Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Apr 1965, p. 1

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J Public LibIA-Tyi 24 Vlrightfila?’ Richmond. 1 i- ]. J-Tl’l. ( ,- A. tip “in Essentials l'nity; in Nonâ€"Essentials Liberty; in all 'iilt'nl'toi'nâ€"iiitiiH'oXTA’ntofit‘iit'RsIuif trait]? J. Wines" VOL. 87, NO. 42 iitinutitiMfithitiMmtuittttuittitttitttittttttttttttttttttitittttt ' Agree On Changes For Lab/aws A proposal from Loblaws, Richmond Heights Centre, for an extended closed un- loading dock. relocation of t fence and widening of ex- isting private asphalt serv- ice road and relocation of a hydro transformer pole has been approved by the works committee of Richmond Hill Council. it was report- ed at Monday night‘s coun- HOME-PA‘PER or T HE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 MORE HOMES 8. LAND LISTED AND m NORTH YONGE OFFICE 8242 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1156 PER COPY 10 To See _ Pearson Forestry Move Councillor Lois Hanch was appomted Monday the official delegate from the Richmond Hill Town Coun- cil on the delegation going to Ottawa to protest the reâ€" loeation of the federal forâ€" tion in the matter be de- ferred until the delegation has an opportunity to meet with him and present its side of the case. Mr. Ad- dison stated he had not sought an appointment with lP.S. Residential 63.68 5.5. Residential 65.75 commercial and ‘ Richmond Hill’s supporter ratepayers will pay 63.68 mills on residences and 70.01 mills on industrial assess- public school fs' " . 'il ‘i . t . ' ‘ “ L . . . . cil meeting. Eti’Xiii-iii” 0”“ 2" 98”“ iii; ($13233;nbii-iiggticiifi “mm m 1965‘ The res'dentlal Fate ‘5 This proposal came out of Mrs. [lancer has been the directly seeking their own up mlllS and the commerCIal a meeting held March 31 prime force behind the interview, at Jacey area residents and officials of the supermarket chain. Residents of Jaccy Ann Drive which is immediately to the west of shopping centre and which has been i Ann Drive with l council‘s protest during the past two months since the announcement by Forestry Minister Maurice Sauve that he intended to move the facilities in Maple and "I must say I was a bit disappointed that our elec- ted representative did not ask for the interview with the prime minister. but we are prepared to follow his mills from the 1964 rate. Separate school supporte l‘S will pay 65.75 mills on residen- tial assessment. up 5.80 mills from last year's rate which was the same as public school sup- increase of .37 mills over the 1964 levy. The commercial mill rate of 23.90 is an in- crease of .33 mills. Added to this is the county Richmond Hill to the Sault. suggestion," Mrs. Hancey . - . - - used as access route to the She told council Monday reported. pmters' celnmciClal imparate Iate' mgh SChOOI' public and s“ e m rk t, I d, . ‘ school supporteis will pay separate school rates. The p r a e s on oa mg of a meeting held Saturday She also reported that 72 31 A“ - . f t _ t t d f . t dwk have comhained of . v v _ _ , .. mi 5, an meicase o couny 1ae accoune 01 we I attcinoon with repiesent the Canadian Furniture 616 h . 