For the first time in the It: years the tournament has been held, Richmond Hill rinks were among the prizewinners, with the Per- kins rink being the big. big, winners. In the final game the Per- kins rink took on Vern Trunk from Unionville, and were leading 11-0 after seven ends for what looked like an easy win. The Unionville rink count- ed six in the eighth end, four in the ninth and one in the tenth to tie it up. An extra end was played and it was not until‘ Floyd delivered his last rock of i the game, a truly fantastic shot, that the outcome was as- sured. The local team, skipped by the town’s deputy-reeve, received a vociferous ovation from the more than 350 per- sons present. % Another Richmond Hill rink, this one skipped by Don Rich- ards. took the A. R. Davey Trophy for the second event. He was aided by his wife Phyl Richards as vice. Bob Copeland second, and Marie Field. lead. They defeated Bob Hall from Tam - Heather, who went through to the finals of the O'Keefe Trophy a few weeks ago. The Wilson-Niblett Trophy (new this year) for the third event was won by Herm Cham- bers. Trenton. as skip: Connie Chambers. vice: Don Bell sec- ond; and Audrey Bell. lead. They defeated Len Gillies‘ rink of Leaside. Floyd Perkins. skipped his rink composed of Florrie Smith as vice, Marty Cormack as second and Ann Schwartz, as lead. to a story-book finish to win the McCann Trophy in the Shillelagh Bonspiel, at Rich- mond Hill Curling Club, one of the biggest ’spiels in the Toronto area. Sixty-eight rinks were entered. Another local rink. skipped by Clem Reeds, won the conso- lation of the first event. Flo Reeds was her husband's vice. Harold Louden was second and Audrey Louden lead. They THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 1, 1965 Floyd Perkins Rink Wins Trophy AUTO BODY SHOP JOIN NOW â€"- N0 INITIATION FEE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 5 miles north of Hwy. 7. just off Hwy. 27 Phone TED TOMLINSON 288-0115 or Evzs. 447-6191 or drop in and see us anytime Now is the time to prepare your car Q for Sprung 355 Yonge St. North Simply drive in for BUDGET TERMS Wilson=NibIett Motors Ltd. COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE ‘ Proud winners of the recent Shillelagh Bonspiel at Richmond Hill Curling Club are pictured above as they admire the Scott McCann Trophy they received for their win. ’v Receiving the presentation (left to right) are Ann Schwartz, lead; Marty Cormack, second; Florrie Smith, vice and Floyd Perkins, skip with Scott McCann, donor of the trophy who made the presentation. Senior Man . . . . . Senior Lady . . . . . Husband and Wife Week Day . . . . . . . â€" GOLF Best Season Rate in Metro Area 18 Holes Par 72 Fully Private â€" Members Only 1965 Season â€" Raves free estimate THE BEST COSTS NO MORE KLEINBURG GOLF CLUB Richmond Hill, Ontario I By JoAnne Nugent I The sports program has be- gun again after examinations with gymnastics as the focus of interest. On March 25 the junior gymnastics competition was held. All contestants did very well and the marks were extremely close. Final standings for grade 9 were: Kathy Kew. Dianne Has- selfeldt, and Leslie Nicholls. The senior competition will be held next Tuesday. Bayview is very proud of the girls' archery team that com- peted at the Sportsman's Show on March 13. Bayview stood third out of the many schools entered. High scorer for Bay- view was Carol Shelton. The basketball season at Bay- view was completed last week. The grade 9 girls’ team entered a tournament at Thornhlll. Al- though. they had had little time for practice, the girls still did a good job. defeating Thornhill, losing to Langstaff and losing a close game to Richmond Hill. All the girls' teams are look- ing forward to next year and a new season. All in all it was a very, very successful week. reports Bruce Butterworth. club professional. with entertainment provided around the clock. A cup and saucer was held last Friday and the Jack Grizg’s rink of Orange- ville beat out Pete Cooper of Avonlea to take the third event consolation. ousted Harvey Acton of Ux- bridge, one of curling's big names. Ellerby Farr's rink, of New- market. carried off the consola- tion prize by defeating Bob and Peg Austin and Wally and Gwen Rose of Richmond Hill. Bayview Girl's Sports AV. 5-5435 $125 $ 75 $175 $70 James Dean, director and head of the department of mathematics at Central Tech- nical School. Toronto, entertain- ed