My...=,u..... .V... ...4.. H... V_. The 15‘ Richmond Hi“ cub, The local club held theirlious YWCA groups to report on ‘“d scouts annual father and monthly meeting 135i wadnes'ithe conference and invite dis- lon blnquet was held recently day in the Christian educationlcussjom thus informing 311 u Wrixo“ Han‘ A dendous blinding 0f the RiChmond Himmembers of the subject for the roast bGEf supper was served United Church. One hundred‘YWCA National convention by the ladies‘ auxiliary. Mel and ten members attended being held in June at Saska_ Colller,akela for.B pack, was President E. Lomax Spokelmony sask. lime-"‘6"ttad With “'5 10 year 591" about the events oVer the past; * * * >;< vice award pin as a leader in month. Members were sorryl A spring dance and card icouting- The boys were Pmer' to hear about the death Of‘party is planned by McConaghy tained with a demonstration of one of the members' Mr. A]- Parenta‘eachers. Auxiliary for Judo wrestling. bert Marsden. .mAnril an from 9 m 12‘ Prizes The general meeting of the ‘ ladies‘ auxiliary was held at Line the home of Mrs. S. Palfrey, Euro Benson Avenue on April 14ftth with entertainment provided bylbers' the Cubs from ‘C‘ pack. v M1 i L "“Ill!llmlllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllll“Illllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllug the ' They will be staying in Lon- don where they hope to see the historic sights in that city. fol- lowed by a ten day motor tour of some of the English country- side. A warm welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Waddell. former residents mt Driscoll Road. who, following a year in Montreal. have returned to Richmond Hill and are now liv- ing at 151 Laverock. Mr. and Mrs. Bill White. Mill Street. left on Tuesday for a three week trip to England where Mr. White was sent as a delegate on a Canadian Pro- vincial Trade Mission. A festival of Easter lessons and carols will he observed at St. Mary's Anglican Church next Sunday evening at 7 pm. The familiar Easter hymns and carols will be sung with various members of the parish reading the Easter narratives. The speaker at last week‘s meeting of the Rotary Club was William Niddrie. Trayborn Drive. who spoke on a most timely subject “How to Pay Your Taxes and Like It". Your Taxes and Like It". On Friday the Rotarians are holding their annual ‘Fun Night’ at the Lion’s Hall. and are hoping for a good turnout as all proceeds from the even- ing go towards their community work. The meeting closed with the Scout Mizpah and refreshments were served by the hostess. Judge George Sweeny and Mrs. Sweeny. Highland Lane. spent the Easter weekend in Scarsdale. New York. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweeny, former residents of the Hill. The annual penny auction sale will be held May 11 at the home of Lila Prier, 318 Taylor Mllls Drive South. President EV Lang Presented Customers of the Bank of a Cub desk set to Bagheera Nova Scotia. Yonge Street. who Joan Campbell. former assist- have repeatedly been asking ant Cub leader, in appreciation for news of former staff mam- of her leadership and! help with her, Mrs. William Bunker. will the Cubs. ‘be pleased to hear “It‘s a boy!" The d_ate for the semiâ€"annual'hm‘n Good Friday at York Cen. travelling bake sale is May 29 gm] Hospital. to be convened by Ev Lang. 1 * * * 4K A past presidents pin was presented to Mrs. Betty Mc- Pherson by Mrs. McNaughton on behalf of the auxiliary. Guest speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. A. McNaughton of King City who showed slides. and gave a most interesting and informative talk on Cub, Scout and Rover badges, which Were on display. The April 13 meeting of the 7th Richmond Hill Cuh and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Norma Mieske. **** This show followed a delight- ful banquet and presentation Of! The ‘Religions Through Art’ prizes presided over by Tedexhihition in the chapel of St. Every president of the league.‘Mary's Anglican Church will Rev. and Mrs. C- G. Higginsonl‘continue to be open daily from and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price.l3-5 pm. and 8-10 pm. until * * * * :Sunday night. Director of the show was * * * * Club's (:arnvat at the urosoytmemners mvue you and your featuring Memorial Arena. family to a penny auction and Georgina Heard, and Harry. A movie night. ‘ h _ Diamond was a delightful M.C.1Haley Mills in “Whistle Down Playing the Lion In this pro- nearly new sale, at their new1y Guest pianist was Francistthe Wind“ is being held at the duction is Debbie Wilkes. 18.