i i i g g. to put into the official plan policies of development which will not be det- rimental to the financial standing of the town. “It is quite true this has not been done in Ontario as yet, but we feel it can bedone,†he stated. If the town decided to stay within its present boundaries during the next 20 years, he predicted that the district would be faced with applications for development in the neighboring municipalities on wells and septic tanks. “This would be suggested they be approached for help in formulating the financial section of the official plan. “If they help in formulating the plan we will run less chance of it being turned down," commented Chairman Whillans. “I feel we would be derelict in our duty if we take the narrowâ€" minded \‘lCW. but think we should look at the broader picture." Reeve Plaxton said he felt the type of residential development can be just clumng, "We all w1sn it were DOSSIDIQ, but to my mind it just isn't in the cards." The reeve suggested that. in areas requesting such work be undertaken, it be done on a local improvement basis, when all ratepayers concerned are aware of the cost and willing to pay for it. The mayor concluded the discussion by stating. “You can‘t develop intern- ally. as you develop externally." lllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll\llllltllllllllllllllllllllllillllllltlllllll[malllwllllmhllllltlllllllllltIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilE :mmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmm11mmmummummummmu\nummumumum“mummulmmn111mm“mmummnnmmmnmuumlnmm1muulmnuumu“mummumummummumumuuumumuumummmnmummmum“mu11mm\mmImumumummum\mnu Will Annex Only If Economically Feasible Boneless Shoulder or CROSS CUT At the April 13 meeting of Richmond Hill Planning Board. Mayor Thomas Broadhurst told Max Bacon, consulting engineer. whose firm Proctor. Redfern, Bousfield and Bacon, is working on an official plan for Richmond Hill, that council is agreed that the plan should proceed on an extended area. it being understood that there is no_commitment on council to annex until it is economâ€" ically feasible. He also noted that the direction of extension of boundaries had been raised, since the new force main to be installed on Crosby Avenue was designed to allow for a possible 5,000 growth in popula‘ tion in the northern section of the mun- icipality. Bacon told planning board mem- bers. Reeve Donald Plaxton and County Planner Conroy Dowson, that he expects FLORIDA - â€"v----â€"- AILMEK 14 oz. Jar â€" RAJI'DL'MI GMPEFRUI 47405 [MM .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Garden Gate Nursery on your lawns ls when you tell us to Otherwise. we‘ll use the new fertilizer that‘s really high in Nitrogen. that keeps your lawn GREEN ever so long. and almost smells sweetly. SHEAR 13:39 BREAD 2:13?“ 17c HOT BHOCOLAIEféi'ZE' As well as smelling "sweelly" and lasting so long, lt only cost: $3.95 a bag. It will spread easily. over 5000 square feet of lawn. and we'll spread it for you {or only 75¢ a bag plus the price of the fertilizer. and ‘sweeler' service phone us White Granulated SMEH Y FERTILIZER Wouldn‘t you really prefer that? If you‘re eager for some of this ‘sweet' fertilizer The only time that we'll use smelly fertilizer RED BRAND BEEF EXCLUSIVELY Sweetly owned and operated by D. F. Snell Services Limited. 285 - 5942 And we'll rush We Sell Canada’s Finest The number is a dreadful thing. .They might work for a while and then prove to he nothingr but trouble. These private wells might also seriously affect the town‘s water supply." the engineer noted. _ “If we decide here and now not to look at a larger area," Chairman How- ard Whillans commented. “we may wish we had. We are not committing our- selves and can narrow the area under consideration at any time." The chair- man also noted the consultants have devised a unique scheme to enlist the co-operation of the provincial govern- ment in providing safeguards against uneconomic development during the lifetime of the plan. Mr. Bacon noted provincial bodies have been saying “We'll help.“ and have been recommending thal economic pol- icies shoul be included in planning. He suggested hey be approached for help in formulating the financial section of the official plan. “If they help in formulating the plan we will run less chance of it being turned down," commented Chairman Whillans. “I feel we would he derelict in our duly if we take the narrowâ€" minded View. but think we should look at the broader picture.