung. - “ WEST SIDE '. REALTOR . means that no alcoholic bevcp1 Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer velopment, February 24.. _ pp Y In writing 0 o c airman. _ alow. extra large kitchen, 3 HOME AND SHOP ‘ $17,900 fun price beautiful. . s,_._¢â€"M . ages can. be eon5umed theregrw H _ _ _777§2W34 I dont think the SOllCI- ELSON MILES, MILLIKEN, ONTARIO full basement, aluminums, Y $13900 __ $2 000 down have full price. 2 bed. while it is under that prohib-jFRIDAY MARCH 5 C . tor tTOWnShlp Solic1tor J..D. 5% NHA Mortgage. Asking " ' ‘ I†low with attached garage, I -â€" learmg Lucas) would want to give , your own business. 2 chair, fully equipped barber or hairdressing shop. plus a 514.900. Make an offer, own- CALL MRS. farm auction of 35 Holstein (many fresh or springing) tIB- Following the raid by Mark- - ' I t. . . taxes, beautiful treed o ham and Vaughan Township excellent location, close to“ schools. broadloom in living room bungalow. oil heat, low ltl‘m' er has bought. g 3 1y landscaped, 6 room bunga- [$9,900 HORSLEY. i , r I d dim alumin m ‘ Police, January 22, 24 people, vaFClnaledi- BUlk cooler- SWEE I '112";".,‘,‘.“°355‘E’J‘ï¬â€˜llwioi :iiorms anngd rggrrgens. carrlie 4 bedrooms 2' wasmoomsv 2 ranging in age from 15 to 26 fallker' Baryglegnzms rmcllumng ATTACHED GARAGE I in. gTaylor TU ‘4_7751 ' for $116.00 a month, CALL stone fireplace-Sade“. garage. were subsequently charged un- Ira"; tv 1 11’, ft“ 1° Oader' $16 500 ‘ ’ ' ' IBRUCE PRIDHAM, 235-6288, rec. r0om terrific home, ter- a... the hquor act y u . cu Iv or. power sprayer, hay. grain, straw. en- S' ' l ' . . "me that time†31 bUt flve Silage, etc, the property of Jas. ‘- 3 including one Tuesday. received Field stone front, brick bun- “OUSES WANTED galow, with oversized Holly- rific view. Call now. 0 0 ‘ONLY 310.700 FULL PRICE'E Industrial development i I . v - . Crichton. selling at the farm wood style kitchen. 3 good the Richmond Hill area is a 6 V V. 52000 downw3 bedroom bUCk 32:: Tshiï¬szLnEngflg weï¬]; located at Lot 6. COIL 10. Mark- " sized bedrooms, 1% baths, 1 an all time high, this surg mom Fungal?“ “11h gar' bungalow. Oll heal. SlOI‘mS. Dowr'lsview $20 drinkin ‘undéli ham Township 13 miles east of â€" better than new throughout. 1 forward has created 27 mar age‘ Inge “Vmg mom‘ 3 iCI‘eenS. CBFPOI‘t- Must be ' ‘ g Markham on Hy. No. 7 and 1 age; William Hudson, 26. Toron-r to, $20, having liquor in a place bedrooms. large lot. FOR I ‘ ' ’ id. 1 large NHA mottgage. By ket for houses in all pric APPOINTMENT CALL MR‘ ‘ SO mile south) Note: This is a good appointment only. Hurry ranges. For an expert val I __L.___Fs . , Holstein dairy herd, all animals for this Spring Special. Call uation without obligation ‘gsgglllmKERR' 285-6288 orIl: Call Mr. Hudson or Ellie]: “213" goigzig’enggb born on the farm from A1 Sires- MR. WHITE. ‘ call TU. 4-7751 - AV. 5-7381. Mr. Murphy other than a residence; Ralph faa;linRSet}lr(:Shl\rl:eI:te:)eol;/teï¬ I‘ 10 AV. 5-2951 TU. 4-5422 Roper, Toronto, $20. drinking, n8, '3, Woods, clerks, Sale 1 under age. A charge of drinking ’ BUILDING LOTS FOR p m AURORA. Private, SIX roomt SALE WANTED. ALL TYPFS CF in a‘ ' i 4 I . , . v. . Atk . l â€"_ bungalow carport recreatmn' CALL BRUCE PRIDHAM HOMES. FREE place other than his residence ‘ D 1mm] 53 e manager ‘ 0 0 / room. 0% mortgage. 727-363385' 285-6288 or 884-3131 ' APPRAISAL gagainst John McRobb' 23‘ of To_ and auctmeï¬'r- ‘ c w I 1 ronto who said that he had ““““\l ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th. -' ‘ gone t“ the.h°,use to come†3.1965â€"Auction sale of late model) AURORA HOUSE 2% ACRES Â¥?F;VYE§AAdlsmlssed' ‘A/C tractor wtih loader. GMC , _ V . .I . . . , , 457.900 full price, here's an ex-.IllllllllItllllllllilllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll pick-up truck. baler. fertlllzer lFor only $2,000 you can be the. “"0000â€... O ! 