2ft "The Liberal" in always pleased to publish THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 15. 1965 Thornliill and District News items of Interest contributed by Its readers In the Thornhill area. 'l Prize-Winning Film At Hort. Soc. Meet A Dl'l7e film the. hide to Spring†will he the tea.- tiire at the April 20 meeting of winning PHONE 285-3180 Our representative In Thornhill ls Mrs. .10 Cruise who the 'l‘hornhill Horticultural So- may he reached by phoning ZRS-lem ciety. The ‘20 minute film will he __ F. shown by its producer. .lack lRilddell. a past president of the Toronto Movie Club and vicemhairman of the Photo- The Churches Churches in the. Thornhill A t Easter rection of the body". graphic S o c l e I y of America. The film won the top award of the Toronto Home (‘Itlh and was one of the top ten in the Photographic Society of Anteri- ca awards in LOST. It also won a Canadian Film Society award area have all been busy dur- The story of the criicl- and a gold medal in the Salerno ing Holy Week and look frir- fixion. “Olivet to Calvary." iltalylVI-‘ilm Festival of 1958, ' ward to a joyous Easter day. by .l. H. Maunder and pre- Mr. Rudd?“ will am Show . At. St. Luke's Roman sented by the senior choir nth“. WNW.“ 1n mund mu 3 ' Catholic Church. masses and soloists Mrs. M. Wood, one. hmâ€. program , during Holy Week are sched- Roy C. Schatz. Fred Goode The April "100mm “in am) - uted for Thursday. Good and Bill Winship. will take : . ‘ ' ‘ Friday. 1afternoon and even- place at 7 pm. Easter Sun- 3min? “if fight mifamn; ' log) and Saturday evening. day. Friends and neighbors 'n\\l(‘dl hs ow.l I cnli s ‘an r Regular masses will take are urged to attend this ser- iiou â€" e memicis iaie wen invited to show their house place on Easter Sunday con- ducted by Rev. E. F. Cross- land. ‘ A joint three hour servwe vice. The young people's early morning communion service will take place at 7 am. at at the eleven o‘clock service there to mark the occasion of Easter and Rev. Minion .lohnston D. D. will preach Lenten series at the II am. service. A coffee hour fol» lowed in the church hall. l During Holy Week lloly .\ .., iPholo by Slual‘l‘s Studio) plalits alid there will also he a class for spring flowering, shrubs which have been forccd. 'l‘he mectiiig will he held at " will take lace again this - .. ‘ , ‘ . . . _ , . _- '_ ‘_ .' ‘ , 1 war with ":19 Chaim "mam 11"". Umflf‘lg Chl'l:h “J‘Eixilsg thP sermon Communion was 0.0...va on .\ icsulint (ll thoilihill itll nune than t.) yeuls. Mis. .l. tl.ipliaiii. "(thine-twill. recently 'rlmi-nhill l'ilitcd Chum.†Dud. lists and ministers. together entrianvlsmr "memgéngsg A combined service for Tuesday at 7 a.m, and Werl- celebrated her 90th birthday. Shown enioylng a cup ot tea with her at her birthday celebraâ€" iley Avenue. at R p in. 59' ‘ ‘ “I at 10130 3-m- tion are her daughters Mrs. Vt. Wismcr. left. and Mrs. J. Hunt. t 7_ A Illd‘li with the congregations of Anglican. Baptist. Presbyter- lan and United churches of service will he held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church on years and under. Breakfast will be served in the Sunday school auditorium after the service. Baptist churches in the area will he held at Yorkview Heights at It a.m. on Good Friday. The. Baptist churches participating are Richmond nesday The Maundy Thursday service of the Holy Communion will be held at 7.30 pm. in corn» memoration of the institu- Janet Clap/lam Celebrates 90th Birthday ‘ ‘ l-‘REF. ESTIMATES I PIANO TUNING Guesswork ls Eliminated l “ " ‘ Th“ Ram" mm-ning service Hill 'l‘hornliill. Yorkview tion of the Lord‘s