Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Apr 1965, p. 1

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Public Lib: is], 24 'elright St., Ric‘rriont‘. Hill. 5 Juno- 7â€"6“5’ MORE HOMES 8. LAND LISTED AND SOLD NORTH YONGE OFFICE 8242 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1156 liberal ~ in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" ‘f balfdfll “1n Essentials Unity: I 1965 HOMEâ€"PAPER or THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 or) a.” RICHMOND iiiL'L,â€"0NTAR10, THURSDAY, APRIL VOL. 8?, N0. 43. PER COPY 10 Local Lads Are Champ WinTwoStraightGame : ' . ' ' . " CFGM Country Gentlemen are the Zone 3 0n- ‘Rlchmond Hill assisted by Stephen Cronkwright and Dave Dunkley. Lindsay breakaway which ap-tfrom Greg Binkley. Bellevill inf the current taxes had been‘General Fund Surplus lgames. the first. game of theiagain and Belleville tied it up tario Novice Champions by virtue of a 1-0 win over Louis Moore turned in a: The local lads took an earl peared to be a certain goal. In‘tied the score. Stephen Bro ,‘collected. Richmond Hill Townl Surplus at the end of De-j best of three series ending \vitthave Dunkley assisted by Bria Lindsay, Tuesday night in that town‘s arena. ,stellar performance in goal.‘lead when left winger, Robbi C t (i All i I E (i i S n ,fact the Lindsay team was un-ltook a pass from Edwards t , A John Caven scored the only goal of the game, ,making a fantastic save on atEdwards. counted on a pas .t the end of 1964 92.2%,land. which are self liquidatinglable to score on him in two‘put the Gentlemen in the lea lCouncil learned at its budget cember, 1964 in the general a score of 3-0 in favour of the Dunlop got. the local team‘ iSeSSlon Apl'il 13. When Stewal‘tifund was 987.894.34. local lads. ,third goal. but. Belleville go onscelyn reviewed the auditors“Waterworks Department. Coach Ray Brooks re- ,two more to go ahead in th report on the town's business? Excess of revenue over ex-. ports that the Town Of game arid the the round- I Lindsay Was a real host. that the refereeing was top notch. and his team proved to be true ambassadors of Richmond Hill. as they prepared by his firm of Jos-Zpenditure for the waterworks. celyn. Laughlin. Franklin. Tue-{for 1964 is recorded as ker and McBride, now located $32.895.33. ‘ in Richmond Hill. Collection of current sudden death overtime Stephe Cronkwright took a pass fro Val Steffan to slip the puck pas the Belleville goalie, giving hi i a x e s , Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll te a m l h e Vi ctory a n d eliminat . ltax arrears, penalties and in-,‘ _ earned their provincial hon- ing Belleville from the tourna terest amount to $2,121,083.46” Promise Delay ors. ‘ment. for the year. This is equivalent The nine and 10 year old l On Thursday, the Count!‘ to a collection of 101.38% of Forestry Move hockey players continue to Gentlemen will meet eithe the current tax roll. . Since the first of the yearn; the auditor reported nearly‘ 5100.000 worth of arrears have been collected in an intensive drive by the town staff to clear} . up arrears. t , . - The total arrears at December , (“‘0”) by Stuarts Studw’ 31. 1964. of $243,575.86 is made Above is the winningest hockey team produced in Richmond Hill in many a long year. Nine and 10 year old members up of $10,734.78 (penalty and of CFGM Country Gentlemen smile happily as 1965 Ontario champions in Zone 3 novice division of OMHA. _ interest $1,587.03l from 1961 Front row (left to right) Steve Gordon, Dave Dunkley, Rickey Sackfield, Louis Moore, Stan Petronski. Terry Rice, Tommy aild Pr‘g“, Yearsv $1§§gé§g ‘fl’en' Sanlon, Robbie Edwards. isitiyzanssli1 §§§e§i$tbeniity liiiiii Middle row (same order): Scott Mabley. Greg Binkley, Assistant Captain Val Steffan, Assistant Captain Steve (Ironk- integest $4340.14) from 1963 wright, Assistant Captain Dennis Acomb, Captain Stephen Brown, Bruce Hipkiss. Brian Dunlop, John Caren. In the back row and $152,170.52 (penalty and are (left to right) proud mentors of the boys, Assistant Coach