Moro-Muster "Extra-Lite" f I MU FFLERS msmm CHEV., PONT. FAST, INSTALLATION BY EXPERTS l954'54 M0" Moro-Master Mufflersâ€"designed to give more BIG DISCOUNTS power, greater gas economy, longer life. for other car, LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE TFREEiâ€"FAST EXHAUST GHEGK You 99' a brand new muffle, If Don't take chances, your exhaust ll‘ blows outâ€"ever! The re- system may be defective without . - - being noisy, so have it checked placement muffler II yours, With by can-d6“ Ti" “PM†with“. out cost. cost or obligation. . .. . . ' ' (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Hats, Fashions, Desserts Feature luncheon ll'lodelling1965 fashions at March 10 dessert luncheon and hat and fashion show are .(left to right) Mrs. George Irwin wearing a navy blue silk double knit threeâ€"piece suit with blue velvet petalled hat in cloche style with narrow brim: Mrs. William Babcock, in a raspberry linen two-piece dress with fine white straw hat bound in black velvet: and Mrs. Harry Savers in a black and white tweed twoâ€"piece suit. bound in black wool and a small red roll-away brimmed hat, trimmed with black silk braid. They are admiring the flower-banked bird-bath which formed the central part of the effective spring decorations for the event held in the Christian education building of Richmond Hill United Church. More than 200 women forgot weave wool. fashioned with dol-l’ ' t t l ‘. a. thy n- man sleeves. ‘ ' jgyggui‘hecde‘lglclljabl: and dgliâ€" Mrs. Bain's three-piece suit cious confections offered for‘was a blue and white tweed '95 their choice at the annual des- effect 100% pure wool doublet , , . GUARANTEED 18.000 MES on 18 mm“: ALL 4 sert luncheon and hat and fa- knit in boucle finish. Mrs. Fen- WHEELS shion show. wick wore a pure white wool to Seven ladies from the spon- suit with brass-trimmed but-l . _ y I r . MOST MODELSâ€"Chem, Pontiac, 1951-53; Fwd, wring group modelled fashions‘tons and Mrs. Kerr‘s suit was; Despite ragiing auntds. s:vii‘l-:l)eBdon(; inside. I {T K I ea. Mew", “4%â€; Dodge, Plymomh 1949-56- by Patricia White. hats by Geo- of multi-color double knit snow. an rain. ie 5 mm ing sew. proprietor o own rgena Spearn and furs by Ken‘With this she wore a yellow all-‘that hit Richmond Hill and surâ€" Inn Restaurant. 30 Yonge Street M0" Popular Cars BIG SAVINGS FOR OTHER CARS __ Stiff Furs. Mrs. Ian Kerr. MrSn‘weather coat on her first ap-‘rounding area-Wednesday night South, said that the sign above Momwmm, Shock “umber. PM You . . ca" V George Irwin. Mrs. George Fen-,pcarance. .of last week did relatively little his take-out service next door in control of your carâ€"tor a safer, 5:59"“;1"PKLLcnerSEELgontuc, B y wick. Mrs. Harry Sayers. Mrs. Douglas Booth described the damage. to his restaurant. had to be Imoother rideâ€"at every speed, on any ' ‘ ' ~ ' ' - ' William Bahcock. Mrs. D. Bainlmany furs displayed by thel Police reported that as usual taken down at the height of the road. t Certified mechanics carefully check entire brake « c 3 and Mrs. W. Boone were the models for Ken Stiff furs. Hit‘their main problem was in trafâ€"jstorm when it looked as if it SI" 0' “57‘ EXPERT INSTALLATION systemâ€"PLUS many safety extras. models who chose basic cos- of the showing were two new lie. with motorists either get- might become unhinged from s i tumes to which Mrs. Betty Mc-‘treatments of muskrat. One line bogged down in the snow. its moorings. Convey. manageress of Palricialjacket featured black-dyed mus- or else running into each other A small sign outside the town White Shoppe added hats which krat which resembled sable and in a series of minor accidents. hall was dislodged by the wind. made them suitable for daytime‘another bleached to a beautifull Road department officials in as were several town notices wear. for weddings or otherlbeige was easily confused witthichmond Hill and Markham‘tacked to telephone poles, special occasions. Ibeaver but sells at muskrat pri-i'l‘mvnship, said that road graderswvarning trucks about half load- Mrs. McConvey stressed the ces. Mink in almost every con-IWEI‘e out working soon after the‘ing. ‘ Importance of a hat in comple- ceivable shade was featured in storm on a 24-hour basis to The roads department report. _ ting a costume and giving the stoles of all sizes for all figure keep the highways open. the ed all roads open after all-l“ . ‘ I964 Outstanding impression of being wellâ€"dress-itypes. and Mrs. Irwin wore a roads being the main.facility night clearing by town graders. ed for every occasion. tflattering full length coat of‘inconvenienced at the time. lwith morning crews working at Mrs. Boone choseatwo-piece black broadtail. . L. J. Roy. Ontario llydro.