When you’re a farmer and your own hoss,you should meet Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News All the Maple churches celebrated Easter with spe- cial services. At St. Andrew‘s Presby- terian there was a 10 am. service on Good Friday. Special Easter music includ- ed the anthem “Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded“ sung by the choir and a solo by Mrs. Helen Cooper. “COFne Ye Faithfulâ€. Mrs. Joan Creighton sang “I Saw the Place“ by Enners. A Good Friday service was held at M a p I e United Church at 11 am. The Easter Sunday ser- vlce at 11 am. had special Easter music. The choir sang “The Day Is Done" your Imperial Esso agent... who helps you get more for what you do because he’s part of some- thing bigger... lmperial Oil "The Liberal" is always willing Maple please phone Mrs. Janet DOUG. CHALMERS MAPLE. ONTARIO Telephone 832-1551 3? GREETINGS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hfll, Ontario, Thursday, April 22, 1965 ï¬lling to publish items regarding people Janet Myers, 832â€"1423; in Edgeley and S On Palm Sunday, April 11.! the congregation enjoyed theI choir under the direction of Mrs. Marjorie Peter, King City. singing the anthem “Good’ Christian Men Rejoice." Brownie Camp 1 While we usually think of‘ Richildaca as a summer dayl camp the Concord Brownies are going to make use of it for a weekend. May 14 to 16 will see all golden hand and golden ladder girls and the leaders deep in the activities which make a Brownie pack holiday so interesting. Since Richildaca is not equipped with the kitchen facilities that some other camps have. girls are reminded to bring those utensils listed on the folders provided by Brown Own. Sleeping facilities also require a little extra equipmentl this time. new victims falling by the way-‘ side this week. A “leftoverâ€l from last week whom I forgot to mention was Lyn-Anne Nash and she should be on the mend by now. Louise‘ScottVLee Pep- per. Heather Keffer are among the latest group of spotty kids. A couple more who have re- covered are Linda Madill and Ruthie Templeton. Elaine Wei-i koff was scheduled for a ton-. sillectomy last Monday and it‘ is hoped that all went well with‘ Her at "Sick Kids". ‘ At the hospital. Patricia was moved out of solitary last Thurs- day. Her two new room mates the finals. Consolation winners were Donny Westcott and Derek Smith of Richmond Hill. Marg Moore and Dorothy Brown of Brampton won the ladies’ doubles when they defeated Mema Buchan and Donny Westcott of Richmond Hill. The men’s doubles were won by Aurora’s Norm Grimshaw and Dan McKenzie when they defeated John Jenkins of King City and Bob Boyd of Aurora. Competitors in the tournament represented clubs in Richmond Hill, Aurora. Brampton. Downs- view and King City. Edgeley Notes Since I have been “living†atiagain. Beth A the hospital these days I caniis recovering tell you more about what is'dent, and Kim going on up there than what's is in there be doing in Concord. I do know tic fever. The) however that measles are still along well and on the rampage with several tinue to do so Neighbourhood Notes On Palm Sunday, April 11. the congregation enjoyed the choir under the direction of Mrs. Marjorie Peter, King City. singing the anthem “Good Christian Men Rejoice.†¥ * * 1k The regular monthly meeting of the church council took place April 13 at the church with ten members present. As is the usual procedure, the dif- ferent committees of the coun- cil met at 7.45 pm. until ap- proximately 9.00 pm. after which the council meeting got underway. President of coun- cil, Earl Boechner. opened the meeting with scripture reading and prayer. This was followed by the secretary Harry Meden- sky reading the minutes of the March meeting. He also read current correspondence. one item of which was a notice of a meeting for the central dis- trict of the Eastern Canada Synod, to be held April 26 at . Augsburg Lutheran Church, 1 Brampton. Reports from the various committees were then submit- “a; arate camps or units for jun-l iors (grades 4-6), and for inter- mediates (grades 7-9) for both boys and girls for the first eight weeks. For the ninth week. co-educational camping will be held for seniors (grades 10-13). ‘ According to the camping calendar for 1965. boys and girls may register for any week from July 4 to August 28 de- pending on which is most con- venient and depending on whether they wish to attend a one week or a two week camp. Register early: registration cards may be obtained from your church camp representa- tive Mrs. Elfreda Medensky, or the Sunday school superin- tendent Doug Keffer or from Pastor Lange. Last year Carol