1 t . h f u - t! h h resultant danger on their 4. . H . . . . . mi 5 riom as year. mi 5 0 1e increase, 1e lg ati\cs fiom Maikham and Manufactuters Assoctatlon school rate for one and a half 10:11:}- \'att:han Townships and has lodged a strong protest llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iese property owners mills and the public school rate I ' ’wm Addison MP York with the. federal goveni' A public school supporter showed a reduction of .14 mills. ihlggeyivii: atlli‘t: “:1:th ates: North mew "i‘lher1_le?' inc"! afgamfl the move' Th1? whose residence is assessed Council expressed appre- / . ei fold and Deputy reeye industiy lies a large per at $5 000 Will my $318 40 m chlth to the public school mam house construcuon 0“ ' (:arnct Williams rcpresent- centage of forest products taxes'ih 1965 This is in in. hoard for its “Heme” Jacey .Ann' “"0 parking" ed Vaughan while Reeve and contributes more to crease of $18-65fmm1964 cmoperauve effort in re. r-egulatmns Should be esub' ‘ Charles lloopcr and Coun- Canadian economy than the Oh the sam'e amount 0" moving $70 000 from cup "Shed on the north Side ’ "mm Clear-V palm" rep' automObile indl‘Str-V' Mrs- residential assessment a rent budget. to debentures. M Levondale ‘Yonge to (Photo by Stuart's Studiot resented Markham. Hancey stated. noting that separate school supporter so that the ratepayers dc, J'my Ann) “id to the mi “1* Addison ‘0'“ "ms?- ‘he-V make great use Of the will pay $328 75 a differ- riving the benefit from the fidpfiezgailacez’o A": Dbri" o o o 0 present that he had bad services of the laboratories. l ence of $29. . ' expenditure would pay for 'l i ' . my or" two meetings with Prime There is not a furniture fac- - _ ‘ d , :nvei' f “"8 matter has Minister Pearson last week tory within 300 miles of the 5825:1330": chbTiirc;aclhzzl figfifllfiiylfifiififog. csgnmii'aeeerrefoy :23‘?:;:(;e and had requested that acâ€" Sault. she claimed. 1 support" will pay $350.05 memed that no schoql “0"- Ernest Rule. 52, of Newmarket. driver of this car, a car driven by Beverley Barry. ZR of Maple as he started this .Yeal'. an Increase or board had. l“t his exile": was reported on the “critical list" at York Central “05- to pull out of the Skyline lot. He then swerved into the 519-35. A separate School Ghee. ever S_a down an IttllltllltlllllllllllllllltllIlllltlllttllltltlttltlttlttttIttlttlllltlltllltttttllttlt . - . - - ~ - ~. - - supporter Will pay 3361-55. discussed finances 3* pltal. where he was taken followmg .a .thl‘ee-VQIIICIC north-bound lane and into the side of a tluck druen by Co_o erate counul 30 80 f I t r f M “h munch I“. ' ' collision on Yonge Street in front of Skyline Pontiac- Walter Kimnc. Richmond Hill. ‘ p “P 5 - mm 35 yea- Janna: Floyd Perkin. I Bum" “Md” “mm The mm“ sheared u” ""“f "ll 'l‘" “"1" """i"“‘- : tttlltttllltttltltlltllllltlllltlttlttllltlttlltlltllltttlltllttlltlttlttttlltlllltttlll concurred saying “Wu me Mr. Rule suffered a possible fractured arm, head and ripped one of the doors off. pivojeoted the back scat ; . f th t t 1 .u r I 1th b t 00-0 terafionil've ever - facial lacerations, alld chest injuries in the crash and across the road and into a ditch. and completely crumpled t 0‘ e a: mf' 2132; 0: qszn" 1‘ 3 was pinned behind the steering wheel of his wrecked the front end. side and rear. A foot-square mirror lying l I S rgls‘égesntigfragsessg‘em has an ~ {Cdminued On Page 3) car for more than 20 minutes before he was out free. on the floor in the back seat. escaped unmarked. A . In the first three months of According to Constable Jud Robinson. Bond Lake Damage to the two other vehicles totalled SL200. i 1965 building permits for $602.-l OPP. who investigated the accident. Mr. Rule was going Mr. Kunne was treated at York Central for injuries and . I * * * * 765 were issued in the Town: south on Yonge when he collided with the right side of then released. Mr. Barry Was uninjured. P S or - - - -~ .