‘keeping the snow back from , ,, double knit silk dress in honeyj Concluding number in the fur manager for this area said therefthe curbs. lYear In Townshlp beige. which was trimmed with‘display was described as beingwas little in the way of hydro King Township reported sevâ€" silk braid of the same shade. for the woman who has every-'damage in the area. eral minor accidents. with some. - o In one. appearance she wore angthing. It was a black sequined He said there was the “odd roads plugged. while Whitâ€" Markham POIICE Chlel oatmeal colored, coat of basket-ljacket with black dyed fox col- farmer“ who experienced some church and Markham TownshiplI "â€" "_â€"“‘"‘ lar and cuffs. ldifficuities with his lines. but officials said they had come s . l -, \ l . . I - y . Markham 'Iounshi Police nulliiniiiiiiliiiliiill\iliiiiiiiiiliiiiiililiiiiiimimilliiliiiluluiilluilii Mrs. Flo Nesbm' beauty mum not enough ‘0 cause any “ohm Hnwough mm a†hues andcmef Hem, Cox mi; council v N seller, was in charge of the‘able lapse in power. buildings intact. v l1964 had heen 5h uoutstamh . . . make-up and presented gifts to‘ A spokesman for. the hydro; Heaviest hit was Vaughan mg year‘uso far as the police lseveral lucky women. Mrs. Wil-Sin Richmond Hill said the towanownship. which reported tele- were concerned When he pm“ .. , . VICTORIAN ORDER OFlliam Dodds who was celebrat-lhad escaped any electrical phone poles down in the Con- senled his annhal reporh last ' ' ~ " - . .. NURSES ing her birthday that day. was‘trouble during the storm. lcord area. with one of themlweek' iâ€"gunrr BOX MOUNTING BAR __ 6â€"CEILING RECEPTACLE â€" For 3v," Heavy duty, winner of a prize voucher don-l According to the federal glancing off a house. _ The chief said it had been a or 12 to 18" or 4" outlet boxes Bakelite. Brown bakelito .. - RICHMOND HILL ated by Georgena Spearn. lmeteorological office in Toronto.l A service station at Home year in which the ratio of break 1_0C5Â¥332R OUTLE+_Grounded 'ï¬g 1 :‘EzLui‘er'EEwal' éw'm‘ ' '39 TIâ€"WALL PLATE -â€" For iinglo BRANCH Mrs. R. E. McMonagle. con-laverage rate of speed of the‘velt and Yonge Streets had and enter and theft cases 501_ receptacle in weatherproof 4 -mnle) bï¬t WEAW'TIE Jag“ .64 toggle sw-tch. Brown I M w o k venor and other members of thelwind was 43 miles an hour, with several windows blown out. ved‘ compared favorably with metal box. Complete . I a_KNâ€E' SWHCH Box _ 30am izâ€"oUrLEX OUTLET PLATI TS. . . StOC dale Tuesday Evening Unit of UCngusts up to 50 and 55. 1 One major accident occurred the number reporte¢ than" “SK†llO~l20 volt, Zeblade, 3 _‘ B'°w" ‘ " ' ' the sponsoring group. handled In Richmond Hill. two biisi-jat Keele Street. two miles north There were however, eight 1â€"pum covzn '_'_' F0. 4n Muse - . - . . l v - I lz‘ka‘x'oTnLPEBXLZE _ I“ “g: all details in a most creditablel‘ness places reported slight ofeMaple about 6.15 pm, when fatal accidents in the township 4â€"3iSITe'tEToo; .. . . . . . :13 ll-tfflade. 2 74:39:19.} ff. . . . . . . . . . loo manner and coped capably with‘damage. a car driven by Svdnev Whtwo on lawnship mads and Six‘ 0* â€" with ' “$9 a v e - - - ' '2 ' - . / . . . V y - - - . ,i. _ _ â€"gauge Richmond l'llll MllnlClpaIdhe crowd which was greater} lxen Brown, manager of Lewis. 55. of 48 Garden Ave- on county thoroughfares. 1n_ kn°°lf:':bog;‘bm rs,“ '35 9 gsoiar‘ubasxlllffl I21 per n. . . a y an lCl e or. uarany rus ompany o nue. angsa . emerge ou , . , _ ‘_ â€" ox â€" IOâ€"DUPLEX RECEPTACLE iâ€"OU Hall ‘th n the had t pat <1 G t 1 t C t L r t it e d t valved “me we we school ch†5 swncn s 4 TLET BOX CONNECTOR SERVING yprepared for. Even then there1Canada, 44 Yonge Street South. of a “snow squall†into them-en on foot-u two passengers ___ W'lh Clamps . . . l . . . . . - . - v I Brown bakellte . .. . . . . . I â€" For Romex, etc. . . . . . . I RICHMOND HILL. lwas no shortage of desserts ofsaid that a small portion of back of a vehicle driven by'and two drivers. , . infinite variety. and everyone‘shingling on the northern‘Kenneth A. llurley. 