Supper. V . H 1 I ' . . ‘ u l-rida} fiom 12 to will take place at 11 am. With Heights and Spring Garden 0" East“. SUNâ€... H01), A Eat}wl.ina M mp clan. In,†hm.an dmm‘ 1|va mm mm," in ms“, MN (.lammm “(wk m My children lNcw Scientific Method 1 The annual Good Friday spema‘] musi‘: by the} {310'}: Blessing of the palmstook Communion will take place friends and wcll-wishers took is now the site of the Dutch also recalls that there was ataan all had to work" she said. .411 ‘ morning breakfast and and‘ei the (“lemon ORG"): place at the 8 3m. com- at 7. 8. 9. and it a.m. Rev. place on Sunday last when Mrs. Reformed Church. one time a toll gate at the For the past three years_ If no answer 'i church service will be held ,3"an Re“ A‘ 1‘_ “'ng munion service held at Holy F. C. .lackson will deliver his .ianpt ('lnphan] cclphratcd her Mm Clapham married John Langstat'f sideroad and it, cost Mrs. (ilapham has madp her can 334.1105 ‘~ at the Presbyterian Church “"1! p'each se'mon‘ Trinity Anglican Church on Easter message at the 9 am. goth birthday at the home or mapham in 1895 and he passed a nickel in En through hamP “.Hh he]. daughter. Mrs.‘ "1d win he prepared by the .1“? film. lhe Day Of palm Sunday" Palm crosses service and Rm" H‘ R' Him" 'hel‘ dallflllif‘l‘l “‘39 MW “‘ml- away in 1.028. Besides raising “It was better years ago hc~ llllnl. although she still con- : men‘s club. Triumph Will be shown at were given to all members den at the II aim. Sl‘l‘Vlf'9~ 8 Yonge St, Nm'lhi Rifhm‘md her family. she did some pi'ac- cause people were more friend» siders 'l'hornhill her home. ' 0“ E3519" sunday morning 7 p'm‘ 0‘ the congregation inell'd‘ The†“'lil he "0 Pllf‘nlng llill. tical nursing about the village ly and we knew everybody. [Still very active about the? RFV- DillWY" Evans Will ('On- TWO Baptisms look place ing the boys and girls. at service. . Mrs. Clapllam has the living and was also the caretaker of think we had a better time house. she likes to knit. andI " “nu? his SEl‘ml’n-S 0" lh“ 0" Palm Sunday at [he Bapl' the 591‘Vl095- The animal ('Onfll‘mal‘m‘ children, two daughters. Mrs. the little school before it burn- then." she said. look at television. Iler one out! "’" ‘ Apostles' Creed with his ist Church. Rev. H. R. Howden gave service will take place on Hun, and MIR Mamâ€, Wismm- Pd down ‘ ‘ Side 3mm“, is lhe Senior GHH “Ewrvthing In Lumber†: sermon entitled "The Resur- Special music will be sung the closing sermon of the April 25 at 7 pm, and my“. son" Rm‘ Walk and ‘ V Mrs. (.lapham ‘llllrlks‘ tho mm. muh' ahhmwh Qh? "in ' i T ' ' .lack. .\ goodly number of her She “3â€â€; “I?†"1 Hm“? E391†Spam" pa""""‘3"ll' “7‘8 likes a7 of H 'l" i‘h i mends on m ElliIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ l7 gramh‘himré‘n and 17 grpat‘ days. more WP“? only a re“ Yer). dirlbren‘ “,th she Was h i E2 P out tie. ya en Imm Masom‘e 0 0 5" 0 grandchildren were on. hand to “mâ€; l" 'l‘lmmhill. Perhaps young. “Nowadays people dress S :l:91Plgiiqa'rpgéuxg-QMNl Mouldings Flooring V I h h giyp he.» birthday wishes. three or four. with a harness up more and wear fancy hatsmving" Mm Rnhe'rl Kri‘ 'h‘ ‘ DUO†GYPI‘OF y n l Rom in Narrnik England in shop. shoemaker and barber and everything is SO commerâ€" who lag Rauveax‘ of aggmaneri‘ WaUBnards Inï¬ll .Board 1875. Mrs. (‘laphém camp to shnn. It was all .a farmingcial.“ she said. but added loom.