BOYS 2 piece suit size 10‘ 58. 884-4898. c1w4g BABY carriage. good condition. 384-4104. ch42 CROSSLEY - snewé'dor rem;- erator. 832-1253. c1w42 4 BURNER Range $35.00. Phone 884¢2283. clw42 LADY’S white‘.§k§fes. 5127517) xcellent condition. 884-4825 clw42 den. gladidli. red. 884-1700. *lw42 CONTINENTAL bed new Eléc? tric stove 39“ Kelvinator. Wash- ing machine, 884-6085. *lw42 IDAHLIAST'just dug from gar- TAP shoes, Size 12c. high chair, car seat, walker and playpen. Reasonable. 884-4285. c1w42 bâ€"Câ€"ï¬ï¬LE BED complete. vanity with large mirror. 285-3083. |10 THiS’I‘LE baby carriage $15 and baby butler $15. 832-2579. ANTIQUE organd excellent conâ€" dition. Phone Schomberg 939~ 2548. c1w42 LITTLE girl spring coat. size 3 excellent condition. 884-6462. clw42 TREE planter, hydraulic with threg poin‘t hitch. $100 or best offer. 884-1729. c1w42 BABY carriage. Thistle, $20: deluxe bathinette $5. wooden playpen $2. 884-1729. c1w42 NEW 30" Moffat Auto'm‘afio'. Range $165.00. Phone. 884â€"2283. (‘1w42 NEW P0RTABIIE‘T‘V‘1'9FwiIï¬ stand $155.00, Phone 884-2283. CHILD'S Tricycle suit 2 to 4 years in good condition. 884- 2510. clw42 GOLF club. ladies‘V.V‘07né'“V/ood-. ï¬ve irons and bag. 285-5760. clw42 VO'UWGiman‘s sport jacket. 16. new, light color. cost $25.. $7. 864-5669 after 4. c1w42 1 BOY'S C.C.M."6iéiv’c’1eâ€â€™23"] wheel excellent condition. 285- 5302. ‘ *1w42 McCLARY easy Wf-in‘ger Washer $35.00. Phone 884-2283. 1 LADY’S an’d' bby‘s‘c'l’oiï¬esfgoï¬ condition. Size 12 and 14. 884- 5314. c1w42 FIREPIIAâ€"CE wood. 5 years sea- soned oak $20 cord; maple $16. Delivered. 773-5368. tfc25 BOY‘S Bicycle 24" wheels good condition. 285-4359. INGï¬Â§ automatic wEhE- with suds return. guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 HAY and strï¬vibiyilgérleâ€"m‘ ton. Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2236. LfclB ESED RefrigeratoEâ€"siï¬, used TV $25. 42 Levendale Road. pIANosfbadéï¬finT56ml??â€" conditioned. guaranteed. tuned! and delivered. terms. Pyle] Pian'o Sales. astsfli‘ Etc-31‘! TO RENT SPACE heater. Silent Glow. $252 3â€"0r 4 bedroom houséTrflfrEé kidney-shaped vanity. plate apartment in Richmond H111 for glass top and stool $15. 884- May lst. 884~5236. clw4? 1729- (‘1“'42!ï¬shâ€"BEDROOM_th£¢Ti}TPï¬EhL ELECTRI‘C stove. 23". 4burncr; mond Hill. by May 1- U0 U1 refrigerator; good condition. $100 rent. 884-3212. c1w42 reasonable. 285-1801 after 6. Wm?†clw42 .__ ___7,.' _ mond Hill or surrounding area, GOOD used furniture for sale.,children 2 and 4 years. 884-6894 GOOD uséaiflixrï¬fure for salé. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric modâ€" els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS ALUMINUM ! Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884â€"1514. tfc36| USED TV‘S $20 EACH SERVICEMAN‘S opportunity, as is. all have good picture tubes. Herridge TV - 42 Levendale. 88 Baker Ava. Richmond Hill sertion .yum Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst Insertion .70 each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged. .7c per word. min. charge .90c. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7c per word; min. charge 81.00 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- unrflnn ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 15. 1965 HONEY WERNER 285-2724 Looki'n’giFol-iar 7 Good Used Car? 884-174’ If 50, See The new LIBERAL WANT ADS clw42 c1w42 clw42|FERGUSON tractor 35. excel- ‘to 4'le_nt shape, 1900 hours, 71/2’ ' 834_dlsc 3 point hitch. 2 furrow “W42 plough 3 point hitch. 285-}59‘8‘. ('1 W42 clw42 tfc38 tfc2l ‘I tfc42 tfc3 ELEGANT baby carriage from France. converts to carbed and stroller‘ Collapsible body and frame with removable large wheels also high chair. in good condition. 884-4182. c1w42 GAS stove and gas dryer. one year old. like new 884-5747 or 884-2612. clw42 CLEANED re-d Clover Seed $17.00 per bu. Apply to Floyd Perkins. Richmond Hill. Phone 884-1328. c2w42 USED Wringer washer s20. 