‘acquired headquarters in the Young. Members of the cast in-‘tchurch on April 24 by the‘senior pairs Olympic bronzeiAllencourt Plaza. eluded both old and new resi-lCouples Club of St. Matthew's medal winner, and former Can-i Coffee will he served and dents of the hill â€"- GeorginaiUnited Church. .adian and North American sen- there will be many bargains for Heard. Joyce Howard, Madelinei Tickets â€" $1 a couple â€" ior pairs champion. ‘the thrifty shopper. Leech, Ada MacNaughton, Billlmay he obtained by calling This show is rated among the * * * *' Hamilton. Arthur Leech. Ed:Clifr Plume at 884-4535 or Bud‘top two or three of the country. It, was with regret that the Demlanuik and Herbert Plew"Renshaw 884-5635. Ret’resh- * * * * ‘tadies‘ auxiliary in Branch 375 man. ments will he served. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tasse‘Royal Canadian Legion. learn- This show followed a delightâ€" no: * >lr * ‘from Montreal spent the Easter ed of the passing of John Oliver ful banquet and presentation of The ‘Religions Through Art’1weekend at the home of Mr. DCM. MM, at Sunnybrook prizes presided over by Ted.exhibition in the chapel of St.‘and Mrs. D. Featherstonhaugh. Hospital. " ESTELLE MARKHAM 384-3787 utl|llll|ll|lllllllllIlllllllllllflllllllll“H\llll‘lllllllmllllllllMUM“: A great talent was discovered in Richmond Hill, when on Tuesday evening last. the RHUCB league presented a highly successful comedy in the Christian education build-r.1 ing. PARTS piano teacher WASHERS REFRIGERATORS 12 Levendale Rd 884-3211 meeting of the * * * * Hill CHb and ReceiVing the Sacrament of Auxiliary was‘Baptism at St. Matthew‘s Unit- of Mrs. Normaled Church on Sunday last were, llulie Ann and John William, for the even-‘childl‘en of Mr. and Mrs. W. L McNaughton Aird. 328 Kerswell Drive; Jilâ€" l showed slides. Anne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ost intel‘esting‘L. Lindcrman. 253 Essex Aven- talk on Cubflue: Betty Ann. daughter of Mr. badges. which'and Mrs. M. McPherson. 221 ‘Brnwndale Crescent and Mar~ ients pin Was‘tha Jean. daughter of Mr. and rs. Betty Mc-llllrs. J. Prier, 318 South Taylor ;. McNaughtomMms, President E. Lomax spoke about the events oVer the past month. Members were sorry to hear about the death of one of the members, Mr. Al- bert Marsden. .. A film, made by the Cunard Line. on a summer tour of Europe by sea and land, was thoroughly enjoyed by mem- bers. The local club held their monthly meeting last Wednes- day in the Christian education building of the Richmond Hill The bowling banquet will be held this year at the Presby- terian Church on May 6. Tick- ets are $1.75 per person. Tick- ets may be purchased from J. Sheahan. bier De Seville. The Wakefieldi Mrs. E. Patterson. Hillsview Cycle (matineei and The Fire- Drive, and Mrs. J. Boyer. Lave- bugs. 'rock Avenue. spent the Easter In “The Cavedwellers“ which weekend in Chicago will be presented at Hart House During their short stay they May 18. 19. and 20 - free ad-‘visited Mrs. Boyer's aunt, Mrs. mission - the role of the King Percy Kelman. a nursing home is played by local actor Gerl'y‘patient. and enjoyed shopping Crack†tin that city. Senior Citizens Mrs. E. Burnie and Mrs. E. Masters entertained at the pi- ano and members joined in with singing. Phil Barnes nf Alverna Road‘Thomsonv both Students Ufi will be the guest organist next}Richard Howard's junior drama Sunday morning at Maple Leafgcourse held under the auspices Gardens. when the l\'iat.raral0f the Curtain Club. 1 Chapter of the American The“ The evenings performance atre Organ Enthusiasts holdpvas quite delightfully directed their annual meeting. lby Cicily Thomson. ' “The Cavedwellers", the win- ner of the Central Ontario Dra- ma Festival will be competing in the Dominion Drama Festi- val in Brockville on May 26. The week of plays, commenc- companied ing May 24. will include Thewveekly mee Hostage. Les Nouveaux Dieux. A‘ Rotary Club‘ Man For All Seasons. Le Ban bier De Seville. The Wakefield? Mrs. E. 1 Cycle imatineel and The Fire- Drive, and lbugs. 'rock Avenm Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher. Richmond Street, were Sister Ethelwyn SSJD and her brother Mr. William Wenham. mayor of MacGrcgor. Manitoba. A movie night. featuring Haley Mills in “Whistle Down the Wind" is being held at the church on April 24 by the Couples Club of St. Matthew's United Church. Traditionally. Easter i ing of the latest hat fasl Boone. models a fine straw a chiffon scarf trimming blue, bright green and ye: wears a balloon shaped I handed in black velvet w courtesy of the“ Patricia courtesy of themselves. Every good wish is ex- tended to E. P. Leno. Lei- sure Lane. a well known and respected member of the community for many years. who celebrated his Blst birthday on April 19. 