The regular monthly meet- A well known local resident. ing of the [ODE was held at and respecte the home of Mrs. R. Watford, local Senior Citizens Club Silverstream Farms. Mrs. Gayle Powell - is celebrat-' After a short business meet- ing her 78th birthday on April ing. Mrs. William Barnes intro- 21 by joining members of her duced Mrs. W. Black. a dental family on two occasions - at a hygienist. who showed a movie“ ocial event and church. called “Silence Fights Decayâ€. On Thursday her two daugh- and gave a very cducationaliters. Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, talk on the pros 0f fluoridation]Bluegrass Blvd. and Mrs. Wil- ’i‘he evening ended with re- liam Robertson, Carrville Road. freshments. are accompanying her to the * * * * moth and daughter banquet The Presbyterian Church‘at Legion Court. and on Easter MS onlsunday. with her son Martin Francis‘Poweil. Willowdaie. she will be Memorial Hall at a coffee attending the morning service break to honor Mrs. David at Willowdaie United Church. Lamb, who is leaving to take Her many friends in the dis- up residence in Port Hope. 3trict join in wishing Mrs. Mrs. J. N. Hepburn read an Powell a very happy birthday illuminated address. which..and many years of continued along with a purse. was pre-‘happiness. sented to Mrs. Lamb. The good wishes of the joint Do you envy the woman with; organization follow her to hera b,autiful carriage? Why new home. .shouldn't it be you? The YWCA * * * * lis now providing a charm P‘iftY-me Chlh News (course for the Hill and neigh- SL Mary Immacutatc's Fiftyï¬horing districts. Miss Betty Fifty SOCiCly is Pleased to 311- Grant, model and director of nounce that at the election of her own modelling school will Officers. Apl‘il 12- John A- be instructing a six-week course O’Donnell was elected presidentm; the YWCA Centre_ Allen- With a Pluralit)’ Of 125 votes. :court Plaza. on Thursday nights I. * * * l8 Indflid’eiin'in the cows will .. . <. _. . H t ' e . Méhengg'lc†C::;gil::15 fgzaflhbe wardrobe planning. make- " ‘up. hair styling (by a top To- ronto stylistl learning to walk held a very successful mother 'nd daughter pm luck supp" gracefully. and many other tips (for a more poised and self- April 12 in the banquet hall at 'chion Court. ‘ . President. and vice~presidentasiuggmmodnggn; Men and WO_ 2; {2213:2135 Eltéfgashaglu: "men - be master of your own ' " ' c"body - study yoga! Mr. Heron companied by their wives. were . . the honored guests, and judges of the West Indies is conduct- quiiters joined the W April 13 in George *‘k’iâ€! Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas d member of the Crampton were hosts at a cast rector of the national office of. party on Friday evening fol- lowing the Muscular Dystrophy Theatre Night at the Curtain Cluh Theatre. Guests included Peter Donat.. his wife Michael Learned, "The Loivlandcrs". Jacqueline Rew Gooderham. D i a n e Buchan, Court Stone. Rex Sevenoaks. Denis Thatcher. Beth Jones. members of the theatre night committee, husbands and wives. and the many people who had assisted in making the evening such an outstanding success. During the party. “The Low- landers“ popular folk singing group. which includes two local boys - Bruce Wilson and Peter Purves - song on request, sever- al new numbers. much to the delight and entertainment of the many guests. I IO! t O A full and well rounded pro-‘ gramme was held by members of the MTH Music Guild on. Sunday last. i By request from members of the guild. Miss Judith Dodson, voice pupil of Miss Ruth Gar- son, was guest artist giving data on voice. famous voice artists. and a short recital. A rehearsal on the recorder with members taking part: a film showing of “Tanglewood†-music centre in the Berkshire Hills; the first part of "The Life of Mozzart". and a reading on the life of contemporary ar- tist Aaron Copland. backed with a recording of one of his compositions “Rodeo†all con- tributed to almost interesting and informative afternoon. THE LIBERALRichmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 15. 