42 Levendale Road. tfc40 iii/[KN or boys bicycle good condition $22. 884-1781. *1w42 BLACK Hudson seal cape stole. $40, Green arborite top table and two chairs also swivel desk chair. 884-1828. c1w42 OUTBOARD motor. 15 h.p Johnson. excellent, condition. $160 cash. Golf clubs & bag $30. Phone 884-3063. c1w24 G.E. electric stove, refrigerator. single bed. Beaver electric bench saw, jointer. tools. etc. 884-4121. c1w42 TIRES for sale, taken off new cars. fully guaranteed. 35% off. Sobie’s Supertest, Don Mills 8; No. 7 Highway. c4w41 BICYCLE, girl’s racer. 26" wheel, carrier basket and kit. Excellent condition. 884-7037. clw42 HEAPING 1/2 ton truck load, de- livered $10.00. Call Markham, collect. 294-1391. c2w41 $200 cash buys roxatoned baby's crib, Defrostomatic refrigerator, gas range, and automatic washer. 285-1306. c1w42 TWIN beds and mattresses. an- tique white leatherette head- boards. Good condition $50. 884-3332. c1w42 FRONT end loader for Farmall Cub, 7’ Ferguson mower. both good as new. 884-3089. TRAVEL TRAILER. 17‘ 1964. self contained, electric brakes, fully equipped sleeps 4, in new condition. $1.895. 884â€"6718. STEREO components. One Trio-Multiplex amplifier. Two Eico speakers. One A.T.6 Ger- rard changer with estatic needle. 1964 model. used very little. 887-5455. clw42 THOUSANDS of gallons best trades; Sherwin William, Can- ada-Paint. Martin Senour. Lowe Brother. Meteor. C.I.L. etc in liquidation.) gallons for $6.00 12 gallons $24.95 â€" $5.00 Cash â€" Balance C.O.D. â€" Order to: Quebec & Ontario Paint Supply. 408 Blvd. St. Joseph East. Mon- treal. clw42 TWO bedroom home with or without option to buy in vicin- ity of Thornhill. Richmond Hill or Richvale. 773-5429. c2w42 2 or 3 Bedroom house In Rich- mond Hill or surrounding area. With option to buy. For May lst. 225-8116. tfc40 '6 ROOM h'cEeâ€"around $90 monthly in Richmond Hill area before April 30. 884-5884. After 6. c2w4l WIDOW desires small bachelor apartment or room and kitchen- ette. furnished or unfurnished by April 30th. reasonable. Write Box 73. The Liberal. clw41 1959 3 hp. Johnson outboard motor. good condition. $75. 884-1619. clw42 I0 h.p. Mercury. complete witï¬ controls. 884~5168, after 5 pm. c1w42| BOAT and trailer. moulded plywood runabout, controls, windshield. lights. perfect con- dition. Best offer. 285-4149. ! FARM SALESMAN SALEQPENING for a farm and land 15‘ Lakefield Plywood Hull 25 Horse Johnson motor wind- shield. running lights. chrome hardware. tee nee trailer. ready to go 884-1367. FOR SALE COW MANURE (Continued) nclw42 clw42 *1 W42 c1w42 clw42 clw42 1| HiF’fIIP WA NTED WAITRESS-days 11.30 am. to 4.30 pm. experienced 887-5411. tfc42 COOK wanted referenées re- quired must be fast on short orders. Call 887-5411. tfc42 KEANING lady for one day r‘r, week. Thornhill area. . 285-6809. clw42 FULL or partitimedappliance' salesman. Herridge Electric 42 Levendale Road. tfc40 285-6809. clw42: COUNTER clerks, male and fe-l male. Suitable hours arranged} Dufferin Fairways. Dufferin Street at Highway 7. c1w42 LADY for part time evening work in dry cleaning store in Richvale. Supreme Cleaners, 285-3692. clw42 DRIVERS wanted. experienced in household moving. Permanâ€" ent positions to qualified men. .884-2613. c1w42 lPART time salesman, for small Tconcrete products. To work on ‘commission only. Write Box 79. .The Liberal. clw42 LIBRARY assistant - part. time. Apply. Richmond Hill Public Library Board. 24 Wright St.. Richmond Hill, Ont. clw42 ‘SALESMAN for established bread routes hospitalization and pension. 297-1266. QUALIFIED n u r s e r y school teacher. Duties to commence September 1. Send application to Box 80. The Liberal. clw42 EXPERIENCED waitress want- ed at Pops Tavern. 