members of the York County University Women’s Club at their March meetingr with anec- dotes of his experiences with the Dominion Drama Festival“ He has adjudicated. directed, and produced plays for forty; years and did more than anyone else to make authentic drama a reality in secondary schools. The Dominion Drama Festival was established by Royal char- ter to encourage all forms of theatre in Canada through an- nual festivals. Canada is divid- ed into eight zones and the winner of each zone presents a full length play at the finals. The charter does not limit membership to amateurs. There are 2,600 small producing groups in Ontario and Mr. Dean noted that the smaller the centre, the larger the house they attracted. He was optimistic about the future of the DDF with their policy of professional help for amateurs. their co-operation with professional theatre, and the forming of leagues and festivals in country areas. Mr. Dean stressed the im- portance of developing Cana- dian playwrights to strengthen‘ the national theatre. The play- wrights need to have a market for their plays in order to see them produced and correct their mistakes. James Dean Addresses York C'ty University Women'sCIubMembers Two new members were in- troduced to the group Mrs. Ben Wang. a graduate of Tai- wan and Mre D. H. Stevens. 3 zraduate of Western Ontario. The speaker was introduced by Miss Edna Izzard, Richmond Hill, and thanked by Mrs. Bruce Davis, King City. Mrs. E. Walden. the presi- dent. announced that A. J. Mc- Farlane of the University of Toronto would be attending the annual meeting in April to give further details re the extension course in moral philosophy which will begin in the fall. IMPRESSION Send your Clothes To A mixed open ’spiel ls scheduled for April 3 and is already filled. HOW TO MAKE Lions Club held its annual ’spiel March 27. (Photo by Wainwright) When Home Repairs Are Needed Consult the Liberal Miscellaneous Classiï¬ed For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage Pick-up and Delivery Phone AV. 5-3621 Column BRANCH 7773 YONGE ST. THORNHILL Next LG.A. Slur! Mrs. L. Lecouve, Montreal is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Harry Burton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marshall, Ot- tawa were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Well- man. Mr. Marshall is a brother of Mrs. Wellman. He has been attending a mining convention in Toronto. Sunday March 8 concluded the confirmation classes held in Victoria Square United. Patsy Searle, Michael Gosling and Michael Calder attended from Headford. three in a class of ten. Patsy was unable to take the final class due to an attack of mumps. Gloria Lee suffered serious injury to her teeth when she was hit by a baseball bat while playing at school. To save her teeth she must not encounter any jarring motion that will dis- turb the nerve ends. This con- dition requires great care and she will be unable to return to school for some time. The con- cern and sympathy of the whole community is with you Gloria. The beautifully decorated tea table was centred with a three tier wedding cake made by their daughter-in-law, Lorraine. Mrs. W. Wellman and Mrs. N. Brodie poured tea while the guests were served by Miss Cora Brodie, Mrs. Peter Hoey, Mrs. Don Beaton, and Mrs. Murray Acreman. The delicious refresh- ments were prepared by mem- bers of the Headford UCW. Mrs. Acreman had been an active and valuable member of that orâ€" ganization for many years. Guests from Headford were: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman. Brenda and Paul: Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee. Gordon and Gloria; Mrs. W. Wellman, Mrs. N. Brodie and Miss Cora Brodie; Mr. and Mrs. George Barker and fl‘lafles, Mr. Freeman Bar- ker, r. and Mrs. Murray Acre- man and wee Mary Elizabeth. Baseball Injury More than sixty guests called during the day to congratulate the couple. Friends and rela- tives from Peterboro, Omemee, Schomberg, Bolton. Scarboro. Leaside, Brooklin. L o n g Branch, Toronto and Keswick as well as friends and neighâ€" bors from Headford where Mr. and Mrs. Acreman had lived for thirty years before moving to Keswick. Mr. and Mrs. Acreman are both in good health and able to enjoy their pleasure in Rar- dening. They enjoyed the many cards received from friends ex- pressing good wishes_. The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Acreman, Keswick was aglow with