1965 a (i 1 \mxwx‘mm ‘mxm GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 285-5782 No service charge. no booking fee . " \MWVN x, W W‘ WWWW ‘ mxmmmmmmwm 3 Richmond Hill Curtain (‘lub E F E g; I I t l I t l i Miss Ruby Good. regional di- ‘the Victorian Order of Nurses. ‘was a guest at the April 7 meet-. ing of the Richmond Hill and, district branch. Members were urged to at- I tend the 67th annual confer- April 28. 29‘ 30‘ May 1. 5. 6. 7’ s ence of VON Canada. in Nia- Call 884-3239 gara Fails. May 6 and 7. Nurse-i in-charge Mrs. W. O. Stockdalej told the meeting that a total: of 233 visits were made in- March. This represents an in-1 crease of 38 visits as compared‘ to one year ago. Included were .45 visits to Markham Township ‘and 19 to Vaughan. a a no: a 2 MWNWCWV’NNNW ,MW \4M x. WWW ‘2 Mother’s Day : A A Sunday, May 9 GIVE a gift of love i i l ‘ l l i YWCA Miss Prudence Patrick of New Zealand visited the local (Photo by Stuart" Stud!†YWCA last week. She is a l delegate of the International 0 . I Training Institute of the. t to be alloyed Wlth YWCA. ‘ ‘_ Miss Patrick spent a week-l Dude Vice-Regent of the IOD J‘s Toronto Municipal Chapter. Mrs. J. E. McMulkin draws a lucky draw ticket from a basket held by Mrs. A. Mac- Naug‘hton. (left) convenor of the Hyacinth bridge and euchre held by the local chapter at the Lions Hall recently. Marcia Sully ls District Winner, Lions Contest end at the residence of Mrs.‘ Joy Horton where she saw a sugaring off. During the week the New Zealand visitor was. the guest of Mrs. Daphne Straumann. Bent Crescent and Mrs. R. D. Little, Arnold Street. On Thursday last the Pieasantvilie .Y W C A. craft group held a ‘get acquainted‘ pot luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Donna Nokua. Knoll- side Drive. On Friday evening YOUR TINY TOTS ‘ PORTRAIT $7.50 SW12 Studio 30A YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL Dr. W. C. Cowan accompan- ied by Mrs. Cowan. Church Street North. returned onl Thursday from Winnipeg where. he attended the four-day Scientific Assembly of the Col- lege of General Practice as.! part of his formal program of. Mrs. Adrienne Edwards andiloo hours of postgraduate Miss Patrick visited the Frag- v M, _ l . ments Coffee House at StI;SLl;\‘/Ijgl.eevilhantwgogefainin doc_ Marc1a Sully. a sixteenâ€"year~of discrimination. She was Mary's Anglican Church tors from all sections of Cana‘ old honor student in grade 12 highly commended for her im- FOHOWLng he" Sta-V in medal and the Northwestern Rmhmond H1.“ ngh SChopl"pmmplu' a Satirical talk on Bill Miss Pall-lck left for Raped States attended, twas chosen April 1 as best. gll‘l‘Wal‘ toys. ‘in the semi-finals of the public Speeches by other contest- rie. visiting the YWCA in that. for the junior and senior Eas- ter bonnet parade. Winner of the senior class was Anna Leli- tonen. who displayed a large creation of plastic hows. eggs and birds, and junior winner was Cathy Apperley. who dis- played a creation of chocolate bunnies and eggs. Nelly Spence generously donated two hats as prizes. one of Marguerite daisJ ies as the prize for the senior Easter bonnet. and one of white roses won Thelma Rickard. The daughters entertained their mothers with the latest in modern dance and with so- los. duets and tries of song. Members were reminded of the euchre April 21. to be held in the Maple Leaf Room in Legion Court. and were asked to support this new project. it c c it Miss Joan Hall. Windhurst Gate. taped a program for CBC Television in Ottawa. April 10. She sang two operatic arias - “Habanera†from Carmen and “Una Voce Poco fa" from the Barber of Seville and a group of folk songs from the British Isles. On Wednesday evening she held a musicale in her home for her young vocal pupils. Robert Richardson. assistant supervisor of music for Vaugh-. an Township. was the accom- ing a six week course every .Wednesday night from 8.30 to 110.30 at the centre and on Wed- nesday mornings from 9.30 - 11.30 a “Keep Fit“ class is 1being held - what better com- bination for getting in shape for those scanty bathing suits! For further information or 1registration phone 884â€"2667. ***i The general meeting of the UCW of St. Matthew’s United in the raffle by.Church will be held on April' '20 at 8:15 pm. The