Sil Steffan, and Coach Ray Brooks. interest $4,560.84) from 1964. It was explained that changes in the Assessment Act now re- quire that when taxes on land which there are buildings fall more than two years in arrears the municipality must register the arrears against the property. The property owner has 12 months in which to pay up the: arrears and redeem his propâ€" erty. If he fails to do so, owner- win games. t On Monday they eliminated, Belleville from the Brampton Easter Tournament. They won the first game of a two game, total goal round, by a score of 2-1. John Caven was assisted by Ricky Sackfield on the first Heather Arena. Wexford, 1115 of his team's goals and Stephen on Thursday. Since the te - Brown by Dave Dunkley and,is unable to play in two place Sackfield on the second. lat once and since it proved im 1n the second game thelpossible to get another date fo Country Gentlemen tied Belle- this game, the Gentlemen wil ville 4-4 and so won the round not be continuing in the Wex 6-5. ford Tournament. Barrie or Riverside in a tw game total goal elimination. This posed a problem for .- local team which was sched uled to replay a tie game with Ted Reeves of the THL in th Tam-Atom Tournament at th Acting Federal Forestry Minister John Nicholson has assured both York North MP John Addison and Richmond Hill Coun- cillor Lois Hancey that no final action will be taken on the proposed transfer of the federal laboratories ‘in this area to Sault Ste. Marie until there has been a complete review of the matter. Mrs. Hancey who is sec- retary of the York County Town Budgets Ambulance Grant Faced with an ultimatum from Dave Holt. operator of the Vaughan-Hill Ambu- lance Service that unless he received a favorable de- Vaughan Again Assailed By Kleinburg Residents Although they had made no ap- representatives of the Kleinâ€"'tions earlier and made an apâ€"; pointment to be heard as a dele- burg Estates Ratepayers Asso- pointment to discuss the pointst gation, a group of about eight elation commented at some,council would have investigated lllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllll length on a report of the \vater- the matter and been prepared, delegation that is planning 1 . to go to Ottawa to protest t the suggested change in 10- V I] T S h d I P b cation reports that Mr. ‘ o c e u e Nicholson has promised that when federal Forestry t . c I Minister Maurice Sauve 112- R A d w F turns to the capital on n April 26 he will be glad to ‘ i and we want an accurate again consider the matter ‘ picture,” he said. “If we and also meet the county find only seven or eight delegation. The delega- tion has been trying for are having trouble with Vaughan Township Council'swouldn't have cost nearly at Monday's meeting acceptedaymuch to repair the road a fe recommendation of the water-lyears ago. . . . ~ . . , . . cision on his request for Shi asses to the municipalitv_ , , works committee which, ifl Reeve A. ll. Rutherford; Discount For mills ciiifiiiii? cit vniiiigiizixyi iiiie i°il§i~dmun§u§iii :3 xi) “as: qiii" septic “mils tilhencpoi- increased “may by AW“ Onpvgcant land, registration is 50m “me to get a hearing acted “P‘m- Wm bring 3“ endi Minted °“l‘ j‘m “5 5mm" f T w ,h. CO ,n h d uh it Tin .et , . 0. 8d t . SI ‘v 5“? ace . m :5 S 30. ambulance service would required when taxes are more m ("'4an to admittedly deplorable con-l ly. however. that the road ii Pre-Payment 0 tell u: llist :f cfiv:n gusestildnsâ€" leaveethizaqeiiifsstidiis :tgiihetounoi iii-l zllfltoflsthceirratiiii their: be dissonlir‘uea' mallm‘md than one year in arrears Mts' Hatncey express? .ditions on Pemberton Crescentl could have been fixed lonl . . _ , ‘ I u _ I _ ‘ - , . 4 - ,"., . , -- 4 “ concern a news repors ! . - - t - - Vaughan Taxes? which they wanted answered oil and their delegation will be' disposal system will be figlegzgf GEE?