- - u it c 00 s u e spectociiniiimii. Hfi'é‘iiffiéifhifafendy " "' ' W ' ' i ' itttmtttntttttttttmtttmummntmnmtttttnutttttutitttutttuttuntti i I" a report Presented to council . ‘ Richmond Hill Public Schood Board has knocked t 0 a 133.22% 52%on firm” Reactlons 10 Pro ogal ; County(303031111; two mills off its proposed budget for 1965, but 3 three ménth; lastt‘r'leare same 1 ' l t (‘hairman Walter Hutchinson has issued a warning ’ ‘ . . ‘ f .h .h in The difference can b3 0 Vaughan Rate 5 that the trustees wouldn’t be able to help out again The p91 dlem Y’ale 01' counCI 0T3 W1 .l‘ema accounted for almost en- F 0 r S m K I n I w ‘ _ i that “ray next year. at $16. and the mayor s salary at $4,200 for this year, "m" by 3 5200300 build- y ' 2.3011118 l ' in spite of eleventh hour attempts at Tuesdays in: Dezmit issued last year Thed bgaiéid hangedt downritjgilbl he added tot tfhfr $312320. lengthy budget session to have both raised. or S . Mar ’ ' ‘rcvise u get a I s mee inc 9 en ure prOJec -‘ . Church and nyfedlifisl'lcai: A proposal to dissolve King. Township-S three include in any order any Vaughan ’rownship tay- Thursday evening of last week, tions at MacKmop and Beverley. .The actitemptsd sawtatmttifiion, amgihdnrietzngntio 1th: the amount recorded for police villages and set tip an 8swal'd system of gOVâ€" SPec‘a' “(ms and. COM" WWW W‘” “M ‘thmf ""11 following a request from town‘Acres Public Schools that the mQtlon an amen men 0 e amen 9 new commercial building emment in the township met a mixed reception this 310'” MW heifggalrfihzflfie megsaseld 2-3 intllléobi: council that. it reconsider ltslboaihd Wlll apply for under the‘ pomts of order all voted on. ' ' ou ll . ’- 5 ye s evy )y r . - s A . . iii; 0331mm“ llierahons'- week ablef’ he added. County Council. Total levy ‘ewendltures'fl iwor S.pmglam . .d It all started when Mayor mayor‘s salary also be raised to . Permits issued this for York (count, H endh The budget calls for a . Chairman Hutchinson sai Thomas Broadhurst went on $5,000' commenting on the tre- yieaiir iliticluded SIX for residen- A report was released. pi‘e- icipa‘l‘ity into Wards. _ . ml‘he hoard woule undoubt- turns is 32.126.311'--Pr propOSSd expenditure of the town counCil hadnt asked record as favoring an increase mehdous amount of “minis. w a (nations (one of wmcn 9”“ by Dr- Lorne cummmg' S“Ch 3“ appl'cat'on .edly. conduct a public hearing 31.238400, and a levy of the board to cut anything, but of my next year. Stating that native work done by the chlef magmcinccilledl $9,900. three special adviser to'the Minister would, of course, necessarâ€" ton any such app-ligation: so that Vaughan.s portion of the $551,526.12 'from council, had said that 1f_1t could de- such increase will be part of magistrate. This amendment _ e eia a terations $4,700, of MuniClpal Affairs. and Fied ily involve the question a“ persons desmnq ehher m mun” levv k lat-«er than compared mm the ongmai hentule anything it would be of his latform in this years elec_ was seconded by Counmuor Laz- Eat/fa Signs 139153115. three private Braybrook supervisor of mun- whether the existing police ‘support or oppose {he proposal am, hther‘mhnicisamv in figures of $1,309,050.88 and great help. tion'p ehhy. buildgiii; Sirifegaggggnigg leipal organization .for thefts-ii muages “3mm rgmaig't‘i‘l“: ‘would be heard before any arm the county and will total a ‘9'”; of sstslf'giil‘fllh": Warned cf’uncu i" domg Councillors William Laz- Councillor Lois Hancey and one new commerciail bufl'din’ Dimmem‘ after SD,‘ meett-mbsi KP (31.251? lgbw. e re tion 15 taken. D11 Cummlng $319,839.74. This is made .3150 céailg;stielc;m rate thlsrwe WOUIdntbe able "3,1191? enby and Walter scudds Deputy-reeve Floyd Perkins $131100-311“ a Private sw‘ ‘ g With [ownsmp rep'esenta lves' mg I y s 