guest speaker will be ‘Mr. R. McMurtry. Toronto law~ lyer. from the Canadian Society ‘for the Abolition of the Death Penalty. He will discuss all views on capital punishment. which will .be followed by a discussion .period. This will be an open meeting and men of the congregation ;are cordially invited. ‘ i it ’i‘ * Congratulations and good wishes are extended to Mrs. George Moorley, Harding Blvd.. .who celebrated her 75th birth- day last Sunday (April 11). in the evening a family din- ner party was held at Scott's Restaurant. Toronto. where the occasim was highlighted by a birthday cake and presentation (of a white orchid to Mrs. Moor- iey on behalf of her five grand- panist. .1. R0 resented Miss Mackie ' ' - ___,e_. ,- 7, 4 Children; _ with )3, gird and cage and “$3353.35 the evenmg playlngIbc collected from all letter ship to the University of her “liilllllllllllllllililllilllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllltllltllllltlllllllltlllll' M Aileï¬dllag 1;]? mime: W136 year service card. Stan Wright; ',. .. ,, .. dropboxes at 8.20 pm. for (115- choice. One boy and one girl ' the I" an rs' “n oor ey’ r' gave her a life membemhip Holidaying or entertain- (paLCh' m both the Engllsh and Frenqh t t . nd Mrs. Frank Mooriey and card m the quarter century in on the Easter week_ sections of the contest will wm Plano ons Jimmy and Robbie, Mr. club. Norman Chatterley pre.‘ engdg we are alwa leas ' - this prize. Other contestants Hm MADE teacher nd Mrs. Hugh Campbell. all of semed her with a ï¬guri'ne and ed ‘to receive v03: pn W' will receive graded prizes. 2 ESTELLE MARKHAM Richmond Hill. and Mrs. reminisced of the years they items [or inc‘lusion ei: ; l Marcia is "the daughter of 5 884-3787 £32.??? $23.33;: a“ T“ Wed New†1" “yd†M“ “We in the “"1" - the ' ‘ thaws-13â€" limbsfwi‘ E‘g‘i‘ .ighh. ' ~ ' Mackie also reminisced as she ' ‘_ f _ "T k D P 1 S 1 er†9 as a ‘ a * it * * Vice is ree phone the a e ways taken an interest in pub. lilllilllilllllllliltillllllliiiiilllillillliiilllillilllilllillillliillillllllllï¬ Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bettles, Richmond Street. have recently returned after a months holi- day at St. Petersburg Beach. Florida. PARTS FOR WASHERS AND REFRIGERATORS flick/00: ~12 Levendale Rd. 884-3211 iii. The Richmond Hill Chapteru No. 802. Order of the Eastern' Star are staging a fashion show next Tuesday (April 20l at the Masonic Hall, 112 Crosby Avenue. Co-ordinator for the show is Miss Ruth Boxer of Simpsons.} well known in the fashion world. . Tickets at 75 cents include‘ refreshments and a chance to. win one of the many door prizes. *itxkxk The Friendship Circle of thei Church of St. Gabriel. which} meets at the church from 9.45. to 11.30 am. Thursday morn-1 ings. recently catered to at mother and daughter banquet EASTE STORE HOURS Wednesday. was most successful. They have just finished four» weeks of copper tooling. withi instruction by Mrs. R. Boyle.l and several interesting projects. April it - 9 l0 9 art planned to start following Thursday. the Easter holidays. April 15 . 9 m 9 There will be no meetings. V . for the next two weeks. because I‘l‘ida)‘. of Holy Week. but they will April it; . Closed resume on April ‘29. Saturday. 1.3.11 ladies. welcome -da baby 3 _ si me service is rovi ed f ‘ Allrll 1‘ - 9 l0 5 the children. p 01 Monday. * r ‘ r April 18 . Q to 6 The Local Association West District held a dessert luncheon. at the home of Mrs. Gord Mac- Kenzie. Richmond Street. .\ spring rally for Guides and Brownies to he held at the Maple home of Mrs. D. Doug- las-Crampton was arranged for May 15. Following the meeting. )irs.; RICï¬aiosni . V . . Ernest Redelmeier showed col-i HEIGHTS ( \tTRP’ nred slides of her recent tripi Richmond lill in Australia. New Zealand and 884447;! Japan with a most. interesting l commentary. 