“ 5‘ Oriap‘ ‘Onmï¬n ' Formica Arhoi'ite ' _ _ Canada 3| “w an? or H when community With quite a lot of that the Clapham children A‘ Woman “"hn hag 'wnrkpd Cement I - Plaster Mr. and Mrs. ’I‘. Harrington. The Alpha group. of the par-'assisted with the driving. [the Canadian Army in 1964 will mp ramm “‘le "Par Tth huqh around Balhursi street. “,9â€, treated In (4.0mm? Flay haird all her Mr? M“. ma ham (“Hugs Charles St.. returned recently ish guild of Holy Trinity is: ‘t' * ’l‘ * have the degree of doctor of hm Thai. firm home was a Ham“. “lemming are “lan m. ter eggs just. the same as child- kqu the mlue'n‘f k‘ée mp hp‘ I'lnmfâ€˜ï¬ from an enjoyable trip to theillolding a movie night on April‘ The mother‘s auxiliary of the divinity conferred upon him at farmhmme (m Ba‘hum Sup“. Dimim'held “has, the Thaw“ ren today, although there mind‘ am“? “$19 eg'qg am'i (ï¬lial-1N southern states. The Harring-RO in the church hall at 8 pm. 3rd Thornhill Scouts and Cubs the Presbyterian College in owned 1“. Anthnm. Rowes. hm do†and Countâ€, Chm no“, wasn't the variety there is now. “gem we†' R‘iaht nnv'v gho HOME IMPROVEMENT tons drove down. stopping firstiwitll the showing ofw“th’e .Un- held a meeting on April 6 at Montreal lal:|‘*tllls*m0nlh. whim Sm] “ands‘ She My “ands. power“ in {he old Vi“ Mrs. Clapham also mink“ is busy planning} new Easter LOABS hi Mnhne' ‘Mahnma' Where theyismkahle MOW Brow-n ', “HS the home 0f me DISSIdeFY‘IL hillsi- P. ~ 1 f -h'ld' I t Mined hm Si‘hnonng M the “me inâ€? “all ‘I'IO longer standingI that today‘s children are very outfit and hopes to make a trip “5'th 5‘ "0mm “‘r [9" days-la“ Outsmndmg mm'e 30“ cant 13' Hadges' Jane ‘1" ‘dge e" “Hen S n ( 1 '0“ “ m a ‘ two-room schoolhouse on Eliza» and dances held in the old spoiled. they get away with in Kirkland Lake this silmmel" 90'3" \‘ongc. Thornhlll The weather was delightful with‘afford to miss. Tickets are 75c temperatures around 75 de.‘for adults, 35c for children un- grees. The azaleas. dogwioodider 12. i | ‘ and Wisteria were in bloom * ‘l‘ * ‘l‘ .and future events. that the Christian education de- and I picture to see. Get well wishes to Mrs. W.; ’l‘ * * * parlment has decided to con- It was interesting to learn Sills who was a recent patient Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pal‘kerttinue the classes next. Septem- lrom Mrs. Harrington that al-'in York Central Hospital. sentertained at. their Thornridge;ber. Leaders are needed to though they were in and around * "‘ * * lDrive home following their wed- assist at these classes. If you Birmingham and some of the Mrs. Karl Wise. Clarehaven in ding on April It) at 'l‘hornhill have had any experience troubled areas. all was serene SL. entertained recently at {Presbyterian Church. Ml‘s.1kindergarten you would be able and nothing was seen of thg‘cotfee party for several of her Parker is the former Jemima to assist in the teaching. Please freedom marchers. They notedifflencls- 0“ display Were thei that the publicity is far greater‘WFflde gills 0f hel‘ daughter McIntyre. call .1. Murphy at 285-6030 it you can help. in the north and feel more is.Alita who married Peter Battyâ€" made of the problem than “JPratt on April 3. Guest of honâ€" tually exists. our at the party was Mrs. Wise‘s me Alahama Mr_ and Mrs. mother. Mrs. H. Jackson, who is Harrington then travelled on to VlSlllan from Santa. spend a weekend on the shores it =IK * * ï¬t me GU†01' MGXiCO. H91“? .Iollli Terence Townsend. John they wicre impressed with the SL. underwent a serious heart team of the miles of firm. white sand that operation at the Toronto Gen-lship curling event of the Thorn- I _ had the appearance of snow. lheiel‘a] Hospital Last week whenbill Country Club. The election 01' the executor Green dunes al‘ld "‘0 very sall‘he had a tumor removed fromi * * * * “wk. place and Meme“ we?