“ fsagtigg mill-emu” Del". ‘ that the federal govem- “9111:: 123131312]: 1:88" a private; iguéfeghtirszfgfigm “at Maple resident John concerning the recent use in g1ven_a place on next week's needed." _ amount for ambulance ser_ ‘d EEG]??? Hglsf (iebtemure ment is planning to take road and consequently not sepl Nimmo made a pica at wafer rates In their area. counc11 agenda. Mr. Rutherford emphastzedtl vice to take care of an in_ e a 6 en 0 as year 50“ tests in the San" area [ viced by township graders but previously residents been willing to bring den TO included $1,093,253.50 general debentures for sanitary sewers. storm sewers, sewage pumping station, library and equipment, purchase of industrial lands, pavement construction and imâ€" provements to the community centre. Interest rates varied from 434% in 1951 to 634% in 1959. Elementary education accounts for $1,718,300 with in- terest rate payable ranging from 234% in 1947 to 634% in 1960. Secondary education debentur- es account for $370,083.33 plus $254,102.57 due to other muni- cipalities and $893,809.07 due the County of York. Other The waterworks conimitteei‘that before they could appeal” report to which the ratepayel‘S‘before any body ~â€" the OWRC took exception had recommend- or the OMB â€"â€" for approval for. ed that the township engineet'la disposal system, they had' “acquire and establish all fact-lie have all the facts. He notedi ual detail and information re-itoo that the planning depart-‘ for the numerous vacant lating tolexisting lot elevations ‘ment was preparing a plan for lots in the subdivision... ,and drainage compared \vlth,the area between Klelnburg (Because of malfunctioningjthe planned finished lot eleva-tand Woodbridge and it was ex- . tions and surface drainageipected this would be ready by‘ sgptlch tanks the York C(Euntg when the plan of subdivision’May 7. izeglfiowuall; 1:13;; fieggsersetgsgemas registered". . ' Mr. Rutherford told the rate- built and the subdivision re_t The l‘atepayers intimated that; payers that council should have , f_ , h d) ‘this wasmerely a form of pro-'some information for them by “1331225 l”: “‘15 e ' k d [h H crastinatwn and destgned to de-tMay 10 but cautioned that, an Y 19 1:] eggzgzzif sebaceebggs termine blame rather thaniMetropolitan Toronto Planning c031,? vie gf th build remedy the Situation. Board would have to approve 51 ere 1“ w 0 e ' The report had further l‘eCOmâ€"tany amendments to the official Monday night‘s meeting of Vaughan Township Council that ore-payment of taxes be rewarded in the town- ship. He pointed out that the township regularly pays in- terest on short term loans while waiting for tax re- ceipts to come in. “Why can’t ratepayers get a share of this?" he asked and sug- gested that possibily resi- dents could be invited to pay an amount equal to two thirds of their last year‘s taxes in March and the balance in June when for a new three million dollar forestry laboratory. Mr. Addison met with Prime Minister Pearson on April 8 and 9 and asked Mr. Pearson to order a halt until such time as the proposed transfer is the subject of a thorough re- view. The county delegation which had originally sought a meeting with the prime minister hope that Mr. Sauve can be prevailed upon to reserve his decision and leave the laboratories Preamble to the questions indicated that the group had been told by the builder in their subdivision that he “has refused for many months to pay water rates creased subsidy. Councillor Walter Scudds reported that the police committee has looked into the matter but has taken no action to date. The com- mittec has been trying to arrange a meeting with Vaughan Township to go into the matter of ambu- lance service, and so far has been unsuccessful. Auditor S. Joscelyn con- firmed the fact that he had inspected the books of the ambulance .company .and that the company owner to Department of Highway standard which would permit . the township taking it over. , i Now however. following a questionnaire sent out to resi-; dents, the committee reportsl York County Warden Sydne that the property owners are-Legge has called a meeting 0 prepared to do this and. 315° to county commissioners to stud pay for the installation