1 for Guides and Brownies \vhichl ’ wk * it t Forty-six members of the staff? of Ontario District. Depart-l ment of Forestry. attended a‘ most enjoyable party on Satur- day last. at the home of Mr.: and Mrs. A. B. Vincent. Maple Avenue. to celebrate the for- tieth wedding anniversary of Mr: and Mrs. G. H. D. Bedell. who were presented with a beautiful bouquet of forty deep red roses. ‘ )k * >31 * The appointment was announced last week of L. W. (Len) Jones as man- ager of the central district office of Automatic Elec- tric Sales (Canada) Ltd. Mr. Jones has had over thirty years experience in the sales and manufactur- ing aspects of the telecom- munications industry in Canada and abroad. a: )k a? lit Honoring Miss Stella Mackie ‘on her retirement as chief clerk of Ontario Hydro. Rich- mond Hill. 72 fellow workers and friends attended a dinner at La Colony Restaurant. Au- rora. on March 30. Duncan Chamney. former manager of this hydro area. proposed a toast to the guest of honor and recalled many inci- dents of the days when they worked together. Manager L. thanked all her fellow-workers for their good wishes. She re- called on one occasion receiv-. ing a live turkey in payment of a hydro account. After dinner. slides were 1shown of the Canadian West. Alaska. California. Scotland. Ireland. England and Denmark. iany of these had been taken by the. honored guest on her travels. kiwi W. E. NEIL MANN Joins Local Law Firm \l'. E. Neil Mann. shown above. has joined the law partnership of Donald G. Plaxton, The firm will continue to Operate at 15 Yonge Street North under the name Plaxton. Deane and Mann. Born in Toronto and a grad- iiate of Victoria College and Osgoode Hall. Mr. Mann has >resided in Richmond Hill since 1958. He is a member of Will- owdale Rotary Club and St. Mary's Anglican Church and has been practising law in the \Villoudale area for the past 12 years. well known local resident. as assistant general sales April 21 at the church. sion. the programme will be conducted by Mrs. Ev Miller, who will talk on “Church Sym- bois". lit at: in * The Kinette Club held their March meeting at the Yangtze tendance. Vice - President Ann Mai- docks was in the chair. Guests present for the evening were Laurie .Morison, .Joyce .Van Dyke, Laurene Swanson and three Kinettes from the North York Kinette Club . Muriel McClure. Lorraine Skelly and Frail Anderson. The ways and means commit-' tee reported a sizeable profit from the card party held at Legion Court. Following sion. manager with St. Mary's Cement Co. Ltd. >k * it i The next meeting of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Wo- men will be held at 8 pm. on Following the business ses- Pagoda with all the girls in at» the business ses- the girls spent the re- J. N. Hepburn, Miss Mae Hep- burn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cor- rea. Mr. and Mrs. Cam Andrew and Miss Mary Dawson. Rev. A. A. Chote. also for- merly of Richmond Hill. was master of ceremonies. Carol assisted her mother. Mrs. Cath- erine Duncan in receiving the guests who numbered more than 70 and was assisted by several friends in opening many gifts which carried the best wishes of her friends for success in her career as a reg- istered nursing assistant. ttt‘ A baby shower was held on Sunday last at the home of Mrs. R. Heydeman. 150 Col- borne. for her sister-in-law Mrs. P. Heydeman of Scarboro. Following the opening of. gifts by the guest of honor. the hostess. assisted by her sister Helma Begnen. served refresh- lmel’lLS. l *$*# Richmond Hill advises that on Good Friday, the post office and lockbox lobby will be closed. There will not be any postal deliveries. Outgoing mail will Post Office 1 at Agincourt Municipal Hall. Marcia competed against four. other students. from St. Jos-. eph's College School. Toronto,‘ Richview Collegiate in Etobi-‘ coke and the G. W. Williams; Secondary School. Aurora Top boy, who will also com-i pete at OWen Sound. was John Miron of Richview Collegiate Each of the contestants was} required to give a prepared‘ speech of not less than five minutes and not more than six. ter and academic value. Judges W. E Eaton of Agincourt. Jack Tummon, administrator of the Lakeshore Board of Education. David Coon. a Stouffville law- yer. Elgin Coutts. QC of Lea- side. Grey Cavanagh. vice-prin- cipal of Bloor Collegiate and to T. O‘Beirn. principal of King‘ City Composite School. were two tellers. two timers, and Alf Hill of the Markham- They were then given 15 