43. of 60. There were 106 people initir- MARKHAM Towbsnlp' present was able to see and en-.portion of the roof had beeniCharles Street. King City. ed in 293 accidents' and a‘ to. VAUGHAN TOWNSHAP- joy the lovely new fashions pre-luprooted. but it was discovered? Damage to the two cars was‘lal of 400 charges laid under niiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiimiliiilii senle by local merchants. lbefm‘e any snow damage could‘estimaled at $5004 1the Highway Traffic Act. Char- '- _‘ ges under the Liquor Control Act were 166. Other occurrances during the year amounted to 409. ‘ Chief Cox said the police communication system. which last year handled 11.161 calls, had been completely revised. and the 10-year old toâ€"way Iradio system had been replaced Cost of cruiser operation for 156,275 miles was $7.678. while GRAB "tv I man-u é? the by-law office and school safety program amounted to $6.â€" .' ' e i x . Department strength remain- ggegg at 17 and two 8-FT. LONG LOPPING PBIIIIING Lawn-Master An THEE PHUNEB SHEARS SHEARS Grass Seed was the presentation of an out- standing instructor certificate 8_H._ [on ha'dwood handle. Ideal Precision-ground carbon Tempered, full polished Highly vigorous for a to sewea t a ll od lr tl l 9 ~ ' l v ’ °, n ‘ , 0 )3 .19 for high_up Pruning Tempered steel blade and serrated blades. Ratchet adlustâ€" permanent, attractive ‘51- J‘mns AI‘IIWIH'N‘e P‘s-"00'3" ’ hook. Hardwood handle. ment, tempered spring lawn. Covers 880 sq. ‘- l steeliaws tb h _ ' --- tlon (hicf to). said c" s '3'“ es 27‘,z over 3 "d dip. .. n79 lilag.4 lb ‘ UP I‘D I" thick. . . . . . . 9" overall. a l - - t - Toronto Man In‘ I. : "'l i i l8-MONTHS GUARANTEE } eâ€"von lZ-VOLT : i i l l I SUPPORT THE Guides and Stanley McGary, 26. of To- ironto. was reported in “fair condition" at Scarboro General Hospital. Monday. “here he ‘\\’as taken following an accident in Markham Township Sunday. " McGary suffered undetermin- WITH TRADE WITH TRADE .ed injuries when the car he Brownies . 6.95 9.95 The only difference between these I'WO COTS liigai‘iici‘ifiiiiiiiedï¬. 51‘.'.§',§"‘J,.Ei;e: INSTALLATION 50¢ is 27 years and 2,109 improvements. l...:"2‘.’.’;.‘ll1§g“;ptll:‘°‘.3.l:f‘iifi r 'Steeles Avenue at the 7th Con- Which is why you see so many VWs. And still have trouble Every single window on the '65 VW is lost lo little bit (rigzimhelxilillTln he “as 5“ka C : : felling which model year you're looking ct. bigger. The back seat folds down so you can use the entire Approximately $1175 damage When we improve the Volkswagen, we don't fool about rear of the car for suitcases and such. was done to two cars in an ac- .cident on Allen Avenue in Mil» with the 5 le. We work on the works. For good reo o . Th t ' bl ' l l l ‘ t f . . . T ty 5 n e s eering ossem y is compe ey main enonce ree ‘hken. Sunday mght + + For instance, in I952, we put vents on the front side We made our windshield wipers to do a better iob. 1 police said the accident OC‘ Windows. And in 1956, we redesigned the gostonk so you'd So although the Volkswagen may look the some to you curred when a car driven by ' ‘ have more luggage space up front. every year, it does change. A fender from that '65 VW will .lnhn .lachtschutz, 58. of Allenl + Avenue, was in collision \\llll‘ We made first gear synchromesh in I961. To let you bolt easily onto that I938 model. , t H . . shift down from second to first without stopping. (We made That way, if you drive an old VW and something wears [Zhaiigemdnmesl hinf Lgï¬ligrlhcne + a a lot of lady drivers happy with that one.) out, you don't have to worry about getting parts. when we former backed out or What about this year? Well, there are 17 improvements And if nothing wears out, you don't have to this driveway. for I965 alone. worry about the shape you're in. l 7 .......... i . Canadian Tire Associate Store war SERVICE, I78 Yonge St. N.â€"Tel: TU. 4-422i Richmond Hill; AV. 53591 Toronto 70 YONGE STREET N., RICHMOND HILL 285-1101â€"884-119 1 FOR BIG BARGAINS .