of aa complaint by Chief Fr watermain north on Bathurst Mason of Whitchurch Town Street and east on Pemberton Ship Ponce that it took thre to serve the area- hours to get a coroner to ' It is estimated that it barn fire last week near Stouff would cost. approximately ville, in which Douglas Hisey $18,328 to extend the water- 12, was burned to death. " ' - . . t M le nd Richmond . . . . . tax bills come out. being as :gPllajleiefligsd(:1erle mended that more factual detail plan and this could be a long.» ilfodm his; lizssghigefalt‘ii? long term debts With the O'n- in“ ‘13:” :11” now are. mam and $13,750 to bring Chief Mason said helfinall granted a discount of‘ p05_ vacant lots; suggested that in :boligt lghe Igunctionmg ofhseptic drawn out procedure The addimr commented tario Water Resources Commis- the road up to DHO stan- had to get, an doctogngll‘tgougf Sibly 10% for this ore-pay- accepting the situation council -an s -e 0 tamEd by a p ySI-cal lllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll “Frankly I can't see why 51°“ are $308‘551'14 for the d15' “mummm“mmmum‘mmlmlniu“uuuu‘muumm dams. - - f' e 'Sup'i'lv‘lslllig cite his de ment. was in effect financing the InspecttionIt of each loé‘t‘ilgplfd i he bothers ,, posal plant and $268,769.73 for - As no provrsion_ had been lacftréle‘nt 313‘; tfi'egwighout we Reeve Rutherford protest- builder while levying higher proper y' “as revea e a a‘ Premier RObartS 'Councillor Scudds report- waterworks" Saving made for the work m the 1965 p . . _, . ‘ . 15 e .d that many people have water rates against those will_ questionnaire had also been pre The auditor reported the town budget, it was recommended cess to contact coron ed that all ambulance op- pared and would be taken mi in York County. To Visit Aurora - - . - - . had made a rofit of 5,300 on ' tit'on be cir- mortgagtes m_ which tax mg to pay their taxes, and sug- each individual home for com_ erators find from 20 to the industrialpland it :urchased This Sunday :ll‘lfitead ngpigepiognsmp next The doctor was necessary 5 paymen s are Included With gested too that because only a pletion‘ 1 Hon. John Robarts’ prem_ 30g; of fees uncouectable. for $61 000 in 1961 paying for it suf_ that the body could be move- their mortgage payments and this wouldn‘t help them any. “You are favoring the man with the. money,“ he said. Other members of coun- cil felt however that it was something worth looking into although they were unanimous that a 10'? dis- flat rate is charged against the vacant lots and no normal con: sumption charge is received from them. the Kleinburg Es- tates residents are paying, in the higher water rates, another penalty for the non-completion of the subdivision. Council members all agreed that they had no knowledge of _ Daylight saving time goes into November and DI‘OVlded Wlth a 5 year debenture. The effect Sunday, April 25' at 2‘ficient of the property owners land has all been sold and thelam, in Richmond H111 and are agreeable, sufficient funds money to meet the final PHY- Vaughan and Markham Town. to complete the work be in- ment in 1966 has been set aside ships. as well as Metropolitan eluded in the 1966 budget. 10 Pay for the dEbemUI‘e. he Toronto and many other muni- Councillor S. D. Kaiser alone noted. cipalities in Canada and the t00k Strong Objection to the 1‘9' The total debenture debt figâ€" United States. port and refused to approve it. ures out at about $294 per cap- To be on the safe side, before He reported that he had per- ita or 16.67% of the 1964 assâ€" retiring Saturday night, set sonally inspected the road and To operate a satisfactory service costs a lot of mon- ey, good men are hard to find and are expensive. “We are going to have to do something to provide satisfactory ambulance ser- vice. All we need is to have one person die be- cause of lack of ambulance ier of Ontario. will be guest speaker on May 12 at the annual meeting of the York North Progressive Conserv- ative Association in Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary . ., _ i School. Aurora. Reeve Rutherford insist l The meeting will start at ed however that the ques- 8 pm tionn ‘ 1 that ' ‘ mm was sue l a This will be the premier‘s The ratepayers objected that asking questions of “housewives. who are not engineers“ would produce very little information of value and could. in fact. be‘ misleading. to the morgue. NEWMARKET â€"- Police Chie Byron Burbidge was overruled by Mayor Bert Kent in decid- ing against granting a licence to cab driver Paul Cameron. and was charged with being “the accuser, the judge and ex- ecutioner.