1 and yellow. shaped model velvet with 2 [an Ross. Dwâ€"[ght Powell and Mrfliick Bradshaw left last Wed- 221‘nesday for Daytona Beach. laranlorida. where they will spend andFlhe Easter holidays. ‘ The Men's Club of Richmond Hill United Church held their of‘dinner meeting on Wednesday, ib‘the guest speaker being David .e,jPorter. attendance officer for m,‘Ym‘k Central District High and W_§Riclimond Hill Public School alJBoards. is the ‘hions. v. the The theme of this workshop ‘is "Youth and a World in Rev- ‘olution.H On their return to the Hill lthe delegates will visit the var- ious YWCA groups to report on the conference and invite dis- ‘cussion‘ thus informing all members of the subject for the YWCA National Convention being held in June at Saska- toon, Sask. * )l‘ * * A spring dance and card party is planned by McConaghy Parent-Teachers’ Auxiliary for April 30 from 9 to 12. Prizes and refreshments and a good evening’s entertainment for everyone is promised. Tickets may be obtained from the ex- ecutive or at the door. Sympathy of the community is expressed to Reeve Donald Plaxton on the death of his uncle Charles Percy Plaxton, retired Ontario Supreme Court Judge. in Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. this week. He was 75. It is interesting to note that for nearly 400 years a member of the Plaxton family has been ’engaged in the practice of law. A tablet was placed in the Inner Temple, London. England. in 1582, to honor the memory of William Plaxton, a direct an- cestor. Besides being a lawyer and a judge, Mr. Plaxton spent his younger days as a newspaper- man. serving on the old Barrie Gazette and the Mail and Em- The YWCA will be sending‘three months. in memory of nine delegates to a conference Comrade John Oliver, branch in Peterboro from April 30 to member. May 2- ‘ * * * i A brief business session was followed by a studio produc- tion of an original Canadian play “The Babus" by Anna Lip- pman. The two members of the cast were Lisa Jackson and Bob Thomson. both students of Easter visitors at the home of Mr. Frank Tate. 90 Chuch Street South, are Dr. J. K. Fraser and family from Ottawa. On Monday Dr. Fraser ac- companied Mr. Tate to the Weekly meeting of the local Ian Ross. Dwight Powell and Rick Bradshaw left last Wedw nesday for Daytona Beach. Florida. where they will spend the Easter holidays. ll! it )lr * We are happy to report that Rev. C. J. Schwalm. parish priest of St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church is making good progress follow- ing surgery in St. Michael’s; Hospital, Toronto. Father? Schwalm has been a patient in .eault. hospital for almost two weeks. Battalion. CEF. RCAMC. and1 Tennis anyone?Mrs. Joy Hor- for distinguished service was‘ton, physical education instruc- the holder of the DCM and tress for the YWCA will be MM. giving a six week's course in The honor guard was fai‘medltennis 0" ThUTSday mornings- at the funeral service April 17‘; The first “11Ԡ\VeERS 0f the in Toronto by President LuCy course will be taken indoors Rickard. Past President Gloria and the last three weeks will Sanford. 2nd Vice-President be on the courts. For addition- Edith Titshally executive (“Ticâ€"‘31 information call 884-2667. ers, Audrey Anperley. Marie * * * * Finnerty and Henrietta Den-i Bob Thomson. with a selec- 1tion from King Lear, placed The auxiliary charter will be Second in the Ontario Educa- dmnpd at the next generation Association dramatic verse On their return to the Hill um the delegates will visit the var- ret ious YWCA groups to report on Ju( the conference and invite dis- Me cussion‘ thus informing alI'He members of the subject for the‘ 1 A general meeting of the Curtain Club was held April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tasse from Montreal spent the Easter weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Featherstonhaugh. Arnold Crescent. Valerie Trunk. 