“ “later. “the heart area. John is recov_l An intenjaith rally and tea Prestdent MI'S. June Mallon, lSl Before heading for home they‘ering slowly and it is to be will be held at Yorkminster:Vice-President Ml‘S. Florence visited New Orleans and found hoped he will continue to make Pal‘k BapllSl ChUl'Cl‘L hanquelIMartynmki 2"“ ViVe‘Pl'eS‘dem It a fascinating place, right outiprogress, ihall. 1583 Yonge. St, on April MrS- Lena Lnughl‘an. Past Pres- of the old world. The artists on * t t t ‘28 at 1.45 pm. The speaker will idem Mrs- "- DeMa"C°~ 59‘“ the streets. the old buildings Dr. and Mrs. L. .l. Saunders'ibe Dr. Reva Gerstein. Inter-Temn’ MI‘S- Mal‘y Rebel? and with pretty courtyards, the pic-‘anoke St. returned 1351 week ested people are asked to conâ€" Treasurer Ml‘S- Ol’el Ellâ€- turesque ironlace balconies, thelfrnm a cacatinn spent in 51-, tact members of the United The May 3 meeting was anâ€" motel being built in keeping Petershurg Beach Florida_ 'I‘heiChurch. nounced when Dick Wood of ‘ with the am wnrid Style Of Saunders drove mth from De_ * * t * Yorktown Florists will he guest architecture, all make it a most iron and had near perfect Rev. Howard Doig (‘.D.. as- speaker. Mr. Wood will give a Interesting city to visit. weather for their two weeksisistant secretary for home mis» talk on flower arranging. which burned more and don't know how to to visit relatives there. “wâ€" The father and son banquet was tended the Scottish country hem Q1 “31 Thnmhm which..h. . planned for- May 28 and an-dance classes at the United V’NLVL_â€_7 l mnhlll Hotel nouncements were made of past‘Church will be glad to know She couldn’t see us for beans when we talked about commie armoured mufflers, deep-dip rustprooï¬ng, all-welded single unit construction, reclining seats, acoustical ceilings and double safety brakes. .ii Sympathy is extended to G01‘~ don Yule. Elmbank Rd.. on the .death of his father last week. Congratulations to Val Humâ€" **>k *Ik‘t>k On April 5 the St. Luke's (‘WL had Father Harold Oxley of the Scarboro Foreign Mission as their guest speaker. Father ‘phrey and David Harley who 01 _ l . were members of the winning " exspm‘e, 0" .119 pmmems of a parish priest in South Amerâ€" junior champion- . ica. it! Then we rolled out our eyesopener I Another feature of New ()r- away. ‘Sions in the Presbyterian The scholarship card party leans worthy of mention. is the i- ii i- it Church in Canada. was guest to be held on May 5 in St. super highway the llarringtons Mr. and Mrs. Neil Craig speaker at the Presbyterian Luke's Separate School hall travelled on. This highway has Hammok Crescent. gave a most‘Cl'lUl‘Ch everllng Sel‘VlCP 0" Apl‘lljpmmisé‘s to he an OlllSlandlnE four lanes on each side with successful cheese and winein- Ml? DOLE Whorelll‘ed fromieVem- two lanes down the centre for housewarming party on Apm’ . buses. the most modern and up 3 for. sixty guests. Four wine to date. hilt turning off the. barrels. held in old wine racks. highway you are transported in- loaned from Chateau Gal Win: - h I 1" “writs-2565)»: - i OIIILIIIIEI IIIDEII 12 FREE to narrow streets and old world cry and cheese trays from the I scenery. Old World Cheese Shoppe. lent atmosphere to the party. A most ienjoyable evening with dancing ‘and flip made the event an out-‘ standing one. The Craigs moved s s o- e ‘ The senior citizens are i holding a bazaar on April 24 at 2 pm. at Thornhill ltFItESIIMEllTBAIl ‘ United. The bazaar will ‘l‘ecently from Scarboro to their v feature a general stall with present address. r hand made clothing and . s a «- x m “A w w 3‘ w a 5†knitted articles. a plant The Rialto