0... Many exâ€" INSPEC extras. . . ,cellent opportunity to purchase ’ .drm' along .With Other. power) wnn Mg, GRAMSCH, proud owner of this immacul-l a lovely setting south of Aurora, Housewwes, ‘farm machinery“ equipment. 1 ,ate 3 bedroom brick bungalow. . . 'miseellaneous articles grain $10,900 BUNGALOW featuring bright modern kitchâ€"‘Features SPECIOUS 2 stOIey fam- v e ‘ gage carrying $106 monthly including taxes. Close to Wal- ter Scott school. pensive Half Acre, 2 bedroom bung- alow with full basement. forced air gas heat, low down payment with one open mortgage location. 151. . . i] h m with 3 bedrooms. Ietc., at Lot 21, Concession 9l en spjacmusj livlingd roomt.j lai‘geilaige Okitechen‘ separate dining salesmen & East, Markham Township_ 3 81“ an 3" scape 0“ ADD TO YOUR REGULAR ‘ . .. . room, 4 piece modern bath. Bel miles North East Of Markham Iltiï¬kigisl on lung Township. En-Isure and see this one. Village, on 17111 Avenue. the a ance on one easy mor - property of Joe Quinlan. Sale $1,100 DOWN at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No re- sm'soo‘ Aurora. want a bar, ,serve. Farm is sold. See bills gage. Owner says sell. All of- gain? Here~s a dandy! neat bungWork after hours, in the even-‘for full listings. Clarke Prentice Pay Him Promptlyl LIMITED RICHMOND HILL’S FIRST REALTORS Good west side CALL ....He’s on MR. PAR. tiers considered. Hurry! EARL V. STEWART 3 BEDROOMS PLUS PANELLED DEN $16,900 Only. Beautifully maintained ranch style bun- . galow with 1 6% NHA mort- ‘ REAL ESTATE BROKER £310“, duet being sacrificed for ing and Saturdays assistinzlâ€" Auctioneer. Markham 640: 3 BEDROOMS. 2 BATES 21 Yonge St. N" Aurora quick sale‘ Includes three bed.‘daily. newspaper carriers . in 3686 or 294-3161. a" c3w3o $1,500 down payment. Smart- $1700 DOWN PA. 74â€â€ r°°m5~ lame “Ving and dining’the†camiassmgz “’T‘pa-‘gn'. 7 1y styled 3 bedroom brick RICHMOND HILL c1w351room area. Storms and screens, GParanteed late‘ $ Pei nighthEDNESDAX‘ MARCH 24th“ bungalow. awnings. alumm , 3_bedmom bungalow with _. _ ,fenced yard Carries for less Without car. $3 per night Withimportant auction sale of 35i ‘ um storms 20x14 living 1 garage on large lot. Iiea 1th†"m- can. plus cqmml-ssmnos paldlhea-d 0f Reg' and Grade H01- oom ane'ned recr u I Yonge' $11500 ML Mashin weekly. Openings in Richmond15tein Cattle including Fresh 1' . p ea on [er 285-1164 W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE Hill, Thornhill, Oak Ridges and‘Cows. springer Heifers & Cal-I - ' ' 96 Yonge St., Aurora Aurora areas. lves. Massey Ferguson No. 65‘ 727-4288 921-1691 ’l‘ractor new 19-63. Ferguson WEST OF YONGE c1w35 Phone '1' E' webb’ 884-4501 i'l‘ractor â€"â€" MH. Combine No. $19,500 3-bedroom brick bun- l galow with fireplace and ear- 1 port. Mr. Mashlnter, 285-1164. iilIIlllillIllllIltillllllllllgllilllillllIIlilIllllIlllhlliilllliilillllllilillllhllI 50 Clipper 7 ft. cut with P.T.O. lgood as new. MH Hay Baler) The PUGH REALTY LTD. like new McCormick 16 run .‘Fertllizer seed drill like new. :also full line of power imple- ‘ments all in Al. condition. About 2.000 bales Hay, about, . , I tractiVe mortgage. Mrs. Kells. ‘2.000 bales Straw quantity of) age. small trees Only $11 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 285-1164. r We have houses here and houses there imixed Grain. At west half of 900 full price. CALL MRS DETACHED BUbGALOW I MAYNARD. ' i F ii " 13900 rries '9 have houses everi’Where LOI 9. C0“. 3. Vaughan TOW_n- s ‘ $18,900--2 BATHROOMS {0‘1" {5% $ m'ommvca PH: Some with acres. some without ship on Dufferin St. 1 mile room. well landscaped and fenced. The price is right. 