golden bells. yellow, gold and mauve 'mums and fifty Bing Crosby carnations on the occasion of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. March 7. Golden Anniversary Tally Ho! We heard it on the radio but not one wolf did we see in the wilds of Headford. Spying helicop- ters hovered above us and groups of little boys carried on feverish arguments about the desperate marau- ders. It seems that they can attack people and do some p r e t t y bad mangling â€"â€" “even climb trees after what they want," and one knew :xuulu 3324461 KEELE STJMSCBOTVHUSMAPLE 285550I IF YOU HAVE A 1956 TO 1959 VOLKSWAGEN WE WILL REWARD YOU NOW WITH THE HIGHEST TRADE IN ALLOWANCE POSSIBLE AS WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING FOR THESE MODELS! Spring Tune Up Time Is Here! Is Your Car Ready? Bring It In Now To Insure Safe Trouble FREE Driving This Summer. For FREE Courtesy Cars Cull Ken Gibson, Serv. Mgr. LIPPAY MOTORS LTD. CORRESPONDENT: MRS LOREN GUILD RR. 2, Gormley Phone 884-3040 HEADFORD NEWS DROP IN OR CALL NOW Mr. and Mrs. Ken Joyce and family of Scarboro entertained Mrs. Joyce’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hollands, for supper last week. Robert Cober. who is attend- ing the David Liscomb College in Nashville, Tenn., spent last week here with his mother, Mrs. John Cober. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Bryson of Wood- bridge, Albert Heise. Alma and Roy. Quite a number of people from Heise Hill Church at- tended the Canadian Confer- ence of the Brethren in Christ Church at Wainfleet last week. A large number from this community attended the All- Night Sing at Massey Hall. last week. Neighborhood Notes A special baptismal service will be held at the United Mis- sionary Church. April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lilley of Vineland visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg McMullen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott had dinner recently with Mr. and and Mrs. Melvin Baker of Bal- lantrae. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner entertained Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Reamon of Thornhill for dinner on Sunday. Frank Baker of Toronto had dinner on Thursday with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Authorized VW Dealer The small one in our house looked in cupboards and under beds because. as she says. “You can’t ever tell about wolfs!" and “any- ways.†she said “the radio said they could be danger ones because they might have wabbits." "Rabies." she was corrected and doubtfully conceded. “well maybe. wabies." All seems quiet on the hunting fieIds but we haven't heard what hap- pened to the ‘wolfs’. Chil- dren live such excitingly dangerous lives! a man who knew a man who saw a wolf go right through a window. “broke the glass an’ everythingâ€"" It was not difficult -â€" for a time â€" to have children in the house before dark. Lacking sheep every dog was in wolf's clothing- SIDEWALK SURFER atl: 25 Yonge St. S. GORMLEY Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Telephone 8875201 ERIC'S CYCLE & SPORT The new rage for kids and teenagers â€"- ERIC’S CYCLE HAVE THEM! Richmond Hill ATOM PLAYOFFS Semi-Finals Sheppard 8; Gill 3 Deciantis & Rice 2 Doug Lounsbury scored twice and Rick Crane once, with as- sists from Allan Pilotte and Doug Nicholls. for S&G. John Stokes and Ron McBrien count- ‘ed for D&R with an assist from ‘Grant Clubine. This win gave Sheppard & Gill the series two games to Gunnar's won the semi-final series 2-0 games. Dynes 4 Wilson Transport 4 Two goals by Hal Murphy and one each by Wayne Roblin and Steve Campbell added up to four goals for Dynes. Assist points went to Don Andrews, Murphy and Roblin. Harry Bryan and Steve Hopson shared scoring honors for Wilson’s. Eagh boy got two goals and one assist. Barrow‘s Insurance 2 Skyline Pontiac 1 On March 23 Dave Cooney and Mike Stitt scored for Bar- row's to tie the two-game total-goal semi-final series 3-3, after Skyline won the first game 3-1. In sudden death overtime Mike McDonald. assisted by Jim Bromley scored to win the series 4-3 for Skyline. none Gunnar‘s Tailoring 2 Young's BA 1 Chris Campbell came up with two tallies for Gunnar's and was assisted by Neil McDiarmid and Mike Palmer. Only Jody Bryan was able to score for Young‘s. He was assisted by Brian Simp- son. Rotary 2 Town Inn 2 David McDowell and Paul Cusimano were the goalgetters for Rotary with