194 Yonee Street. N.. Richmond Hill. STENOS and typists for per-l manent local positions. Replyz-l Girl Friday, P.O.Box 351. Rich-‘ mond Hill. c2w411 MALE clerk, permanent posi-l tion. Apply Morley's Foodland. 29 Yonge Street, 5.. Richmond Hill. c1w41 INTERESTING. entertaining.‘ fun. Make money displaying Carillon Towers costume jewellâ€" ery. Need ear. Call 884â€"1612 or 884-7824. clw42 LADY wanted for part time work in dry cleaning store in Richvale. to do alterations. Supreme Cleaners 285-3692. clw42 TRUCK driveeror 5-t0n trucks good wages. Must have refer- ences. Apply in person to:â€" 5575 Yonge St.. Willowdale. c1w42 FEMALE factory help. punch press work 5.30 to midnight shift. Apply in person Dieomaâ€" tic Metal Products. 385 Ohio Road, Richmond Hill. c1w42 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 REGISTERED NURSE EVENING supervisor required for private hospital and nursing home, salary $400 per month. 5-day week. The Villa. Mr. BOOKKEEPERâ€"male or female to take complete charge of bookkeeping system for smaller Aurora office. Phone 727-5541. c1w42 Mackie. 285-4931 ESTIMATOR EXPERIENCED in materiali take-off and labour estimating on vessel and plate-work. Per-1 .manent salaried position. ' IApply to:â€"- l MAINTENANCE mechanic, ex- perienced. Apply giving full details to H. McMillan, Falcon- bridge Nickel Mines Metallurgi- cal Laboratory. 8810 Yonge Street, Thornhill. clw42 FULL or PART-TIMEâ€"House- wives and mothers needed in sales. No experience needed to start. We train. Write Avon Mgr. Miss Ziegler Box 141 Guelph. c1w42 IT pays to grow cucumbers for Bick‘s Pickles. Grading station at Queensville. For further in- iformation phone Queensville Farms. 895-5381 or Thornhill 285â€"5494. Frank Watts. c7w42 LADIES: Would $15 to $40 per ‘week solve your problem? Can ‘you spare from 10 to 20 hours to service Fuller customers in the Richmond Hill neighborâ€" !hood? Phone 895-5721 New- ‘ market. 62w42 AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN WE are a new Richmond Hill based enterprise looking for eager. agressive and experienced salesman to handle our line of household and commercial cleaning products. Car necesâ€" sary. Phone 884-6972. PLATE FITTERS AND FIRST CLASS WELDERS EXPERI NCED in stainless and mi] steel vessels and structures. Top wages. steady jobs. all possible benefits. Dom- inion Welding Engineering Co. Ltd.. Maple. Ontario. 285â€"4861. clw42 salesman to specialize in Vaughan and Markham proper- ties from the expanding Head Offices of David McLean Ltd.. on Steeles Avenue, West. at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean, 285- 1176i Evenings 285-3419. MR. G. E. SCOTT 285-4861 DOMINION WELDING ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED. Maple, Ontario. c1w42 c2w42 rs for tation er in- lsville )rnhill c7w42 10 per '.’ Can hours ers in gliborâ€" New- c2w42 [7 A, \Y REAL ESTATE SALES DAVID McLEAN Ltd., Real- tors, have openings for two real estate salesmen or sales- women in their Richmond Hill office. This is an opportunity for a capable energetic man to earn a better than average in- come with the busy. successful, long established company. Complete training and assist- ance provided. For interview appointment call Mrs. Suther- land. 285-1164, Evenings 884- 5310. . clw42 c1w4l tfc40 clw42 tfc42 (Continued) SALESMAN wanted for sky- rocketing PHILCO Appliance dealer, 42 Levendale Road. Her- ridge Appliances. Stereo‘s T.V. WOMAN to cook and supervise kitchen of private golf club. Evenings full time. Excellent wages for qualified person. Call Mr. Morton 741-2140. clw42 EXPERIENCED legal secretary part time possibility of full time in near future. if desired. Law- lor. LeC‘laire and Bannon. 884- 4413. clw42 RUSSELSTEEL Ltd. located at Keele SL, 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway requires junior male clerks. Phone Mr. George 285- 7341. c1w42 NURSES REGISTERED nursing assistants and practical nurses required. Positions available all shifts. Full time and part-time. The Villa, Mr. Mackie 285-4931. G. M. DEALER REQUIRES a licensed mechanic steady work â€" steady wages â€" usual benefits. Apply Harold Kirby, s e r v i c e manager. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS King City SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT YOUNG man to work in service station. Experience preferred. Also man to work part time evenings and weekends. Apply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted to specialâ€" ize in Steeles and Yonge area properties, small estates. in- Vestment acreage and farms. Successfully established nearly twenty years. our company of- fers unparalleled opportunities. excellent commission and bone us. D. McLean., 285-1176, evenings. 285-3419. David Mc- Lean Ltd., thi‘s. clw42 TV TECHNICIAN wanted to do master re-building of our trade -in TVs. If you can fix them. hurry to 42 Levendale Road before A1 Herridge is buried alive in used T.V's traded in by the dozen on new Philco sets; tfc42 G. M. DEALER REQUIRES alert young man to help in service station. Steady work â€"â€" steady wages. Apply, Harold Kirby, Service Manager, LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS KING CITY MAN or woman to service cusâ€" tomers with Watkins Products in the town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gaut- hier. 350 St. Roch, Montreal 15, Quebec. c5w40 requires 3 licenced mechanics (or 3 8: 4 year apprentices), 2 for day shift, 1 night shift. 1 lubrication man. night service Full company benefits. Apply service manager Bob Caesar. Wilson-Niblett Motors Ltd. Richmond Hill. 285-5435 727-9453. clw41 HELP WANTED â€" MALE CLERK 2, General for District Forester’s Office. Department of Lands and Forests, RR. 2, Maple. Salary range $3,240 to $3,750 per annum. Applicants should have two years clerical office experience, Grade 12 Commercial education prefer- red. Please apply in writing to District Forester at above ad- dress, stating experience and qualifications. c2w41 DAY CARE given in my home. Central. 884-6819. clw42 DAY CARE given, babies wel- come Cx‘osby, Bayview area. 884- 4881. c1w42 WILL care for one or two pre- school children in my home Oak Ridges. 773-5200. clw42 DAY CARE available for two babies. vicinity Bluegrass Blvd. 884-7121. c1w42 DAY care for two children if) my own home. Lunches. fenced yard. 884-6806. *lw42 WANTED, Lady to give 9 year old girl lunch in her own home. Close to McConaghy, 884-3143. clw42 FORâ€"leasefaismall orchard. 884- 4103, after 5_p.m. c1w42 CAN MAKE MONEY! Raising Chinchillas. Contact Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. UNDERSTANDING mother will care for children while mother works. Hot lunches. Bayview- Markham area. 884-5286. HEP WANTED 'WIITSON' NIBLETT MOTORS LTD. Business Opportunities DAY CARE R.R. 1 UXBRIDGE c2w42 clw42 tfc42 tfc42 c1w42 tfc42 ï¬c52|884~1245 MISC'EITITKIW’OUS PAINTIS'GE’ PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. BRICKWORK Fireplaces, patios, planters, chimney. built and repaired. No job too small. Free estim- ates. 884-3143. *12w36 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. tfc7 GETTING MARRIED? NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER? CALL 694-9381. Reasonable. clw42 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5.2526 tfc8 Custom building additions, re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 POSTHOI.E digging and rntova- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. 'MASONRY’CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 EIW. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work Izuaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 pLU’M'uNG Alterations. Repairs. Contractâ€" ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 Any type â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5â€"1682. tfc43 We can supply and install Arm- strong's sheet vinyl Corlon in the average kitchen for $80.00 REID & SONS FLOORING CONTRACTORS AV. 5-1960 R. H. WAUD RR 1, GORMLEY 887-5819 WATER pumps, sales and ser- vice. Repairs to all makes. shal- low and deep well pumps. We can supply and install col- ourful. durable, vinyl asbestos tiles in the average recreation Iroom for $85.00. RALPH ELMS ï¬ECORATING ï¬hone AV. 5â€"1632. ’ tfc43 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions. additions. and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Custom built homes, renova- tions. additions. and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile. showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. . ROOFING AND EAVES- TROUGHING 15 years experience. new and repair work on barns. homes, etc., Free estimates, no obliga- tion. Call anytime 884-4016. tfc40. CARPENTRY 8: » CONCRETE UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business. AV. 5-5345. AV. 5-1960 ’PLUMBINtf-‘HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 REID & SONS FLOORING CONTRACTORS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, Flooring, Panelling, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available, PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearlng up pine C. STUNDEN ’ï¬'o'You KNOW SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 DO YOU KNOW TRENCHING CARPENTRY Richmond Hill 884-7996 tfc5l tfc 31 c4w42 “C43 “('42 tfc40 tfc33 tfc44 tfc33 tfc40 tfc CONSISTENCY! MISCELLANEOUS RECORD Bar. tape recorder. and stereo showroom. Herridge Appliances. 42 Levendale Road. 884-3211. tfc42 â€"éITdWi1ik;â€"&_DI’S'C'IRC‘ - CULTIVATION by P & W Trac- tor Service. Free estimates. 884- 2337. c6w42 WINDOW CLEANING Industrial. commercial and homes. Reasonable rates‘ 285- 4638. tfc36 RENT, lease. buy. New Gibson Wringer Washer FREE SOAP â€" $2 WEEK (next to the coin Laundry) Herridge Appliances, 42 Leven- dale Road. tfc42 £06191 to rent, suit one gentle- man. 884-1629. tfc42 ROOM available for 2 Quie- men. 285-1306. ~ c1w42 {BEDROOM apartm'eï¬t’ï¬lï¬Ã© to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884- 2852. tfc36 1 bedroomâ€"apartmferh‘t spotless. parking. reasonable. 285-4556. c2w42 RENT free in privafe home light duties. business lady. 884-5813. c4w42 SMALL house. Aurora conven- iences, on Highway 11, suit older couple. 727-4170. c1w42 $18 weekly, 3 rooms partly fur- nished T.V. separate entrance, parking. adults. owner down- stairs. 285-4232. c1w42 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments, year round swimming, balcony, inter-com. 884-6342. APARTMENT; unfurnished, 3 rooms and kitchen. block from Yonge. business people. park- ing space. 884-5771. *1w42 _M6DERN APARTMEMTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6262 and 884-1601. tfc40 FURNISHED room, cooliing fa- cilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 ONE bedroom apartment and 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom luxury apartment. 884â€"3982 or BA. 5- 6429. tfc29 TWO - BEDROOM equipped apartment on quiet street in Richmond Hill. 884-2151, even- ings. c1w42 APARTMENT 2 bedroom. trig, stove, right at Yonge Street $110. Available May lst. 884- 4883. c1w42 RENT. lease. buy PHILCO TV 52 PER WEEK Hen‘idge Electric-TV Applian- (:95, 884-3211. tfc42 BACHELOR apartment, fur- nished, suit one or two busineSS people. 285-4373. after 5 or weekends. ctfc42 1 Bedroom apartment, Central Richmond Hill, trig. and stove, available May. 884â€"2680. morn- ings. *1w42 'BEAVERTON FURNISHED bedroom in quiet adult home, gentleman prefer- red. parking $8 weekly. 884- 3801, *1w42 RENT A brilliant néiv £1111 size PHILCO or NORDMENDE STEREO from $2 a week. Her- ridge Appliances 42 Levendale Road. tfc42 ONE bedroom apartment, stove and refrigerator supplied, close to Yonge Street, suit business couple. 884-2273. 