“ Cameron admitted count was out of the ues- the builder's refusal to a lay person could understand . . . . . essment. $230.12 per capita of your clocks AHEAD one hour, it was in extremely poor shape. to operating a taxi for four tion. q water rates on the vacant Fm); it. “We have been told that fir“ "5“ to York North serv'ce' This can“? “live the debenture debt or 13.03% This will ensure that you will “This is a shameful situation. years without a licence, but Council agreed to con- lin the subdivision. Reeve A. H. eight homes have had since the 1963 general 9190' to be, .3 .‘el‘l‘v “penil‘ve directly affects the mill rate. be on time for church and will‘I don’t see how we can take‘Mayor Kent said the police had sider the matter. [Rutherford pointed out that had trouble and that all the i “on‘ ptrotpgsmon’ he own“ or the balance is for hydro, water- not miss any of your favoriteltaxes from these people,” he been just. as neghgent 1n not Illitllulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillttillllllllllllllllllllltlltl the group submitted their ques- homes have had trouble mintumuuuuuuutuntnmtutuumuuuuumuumuuumumum. s a e ' workS. arena and industrial TV programs. said and insisted that it discovering it. __ C t P l't' ' A D' 'd d 0 M 't 0f N R ' I F 0f Government By MARGARET McLEAN lated Acts was tabled in the Although he admitted he plicalion, more bookkeeping popular vote. "This would chided. Stouffville, Markham Village gional government. “We are 14 _ municipalities With 14 A brief poll of members of Legislature at the end of had not yet read the report and be more expensive. bring this level of govern- York County Commis- and Woodbridge would be over-governed now and have police‘ chiefs. he pomte'd local municipal governments last month and was a sweep- of the select committee. York “With so many types of mem closer to the people sioner and reeve of Mark- workable. been for years," he said. “We out. ‘I dont think that is made by “The Liberal" this ing endorsement of regional County Warden Sidncchgge areas. summer resorts, who support it financially," ham Township Charles “I can‘t see that regional are still using the System set necessaril- weck found three members government. calling for out- stated that he was opposed towns. rural districts. 1 can‘t he noted. HOOPeI‘ said he f9” regional government will be better up by the Baldwin Act over Mr. Perkins fen too that opposed to regional govern. right abolition of local to regional governments. "it see how they can be in one government was something than what we have how." he a hundred years ago in the welfare could be better ment for the area and two boards of health and sub- will take away the rights of region." he said. “9 l9“ “‘0 “‘3‘ “‘9 5X“ that was being pushed on said “NO government could horse and buggy era.“ handled in a larger region’ in favor, urban roads commissions. local municipalities." he said. In marked Contrast. Reeve 'em “0”” “my Work 'f m' the People in 3 dietatorial be closel- to the people than Mr. Perkins felt_tliat'tl'ie with much more possibility T, f .H "d f» l _ The l3-member-all-partl’ “lf autonomy is taken away Dfmald Plaxton 0f RiChmond formed Capable and educat' manner- the municipal governments present small mUHIIClPal'UeS of preventive welfare work .19 m” l a ._ "la. {9' committee was headed by from local municipalities. Hill- a member Of York 9d people .