0“ 6 "mo .p' ('OnClUded- up of 3191.945 for general ‘3‘ an m “5 r a 8 them ihat way "9“ year' MI" then moved that councillors then moved an amendment to pool 84 500 \ lmmmg Although Reeve Ray Jennings mated as a “palate vll' . DUFDOS‘vc-‘v 348539 for road from 203416. to. 17376 ‘ Humhmso" 531d~ . per diem rate be raised to amendment that such increases Last ‘year. 98 . - . BdVlsed “The Liberal" that Inge-n Dr: 'Cunlmmg sald- A dela'lgd report of “‘9 debentures and $79.30;) for and the TESldentlal from "â€"'_"’#â€""' $20tocon10mtoneighbop would take effect January 1. six l.esidenfialDeignitsnncluded council "was unanimously 53h .‘Fmal declsmh in any case proposal Will be found on mad maintenance. 18.3074 to 16.1791. . ‘ o in: municipalities. 1966. 200. new rm: elatwns $6" isfied to proceed with the ward would rest With the OMB page 4 of this issue of ‘The H . ‘ The reduction m mm rate Councillor Eric Handbury The mayor fen it would three commerciearlmesltSW‘poo’ system”' Deputy-Fee” Gordont wnmh has ample power to L'beraln' -7." “w “’13.! assessment m from 196415‘164.f°rc.°mmerclal- moved an amendment that the (Continued On Page 3) 5102500 five signs :5 [ngons Cook refused to comment stat- ” d ’ “ the township of 328.028.633 and .14? for re51dentla]. t apartmeht buildf’ng of '67 ' T’tne ing that although council mem- . ‘ will rcumrc a rate of 11.4 The increase for the 1965 committal “8" “:6th ’ °§ Vaug an ( Area ate trait“ 22‘s.? as“ ‘5 at. 33:: . . . tie re or or s u y, counct a . _. . compare 0 , ,, I [figeingfigrifldgfgfigl not yept discussed it. ‘ . {‘5 lcqtifllllarl‘d l0 9-1 mills as’originally estimated. t A Richmond Hill mathfis o y lions 5,600. gas tank installa- On receipt of a summary copy . "1 - ' - ‘ lhe changes were made pos- been arrested by Niagara a“: ’ lion sumo. demolition $1 000 of the report~ King City Village ‘ Without the mwmhhfs ‘Slblf‘ by cutting the expendi- Police and is being charged wi I chu‘ ' ' ‘ - ' ' to n - . . l . j ‘ lures for repairs and school manslaughter In connection 0 ° icli $200,000. Tiustees immediately wrote I 0 increased industrial assess- . . - Councillor wan“. gcudd Dr. Cumming asking him 10 p y . . mm! h “m "0th that the equipment in half by $70.000.w1th the death of Jack Chu, 75. a o‘v t noted that several mmhmrciai make clear that the report did. mum", who would have and deciding .to debenture-for Lawrence Lang. 34. of 444 , : buildings have been prophqed n't represent the feeling of all ThP V a U2 h H n Township dehl Chara“ $90., "4632 mm been '1”, mms. ,thcm. These include altei‘atlons‘ll/larybay Crescent, was arrested _ ‘ d h d t d. of the which.- _ if they come throuth he iâ€"d' those on the committee_ q l l A. B .d h . t f . th . , “(m 7qu $695 “HR to Walter. Scott Public School in Richmond Hill over the week- A deciswn to sen Vaug an un ers an mg . Db V this Walk hmhhnf ‘ 5"“ ‘ . "moo ’ea .03' ml 13,9 (“to e' “pen lile‘ 0 i“ ‘ ‘ The finance committee's and equipment for Crosby‘end and taken to Niagara Falls Township Counc1llor Warren to be facedas ontario worn”, equai m *9“? d I» record can When asked to comment on‘19.65 for public school pulposes plus Decembei 31. 