2 bedroom†upper apartment â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" near shopping centre and bus gï¬ivslségoo stop. Free parking. Business A LANTIC FINANCE couple. Available may 1. 884- T . Corporatlon Ltd. 5553 it ~ 6. 1 . __L‘EL â€"~.7 â€" â€"fE~Wâ€"42~I20 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hlll RICHMOND HILL modern 1‘ 884_4458_ 285-5562 bedroom balcony apartment.‘ H h Parking $95 and $105, 180 Bay-: Mgr‘ R' G' (Bob) “g 9&032 view Avenue. 884-5917 RENT. lease. buy New PHILCO TV or STEREO 82 PER WEEK Herridge Electric - TV Appli- ances. 884-3211. tfc42 SMALL furnished apartment, with Frig., and Grill. suit lady or lady with child, no parkings $15 weekly. 884-6582. clw4l Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets. weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tfc37 FREE to good home 5 week old kittens. 884-5431. clw42 LABRADOR pups, black. Cham- pion stock. 285-6385. c2w42 PUPS for sale $5 each. 285- 5721. c1w42 FREE to good home. 3 male kittens. ‘housebroken. 285-3946 clw42 FLUFFY part Persian kittens free to good home. Phone after 44 285-3139. c2w41 RABBITS, guinea pigs and col- lie pups. 90 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill, 834-3141. c1w42 JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street, Thornhill 285- 3606. tfc41 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. champion blood line, extra strong. High Oak Ranch Ltd., 884-2580. tfc 38 MERRYLEGS POODLES REG. EASTER Puppies available black. white and brown. Pro- fessional clipping. 727-6669. clw42 PETS FOR SALE ,N Liberal Classified Action‘ Ads hit the mark - with a large and loyal audience every week. Work these ads as hard as you likeâ€"they'll go to work for you one Thursday. all month if you prefer, each week doing a vigorous selling job on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal" Classified Section regularly. Flexible too! More than 25 different classifications to provide an easv to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy. the services you want to offer. or the property you want to rent or sell. PHONE 884-1105-6 - 285-3316 TO RENT HALL FOR RENT Continued) nclw41 c2w41 tfc33 62 VOLKSWAGEN. Deluxe with game. 332-2070. tfc4l 59 Oldérï¬Bbilefan’power. 884- 2740. clw42 64 FORDâ€"Econoline 1/; ton pickup. 884-1234. c1w42 1962 CORVAIR-Mb’nza fully equipped. 4 speed transmission. AV. 5-1251 1fc40 51 PONTIAC.â€"65_pfaté;.To_m Hughes Shell Service. 884-3502. c1w42 ’1' 9157â€"191'E1ic’URY74koor. radio and heater. good shape. $350. Private owner. 285-5736. c1w42 1958 International V2 ton pick- up truck good condition $450 or best offer. 887-5883. c1w42 1962 CHRYSLER Saratoga 4- door sedan. Low mileage. 884- 5168, after 5 pm. c1w42 1961 AUSTIN 85‘o'st‘ation wagon mechanically sound $550. 884- 6521. c1w42 {ï¬fï¬jnn' Co'ï¬s'ul' deilan'neéf perfect condition. Low mileage. $800. 773-5270. c1w42 1957 $275 Phone 833-5290. tfc36 1960 MERCURY Comet 2-door. Automatic. radio. 27,000 miles. top condition. $895. Call 859- 0486. cZw4B 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, very good condition. $300. Can be seen in Richmond Hill. 640- 1278. c1w42 1960 150'DGE_Polara,’26,odo original miles, V8. power steer- ing and brakes. automatic, radio. washers. 884-5883. after 5:30 pm. clw42 middle of June. Also available on weekends and other school holidays. Willing to try any kind of jobs. 773-5117. c2w42 Too] & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 1962 PONTIAC Strata Chief Sedan standard 6. Radio, white- walls. undercoated. Excellent condition $1,350 private. 884- 7032. clw42l nannyâ€"hm â€" may}: BMW â€" JAWA. For best deal anywhere go to North York Motorcycles. Newmarket. 