Keffer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Keffer, Concord, spent her summer as a camp counsellor at Edgewood and Carol will be 3happy to “fill you in" as the saying goes. on any informa- tion you would like to have about Camp Edgewood. Reports from the various‘ committees were then submit- ted as follows: property and finance report made by Roy Keffer, chairman; evangelism committee report made by Har- ry Medensky. chairman; stew-1 ardship report made by Bert Pabst; building survey commit- tee report made by Earl Boech- ner. General church business 1was then discussed at length after which the meeting came ‘to a close. On Easter Sunday. the lovely white floral arrangement on the church altar was placed there by Barbara and Geoffrey Orr in memory of their father. The two traditional Easter lilies by the altar were placed there by Mrs. Thelma Guest. Con- cord and Mrs. Verna Keffer, Thornhill. Congratulations on behalf of the congregation at Zion are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Grahlman of Maple, on the birth of their second son at York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill April 16. In approximately eight weeks. the 29th season of fun. learning and Christian fellow- ship will be here at Camp Edgewood. youth camp of the Easterlv Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America. the realization of the dreams of those who wanted a fine summer camp for our church youth. and Mrs. V. Cavanagh sang a solo "Oh Those That Tel- lest" from Handel's “Mes- siah". This year Edgewond will be presenting coeducational unit camping as set out by the board of parish education of the Lutheran Church in Amer- ica. There will be three sep- "-:__[ll\|l\ll\l\lll\llllll\ll“lllll\ll\\|\|l“I“llllllllllllnllllllllllllll‘“\llllllllll“lullllllllllmll‘lll\\ll\\llllll\\ll\llll|llllllllll\l\ll\lllmulï¬lllllull“! Rev. R. Williams spoke to the congregation on the topic “The Good News". Members of the congrega- tion had been asked to share their Easter lily plants. These were brought to the church and distributed later to the sick. a!untumtutmmnum1mu\mmmummmuummmuulu“xmumm“u“mmmum“!muumumm1um“\“uuuum“mm At St. Stephen's Anglican Church, special Easter ser- vices were held on Good Friday morning at 10.30 am. and on Easter Sunday Ifl‘iday, April 23 Concord News Zion Lutheran Church DANCE 8:30 PM. Maple Community Hall MAPLE LIONS CLUB regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, (‘oncord and Edzclcy districts. In in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. 285-1934: and in Concord. Mrs. Ruth chfer. 285-6805. new victims falling by the wayâ€"l the finals_ Side this Week' A “lefmver†Consolation winners were Donnv Westcott and from last week whom I forgot " to mention was Lyn_Anne Nash Derek Smith of Richmond Hill. 0 h,,_.d.__LA_A day. Her two new room mates helped to cheer her up and make her feel part of the world again. Beth Abby of Lanzstaff is recovering from a car acci- dent, and Kim Weese of Maple is in there because of rheuma- tic fever. They are both coming along well and I hope they con- Register early: registration cards may be obtained from your church camp representa- tive Mrs. Elfreda Medensky, or Firid out more about the‘are celebrating their wedding camp by R Hendng Sunday anniversaries this week. school on Sunday next (AprilI * * wt * 25) at 9:45 am. when movieleaster Weekend will be Shown describing Edge- In spite of the white. wintry- WOOd- Narl'ating the Script looking Easter Sunday, the con- will be Sunday School Sup-dition of the elements did not ierintendent Keffer. â€"â€"'â€"‘â€"‘*“""â€" at 8 am. and again at 11. Dr. R Armitage conducted all services. and there was special Easter music Frederick Chapman, or- ganist at St. Stephens was taken ill the first week in April and is presently a pa- tient at the East General Hospital where he is coming along nicely. Mrs. J. L. Flynn. a most accomplished organist has been filling in for Mr. Chapâ€" man and will take the musi- cal services for the next few weeks in his absence. Easter In The Churches Among the eightâ€"five. guests play who attended the wedding A were William Morrison, the mer groom's great-grandfather. Mr. the and Mrs. Norman Young, Mr. the and Mrs. Robert Graham and mus their daughter, Miss Betty Jean Sun lGraham of Edgeley; Mr. and that ers. Maurice Malynyk of Rexâ€" one ' dale and Mr. and Mrs. William .