1965‘ SL- rflmrt wde on 3 “MP of Heights Senior School. Where he was formally charged. Bryce and Deputy_clerk F. c,_ more urbanized, It was exp} .3” in “i‘fmr year! SA the rert' however‘ TIUStee M“ be 24'8 mllls 0" mSldemlal‘OOB'M' resi‘matinn "’l‘hc cnmmit- Mr Hutchinson pointed out Police said Chu. a restaurant Jackman on a study tour of ed. as . Donald Findlay would only r'f'lpl‘opel‘tl95 and 27? mills .0” Th" lax “3‘3" “l” h" ‘imll‘llo‘l tcc hlias no. alternative but that the latter couldn‘t be de-loperator. died in hospital after local government in Britain. Basic tour fee .is $750 ply “‘8' ithe ‘FUSteCS havenv‘tcommerma] .prOpemes‘ “S {mâ€" m “also 39480-15318 {0" “Dorm” to recommend that the 1965 ibentured for under the mun-'being admitted with head in- Denlnark. Germany, Sweden person and COUDCII agree I Tom-"red on the mattgr yet ‘ance Commute? reported at mg ("05“ alld 320304633 '6‘” hudn't-t submitted by the ‘icipal assistance works procram liuries following an altercation and the Netherlands came in budget a total of $2,000 fora" 1 Dr' Cumming eiplamed to Thurwa‘v night's meeting This debt Charges: “‘9 29‘1"“ IV?" (‘ouiitv of York he adoptâ€" as it only included equipiiientilwith 'a customer outside his for some criticism at Monday‘s two representatives. ‘ 9': F' 0‘ MlllhOlland. RR 1.."The L‘beral : “Tins document is an increase or only :8 'mnsiiSlall"? gram is QSIlmHle‘l "t ed“ it said. 1but that it would be debentured cafe. The customer had alleg- council meeting. “I would like to know "momiille‘ has been appomted‘is nm in any sens-e a formal re‘ on bmh types or premiums 0w" 3480900 and "on'reSldem “‘9‘ i i for normallv. edly said he was being over- Purpose of the tour is to give What are the qualification. welfare administrator of Mark- 90” {mm the 1mm commmio the 1964 "ale' :11 $37.35”. T119 surplus at “11‘ ,. mlI“Hum”u‘mmuummm“mmt The loan for Walter Scotttcharged on his bill of $3.30. municipal officials a better of the two people who are llgm Township. it was announc-iestabl‘Shedl Erowntsmp Estimated 9X1)e|1(lillli‘tâ€"‘> for beginning of the year was "mmmlwm‘l‘mm‘m 1"" "' ' ' r e 7 A W 7 going" stated Murray Mar. 9 M‘“‘““~"- mum“ 3'“ '“g .' -" ““Sf‘eS-‘iotss have been set at $1.222: Sltl.774.9ti and other l‘t‘H‘lltlc is rison’ of Pine Grove. He Dr. Mulliolland replaces Norâ€":le memb‘TS 0f Ems ('mnlll'lleettlilli. an increase of 10% over listed at $5.100. ’ d r if those who mail Lewis. who formerly agrf’ed “‘3‘ at .lhls Stage 'I “:a'cithe actual expenditures last Farm and residential assess- uiztwgs :hsdtrip last tin“! handled the position for both deswable 1° c'rculate a bl"'Ef‘vear. $682,200 of this amount ment for public school purposes had brought back anythin’ Markham and Richmond Hill.ldescriptl0” 0f 3 POSSible Plan Ofiis the ratepayers responsibility. in \"aughan for 1965 is $19,â€" of value. “9 is Ym‘k CONN." Welfarelreorganizatio" {0" “‘9 mforma' Included in the expenditures 986.210. commercial assessment ,. OmCNV “on or “‘9 9"”1‘9 membersmp is the sum of 835.075 for ad« 36.004570. Industrial assess» Reeve A. H. Rutherford The new administrator will;0f mum‘ll- 3” “‘9 “‘“5199501‘ “‘9 ministration expense. plant opâ€" ment has increased otcr a milâ€" thought that he had learned 8 "“"“l"" R Sill-“FY 0t $2.000 allhrfl’ 90"“ Villages and mm" cration $107375 and mainten- lion dollars in the past year. great deal when he went” on the year, with a car allowance of “led l'alepal’91'5»" ance 544.150. instruction salar- 'l'rustcc Ross .Inlliffe reported trip three years ag0. I have 10 Cents 3 mil“ Dr- cumming Pointed nuties 3672.750 and instruction th the increase was accounted 1m)! report here m_ my brief' Dr. Mulliolland is a retired‘that under existing legislation supplies 348.900, tuition fees to for by statutory salary increases ‘case if you would llke t0 read dentist. who has served \rithtthe plan could only be brought other boards 82.250. transportaâ€" for teachers and much needed It. he .OfferEd. . the court of revision and as aiinto effect by the OMB on an tion 839.500. other services plant maintenance and imv COUDCllIOF R D- MFAl'i-hul‘ Public school trustee. application to divide the mun- $9.100. capital outlays 360.050. provemcnt. ShatEd that thzyofladthilrsgggfig “illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllttlllllltllllllltttltllllllllllllllllllllltllltttltttttlllllllIttlttlllllIllIltlllttlllllttltllittllltittlttllttttlltttttltt inil 2:119; hail helped them t M B W'h A bl A '130 Dr. N. 1. B. ' ay or. on; a 9 It out m .u ances rl .. ...... y p ing changes in municip/l gt??