Paul Howlett assisting on one. Dave Smith and Wayne Martin netted the puck for Town Inn with assists from Vince McLean and Smith. BANTAM PLAYOFFS MINOR BANTAM Series B, Game 2 T» Skyline z } Surf Marine z ‘ Skyline's goals came from‘ Larry Young and Brian Oliver with assists from Brian Watiem Jim Olsen and John Finnerty.f Brian Rushlow and Jeff Craneaccounted for Surf Marine’si‘ two goals. They were assisted TYKE PLAYOFFS From 5‘) .98 and up 884-1213 Minor Hat/re y Results by John Duncan and Rick Mc‘ Kay. Butler & Baird 2 Craigies 0 Brian Ruttle and Bill Nelson. assisted by John Thompson and Paul Burton scored for 38:8 to give them the victory in this game and the series two games to none. MlDGET PLAYOFFS Semi-final A Series - lst Game Thermos 4 Littles 2 Dave Broderick contributed a hat trick and Mike McMaster a singleton to Thermos‘ win. Ron Reesor. Len Huke and John Harden were credited with assists. Little‘s goals were scored by Don Harrower and Pat Madden'with John Chew getting an assist. NEWMARKET: Having been turned down by the planning board after protests of nearby residents. the re-zoning of the south-east corner of Davis Drive and Roxborough Road to permit the erection of stores and apartments above them, was discussed again at last week’s council meeting. Coun- cil promised to discuss the mat- ter further with planning board. Peter Hill and Rose Huber advanced to the quarter-finals of the mixed doubles in the Georgian Bay South Badminton tourney held at Bayview last Saturday. High School Sports BAYVIEW SECONDARY The final badminton and gym- nastics will be held next Sat- urday. DOUBlERlNK ARENAS Jane St. at Hwy. 7 DOOR PRIZES Anyone interested in changes or amendments in the constitution by-laws, regulations or rules shall submit same in writing to the secretary of the RHHA by April 10th, otherwise it will not appear on the agenda. 10:15 11:10 11:40 12:10 VAUGHAN HOCKEY ASSOC. 11 1964-1965 FINAL PLAY-OFFS PUBLIC sxA'r'ING Sunday 2-4 pm. PUBLIC SKATING Monday â€" T.H.L. Tuesday â€" T.H.L. Thursday â€" T.H.L. Friday â€" T.H.L. Saturday FRIDAY, APRIL 9 & SATURDAY, APRIL I0 By Bob Ross Jr. 8:30 - 9:00â€"Minor Mite League. Blue -Bombers vs. Stampeders. 9.00 - 9.30â€"Mite League. Argos vs. Roughriders. 9:30 - 10:10â€"Tyke League - Exhibition Game. 2 teams eliminated in Semi-Finals. 0:15 - 11.00â€"Tyke League - Final Game. 1:10 - 11:40â€"Minor Mite League. BC. Lions vs. Eskimos. 1:40 - 12:10â€"Mite League. Alouettes vs. Tiger Cats. 2:10 - 12.50+Squirt League - Exhibition {Game 2 teams eliminated in Semi-Finals. 1.40â€"Squirt League - Final Games. 2:55 - 1:50 - 2:30â€"Atom League - Exhibition Game. 2 Teams eliminated in Sgturday 8-10 pm. 6:45 7:40 8:35 6:00 - Presentation of Awards will be made after each league final game RICHMOND HILL HOCfKEY ASSOCIATION Semi-Finals. 3:20â€"Atom League - Final Game. 4:10â€"Pee Wee League Exhibition Game - 2 Semi-Finals. 4:55â€"Pee Wee - Final Game. 6:00â€"Referees vs. Coaches. 6.40â€"Minor Bantam League - Exhibition Game. 2 teams eliminated in Semi-Finale. 7:30â€"Minor Bantam League - Final Game. 8:25â€"Bantam League - Final Game. 9.15â€"Midget League - Exhibitflon Game. 2 teams eliminated in Semi-Finals. 0:20â€"Midget League - Final Game. 1:00â€"Coaches vs. Referees. 2:00â€"Juvenile League - Maple'vs. Richmond Hill PROGRAM - SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Season tickets will not be valid on April 9th or 10th PROGRAM - FRIDAY, APRIL 9 DATE TIME PLACE ANNUAL MEETING ADMISSION 253 PLEASE NOTE: Reliable M 0 wer & Marine Reliable M 0 wer & Marine SPECIALEST IN ..Weddï¬ngs & Children’s Portraits. 16 Industrial! Road 884-41464 Every week one use of Mercury ovmboard oil. Draw ticked; obtained with each purchase. Starting Friday April 2. BAYVIEW PLAZA MERSCURY OUTBOARDS BRUNSWICK-LAKEFIELD BOATS NALCO ALUMINUM BOATS GA'I‘OR TRAILERS Lawn Mower Equipment TORO â€" LAWNBOY - HAHN ECLIPSE .& PIONEER CHAIN SAW WEEKLY FREE DRAW N 0 W OPEN Change of phone numbers Fotr Appointment 884-5361 INGEUIRE ABOUT AQUA JET WA'IEER PUMPS FOR COTTAGES Cafll Now For Sales and Service >TUDIO NINE Secretary of RHHA Mr. E. Dobbs 440 Palmer‘Ave†Richmond Hill, Ontario Authorized Dealers APRIL 14 8 RM. TO 10 RM. LIONS HALL RICHMOND HILL One 3.9 h.p. Mercury out- board motor and 19" Toro whirlwind rotary lawn- mower. Lucky draw flop kets to be obtained at Reliable Mower only SPECIAL DRAW MAY 20 teams eliminated in 884-4465 DOOR PRIZES Richmond Hill