â€" ' O’Hara of Richmond Hill. ! Mrs; John Young attended'through the snow on their‘ the wedding of her grandson rounds of “springtime†Visits at on Saturday in London. On- the homes of friends and rela- tario’ Barry Robert Young. tives. But one thing is certain: son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy it will not be long before many: Young, and MiSS PatriCia Lynn will be coming to grips with O'Neil of London were married spring fever, sulphur and mo. in Empress UHitEd ChurCh lasses, the need to get out and there. rake up the winter‘s debris and l * * * * enjoy the sounds of children at Socials seem Happy birthday to Betty play Jean Graham who is celebrat- urge ing her sixth birthday on April filled 23. :long Winners of the mixed doubles championship of the North York Badminton League Tournament April 5, 8 and 9 in King City Composite School were John Jenkins, King City and Freda Bourke of Maple, shown above with their trophies. Joan Freeman and Tom Johnson of Richmond Hill were defeated in the finals. Mrs. Don Bagg was appointâ€" ed a leader of the Edgeley 4-H Homemaking Club recently. She succeeds Mrs. George Snider who served very ably as club leader for several years. Mrs. Bagg and Mrs. R. Gooch will conduct the homema‘king club meetings during the 1965- 66 season. Mrs. C. A. Peeler of Wood- bridge was re-elected recently as the Edgeley WI representa- tive to the Maple Branch of the Cancer Society. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sum- merfeidt are among those who are celebrating their wedding anniversaries this week. COMPANY GUARANTEED TRUST INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Telephone 368-3861 or clip coupon below for descriptive folder 69 Years of Personal Service Crown- Trust Badminton Winners Gentlemen: Please send me your free folder describing GUARANTEED TRUST INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES. I undersIand I will be under no obligation. ADDRESS. .. NAME CITY You will be interested in theinterest on CROWN TRUST COMPANY 302 BAY STREET TORONTO on April filled as many folk, weary of the [long winter. ventured forth attendedithrough the snow on their mmg A certain reminder that sumâ€" the mar is close at hand in spite of Mr- the unseasonable weather, is Mr' the annual little chore that Jand must be attended to on the last ean Sunday in April of each yearâ€" and that of setting the clocks ahead Bex' one hour. PLEASE PRINT seem to deter the annual dis- play of spring finery. And the urge to visit friends was ful- rounds of “springtime†visits at the homes of friends and rela- tives. But one thing is certain: it will not be long before many will be coming to grips with PROVINC Badminton 1 Representing the King City". Badminton Club. in the Northf York inter-tournament April 9.1 Freda Bourke. of Gram Street.“ and her partner Jnhn Jenkins of King. won the mixed doubles‘ championship and were preâ€" sented with the trophy. Con- gratulations. Freda! Other Maple players. Janet Watson. Yvonne Brown and Des Bourke got as far as, the semi-finals in the consolation iround. 1 Represented in this tourna- ment were the clubs from King, Aurora. Brampton. Rich- Imond Hill and annsview. mummunulmumunmuumummlmuuunnmmummmumun Bowling Ladies’ Bowling League {in- ished their play off on April 12 with the Lynxes emerging The Blue Painter Strikes Again Jean Barnden of Maple. who last year had one\ of Richmond Hill Public Li- brary's most successful art showings. will exhibit her work there again May 1 and One, of the most distinct- ive features of Jean's show last year was the unusual shade of blue which she used in many of her paint- ings. This blue. which in- cidentally is called “Rich- mond Blue". was noticed and admired by many who viewed her show last year. Jean has again used this color in much of her new work which she will be. dis- playing this year. There will he approxim- ately 40 paintings in the show. about 14 of them new. Some large works are in- cluded. the largest measur- ing five feet by two. Amongr last year‘s favorites on dis- play again this year will he the. study of four balloons tied to a piece of driftwood and her sunflowers. Jean reports that she has been painting frantically and feels that she has achieved a greater depth and feeling in her new work. Tomato Juice Raspberry or Strawberry with Pectin Aylmer Jam Heinz Fancy â€" 48 oz. tins Heinz â€" 11 oz. bottles Orange Pekoe â€"â€" Pkg. of 60 OLD CHEESE 41¢ e - Varieties â€" 14 oz. 11 Chinatown Dinners 2 for SI Black Diamond â€" White or Coloured â€" 8 oz. stix Ketchup 2 - Receive an Extra $4.00 Tape with Glide Liquid Starch - 5c Off 5 Receive an Extra 52.00 Tape with Tulip (‘oloured Margarine 2C Off - 2 1 Green Giant Niblets Tomatoes Produce of Mexico. Can. No. 1, IGA Teé Bags Receive an Extra Kntex Sanitary Napkins Ajax Detergent (‘risco Vegetable Oil Freshly Ground Minced Beef MAPLE IGA FOODLINER IN MAPLE SAVE THESE Prices Effective April We reserve the