9 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Trunk, Gretel Road. is display- ing her skating ability this Fri- day and Saturday. when she plays the role of Dorothy‘s dog, Toto, in the Unionville Skating Club’s Carnval at the Crosby Memorial Arena. muted shades ‘ Mrs. Jean 1 e1 of fine red a dotted veil. bite Shoppe. (Photo by Stuart’s Studion}: he show- . Eunice ery with of deep Babcock 1 straw, II. e show- Eunice ry with of deep iabcock straw. Hats Models. Besides being a lawyer and a judge, Mr. Plaxton spent his younger days as a newspaper- man, serving on the old Barrie Gazette and the Mail and Em- pire. He also was author of several books. York Manor Home To Hold "Open House" The open house is the first of several events that will be held in the coming months. Others are: strawberry tea, Right now the auxiliary is apï¬ Friday's celebration of the pealing for volunteers to worleacrament was unusual. The in its tuck shop at the home-:altar was moved into the centre The Shop iS OperatEG three dayslof the chancel and the Sacra- a weekâ€"Tuesday and Thursdaynment celebrated with the pas- 1.30 to 3.30 p.m., and Sundayltor facing the people. from 2 to 4 pm. Anyone in- A festival Easter service be- terested is asked to call Mrs. gan April 18 at 11 am. Pastor L. Gohn, 895-4064. Newmarket. Myers‘ sermon was “Alive . . - Volunteers are also needed toiVictorious!" (based on Mark visit residents and to read to or%16:1-7). Volunteers are also needed to visit residents and to read to or write letters for them. Lloyd Gohn. formerly of the Halton County Centennial Man- or. is the new superintendent of the home. The ladies‘ auxiliary adopted John, visiting monthly and had presented a kelly green shirt to him on St. ,Patrick‘s Day. On Valentines Day. the auxili- ary arranged for John to visit Legion Court as the guest of honor and at that time he beâ€" came a member of the branch. John was a legless veteran and a permanent patient in the hos- pital. He served with the 24th Battalion, CEF, RCAMC. and for distinguished service was the holder of the DCM and "0'" UPC" "‘"â€" The young people had com- Ypleted an intensive two-year York Manor Home for seP'icourse in the Christ' 11 faith. it†Citizens» Newmal‘ket “"11 They were the first cass con- hOld an Open HOUSE April zatfirmed in the new Lutheran York Manor has 165 people in residence. and one of the aims of the ladies auxiliary is to help provide extra comforts. enter- tainments and services which the home doesn't provide. The auxiliary charter will be draped at the next general meeting and for the remaining three months. in memory of He is assisted by Edward Wilkinson. of Queensville. Did you know that there was a YWCA building in the Hill? This Thursday at 8 pm. the members invite you and your family to a penny auction and nearly new sale, at their newly acquired headquarters in the Allencourt Plaza. »\‘m“\’\‘~~‘~~f\f\~"RAAAA~A~AA~~~~~~&mmmm\mm‘mil Mrs. William M. Ladell of Sugar Maple Lane is Easter vacationing in the Barbados. ï¬nâ€â€m\'w‘â€m‘â€mmm‘ ' ‘f"“""'“ BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. PHQNI RICHMOND HILL 285-075 GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE No service charge. no booking fee Richmond Hill Curtain Club all 884-3239 Bob, son of Professor W. S. Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, mitvflaughan Road. a grade 13 stu- nal‘dident at Richmond Hill High hisiSchool, was recently the re- iton‘ cipient of an award of merit curt for his outstanding perform- l1gar‘ance in “Trespass†- the high ,eek'lschool‘s entry in the Simpson’s IDrama Festival. {First Class-Is Confirmed. New j Lutheran Church St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church celebrated the Rite of Confir- mation April 11 during its 11 am. worship service. Confirmed were Carol Crit- tenden. Myrna Dawe, Wolfgang Dudt. Douglas Maudsley, Cath- erine Rumble. Marilyn Rumble, Klaus Willner and Anna-Lisa Wuohela. The Confirmation class re- ceived their first Communion on Good Friday. The congre- gation received the Sacrament on the anniversary of Jesus‘ crucifixion by custom. Friday's celebration of the Sacrament was unusual. The altar was moved into the centre of the chancel and the Sacra- ment celebrated with the pas- An appeal was made for landscaping supplies and assist~ ance. Members and friends of- fering help may contact Mr. Henry Potzauf. chairman of the congregation‘s property com- Bob Thomson, with a selec- tion from King Lear, placed second in the Ontario Educa- tion Association dramatic verse speaking contest held Easter Monday at the Museum Theatre. mittee (884-2203) The above members of the 1965 confirmation class of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Richmond Hill East, who were confirmed on Palm Sunday took their first Communion on Good Friday. They are (left to right) Klaus Willner, Wolfgang Dudt, Douglas Maudsl-ey, Anna-Lisa Wuohel‘a, Pastor Albert E. Myers, Myrna Dawe, Cathy Rumble, Carol Crittenden and Marilyn Rumble. 