†Reeve Plaxton said he felt the 1ype of residential development can he just In these first few months of the year, with awards of all descriptions scurrying to find a place on the walls at Legion Court, we find another letter lin the mail. The message from lChairman Clarence Wood of provincial command‘s member- ship committee. stated that Branch 375 had won an award in class six of the eight classes, for membership achievement in the past year. The provincial award is in the form of a Cerâ€" tificate of Merit and will be ac- companied by a voucher worth $100. tlon was discussed. The meet-‘ in}; was held in the Maple Leafi Room at. Legion Court, and was: interrupted at times by thel lbumps produced with the leaps. and bounds of the ladies aux- iliary and their daughters tak- .ing pot luck in, the banquet hall. When the executive meet- ‘ing ended, our congenial pres- ident thanked the ladies in no mean terms for their interrup- tions and was at once engulfed by a deluge of women folk. He ‘ended up by congratulating them on the originality of their Easter bonnets. At the last executive meeting the coming provincial conven- for your old refrigerator SPOT CASH I V EL Y APPLIANCES 12 Levendale Rd. Fam- leyion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman â€" 884-0045 IGA Fresh At the meeting. Zone Com- mander George Wood, said he felt the branch should send its full quota of delegates to the convention this year. It will be the first time that our branch has had representation at the'provlncial level, and awards are to be made. Im- portant legislation is also to be enacted concerning the Legion‘s million dollar centennial fund. He said that under the Domin- ion plan PEI would perhaps contribute as much as our Zone E2. was suggested. A levy of $5 per member: ‘with refreshments. A total of .300 tickets will go on sale at $5 each. * a: 4‘ at The president reports that although the ladies have been conducting a very good Satur- day eVening dance. a man is required at the helm. With George Wood now taking up his duties as zone commander he lannounced the appointment of ‘Comrade Charles Hawkes as entertainment officer. w * * >l< June 13 is the date set for the Legion‘s drumhead service Later, he said that Ontario‘to be held in town. Stan command alone could raise a was appointed chairman million dollars which might beldrumhead committee, used for the benefit of our own'Comrade Benton as depu members. It comes to mind committee will be all the that certain premiers h ad bers of the colour guard AYLMER 24 oz. Jar as important to the official plan as com- mercial and industrial development. “I’d like to see low density. high assess- ment residential development included.†he stated, continuing, “I’m extremely Concerned about our sewage facilities, and don’t want to get panicked into an- nexation. Our sewage potential is near- ing exhaustion. We can plan everything, but without these services we're wast- ing: our time." Mayor Broadhurst warned that this town is not remotely in the position to undertake extending its boundaries and takingr on the burden of providing storm sewers, pavement and curbs on all town streets to bring.r them up to the stand- ards of two new subdivisions. He sup:- gested that this could amount to $450,- 000 a year. “Where can Richmond Hill find that kind of money?" he asked. con- cluding, “We all wish it were possible, but to my mind it just isn’t in the cards.†The reeve suggested that in areas requesting such work be undertaken, it be done on a local improvement basis, when all ratepayers concerned are aware of the cost and willing to pay for it. The mayor concluded the diSCLlssion by stating, “You can‘t develop intern- ally, as you develop externally.†The executive decided to send five accredited delegates to the North Bay convention at the end of May. It is hoped that others will attend as fraternal delegates. Comrade Ernest. Benton proposed that ways and means he found to assist the colour guard to attend. North Bay has an exemplary colour guard, but he felt tour guard could provide some stiff competition for the award that is to be made. thoughts along the same lines when discussing the merits of a federal pension plan. (De- tails of the centennial fund are to be found in the current issue of the "Legionary". a report on the salient features will be given in this column next week). The motion was carried and‘of Mrs. Giles Kerswill. Jeffer- plans for a sportsmans nightlsnn, were Mr, and Mrs. Roy at the Court were laid. The Holmes and family. of