min-; .utes to prepare an impromptu: ispeech. l Marcia‘s speech. the same one which saw her given top place at her school and at the region contest on March 1 at Thornhill. was on the subjecti l i Unionville Lions Club was the impromptu control officer Lions officials that the contestants never have 1the same judge twice and rare-l 1y are there more than six con- testants at any preliminary. A total of 69 secondary schools have been represented. in the contest and close to 7,000 students have participated. For her win at. her school. Marcia received $10; at the regional contest she was given a cheque for $75. At the semi- finals she also received a :cheque for $75. and the Dis-L ltrict Governor's Trophy. At the Owen Sound finals. she will have a chance to win $150 cash and a $300 scholar- at the April 1 contest were As well as the judges. there . emphasize . area. and on June 1. will at-‘ * * * * speaking contest being spon- ants were on students and their tend the National YWCA Con- Helping Margaret Caroline sored by Lions International. place in the modern economy, . vention at Saskatoon. Saskatch- Duncan (Carol) former Rich-l Marcia will now compete‘the United Nations and the ewan. .mond Hill resident. celebrate against 40 other district win- power and freedom of the * * * * her 21st birthday at Yonge ners at the provincial finals to press. 1. The appointment was an- Street United Church. Toronto. be held at Owen Sound the: A panel of six judges scored 1 a ‘ nounced this week of A. E. last Saturday evening were weekend of May 1. lthe speakers on the basis of “\ . Harley. Kerrybrook Drive. Richmond Hill friends. Mrs. At the April 1 contest. held‘the presentation. subject mat- A'l' sandals: Special For Easter : QABONSHURKEYS Cut Up Chicken r “65 or C. NELS GAGE I BAYVIEW PLAZA 884-769] S 'i ‘ C Dela Editor Mal-gm "Ck lic speaking and won the grade , :i..“i.3“;:.i.: ‘12:" 2; » of 9 at. her for . .. Hill and a v151tor from Thistle However this .5 the ï¬rst “me ‘ Yonge Street soum' ‘0‘,“ were Winnelis 0f the (1091' she has ever competed outside the m a a a , prizes at the Richmond Hill her own “.th 3 The Business Women's UnitiMinor Hockey Association final ‘ <â€"~ pump R lot the Richmond Hill iihiieci.Pla~V_0fr games he“ “the are“) ‘NEWMARKE’I‘: Mayor w. A. thugs Church will hrild their next‘Apl'll 9 and 10‘ Kent will receive an extra $500 . meeting April 27. The winners: TV and_ stand. in 1965. The annual salary for faSthNEd l a a: it a (Dr. Jim Newton; electric car- the mayor has been mlsed t fl n ( lving knife. K. Middleton; trans. """""" (from 52500 to 33000. M. 0 11 61: Mr. and Mrs. Ever tt B . . 6 row“ listor radio. R. Simpson; electric“ tended the 65th wedding anni- Wing p†w- Randall; deem“ versus. of Mn and Mm 055 hair dryer. Mrs. S. Thorntonu .Hagerman at Locust Hill onielectric kettle. J. Whalen. all ‘sunday lof Richmond Hill. mixmaster. The -At Home- held duringER. Kirkaldy. Thistletown. the afternoon and evening in‘ the farmhouse where Mr. Hag-l erman was born and has lived most of his life. was packed with friends and relatives wish- Kent opposed the raise. *‘rxvr EAST 175 Church Street South. at- Looking For a Good Used Car? If So, See The Hot Sand Sweet Kid Pump with Butternut INVENTORY CLEARANCE TAILORED PINCH PLEAT LINED DRAPES 9 $144". Reg. $49.98 - . Used Cars 1, [mg to extend congratulations Column in The l Lustre Baby 6311800. and good wishes to this most Classiï¬eds | Trim. respected couple. â€"â€"~ .7 (777fl_â€"~_,â€"_ . C Matching Handbag WYN-DOT 17 99 LADIES SHOP $3 9.93 MANY COLORS CHOOSE FROM lADIES SWEATERS 20% on: BYLKY TOI HOME PERMANENT SUPER, REGULAR OR GENTLE Reg. $2.00 .29 NOW MAINPRIZE DRUGS Dale L. Kenzie, B.Sc.. th. 48 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill 884-1017 Hand made construction creates one of the lightest. softest, most flexible spring fashions ever! Just feel how the special Airfoot Cushioning pampers your step. 0 FABRICS FOR SPRING SEWING YARD GOODS 49..( W... Reg. 79c Win-Dot LADIES SHOP RA YVIEW PLAZA HIV! FOWWA’ F0]? W! F/IM/[l’ i when“" RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Just West of Barth’s Cleaners 854-2214 584-2214