- ernmcnt in Ontario. e ~'1 Ry MARY DAWSON payment in advance as many cases at a time. The other been heard from any of the was not timely " “- RlCllmond Hill. Vaughan Operators do and collection would be standby equipment. three municipalities. Councillor Mchflhur pointed-3 and Markham may find of accounts can be and often To ensure this desirable .\lr. Ilolt has l‘f‘t'CHt‘tl an out however that the Golden-'1 themselves without ambu- is difficult and slow. To type of service. the operator estimate that for the L‘mi‘rii- berg rem,“ ion metro govermi lance service at the end of keep the ambulance operat- asked a $200. a month subâ€" ment to operate the same mem was expected to be hand. this month. Dave llolt. own- me. Mr, Holt has had to sid) from each mtinicipaltth servite would cost at least ed down in May or June and er and operator of the take employment elsewhere. Richmond llill's police Stitttttltt a .\‘car, ()thcr :im- the tour was‘not to take place \‘aughan-llill Ambulance iiiâ€" with the result that he has committee requested .\lr. hulance operators through. I um“ next September which ‘ formed “The Liberal" [his “Wind Up dOlng about 20 Hall to meet with them to out the province are icrcu- ' ' . . would give council [heinbeu :' “Pek' hOUI‘S 0f “'m‘k each doll discuss the proposal. This in: subsidies of from $3.000 (Photo by Stuarts Stude am 18 time to consider ‘or some years ambulance lii .lantlarl. .\lr. Holt ap» was done and the town's to 524000 a leer, 1 Z, s i . is :Pl‘\';(‘9 has been subsidiyed proat'hcd the (‘tlllllClls‘ of auditor audited the t‘tlllk People are prone .\lr llolt leiaeiie' Rutherford [911, that‘ l y tie Township of Vaughan Vaughan. Richmond Hill any‘s books: showing that believes. to think of an .im- l I M t . .1‘ . - ‘ and the Town of Richmond and Markham by registered :9! prom of H: “hera‘h‘h mm “hp” H h. the tow would PlVe the town. It, Hill to the tune of $100 a letter. setting forth a DI‘O- during 1.064 was $1.700. needed and from the site of 5 111’ rfipresen‘tdllvesla F3935”.ij mmm mill or a 'mt'l 3"‘ W‘s“ l" mm'ld" WNW? With This on a scr\ice that “as an accident to the llO‘ll‘rW-l Fern ;t‘ the rlmllt‘t' meeting 01‘ the York North NDP Association at the LiOl’lS Hall last 00 0: lleglgnald p will sulliilih' nr SH“? I “in "“El'lal‘ 3"”‘11'3'11‘99. nt‘cl‘alf’d 34 l‘m‘l‘ " d3" Imm- ‘Wi in, Ind mm” W s.» 1"tlii" evenin': arr. tlet‘t to irith Paer Burnett “f RlChmond Hill‘ pl'eSldem 0f the York rnuiiigipizii pdgvgiiiiientseies "id ‘ i'. '0 I’ctiol'ts tial ie 'l'ie one to he manned in seven time a nch This was c\pctt~c< WWW“ ‘11 1‘1"" 3‘“ i- .- .. . t. .' .1 " - '~ -' ‘ I i ‘ ~ - V . 7‘ ~- has "PVFI‘ l'Gille‘t‘l 8 call tttl' tnn men around the (‘ltick the nnlyirepl} In his suhmis in: pqmpmpm and kgflxin; l‘: :ltlit‘tlnn. olil‘llt.\ ‘RCIl\\UlLl\ lOIOHIO Riterdale titling.’ Saltsrnan, fol Imilnlsteied in Olhel‘ places. he the ambulance or required would carry four stretcher $1011. since then nothing has it available aiound the clock. \\ a‘crloo Ninth and Maurice “liltl'dti of Pine Grove. Chairman 0f the (“T1091 COmmlltee. tsaid.

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