Falcon- date Will be May 6 at 6.30. Albridge; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff steak dinner will be provided Rumble, of Toronto, Mr. and with refreshments. A total of Mrs. Ron Rumble and family 300 tickets will go on sale at of St. Catharines. and Mr. and $5 each. Mrs. Norm Rumble and family, * * * * »of Richmond Hill. duties as zone commander he! While the elementary and announced the appointment of secondary school pupils are en- Comrade Charles Hawkes as joying a much looked to vaca- entertainment officer. ition, university students are \ * * * * ‘deep in the midst of their final June 13 is the date set for examinations. Best wishes to all the Legion‘s drumhead service for a successful year. to be held in town. Stan Hanns St. John’s Church News was appointed chairman of the} Last Wednesday evening in drumhead committee, withithe parish hall, Miss Ann Davis Comrade Benton as deputy. Theiof the Bible, medical and mis- committee will be all the mem-‘sionary fellowship showed a RASPBERRY or Community Club The monthly meeting or the Jefferson Community Club will be held on April 28 at the school. This will he a social evening and a special invitation is extended to past members a-nd other women of the dis- E‘ict. Refreshments will be a essert party - come and enjoy coffee. Scout. Cubs and Brownies The mothers' auxiliary de< (-ided at. lheir meeting last week that. instead of the usual spring tea. they would have a home made cookie sale. All mothers of Scouts. Cubs and Brownies are asked to bake three dozen plain cookies which will he collected and packaged at the home of Mrs. A. McFee on April 30. The packages will he delivered on May 1 by ihe Cubs. Scouts and Brownies who are now busy soliciting orders from their frlends in the dis- trict. Neighborhood Notes Your canvasser for the can- cer drive will be calling this month if she has not already done so. Give generously - it is an important way to help in the fight of this dreaded dis- ease. Belated birthday wishes to Paul Ratchford for April 13. to Judy Dodson and Freddy Duva] for April 18 and to Andy Davis for April 21. Sorry to have missed you last week and hope you had a very happy day. Birthday greetings to Gary Boyle who celebrates on April 24. and to Julia Lamas whose special day is April 28. Visiting for a few days of the Easter holiday at the Gamble home on Naughtnn Drive. are Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spain. of Port Dover. Mrs. D. Gduldinz. who was a recent patient in York Central Hospital. is convalescing at the home of her son. Mr. Geo. Goulding. Bathurst St. Last week. Miss Linda Pat- ton entertained about twelve guests when she was hostess to a surprise birthday party for Miss Linda Locke. Those atlending an Easter family gathering at the home of Mrs. Giles Kerswill. Jeffer- son, Were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Holmes and family. of Falcon- The sympathy of their many friends and neighbors is extend- ed to the family of the late Mrs. E. P. Leno who passed away last week. Mrs. Leno was in her 93rd year very interesting and colorful delicious desert Twink Elgin Mills And Jefferson News with your J u Bayview 8. Markham Rd., Richmond Hill Specials At The Allencourt IGA Store Only â€" APRIL 21, 22, 23, 24 EVEN NG BRANCH ST. JOHN'S ANGLIC‘AN CHURCH lilm on India. The film show- ed glimpses of the new India. industrial as well as the new generation of young people. The missionary work includes the fields of medicine. work among the lepers. schools. or- SPECTACULARI THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 22. 1965 IGA ALL FLAVORS LTD DUFFERIN STREET AT No. 7 HIGHWAY PHONE AV. 5-4858 CHRYSLER LUXURY LUXURY DRIVING I! open to everyone. You loo can drlve 3 luxury automobile. “A BRAND NEW 1965 CHRYSLER", for the price of an every day semI-luxury automobile. I965 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR, HARDTOP ONLY Includes power steering, power brakes. windshield washers.padded dash. back up lights. full wheel covers. license extra. Chrysler: famous 50.000 miles or 5 year war- ranty. $3434.00 phanages. and a special school for the blind â€" and a bible sem- inary for the training of teach- ers and writers. Miss Linda Flood and Miss Marjorie Stephenson attended the meeting sponsored by the PIN'I'S PLYMOU'HI 884-3008 inter-school Christian fellow. ship on Good Friday afternoon at the Inn-on-the-Park, Scar- horo. The special speaker was Dr. Leighton Ford whose add- ress was entitled "Life Is Tt Live".