Beauty Bnutique stall. white elephant table and'bake sale. Tea will he served during the after- noon. .00 plan to attend this worthwhile event. it I'- it * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caesar on the hirtli of their second sort on April 2 at Women's College Hospital. Mrs. Caesar is the former San- dra Edwards of Thornhill. i it 1 u Mrs. Edith Watt. Arnold .i\v~ enue. recently returned from a {our week vulcmion spent at Clearwatcl' Beach. Florida. Mrs. Watt enjoyed good weather and visited many delightful spots in the area. is to be commended for its gen- erous offer to give permanents in patients from the Park Av- enue approved home in New-4 market. The program startedi April 5. Five ladies were givenl permanents and new hair do's; by Mrs. Glad DcLaine and Don! Perri who donated their timei‘, and talent to the project. Mrs.l .lean Gain assisted the hair-1 stvlists by doing the shampoos. The new hair styles gave the patients a tremendous lift and? the smiles on their faces were a reward to those responsible. Later, Mrs. Helen McNally entertained the ladies at a din- oer party at her home on Steele Valley Road. with the assistance of Mrs. Gretchen Walker and‘ .\lrs Claire Moore. After dili- ner the guests enjoyed listening 0U EASTER HOLIDAY FILMSâ€"2 GREAT MOVIES CHARLTON HES’I‘ON RICHARD HARRIS "MAJOR DUNDEE" AND FOR YOUR ADDED EN.lOY:\lE.'~~"l‘ JAMES panes * RICHARD HARRIS " “GlDGET GOES io ROME" BOTH FILMS IN COLOR ‘s i v ‘ . engine. (If it weren't for the low price tag, people would have trouble believing this IS a Rambler!) And now there are more models buyer. And the longer, more luxurious She can see us now. . Ambassador now offers an outstanding The engagement is announced P H { h R bl R I _ ha base o te am er evoutlon 5 AAA“ __ of slam-ii- .ipan gammy dang†AA MAMAAAAAMAM N ter of Mr, and Mrs. E. Bonnell. Yonge St. to Allen Baird. son of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Baird of California. formerly of 'l‘liorii- hill. The wedding will take place on June 5 at 4 pin. in 'I‘hol'nhill l'nitcd. : QEAPEL Plti’ltER FUNERAL HR is; Establls PHON "“i VOXCEI ST. to records and singing songs. The project will be continued every Monday. after the regular bowling sessions. until all the patients front the home have had their hair styled. Mrs. Rose Zuck and Mrs. Peggy Robinson ms “ 3%.? i; M hed 1373 E‘. 283â€"] on N. RICHMOND HILL 4' 3 1 iummlmm $ ATTHIQDEOI DRIVE-fl! N N Special Easter Midnite Show Sunday, April 18th cons as LATE as emit P..\l. .\.\'I) sec: GREAT FEATURES -Major Dundee Z-Gidget Goes to Rome 3-Gidget Goes to Hawaii All Color Show . . . All for the reg. price / cannula you N “Hm ILICTIICAL \ m-cn § Hunks It u m cast! N 4. added something extra to all those unique construction features (something that even she can see at a glance). Take the new Ambassador for example: impressive new stvling OUiSlde. spaClous new luxury inside ~tamous Rambler quality for the larger-car See the Rambler AIDEIICBIL the larger Classn: and the N , . . N Bakers Sales 8.. Serum Ltd. 9M4 Yonge St... RichvalezAV. 54189 up to Disc Brake and a high-performance 327 cu. mbassador choice of options, 72 in allâ€"everything s, Reclining Bucket Seats, -in. V8 eyes lately. If you're to choose from, too: sedans, wagons, hard- tops and, of course. convertibles. No wonder the Ambassador has been opening so many one of those who couldn’t see us betore, come see us now. A PFODUCI Ol- AMlellCAN MO'IURS (CANADA) LIMITED luxurious Ambassador. all at your Rambler dealer's today. -- ___ __. Purdy's Rambler Sales & Service Yonge St... Oak Ridges «â€" PR. 3=548l