895- 9582. seven days a week. c8w35 Irwlvlvv II A mmnnrc RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines. tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfcal TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns. roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St.. BA. 1-1711. tfc30 1961 Volkswagen Deluxe excel- lent condition $700 or best of- fer. Phone after 6 pm. 884- 5455. c1w4l 1963 FORD Tudor hardtop, au- tomatic transmission, radio. seat belts. Excellent condition. Phone 833-5290. tfc36 JAGUAR Mark 5 drop head coupe 1949/50. This is for the man who wants to rebuild a beautiful car as a hobby. Car not assembled. $200 or nearest offer. Call 884-3845. c1w42 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service. Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. c3138 AXï¬â€˜ENTION’mUCKERs \__V_H__ clqu If you are looking for used CUB uniform for gay of 9. 8E trucks, parts, tires or accessor- 4513. c1w42 ies, see the truck wrecker first. “ " -_ Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old ACCORDION in “NI condl _ tlon. 884-5286. c1w42 No. 11 nghway, Holland Land- A _ mg. 395_4666_ “C34 MODERN and antxquc hand Anna 00‘ AI“? glinr : Hm Do you have a drlnking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. t£c45 INCOME 'tax returris filed at your leisure. Reasonable rates. 633-5122. “040 REVLON NEITcure a’nd pedi- cure. Phone. 884-6694. Ladies. Do you like jewellery? If you are interested in obtain- ing some jewellery. free of charge, please contact me at 884-7710 for particulars. c1w42 Psychic Reader, teacup, cai‘ds!5-1176.l and palmistry by appointment“. Stee Amelia Davie. Mondays and‘ Tuesdays. 773-5491. Downtownâ€" Auntie’s Copper Pot Teashop, 21â€"â€" 603 Markham Street, next to‘ Honest Ed‘s will be reading ‘_ Wednesday, Thursday. Friday,lw1LL '1 Saturday LE. 2-1914. tfc411to 16 in |quartets â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"lteur tele n A nnmx'rnun {fied coa DUTCH Garden Service weekly maintenance, monthly rates. de- signing, planting, pruning. etc. 334-7852. c2w41;WANTED all kinds of dead an! ï¬r†"E" ' ' "' " ‘5‘ imals. For last service call TU. ROCESS D Spagnum mm '†4-2533 or ZEnith 3-2800. License bulk, truck your own or weN 204. deliver. Brothers. 1694 Dundasi 0‘ 62‘ “€31 Street E.. Cooksville. 277-8001. LE. 2-0800. c4w41 , IT'S time to fertilize! wake your lazy lawns, give us a call,OTK RIDGâ€"Eym for your fertillzer. well put it Yonge Street 100, by 135, by; 3:42:03†“9- C' L‘ Malawi; 68’ by 165’. 55000 cash 465-9331- ' ' C“ ‘465-2026. €4wa WITH sp ing just around the corner. you are no doubt turn- ing your thoughts to the needs of your lawn and garden. I! offer you a top grade fertilizeri for your feeding requirements} TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL WANT ADS V ’ MODEL C-100 $299.00 $99.00 DOWN $18.00 PER MONTH SEE THEM TODAY SORENSON Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd. Phone 285-4858 Dufferin at No. 7 Hwy. 7-7.7 in 40 lb. bags (on 2.75 3"" A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ A- r - r 77 --~ J ““‘I‘II“I““W bag or 2 for $5.00 'tax included); with free delivery to your door' on May 8th. A spreader is avail- ;able at no extra cost. Phone your orders to M. .l. Galilee, ‘884-2195. *3w41 ‘ : To Whom It May Concern : 1.. m “mm. nninion Reid & Sons at AV. 5- I [7 $0M and board suit gentle-1 man. 884-6085. c1w42i‘ ATTRACTIVE foim" available,‘ board optional. Private em. trance. parking, Close to bus, 285-3270- clw42l A ‘l‘l‘l‘l‘ ROOM and BOARD USEiDWCARS ‘ EMPLOYMENT 'BUICK 2 door hardtop. or best offer BA 1-2694. clw42 GARDENING PERSONAL a helpful ad taker will assist you c2w42 HANDY man with truck, will‘ clean cellars 3: yards. Grass & weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. flc24 IRONING done at home. 884- 3484. c1w41 YOUNG METRE), looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army; 285-4869. flc52 MARRIED woman would like factory work or cleaning, even- ings. Anything considered. 