“erfi loimd .to “We have never been con- we have now.Idon't see how caused an expenswe OVel" hpihg done_ He pointed out no” .Of the omano .Gowm’ Hollis Beckett (PC. York where will they end up?" CONN." COUDCll and 31.011719r Stand for offl('6: If Its gomg suited," he said. “They they will improve it." lapping 0f servmesi Such 3.5 mo. how much better the ment 5 Sclch Committee. on East, former solicitor for the w .d M _ g I. f candidate for the Legislature, ‘0 “'Ol‘kv “'9 “'1” “Cfd some Should have come out to the R. hm d H“, D [V_ the Vaughan Townships county System of roads was the Munmpal Act and re’ Townshi a! gn- Le”? “as a '70 0 ex ‘ Cl h' if ' ‘ prettv clever people. he con- _ - _ m on 1 S. epu “ w te s stem on one Side of .- I p of Scarboro and a me oplhmh that regional 919559 “"56 as mine In 44 counties and had a round reeve Floyd pal-1(th, who a F Y . with Metro in on it. as an A A member Of York county goverment would cause du- favor of regional govern" h table discussmn 0“ it- The also has a seat on York Yonge .Styeet and Malkham “ample 0f benefits to be 119' Council from 1924 to 1929. ments. way they are doing it will County Council‘ saw many TOWIiShlPS on the Others rived from larger govern. w'onWWg-rgtm , mym» -‘I///.~ of” W/W/Am, JanaL/h/mr/ii/MVM/IZE The llO-page report stated "in many cases you can't develop urban areas with the rouse the people." Reeve Hooper also stated merits to a system of re- "Look at the trouble we had over services to the hos- mcnt units. tht f a ' . n , H . W/fl/yflva goierniiféiiiinii??? if (11%“? present assessment has“: ' that he had not studied the V pital. he pomted out. We re ficulties in slui all“ 1. said Reeve Fla-“0”- “The' report but from what little still having trouble providing urban irene“.a1 ntofvialgg‘: only “'33' I can 599 ‘0 expand knowledge he had of it. he street lighting and a bus seg- ' ‘ - ' C ' i - ‘ “ '- ' ' '. 'ust OUISl e mng‘ pollution control and the economy in to take in a “as not in favor. The larger Vice because it is] area development. As a practical start, the report recommends that county boundaries in whole or in part be adopted as boundaries of regional gov- ernments with cities and towns included in them and i larger area with a stable financial basis." .\Ir. Plaxton also felt that under the present system there is far too much bicker- ing between municipalities on matters which should never be the subject of dis- more it gets. the more expensive it is to handle," he said. “I feel it beneficial to have small municipalities." be con tinued. “The closer you are to the people, the better gov- ernment you have." Last year's Warden of York ‘- Richmond Hill". he said. Mr. Perkins emphasized that planning. for instance. ,1 is much better done on a re- ' we are eional basis. “Now just planning to the edge of our municipality." he said. “We should plan to a water- shed or a river basin." . _ putes. "it's like a bunch of County. Vaughan Township‘s . 7 regional L‘OUDCll members kids in kindergarten fight- Reeve A. H. Rutherford was Representatives {Tom Hork elected from wards for terms mg (“er a lollipop." he said‘ of a Similar opinion "I can't County had been lm'lli‘d 10 not less than three years. adding that such disputes envisage all of York County see a film StUdY 0f {Willy The regional gavernments workâ€"tn the detriment of under one regional govern- government in the L‘mlEd “'Ollld haVe Powers 0f 358- people living in the area, ment," he said although he States by Peel County re- e‘smenL taxation Planning. : Reeve Plaivton emphasized thought a regional govern- (‘emlil Mr» Perkms Stated _ arterial road construction, however that members of 5. ~ mentfi \\llt(‘h would include and he had found much ‘0 4 . , . *- Pl'hlle health. hospitals “91' lmki ' '7 - any regional :overnment ’* ‘ ' Vaughan a n d Markham , -- - . commend the larger unit. - ‘ WARDEN SYD. LEGGE fare and policing. REEVE DONALD PLAXTON should be electedrdu‘ectly by REEYE CHARLES HOOPER Townships. Richmond Hill, REEVE A. H. RUTHERFORD "in York County there are Dcputy-reeve F. PERKINS

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