right to limit quantities Happenings In Maple Extra $10.00 Tape with pkins Reg. or Super - Pkg. of 12 Special Deal Pack - Giant til 38 oz. size EXTRA BONUS TAPES victorious. Captained by Betty‘ Hi1]. team members Pat Allen, Marg. Amos, Rae Spencer. Muriel Rose and Willa Occhen- ore scored total points of 5406. The second place team. The Leopards, captained by Cathy Hay had a total of 5178. Third place went to The Bobcats cap- tained by Lynn Jellison and in fourth place were The Tigers. captain Bertha Ingram. The Lynxes will represent this league in the MRA playoff at the community hall April 20. The league‘s banquet is The Lynxcs will represent this league in the MRA playoff at the community hall April 20. The league‘s banquet is April 26. Men‘s League The men‘s bowling league hold its yearâ€"end banquet at the community hall April 14. A delicious meal was served by the ladies of Maple United ‘Church. Don Iliggins‘ team won the playoff series and was presented with the trophy. Individual copies of this trophy were given to each team member, Ken While. Ross Bothwoii, H. Math- ewson, Roy Crooks, Les Downey Trophies were also given to‘ the holders of the high individ- ual awards. They were: highi average Bob Julian; high tripleh (flat! Garry Palmer; high single‘g $. tflaU Bruce Murray; high triple1 (handirap! Ross Bothwell and; high single (handicap! Roy. i 1r At the business meeting which followed. the executive for the coming year was elected. Of- ficers are: President. Jack Shep- herd; Treasurer, Don Higgins and Secretary. Jim Spencer. In order to raise funds for‘ their activities. the mothers auxiliary of the Brownies and Guides is showing Walt Disney's film “Summer Magic" starring Hayley Mills and Burl Ives. in the Scout hut on April 23 in the evening and again April 24 at 2.00 pm. Everyone is wel- ‘come to attend. Brownies and Guides Socials Louise Spencer is spending her Easter vacation with her parents. Mr‘ and Mrs. Jim Spencer of Jackson St. Louise attends St. Joseph‘s Morrow gains Bill Garthwaite and Don 240L pr 2c Off - 2 l-Ib. pkgs. 2 1b. bag Can. No. 1, 14 oz. tube Pkg. F47? 23 and 24 TABLERITE 32 02. size Park School in Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and‘ family spent Easter weekend with Mrs. Young‘s parents in Leamingtnn.‘ Shirley and the children will stay in Leaming- ton for the week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Higgins and jDehbie spent Easter weekend with Mrs. Higgins‘ parents in ‘Rent‘rew. ton for the week's vacation. Captain Ashwell gave the lad- Mr. and Mrs. Don Higgins and ies an interesting account of the Debbie spent Easter weekend‘work carried on at the House with Mrs. Higgins parents intof Concord and they were taken Rentrew ion a tour of the building. It is * * * * ‘expected that additional facil- UCW News ities will be needed to carry on The Dorcas Unit, of the UCW‘the work there. of Maple United Church met Remember the UCW‘s rum- in the church parlor April 13|maee and bake sale. April 24 at with Mrs. S. Valentin in the 1.30. Anyone wishing to donate chair. good clean used clothing. con- Mrs. J. Robson and Mrs. K. tact Mrs. B. Davis, 832â€"2498 or Tilley were in charge of the'Mrs. S. Valentin. 832-1595. program. The contrast between Don‘t forget that title out courage and discouragement as! of every dollar contributed pointed out in the book “Morall to your local cancer society Spectrum“ was discussed. 1 goes to support. research to The Friendship Unit of thei fight this disease. Tablerite - 12 oz. pkg Bolognra 33¢ Sliced Side Bacon 65¢ TENDER CARR‘OTS 29¢ California - ‘anada No, 1 ra e EMPEROR GRAPES lb. 25¢ Produce of USA - ( JAFFA ORANGES Delicious - Easy to Peel In Tomato Sauce â€" 15 oz. tins 'H‘E‘IiNz BEANS 4 for 69¢ Swift â€" 24 oz. tin BEEF or IRISH STEW 39¢ Heinz â€" 16 oz. jars PREPARED MUSTARD 2 for 39¢ Heinz -â€" 16 oz. jars BREAD & ’BUTTER PICKLES 27¢ Pkg. of 100 Fil'teir - Reg. or King â€" Ctn. of 200 SUNNY MORN TEA__BAGS 65¢ ‘Ph-L'ZIYERVS' CIGARETTES $3.09 Heinz â€" 8 ()2. jar SANDWICH SPREAD 25¢ 29c Range PEEK FREAN BISCUITS 4Ior89¢ ASSORTED BARS 20 for 85¢ HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE each 39¢ Neilson â€" 5c Bars 10 SIZE 96': 59¢ MARSH SEEDLESS 0R RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT Short Rib Roast lb. 49¢ Eï¬bï¬iï¬Ã©ï¬ 3561131 lb. 55¢ FRESH GROUND CHUCKIb. 59¢ CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF I'OSS anada No.1 Grade â€" 3 lb. bag ut Rib or Boneless UCW had a very Interesting time April 14 when they met at the House of Concord. Mrs. R. W. Sandford and Mrs. B. Yake were in charge of the devotional period. â€"â€" Size 90's Royal Guest Rindless, llh. pkg