884- 6819. c1w42 LAWN and garden maintenance. basement and garage cleaning and odd jobs. Call 285-2215. c2w42 RELIABLE lady would like housework by the day also iron- ing or baby sitting. 285-6546. c1w42 STUDENT requires partâ€"time work for weekends. Anything considered. Energetic. respon- sible. Phone 884-1227 after 4 pm. nc3w40 ENERGETIC young man seeks permanent employment. Has chauffeurs licence. Reliable. re- sponsible. Will consider any- thing. Phone 884-2698. MALE student 17 years old 6 ft. 165 lbs. Grade 11. Major- ing in Electricity, would like work for summer. starting middle of June. Also available on weekends and other school holidays. Willing to try any kind of jobs. 773-5117. TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jigâ€"saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 EMORTGAGES purchased. Funds lto buy existing lst. and 2nd. Mortgages. David McLean AV. .5-1176. David McLean Limited. 374. Steeles Avenue, West. RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 285-1 LADIES Bicy'éle. 384-6675 USED FURNITURE WANTED -â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4.2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc’l MODERN adeia'rIï¬'que hand guns. 884-4103 after 5 pm. CASH for your TV or stereo Hiâ€"Fi. Tunetown needs late models used TV’s (1960 models or later) â€" instant appraisals â€" instant payment. MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reasonâ€" able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 “Your Family Entertainment Centre" Aurora Shopping Cen- tre. 727-6521. tfc41 Yonge Street. 100‘ by 135’ by 68’ by 165’. $5000 cash 465-9331- 465-2026. c4w41 RENT A T'EIJEVISION 19†portable, day, week or month MORTGAGES i in harmony tets and ch01 television an< coach. 285-6( WANTED TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING WANTED “.éï¬gï¬n‘gmis’i’. 7 5nd 2nd.‘ ges. David McLean AV.‘New David McLean Limited. ~ if -e1es Avenue. WesL clw39 TRAIN children from 6 n harmony singing, tries, †s and choruses for ama- 77- levision and stage. Quali- ach. 285-6037. c3w40 w A I" nmnnrr TUNETOWN :1 choruses f( on and stage 285-6037. 285-3756 tfc33 nc3w41 c1w42 ’cfc42 I DRESSMAKING tions 4347. Mï¬ï¬Eiand more brides have discovered Cousins Fiesta Room makes for a most successful wedding reception. 727-4073. c4w40 COLLEGE student requires transportation to Vancouver. to leave May 6 or shortly after. Willing to drive. Phone 884- 4765. *1w42 BLACK and brown puppy found. 285-7235. *1w42 RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS. SERVICE Gormley. east. of Don Mills Rd. Phone 886-5851. tch WILL, baby si't daily Mondays to Fridays. 884-1677. clw42 TUTORING available for school age children. grades 1 to 10. all subjects, including maths. Fully qualified. Bradford 775- 6679. clw42 Tenders are invited for ap- proximately 200 tons of kitchen waste, suitable for animal food. to be picked up daily over a per- iod from May 1, 1965 to April 30, 1966. Bids will be received until April 25‘ 1965 addressed to:â€" Used pipe, angle iron. oil tanks, 3“ and 4" soil pipe, doors, sash. etc. New pick up prices in 10 sheet lots on 4x8 fir plywoods 1/2 Mile East of Yonge Street 1A" $3.25 Sanded $3.99 343†$3.65 Sanded $5.95 1/5" $4.90 Sanded $7.12 5/21" $6.10 Sanded $8.05 3A" $7.35 Sanded $9.79 on 4x4 Poplar $1.29 on 4x8x1/4 Pine $3.25 on V Groove Mahogany 4x7 $2.99 4x8 $3.40 on nutside sheathing 4x8 $1.99 4x9 $2.25 250 MILES PER GAL. Low, Low (‘OS’l‘ Farm Implements BABY SITTING Purchasing Office. Riverdale Hospital. St. Matthews Road. Toronto 8 INSULATION Loose 90c per bail 2" - $2.99 3" - s Transportation AV. 5-3942 South of Markham Road New and Used Lumber and Plumbing on Gyproc 4x7 $1.65 4x8 slip covers made. etc. 884- tfc32 CEDAR AVE. RICHMOND HILL kinds of sewing. altera- DESIGNIM DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670. CATERING METRO WRECKING TENDERS TUITION FOUND 4x8 5190 clw42 $325