3 Please CALL MR. REID. , s75 MONTHLY. 1 OPEN MORTGAGE Your down payment consid- WEST SIDE RAVCHER North of No. 7 Highway. The, .. A ' property of Ernest A. Evans; QUIEI CRESCENT No reserveâ€"Farm sold. Mia, Evans and Auctioneers will not ‘be held responsible should any accident happen on property during Sale day. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon. Alvin S. Farm- Some are near and some far out. So call [is today. or tomorrow will do. We are always pleased to hear from you. WILLIAMS Split level bungalow, open fireplace. built in bookcases in living room, finished rec- reation room. 2 bathrooms. Mrs. Sutherland. 285â€"1164. 3 bedrooms, separate dining- room. fully fenced. close to schools. shopping and trans- portation. See this attract- ive home that carries for less than rent. PHONE MRS. WYATT. 884-1570. Immediate possession. ‘ 315'900’ S-BFDROOMS. 3 bedroom bungalow on hug Buligalow‘ 2 f‘erlaces' mm 200 ft deep lot] with gap finished recreation room. at 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large well treed and landscaped lot. offering sec- lusion and privacy, yet close to all schools and Yonge St. YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the many other customers $13,500 AGINCOURT shopping. Family size liv- 3-bedroom ranch bungalow. er & Gordon Orr. Auctioneers. each day' in: and dining areas. econ- attractive living room. lot DRE“! HOME Shas. Haynes, Newmarket: on omical oil heat. CALL MR v 50x150ft.. arri $89.52. “ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ~ Pedigrees. c4w35 . . MAY . MPIT. Mrs (Suthzls'land 285 333-90“ Th“ 5400’“ bung: R E AL E STAT E . . ’ e , M HE BUiS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to 1164. I ' 310w has everything. soft ' " ' ' ' r---W-B " pastel decor throughout. 2 field-stone fireplaces. 2 bath- rooms. built-in oven and stove, recreation and laund- ry rooms. Completely broad- you at retail. The difference in price pays him for serving yon- TRADE INS ACCEPTED 285-5451 Houses Wantedi !To list now~detached and! !semi. We have immediate! When Home Repairs Are Needed Consult the FOR POSITIVE RESULTS CALL AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he Liberal loomed throughout. Many ' , . . - A ,- - 2 - 9 . ~ . - bluels \Iaiting, \Iith up to. v 93 h collection da . Thus 85 6-41 773 4151 Miscellaneous ClaSSIï¬ed other extras“ Abe... $5.0m I I :52 500 down looks to you for payment c .y ' . ~ 7 «w ~~~~C°1umn -. - Please “‘1 MRS- “'R‘GHT' ‘ = " . ' . = he is on your “payrollâ€, not ours, and apprec1ates being 884-7915. | For friendly advice and! :counsellingrplease call local paid promptly -â€" so that he can pay his own paper bill | . $15,100 I O . s $11 oo‘ti'HY'IIiAY RIENTd impresemame‘ ' and enjoy the full proï¬t he has earned! .. , “‘1 I a 0\\' (“VII 7 . . payment and $78 monthly Well kept 6 room brick bungalow, 3 bed- To†"CREAM" 884-7969 will put _v0u into your first home with all extras includ- ed. Everything has been done in this immaculate home. in rooms. Landscaped with fenced in yard and patio. Living room 11x17 with built in bookcases floor to ceiling. Richmond Hill Homes? of “THE LIBERAL" ~ HOME PAPER or THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 I'll. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 I almost new condition, c1059 Oil heat. One block from schools. shopping "ANS “RUN Its N. 5. SMITH Realtor EZf'LSiEEEZS'DFSE and CALL NOW Exclusive or Photo M-L-S MRS. HAWKES 834-1306. Low 595% NHA Mortgage Phone Mrs. D. Carter. 285-1905 Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada RICHMOND HILL OFFICE PHOTO M.L.S. 884-3624 285-5056 I I ! t I 884-4881 5 _ F.G.WattsRea| Estate! ‘39 YONGE STREET ! “'illowdale ' t . : 285-2161 '