0 PHONE 285-5782 St. Paul '3 lutheran Conï¬rmation Class er?‘ Whalen said. ‘You have OLD rusty pipes that may be it.’ ‘No,’ I replied. ‘The form< er superintendent Mr. Baker. who installed the town water to my house put in copper pipesâ€" to my own copper pipes and we never had any medicated water then and no complaints.’ This poisoning of our waterlmaster. continues, not so strong per-' It is hoped the district dep- haps, so I boil drinking water uty grand master of Toronto which reduces its strength, but District 5, Rt. Wor. Bro. John it’s still there. My throat and Yaeger, will be in attendance stomach prove it. At 4 am. along with other visitors. today PAIN WAS FELT in the A fraternal invitation is ex- stomach and I arose to find relief with hot water bottles in the bed. It passed away and on rising in the morning MY THROAT was full of MUCUS causing coughing and spitting to clear it. H. W. Rosenthal‘ 96 ElmÂ¥called and tested the water and wood Avenue. wrote Richmond‘ltook samples. a Mr. J. Vander- Hill Council, concerning a maas. I also have samples and strange taste in water drawn'will have them tested by a from the kitchen tap. The let- medical officer. Your help ter, dated March 25. was read would be of great value." at the April 12 meeting and Deputy-Reeve Floyd Perkins referred to the works commis- admitted that sometimes there sioner for investigation. is a build up of chlorine in the lmains which often gives a pecu- Hls leuer read: liar taste to the water. “On September 25. 1964. when preparing breakfast. I noticed a strange taste fromlMasonic Church Service WATER drawn from our kitchen‘ tap. I promptly spit it out. I . complained to the police. who‘At St. Gabnel put me in touch with Mr» Whalen. commissioner of works. Richmond Hill‘s annual Mas- He said we are ‘being supplied onic church service takes place with PURE WATER FROM this coming Sunday when the FIVE WELLS'. Then I replied town's two lodges worship to- ‘who puts chlorine in the wat- gether at St. Gabriel Anglican Mr. Whalen won‘t tell me who gave him authority to medicate our town water. People say there is much sick- ness in town. His assistant Poisoned Water? Sorry - All-weather Coats not included in this Sale. Spring Coats ON SALE Boys’ Sizes lnfanttolz‘ ’ Toys Girls' Sizes 0 Knitting 30A YONGE ST. 8., RICHMOND HILL 884-6741 SW2 Shelia Family Allowance Cheques Always Welcome. Infant to H 0' Baby Gift Items Wool Large Selection of Richmond Hill‘s annual Mas- onic church service takes place this coming Sunday when the town's two lodges worship to- gether at St. Gabriel Anglican Church, Richmond Hill East. Richmond Lodge. established in 1824 and one of the oldest in Ontario, is headed by Wor. Bro. Douglas L. Moore of Ire- dale Rd., while The Lodge of Fellowship. instituted in 1960, has W. Bro. Lawrence Oliver of Sussex Ave. as its worshipful master. Deputy-Reeve Floyd Perkins admitted that sometimes there is a build up of chlorine in the mains which often gives a pecu- liar taste to the water. A fraternal invitation is ex- tended to all Masons and their families and friends to join in this annual service Sunday morning at 11 am. Cancer Society 1965 QUOTAS Ontario Division $2,175,000 Richmond Hill Unit $21,500 Mother’s Day Sunday, May 9 YOUR TINY TOTS PORTRAIT $7.50 a gift of love to be enjoyed with pride Canadian THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 22, 1965 GIVE SHIELDS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS BREAD 5 for 99¢ BRIAR’S CREAMERY BUTTER . lb. 59¢ Prime Rib lb. 55¢ DEMPSTER‘S ROLLED (Photo by Stuart's Studio) BAYVIEW PLAZA \ ATsAvmesl ï¬ll/E mime A2972; m; MAI/[V ...the reason is a "preï¬exed" sole that is soft and pliable . . . tested to give you a shoe you'll live in clay and night. Its casual good looks stem from a fringed vamp, low stack and squared toe. We promise it will feel as comfortable after your millionth step! C. NELS GAGE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Just West of Barth’s Cleaners IT FEELS AS IF YOU’VE WORN IT BEFORE . . . Where Fit is Foremost 884-4461 Allencourt Shopping Centre Markham Rd. & Bayview Wm. C. Lazenby, B.Sc. th. Allencourt Pharmacy ltd. . . . deserve the ï¬nest medl~ cal care possrble.The health of your growing children may depend upon it That's why we suggest regular fam- ily checkups by your doctor. You will enjoy far greater peace of mind and help assure the good health of those you love. And when- ever you need a Prescriplion filled we‘re always ready to serve you. IMPORTANT THINGS IN YOUR LIFE - wa. Avenue Richmond Hill 884-7691 MOST LTD.